Saturday, May 5, 2018

Youtube daily report w May 5 2018

Vampire Diaries' Steven R. McQueen & Model Alexandra Silva End Their Engagement

It's over for Steven R. McQueen and Alexandra Silva.

The 29-year-old Vampire Diaries alum and the model have called it quits on their engagement, he revealed to Us Weekly at the Voices In Displacement Gala on Friday (May 4).

"You know what? Actually, we called it off," he said when asked about wedding plans.

"We did. But yeah, it's just the way it was. It happened.".

"Enjoying me time," he added. "If I'm stressed I like anything from hiking with my dogs to boxing. Whatever comes up.".

He also shared what he's looking for in any future love interests: "You know, just love. That's all.".

Steven announced their proposal back in January with a black-and-white Instagram photo of them kissing while at dinner.

They became Instagram official in December 2016.

For more infomation >> Vampire Diaries' Steven R. McQueen & Model Alexandra Silva End Their Engagement - Duration: 2:41.


Toyota Yaris 1.5 Full Hybrid Lease CVT-automaat 5drs - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.5 Full Hybrid Lease CVT-automaat 5drs - Duration: 1:09.


Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI 16V 5DRS Sublime - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI 16V 5DRS Sublime - Duration: 1:01.


Raymix, Juanes - Oye Mujer (...

For more infomation >> Raymix, Juanes - Oye Mujer (...


Canale Focus non si vede: ecco che fine ha fatto e quando tornerà in onda - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Canale Focus non si vede: ecco che fine ha fatto e quando tornerà in onda - Duration: 4:19.


Se Isso Aparecer Perto dos Seus Olhos, CORRA PARA O MÉDICO Antes que Seja Tarde Demais - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Se Isso Aparecer Perto dos Seus Olhos, CORRA PARA O MÉDICO Antes que Seja Tarde Demais - Duration: 2:32.


Peugeot 508 SW 1.6 E-HDI BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 508 SW 1.6 E-HDI BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE - Duration: 1:05.


Anticipazioni Uomini e donne del 7 maggio: la scelta shock della tronista - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e donne del 7 maggio: la scelta shock della tronista - Duration: 4:01.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi AirS Feel - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi AirS Feel - Duration: 0:52.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Airscape Shine Open dak/stoelverw/airco - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Airscape Shine Open dak/stoelverw/airco - Duration: 1:05.


✅ Cecilia, Ignazio, Luca e Ivana si evitano alle Maldive - Duration: 2:54.

Cecilia Rodriguez, Ignazio Moser, Luca Onestini e Ivana Mrazova: alle Maldive nello stesso periodo Giorni di vacanza per Cecilia Rodriguez, Ignazio Moser, Luca Onestini e Ivana Mrazova

Le due coppie nate durante la seconda edizione del Grande Fratello Vip si trovano in questo periodo alle Maldive ma starebbero facendo il possibile per evitarsi

A farlo sapere è Verissimo, nella rubrica finale i Giri di Valzer. A quanto pare i quattro avrebbero addirittura evitato di prendere lo stesso aereo pur di non incrociarsi in aeroporto

E nel famoso arcipelago, dove si stanno godendo sole e mare, si starebbero ignorando a più non posso

Il motivo? Non è chiaro, ma molto probabilmente è riconducibile alle dinamiche che si sono create all'interno del reality show condotto da Ilary Blasi

Cecilia Rodriguez e Luca Onestini: astio anche dopo il Grande Fratello Come ricorderete, nel corso del programma Cecilia Rodriguez e il fratello Jeremias si sono scontrati più di una volta con Luca Onestini

La sorella di Belen ha inoltre accusato l'ex tronista di Uomini e Donne di aver organizzato una messa in scena con l'ex corteggiatrice Soleil Sorgè per attirare l'attenzione sulla loro coppia

Da allora, i due non sono mai riusciti a trovare un punto d'incontro e qualche settimana fa l'argentina ha addirittura lasciato un like su Instagram a un commento contro Luca

Una follower di Cecilia ha infatti scritto che Luca è sempre stato geloso di Ignazio e la Rodriguez non ha perso tempo ad approvare con un cuore quel pensiero

Il flirt tra Ivana Mrazova e Ignazio Moser non è stato dimenticato Da non dimenticare, poi, che nella prima parte del Grande Fratello Vip, si è parlato di una probabile storia d'amore tra Ivana Mrazova e Ignazio Moser

Il figlio di Francesco ha provato a corteggiare la modella ceca, ma l'ex valletta di Sanremo è stata irremovibile

Ricordi che sicuramente non faranno piacere a Cecilia Rodriguez che, a scanso di equivoci, sembra non essere intenzionata ad avere un rapporto d'amicizia con Ivana

For more infomation >> ✅ Cecilia, Ignazio, Luca e Ivana si evitano alle Maldive - Duration: 2:54.


