Monday, May 21, 2018

Youtube daily report w May 22 2018

By the way I wanted to show how the street looks like now. Garland

Because today is the fourth day of Ramadan

all the good time of the day and today I would like to talk about what?

Today I wanted to talk about the main principle of the Egyptians. what is this principle?

What do they adhere to? Why do we find it difficult and difficult to find a common language with them?

The most important thing here is this principle and because of this, as a rule, there are many problems

This principle. I'll just telling you a story

which occurred to me when we only arrived with Dany

here this story happened to me when we came with Dany to Egypt

We lived in October 6

This is the resort area of Alexandria

Our husband probably took us there specially. Far away that we learn less

We arrived there in the winter probably

somewhere in February. By the way, we lived there in the winter people did not exist at all

the houses are all empty, the buildings are empty. It's not that. And when the summer came.

There was such a case. We went swimming every day

With my son, we went swimming several times a day

With my son, we went to swim. My husband practically never accompanied us. He sat out at home sleeping

which was strange for me. But I think somehow i did not pay attention

just did not pay attention. And one of the days when he went with us to the beach

there was such a case

In the distance from us, far enough away, I saw that someone was drowning

that is, someone has already drowned. Apparently the man was dragged ashore

Some women gathered in black dresses and

I saw someone was pulled ashore. And when I saw this situation

I tell my husband sooner rather go faster there we need help can be

make artificial respiration help people. And my husband very rudely stopped me

And he said not to get involved in something that does not concern you.

I say, how can I not fly into something that does not concern me? There the person has died, he can has choked

He says you see a lot of people there. There's his family with him. There his close ones.

Do not get into it.

That was it. I will be like this can spit out

We must sympathize. We must take part in this, whatever it was

To which he replied rudely enough, he said: "Do not go into the fact that you are not concerned"

It's none of your business at all. They have a family there

Why am I saying this? This is the basic principle of the Egyptians.

I'm telling you about the basic principle of the Egyptians, which works and applies to all Egyptians absolutely

I do not know about Christians, but I think that Christians have the same story

But about Muslims do not exactly get into the fact that you are not concerned

What is the reason for this? This is due to the fact that I think this is due to Islam

It's a little bit twisted and redone

In Islam there is such a situation

not to climb and not to interfere in the fact that you are not concerned

And here it is applicable just literally to all layers of life and life in general

That is, people do not climb something that does not concern them

If a neighbor beats his wife, or there is any screaming, screaming, someone is beating up their children. In this nobody interferes

In family affairs in general, no one interferes

On the street interfere if someone is robbed

I also think that this is connected with Islam. If someone has trashed something, a crowd of people is running after him

he is being beaten up

half to death. Call the police everything else

But in terms of worldly people as a rule

know everything about each other. But nobody interferes in anything

so people know everything about each other But no one interferes in anything

Motivating it, do not go into the fact that you are not concerned

Is related to what I said before this with Islam

Because in Islam the family is a closed cell

Where no one has access. On Islam it is forbidden to tell

What's going on in your family? What does your wife do with your spouse?

The wife as a rule has no right to tell that at them with the husband occurs

any problems. That is, all this must remain within the family

WHAT else I wanted to say. I wanted to say about the concept

The next thing inherent in us and many people from the post-Soviet space is

kindness, responsiveness, give the last shirt

Now I'll see if the camera shoots or not. That's our kindness, responsiveness to

to people. How to say self-sacrifice certain

Again I want to say that this is not inherent in absolutely Muslim countries.

such things as

kindness generosity self-sacrifice certain

give the last shirt. What is the reason for this? This is again connected with the fact that

In countries, however, the basic law is Islamic law

They have an Islamic family code

More than 90% of the population is Muslim

And why exactly is it lacking in kindness, responsiveness, self-sacrifice?

This is due to the fact that we assume

in other countries of non-Muslim countries

Children all practically you grow on fairy tales, kind histories

On the concepts of kindness. As if in fairy tales, good wins evil.

We must do good. That is, there is always some kind of morality at the fairy tale

Films different respectively always always call for good

That is, it happens from childhood. And even if we have a non-religious person

He is simply brought up on the ordinary human principles that work all over the world

except as Muslim countries. That is, it is kindness and responsiveness


Compassion for the near

Feelings when a person experiences. Feeling of pain

Here in Muslim countries, as far as I can understand it does not work

What is the reason for this? Again, everything is connected with childhood. How do these children grow up?

since again the main religion here is Islam

Management in the country is not according to the Sharia, but many Islamic laws work here


Accordingly, when children grow up, these children are not raised in fairy tales.

Children will not be raised on good stories. On children's animations

Children are brought up on something else. Here if the family is even less cultural

there may be something inoculated, it all depends on how much the cultural family

But if the family is uncultured, then nothing is instilled or compassion

And if you know that here in general, just out of the children knock out all of humanity

And some kind of suffering from the very childhood

That's why the concept of compassion for the kindness of humanity is not there

And it can only be if a person is religious

Again, if a religious person is perceived in a certain format

Well, I'm all free and in conclusion I want to say that

Kindness, self-sacrifice, non-repudiation

In Egypt it is considered simply stupid. If a person does this, then he is stupid

it is easy to cheat. It is absolutely not regarded as some kind of

high quality. That is kindness

When a person failsafe. Reliability is meant it is always appreciated as stupidity

such a person wants to rob all the time

Therefore, it is better to leave all your human qualities for people who understand

Do not waste yourself and your money and your moral strength on some kind of

on those who do not appreciate it and will not understand

this is my conclusion. In conclusion, here is such

information. Here's what I wanted to tell you

Today is the fourth day of Ramadan

All fast

Outside it's hot enough

All in one and the same condition therefore the fast is much easier

For more infomation >> EGYPT 2018: THE MAIN PRINCIPLE OF EGYPTIANS. WHAT NOT TO DO (English subtitles) - Duration: 13:15.


Decoration-baking powder for flowers. Master Class - Duration: 14:52.

Hello! My name is Valeria, welcome to my magical creative world!

Today we will make jewelry-baking powder for flowers.


corrugated cardboard, scissors,

pencil, wooden skewers,

paint brushes, paint brushes, acrylic paints, acrylic metallic (I used bronze and mother of pearl),

paper towels that remain durable after soaking,

twine, glasses for eyes or semicircular buttons for eyes,

An elongated button or coffee beans or a paper triangle for the owl's beak,

napkins, white glue, thermo-gun.

Let's get to work:

The towel should be wet but not wet:

For eyes of an owl it is possible to apply wooden circles, semicircular buttons or the cut off wine stopper:

This idea was offered by my subscriber Svetlana Sarah.

Thanks to Svetlana for the useful idea of ​​using a cork for the eyes!

You can also make eyes from thick cardboard.

Circles should be temporarily glued:

The work is ready!

You can decorate flowers and loosen the ground.

I would be glad if you like the master class! :)

I wish you creative inspiration and all the most magical and good! Until next time!

For more infomation >> Decoration-baking powder for flowers. Master Class - Duration: 14:52.


시각장애인 할아버지 경찰이라고 속*여 지갑 훔*친 소년 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> 시각장애인 할아버지 경찰이라고 속*여 지갑 훔*친 소년 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 3:15.


Últimas notícia de hoje : TEMER DESVIA VERBA DA SAÚDE PARA DIZER QUE 'O BRASIL VOLTOU' - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : TEMER DESVIA VERBA DA SAÚDE PARA DIZER QUE 'O BRASIL VOLTOU' - Duration: 1:17.



For this weeks preparation for NEXT video we'll be covering yet another way to get frankly

insane amounts of units, and this time, it's not me who made it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the newest project from the T.O.G...

The GAS Cooperative

The GAS cooperative is a set of farms that utilizes current and newly discovered glitches,

this has allowed them to put 49 Atmosphere Harvesters in a single Base location.

