Thursday, May 24, 2018

Youtube daily report w May 24 2018

These images of the Holocaust and true stories show the greatest horrors for stories from

people who have experienced real-life events. During the Holocaust Years around

6 million Jews and 5 million Polish, Soviet prisoners, Roma, people with disabilities

limited and many others were victims of the greatest human genocide ever.

They would spend three decades until most of the Western world would accept it as genocide

Holocaust. These interesting facts in this next Albanian documentary will make it to you

you are in doubt what the world you are born.

Jewish prisoners in the concentration camp in Auschwitz in mid 1944.

Married couples rings that were removed from the prisoners and confiscated

by the Nazis.

This picture shows a small boy scared while the German soldiers captured

Poles during the Warsaw uprising.

Detained in the Dachau concentration camp, happy with the arrival of troops

Americans in April 1945.

A German woman watching these scary things, bodies of 800 prisoners who were

so that the people of the city can see the work of the Nazis.

Entry to the prison camp in Auschwitz.

Ukrainians in co-operation with armed Nazi follow a Jewish woman on a street

in Poland where about 6,000 Jews were killed by Nazi forces.

Children survive in Auschwitz prison camp after being forced by forces

Soviet Union in January 1945.

Women and Jews of Jews Immediately after arriving at the concentration camp in the US


A prisoner next to death in the concentration camp is forcefully exhumed from his bed

by allied troops in April 1945.

Clothes belonging to Dachau prisoners released by US troops in April


Britons in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp force force Nazi officials to

burial as the troops of about 100 political prisoners killed there in October of the year


German soldiers arresting a Jew in Warsaw after the uprising that had occurred to us

April 1943.

American soldiers accused some of the children's concentration camps in Dachau

who was liberated from them.

A child dying from starvation lying on the streets of Warsaw which was photographed by

a soldier in the German armed forces.

Puntore building a wall that would block the Jewish part of Warsaw.

British soldiers fire the last remaining concentration camp Bergen-Belsen

shortly after his release.

Bergen-Belsen camp prisoners rejoicing with food rations after shooting

by British forces.

The bones burned to the victims in one of the concentration camps after the arrival of troops

to the United States in April 1945.

The female guards of the Bergen-Belsen camp after capturing them by British soldiers.

The glasses of prisoners killed in one of the concentration camps around 1945.

Polish prisoners in the concentration camp rejoicing by their volunteers from the troops

US military.

American soldiers preparing to run the concentration camp guards

Dachau April 29, 1945

Children with disabilities executed under the Nazi program at a hospital


For more infomation >> Holokausti Tragjedia Me e Frikshme ne Histori Te Njerezimit - Duration: 5:16.


"Farò ragionare Salvini e Di Maio": Conte e la promessa al Capo dello Stato - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> "Farò ragionare Salvini e Di Maio": Conte e la promessa al Capo dello Stato - Duration: 5:49.


X Factor, due nomi a sorpresa per sostituire Manuel Agnelli e Levante - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> X Factor, due nomi a sorpresa per sostituire Manuel Agnelli e Levante - Duration: 4:04.


✅ Albano Carrisi e Romina Power si risposano? - Duration: 2:56.

Una notizia bomba che potrebbe far avverare i sogni di molti fan della coppia: stiamo parlando di Romina Power e Albano Carrisi, che potrebbero convolare a giuste nozze di nuovo

Dopo 48 anni potrebbero ritrovarsi uno davanti all'altra pronunciando nuovamente il fatidico sì

Potrebbe essere stato il lavoro che li ha riavvicinati ma anche la nascita del nipotino Kay, figlio di Cristel e del marito Davor Luksic

La coppia sta riassaporando l'armonia che li ha resi una coppia perfetta sia per quanto riguarda il lavoro sia come coniugi veri e propri, i due però non lasciano trapelare nulla creando quella curiosità legittima nei fan

Al Bano e Romina sembra siano tornati indietro nel tempo quando tutto era un idillio amoroso: 4 figli, ricchezza e successo smisurati

Purtroppo per loro il destino non è stato clemente e il dolore per la perdita della loro figlia Ylenia ha forse contribuito a farli allontanare, la coppia ha attraversato anni molto complicati vissuti tra tribunali e accuse al veleno

Tutto ciò fino a 5 anni fa quando un imprenditore russo amico di entrambi ha convinto l'ormai ex coppia a festeggiare i 70 anni di Albano: ed è così che Romina è apparsa nuovamente al fianco di Albano salendo sul palco del Crocus City Hall di Mosca

Da lì è ripartito tutto: infatti la coppia si è ricomposta artisticamente parlando esibendosi anche ad Atlantic City, alle Cascate del Niagara, in Spagna, in Germania e in molti altri luoghi dove hanno trovato un pubblico caloroso

Nel frattempo Al Bano sigla la fine della sua storia con Loredana Lecciso, ritornata a Lecce

La donna ha dichiarato che non è stata Romina a far naufragare il loro rapporto ma sicuramente è stata una delle tante cause

Ed ecco che siamo giunti alla fine: Al Bano e Romina potrebbero ricongiungersi e pronunciare un sì tanto atteso dai fan della coppia e non solo

Anche i loro figli sarebbero più che felici di vedere i propri genitori di nuovo insieme

For more infomation >> ✅ Albano Carrisi e Romina Power si risposano? - Duration: 2:56.


