Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Youtube daily report w May 22 2018

My name is Stefano Disalvo, in game I'm known as Verbo, and I'm from Toronto, Canada.

If I could be any superhero I'd be Black Panther.

The fact that he has a lot of agility and speed, I think he's really cool.

Yeah I've broken, both my collar bones, on my right side and on my left side.

My right side collar bone was broken because I was trying to imitate a wrestling move,

and then the second one is because I got into a fight and I was at the bottom of the pile.

If I could be a professional athlete I would definitely be Nick Foles.

The fact that he went from being a sub quarterback, to being a starter and bringing the Philadelphia

Eagles to a Super Bowl championship is really inspiring to me.

Pluto, because it doesn't know whether it wants to be a planet or not.

I'd buy a house, in Santa Monica.

I actually really want to live in Santa Monica, it's a really nice area.

I've visited a few times and it's really nice.

I want to go snowboarding, I want to go to Australia, and I want to go skydiving.

When I went skiing, one time I got sucked underneath the sky lift.

The point, er, the tip of my ski tilted and it got caught in the hill.

So I like, when it went over, I kind of like got sucked underneath.

Roadtrip anywhere with the team?

Probably go camping, or like, in the woods.

I feel like it would be super fun to like, figure out how to sustain ourselves.

I would turn weekends into school days and school days into weekends.

Scrambled eggs.

Well my mom used to always make me eggs when I was a kid, but then when I moved out here

I ended up making eggs on my own.

And I didn't really know how to make them in the same way my mom did.

So my eggs are kind of like, super flat.

They're like omelettes.

And then I just mash them up and scramble them.

We're nice.

No, I'm kidding.

Uhhh, we like maple syrup.

Hold on, no no.

We like Tim Horton's over Dunkin Donuts.

"Fom." [laughs]

Hey guys, thanks for watching.

Like and subscribe if you enjoyed it.

And we'll see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> VERBO FOR PRESIDENT | Verbo in 90 Seconds - Duration: 1:54.


Let's Make a Deal - Taking It All Home - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Let's Make a Deal - Taking It All Home - Duration: 1:12.



For more infomation >> 🔔СТРИМ 🔔 БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ ПИАР, ОБЩЕНИЕ, МАЙНКРАФТ - Duration: 1:21:32.


Pt 4. Quais são os sintomas da deficiência da vitamina Q10? - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Pt 4. Quais são os sintomas da deficiência da vitamina Q10? - Duration: 2:36.


Chacha Bhatija Story Now Av...

For more infomation >> Chacha Bhatija Story Now Av...





Relieve Varicose Veins With This Old And Effective Natural Recipe - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Relieve Varicose Veins With This Old And Effective Natural Recipe - Duration: 3:38.


Você Joga Estes Sacos no lixo? Quando Souber o Que Pode Fazer Com Eles, Vai Guardar Imediatamente! - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Você Joga Estes Sacos no lixo? Quando Souber o Que Pode Fazer Com Eles, Vai Guardar Imediatamente! - Duration: 3:14.


Cosa succede se lasci piangere il tuo bambino - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Cosa succede se lasci piangere il tuo bambino - Duration: 2:59.


Quando si sposano Chiara Ferragni e Fedez? Ecco la data ufficiale - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Quando si sposano Chiara Ferragni e Fedez? Ecco la data ufficiale - Duration: 1:57.


Além de Alice - SO2E1 - Novo Começo | Websérie LGBT - Duration: 15:34.

Hii !

Hey, Luíza!

How are you?

Fine! And you?

Me too!

So, do you know if Olivia is already finishing?

Yes, she is almost done !


So, then I think I'll wait right here then.

You're always welcome !


And you girls? What are you going to do today?

I don't know...


I'll let her choose today!

So! What are you doing there?

I'm doing a research,

an update, right !?

Age is coming!

Haha "age is coming"

(background talk)

It's ready Rico!

So, do you like it?

Yes, yes, I did !


Look, now you just have to follow with those care that I told you,

and then we'll see each other from here 15 days for the review


All right?!

Anything you need, you have my phone number,

just call me


Thank you!


Hey, let's go?


Uncle, I'm leaving, okay?

Can you give me a hand there?


Take care!


Do you want a coffee?

No, I don't want coffee, Anna.

I wanted to get straight to the point.

What did you want to talk to me?

Are you okay?

I'm fine, when can I come by to get my stuff?

My love, you can go whenever you want, that's OUR house

I still have hope that we get back together

You're not well Alice!

I'm so afraid you have a relapse

Come back home!

This is not gonna happen!

Even more after everything you've done.

This is not gonna happen.

I'm starting to understand everything!

This's because of that "one", right?

Are you with Luíza ?!

Is it because of her that we can not be together?

Tell me !!

I'll call you to get my things later, okay?



How are you?

Fine, and you?


So, do you want to go for a walk or would you rather stay here?

Let's take a walk?


How's life going?

Girl, I have a feeling we've known each other for a long time!

And it's not even because we have so much in common, you know?

Wow, I have that same feeling, too, can you believe me?

I've never imagined that I would find someone who has so much to do with me,

in a relationship app

When we started talking,

I had just finished a complicated relationship, you know?

I don't know...

I was very upset

Do you know that phrase that everyone says "time heals everything"?

I never believed that.

But I confess that I was surprised, because

after we started talking and were creating more intimacy

And getting to know each other better

It seems like everything back there was gone, you know ?!

It's great to be able to believe in people

Yeah, I understand you

Do you want to go find some place to eat?

Yeah, ok!

Let's go!


I need to say something ...

kinda serious

Say it!

How do you feel about going to sleep in my house today?

I can't believe it! haha

We are so close!

No, I'm not going!

Yes, you are!


Of course you are!




I'm home!

I think he is not home...



I think we have the whole house just for us!



What a problem! OMG !

Isn't that a problem?



But I have a bigger problem now...


I need to go to the bathroom

Ok !

Go quick!


I'm waiting for you!

What's up?

What's up?

Seams like we have the whole house just for us...

You're beautiful, you know that?