Matteo Gentili e la clamorosa gaffe in diretta tv: Barbara D'Urso imbarazzata - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Matteo Gentili e la clamorosa gaffe in diretta tv: Barbara D'Urso imbarazzata - Duration: 4:26.


Digimon tri. - Meicoomon's farewell and Death - Duration: 2:08.




Ta much

Ta much

For more infomation >> Digimon tri. - Meicoomon's farewell and Death - Duration: 2:08.


ROME | It is necessary to walk through history - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> ROME | It is necessary to walk through history - Duration: 7:13.


Il tumore al colon, ecco i sintomi che state ignorando. Meglio fare attenzione! - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Il tumore al colon, ecco i sintomi che state ignorando. Meglio fare attenzione! - Duration: 2:13.


WHEN CS:GO PROS PLAY LIKE SILVER 😞! (Funny Moments) - Duration: 10:04.


For more infomation >> WHEN CS:GO PROS PLAY LIKE SILVER 😞! (Funny Moments) - Duration: 10:04.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje :COM 'BAIXÍSSIMA POPULARIDADE', TEMER CONVERSA COM ALCKMIN SOBRE ALIANÇA - Duration: 1:45.



For more infomation >> JULIANA MONTEIRO - CADERNO DE EX - Duration: 2:22.



Hello! I am Cristiane Amarante, an archaeologist,

and our subject today is

archeology in environmental licensing.

Archeology in environmental licensing, also known as

contract archeology, salvage archeology or preventive archeology,

also people know by these other three names,

it's archeology linked to large enterprises.

So, whether you are going to build a bridge,

or the release of an area to a wind power park,

a solar power park,

or the expansion of a port,

or the construction of a road, or the construction of a port,

for all these large works, a hydroelectric,

must have the archeology before along with the environmental licensing.

Generally, the part that the biologists go there, and geographers,

do the research of fauna and flora,

it's the part that people know more,

but archaeologists also work in that previous stage, right,

before the project starts,

to see if the region has some archaeological site that will be impacted.

Well, if it's discovered that there's a site,

or in some cases, several sites

that will be impacted, what is done?

That's why it's called salvage archeology,

because you do a job that is called rescue.

The sites are registered

using all scientific resources for this task. That is

to say, it will make the squares,

which are those squares of 10 in 10,

which I explained in the video of the excavation,

it will take off every 10 centimeters,

record everything very well, photograph, do the reports.

This material, after being taken, goes to the laboratory,

and does what we call curatorship.

What is curatorship? The record of everything.

Then there's an analysis of this material.

All scientific methodology is applied.

Well, there's a whole legislation that regulates these actions.

I won't speak specifically here, nor the numbers,

but I will leave in the description,

so that if you want to know more about it, have an interest in this,

you can do this research.

And within the licensing, is required that there's also heritage education.

That is, the communities have to know about these researches.

And from 2015 until now, the legislation is even more specific,

saying not only that communities, but communities,

students, teachers and employees of the enterprise

are aware of these researches.

Well, I would have many things to talk about licensing here,

but I'll point out three good points and three bad points.

One good thing: financial resources.

These researches are funded so they can happen,

because they're linked to a large enterprise.

So the company is forced to subsidize, pay for such scientific research.

So that's a good point.

Another positive point is the issue of scope.

Much of what is known of archeology today in the country

comes from these researches related to the licensing,

because there are works in whole Brazil.

And because of these works, archaeologists

reach archaeological sites in which they couldn't otherwise reach.

It's another positive point.

The third positive point is employability.

That is, today, in Brazil, more than 95% of archaeologists

work in this activity related to licensing.

Let's see: and what are the three negative points I cast?

The first negative point, which I think is the most critical,

and several archaeologists think the same thing,

is the question of time. While in academia,

in a university, research is carried out for years, 5 years, 10 years, sometimes 20 years,

in environmental licensing it has to be completed in months.

This one entails the second point that I am going to list

as a negative point, which is quality.

So, because you have little time, you can't always have a good quality.

And this is not the rule; some companies

hire very specialized professionals and a bigger team

to manage to do a work that's very well done at the end,

and a good result can be delivered for IPHAN,

which is the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute.

All records go to IPHAN, about these works.

But still, you don't have a time,

like 5 years, 6 years, 10 years, 20 years, for a research.

So, however much you want to do, you can't.

It's not that people are not ethical; it has nothing to do with this issue.

It has to do with the issue of licensing itself and the time it requires.

The work has to be released soon;

so it has to be fast, and with that

we don't have a good quality in those researches.

The third negative point, which is linked to employability,

is that working conditions aren't always good

within these enterprises.

Someone even made a comment here on the channel

explaining how the conditions are;

not all people are registered –

incidentally, most aren't, if you work for a freelance style.

This is also linked to the question of our profession being unregulated,

which leaves things somewhat unclear

about the working conditions of archaeologists in the field.

So these are three good points that I list,

and three negative points that I list.

Have you worked with this? Do you know?