49 is a lot of Atmosphere Harvesters, but it's not the total amount, they have made

3 of these Atmosphere Harvester bases, 3, for each Gas type...

It's a little crazy in all honesty.

With these 9 bases full of atmosphere harvesters that can be accessed by anyone visiting, they

have also made 2 Living Glass farms, and these aren't any standard farms either, with every

crop glitched on the surface, they have been able to produce a total over both farms of

120 Living Glass per hour.

The goal of these farms is to produce Cryogenic Chambers, these sell for 4.8 million each,

and since you can make 120 of them per cycle, you can make 576 million for that cycle.

Note that I said cycle and not hour, the TOG are all on this and use that word instead

also, this is because time spent in portals, warping or teleporting do not keep the timers

ticking, so it will be an hour plus any travel time within the portal system.

Even on the slowest system around this is likely to be less than 1 hour and 20 minutes

per cycle, this beat all other methods.

Of course, this kind of thing requires an insane setup as well as the use of glitches,

so if you are someone who does not wish to profit from glitches, stick to trading, Trading

and Stasis Device farms like I have layed out are 2 of the highest fully legit ways

of making units, but most are not bothered with using glitches, so go crazy and use this

GAS cooperative.

Another thing to note is that this has been built on PS4 and as far as I can tell there

is no PC replicant, I am not sure if there are any plans to bring this to PC in an official

capacity, and I asked the question to one of the founders Normi around the time he enters

his Stasis Device for the night, so if I get an update on that I'll post it in a pinned

comment to this video.

So how can you use this GAS cooperative?

Well, due to the way that atmosphere Harvesters work, they are not coded with other player

use in mind, for example if we compare this with Hydroponic Trays, these have to be charged,

but if you encounter them in anothers base, they are always charged and don't require

you to charge them, this is not the case when encountering another players Atmosphere Harvesters.

So when you first encounter them, they will be empty and depleted, you must first charge

them, this is absolutely fine, just charge them with plutonium, of which you will need

a hefty 18,000 per hour, but this isn't as bad as it sounds, you can simply go to high

economy systems and buy upto 5,000 at a time, so just find 4 high economy systems near you

with 4,500 in each or 5 with 3,600 or more in each and visit those before each cycle.

So once you have charged the Atmosphere Harvesters, start collecting the crops from the Living

Glass Farms, these farms work on a 2 harvest per cycle module, meaning that you will start

by harvesting everything, then move to the second living glass farm and harvest everything,

then back to the first and wait for the frostwort to grow, harvest that, and then back to the

second to harvest the frostwort again there also.

This is because Frostwort grows fully every 15 minutes whereas Gamma Weed and Coprite

Flower take 30 minutes to mature, so you can make more for the same space by having half

the quantity of frostwort and harvest it twice as often as the rest.

This along with glitches that enable you to plant all crops on the planet surface has

resulted in 2 farms that produce 30 living glass each every 30 minute cycle.

So for each farm, youll harvest everything, then 15 minutes later havrest just the frostwort,

then 15 minutes after that harvest everything and then after another 15 minutes harvest

the frostwort again.

This will result in 120 Living Glass.

Once you have the living Glass, head to the Atmosphere harvester bases and harvest their

gases once the light on top goes to red which means they have run out of fuel and if were

filled with fuel will host a full 250 of the respective gas each.

It is important to note here that you should always fill a harvester in full with a single

click, using multiple stacks and or different fuels at the same time results in unwanted

glitches that will render the Harvester empty before it's time and so imcomplete in it's

resource yield.

It is advised that you construct you parts as you can while you harvest for better inventory


All of the gases must be combined with carbon to make the higher crafted goods, this is

a small amount of carbon relative to the gases but still substantial as a whole.

You will need a total of 9000 Carbon for all 120 Cryogenic Chambers in 360 installments

of 25.

It is suggested that you gather this while you are waiting for the living glass 15 minute

intervals to conclude.

To put this into perspective, you could do 4 sections of 32 or so trees between the living

glass harvests which is very doable and would result in roughly the required amount.

To create the Cryogenic Chambers you must combine 1 Living Glass with 1 Cryo Pump.

A Cryo Pump is crafted from 1 Hot Ice and 1 Thermic Condensate.

Thermic Condensate is crafted from 250 Sulphurine and 25 Carbon.

Hot Ice is crafted from 1 Ammonium Salt and 1 Enriched Carbon.

Enriched Carbon is crafted from 250 Radon and 25 Carbon

and finally Ammonium Salt is crafted from 250 Nitrogen and 25 Carbon

This fantastic Porject has been brought to you by the T.O.G. which stand for Top of the

Galaxy, they are a Community of No Man's Sky players who have created a player civilization

that focuses on the betterment of all players through mutual gain and fun activities.

Their greatest out of game presence is on the Amino App which is linked in the description.

The specific people who have built this project are the Founders, Pjranha & Normi1701 as well

as the Gas Cartel, Tomcoolcam, Robert AKA Rtoebak and GlitchTraveller.

Normi was nice enough to send me the image assets I've used in this video to show it

as best as I can without having first hand video.

As this is their project I have not written all of the addresses and such in the description

like I usually would, instead I have linked their original post from the amino which can

be accessed through any browser showing their release images which have all of the portal

addresses and relevant information clearly marked.

Thank you for watching folks, send the TOG some love then make a whole crazy bunch of

units so you're a multi billionare with every advantage you could want leading into NEXT.

Have an awesome day folks!

For more infomation >> 576 MILLION IN JUST OVER AN HOUR... T.O.G. HAVE DONE IT AGAIN! - Duration: 6:25.


WARFACE: 60 Фрагов в Голову на Командном Бое - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> WARFACE: 60 Фрагов в Голову на Командном Бое - Duration: 9:23.


Trump Just Got PRICELESS Justice! - Duration: 14:42.

Trump Just Got PRICELESS Justice! Legal Action Is Finally Coming And The Timing Couldn't

Be Better!

As more is revealed about the level of corruption and the degree of conflict of interest that

exists within Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team, it becomes more abundantly clear Mueller's

many actions are a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. President Donald Trump

is now suggesting that "angry Democrats" on special counsel Robert Mueller's team

could potentially face legal action over these "conflicts of interest."

President Trump states – "The 13 Angry Democrats in charge of the Russian Witch Hunt

are starting to find out that there is a Court System in place that actually protects people

from injustice…and just wait 'till the Courts get to see your unrevealed Conflicts

of Interest!"

Naturally, CNN was quick to point out that President Trump did not provide proof of the

alleged conflicts. Yet, CNN themselves has previously reported that several members of

Mueller's team have donated to Democrats, several exclusively so. A handful more either

worked directly with or for Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama in some prior capacity. Russia's

meddling in the 2016 election also has been the subject of several Republican-led congressional


President Trump has suggested this probe is being drug out as a means to damage Republican

chances at reelection. Several leaked questions that Mueller is interested in asking President

Trump are related to possible obstruction of justice actions. President Trump states

that such questions amount to a "setup and trap" and that it would "seem very hard

to obstruct justice for a crime that never happened!"

Last month, President Trump also stated on "Fox & Friends" that he might "at some

point" step in and take action against the Justice Department, which is overseeing the

special counsel investigation. Mueller is a Republican who was appointed by President

George W. Bush, and the man who appointed him as special counsel, Deputy Attorney General

Rod Rosenstein, was appointed by current President Trump.

Meanwhile, Rep. Louis Gohmert (TX-R) from Texas' 1st congressional district attempted

to shed some light on Mueller's rather long, troubling, and sordid history of illicitly

targeting innocent people.

Gohmert states – "Judging by Mueller's history, it doesn't matter who he has to

threaten, harass, prosecute or bankrupt to get to allege something or, for that matter,

anything. It certainly appears Mueller will do whatever it takes to bring down his target

— ethically or unethically — based on my findings.