Look who's talking...

I love you

For more infomation >> Além de Alice - SO2E1 - Novo Começo | Websérie LGBT - Duration: 15:34.


✅ GF, Filippo e le frasi sui cani: la D'Urso zittisce il ragazzo - Duration: 3:43.

GF, Filippo Contri nel mirino degli animalisti: le frasi sui cani del gieffino fanno arrabbiare Barbara D'Urso Filippo Contri al Grande Fratello è stato duramente richiamato da Barbara D'Urso

Anche questa settimana sono nate delle polemiche riguardanti i concorrenti della Casa più spiata di Italia

Ancora una volta, la conduttrice è stata costretta a usare un tono forte e duro nei confronti dei gieffini

In particolare, questa volta a dover ascoltare il rimprovero è toccato a Filippo, il quale però non è stato squalificato dal reality come è accaduto a Baye Dame e Luigi Favoloso

Sappiamo ormai bene che quando Barbara si fa vedere dai concorrenti vuol dire che qualcuno ha fatto gravi errori

Contri ha scatenato diverse polemiche fuori, poiché avrebbe dichiarato di riuscire a educare il suo cane usando la forza

Gli animalisti hanno subito fatto sapere di non apprezzare le affermazioni fatte da Filippo nella Casa

Dunque, Barbara non ha potuto fare a meno di rivelare al Contri che tagliare coda e orecchie agli animali è un reato

Il gieffino avrebbe mostrato il suo consenso a questo genere di educazione per i cani

Barbara D'Urso zittisce Filippo Contri al Grande Fratello entrando in Casa "Te ne assumi la responsabilità", ha poi affermato Barbara a Filippo

Quest'ultimo ha cercato di difendersi dalle accuse, non riuscendo però a convincere la conduttrice

Anzi, la D'Urso ha anche consigliato Contri a stare in silenzio: "Peggioreresti solo la situazione"

Inoltre, ha voluto anche sottolineare che il programma non tornerà più a parlare di questo argomento

Detto questo, Barbara chiede a Filippo di non fare più questo tipo affermazioni. Il tono della conduttrice è stato abbastanza duro

Ancora una volta, ci ha tenuto a precisare di non voler appoggiare il cattivo comportamento dei concorrenti

Eppure ogni settimana i telespettatori si ritrovano di fronte a diverse polemiche

Filippo Contri e le frasi sui cani al Grande Fratello: interviene Malgioglio Durante la settimana, Cristiano Malgioglio ha mostrato la sua disapprovazione verso le dichiarazioni fatte da Filippo

Il cantante ha affermato, attraverso un post sui social, apertamente di essere contrario a ogni affermazione di Contri sull'eduzione dei cani

Il gieffino non è stato squalificato, ma sicuramente una volta uscito dalla Casa più spiata d'Italia dovrà prendersi le responsabilità delle sue parole

For more infomation >> ✅ GF, Filippo e le frasi sui cani: la D'Urso zittisce il ragazzo - Duration: 3:43.


NÃO GASTE DINHEIRO: Elimine Qualquer VERRUGA DA PELE Usando Apenas 1 Ingrediente - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> NÃO GASTE DINHEIRO: Elimine Qualquer VERRUGA DA PELE Usando Apenas 1 Ingrediente - Duration: 3:08.


✅ GF, Filippo e le frasi sui cani: la D'Urso zittisce il ragazzo - Duration: 3:43.

GF, Filippo Contri nel mirino degli animalisti: le frasi sui cani del gieffino fanno arrabbiare Barbara D'Urso Filippo Contri al Grande Fratello è stato duramente richiamato da Barbara D'Urso

Anche questa settimana sono nate delle polemiche riguardanti i concorrenti della Casa più spiata di Italia

Ancora una volta, la conduttrice è stata costretta a usare un tono forte e duro nei confronti dei gieffini

In particolare, questa volta a dover ascoltare il rimprovero è toccato a Filippo, il quale però non è stato squalificato dal reality come è accaduto a Baye Dame e Luigi Favoloso

Sappiamo ormai bene che quando Barbara si fa vedere dai concorrenti vuol dire che qualcuno ha fatto gravi errori

Contri ha scatenato diverse polemiche fuori, poiché avrebbe dichiarato di riuscire a educare il suo cane usando la forza

Gli animalisti hanno subito fatto sapere di non apprezzare le affermazioni fatte da Filippo nella Casa

Dunque, Barbara non ha potuto fare a meno di rivelare al Contri che tagliare coda e orecchie agli animali è un reato

Il gieffino avrebbe mostrato il suo consenso a questo genere di educazione per i cani

Barbara D'Urso zittisce Filippo Contri al Grande Fratello entrando in Casa "Te ne assumi la responsabilità", ha poi affermato Barbara a Filippo

Quest'ultimo ha cercato di difendersi dalle accuse, non riuscendo però a convincere la conduttrice

Anzi, la D'Urso ha anche consigliato Contri a stare in silenzio: "Peggioreresti solo la situazione"

Inoltre, ha voluto anche sottolineare che il programma non tornerà più a parlare di questo argomento

Detto questo, Barbara chiede a Filippo di non fare più questo tipo affermazioni. Il tono della conduttrice è stato abbastanza duro

Ancora una volta, ci ha tenuto a precisare di non voler appoggiare il cattivo comportamento dei concorrenti

Eppure ogni settimana i telespettatori si ritrovano di fronte a diverse polemiche

Filippo Contri e le frasi sui cani al Grande Fratello: interviene Malgioglio Durante la settimana, Cristiano Malgioglio ha mostrato la sua disapprovazione verso le dichiarazioni fatte da Filippo

Il cantante ha affermato, attraverso un post sui social, apertamente di essere contrario a ogni affermazione di Contri sull'eduzione dei cani

Il gieffino non è stato squalificato, ma sicuramente una volta uscito dalla Casa più spiata d'Italia dovrà prendersi le responsabilità delle sue parole

For more infomation >> ✅ GF, Filippo e le frasi sui cani: la D'Urso zittisce il ragazzo - Duration: 3:43.