Do you know what archeology is, archeology in licensing?

Leave your comment here, if you are professional in the field.

If you aren't a professional in the field, don't have experience, don't know,

have any questions and want to write here in the comments, you can also write.

And subscribe to our channel, like our videos;

hope you enjoyed this video.

Leave your comment there; it's very important.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> O QUE É ARQUEOLOGIA DE CONTRATO? - Duration: 6:38.


Maschere per lisciare i capelli in modo naturale - Salute 24h - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Maschere per lisciare i capelli in modo naturale - Salute 24h - Duration: 8:25.


Çukur / The Pit - Episode 28 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:53.

As your son says...

...there is a fragile connection.

Not with you...

...but she might be the only connection I have with this life.

That connection is my childhood.

If you break that connection...

...I'll lose my humanity.

For more infomation >> Çukur / The Pit - Episode 28 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:53.


Opel Zafira 2.2 EXECUTIVE | Trekhaak | LM-velgen | Mistlampen - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Zafira 2.2 EXECUTIVE | Trekhaak | LM-velgen | Mistlampen - Duration: 1:08.


Thomas Markle Jr., el hermanastro de Meghan que quiere arruinar su cuento de hadas con el Harry - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Thomas Markle Jr., el hermanastro de Meghan que quiere arruinar su cuento de hadas con el Harry - Duration: 6:29.


How much is a Gold Medal worth? | Strangest Moments - Duration: 6:25.

Let's start with a question you've been dying to ask.

Just how much money do these athletes make?

At the top end of Olympic sports,

a relatively small number of big names

earn substantial amounts in endorsement

and appearance contracts.

Out on his own is sprint champ Usain Bolt,

who earns a small fortune per year

and a big fortune in an Olympic year.

And the Jamaican's earnings are matched or surpassed by some of

the sport's professionals

who join in every four years.

The team events are awash

with fat salaries.

The Canadian ice hockey team,

which won gold at Sochi 2014,

had a combined annual income of $150 million US.

While the US basketball squad for Rio 2016 is maybe

the wealthiest group of athletes ever assembled.

So how much do athletes actually get paid

for winning a medal at the Olympic Games?

The answer is...


Zero. No win bonus. No appearance fee.

No cash prize.

You get your travel expenses, food and lodging, some kit,

and that's about it.

For the Olympics, you don't get paid to play -

an idea that goes back to

the amateur tradition of the 19th century.

It's the spirit of gentlemanly conduct

that so seduced Pierre, Baron de Coubertin,

the Frenchman

who founded the modern Olympic movement in 1896.

His beliefs were typical of his time and his class.

Sport was no place

for professionals.

A gentlemen seeks no reward for his success

on the playing field.

While there was much to admire about these principles,

there is another way of looking at the amateur code

as more than a touch self-interested.

Only gentlemen could be amateurs

because only gentlemen could afford to be amateurs.

Those who couldn't leave their jobs for months at a time

were not considered worthy of these Olympic values.

Even those who earnt a modest living

by coaching sports like fencing

or skiing were barred from participation.

It wasn't until 1992

that professional athletes

were openly welcomed into the Olympic Games.

But not before sports administrators had,

over several decades,

tied themselves in knots trying to defend the principles

of amateurism.

At times, it led to some decisions

we would today consider a bit strange.

Take the great decathlete Jim Thorpe,

born on a Native American reservation in Oklahoma

in 1887.

Thorpe grew up without any of

the privileges enjoyed by the gentlemen amateurs.

He was an exceptionally gifted all-round athlete.

At the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm,

he won the decathlon and pentathlon gold medals,

earning a fine tribute from King Gustav of Sweden.

The following year, it emerged that Thorpe, 25,

had played semi-professional baseball as a teenager.

The US Amateur Athletic Union

immediately stripped Thorpe of his gold medals.

For the sake of $2 a day, Thorpe was publicly humiliated

and barred from future participation

in the Olympic Games.

Excluded from athletics,

Thorpe tried his hand at the new sports craze

in the United States,

playing in a competition known today as the NFL.

Just a few years later,

footballers from all over the world

were looking forward to travelling

to the Olympic Games at Amsterdam.

The 1924 football tournament in Paris

had been an enormously popular, generating tons of cash.

The football associations asked

for a small share of that income

to help pay their costs for travel and accommodation -

expensive for a footballer travelling to Europe

from, say, Uruguay.

They weren't asking for prize money or appearance money,

yet the IOC said no.

"Any contribution to cost would,"

they said, "breach the amateur code."

England's Football Association was so appalled by the request

they withdrew their Olympic football team.

The conflict led to football being banned from

the 1932 Los Angeles Olympic Games altogether.

Disappointed by this exclusion,

the international football associations went on

to form their own football event,

a competition we know today as the Fifa World Cup.

Today, no-one really argues about

the professional versus amateur issue.

Allowing professionals to take part in the Olympics

has not damaged the competition's popularity

or its integrity.