2019年生産開始予定...ポルシェのEVスポーツ『ミッションE』、最新プロトタイプのイメージ公開! - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> 2019年生産開始予定...ポルシェのEVスポーツ『ミッションE』、最新プロトタイプのイメージ公開! - Duration: 2:02.


✅ Lega-M5S, sicurezza, welfare e (poca) politica estera: ecco come sarà il governo Conte - Duration: 3:55.

ROMA - Chi ha vinto la partita del governo, la Lega o il M5S? E il governo che sta per nascere è davvero il più a destra nella storia repubblicana, come sostengono diversi analisti e il Pd? L'Istituto Cattaneo prova a dare delle risposte a partire dall'analisi del "contratto del cambiamento" stipulato tra Matteo Salvini e Luigi Di Maio per la XVIII legislatura, analizzando il prima e il dopo, ovvero i programmi con i quali Lega e M5S si sono presentati agli elettori il 4 marzo

E la sintesi del Cattaneo è che il nuovo esecutivo sarò un governo "socio-securitario"

La Lega cede su Europa e Euro, abbandonando i toni anti europeisti ed euroscettici della campagna elettorale, forse anche per la moral suasion del Quirinale azzarda la ricerca, ma porta a casa la sua linea su sicurezza e ordine

Il M5S fa invece un deciso passo indietro sui diritti, ma riesce a far passare la sua linea su welfare e lavoro

E anzi è proprio il welfare il terreno di incontro tra i due vincitori delle elezioni e il programma su lavoro e pensioni colloca il futuro governo quasi al centro dello spazio politico, "molto più vicino alle posizioni del M5S che a quelle della Lega"

  La chiave della ricerca è quanto dei singoli programmi elettorali dei due partiti sia poi finita nel contratto di governo

Il governo M5S Lega è sì "eccezionale", nel senso che sarà composto interamente da partiti anti sistema, ma non è quello più a destra nella storia della Repubblica

Si colloca in un posizione intermedia tra il governo Berlusconi del 2001 (il più sbilanciato a destra dal 1946) e il Prodi del biennio 2006-2008(il più a sinistra)

Passando dalla propaganda elettorale al contratto la Lega ha dovuto cedere sull'Europa e sull'uscita dall'ero ma ha portato a casa moltissimo nel settore "legge e ordine", vale a dire sul settore della sicurezza, del controllo dell'immigrazione e dell'incremento delle pene per determinati  reati

   Il pacchetto securitario, molto sentito dall'elettorato leghista, è stato in gran parte recepito nel programma (il 55,9% di proposte politiche) contro il 44,1 di affermazioni di principio

E la sicurezza con la parte su Pubblica amministrazione e riforme istituzionali, rappresenta anche sezione più dettagliata e precisa del contratto giallo-verde

Al contrario il massimo livello di vaghezza si trova nei settori della politica estera (64,4%), del lavoro 65,8% del welfare e dell'istruzione (66,7%)

Ma nel contratto di governo l'espansione del settore welfare e istruzione è notevole

Nel programma della Lega le proposte relative a scuola, istruzione, cultura e pensioni non superavano il 13,3%, e anche in quello del M5S queste tematiche non superavano il 20

Al contrario nel "contratto" le politiche riconducibli al welfare e all'istruzione rappresentano il settore di intervento più incisivo

E sulla riforma delle legge Fornero, sull'introduzione del reddito di cittadinanza e, quindi sulla spesa pubblica, che le due forze politiche hanno trovato un terreno di intesa

For more infomation >> ✅ Lega-M5S, sicurezza, welfare e (poca) politica estera: ecco come sarà il governo Conte - Duration: 3:55.


✅ Somiglianza tra Giordano Mazzocchi e Seann William Scott | Isa e Chia - Duration: 1:19.

Quello delle somiglianze è un post che noi di IsaeChia dedichiamo quotidianamente alle tante segnalazioni inviateci dai lettori del nostro sito (via mail a isa o via social network, tramite le nostre pagine Facebook, Twitter o Instagram) che propongono una similitudine fisica che loro riscontrano, nei tratti o nei colori, tra due personaggi della televisione, della musica, del cinema, del gossip o dello sport

Si tratta pertanto di un post leggero, senza alcun fine se non quello di constatare o meno l'esistenza di qualche analogia tra due persone note

Eccovi la somiglianza di quest'oggi: Che ne pensate? (L'immagine di copertina dei post dedicati alle somiglianze è stata realizzata per IsaeChia

it dal giovane artista campano Raffaele Scarano)

For more infomation >> ✅ Somiglianza tra Giordano Mazzocchi e Seann William Scott | Isa e Chia - Duration: 1:19.


✅ Com polícia na porta, impaciência de convidados e falta de famosos, saiba novos detalhes do casóri - Duration: 2:51.