Anticipazioni U&D, la scelta di Mariano: il rifiuto finale dopo il bacio | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni U&D, la scelta di Mariano: il rifiuto finale dopo il bacio | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:32.


Limpeza da sonda Lambda na concessionária - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Limpeza da sonda Lambda na concessionária - Duration: 1:31.


Zoando Comentários - Perfil (Prod.. PQNO) - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Zoando Comentários - Perfil (Prod.. PQNO) - Duration: 3:22.


AS PESSOAS DA INTERNET | Daniel Anttunes - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> AS PESSOAS DA INTERNET | Daniel Anttunes - Duration: 4:05.


Hombre se hacía pasar por agente de migración | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Hombre se hacía pasar por agente de migración | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:19.


Meghan deslumbró en su primera aparición como Duquesa | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Meghan deslumbró en su primera aparición como Duquesa | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:19.


Acusan de negligencia médica al 911 | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Acusan de negligencia médica al 911 | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:13.


Dramáticas imágenes de accidente aéreo en Honduras | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Dramáticas imágenes de accidente aéreo en Honduras | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:03.


Tensión durante inspección de escuadrón antibombas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Tensión durante inspección de escuadrón antibombas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.


Caos y descontrol por mono que escapó en el aeropuerto | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Caos y descontrol por mono que escapó en el aeropuerto | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:20.


Nada Puede Separarte - Athenas - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Nada Puede Separarte - Athenas - Duration: 4:27.


Trump disappointed over trade talks with China - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Trump disappointed over trade talks with China - Duration: 3:56.


Republicans call for second special counsel to investigate Mueller probe - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Republicans call for second special counsel to investigate Mueller probe - Duration: 4:24.


Michael Caputo claims that a second 'informant' targeted Trump campaign - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Michael Caputo claims that a second 'informant' targeted Trump campaign - Duration: 5:42.


VERBO FOR PRESIDENT | Verbo in 90 Seconds - Duration: 1:54.

My name is Stefano Disalvo, in game I'm known as Verbo, and I'm from Toronto, Canada.

If I could be any superhero I'd be Black Panther.

The fact that he has a lot of agility and speed, I think he's really cool.

Yeah I've broken, both my collar bones, on my right side and on my left side.

My right side collar bone was broken because I was trying to imitate a wrestling move,

and then the second one is because I got into a fight and I was at the bottom of the pile.

If I could be a professional athlete I would definitely be Nick Foles.

The fact that he went from being a sub quarterback, to being a starter and bringing the Philadelphia

Eagles to a Super Bowl championship is really inspiring to me.

Pluto, because it doesn't know whether it wants to be a planet or not.

I'd buy a house, in Santa Monica.

I actually really want to live in Santa Monica, it's a really nice area.

I've visited a few times and it's really nice.

I want to go snowboarding, I want to go to Australia, and I want to go skydiving.

When I went skiing, one time I got sucked underneath the sky lift.

The point, er, the tip of my ski tilted and it got caught in the hill.

So I like, when it went over, I kind of like got sucked underneath.

Roadtrip anywhere with the team?

Probably go camping, or like, in the woods.

I feel like it would be super fun to like, figure out how to sustain ourselves.

I would turn weekends into school days and school days into weekends.

Scrambled eggs.

Well my mom used to always make me eggs when I was a kid, but then when I moved out here

I ended up making eggs on my own.

And I didn't really know how to make them in the same way my mom did.

So my eggs are kind of like, super flat.

They're like omelettes.

And then I just mash them up and scramble them.

We're nice.

No, I'm kidding.

Uhhh, we like maple syrup.

Hold on, no no.

We like Tim Horton's over Dunkin Donuts.

"Fom." [laughs]

Hey guys, thanks for watching.

Like and subscribe if you enjoyed it.

And we'll see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> VERBO FOR PRESIDENT | Verbo in 90 Seconds - Duration: 1:54.


Let's Make a Deal - Taking It All Home - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Let's Make a Deal - Taking It All Home - Duration: 1:12.



For more infomation >> 🔔СТРИМ 🔔 БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ ПИАР, ОБЩЕНИЕ, МАЙНКРАФТ - Duration: 1:21:32.


Pt 4. Quais são os sintomas da deficiência da vitamina Q10? - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Pt 4. Quais são os sintomas da deficiência da vitamina Q10? - Duration: 2:36.


L.I.F.T - "Cassette Tapes"

For more infomation >> L.I.F.T - "Cassette Tapes"


Was The Joker Actually In Deadpool 2? - Duration: 1:41.

Heads up, major Deadpool 2 spoilers ahead.

The highly-anticipated Deadpool sequel was chock-full of surprising cameos: Matt Damon

was tucked in as a redneck with a wealth of bathroom-related knowledge, Brad Pitt had

a blink-and-you-miss-it appearance as the invisible hero Vanisher, and even Ryan Reynolds

took on an additional role, popping up as the voice of Juggernaut.

But by the looks of it, there may have been was another character cameo hidden in the

sequel, none other than the Joker himself.

"You sure you're not from the DC universe?"

When Deadpool and Russell are shipped off to the criminal-packed prison called the Icebox,

the pair meet a hodgepodge of dangerous bad guys and random freaks.

But if fans look closely in the crowd, they'll spot a man who looks uncannily like Jared

Leto's Joker.

He's got the white skin and bright green hair, and no close Marvel character comparisons.

It's hard to argue that he isn't DC's Clown Prince of Crime.

There are two extra bits of evidence throughout the film that bolster the argument that Joker

made an appearance.

The first is a gun that's shown with a "bang!" flag popping out of its barrel, which looks

kinda similar to the flag that's flung out of the Joker's gun in Tim Burton's 1989 Batman


The second comes during the sequence in which Cable asks Deadpool to identify himself, Deadpool

cheekily responds, "I'm Batman," using a voice that sounds like former Batman actor Michael


At the end of the day, either the team behind the Deadpool sequel included the iconic villain

but won't admit to it because Warner Brothers holds the rights to the character, or this

is all just one big coincidence.

