Oftentimes men and women think they've got it all figured out when it comes to the other
However, there are a lot of things the two don't know about each other.
From small acts of kindness to monetary importance, here are 17 things men don't realize about
They say they're fine - Even when women are going through emotional stress, physical
pain, or their boyfriend has done something to make them angry, they will often say they're
Unfortunately, the majority of the time females have a lot of trouble telling other people,
especially their partners or spouses, what's bothering them.
This could be because a common misconception is that they are being dramatic or nagging.
If there are some theatrics to a woman's character when she's telling a man what
the issue is, it could be because she's had it stored up for so long, the outburst
is difficult to control.
She may even feel helpless and will keep it inside if she thinks there's nothing you
can do to help or doesn't want to bother you, or maybe she's just tired of repeating
Just pay attention, and you'll know if something's on her mind.
The simple things - Many men believe that a woman wants way more than she actually does,
like vigorously thought-out dates, vacations, or fancy dining experiences.
However, opposed to the high-maintenance girl most men expect, women usually just appreciate
the simple gestures.
Cuddling up with their boyfriends after a long day at work, watching their favorite
mutually-appreciated shows, or even having a nice dinner at home would suffice for the
majority of women out there.
Other small, but thoughtful, actions can include things like bringing her flowers out of the
blue or even packing her lunch.
Extravagance doesn't always take the cake in a lady's mind.
Bad isn't better - A lot of men think that women make poor relationship choices on purpose,
by choosing the so-called "bad boy" instead of a nice guy with a steady job.
Although the common belief is that women prefer an edgy relationship, that's just not the
The initial attraction to a man in tight denim pants and a leather jacket may draw a girl
in, but as far as long-term romances go, nice guys don't finish last.
While the stereotypical Mister Cool can ride his Harley into the sunset with his girl on
the back, most women prefer to take a trip in their dependable SUVs with their stand-up
guy at the wheel.
They want someone that can provide for them and a future family, so don't be discouraged
because you're kind.
Not always happy - Most women have had a man tell them at some point in their life to be
happy and smile.
While a girlfriend or wife understands that her significant other may have had a bad day,
it seems many women experience pressure to maintain a consistently jolly attitude.
This doesn't only happen at home, but takes place at work and often comes from complete
It's important to realize that, just like men, women deal with a lot of lousy days too.
You can definitely try to cheer her up, but just remember she can be sad just like you.
Besides, a 24/7 smile would cause a major headache!
"Relax," don't say it - In the heat of an argument, while both parties are fired
up about something, a couple of things to avoid saying are "relax" and "calm down."
Although conflicts aren't generally resolved by raising voices or throwing tantrums, when
a woman has reached this level of animosity, it's best to just power through it.
Listen to her and try to come up with a solution when the yelling stops and the talking starts.
Even if a man means well by trying to cool his female counterpart off, telling her to
chill out isn't the best approach.
Using words like this will only cause more hostility and make the disagreement last longer.
It may not be fair, but just ride it out, and it'll go by much faster.
Hate bras - Although these little strappy devices can work wonders for support and help
women look even better in a low-cut dress, they're not comfortable, and most ladies
can't stand them.
First of all, a simple t-shirt bra can cost well over $50 if it's good quality.
Secondly, they're only purchased out of necessity and rarely for a special occasion.
For many women, the best part of the day is taking the bra off and just being able to
The wires dig in everywhere and leave a lot of red lines on the skin, not to mention the
So although men often think their wives like spending all that money at Victoria's Secret,
the truth is that most women would love to go brassiere-free more often than not.
Everyone farts - It's not something most are proud of, but it is a normal bodily function,
and just like men, women can't always keep it in.
Proper etiquette prevents ladies from passing gas loudly in public, and they'll often
stop it in their own homes as well if their boyfriend is in the vicinity.
However guys, don't let this fool you.
Women aren't a strange breed of human or some kind of alien, so chances are you've
been around a flatulent female and just not known it.
It's not pretty, but everybody does it.
Little things, big impact - This relates back to the simple gestures in a relationship,
but keep in mind that the small things you do to make her happy have definitely been
impressing her.
Even if your lady-friend doesn't specifically thank you for doing daily tasks and chores,
she appreciates it wholeheartedly.
Anything that you've finished to take some work off her hands is a step in the right
Women spend a great deal of time ensuring they've completed everything at home when
their spouses return from a long day at the office.
This includes doing laundry, washing the dishes, cooking dinner, or picking up around the house.
But if you're married with children or your girlfriend has a job too, she's been working
all day as well.
So remember, she's always thankful when you help her out.
Not in it for the money - Although there are exceptions to this statement, most women aren't
dating or marrying their guys because they want to make bank.
Females have gotten a bad wrap when it comes to being with someone who's more than financially
stable because of the few who've been ungenuine.