Aconteceu na noite desta terça-feira, 22 de maio, o tão aguardado casamento de Lexa e , na Catedral da Sé, em São Paulo

No entanto, a cerimônia foi marcada por uma confusão, com invasões de outras pessoas, causando alvoroço

+ De acordo com informações do Uol, alguns fãs furaram o bloqueio de seguranças, se aproximaram dos noivos e quase furtaram alguns convidados, causando pânico e revolta

Para piorar,  foi agarrado por admiradores, que impediram sua entrada. A noiva usou um vestido caríssimo e bem luxuoso feito pelo estilista Israel Valentim, todo de Swarovski

Lexa estava com dificuldades para segurar a emoção e chorou várias vezes. A mãe da loira, Darlin Ferrattry, declarou: "É o casamento mais esperado do ano, foi planejado nos mínimos detalhes com profissionais incríveis

Estou muito ansiosa". No entanto, a noiva atrasou uma hora e meia para surgir na igreja

Muitos convidados já estavam impacientes com a demora. Com capacidade para 400 pessoas, metade dos lugares estava desocupado

O noivo bancou do próprio bolso a festança. Só de bufê para os 400 convidados foram gastos R$ 270 mil, sendo R$ 680 por pessoa

De acordo com informações do jornal Extra, alguns convidados famosos eram esperados, mas não apareceram, como Ivete Sangalo, Bruna Marquezine, Anitta, e as irmãs Simone e Simaria, que estão viajando pela Europa

Já a tradicional "lua de mel" demorou a acontecer. Alguns amigos mais íntimos do casal esticaram no apartamento de MC , em São Paulo

A farra, mais íntima, só terminou na manhã desta quarta-feira. Os convidados ficaram em choque com o tumulto e a confusão foi um dos assuntos mais comentados entre eles

Mas, assim como em novelas, tudo terminou bem. Lexa entrou em segurança, com seu vestido avaliado em R$ 100 mil

recebeu a amada aos prantos e o casamento foi celebrado pelo famoso Padre Fábio de Melo

For more infomation >> ✅ Com polícia na porta, impaciência de convidados e falta de famosos, saiba novos detalhes do casóri - Duration: 2:51.


Torta Ciliegie Foresta Nera Senza Cottura - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Torta Ciliegie Foresta Nera Senza Cottura - Duration: 4:29.


Di Maio dalla tensione alla gioia per l'incarico a Conte: "Una liberazione" - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> Di Maio dalla tensione alla gioia per l'incarico a Conte: "Una liberazione" - Duration: 7:24.


It's Time to Share The Road, Now - Duration: 4:18.

Our streets are becoming ever more crowded

there's greater numbers of lorries,

vans, cars and bikes

all vying to use the same space.

And this ever-decreasing space has led to increasing conflict

and we've all seen it on our roads.

There's misunderstanding,



this leads to conflict.

it's the miscommunication

that often baffles cyclists.

How could the driver not have seen me?

I was hit by a car once,

it was completely his fault.

Cyclists don't obey the rules of the road.

They just do what they want.

When I drive I follow the guideline

I follow the traffic rules,

which they should abide by too.

I think motorists are very impatient.

We hear these stories everyday wherever you are in the world

and it's the most vulnerable road users

the cyclists who are most affected.

1 in 12 road deaths in the EU is a cyclist

and cyclists' safety has stagnated

and is not improving.

However these aren't just statistics

these are real people

real lives

the consequences of this are truly devastating.

So, my name is Victoria Lebrec

and I'm now 27 years old.

I would describe myself as very normal

a girl who used to go out a lot

was quite active

did a lot of sports

I would cycle everywhere

go to the gym ...

... skied.

I think cycling is a really great way to get to work.

You avoid getting on the tube

which is really hectic.

You get your half hour of exercise in;

twice a day.

So yeah, I loved cycling,

I thought it was the best way to get around.

So the day that the collision happened

was just a normal Monday morning.

I was cycling from down Clerkenwell Road

from Old Street

and I was aiming to go down there

to where my office was

my office is just about 300-400 meters from here.

I do this ...

well I did this commute every single day.

I was in the cycle lane here next to the lorry.

As I was going over

I saw wheels turning

and what I have seen of the footage and everything since then

I veered round here

and then the front wheels knocked me off my bike

and then the back wheels of the lorry ran over my pelvis.

If it wasn't for London's air ambulance

I would definitely be dead,

they did this procedure on the roadside

to stop all of the internal bleeding.

They put me in a coma at the roadside

and then I think I was under for about ten days after that.

Unfortunately at hospital later on

they had to amputate my leg

partly because of the injuries

but also because of the loss of blood going to that limb.

When a car driver has been involved in an accident

with a cyclist

they feel very guilty about hurting, injuring,

... damaging another human being.

Obviously the roads are very busy

there are a lot of road users

and accidents happen.

A lot of times accidents are genuine accidents.

It's just a problem with the human information processing system,

two people collide.