Fans can decide for themselves when they catch Deadpool 2 in a repeat viewing.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Was The Joker Actually In Deadpool 2? - Duration: 1:41.


2 men use pickup truck to smash their way inside Hollywood T-Mobile store - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> 2 men use pickup truck to smash their way inside Hollywood T-Mobile store - Duration: 2:04.


Video: 'Shoot, don't shoot' police workshop offers glimpse into pressures officers face - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Video: 'Shoot, don't shoot' police workshop offers glimpse into pressures officers face - Duration: 2:14.


Which Hand Is Stronger? | Biology for Kids - Duration: 4:21.

Squeaks, that is some beautiful art.

Look at all those colors you used!

I'm trying to draw a flower garden, and I'll need to use lots of different colors

to do it.

I'll need to use one color at a time, like this.

Hmmm … I think this is going to take a while.

[Squeaks squeaks]

Oh, you're right!

It might go faster if I colored with both hands at the same time.

Let's try it.

I don't think this is going very well, Squeaks!

My right hand is much better at drawing than my left hand.

Even just holding the crayon in my left hand is uncomfortable.

So it was a good idea, Squeaks, but I don't think it's going to work for me.

It's hard for me to color with my left hand because I'm right-handed — I'm a righty.

Most people have one hand that's better at doing things like writing, drawing, and

picking things up.

We call this their handedness.

Since I'm right-handed, when I go to pick up a crayon, I naturally want to use my right


When I use my left hand, I'm kind of clumsy, and I can't control it as well as I want


Most people are right-handed like me, but about one in every ten people is left-handed

— a lefty.

Someone who's left-handed might throw a baseball or use a paintbrush with their left

hand, instead of their right.

There are even a few rare people who can use both hands really well!

These people are ambidextrous, which just means they're skilled with both hands.

Only about one in every 100 people is ambidextrous, so it's pretty special.

[Squeaks squeaks]

That's a good question, Squeaks!

He wants to know why most people are righties.

Well, scientists still aren't sure, although they do have a few ideas.

One idea is that it has a lot to do with our brains.

Your brain controls everything your body does, and different parts of your brain control

different parts of your body.

In general, the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body, and the left side

of your brain controls the right side of your body.

[Squeaks squeaks]

Yeah, it is weird that each side of your brain controls the opposite side of your body!

But that's just how we're wired.

Earlier, we talked about how most people are right-handed.

So which side of the brain would be in charge of moving their right hand?

[Squeaks squeaks]

You got it!

The left side of your brain controls your right hand.

But that's not all the left side of your brain does.

It's also in charge of helping you talk.

When you talk, you're making small, careful movements just like when you write or color.

You're just moving your mouth and tongue instead of moving your hand.

So scientists think that it's easier for the left side of the brain to just be in charge

of both talking and those harder small movements like writing, which is why so many people

are right-handed.

But people who are left-handed or ambidextrous are just as good at using their hands as right-handed

people are!

Their brains are just organized in a way that might not be as simple.

Another idea is that which hand you use more comes from your parents.

Lots of things about people can come from their parents — what they look like, the

color of their eyes, how tall they are … you name it!

Well, which hand you use might be another one of those things.

Scientists still aren't sure how exactly this connection works, but if lots of people

in your family are left-handed, you're more likely to be a lefty, too — although you

could still be a righty!

So most people might be right-handed because it's easier for one side of your brain to

control both talking and writing, and which hand you use might come from your parents.

But there's still a lot we don't know about how our brains work!

[Squeaks squeaks]

I'm not sure when scientists will figure out everything about handedness.

We'll have to keep researching, and see what we can all find out together.

If you want to do some research yourself, you can try testing the handedness of your

family by having everyone write with their left and right hands.

Are there more left-handed or right-handed people in your family?

Is anyone ambidextrous?

Squeaks and I will do some more research, too, by finishing up our artwork.

We'd love to hear about your research results!

If you'd like to share with us, have a grown-up help you to leave a comment below, or send

us an email at kids@scishow.com.

We'll see you next time, here at the Fort!

For more infomation >> Which Hand Is Stronger? | Biology for Kids - Duration: 4:21.


Michael Caputo claims that a second 'informant' targeted Trump campaign - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Michael Caputo claims that a second 'informant' targeted Trump campaign - Duration: 5:42.


I've Heard A Lot About You | Yoyo Chinese Upper Intermediate Conversational Course: Unit 2, Lesson 3 - Duration: 7:27.

nǐ hǎo huān yíng huí lái 你 好 欢 迎 回 来 hello welcome back

jīn tiān wǒ men jì xù kàn yí xià 今 天 我 们 继 续 看 一 下 today we will continue to watch as

yǎn fēng hé wǒ huí jiā kàn wǒ de bà ba hé mā ma 衍 锋 和 我 回 家 看 我 的 爸 爸 和 妈 妈 Yanfeng and I go home to see my dad and mom

hǎo wǒ men kàn yí xià dì yī jù huà 好 我 们 看 一 下 第 一 句 话 OK let's take a look at the first sentence

wǒ men kàn yí ge lì zi 我 们 看 一 个 例 子 let's look at an example

wǒ men kàn jǐ ge lì zi 我 们 看 几 个 例 子 let's look at a few example

fēi cháng hǎo zài lái yí ge 非 常 好 再 来 一 个 very good let's do another one

wǒ men yǐ qián xué guò 我 们 以 前 学 过 we have learned it before

[ne] de yì si shì [呢] 的 意 思 是 [ne] means

nǐ shuō 你 说 you say

bié jǐn zhāng 别 紧 张 don't be nervous

fēi cháng hǎo wǒ men xià cì jì xù 非 常 好 我 们 下 次 继 续 very good lets continue next time

For more infomation >> I've Heard A Lot About You | Yoyo Chinese Upper Intermediate Conversational Course: Unit 2, Lesson 3 - Duration: 7:27.


Trust | Season 1 Ep. 9: The Loan Scene | FX - Duration: 1:28.

Please, accept your father's loan.

See, that's-that's the problem exactly, it's a loan.