What does former Attorney General Eric Holder say? Sounds like much the same thing I just

said. Holder has stated, "I've known Bob Mueller for 20, 30 years; my guess is he's

just trying to make the case as good as he possibly can."

Holder does know him. He has seen Mueller at work when Holder was obstructing justice

and was therefore held in Contempt of Congress. He knows Mueller's FBI framed innocent people

and had no remorse in doing so."

Gohmert describes Mueller's disreputable, twisted history and how it speaks to the character

of the man placed in a position to attempt to legalize a coup against a lawfully-elected

President. He explains – "Any Republican who says anything resembling, "Bob Mueller

will do a good job as Special Counsel," "Bob Mueller has a great reputation for

being fair," or anything similar; either (a) wants President Trump indicted for something

and removed from office regardless of his innocence; (b) is intentionally ignorant of

the myriad of outrageous problems permeating Mueller's professional history; or (c) is

cultivating future Democrat votes when he or she comes before the Senate someday for

a confirmation hearing."

From his early years as an FBI Director, Gohmert describes how Mueller was given a pass in

oversight hearing from most Republican members of Congress. This allowed him to avoid answering

any tough questions. Gohmert states they were continually told – "Bush appointed him."

so it was okay to proceed. He also describes how glaring problems because evident very


The Boston Globe noted Mueller's connection with the Whitey Bulger case in an article

entitled, "One Lingering Question for FBI Director Robert Mueller" during his FBI

tenure. The Globe stated this –

"[Mike] Albano [former Parole Board Member who was threatened by two FBI agents for considering

parole for the men imprisoned for a crime they did not commit] was appalled that, later

that same year, Mueller was appointed FBI director, because it was Mueller, first as

an assistant US attorney then as the acting U.S. attorney in Boston, who wrote letters

to the parole and pardons board throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men

framed by FBI lies. Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger

was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow

graves along the Neponset…"

During this time Mueller was the head of the Criminal Division as Assistant U.S. Attorney,

and then later as Acting U.S. Attorney. No explanation as to exactly WHY Mueller insisted

on keeping the defendants in prison that FBI agents—in the pocket of Whitey Bulger—

had framed for a m****r they did not commit can be found anywhere. Perhaps not good people

themselves, nevertheless not guilty of these crimes. However, it is indicative of a larger

and more insidious pattern demonstrating Mueller's penchant for convicting and putting people

in jail he disliked, even if they were innocent of the charges, much more so than he was with

ferreting out the truth.

Mueller bore no responsibility for $100 million paid to the defendants who were framed by

FBI agents under his control either. As the Boston Globe noted – "Thanks to the FBI's

corruption, taxpayers got stuck with the $100 million bill for compensating the framed men,

two of whom, Greco and Tameleo, died in prison."

Of note, The New York Times had this to say of the relationship –

"In the 1980's, while [FBI Agent] Mr. Connolly was working with Whitey Bulger, Mr.

Mueller was assistant United States attorney in Boston in charge of the criminal division

and for a period was the acting United States attorney here, presiding over Mr. Connolly

and Mr. Bulger as a 'top echelon informant.'

Officials of the Massachusetts State Police and the Boston Police Department had long

wondered why their investigations of Mr. Bulger were always compromised before they could

gather evidence against him, and they suspected that the FBI was protecting him."

Frankly, if Mueller had no knowledge that the FBI agents he employed were actively engaging

in criminal activity, then he was so blind as to be woefully unfit for any type of criminal

case supervision. Either way, Mueller actively helped to contribute to the damages as he

helped to frame individuals by working to prevent them from being paroled from prison

even while their charges were in the process of being completely thrown out of court.

Notice also the evidence of a pattern throughout Mueller's career: the leaking of information

to disparage Mueller's targets. In the Whitey Bulger case, the leaks were too organized

crime — the Mafia. One the most fundamental tenets of our Republic is that of the rights

of an individual to be free from "unreasonable searches and seizures." An arrest is a seizure

of your person. Anyone imprisoned has to have committed a specific crime for which they

are found guilty. Yet Mueller has literally made a mockery of everything this country

stands for – as Gohmert points out Mueller has the anti-Santa Claus list; and, if you

are on his list, you get punished even if you are framed.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Got PRICELESS Justice! - Duration: 14:42.


Oh Hamsafar | Neha Kakkar | Bhushan Kumar | Bollywood Remix | Hindi Song | Original | 2018 - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Oh Hamsafar | Neha Kakkar | Bhushan Kumar | Bollywood Remix | Hindi Song | Original | 2018 - Duration: 3:29.


Black Butler - Book of the Atlantic - Movie - Duration: 1:41:33.

For more infomation >> Black Butler - Book of the Atlantic - Movie - Duration: 1:41:33.


Beyoncé paga mais de R$ 3 milhões para adquirir igreja centenária nos EUA - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Beyoncé paga mais de R$ 3 milhões para adquirir igreja centenária nos EUA - Duration: 5:07.


范冰冰66岁爸爸首次曝光!超逆龄模样"唱起歌来"被网友直夸:根本男神 - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> 范冰冰66岁爸爸首次曝光!超逆龄模样"唱起歌来"被网友直夸:根本男神 - Duration: 2:39.


一代歌王,春晚与韦唯同唱,意外变智障并遭儿女遗弃后吞药寻死! - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> 一代歌王,春晚与韦唯同唱,意外变智障并遭儿女遗弃后吞药寻死! - Duration: 4:29.


王菲再度被甩?第三者又是谁,网友:心疼王菲! - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> 王菲再度被甩?第三者又是谁,网友:心疼王菲! - Duration: 2:36.


娱乐圈最丰满的女星,范冰冰屁股大,张雨绮脱下外套瞬间爆炸! - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> 娱乐圈最丰满的女星,范冰冰屁股大,张雨绮脱下外套瞬间爆炸! - Duration: 2:27.


Top Keynote Speaker 2018

For more infomation >> Top Keynote Speaker 2018


Rainbow Six Pro League - Dev Diary: E-Sports Year 3 - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Rainbow Six Pro League - Dev Diary: E-Sports Year 3 - Duration: 3:23.


벤츠, 차세대 E-클래스 인테리어 디자인 공개 - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> 벤츠, 차세대 E-클래스 인테리어 디자인 공개 - Duration: 4:45.


El plebiscito sobre el chalet de Pablo Iglesias e Irene Montero divide Podemos: "huida hacia - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> El plebiscito sobre el chalet de Pablo Iglesias e Irene Montero divide Podemos: "huida hacia - Duration: 6:49.


테슬라 겨냥, 포르쉐 미션E 프로젝트 시동 - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> 테슬라 겨냥, 포르쉐 미션E 프로젝트 시동 - Duration: 3:06.


環境に優しい屋外レストラン、乗鞍高原にオープン…e-NV200 から電力供給 10月末まで | レスポンス( - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 環境に優しい屋外レストラン、乗鞍高原にオープン…e-NV200 から電力供給 10月末まで | レスポンス( - Duration: 3:16.


Meghan et le prince Harry : ce petit détail qui prouve qu'ils sont soucieux de l'en­vi­ron­ne­ment - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Meghan et le prince Harry : ce petit détail qui prouve qu'ils sont soucieux de l'en­vi­ron­ne­ment - Duration: 3:17.


Bir Demet Tasarım - Demet AYDINGÖZ - Takı Tasarım Sergisi - Duration: 10:44.

Demet Design - Demet AYDINGÖZ - Jewelry Design Exhibition. We would like to thank our artist Demet AYINGÖZ who exhibited handicrafts

Bursa Dörtli Hamami Cultural Center hosted jewelry design exhibition.

with a variety of necklaces, bracelets, tacs, matching colors and glamorous workmanship.