The consequences of road crashes are far and wide

and it's not just those people who have been impacted in the crash themselves.

Sometimes it could just be a driver who was driving by

and through no fault of their own

has been involved in crash

and this can affect their lives for months and years to come.

People who come to see me

typically are struggling with symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder.

Commonly following road traffic accidents.

Many years ago now I worked with a lorry driver,

a big articulated lorry.

He'd been involved in an accident

where the driver of a car had been killed.

Now, this was such an intense experience

that the driver, the lorry driver,

had no memory of the accident itself.

He blamed himself, he felt tremendously guilty.

It's time we put an end to preventable tragedies

happening on our roads across Europe every single day.

We need to end the cycle of death

and serious injury

and keep all our road users safe.

What we want, is awareness,

some mindfulness

and empathy for other road users

but we definitely don't want fear.



For more infomation >> It's Time to Share The Road, Now - Duration: 4:18.


কিভাবে লোকাল ওয়েব সার্ভার বানাতে হয় । How To Create Own Webserver & Host Web Page In Windows - Duration: 9:01.

Technical bengali idea

For more infomation >> কিভাবে লোকাল ওয়েব সার্ভার বানাতে হয় । How To Create Own Webserver & Host Web Page In Windows - Duration: 9:01.


2018 Bob Haircuts for Women Over 40 to 60 - Duration: 3:29.

The latest short bob haircuts and hair styles spring 2018 summer 2019 designs are here.

You can find the latest models for bob hair styles and curly, wavy, straight hair styles to suit every face type.

The easy and fast bob hair models in your business life and your private life are on this video.

Do not miss the bob models for Trend 2018 hair color and very special designs.

I think you will like bob hairstyles which have a very important place in short hair.

For more infomation >> 2018 Bob Haircuts for Women Over 40 to 60 - Duration: 3:29.


Darin's stomach hurts ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:21.

Darin's stomach hurts ㅣ RabbitPlay

For more infomation >> Darin's stomach hurts ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:21.


I migliori esercizi per mantenere in forma il cervello - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> I migliori esercizi per mantenere in forma il cervello - Duration: 6:41.


New Ramzan Naat Sarif 2018 - Mai bhi Roze rakhunga Full Naat | Me b roze rakhu ga - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> New Ramzan Naat Sarif 2018 - Mai bhi Roze rakhunga Full Naat | Me b roze rakhu ga - Duration: 0:32.


D.K.C.: Tropical Freeze (su Nintendo Switch) ⋆ considerazioni di un non giocatore ⊷ #gon_Pensieri - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> D.K.C.: Tropical Freeze (su Nintendo Switch) ⋆ considerazioni di un non giocatore ⊷ #gon_Pensieri - Duration: 10:10.


Recrea en casa el maquillaje para el signo Tauro - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Recrea en casa el maquillaje para el signo Tauro - Duration: 1:14.


Scarsa autostima: quando i nostri peggiori nemici siamo noi stessi - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Scarsa autostima: quando i nostri peggiori nemici siamo noi stessi - Duration: 6:47.


Opciones de Privacidad en Windows 10 - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> Opciones de Privacidad en Windows 10 - Duration: 7:41.


Opciones de Privacidad en Windows 10 - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> Opciones de Privacidad en Windows 10 - Duration: 7:41.


기아차, `스포티지Rㆍ쏘렌토R` 프러포즈 이벤트 - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> 기아차, `스포티지Rㆍ쏘렌토R` 프러포즈 이벤트 - Duration: 2:16.


保健所から助けられたとても野生的な野良猫。6ヵ月後に初めて人間の愛情を感じると・・・驚きの変化を迎える!【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> 保健所から助けられたとても野生的な野良猫。6ヵ月後に初めて人間の愛情を感じると・・・驚きの変化を迎える!【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:08.


「R&B プロの法則②ソロとコーラスの対比」Brian Mcknight Back at One 2/3 プロ向け チャーリー川島 - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> 「R&B プロの法則②ソロとコーラスの対比」Brian Mcknight Back at One 2/3 プロ向け チャーリー川島 - Duration: 10:19.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Mindy Kaling Is Mad She Wasn't Invited to the Royal Wedding - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Mindy Kaling Is Mad She Wasn't Invited to the Royal Wedding - Duration: 5:58.


Side Effects May Include: Can't Reach the Remote - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Side Effects May Include: Can't Reach the Remote - Duration: 4:13.


অদৃশ্য মাছ, চোঁখের সামনে থাকলেও দেখতে পাবেন না - Duration: 4:11.

Invisible aquatic animals, but you can not see it even in front of a whip

There are some creatures in the world

Which you will not see on the empty spots

Most of them are aquatic animals

Today I will show you some transparent aquatic animals

It will show that you can not see them while they are in the water

Because they go through the body through the light rays

Let's get acquainted with them


The animal named Fornima, who lives in the deep sea of ​​the North Atlantic

The 1-inch length is primarily an aquatic insect

But its features are very dangerous

It is easy to enter the other aquatic animals in the sea

Then the animal's body started eating from inside

Many animals die in it.