Now, he's offering to lend me my money from the trust

At-at four percent above the base.

My own money.

He stands to make a profit-- the bastard stands to profit

Off the kidnapping of our son.

I know.

But how much more of him do you want to see hacked off

And put in the post?



Put your name on a piece of paper...

No! No, no, no. I can't.

-Sign the damn thing. -No, no, no, no, no, no.

-Please. -I can't.

You don't understand.

If I sign, then he has got me.

I mean, don't you remember the phone calls day and night?

The visits, the-the repayment schedule,

The bullying that slowly, slowly sucks the life out of you

Until you are in a garage at a party, stabbing yourself

To death in the chest with a barbecue fork.

It killed George. It-It killed him.

And I-I can't do it, it'll kill me.

It's our son who will be killed, Paul.

I can't--

For more infomation >> Trust | Season 1 Ep. 9: The Loan Scene | FX - Duration: 1:28.


How To Battery Hack a Makita 9.6v - Easy Lithium Ion Conversion Upgrade - Duration: 8:48.

I'm gonna hack this 9.6 volt Makita drill and retrofit it to operate on this 12 volt

lithium ion battery. I have two styles of 9.6v Makita batteries. There's the old

nicad style which was heat welded together and then there's the new nimh style which snaps

together. The ni-mh will be far easier to do but I'll show you how to do both batteries.

You want to be careful not to cut into the ni-cd battery cell.

I need to cut these welds off from the nicd right here.

We don't need this anymore.

These two pieces can be discarded. The 9.6volt battery is marked negative and positive.

You want to take this little plastic piece and match it up. This tab came out

on an angle right here, and this tab was on the end here, meaning that this side

is the positive. Okay these pieces went on like this.

So you know that this one is going to be your positive volts and this side is going to

be your negative volt. I bought a 10-foot long 12-gauge wire and you need 12 gauge

because we need to carry about 10 amps across this wire.

We don't need the ground wire. We just need positive and negative power.

So this piece is going to hold the metal and then it's going to slide up into the 9.6 battery.

So there's very little space here for the wires to stick out.

My soldering job causes the wires to stick out.

I'm just going to cut off this excess tab to make room.

All right now we're going to insert this inside of here. Black is positive.

Positive is on this side. We take it, slide it in, take a piece of PVC.

We're gonna cut this PVC to stay in the tool as reinforcement. We need to get the right size though.

So this end cap has these little tabs on them and that tab goes

into here. If I take a pen, put a mark here, I need to cut just below that tab.

If you cut open an old-style battery you're definitely going to want a piece

of PVC. After you do all your soldering and wiring you're gonna take this piece

and put it in here. Goop it up with a bunch of silicone.

Slide the bottom on. Silicone all of this. Make sure that you clean your seam so

none of it is seeping out then slide the battery inside of a tool. That will hold

it perfectly and let it set overnight to dry. The wire is going to exit through

this side that I cut open earlier. So I need to give this some nice round edges.

Now we need to cut off this tab because it's going to be in the way of the wire.

We're gonna want to take a zip tie and put it on the end here then we're going to

take our piece of PVC, slide it inside of the nickel cadmium battery shell.

We're gonna force the wire in a little bit and bend it.

The zip tie is there just in case this wire gets pulled

on it's not going to yank the connection off of here. Then we take our little end

cap snap it back on.

Now we could silicone this on for added protection

but I think it's actually fine just the way that it is. This will now slide into

a Cordless Drill but we have a problem it isn't going all the way in because this wire

is too thick. So I'm going to have to grind off some of this right here on the tools.

Okay now we need to bend this back or break it off.

I need to deburr this right here.

Now it's time to work on the other side of

the cord that is going to attach to these batteries using these terminals

I don't need green. I could just take these little tabs here and solder them

onto the wire right here and then these tabs would slide into the battery right here.

It would look something like that, but I want to fashion somewhat of a plug

to make this work, so I've cut holes into this side that will fit these terminals

perfectly and then I have drilled holes all the way through that will allow

these wires to pass through. So now I have something that looks like this.

Let's remove the plastic sleeves slide those down inside of here.

No it looks like this it's going to go something like this

These little tabs right here end up needing to go at a slight angle because

of the way that they go into here.

Now we just work the wires back in

and we end up with something that looks like this. I'm going to put a zip tie back here to

hold these wires tight so they don't slide through.

That worked out well.

There we go. If I'm worried about trying to get it to stay I can just clamp it like this.

That'll make sure that doesn't fall apart but it seems pretty tight as is.

And NOW the moment of truth. The replacement works like a champ. I know you're

probably thinking that this is 9.6 volts and this is 12 volts and this upgrade is probably

going to burn out the motor and that might be true but these motors are

pretty hardy and these batteries tend to drop from 12 volts down to about 10,

so I'm feeling it's gonna last a long time but these were useless tools prior to

the Replace Ni-Cd hack here. So I put it back into service and if I get a couple of

more years out of it before I burn out of the motor then it wasn't bad to convert.

If you found this video helpful I really appreciate it if you LIKE it and

of course SUBSCRIBE for more interesting videos.

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For more infomation >> How To Battery Hack a Makita 9.6v - Easy Lithium Ion Conversion Upgrade - Duration: 8:48.


Rocky Start To Beach Season In Queens - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Rocky Start To Beach Season In Queens - Duration: 2:00.


Parents, Students At Odds With Superintendent Over Pick For Principal In New Rochelle - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Parents, Students At Odds With Superintendent Over Pick For Principal In New Rochelle - Duration: 2:55.



hey Everyone, I tried using aloe vera on my face for five days, just to see what would happen

I've seen other youtubers rave about this and I want to try it out for myself and see my results

So every day for five days, I apply in fresh aloe vera directly to my skin

Let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes. And then I rinse it off with warm water

So this is what my skin look like on day 1 before applying any of the aloe vera to my skin

So here is a close-up. You can see I have some pimples and redness

So all you need is a knife and fresh aloe vera which you can get from a local grocery store

So what you want to do is make sure to be very careful when you're cutting off the leafy part of the aloe vera

Once that's done

You want to go ahead and scoop out or cut out the aloe vera?