For more infomation >> Bir Demet Tasarım - Demet AYDINGÖZ - Takı Tasarım Sergisi - Duration: 10:44.


ÓVNI foi ao encontro de objeto subaquático maior, diz relatório de agência do governo - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> ÓVNI foi ao encontro de objeto subaquático maior, diz relatório de agência do governo - Duration: 7:24.


Oculus Go Giveaway! Win the Best Wireless VR Headset! - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Oculus Go Giveaway! Win the Best Wireless VR Headset! - Duration: 4:04.


Acuerdo unánime para destinar 200 millones de los Presupuestos a la lucha contra la violencia de - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Acuerdo unánime para destinar 200 millones de los Presupuestos a la lucha contra la violencia de - Duration: 3:36.


Fabricantes de Armas Usam Massacre em Gaza Para Testar Novas Tecnologias (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Fabricantes de Armas Usam Massacre em Gaza Para Testar Novas Tecnologias (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 10:16.


Arrecian en Podemos las críticas a la consulta sobre Iglesias: "Es peligrosa" y una - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Arrecian en Podemos las críticas a la consulta sobre Iglesias: "Es peligrosa" y una - Duration: 6:00.


Black Butler - Book of the Atlantic - Movie - Duration: 1:41:33.

For more infomation >> Black Butler - Book of the Atlantic - Movie - Duration: 1:41:33.


Hunting Emma - Movie - Duration: 1:43:12.

For more infomation >> Hunting Emma - Movie - Duration: 1:43:12.


Gray Matter - Movie - Duration: 1:24:39.

For more infomation >> Gray Matter - Movie - Duration: 1:24:39.


Gratuit & illimité : envoyer des photos et des vidéos grâce aux albums partagés iCloud - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Gratuit & illimité : envoyer des photos et des vidéos grâce aux albums partagés iCloud - Duration: 3:26.


El presunto *as*esi*no* de un tendero chino en Carmona le apuñaló tras no querer pagar una litrona - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> El presunto *as*esi*no* de un tendero chino en Carmona le apuñaló tras no querer pagar una litrona - Duration: 6:34.


12 Con Giáp SỢ NHẤT điều gì sau khi KẾT HÔN? - Duration: 8:50.

For more infomation >> 12 Con Giáp SỢ NHẤT điều gì sau khi KẾT HÔN? - Duration: 8:50.


Wadi e Neelam bridge collapses Neelam Valley Incident Saaim Shifaat the Put their lives on others - Duration: 2:35.

Wadi e Neelam bridge collapses

Neelam Valley Incident

Saaim Shifaat the Put their lives on others

For more infomation >> Wadi e Neelam bridge collapses Neelam Valley Incident Saaim Shifaat the Put their lives on others - Duration: 2:35.


Pedófilo em novela, Flavio Tolezani temeu sofrer agressão nas ruas: 'Apreensivo' - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Pedófilo em novela, Flavio Tolezani temeu sofrer agressão nas ruas: 'Apreensivo' - Duration: 4:14.


EGYPT 2018: THE MAIN PRINCIPLE OF EGYPTIANS. WHAT NOT TO DO (English subtitles) - Duration: 13:15.

By the way I wanted to show how the street looks like now. Garland

Because today is the fourth day of Ramadan

all the good time of the day and today I would like to talk about what?

Today I wanted to talk about the main principle of the Egyptians. what is this principle?

What do they adhere to? Why do we find it difficult and difficult to find a common language with them?

The most important thing here is this principle and because of this, as a rule, there are many problems

This principle. I'll just telling you a story

which occurred to me when we only arrived with Dany

here this story happened to me when we came with Dany to Egypt

We lived in October 6

This is the resort area of Alexandria

Our husband probably took us there specially. Far away that we learn less

We arrived there in the winter probably

somewhere in February. By the way, we lived there in the winter people did not exist at all

the houses are all empty, the buildings are empty. It's not that. And when the summer came.

There was such a case. We went swimming every day

With my son, we went swimming several times a day

With my son, we went to swim. My husband practically never accompanied us. He sat out at home sleeping

which was strange for me. But I think somehow i did not pay attention

just did not pay attention. And one of the days when he went with us to the beach

there was such a case

In the distance from us, far enough away, I saw that someone was drowning

that is, someone has already drowned. Apparently the man was dragged ashore

Some women gathered in black dresses and

I saw someone was pulled ashore. And when I saw this situation

I tell my husband sooner rather go faster there we need help can be

make artificial respiration help people. And my husband very rudely stopped me

And he said not to get involved in something that does not concern you.

I say, how can I not fly into something that does not concern me? There the person has died, he can has choked

He says you see a lot of people there. There's his family with him. There his close ones.

Do not get into it.

That was it. I will be like this can spit out

We must sympathize. We must take part in this, whatever it was

To which he replied rudely enough, he said: "Do not go into the fact that you are not concerned"

It's none of your business at all. They have a family there

Why am I saying this? This is the basic principle of the Egyptians.

I'm telling you about the basic principle of the Egyptians, which works and applies to all Egyptians absolutely

I do not know about Christians, but I think that Christians have the same story

But about Muslims do not exactly get into the fact that you are not concerned

What is the reason for this? This is due to the fact that I think this is due to Islam

It's a little bit twisted and redone

In Islam there is such a situation

not to climb and not to interfere in the fact that you are not concerned

And here it is applicable just literally to all layers of life and life in general

That is, people do not climb something that does not concern them

If a neighbor beats his wife, or there is any screaming, screaming, someone is beating up their children. In this nobody interferes

In family affairs in general, no one interferes

On the street interfere if someone is robbed

I also think that this is connected with Islam. If someone has trashed something, a crowd of people is running after him

he is being beaten up

half to death. Call the police everything else

But in terms of worldly people as a rule

know everything about each other. But nobody interferes in anything

so people know everything about each other But no one interferes in anything

Motivating it, do not go into the fact that you are not concerned

Is related to what I said before this with Islam

Because in Islam the family is a closed cell

Where no one has access. On Islam it is forbidden to tell

What's going on in your family? What does your wife do with your spouse?

The wife as a rule has no right to tell that at them with the husband occurs

any problems. That is, all this must remain within the family

WHAT else I wanted to say. I wanted to say about the concept

The next thing inherent in us and many people from the post-Soviet space is

kindness, responsiveness, give the last shirt

Now I'll see if the camera shoots or not. That's our kindness, responsiveness to

to people. How to say self-sacrifice certain

Again I want to say that this is not inherent in absolutely Muslim countries.

such things as

kindness generosity self-sacrifice certain

give the last shirt. What is the reason for this? This is again connected with the fact that

In countries, however, the basic law is Islamic law

They have an Islamic family code

More than 90% of the population is Muslim

And why exactly is it lacking in kindness, responsiveness, self-sacrifice?

This is due to the fact that we assume

in other countries of non-Muslim countries

Children all practically you grow on fairy tales, kind histories

On the concepts of kindness. As if in fairy tales, good wins evil.

We must do good. That is, there is always some kind of morality at the fairy tale

Films different respectively always always call for good

That is, it happens from childhood. And even if we have a non-religious person

He is simply brought up on the ordinary human principles that work all over the world

except as Muslim countries. That is, it is kindness and responsiveness


Compassion for the near

Feelings when a person experiences. Feeling of pain

Here in Muslim countries, as far as I can understand it does not work

What is the reason for this? Again, everything is connected with childhood. How do these children grow up?

since again the main religion here is Islam

Management in the country is not according to the Sharia, but many Islamic laws work here


Accordingly, when children grow up, these children are not raised in fairy tales.