Although it is a little bit, it is a great fear


Laptocephalus is a species of our bam fish

This fish is perfectly transparent in a little bit

There is no red color even in the blood that is in their body

Some of them are again a kind of white

It is believed to be an adaptation to the victim's prey

sea salp

Strange as well as the Sleep Slope is a clear body

But one of them is strange

Although the whole body is transparent, the head of the gola is not transparent

So they look like a dot from the distance

And they generally prefer to stick to each other and create vertical chains from each other

Their chain may be up to 15 feet in length

Sea Angels

The name implies that it looks like a flying fairy

That we see in the TV movie

Sea Angel who lives in the Atlantic Ocean

Although this body has some red parts in the chest, the rest of its body is completely transparent

glass squid

Glass squid has been named because of its transparent body

The squid's living in the deep sea is like a blown balloon

7 species of glass squid are found in the sea

Glass Catfish

Glass Catfish is so transparent that the inside of the vein can be seen in the vein

This is the most transparent body of the species of fish aquatic animals

These are also very popular all over the world as anchurium fish

For more infomation >> অদৃশ্য মাছ, চোঁখের সামনে থাকলেও দেখতে পাবেন না - Duration: 4:11.


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Superheroes Ride T-Rex vs King Kong - Duration: 10:48.

Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Superheroes Ride T-Rex vs King Kong

For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Superheroes Ride T-Rex vs King Kong - Duration: 10:48.


Rich Dad Poor Dad | 5 Most Important Lessons | Robert Kiyosaki (Audiobook) - Duration: 6:59.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

summarized by Steve courage and voiced by Leo leo

Right before I was born like every other child almost

Everything about my life has been programmed by my parents elders and the society fortunately such plan was very simple

Go to school be a conformist and study hard get out of school and pray for a good job

What is unfortunate about this plan was that you get it?

I have problems with it as early as when I was age 13 and started wondering why

Everyone wants to be an employee. He needless to say I dropped out of school

In my part of the world dropping out of school means you an illiterate and for life


One of the major lessons in Rich Dad Poor Dad is the present school system is outdated because the era of job is gone

By the way

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Let's move to the second lesson

now if you're one of those who still worship the present school system kindly give me a second as I'd love to tell you a

Personal story it happened. I was studying accounting in school and I knew many of those boring subjects very well

In fact, I was the best student in what you may consider college depending on which part of the world you are. However

one day asked myself

Why is it that all my lecturers are teaching me how to calculate money and nobody's teaching me how to make it

Not long after this time. I divorced school because of our irreconcilable differences

Now let's get serious for a moment

How does it make sense for anyone that we all go to school to learn about several important things but money isn't one of those

How can there be any education at all? If children aren't thought about money?

Does it make sense that we all work for money all our lives and yet no education about such important tool for our existence

the second important lesson in Rich Dad Poor Dad is

School doesn't give you financial education and you must educate yourself about money if you want to be rich

So what is financial education and how can you get it? Well just a few days ago

I was making a joke in my business team by saying you see I use the cheapest phone in this office because I'm the poorest

It has always been that use the cheapest thing when it comes to things that don't bring money into my bank account if you are

Like most people you can buy the most expensive

TV set if you are like most people you can be the first to buy Apple's latest phone or borrow money to buy a car

It's all good and nice at least you look rich

But there's a big difference between being rich and looking rich poor people

Love to look rich and that's why they buy big liabilities to make them look rich

Rich people do the opposite they buy assets that bring money into their bank account

There may be two misunderstanding here first. What is an asset?

And what is a liability in simple terms?

Asset is anything that gives you money why liabilities are those things that take money away from you?

The second misunderstanding is but the rich buy liabilities too. Don't they?

Yeah, the rich too bad liabilities, but let me explain when I started saving money to buy a car

I remember the lesson I learned from Robert Kiyosaki so I decided to invest money. I had saved in a new business

I just started the meaning of this is that I

Might not look rich for a period but when my business can generate enough money to buy such car

I'll go for it. In this case. I really wouldn't buy liability. My business will buy it

That's it. Poor people buy liabilities with your income

rich people buy liabilities from their assets the third lesson in this book, which is one of the most important financial

Education you can ever get is don't look rich get rich. Don't buy liabilities by asset

So you may ask how do I get assets to invest in and what if I don't have money at all?

These two concerns can be answered pretty easily

First you don't need money to invest or to start a business

This is probably the most controversial statement anyone can make by in my experience

all you need to start a business or invest his courage and

Education, I never got money while starting out the only two things I got where courage and financial education with courage

I was able to start my business with something far less than hundred dollars and with education I was able to raise

Thousands of dollars as I grew in the game

the fourth major lesson in Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad is you don't need money to make money you need courage and

financial education

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Okay, I get it

Most things in this book can easily be confusing to people who have spent all their lives in schools and jobs

But they don't have to before I read your opinion in the comment. Let me answer these two questions. You might want to ask

First how do I get financial education and second? How do I get courage?