From the leaf and a put it into a bowl or a cup

So now using a fork just go ahead and mix it around

So aloe vera is quite slimy as you guys can see it feels kind of gross in your fingers and on your face

So just place your hand into your cup and start rubbing the aloe vera onto your face

So I spent about maybe two minutes doing this

Really working it into my skin and then eventually picking a bigger pieces of the aloe vera and working it into my skin

It can get a little bit messy because it just slides all over the place

Now just taking the leafy part of the aloe vera I'm to supplying that all of my face and this feels really good

So this is me on day two. I already went ahead and cut my aloe vera and

I'm just applying it all over my face

So this is my skin on day two

So now we're on to day three again, I went ahead and cut a fresh piece of aloe vera

So following the same steps as before applying the actual gel to your face and then using the leafy part

To apply more to your face

So now on day three this is where I really started to see the changes in my skin

So this is what my skin looks like on day four and to be honest

I think I started to break out right around the lip area

So I was a little bit concerned that maybe this wasn't working for me, but honestly by the next day they were completely gone

I let the Oliveira gel sit on my skin for about 10 to 15

Minutes and then I go ahead and rinse it off with warm water

So now this is my skin on day 5 and you can see that my skin has cleared up a lot

The dark marks aren't as dark and I don't have any redness or any pimples

So I just want to show you guys what my skin look like on day 6

So here it is and here's a comparison of day 1 and day 6 such a huge difference

I definitely will be adding this into my regimen

If you guys enjoyed this video

Please give me a thumbs up and if you're not subscribed make sure you are so you don't miss out on my next video

For more infomation >> I USED FRESH ALOE VERA ON MY SKIN FOR 5 DAYS AND THIS HAPPENED! - Duration: 3:40.


BEGINNERS BUILD DIY CABINETS | campervan conversion - Duration: 10:23.

no I want you to do the intro intro I want my baby to cuz my baby's finally

well and he can build it with me what's up guys good morning today is the drawer

day it's been like sort of looked forward to sort of dreaded day for a

while hopefully we get as much like 90% of it done today as much as possible I'm

feeling better after my concussion still a little bit groggy but I'm with it and

I'm determined this is gonna sound bad like I've just fought through it but

I've actually taken a couple of days to rest over the weekend I'm feeling better

I think this we should be good to go anyways today is the drawer dude we are

going we have a system that we're planning out for these drawers cuz

they're gonna be total pain in the butt the first thing we're gonna do is we're

gonna have a measuring station we're going them cutting station we're gonna

have a standing in a staining station we're gonna have assembly station

finally we're going to insert those drawers right into their little homes

where they get a little bow so it should be a fun saucy spicy day I'm preparing

emotionally for a frustrating day I'm clearly not prepared emotionally cuz

we've already been frustrated this morning trying to get going so this

could be a disaster every day what do you think um it really could be it

really could be okay that being said you might be watching 10 minutes of us fight

you might be watching two inglorious minutes of Keio drawers working but

let's get on it I was listening some incredible music this on him for re

Kayla she made me turn it off hello I should give them a taster but it's


let's listen to the damn thing confidence man comedy music for

confident people I must confess I've been sleeping with your ex cuz I heard

he was the best and let's confess let's go a confident girl for we do

anything cutting the drawers anything we're

trying to install all the rollers so we can safely measure the width of the

drawers yeah yeah so where do you have a lot of

them in my baby was a little stubborn fellow the other day should have been

resting but installed them anyways so but it's making our day easier so we're

gonna do the kitchen ones now

stop one so my baby are we thinking that all of the drawers will like come right

next to each other so like we're not gonna have any we're not gonna have any

in-between they're basically just going to come right next to each other hmm

top and bottom that's what you're thinking - all right

Raju 80 of these stations I think we should name them as kindergarten me as

possible first of all okay - the trace station sandbox station is a sandpaper

station mmm perfect okay then the finger-painting session sounds great

what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to take a piece of wood and start

measuring all the other ones and writing the measurements down and then you can

verify the measurements a week let's have measured them it's such a big

job but we're making progress I don't know if you guys can see all those lines

but all the lines are the tracing four boards there's one drawers worth here's

three other drawers worth Auto 411 so four out of eleven are traced we're

gonna do a hundred percent of the tracing before we do the cutting because

I want the cutting to do speed I'll cut these bad boy my sexy cutter is done

yeah you're a free policy we're going to put all four together to square it we're

gonna get these bad boys cut into size and glue them in and then put with a

nail gun also put nails so that'll be what the base is gonna be supported on

yeah and we'll cut out a square or whatever shape a rectangle I'll be super

thin plywood like quarter-inch and that will be our base now before lunch my

proposition to you babe uh-huh if you think you can do it is that we

sand yeah all of us yeah put a layer of waterproof yeah the waterproof sealant

on everything yeah havin a lot of joy over having

lunch sounds good all right Walden step three the sanding

and painting sandbox and finger paints

space nice peace around one these are all of the pieces that are not gonna be

the front so we didn't really care too much about the colors but it's pretty

yellow in this so it's gonna be the inside of the drawer yeah it's just one

right and then these are the fronts and I sanded down the edges I don't know if

you guys can see that but I sanded down the edges to make them a little bit more

rounded that's literally all that we're doing for the edges to make them look

finished so it's gonna be really simple by we're both really pleased with how

they're turning out so I think these drawers are gonna be a full two day job

yeah but we're making great progress and by the end of today I don't know today

I'm really interested to see how the drawers are gonna be fit together yeah

we have a plan for that but I've yet is yet to be proven if that plan is gonna

work trim all right lunch time lunch time what's up guys feel like I'm just

starting the vlog because we just actually took a nap and had some chill

time but still the same day baby you missed a little planting plan just out

number four and what are we calling these things a little razors in the

bottom dowels Alba keeps calling him down don't know where she got that name

but here are our dowels we're gonna put them on the bottom of the drawer glue

them on and nail them on like so that's my job while he's doing that I'm

going to put the second coat of spar urethane on all these pieces

what the update my baby

you know when you can feel like it's about to rain any second now and we have

to get inside that's where we're at right now

it is literally about to rain it's been supposed to rain all day so the problem

is we have all these things that are ready to dry so all these things are

drawing Christians uh gluing all of the little frantically goodness glistening

all these little things on so I'm trying to move everything actually into the van