Children will not be raised on good stories. On children's animations

Children are brought up on something else. Here if the family is even less cultural

there may be something inoculated, it all depends on how much the cultural family

But if the family is uncultured, then nothing is instilled or compassion

And if you know that here in general, just out of the children knock out all of humanity

And some kind of suffering from the very childhood

That's why the concept of compassion for the kindness of humanity is not there

And it can only be if a person is religious

Again, if a religious person is perceived in a certain format

Well, I'm all free and in conclusion I want to say that

Kindness, self-sacrifice, non-repudiation

In Egypt it is considered simply stupid. If a person does this, then he is stupid

it is easy to cheat. It is absolutely not regarded as some kind of

high quality. That is kindness

When a person failsafe. Reliability is meant it is always appreciated as stupidity

such a person wants to rob all the time

Therefore, it is better to leave all your human qualities for people who understand

Do not waste yourself and your money and your moral strength on some kind of

on those who do not appreciate it and will not understand

this is my conclusion. In conclusion, here is such

information. Here's what I wanted to tell you

Today is the fourth day of Ramadan

All fast

Outside it's hot enough

All in one and the same condition therefore the fast is much easier

For more infomation >> EGYPT 2018: THE MAIN PRINCIPLE OF EGYPTIANS. WHAT NOT TO DO (English subtitles) - Duration: 13:15.


Decoration-baking powder for flowers. Master Class - Duration: 14:52.

Hello! My name is Valeria, welcome to my magical creative world!

Today we will make jewelry-baking powder for flowers.


corrugated cardboard, scissors,

pencil, wooden skewers,

paint brushes, paint brushes, acrylic paints, acrylic metallic (I used bronze and mother of pearl),

paper towels that remain durable after soaking,

twine, glasses for eyes or semicircular buttons for eyes,

An elongated button or coffee beans or a paper triangle for the owl's beak,

napkins, white glue, thermo-gun.

Let's get to work:

The towel should be wet but not wet:

For eyes of an owl it is possible to apply wooden circles, semicircular buttons or the cut off wine stopper:

This idea was offered by my subscriber Svetlana Sarah.

Thanks to Svetlana for the useful idea of ​​using a cork for the eyes!

You can also make eyes from thick cardboard.

Circles should be temporarily glued:

The work is ready!

You can decorate flowers and loosen the ground.

I would be glad if you like the master class! :)

I wish you creative inspiration and all the most magical and good! Until next time!

For more infomation >> Decoration-baking powder for flowers. Master Class - Duration: 14:52.


시각장애인 할아버지 경찰이라고 속*여 지갑 훔*친 소년 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> 시각장애인 할아버지 경찰이라고 속*여 지갑 훔*친 소년 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 3:15.


Últimas notícia de hoje : TEMER DESVIA VERBA DA SAÚDE PARA DIZER QUE 'O BRASIL VOLTOU' - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : TEMER DESVIA VERBA DA SAÚDE PARA DIZER QUE 'O BRASIL VOLTOU' - Duration: 1:17.



For this weeks preparation for NEXT video we'll be covering yet another way to get frankly

insane amounts of units, and this time, it's not me who made it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the newest project from the T.O.G...

The GAS Cooperative

The GAS cooperative is a set of farms that utilizes current and newly discovered glitches,

this has allowed them to put 49 Atmosphere Harvesters in a single Base location.

49 is a lot of Atmosphere Harvesters, but it's not the total amount, they have made

3 of these Atmosphere Harvester bases, 3, for each Gas type...

It's a little crazy in all honesty.

With these 9 bases full of atmosphere harvesters that can be accessed by anyone visiting, they

have also made 2 Living Glass farms, and these aren't any standard farms either, with every

crop glitched on the surface, they have been able to produce a total over both farms of

120 Living Glass per hour.

The goal of these farms is to produce Cryogenic Chambers, these sell for 4.8 million each,

and since you can make 120 of them per cycle, you can make 576 million for that cycle.

Note that I said cycle and not hour, the TOG are all on this and use that word instead

also, this is because time spent in portals, warping or teleporting do not keep the timers

ticking, so it will be an hour plus any travel time within the portal system.

Even on the slowest system around this is likely to be less than 1 hour and 20 minutes

per cycle, this beat all other methods.

Of course, this kind of thing requires an insane setup as well as the use of glitches,

so if you are someone who does not wish to profit from glitches, stick to trading, Trading

and Stasis Device farms like I have layed out are 2 of the highest fully legit ways

of making units, but most are not bothered with using glitches, so go crazy and use this

GAS cooperative.

Another thing to note is that this has been built on PS4 and as far as I can tell there

is no PC replicant, I am not sure if there are any plans to bring this to PC in an official

capacity, and I asked the question to one of the founders Normi around the time he enters

his Stasis Device for the night, so if I get an update on that I'll post it in a pinned

comment to this video.

So how can you use this GAS cooperative?

Well, due to the way that atmosphere Harvesters work, they are not coded with other player

use in mind, for example if we compare this with Hydroponic Trays, these have to be charged,

but if you encounter them in anothers base, they are always charged and don't require

you to charge them, this is not the case when encountering another players Atmosphere Harvesters.

So when you first encounter them, they will be empty and depleted, you must first charge

them, this is absolutely fine, just charge them with plutonium, of which you will need

a hefty 18,000 per hour, but this isn't as bad as it sounds, you can simply go to high

economy systems and buy upto 5,000 at a time, so just find 4 high economy systems near you

with 4,500 in each or 5 with 3,600 or more in each and visit those before each cycle.

So once you have charged the Atmosphere Harvesters, start collecting the crops from the Living

Glass Farms, these farms work on a 2 harvest per cycle module, meaning that you will start

by harvesting everything, then move to the second living glass farm and harvest everything,

then back to the first and wait for the frostwort to grow, harvest that, and then back to the

second to harvest the frostwort again there also.

This is because Frostwort grows fully every 15 minutes whereas Gamma Weed and Coprite

Flower take 30 minutes to mature, so you can make more for the same space by having half

the quantity of frostwort and harvest it twice as often as the rest.

This along with glitches that enable you to plant all crops on the planet surface has

resulted in 2 farms that produce 30 living glass each every 30 minute cycle.

So for each farm, youll harvest everything, then 15 minutes later havrest just the frostwort,

then 15 minutes after that harvest everything and then after another 15 minutes harvest

the frostwort again.

This will result in 120 Living Glass.

Once you have the living Glass, head to the Atmosphere harvester bases and harvest their

gases once the light on top goes to red which means they have run out of fuel and if were

filled with fuel will host a full 250 of the respective gas each.

It is important to note here that you should always fill a harvester in full with a single

click, using multiple stacks and or different fuels at the same time results in unwanted

glitches that will render the Harvester empty before it's time and so imcomplete in it's

resource yield.

It is advised that you construct you parts as you can while you harvest for better inventory


All of the gases must be combined with carbon to make the higher crafted goods, this is

a small amount of carbon relative to the gases but still substantial as a whole.

You will need a total of 9000 Carbon for all 120 Cryogenic Chambers in 360 installments

of 25.

It is suggested that you gather this while you are waiting for the living glass 15 minute

intervals to conclude.

To put this into perspective, you could do 4 sections of 32 or so trees between the living

glass harvests which is very doable and would result in roughly the required amount.

To create the Cryogenic Chambers you must combine 1 Living Glass with 1 Cryo Pump.

A Cryo Pump is crafted from 1 Hot Ice and 1 Thermic Condensate.

Thermic Condensate is crafted from 250 Sulphurine and 25 Carbon.

Hot Ice is crafted from 1 Ammonium Salt and 1 Enriched Carbon.

Enriched Carbon is crafted from 250 Radon and 25 Carbon

and finally Ammonium Salt is crafted from 250 Nitrogen and 25 Carbon

This fantastic Porject has been brought to you by the T.O.G. which stand for Top of the

Galaxy, they are a Community of No Man's Sky players who have created a player civilization

that focuses on the betterment of all players through mutual gain and fun activities.