The ideals which de Coubertin thought exclusive to

the amateur code are now shared throughout Olympic sport.

The lack of prize money remains an important symbol of

the amateur ideal.

As for Jim Thorpe, he died penniless in 1953.

30 years later, Thorpe's two surviving children

were awarded a commemorative Olympic medal

in honour of their father's achievement.

It was a symbolic gesture which would eventually lead to

the acceptance of professional athletes at the Olympic Games.

So when you see athletes on the podium,

you can be sure they're not thinking about the prize money

because there isn't any.

They're thinking about their family, friends,

team-mates, coaches

and the honour of representing their country

at the Olympic Games.

For more infomation >> How much is a Gold Medal worth? | Strangest Moments - Duration: 6:25.





DIY ARIANA GRANDE 12,000$ USD YSL DRESS !!! - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> DIY ARIANA GRANDE 12,000$ USD YSL DRESS !!! - Duration: 3:36.


Vampire Diaries' Steven R. McQueen & Model Alexandra Silva End Their Engagement - Duration: 2:41.

Vampire Diaries' Steven R. McQueen & Model Alexandra Silva End Their Engagement

It's over for Steven R. McQueen and Alexandra Silva.

The 29-year-old Vampire Diaries alum and the model have called it quits on their engagement, he revealed to Us Weekly at the Voices In Displacement Gala on Friday (May 4).

"You know what? Actually, we called it off," he said when asked about wedding plans.

"We did. But yeah, it's just the way it was. It happened.".

"Enjoying me time," he added. "If I'm stressed I like anything from hiking with my dogs to boxing. Whatever comes up.".

He also shared what he's looking for in any future love interests: "You know, just love. That's all.".

Steven announced their proposal back in January with a black-and-white Instagram photo of them kissing while at dinner.

They became Instagram official in December 2016.

For more infomation >> Vampire Diaries' Steven R. McQueen & Model Alexandra Silva End Their Engagement - Duration: 2:41.


Toyota Yaris 1.5 Full Hybrid Lease CVT-automaat 5drs - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.5 Full Hybrid Lease CVT-automaat 5drs - Duration: 1:09.


Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI 16V 5DRS Sublime - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI 16V 5DRS Sublime - Duration: 1:01.


Wafer Production Line

For more infomation >> Wafer Production Line


What happens if you put I don't feel so good in the translator? - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> What happens if you put I don't feel so good in the translator? - Duration: 0:41.


Seven Months On T! 4/28/18 (CC) - Duration: 4:14.

Hi my name is Kyle Seiler.

Today I want tell you guys I am seven months on T.

I am on seven months last week April, 28.

So I will tell you my updates and how it going.

So I not have lot changes yet.

Much same.

I not grow lot of hair on my face.

Or legs and stomah.

I think legs stop growing hair.

Maybe I am not genius with T DNA.. I don't know.

So I not yet grow more facial hair.. I don't know.

Just hair on my chin but not cheeks or mouth.

So changes.. are.. shark week is gone for two months now.

I feel excited and relief much better.

it pain in my butt.

Finally I feel so good..

Sometimes I feel cramp I take pain meds it help less pain.

I hope I get new counselor soon so I see them for while then I will tell them I want top surgery.

So counselor will know.

So school soon finished.

I will graduate this month.

Yes I am senior.

Senior in high school.

Graduate this month WOW.

Holy shit.

I will graduate then It will finished.

Feel strange!

If I actually done with school.... I in school since 3 years old now I am 19..

I been school, school, school, school..

And will I finish soon.


So graduate soon.. counselor, changes, and more.

I don't know..

See will happen when I graduate.

When will happen..

What will happen.

I will see what happen soon in May. Much happening in May..

See what new.

Wow life change.

Plus graduate.

Ok ok thank you watching.

Share with ur friends and family.

on fb, IG, SC, and whatever what you are using.

So thank you for watching see u later!

For more infomation >> Seven Months On T! 4/28/18 (CC) - Duration: 4:14.


Happy Late Birthday Snowyyy! Looove yaaaaaaa [Blender Only] - Duration: 0:14.

Let us live like a



Oh Oh

as if it's just for today

Oh Oh

because this moment never returns

For more infomation >> Happy Late Birthday Snowyyy! Looove yaaaaaaa [Blender Only] - Duration: 0:14.


Caroline Receveur enceinte : va-t-elle faire une pause après l'accouchement ? - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Caroline Receveur enceinte : va-t-elle faire une pause après l'accouchement ? - Duration: 3:30.


GFRIEND - UMJI (Line Evolution) - Duration: 2:37.

With SinB

For more infomation >> GFRIEND - UMJI (Line Evolution) - Duration: 2:37.


Signs You're At A Bad Buffet - Duration: 5:09.

Buffets are a staple of American cuisine.

Call it a holdover from our American Revolution days and desire for independence, or chalk

it up to the nostalgia of feeling like we're in school again, Americans love serving themselves

food from tables filled with every last available option.