so that it doesn't get rained on he's going like the wind that was clearer in

the West I'm honestly baffled that it has not read rained yet so but we're

pretty much cleaned up we finished we could really the last thing is I really

really really want to try to finish the ceiling um just have this little I'm

just like a little piece right there and like a little bit at the front to finish

and then I'm done so I'm gonna try to get that done so that tomorrow if we

have time we can install the lights which we freakin Zack

look at this roof co-op what a beauty right there almost almost almost done oh

that is your concussion huh your concussion

oh my concussion to make this happen yes and I is a wrap

Wow I know it looks like it's still super bright outside but the Sun is

right there and about right like I was saying I know it looks like it's bright

outside but it's not it's about to be dark like Aubree was saying it

surprisingly didn't rain we've finished the ceiling bulbs putting the last

couple pieces it looks so good more importantly we got a time done with

the cut of the drawers today come on you got to talk to me for the altar all

right I'm just looking at your back

thanks so much for watching guys um tomorrow we'll be finishing the drawers

and installing the lights so stay tuned that vlog will be coming out tomorrow

actually so you know it'll double daily magic don't get too spoiled though

because it's only coming this one time so keep it on tomorrow and we will see

you then we're gonna go get some sleep I'll make you Preston up Aubree is too

huh we'll see you guys later

because I feel like I should just curl up in a ball like there's a winter ice

storm that's going on in your homeland and the orcs are invading it from the

north and everyone is dying of famine there's nothing redeeming about it

don't you love this

For more infomation >> BEGINNERS BUILD DIY CABINETS | campervan conversion - Duration: 10:23.


Learn Polish Language: The word of the day - koszulka - Duration: 1:14.

The word of the day!

Siema ludzie!

Let's learn Polish language!

The word for today is "koszulka, koszulka" which means "T-shirt".

Let's use now this word in a couple of sentences.

"Masz ładną koszulkę" "Masz ładną koszulkę"

"Ta koszulka jest za mała" "Ta koszulka jest za mała"

"Wszystkie koszulki są przecenione" "Wszystkie koszulki są przecenione"

"Masz coś na koszulce" "Masz coś na koszulce"

"Nie ma koszulek w moim rozmiarze" "Nie ma koszulek w moim rozmiarze"


If you enjoyed this video remember to give me a like

and subscribe with the notification bell on, to get more content and learn Polish language.

To practice this new word I dare you to use it in a sentence in the comments section


And that's it.

Do zobaczenia!

For more infomation >> Learn Polish Language: The word of the day - koszulka - Duration: 1:14.


M-Lok vs MOE Can they work together? - Duration: 6:52.

I needed to mount the Accu-Tac on an MFT with M-Lok and I didn't have an

M-Lok rail now what do I do?

hey there it's the shootin guy thanks for joining me today I do appreciate it

a lot if you're a subscriber you guys are awesome appreciate you guys being

subscribers it means a lot to me if you're just swinging by today and you're

wondering what the heck is going on around here and you stopped by here

thank you for doing that consider subscribing

it would mean a lot to me you know what so I a while back we did a review on

this MFT handguard for my ar-15 and I'll roll a little bit in there on then I'll

put a link down below so you can take a look at that and I also have this AK

attack bipod that I really like and I wanted to put the two together but the

MFT didn't have a rail section on the bottom and I didn't have any em lock

rail sections I only had this Magpul m OE rail section and now the the way that

it attaches is a little bit different it's not the skinny M lock like this

it's it's a wider connector now and I could have maybe taken the whole thing

apart and mounted it on and put it all back together again but I thought you

know there's got to be a better way and this is what I did

yeah so pretty simple right this rail piece started off life as an M OE style

which actually has a fatter part right here and I just ground it down and

screwed it on here and it worked out really really good I didn't need to take

the handrail off or anything now I'm gonna show you a little trick that will

help you guys out take your screwdriver screw it all the way down okay and just

make it a little snug so it doesn't move around okay so I won't move do the same

thing here with this one just swing that around goes in there nice and it it'll

mount just like a tee I'm out from a hemlock there you go

just nice and even and I'm gonna show you how to do this real simply let's go

to the bench for demonstration purposes I took the handguard off the bottom half

of it anyway and I'll stick it on the table and then here's the the rail part

and here are the ears attached and keep in mind I have them screwed down so that

the ears are actually making contact with the rail okay and they're ground to

such a point where they should fit straight on the m-lok without any

problem we go right into the unlock as you can see there and they're protruding

over here so now that you can see a little bit closer what I'm gonna do is

take the screwdriver slide it in there and begin to back out the the screw

while pushing the screw in towards the handguard and then when I get it far

enough you see how it kind of makes this a little bit of a turn and it starts to

lock like the EM lock should now all I need to do is turn it clockwise as if

I'm tightening and a little bit and there you go and I'll do it on this one

here it's pretty simple get it screwed in there start backing it out while

putting pressure forward and see how it went click I could hear it I don't know

if you could hear it on camera but then now I'll turn it this way and it'll grab

and boom tighten it down and it's on there and you could do this while the

handguard is actually on the rifle I'm going to demonstrate that for you I just

wanted you to see how that works now I'll demonstrate it

with it on the rifle two thousand years later okay we're back and I put the

handguard back onto the rifle by the way I'm gonna roll in some video of the

first time we put it on how much difficulty we had and I should have

remembered that because we had as much difficulty trying to get this thing back

on this time - but nevertheless the ears are lined up to slip into the mBLAQ's

watts just like that take my screwdriver I'll

turn it counterclockwise there and went click now I'm gonna go this way and it

should grab there you go put ones in and we'll do the same to the

back nope there goes I heard it click I'll turn it that way and it should grab

there you go I'm gonna make it nice and snug nice and snug now that baby is not

coming off and it's just a simple to take it out all I got to do is unscrew

it until it's very loose and then with your screwdriver and pulling up on the

rail just line up the slot until it pops up and do the same thing with the back

one and you'll be able to take the rail off but I don't plan on taking this

right off anytime soon I am gonna make it a little bit snug both these pieces

of polymer with that metal that thing is not going anywhere all right let's put

the bipod on let's grab the Accu tack we'll put that baby on I like putting it

up as far as I can thank goodness for a QD mount like this

here because it does go on there really well I'm gonna have the MFT the Accu

tack and where you can get also where you can get some Picatinny rail like

this here rail sections I'll put all the links down below so that you can do that