Their greatest out of game presence is on the Amino App which is linked in the description.

The specific people who have built this project are the Founders, Pjranha & Normi1701 as well

as the Gas Cartel, Tomcoolcam, Robert AKA Rtoebak and GlitchTraveller.

Normi was nice enough to send me the image assets I've used in this video to show it

as best as I can without having first hand video.

As this is their project I have not written all of the addresses and such in the description

like I usually would, instead I have linked their original post from the amino which can

be accessed through any browser showing their release images which have all of the portal

addresses and relevant information clearly marked.

Thank you for watching folks, send the TOG some love then make a whole crazy bunch of

units so you're a multi billionare with every advantage you could want leading into NEXT.

Have an awesome day folks!

For more infomation >> 576 MILLION IN JUST OVER AN HOUR... T.O.G. HAVE DONE IT AGAIN! - Duration: 6:25.


WARFACE: 60 Фрагов в Голову на Командном Бое - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> WARFACE: 60 Фрагов в Голову на Командном Бое - Duration: 9:23.


Trump Just Got PRICELESS Justice! - Duration: 14:42.

Trump Just Got PRICELESS Justice! Legal Action Is Finally Coming And The Timing Couldn't

Be Better!

As more is revealed about the level of corruption and the degree of conflict of interest that

exists within Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team, it becomes more abundantly clear Mueller's

many actions are a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. President Donald Trump

is now suggesting that "angry Democrats" on special counsel Robert Mueller's team

could potentially face legal action over these "conflicts of interest."

President Trump states – "The 13 Angry Democrats in charge of the Russian Witch Hunt

are starting to find out that there is a Court System in place that actually protects people

from injustice…and just wait 'till the Courts get to see your unrevealed Conflicts

of Interest!"

Naturally, CNN was quick to point out that President Trump did not provide proof of the

alleged conflicts. Yet, CNN themselves has previously reported that several members of

Mueller's team have donated to Democrats, several exclusively so. A handful more either

worked directly with or for Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama in some prior capacity. Russia's

meddling in the 2016 election also has been the subject of several Republican-led congressional


President Trump has suggested this probe is being drug out as a means to damage Republican

chances at reelection. Several leaked questions that Mueller is interested in asking President

Trump are related to possible obstruction of justice actions. President Trump states

that such questions amount to a "setup and trap" and that it would "seem very hard

to obstruct justice for a crime that never happened!"

Last month, President Trump also stated on "Fox & Friends" that he might "at some

point" step in and take action against the Justice Department, which is overseeing the

special counsel investigation. Mueller is a Republican who was appointed by President

George W. Bush, and the man who appointed him as special counsel, Deputy Attorney General

Rod Rosenstein, was appointed by current President Trump.

Meanwhile, Rep. Louis Gohmert (TX-R) from Texas' 1st congressional district attempted

to shed some light on Mueller's rather long, troubling, and sordid history of illicitly

targeting innocent people.

Gohmert states – "Judging by Mueller's history, it doesn't matter who he has to

threaten, harass, prosecute or bankrupt to get to allege something or, for that matter,

anything. It certainly appears Mueller will do whatever it takes to bring down his target

— ethically or unethically — based on my findings.

What does former Attorney General Eric Holder say? Sounds like much the same thing I just

said. Holder has stated, "I've known Bob Mueller for 20, 30 years; my guess is he's

just trying to make the case as good as he possibly can."

Holder does know him. He has seen Mueller at work when Holder was obstructing justice

and was therefore held in Contempt of Congress. He knows Mueller's FBI framed innocent people

and had no remorse in doing so."

Gohmert describes Mueller's disreputable, twisted history and how it speaks to the character

of the man placed in a position to attempt to legalize a coup against a lawfully-elected

President. He explains – "Any Republican who says anything resembling, "Bob Mueller

will do a good job as Special Counsel," "Bob Mueller has a great reputation for

being fair," or anything similar; either (a) wants President Trump indicted for something

and removed from office regardless of his innocence; (b) is intentionally ignorant of

the myriad of outrageous problems permeating Mueller's professional history; or (c) is

cultivating future Democrat votes when he or she comes before the Senate someday for

a confirmation hearing."

From his early years as an FBI Director, Gohmert describes how Mueller was given a pass in

oversight hearing from most Republican members of Congress. This allowed him to avoid answering

any tough questions. Gohmert states they were continually told – "Bush appointed him."

so it was okay to proceed. He also describes how glaring problems because evident very


The Boston Globe noted Mueller's connection with the Whitey Bulger case in an article

entitled, "One Lingering Question for FBI Director Robert Mueller" during his FBI

tenure. The Globe stated this –

"[Mike] Albano [former Parole Board Member who was threatened by two FBI agents for considering

parole for the men imprisoned for a crime they did not commit] was appalled that, later

that same year, Mueller was appointed FBI director, because it was Mueller, first as

an assistant US attorney then as the acting U.S. attorney in Boston, who wrote letters

to the parole and pardons board throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men

framed by FBI lies. Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger

was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow

graves along the Neponset…"

During this time Mueller was the head of the Criminal Division as Assistant U.S. Attorney,

and then later as Acting U.S. Attorney. No explanation as to exactly WHY Mueller insisted

on keeping the defendants in prison that FBI agents—in the pocket of Whitey Bulger—

had framed for a m****r they did not commit can be found anywhere. Perhaps not good people

themselves, nevertheless not guilty of these crimes. However, it is indicative of a larger

and more insidious pattern demonstrating Mueller's penchant for convicting and putting people

in jail he disliked, even if they were innocent of the charges, much more so than he was with

ferreting out the truth.

Mueller bore no responsibility for $100 million paid to the defendants who were framed by

FBI agents under his control either. As the Boston Globe noted – "Thanks to the FBI's

corruption, taxpayers got stuck with the $100 million bill for compensating the framed men,

two of whom, Greco and Tameleo, died in prison."

Of note, The New York Times had this to say of the relationship –

"In the 1980's, while [FBI Agent] Mr. Connolly was working with Whitey Bulger, Mr.

Mueller was assistant United States attorney in Boston in charge of the criminal division

and for a period was the acting United States attorney here, presiding over Mr. Connolly

and Mr. Bulger as a 'top echelon informant.'

Officials of the Massachusetts State Police and the Boston Police Department had long

wondered why their investigations of Mr. Bulger were always compromised before they could

gather evidence against him, and they suspected that the FBI was protecting him."

Frankly, if Mueller had no knowledge that the FBI agents he employed were actively engaging

in criminal activity, then he was so blind as to be woefully unfit for any type of criminal

case supervision. Either way, Mueller actively helped to contribute to the damages as he

helped to frame individuals by working to prevent them from being paroled from prison

even while their charges were in the process of being completely thrown out of court.

Notice also the evidence of a pattern throughout Mueller's career: the leaking of information

to disparage Mueller's targets. In the Whitey Bulger case, the leaks were too organized

crime — the Mafia. One the most fundamental tenets of our Republic is that of the rights

of an individual to be free from "unreasonable searches and seizures." An arrest is a seizure

of your person. Anyone imprisoned has to have committed a specific crime for which they

are found guilty. Yet Mueller has literally made a mockery of everything this country

stands for – as Gohmert points out Mueller has the anti-Santa Claus list; and, if you

are on his list, you get punished even if you are framed.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Got PRICELESS Justice! - Duration: 14:42.


Oh Hamsafar | Neha Kakkar | Bhushan Kumar | Bollywood Remix | Hindi Song | Original | 2018 - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Oh Hamsafar | Neha Kakkar | Bhushan Kumar | Bollywood Remix | Hindi Song | Original | 2018 - Duration: 3:29.


Black Butler - Book of the Atlantic - Movie - Duration: 1:41:33.

For more infomation >> Black Butler - Book of the Atlantic - Movie - Duration: 1:41:33.