But just think, most women aren't willing to put so much emotional energy into a long-term
relationship just to come out a little richer at the end.
Staying with someone for any amount of time takes a lot of effort and compromise, so if
she's not willing to do these things or only asks for materialistic items, she could
be a gold digger.
But pay attention because generally speaking she just wants you, not your cash.
Cramps are real - If you've noticed your girlfriend becoming a bit more impassioned
during one to two weeks of the month, it's probably because Aunt Flow is in town or she
will be soon.
It's very understandable that men can't grasp the experience of menstruation since
they never have to endure it.
But remember guys, it's terrible.
It can start to get irritating if she's mad about small matters, just keep in mind
that it's for a reason.
Hormones spike and so does her temper.
Not to mention the pain can be almost unbearable.
Since the entire uterine lining sheds during this time, it causes serious cramping.
Just bring home chocolate and other sweets, maybe some flowers and Midol, and you'll
be good to go.
Love a gentleman - Even though times have changed and expected manners along with them,
most women, young or old, appreciate a gentleman.
There's no need to throw your nice leather jacket over a puddle or guide your lady down
the steps of a grandiose ballroom, but some special treatment is most definitely welcome.
Holding the door open, pulling out a dining chair, or even helping her take off her coat
are all easy things to do and can only improve her opinion of you.
Women are clearly more independent than back in Medieval Europe, but a little chivalry
never hurt anyone.
Confidence is key - It may seem like a woman wants to make all the decisions when it comes
to her and her other half, but in truth, she doesn't.
There's a difference between egoism and confidence, and most ladies really dig the
Of course there's confidence in terms of feeling comfortable with oneself, which is
No woman wants her man questioning his good looks.
But they also appreciate certainty and determination in the relationship.
She wants you to make up your mind on some matters and follow through, such as where
you see your romance going, or having a fearlessness in the bedroom.
This can even pertain to small things like where you prefer to go to dinner, which seems
to be an ongoing issue with all couples.
Don't toot your own horn too often, but don't be afraid to project your feelings
and desires.
Defend her - Don't be like the Patriots defense in Super Bowl LII, protect your wife
or girlfriend if the situation arises.
Although she doesn't want you to get physical with other people, she would be grateful for
some back-up if someone attacks her verbally or if other guys begin making passes at her.
Be smart, but stand up for her.
Most women can fend for themselves when others start throwing shade their way but don't
just watch from the sidelines.
Join in and tell them off!
If she's fierce and fighting for herself, she doesn't want you cowering in the corner
or ignoring the situation.
But if things get out of hand, it's probably best to let the cops handle it.
You don't want to spend the night in a cold cell.
Not trying to hog the bathroom - It's a well-known fact that most women take a long
time to get ready.
Much longer than their male counterparts.
However, try not to get too annoyed when she's preventing you from getting in the bathroom.
Showers take extra time for women, generally speaking, because there's more to do.
They have lengthy hair to wash, have to shave, and probably use about five different facial
Then afterward, applying makeup can take upwards of an hour if she's preparing for a special
Just don't forget that the additional effort is to impress you.
She won't take as long for a simple trip to the grocery store, but if you have a romantic
night out planned, she wants to look nice for you.
So it's best to try and get in the shower before she begins her routine, or patiently
wait until she's finished.
What's wrong - Many men, and women for that matter, won't often let their spouses know
what's really bothering them.
Brushing the issue off won't solve anything so remember that your girlfriend or wife really
does want to know why you're upset.
If you've been together for any length of time, she can tell if something's on your
Not to mention, she cares deeply for you and wants to help if she's able.
Plus, practicing good communication is essential for a healthy relationship or marriage.
So sit down and talk things out, both of you will feel better in the end.
Maintain some mystery - Everyone knows the feeling of a budding romance when a man and
woman don't know everything about each other.
This makes connecting very exciting.
Discovering the other person's interests, likes and dislikes, favorite foods, and history
are all parts of early relationships.
But it's never a bad idea to retain a little mystery.
Don't give everything away up front.
Of course it's important to share certain things like where you work or who your family
is, but there are certain things that should remain personal until much later on.
You don't want to open the conversation talking about the time you threw up at your
best friend's wedding or getting her to look at the strange mole on your back.
Keep some things to yourself, and she'll do the same by not passing gas in front of
Try not to act too comfortable around her right away as it'll benefit you both.
They're not complicated - Probably the biggest misconception about women is that they're
really difficult and complex creatures.
Just because they act differently than men, doesn't mean that they're complicated.
Just like their significant others, they want a happy easy-going relationship.
Though arguments are inevitable at some point, neither party is trying to start them purposely.
It's never fun to be at odds with someone you care so much about so keep all of these
things in mind, and just remember to talk to each other if an issue presents itself.
This way you'll keep the peace.
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