Let me simply use my experience to answer these questions first

I get financial education by reading hundreds of business and financial books and I get courage by taking actions. I

recommend you take time to watch all of the videos in our channel and try to subscribe and turn on the

Notification so that we can help you read the best financial books

You must also take actions because you never be courageous

until you take massive actions the fifth most important lesson in Rich Dad Poor Dad is

read financial books and take actions

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Which I call the 13 secrets school did not teach you about how to be rich. We love you

For more infomation >> Rich Dad Poor Dad | 5 Most Important Lessons | Robert Kiyosaki (Audiobook) - Duration: 6:59.


❤❤ TOP 10 LOVE MINECRAFT INTROS ANIMATION +18❤❤ *NEW* - Duration: 4:27.

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For more infomation >> ❤❤ TOP 10 LOVE MINECRAFT INTROS ANIMATION +18❤❤ *NEW* - Duration: 4:27.


GoPro Session waterproof powerbank connection. Handmade. - Duration: 11:37.

For more infomation >> GoPro Session waterproof powerbank connection. Handmade. - Duration: 11:37.


REDROOM में मत जाना | Red Room CreepyPasta | CreepyPasta #4 - Duration: 3:49.

If you don't understand Hindi then sorry this video is not for you

For more infomation >> REDROOM में मत जाना | Red Room CreepyPasta | CreepyPasta #4 - Duration: 3:49.


What's Driving The Movement Towards Protectionist Tariffs? | Peter Zeihan Expert View | Real Vision - Duration: 4:40.

You've got to take a step back way back, really to the beginning of the industrial period

or before, if you want to.

The point was there are very few places in the world that have good geography internally

that allows them to consolidate into a single ethnic group and do so in a way that generates


You need flatland.

You need good agricultural space.

You need a good river so you can move things around in your own system.

That doesn't happen in large portions of the planet.

And even that isn't quite enough.

You have to have significant barriers between you and your neighbors.

Otherwise, you'll tend to get invaded every generation or two.

This means that in the world before what we consider normal, there were really only about

a dozen significant powers, and they would branch out beyond these core zones as empires

in order to conquer large tracts of territory and use those resources to feed their populations,

to trade, to have captive markets, and ultimately, to outcompete everyone else who was among

those 12.

This led to wars, a lot of them.

Constantly, bigger and badder wars as the industrial period built.

Eventually, you got things like tanks, and artillery, and ultimately, hydrogen bonds.

That lead to World War II.

That brought the entire system crashing down.

And of those 12 geographies in the world, only 1 of them wasn't leveled, and that was

the United States.

So at the end of World War II, the Americans brought their allies together at Bretton Woods,

New Hampshire and basically held a conference and laid out what the rules of the new age

were going to be.

So instead of everyone competing for global domination, it's pretty clear the United States

held all the tools here-- had the only global Navy, had the only economy that had survived

the war, had the only industrial base.

So the Americans proposed a trade.

We'll open our markets to you so you can export your way back to affluence.

We'll use our Navy to patrol the global oceans so that you can buy any product from anywhere

in the world, ship it home, process it into finished goods, and then re-export it for

hard currency.

We'll protect the entire supply chain, so you're not any longer limited to the territory

in which you directly control.

You can access everything.

And in exchange, all we ask is for the right to protect you from the Soviets.

And for all the empires, there was a degree of confusion on here.

So they're like, OK, let me get this right.

You're going to give us for free everything that we have been struggling to achieve ourselves

for the last thousand years, and you're going to protect us.


That's the Cold War.

This is NATO.

This is the European Union.

This is the Chinese Communist Party.

Because the beauty of the Bretton Woods deal was you could extend it to new members at

any time.

And as the 40s turned into the 50s turned into the 60s turned into the 70s, the Bretton

Woods alliance continued to expand, and expand, and expand, providing the economic basis for

the Soviet containment strategy.

And that lasted right up until the end of the Cold War.

The problem is when the Cold War ended, all of a sudden, the security strategy needed

to be updated, which meant that the global economic system needed to be updated.

Because for the Americans, trade wasn't about trade.

Trade was about security.

That's the bribe you use to get cooperation.

The president we had at the time was Herbert Walker Bush, someone who was well positioned

in terms of understanding foreign affairs to know how to play it forward.

And he put together a team to figure out what's next?

How do we take Bretton Woods and update it for this new strategic era?

But Americans voted him out of office.

And in the next 6 consecutive federal election contests, Americans decisively chose the candidate

who celebrated his lack of foreign expertise.

So the economic aspects of the Bretton Woods system lingered on-- the idea that the US

will provide security for global trade that will lubricate the system financially, that

the Americans will be the market of first and last resort.

But the idea that there was any sort of quid pro quo, that faded away.

And in a series of events, the Americans became disenchanted with this system because now,

they were subsidizing countries that were no longer under the security umbrella.

Places became more powerful-- your Brazils, your Indias, especially your Chinas.

For more infomation >> What's Driving The Movement Towards Protectionist Tariffs? | Peter Zeihan Expert View | Real Vision - Duration: 4:40.


The FBI Director Threatened Trump In This Awful Way - Duration: 11:59.

