Now last time on Final Fantasy 10, we fought Sin in the air.
We may have just defeated Sin you guys.
So right now, I believe we're about to defeat Seymour.
So let's go ahead and get this started.
Okay so, off camera I grinded for a little bit meaning
I upgraded my character's stats and abilities.
Uh, throughout this area so I made a little pathway here.
As you can see.
You know these magical circles right here look pretty interesting.
They kinda look like the ones from Fairy Tail except these ones right here---
---except these ones right here look a little bit different.
Anyway, let's go over here because the red arrow--
--because the red arrow is pointing this way.
So, this is the direction to Seymour.
Oh (laughs) yeah I slipped there.
Okay so, looks like we got to go this way.
These magical rings, they kind of look like the ones from Fairy Tail a little bit.
Yep and there's the place right there.
Because that's the pathway I created unfortunately.
You know, it's actually kinda trippy to see that we're basically walking on water right here.
But then again, it's a Fantasy game. So of course...
*Non Existent.
Alright, okay then we go around right here and into right here.
Okay, first of all, we're gonna need our formation.
So let's see. Tidus, Wakka, uh...should we include Yuna in here. I don't know.
Alrighty you guys let's get this started.
So excited for this!
"Sin has..."
"I'm the one with the force."
This guy...
This guy is psycho.
He's psycho, I'm telling ya.
You're damn right we're gonna try!
Hell yeah!
Oh holy damn, I love this music!
And this is a really interesting Boss form right here.
Okay, so I'm guessing that's Fire.
Okay, let's cast Holy.
Yeah, right off the bat.
Okay so thirty five thir... *blablabla*. Thirty five thousand damage.
We got him.
Okay. So we're onto Tidus right now.
Let's do Skill and Delay Buster on him.
Okay, Seven-teen hundred damage on Seymour. Seymour casts Firaga on Tidus.
He also casts Firaga on Lulu. And casts a third on on Kimahri.
He takes two thousand.
What the heck? Another Firaga?
What the hell?
Okay let's get Yuna in here.
Bruh, let's see. Okay Nulblaze. Let's do this.
Yuna casts Nulblaze on Tidus, her, and Kimahri.
So let's also get...
...Wakka in here.
And have him do Slots.
Element Reels.
On Seymour.
Yellow, Blue, and White!
That didn't do that much damage, but whatever.
Let's casts a summon on him.
I don't know if that made sense, but...
...let's use a summon on him.
Okay, Energy Ray.
It's over Nine thousand!
But we did not get him.
Valefor is my weakest Aeon, so I had to sacrifice him first.
Damn! I love this music.
Let's get creative here.
Let's have Auron do Bushido - Shooting Star. Let's try that instead.
Okay that was really disappointing.
Ha, Immune!
But not immune to Auron.
Not to him as well.
Okay. Skill, and let's use Triple Foul and let's see if that works on him.
Damn! How did I miss that?
Okay I doubt Zombie Attack will work on him, but let's see anyway.
Yeah see it's immune...he's immune to it.
No, you are gonna rest in peace in eternal darkness.
(laughs) Joke's on you mother%$^&@#.
Let's have Lulu do Fury on him. Blizzara. Okay, let's do this!
Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nin--No--Nine!
Oh shhhhhhh....
Oh shhhh....
What the hell?
That is some serious...
Oh my god! No!
Okay, let's use...
I think we have nine Mega Phoenix's.
Because we're gonna need them.
Holy $@%&.
Okay you gonna stop....
Oh my god! Seymour.
Let's do a Grand Summon. Okay! Let's do Shiva.
Hell yeah that's our girl right there.
Diamond Dust!
Whoa. Whoa! Oh my god! I am a dumb ass.
I am so sorry. I am such a dumb ass, because he casts Blizzaga.
But on the bright side, I'm not losing any damage.
Okay, let's attack again.
The whole atmosphere, but also the way how the boss form is designed,
Like you know the circles and all of that.
I just think it's pretty interesting.
I also like the clouds in the background.
That looks really interesting as well.
Let's use Skill. Uh ability sphere.
What? Are you kidding me?
Okay, now let's use Diamond Dust on him again.
Are you kidding me?
These special effects look so freakin' cool.
Let's do a Heavenly Strike on him and see if that works.
Okay, now he changes.
Might as well just sacrifice this one as well.
I am really enjoying this music.
Oh crap! Okay
God damn it!
Well whatever. Let's summon Infrit in here.
Okay, Hellfire!
Let's see how much damage. Boom!
Over nine thousand. Got that.
Wait, didn't we get him?
Oh yeah!
Hell yeah!
I didn't even have to use Bahamut.
Damn right she will!
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