"I told ya, the buffet, man."

"Boy, did we do the wrong thing."

"Crab legs, shrimp, potatoes..."

But it really doesn't matter why; Americans just love us some buffets.

Unless you wanna go home with a stomach ache, though, you've gotta know how to spot an all-you-can-eat


These are the signs you're at a bad buffet.

"All you can eat."

"All you can eat?"

No sneeze guards

"Folks back home, they all said, you know when you get to Vegas, you gotta do the buffet."

That annoying piece of glass is designed to protect the food from, … and

everyone else.

"God, that smells good.


The National Sanitation Foundation's guidelines for self-service food states that the maximum

distance between the bottom of a sneeze guard and the counter below it, should be 13 inches.

If the sneeze guards are nonexistent or very small, you can bet that the food is contaminated

pretty regularly.


"Take it outside, lady."

Sneeze guards are required by law and have been around since the late '50s according

to Smithsonian magazine.

So if the buffet you're at doesn't have one, don't risk it.

Tainted tongs

Buffet utensils can be pretty gross.

Everyone touches all the same tongs and spoons.

And don't just assume they all washed their hands before piling up their plates.

"Personally, I could take or leave shrimp.

But If I'm being totally honest, I think I'm a little allergic to it, but today I'm gonna

gorge myself on it, do you know why?"

"Because you're a f---ing idiot?"

Sydney Ross Singer from the Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease told Food

Safety News that there are no explicit regulations on how often serving utensils must be changed


This means the same tongs could be sitting in the salad for an entire day.

The exception to this is when utensils are dropped on the floor.

In that case they should be replaced immediately.

"A buffet.

Oh, if I only had my wallet with me."


It's free."


But how many times have you seen someone wait patiently for tongs to be replaced at a buffet?

Probably zero.

Unless you count hands as clean utensils.

M.I.A. employees

It would seem logical that buffets employ fewer people than other types of restaurants.

After all, how many people does it take to keep food stocked on a buffet line?

"I need a couple of bananas.

How much are they?"

"Well, the buffet plate is $12.50.

You get peaches, plums, oranges and bananas."

But not only are there cooks in the back keeping up with supply, there are also runners who

then bring that food out to replace the dwindling crab legs.

"Some of this and all of this and… this'll do as an appetizer."

If during your visit, you don't see a single employee changing out their offerings, that's

a red flag.

It means the food is just sitting out on the buffet for, like, ever.

Part-time buffet

Some restaurants only offer a buffet on the weekend.

And while this isn't exactly a bad thing, if a restaurant only hosts a buffet once a

week, be on the lookout for recycled food … that's on the verge of spoiling.

"I guess that would be OK to eat.

It's been there for months."

Of course, the food could still be perfectly okay … after all, that's the idea behind


But at a restaurant, you don't know exactly how close things are to spoiling.

"I want a yogurt parfait, spare ribs, a waffle, four cookies and an egg white omelet."

Not making the grade

The Food and Drug Administration publishes a Food Code every four years that outlines

best practices for restaurants and other retail food establishments.

But the Code doesn't have to be followed uniformly and sanitation regulations vary by state.

"Well, la-di-da!"

"Paper and everything."

While many states require restaurants to display their sanitation scores, this doesn't reflect

violations that were discovered and then corrected.

"I want the truth!"

"You can't handle the truth!"

Looking up trends in violations can tell you whether the place you're frequenting has had

any issues.

If your favorite buffet isn't always making the grade, it may be time to find a new one.

Mystery loaf

Unidentifiable foods are never a good sign … especially at a buffet.

"This doesn't look like chicken."

"Oh, you're right.

This isn't chicken, THIS is chicken.

Want some?"

Not all buffets label their offerings for the day and sometimes it's tough to tell what's


Is that fish or chicken?

Potatoes or pasta?

If you're at a buffet and can't identify the food you're looking at, abandon ship immediately.

"Go get em, tiger."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Signs You're At A Bad Buffet - Duration: 5:09.


free robux codes for roblox games-get free roblox games - Duration: 3:28.

Follow This Video To Get Free Robux Redeem Codes

For more infomation >> free robux codes for roblox games-get free roblox games - Duration: 3:28.


Ozil and Ramsey absent as Cazorla takes part in full training ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:05.

Santi Cazorla was all smiles as he trained alongside his Arsenal team-mates in preparation

for tomorrow's clash with Burnley.

After losing in the Europa League on Thursday, Sunday's match against Burnley will go someway

to help decide the battle for sixth and is Arsene Wenger's final home game as manager.

Wenger will leave Arsenal after 22 years at end of the season and his departure will be

marked by the club at the end of the match.

The Frenchman will be hoping to win his last game in charge at the Emirates but looks set

to field a makeshift side against Sean Dyche's men.

Of the players who played against Atletico Madrid on Thursday, Mesut Ozil and Aaron Ramsey

were notable absentees from training today.