The FBI Director Threatened Trump In This Awful Way

The controversy over the FBI's bias against Donald Trump is not going away.

The President is on the verge of releasing a memo that details how the Bureau abused

the FISA process to spy on members of his Presidential campaign.

And the FBI Director may have threatened the President in this awful way.

The Deep State is terrified of the Nunes memo.

It outlines the Obama administration and the FBI's abuses of power in spying on Donald

Trump's Presidential campaign.

After the House voted to make the memo public, Donald Trump had five days to declassify it.

The FBI strongly objected to the American people being able to judge for themselves

if the Bureau crossed the line in using the fake news Christopher Steele dossier to obtain

warrants allowing them to spy on the Trump campaign.

And CNN reported that new FBI Director Christopher Wray may resign if the memo was made public.

CNN reports:









But once it became clear Trump was intent on releasing the memo, the sources who spread

these rumors began to walk them back.

NBC Politics contradicted CNN's reports: It's clear the report of Wray wanting out

was nothing more than a desperate attempt by some to try and block Trump from releasing

the memo.

It's understandable that Wray – and those who are sympathetic to the FBI – don't

want the American people to read the Nunes memo.

The FBI was once was a trusted institution.

But the memo will make clear that the Obama administration corrupted the FBI and weaponized

its leadership against Donald Trump.

We will keep you to date on any new developments in this story.

For more infomation >> The FBI Director Threatened Trump In This Awful Way - Duration: 11:59.


Maak werk van Fotonica TWI18 - Arne Leinse - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Maak werk van Fotonica TWI18 - Arne Leinse - Duration: 0:23.


Ambulance To The Rescue | Cartoon Videos For Kids - Duration: 1:48.

Ambulance To The Rescue...

For more infomation >> Ambulance To The Rescue | Cartoon Videos For Kids - Duration: 1:48.


What Is Central Sleep Apnea? - Duration: 6:19.

Several sleep apnea what is central sleep apnea

central sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which you briefly stopped breathing during sleep

moments of apnea can occur repeatedly throughout the night as you sleep

the interruption of your breathing may indicate a problem with your brains to signaling

your brain momentarily forgets to tell your muscles to brave central sleep apnea isn't the same as obstructive sleep apnea

obstructive sleep apnea is the interruption of breathing duo two blocked airways people who have central sleep apnea don't have blockages

in their airways the problem is in the connection between the brain and the muscles that control your breath

central sleep apnea is much less common than obstructive sleep apnea

the American sleep apnea association as a estimates that central sleep apnea accounts for about 20% of all sleep apnea cases

causes what causes central sleep apnea

underlying health conditions cause most cases of central sleep apnea

during a central sleep apnea episode your brain stem doesn't tell your breathing muscles to function properly

your brain stem is the section of your brain that connects to your spinal cord medical conditions

that affect your brain stem spinal cord or heart can cause you to develop central sleep apnea

examples of these conditions include stroke

heart attack congestive heart failure

a week breathing pattern called chains toques breathing

encephalitis inflammation of the brain

arthritis in the cervical spine

parkinson's disease and AIDS related deterioration of certain nerve systems that affects movement balance

and muscle control surgery or radiation treatments in the spine

some medications can also cause a type of central sleep apnea called drug induced apnea

opiate drugs are powerful painkillers that can lead to a regular breathing patterns

in some cases you may temporarily stopped breathing as part of this irregular pattern

drugs that can contribute to central sleep apnea include codeine

morphine excited on if your Dr. Can to identify the cause of your central sleep apnea

then you have a deal path IC central sleep apnea

what are the symptoms of central sleep apnea

the most common symptom of central sleep apnea is short periods during sleep when breathing stops

some people exhibit very shallow breathing instead of actually stopping breathing

you may wake up feeling short of breath

the lack of oxygen can cause you to wake up frequently throughout the night

and can lead to insomnia

other symptoms associated with central sleep apnea occur during the day as a result of an

interrupted nights to sleep you may feel very sleepy during the day

have trouble concentrating or focusing on tasks or have a headache when you wake up

central sleep apnea caused by parkinson's disease or other neurological conditions can be characterized by additional symptoms including

difficulty swallowing changes in speech patterns

changes in voice generalized weakness

Ellis central sleep apnea diagnosed your Dr. Will order a sleep study test called a poly soul number fee to diagnose central sleep apnea

the test occurs overnight as you sleep in a special sleep center

during a pulley sonography you'll wear electrodes on your head and body to measure your oxygen levels brain activity

breathing pattern heart rate

and lung function your Dr.