Beyoncé paga mais de R$ 3 milhões para adquirir igreja centenária nos EUA - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Beyoncé paga mais de R$ 3 milhões para adquirir igreja centenária nos EUA - Duration: 5:07.


范冰冰66岁爸爸首次曝光!超逆龄模样"唱起歌来"被网友直夸:根本男神 - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> 范冰冰66岁爸爸首次曝光!超逆龄模样"唱起歌来"被网友直夸:根本男神 - Duration: 2:39.


一代歌王,春晚与韦唯同唱,意外变智障并遭儿女遗弃后吞药寻死! - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> 一代歌王,春晚与韦唯同唱,意外变智障并遭儿女遗弃后吞药寻死! - Duration: 4:29.


王菲再度被甩?第三者又是谁,网友:心疼王菲! - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> 王菲再度被甩?第三者又是谁,网友:心疼王菲! - Duration: 2:36.


娱乐圈最丰满的女星,范冰冰屁股大,张雨绮脱下外套瞬间爆炸! - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> 娱乐圈最丰满的女星,范冰冰屁股大,张雨绮脱下外套瞬间爆炸! - Duration: 2:27.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


인도네시아 T-50i, 9월 인도 이상무 - 군사 기밀. - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 인도네시아 T-50i, 9월 인도 이상무 - 군사 기밀. - Duration: 3:41.


Aeródromo sírio T-4 foi atingido por jatos F-15 de Israel, diz Rússia - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Aeródromo sírio T-4 foi atingido por jatos F-15 de Israel, diz Rússia - Duration: 2:09.


WOW Новый фильм о Queen, лучшие песни и интервью || Skyeng - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> WOW Новый фильм о Queen, лучшие песни и интервью || Skyeng - Duration: 10:41.


TV Host: 'Straight White Male' Is The New N Word - Duration: 4:24.

































































For more infomation >> TV Host: 'Straight White Male' Is The New N Word - Duration: 4:24.


National Volunteer Week – thank you - Duration: 0:36.

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

Hi I'm Natasha, I'm a volunteer here at the Refugee Language Program at the University of Sydney.

This National Volunteer Week, we'd just like to say a big thank you to all of the

volunteers across every program at the University.

Whether it is mentoring a student or helping someone settle into Australia, a little bit

of your time can make a big difference to someone else.

So thank you very much.

For more infomation >> National Volunteer Week – thank you - Duration: 0:36.


Kate Has Your Monday Night Forecast - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Kate Has Your Monday Night Forecast - Duration: 3:23.


Oculus Go Giveaway! Win the Best Wireless VR Headset! - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Oculus Go Giveaway! Win the Best Wireless VR Headset! - Duration: 4:04.


GTA 5 Online - News (21-May-2018) - Rockstar Servers Down - Duration: 1:01.

Hello guys

just a quick information

So, the Rockstar's servers are down are limited

So, if you guys go to Rockstar's support website, you can see that..

in May 21, 2018. It's Down or Limited

So, here I'm try to to go online on GTA 5

I get this message

The Rockstar game service have failed to sync files to play GTA Online

Please return later

You guys probably have the same

Problem, so don't freak out..

I think Rockstar we'll fix this in a quick short time

Ok so, see you guys

For more infomation >> GTA 5 Online - News (21-May-2018) - Rockstar Servers Down - Duration: 1:01.


Real Joy Of Togetherness | Creative Insight Media - Duration: 4:10.

Real Joy Of Togetherness

Real Joy Of Togetherness

Real Joy Of Togetherness

Real Joy Of Togetherness

Real Joy Of Togetherness

Real Joy Of Togetherness

Real Joy Of Togetherness

For more infomation >> Real Joy Of Togetherness | Creative Insight Media - Duration: 4:10.


What We've Built - Duration: 1:39.

This campaign is grounded in a belief that we are people powered.

We've reached out to communities that go overlooked

every time and think they're unseen and unheard. And you've done the work standing shoulder-to-shoulder

with people you've never met before.

Together we can change the state. The state where we are seen, where we are heard,

and where when we look at each other we see possibility, not enemies.

Where when we look at our diversity we see strength and not a weapon.

And when we look at tomorrow, we see ourselves prospering and successful

changing the state and changing this nation

because George is going to lead everyone forward.

That's what we're working for. That's what we're gonna do.

So I'm here to say thank you.

I'm saying thank you for the phone calls you've made today and every day.

Thank you for the text messages that you're sending out across the state of Georgia

Thank you for prepping lit and for going to knock on doors.

Thank you for reaching out beyond yourselves,

to know that we are in this together.

I'm here to say thank you for believing that we can run a campaign that is new,

that looks new, that sounds new, because we are in it together

every single day, every step of the way.

Thank you for investing in me with your time and your talent and your treasure.

More importantly, thank you for investing in each other.

This is about you. This is about your hopes for your community.

It's about your hopes for your children, for your family.

For your hopes for people you will never meet and never see but who need you here today,

so that they have a tomorrow.

So I want to say thank you for believing in my capacity to

be the next governor of the great state of Georgia,

And let's get it done!

For more infomation >> What We've Built - Duration: 1:39.


Heart Transplant Surgery - Duration: 6:04.

Heart transplant surgery

what is a heart transplant

a heart transplant is a surgical procedure used to treat the most serious cases of heart disease

this is a treatment option for people who are in the end stages of heart failure and for whom

medication lifestyle changes and less invasive procedures haven't succeeded

people must meet specific criteria to be considered it can a dead for the procedure

candidacy for heart transplants

heart transplant candidates are those who've experienced heart disease or heart failure due to a variety of causes including

a congenital defect coronary artery disease

of Al dysfunction or disease

or weakened heart muscle

or cardiomyopathy even if you have one of these conditions

there are still more factors that are used to determine your candidacy such as the following

your age will be considered

most perspective heart recipient smallest be under 65 years old

your overall health will be considered

multiple organ failure cancer

or other serious medical conditions may take you off a transplant list

your attitude will be considered

you must commit to changing your lifestyle

this includes exercising

eating healthy and quitting smoking if you smoke

if you're determined to be an ideal Canada it for a heart transplant you'll be put on a waiting list

until a donor heart that matches your blood and tissue type is available

not everyone on the waiting list will survive until a heart is found an estimated 2000 donor

hearts become available in the United States each year

yet approximately 3000 people are on a heart transplant waiting list at any given time

according to the University of Michigan

when a heart is found for you

sir jury is performed as soon as possible while the organ is still viable

this is usually within 4 hours

what is the procedure heart transplant surgery lasts for approximately 4 hours during that time

you'll be placed on a heart lung machine to keep blood circulating throughout your body

your surgeon will remove your heart leaving the pulmonary vein openings and the back wall of the left atrium intact they'll do this to prepare

you to receive the Newhart once your Dr. Stitches the donor heart into place and the

heart begins beating you'll be removed from the heart lung machine

in most cases the Newhart will begin to beat as soon as blood flow is restored to it

but sometimes an electric shock is required to prompt a heartbeat what is recovery like after your surgery is finished

you'll be taken to the intensive care unit in a coup you'll be constantly monitored

given pain medication

and outfitted with drainage twos to remove excess fluid from your chest cavity

recovery from a heart transplant can be a long process

spanning up to six months for many people

after the first day or two after the procedure you most likely be moved from the IC who

however you'll remain in the hospital as you continue to heal hospital stays range from 1 to 3 weeks

based on your individual rate of recovery

you'll be monitored for infection

and your medication management will begin

at Thai rejection medications are crucial to ensure that your body doesn't reject your donor organ

you may be referred to a cardiac rehabilitation unit or center to help you adjust to your new life as a transplant patient

follow-up after the surgery

frequent follow-up appointments are crucial to the long-term recovery and management of a heart transplant

your medical team will perform blood tests

hard biopsy east through catheterization

and Adcock are you Grams on a monthly basis for the first year after the operation to ensure that your new heart is functioning properly

your me in a suppress saint medications will be adjusted if needed and you'll be Ast if you've

suffered from any of the possible signs of rejection

including a fever fatigue shortness of breath

weight gain due to fluid retention

reduced you're in a output report any changes in your health to your cardiac team so that your heart function can be monitored if required

once and year has passed after the transplant your need for frequent monitoring will decline but you'll still need yearly testing

women of childbearing age should consult their cardiologist before starting a family

pregnancy is safe for people who had a heart transplant

however expectant mothers who have preexisting heart disease or have had a transplant are considered high risk and may

experience a greater chance of pregnancy related complications and a higher risk of organ rejection

what is the outlook receiving a new heart can improve your quality of life considerably

that you have to take good care of it in addition to taking daily anti rejection medications

you'll need to follow a heart healthy diet and lifestyle as prescribed by your Dr.