Laurent Koscielny was also missing having suffered what looks like a season-ending Achilles


A number of young players were involved in training, including Emile Smith Rowe, who

starred for Arsenal's youth team in their FA Youth Cup run and was part of England's

World Cup-winning under-17 side.

Cazorla also appeared to take part in full training as he continues his comeback from

a long-term Achilles injury.

The Spaniard is out of contract in the summer and admitted he is unsure if will remain at

the club.

He told Spanish radio station Cadena Ser: "I finish my contract in June and I don't

know anything about my future.

"We will see what happens but at the moment nobody at Arsenal has offered me anything.

With the injury, I am going step by step."

For more infomation >> Ozil and Ramsey absent as Cazorla takes part in full training ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:05.


The best amusement park! | Bendy and the Ink Machine | Part 4 - Duration: 46:35.

Hello everyone, my name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome back to Bendy and the Ink Machine

It looks different. They updated this game

Looks simple like an old paper and ink

Let's continue this game

Done with these chapters...

Now, chapter 4

chapter 5 is the last one

Chapter 5 probably will come out... in September. Oh hell no

Ok, let's do it

What is that?

Where am I?

Oh right. Find Boris

You stole my Boris!

He was my best friend!

I don't have any weapons

How can I defend myself?

Level S... Management office, Grant Cohen

Archives J - L and R&D access

Which way should I go? To the office

Ok, I remember you

It's been a while

Oh dear god

What time is it?


I can't open that door

I need to find the turnwheel

Where is it? I dunno

I can't open the drawer

I didn't notice it

I hope no one is coming... Leave me alone

Ok, I know they're still alive... Stop it... Just stop it

He will set us free

Please don't kill me

What is this?

Looks like this is a library


Not you, again

They told me I was perfect for the role. Absolutely perfect. Now Joey's going around saying things

behind closed doors. I can always tell. Now he wants to meet again tomorrow, says he has an "opportunity"

for me. I'll hear him out. But if that smooth talker thinks he can double cross an angel and get away

with it, well, oh he's got another thing coming. Alice, ooh she doesn't like liars


What am I supposed to look for?

How do I open the objective?

Locate the secret passage

I dunno

Find the book and then - - Duh, I knew it

I need to find 4 more books

Ok, no one is coming. Good

I'm not playing your game

What the hell is that?

One more

Enter the darkness. Oh hell no

This is... hell

I need to fix something, Ok, repair the bridge

I guess this way

I think I'm not supposed to open that one

This is how I die

Stay back, stay back, stay back

Stay back

Looks like I picked up his giant ink pimple from its back

Seriously, it's a mug

Seriously, now what?

I can't pick it up

Find the gear

Here we go

I hope I don't fall down

Please no

I see the arrow

I don't know what does it mean


I shook my brain

Who said that? Where are you?

Almost there

Oh shit... That's right

Am I supposed to go this way? They will kill me

Am I supposed to go in that vent? Oh, the flashlight

Thank you

Why did you do that?

Please don't poke my... hole

Which way?!

I guess that way... I'm lost

I think this is a dead end

Where am I?

Storage 9

Are these eggs?

I dunno

For forty years, I've built attractions that stagger the imagination! Colossal wonders such as the world

has never seen! I have earned my legacy with sweat. But right in front of everyone... high level investors

Wall Street tycoons, the ever-tactless Joey Drew introduces me, the great Bertrum Piedmont, the

as Bertie! Like I was his child. You may be paying me, Mister Drew! But you don't own me! I'll build

you a park bigger than anything YOU could ever possibly conceive! But before you go taking any

bows, Mister Drew, know that this grand achievement will belong to me... and to me alone

Now, I can go to Storage 9

Hell, of course



Is that how I will die here?

I didn't do anything

It won't let me to pull down the levers

I'm doing wrong

Makes sense

I need to play all of the games so I have to win

I don't know what am I supposed to do

I don't have any weapons

Which way should I go?

That's not fair

The only thing that works around here is my ulcer. Half these people don't know a wrench from a dang

steamroller. Buncha morons is what they are. Spend their day in the warehouse arguin' over who's

supposed to be doin' what or playing them silly games. Still, I'm not complain'. I get most of my time to myself

Suits me just fine. Only thing that bothers me is that mechanical demon in the corner. Bertrum's been

working on it for a month now. Says it will talk someday and maybe dance. All it does now is give me the creeps

I swear, when my back's turned.. that thing's movin'

Seriously, F off

What is this?

This is a park

It's alive

What am I supposed to do?

How long should I stay there?

I see the ax

Let's wait for it

He is dead

So creepy

Let's go

Where is my ax? I swear to god.. I just had it

One more left to go

That was really fun

Choo choo choo choo

I guess I will fight with the train

Thomas the Train

I didn't expect that

I swear to god.. I hate it

It's walking around like a loop... or a circle

I need to go upstairs

I don't have time to use the sign language for this one

Don't look back

I can't run faster

Can I get out of here? Ok

Oh dear god

Where did they go?