but this just demonstrates that if you have em walk here and you don't have em

lock on your other parts you can sometimes make it happen if you have a

little bit of ingenuity and a grinder all right

don't forget join us on Facebook and on Instagram and also we've got a patreon

page we'd love it if you go down there and click on the link to the patreon

page and go there and consider becoming a patron of ours it'll not only help us

out a lot but then as a patron you get to take a much bigger role in the kinds

of things we do around here that in the shooting guy compound go ahead and click

there you can read about it and you and we'll tell you all about it there and

consider doing it please do appreciate it

we're gonna take off that's it god bless you god bless america

may america bless there you go ok bottoms in a little bit of persuasion

For more infomation >> M-Lok vs MOE Can they work together? - Duration: 6:52.


✅ Céline Dion de retour sur scène après ses gros soucis de santé : pourra-t-elle assu­rer le show ? - Duration: 2:22.

La diva est de retour. Après avoir annulé plusieurs concerts à Las Vegas entre mars et avril, Céline Dion signera son grand retour au Coli­sée du Cesar Palace ce mardi 22 mai

Sur le compte insta­gram de la star, une sublime photo de la chan­teuse a été publiée, micro à la main et longue robe jaune vapo­reuse

En commen­taire de ce cliché est inscrit ce message d'annonce : « Elle est de retour ce soir

Team Céline ». Une très bonne nouvelle pour les fans de la star inter­na­tio­nale qui s'étaient vive­ment inquié­tés de son état de santé

Selon une proche de Céline Dion, la chan­teuse qui a fêté cette année ses 50 ans, souf­frait d'un terrible trouble de l'oreille

Elle a suivi un trai­te­ment pour soula­ger ses douleurs et a dû être opérée.Sa profes­seure de chant, Johanne Raby avait expliqué les consé­quences de son trouble audi­tif, nommé auto­pho­nie

« Elle ne peut pas entendre le piano et les instru­­ments. Donc chan­­ter devient impos­­sible pour elle,c'est décon­­cen­­trant et paniquant puisque chan­­ter est son métier" avait-elle confié, ajou­tant avec inquié­tude  »Elle ne peut plus chan­­ter juste

Les instru­­ments deviennent caco­­pho­­niques pour elle. Ça doit être épou­­van­­table"

Le retour de Céline Dion est donc une très bonne nouvelle pour ses nombreux fans qui espèrent qu'elle pourra assu­rer le show ce mardi 22 mai et satis­faire son public

Après Las Vegas, la chan­teuse cana­dienne pren­dra la direc­tion du Japon puis s'envo­lera ensuite pour l'Indo­né­sie

Crédits photos : Bestimage

For more infomation >> ✅ Céline Dion de retour sur scène après ses gros soucis de santé : pourra-t-elle assu­rer le show ? - Duration: 2:22.


ストレッチをせずに股関節の重だるさをとる方法 大宮 整体 how to improve heavy weight of hip joint - Duration: 4:38.

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This video talk about how to improve heavy weight of hip joint in state don't do the stretch exercise.

The point that want to soften is instep side foot. Almost therapist think that foot sole is important. But instep side foot is not doing massage.

Almost case,foot sole that receive many massage is little soft. But in instep side foot is became stiff from long time ago.

Almost people put that at long time. If you don't soften best stiff point,your body don't change.

Sit on the floor. Use hand fist.And use third finger joint. Like draw circle do rub the instep side foot.

Don't need strong power. Please feel stiff muscle step. Do feel the step and do rub.

At reality,step nothing condition is normal. There was not step at your childhood. Because your foot muscle was soft.

If you don't feel step,your foot muscle is so soft. Sometimes please check hip joint stiffness. Hip and around hip joint.

If you don't understand,I recommend compare with opposite side. Case of me,almost don't feel pain.

I did soften foot muscle too much. This method is so easy but there is effect.

My treatment is same with this method. Self doing or receive from other person. It is only.

You should select likely side. Maybe there is touch difference or strength difference. But this method is even if general person doing,come out effect.

At recently I think to even if I don't send treatment,good. Please continue.

This method is so simple,and finish with about 5 minute every day. There is effect more than stretch.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> ストレッチをせずに股関節の重だるさをとる方法 大宮 整体 how to improve heavy weight of hip joint - Duration: 4:38.


XiaoLing quiz &Find a Fish Thief answer open! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 2:44.

XiaoLing quiz &Find a Fish Thief answer open! | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> XiaoLing quiz &Find a Fish Thief answer open! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 2:44.


L.O.L Pearl Surprise Limited Edition Random Doll Drawing Toy | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 12:22.

L.O.L Pearl Surprise Limited Edition Random Doll Drawing Toy | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> L.O.L Pearl Surprise Limited Edition Random Doll Drawing Toy | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 12:22.


Ayla & Süleyman || Bana Bir Masal Anlat Baba - Duration: 1:54.

When we came here, they said leave everything...

Now, they want the same, when we leave here. When we came here, they said leave everything...

Now, they want the same, when we leave here.

I've already left Ali...

Don' t cry...

I'll never leave you.

I can' t leave Ayla.

I have no mother...

I have no siblings, neither...



I'll come back, okay?

I'll come back and we' ll never separate again. I'll come back, okay?

I'll come back and we' ll never separate again.

Fathers fight for their children...

They live for the promises they made to them.

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