and neurologist and sometimes a cardiologist will monitor you and review the results of your

poly soul not Murphy the results can help determine the underlying cause of your apnea

a head or spinal MRI scan may also diagnose central sleep apnea

MRI uses radio waves to generate images of your organs

the test may reveal that structural abnormalities in your brains tem or spine are causing central sleep apnea

what are the treatments for central sleep apnea

the edging underlying medical conditions as the first line of treatment for central sleep apnea

medications can help control congestive heart failure parkinson's disease

and other heart or nervous system conditions

you may need to stop using opiate medications but these drugs are causing your breathing to stop during sleep

your Dr. May also prescribe medications such as a citizen of Ide to stimulate your breathing mechanism

oxygen supplement a shun and the regulation of a air pressure during sleep are effective

treatments for many people with central sleep apnea

continuous positive air pressure

tap tap provides a steady source of pressure in your airways as you sleep

you wear a mask over your nose and mouth that delivers pressurized air throughout the night to pap treats obstructive sleep apnea

that can also be beneficial for people with central sleep apnea

by level positive air pressure

back this treatment adjusts the air pressure to a higher level when you inhale and a lower level when you exhaled

pap also uses a face mask

adaptive servo ventilation

as the as of the monitors your breathing as you sleep

the computerized system remembers your breathing pattern

a pressurized system regulates the breathing pattern to prevent apnea episodes

what is the long-term outlook

people with video path IC central sleep apnea most often respond well to treatment

the a overall benefits of treatment for central sleep apnea vary according to the exact cause of the condition

For more infomation >> What Is Central Sleep Apnea? - Duration: 6:19.


After POWER SLAMMING Cryin' Chuck, Trump Makes TWO Stunning Announcements - Duration: 16:43.

After POWER SLAMMING Cryin' Chuck, Trump Makes TWO Stunning Announcements

President Trump lit up twitter Thursday morning in a series of tweets POWER SLAMMING Cryin'

Chuck, then followed with TWO stunning announcements.

This is a must see.

The President called out 'Cryin' Chuck' who is playing party politics and trying to

stop his agenda.

Trump blasted Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, (D-N.Y) for criticizing the withdrawal

from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal — pointing out that Schumer opposed the deal when Obama

negotiated it.

Fox News reported that in 2015, Schumer praised Obama and then-Secretary of State John Kerry

for their work on the agreement, but issued a lengthy statement detailing why he could

not support it.

"It is because I believe Iran will not change, and under this agreement it will be able to

achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions while ultimately retaining its nuclear and

non-nuclear power," he said.

"Better to keep U.S. sanctions in place, strengthen them, enforce secondary sanctions

on other nations, and pursue the hard-trodden path of diplomacy once more, difficult as

it may be," Schumer said at the time.

(Read more below)

On Wednesday, Schumer said that Iran has not violated the agreement and that Trump's

move could damage international cooperation.

"By dividing our allies … you're making it harder to go after Hezbollah, you're

making it harder to go after Iranian activities that are really dangerous and you're probably

making it harder to come to a North Korea deal," he told reporters.

President Trump came forward calling out 'Cryin' Chuck for flip flopping.

Then followed with TWO stunning announcements.

(Read more below)

The President tweeted, "Senator Cryin' Chuck Schumer fought hard against the Bad

Iran Deal, even going at it with President Obama, & then Voted AGAINST it!

Now he says I should not have terminated the deal – but he doesn't really believe that!

Same with Comey.

Thought he was terrible until I fired him!"

The ISIS officials were captured in a joint operation carried about by American and Iraqi

intelligence, according to The New York Times.

Iraqi officials have described the ISIS commanders as "some of the most wanted" leaders of

the terrorist group.

They were named as Saddam al-Jammel, Mohammed al-Qadeer, Ismail al-Eithawi, Omar al-Karbouli

and Essam al-Zawbai.

Furthermore, President Trump announced the highly anticipated date where he will be meeting

with Kim Jong Un.

He tweeted, "The highly anticipated meeting between Kim Jong Un and myself will take place

in Singapore on June 12th.

We will both try to make it a very special moment for World Peace!"

Do you love when the President tweets- getting his message directly to the people?

Let us



you think.

For more infomation >> After POWER SLAMMING Cryin' Chuck, Trump Makes TWO Stunning Announcements - Duration: 16:43.


Lần đầu chơi Game: Birdy Escape - Game bắt con gà cực kì hay - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Lần đầu chơi Game: Birdy Escape - Game bắt con gà cực kì hay - Duration: 4:44.


黎姿带三个女儿看马戏,人群之中她一抬头就是倾城的美貌 - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 黎姿带三个女儿看马戏,人群之中她一抬头就是倾城的美貌 - Duration: 3:28.


8 가지 직책을 지금 당장 시도해야합니다 [비밀] | Healthcare 24.7 - Duration: 14:15.

For more infomation >> 8 가지 직책을 지금 당장 시도해야합니다 [비밀] | Healthcare 24.7 - Duration: 14:15.


110 Benavidez - Premium Condo Project in Makati City by Keyland Corporation - Duration: 2:30.

Chat Live 24 x 7 about this property now - at

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110 Benavidez - Premium Condo Project in Makati City by Keyland Corporation

For more infomation >> 110 Benavidez - Premium Condo Project in Makati City by Keyland Corporation - Duration: 2:30.


How To Create Color Changing Name Facebook Account 2018 In Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 5:07.

How To Create Color Changing Name Facebook Account 2018 In Urdu/Hindi

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