Let's ride

Boris, where are you?

Is that Boris's shadow? Oh really

It's a doll

I'm in the haunted house


The piano

Is anyone here?

What am I supposed to do?

What am I supposed to do?!

Run! Move out of my way

Hurry up

I have to make another one

What am I supposed to do?

Goodbye, Boris

Chapter 5. Ok!

Who the f*** is that?

Is that real Alice and... Boris

There are too many Boris

That's fantastic

I want to play chapter 5. Hurry up!

That's really awesome

I can't wait for chapter 5. Like I said... Maybe Auguest

This month is May... June... July... then August. It will be really long

They probably will work on chapter 5 during summer then release it in August

Ok, we have to wait for a long time. That's all folks. Thank you for watching

Please click Subscribe, Like, Share, or whatever that will help me a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> The best amusement park! | Bendy and the Ink Machine | Part 4 - Duration: 46:35.


The Untold Truth Of Migos - Duration: 6:07.

In just under three years, rap trio Migos - which consists of Quavious "Quavo" Marshall,

Kirsnick "Takeoff" Ball, and Kiari "Offset" Cephus - rose from obscurity to the top of

the charts with their hit 2017 album Culture and their 2018 follow-up Culture II.

It didn't take long for the world to become hypnotized by hip hop's mumble rap champs,

and their lives have certainly done a 180 since fame seemingly dropped in their laps.

But how much do you really know about the music industry's latest fad?

Here's a look at the Untold Truth of Migos.

It's a family affair

In an interview with GQ, it was revealed that Quavo and Takeoff are uncle and nephew, respectively,

while Offset is Quavo's cousin.

Quavo told The Fader that Takeoff's mother raised the two of them together.

"[Takeoff's] momma took care of everything, and us.

We always stayed in the same house.

We share everything.

He's basically like a brother."

Takeoff seconded that sentiment by saying,

"I don't look at him as my uncle, but more as my brother.

But we always have clowned on each other.

He is my uncle, so I gotta clown on him.

You gotta be funny."

Crime sprees funded their image

After spending a considerable amount of time with each other as kids, the group "cliqued

together" and started calling themselves "Migos."

They soon turned to a life of crime to support their music aspirations.

Offset told Rolling Stone,

"We had to got-damn find some motherf*****g money.

[…] You gotta flex.

You gotta look good, bro.

Especially coming from the outskirts and wanting to take over the whole Atlanta."

The group told Thrasher that their dreams were finally realized when they made the video

for their hit song "Versace."

"When we came out doing 'Versace,' we were actually fantasizing about wearing it.

We didn't even have the clothes until we got to the video shoot and they brought in all

the props.

Then they tried to take 'em away from us after the video shoot."

Guns, drugs, and jail

According to TMZ, in March 2014 while Migos and their crew were leaving a club appearance,

a vehicle "pulled up alongside them and started shooting."

Then Migos reportedly returned fire, and at least one member of their entourage was injured,

but there were no reported fatalities.

The group wasn't so lucky just four months later, when a man named Cory Marzette and

another unidentified man reportedly shot into a "crowd of people" who were gathered at the

hotel to celebrate the rap group's musical success, killing an innocent bystander.

Although Offset was present at the party, he allegedly refused to cooperate with police


The Gwinnett Daily Post reported that the incident was likely linked to Migos' rivalry

with a Georgia-based music group and alleged street gang called 2G.

But the investigation took a turn when the suspect, Marzette, took his own life in September

2015 during a standoff with police.

Finally, in April, 2015, the group was arrested on gun and drug charges, with Offset serving

eight months in jail as a result.

The Grammy snub

After successfully climbing the charts in 2017 with their breakout album Culture and

their smash hit "Bad and Boujee," Migos thought for sure they'd be snagging a Grammy award.

During an interview with Beats1, Quavo boasted,

"I feel like we worked the album for a whole year and rode it the whole year.

That's why I feel it's our time to take that Grammy home."

Instead, it was Pulitzer prize winner Kendrick Lamar who took home the Grammy for Best Rap


Quavo wasn't pleased, telling NME,

"There was nothing bigger than the f***ing Culture album this whole last year!"

Interview woes

For a group that loves self-promotion, Migos aren't exactly the easiest people to interview.

NME noted that the group was five hours late to their interview, while Migos also infamously

walked out of an interview with Dana Cortez after she asked Offset a question about his

on-stage wedding proposal to fellow rapper Cardi B.

At the 2017 BET Awards, though, the shoe was on the other foot when interviewer Joe Budden

literally dropped the mic and walked off after getting frustrated with the group's attitude.

That reportedly led to an altercation that had to be broken up by security.

LGBTQ backlash

Considering their entire career revolves around choosing just the right words to craft a hit

lyric, it's surprising that Migos has claimed multiple times that comments they made about

the LGBTQ community were the result of simple miscommunication.