This includes not smoking and acts are sizing on a regular basis in Fuhr able to revival rates

for people who've had a heart transplant vary according to their overall health status

the averages remain high

rejection is the main cause for a shortened life span the mayo clinic estimates that the overall

survival rate in the United States is about 88% of Ter one knee are and 75% of Ter five years

For more infomation >> Heart Transplant Surgery - Duration: 6:04.


Bill O'Reilly to Return to Television With - Duration: 11:41.

Bill O'Reilly to Return to Television With Brand New Show Says Report

Kirsters Baish|

Former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly held the 8 p.m. Eastern slot for more than ten


He beat out all of his competitors in cable-news when it came down to ratings.

Things have changed drastically since these days.

O'Reilly has been on a kind of hiatus from primetime for about a year now, but things

may be changing very soon.

It was reported by the New York Post on Monday that the former Fox News host has been talking

with Newsmax TV.

They have been discussing the possibility of a new show.

It was reported by the Post's Page Six website that Newsmax is also talking to former Fox

News hosts Eric Bolling and Greta Ban Susteren about hosting their own shows on the network.

The Western Journal reported on May 3 that Bolling struck a deal with Conservative Review's


He] will be hosting a digital show for the service, which runs on subscriptions.

Emily Smith, a reporter for Page Six, quoted a source, claiming that there have been no

deals signed as of yet, however there are talks between Newsmax and all of the former

Fox News hosts mentioned.

She wrote that they "are in the advanced stages, certainly with O'Reilly."

On top of that, Bill O'Reilly, Bolling, and Van Susteren are speaking with Shawn Spicer,

former White House Press Secretary, about the possibility of him hosting a show which

is based on panel discussions regarding politics.

Smith's source told her, "The thinking is, following a 6 p.m. news show, Greta would

anchor the 7 p.m. hour, O'Reilly would be back at 8 p.m., and Bolling could smoothly

continue on at 9 p.m. Spicer and his cohorts would go on at 10 p.m., with the later slot

allowing the show to be looser."

Western Journal reports:

Newsmax has a reach of approximately 50 million homes via DirecTV, Dish Network, various cable

services and a handful of over-the-air channels across the country.

Its programs also stream free online.

Despite having the highest-rated cable news show, O'Reilly was fired from Fox News on

April 19, 2017 following an investigation into claims by multiple women over sexual


Just weeks prior to O'Reilly's dismissal, The New York Times ran a story claiming five

women had been paid a total of $13 million to settle harassment claims against the anchor.

Since Bill O'Reilly was let go from Fox News, he has been laying fairly low, but there

have been multiple rumors recently of him making a comeback to television.

One America News Network reported in June that they had offered the former Fox Host

a show on their network.

They rescinded the offer when O'Reilly's agent never responded to them.

O'Reilly was said to be talking with Sinclair Broadcast Group in October in order to host

a daily show that would last two hours.

The show would be "syndicated via Sinclair's network of U.S. broadcast stations.

Sinclair owns more than 170 channels in 80 marks across the country.

However, Sinclair announced in November it was not pursuing a deal with O'Reilly."

O'Reilly was interviewed by radio host Glenn Beck last June, when he admitted that he did

have interest in making a comeback to television, but only if he were to get a show on a competitive


"It has to be the right vehicle.

It has to be a vehicle that's competitive, because I'm having fun," O'Reilly explained

to Beck.

"I never wake up and say, 'Gee, I wish I could commute to New York City today for

an hour and a half and walk into a tension-packed cauldron."

H/T fbnewscycle

For more infomation >> Bill O'Reilly to Return to Television With - Duration: 11:41.


News 5 Investigates: HomeAdvisor faces lawsuit over screening process for contractors - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> News 5 Investigates: HomeAdvisor faces lawsuit over screening process for contractors - Duration: 6:19.


녹색 플랜테인의 7가지 건강 효능 | Healthcare 24.7 - Duration: 10:26.

For more infomation >> 녹색 플랜테인의 7가지 건강 효능 | Healthcare 24.7 - Duration: 10:26.


위산 역류를 예방하는 8가지 팁 | Healthcare 24.7 - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> 위산 역류를 예방하는 8가지 팁 | Healthcare 24.7 - Duration: 10:08.


Oh Hamsafar | Neha Kakkar | Bhushan Kumar | Bollywood Remix | Hindi Song | Original | 2018 - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Oh Hamsafar | Neha Kakkar | Bhushan Kumar | Bollywood Remix | Hindi Song | Original | 2018 - Duration: 3:29.


老公壓閨蜜身上…欣蓉抓姦崩潰! 爆社掀「金家之亂」狂被洗版 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> 老公壓閨蜜身上…欣蓉抓姦崩潰! 爆社掀「金家之亂」狂被洗版 - Duration: 4:37.


Baby Burned Sentencing - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Baby Burned Sentencing - Duration: 0:23.


សួស សងវាចា ជម្រើសពិសេសវ៉ុល០១, Sous Songveacha Best Song Collection Vol01, Sous Songveacha Non Stop - Duration: 46:40.

Sous Songveacha Best Song Collection Vol01, Sous Songveacha Non Stop

For more infomation >> សួស សងវាចា ជម្រើសពិសេសវ៉ុល០១, Sous Songveacha Best Song Collection Vol01, Sous Songveacha Non Stop - Duration: 46:40.


Georgia Story Tour: Amy and Thomas (ASL) - Duration: 2:21.

Kristi: Do we need to give her name sign in ASL?

Glennis: Yeah!

Kristi: That area is usually for a man's name sign.

Amy: Right.

Glennis: Well, her personality is compassionate, and she's a hard worker.

Kristi: Right, she works hard!

Kristi: Stacey Abrams...

Amy: That's it!

Kristi: Do you like it?

Amy: I feel called to action by this campaign

because I attended the women's rally last year and came away with a desire to really do something.

To be involved and show support for creating long-term change.

Recently, I went to a rally where I spotted Stacey Abrams standing there.

Making herself available for people to approach her.

I made up my mind then and there to get in line and wait my turn to meet her.

When I approached her, I signed to her 'Hello! my name is Amy, and I want to help you!'

Ms. Abrams responded with an incredibly kind and friendly expression.

She wasn't afraid of me!

She gave me her full attention and looked me in the eyes.

That was our agreement to work together.

I know her heart is in the right place, and I know she works hard, thus her name sign.

That's who I see when I look at her, and I want to support her.

I really believe that we can make change.

Thomas: Hello I'm Thomas Swoop, and I live here in Georgia.

The reason I'm here is because I feel that as a Black deaf man,

helping a Black woman get elected as governor, that's powerful.

I believe that Obama did go far in making progress for us.

I voted for him, but he was never within my reach.

But Stacey Abrams is here in our back yard, and I feel that for me to be a part of what she's doing,

is a powerful thing.

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