By the way I wanted to show how the street looks like now. Garland
Because today is the fourth day of Ramadan
all the good time of the day and today I would like to talk about what?
Today I wanted to talk about the main principle of the Egyptians. what is this principle?
What do they adhere to? Why do we find it difficult and difficult to find a common language with them?
The most important thing here is this principle and because of this, as a rule, there are many problems
This principle. I'll just telling you a story
which occurred to me when we only arrived with Dany
here this story happened to me when we came with Dany to Egypt
We lived in October 6
This is the resort area of Alexandria
Our husband probably took us there specially. Far away that we learn less
We arrived there in the winter probably
somewhere in February. By the way, we lived there in the winter people did not exist at all
the houses are all empty, the buildings are empty. It's not that. And when the summer came.
There was such a case. We went swimming every day
With my son, we went swimming several times a day
With my son, we went to swim. My husband practically never accompanied us. He sat out at home sleeping
which was strange for me. But I think somehow i did not pay attention
just did not pay attention. And one of the days when he went with us to the beach
there was such a case
In the distance from us, far enough away, I saw that someone was drowning
that is, someone has already drowned. Apparently the man was dragged ashore
Some women gathered in black dresses and
I saw someone was pulled ashore. And when I saw this situation
I tell my husband sooner rather go faster there we need help can be
make artificial respiration help people. And my husband very rudely stopped me
And he said not to get involved in something that does not concern you.
I say, how can I not fly into something that does not concern me? There the person has died, he can has choked
He says you see a lot of people there. There's his family with him. There his close ones.
Do not get into it.
That was it. I will be like this can spit out
We must sympathize. We must take part in this, whatever it was
To which he replied rudely enough, he said: "Do not go into the fact that you are not concerned"
It's none of your business at all. They have a family there
Why am I saying this? This is the basic principle of the Egyptians.
I'm telling you about the basic principle of the Egyptians, which works and applies to all Egyptians absolutely
I do not know about Christians, but I think that Christians have the same story
But about Muslims do not exactly get into the fact that you are not concerned
What is the reason for this? This is due to the fact that I think this is due to Islam
It's a little bit twisted and redone
In Islam there is such a situation
not to climb and not to interfere in the fact that you are not concerned
And here it is applicable just literally to all layers of life and life in general
That is, people do not climb something that does not concern them
If a neighbor beats his wife, or there is any screaming, screaming, someone is beating up their children. In this nobody interferes
In family affairs in general, no one interferes
On the street interfere if someone is robbed
I also think that this is connected with Islam. If someone has trashed something, a crowd of people is running after him
he is being beaten up
half to death. Call the police everything else
But in terms of worldly people as a rule
know everything about each other. But nobody interferes in anything
so people know everything about each other But no one interferes in anything
Motivating it, do not go into the fact that you are not concerned
Is related to what I said before this with Islam
Because in Islam the family is a closed cell
Where no one has access. On Islam it is forbidden to tell
What's going on in your family? What does your wife do with your spouse?
The wife as a rule has no right to tell that at them with the husband occurs
any problems. That is, all this must remain within the family
WHAT else I wanted to say. I wanted to say about the concept
The next thing inherent in us and many people from the post-Soviet space is
kindness, responsiveness, give the last shirt
Now I'll see if the camera shoots or not. That's our kindness, responsiveness to
to people. How to say self-sacrifice certain
Again I want to say that this is not inherent in absolutely Muslim countries.
such things as
kindness generosity self-sacrifice certain
give the last shirt. What is the reason for this? This is again connected with the fact that
In countries, however, the basic law is Islamic law
They have an Islamic family code
More than 90% of the population is Muslim
And why exactly is it lacking in kindness, responsiveness, self-sacrifice?
This is due to the fact that we assume
in other countries of non-Muslim countries
Children all practically you grow on fairy tales, kind histories
On the concepts of kindness. As if in fairy tales, good wins evil.
We must do good. That is, there is always some kind of morality at the fairy tale
Films different respectively always always call for good
That is, it happens from childhood. And even if we have a non-religious person
He is simply brought up on the ordinary human principles that work all over the world
except as Muslim countries. That is, it is kindness and responsiveness
Compassion for the near
Feelings when a person experiences. Feeling of pain
Here in Muslim countries, as far as I can understand it does not work
What is the reason for this? Again, everything is connected with childhood. How do these children grow up?
since again the main religion here is Islam
Management in the country is not according to the Sharia, but many Islamic laws work here
Accordingly, when children grow up, these children are not raised in fairy tales.
Children will not be raised on good stories. On children's animations
Children are brought up on something else. Here if the family is even less cultural
there may be something inoculated, it all depends on how much the cultural family
But if the family is uncultured, then nothing is instilled or compassion
And if you know that here in general, just out of the children knock out all of humanity
And some kind of suffering from the very childhood
That's why the concept of compassion for the kindness of humanity is not there
And it can only be if a person is religious
Again, if a religious person is perceived in a certain format
Well, I'm all free and in conclusion I want to say that
Kindness, self-sacrifice, non-repudiation
In Egypt it is considered simply stupid. If a person does this, then he is stupid
it is easy to cheat. It is absolutely not regarded as some kind of
high quality. That is kindness
When a person failsafe. Reliability is meant it is always appreciated as stupidity
such a person wants to rob all the time
Therefore, it is better to leave all your human qualities for people who understand
Do not waste yourself and your money and your moral strength on some kind of
on those who do not appreciate it and will not understand
this is my conclusion. In conclusion, here is such
information. Here's what I wanted to tell you
Today is the fourth day of Ramadan
All fast
Outside it's hot enough
All in one and the same condition therefore the fast is much easier
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