After rapper ILoveMakonnen received widespread support for coming out on Twitter, Offset

told Rolling Stone Makonnen only received backing because "the world is f***ed up."

Takeoff added, "This world is not right."

After intense backlash, Migos released a statement on Twitter explaining that they only meant

it was so sad that Makonnen had to hide his true self in the first place!


"We feel the world is f***ed up that people feel like they have to hide and we're asked

to comment on someone's sexuality.

We have no problem with anyone's sexual preference.

We love all people, gay or straight and we apologize if we offended anyone."

And after Offset later rapped the lyric "I cannot vibe with queers" on rapper YFN Lucci's

song, "Boss Life," he took to Instagram to explain that he totally loves gay people and

was referring to, you know, people who act odd or strange.

"I didn't write the line about gay people […] I got love for all people.

My passion for fashion has lead me to a lot of gay people around me who I have mad respect

for […] I'm not in a place where I'm hating like that."


Just a misunderstanding.

Straight off the dome

It may or may not come as a surprise that Migos doesn't actually write their songs.

Actually, nobody does.

Instead, they told Vice they have a unique creative process where each member takes 20

minutes in the recording booth to just make up whatever they can, and then afterwards,

they edit the results together into a track.

Offset explained,

"We never wrote a song before.

We ain't ever wrote no song.

Everything we do come straight off the dome.

We go into the booth and record it and it comes out a masterpiece."

Jeff Goldblum is a big fan

One of their most unlikely fans is none other than superstar actor Jeff Goldblum, who is

actually a musician in his own right, headlining a weekly jazz show in Los Angeles.

And he told Vice he'd love to collaborate with Quavo and Migos.

"Oh my gosh, I'd be thrilled to do any, any little thing with him and them.

Yeah that would be a lot of fun.

It could go anywhere!

That's a great idea."

"Bad and Boujee" with Jeff Goldblum adding a jazz touch?

Now that's a hit single we can't wait to hear.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Migos - Duration: 6:07.


Çukur / The Pit - Episode 28 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:53.

As your son says...

...there is a fragile connection.

Not with you...

...but she might be the only connection I have with this life.

That connection is my childhood.

If you break that connection...

...I'll lose my humanity.

For more infomation >> Çukur / The Pit - Episode 28 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:53.


James X Lam - Stand Up Comedy @ The Watershed Arts Cafe Open Mic Night March '18 - Duration: 7:57.

...I don't know how to follow that really, thanks for that Josh.


I'm going to be very quick because I didn't have anything prepared.

Erm, and, er I was kind of bound by word becuase I brought Caleb here. Who you saw earlier this evening.

Caleb: You're welcome.

Yeah thanks! *giggles like a child*

Um, Hi, I'm James. I'm the kind of person that would wear a Christmas looking jumper in the middle of March, so that's the kind of person that I am.

For more infomation >> James X Lam - Stand Up Comedy @ The Watershed Arts Cafe Open Mic Night March '18 - Duration: 7:57.


Fortnite gameplay. - Duration: 1:53:55.

For more infomation >> Fortnite gameplay. - Duration: 1:53:55.


Analysis Eating These Foods Could Extend Your Life - Duration: 3:47.

Analysis Eating These Foods Could Extend Your Life

By Julie Fidler

If you don�t get plenty of whole grains in your diet, you should. Whole grains are

packed full of nutrients and complex carbohydrates that decrease insulin levels while providing

sustained energy. They�re also loaded with fiber, which improves bowel health, helps

regulate cholesterol levels, helps you lose weight, and helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Considering the health benefits associated with whole grains, it�s unsurprising that

new research shows that eating them could help you live longer. Specifically, researchers

found that people who ate 3 or more servings of whole grains daily (about 70 grams) had

a 20% reduced risk of premature death during the study period, compared to those who ate

fewer or no servings of whole grains.

People who ate the most whole grains (vs. those who ate the least) were found to be

16% less likely to die of any cause during the study, nearly 20% less likely to die from

cardiovascular-related disease, and over 10% less likely to die of cancer. [1]

For each additional serving of whole grains, the risk of cardiovascular disease-related

death dropped by 9%, and cancer-related death risk dropped by 5%.

A few examples of 16 grams of whole grains include one slice of 100% whole grain bread,

or a half-cup of cooked oatmeal, cooked brown rice, or cooked 100% whole grain pasta. [2]

Analyzing 14 Studies and 786,076 Individuals The findings come from scientists at the Harvard

T. H. Chan School of Public Health, who analyzed 14 published studies of long-term health information

from 786,076 participants. plus additional pertinent data from the National Health and

Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES).

Of the 786,076 subjects, 97,867 died during the studies. Nearly 24,000 died of cardiovascular

disease and over 37,000 died of cancer.

Qi Sun, assistant professor in the school�s Department of Nutrition and senior author

of the study, said:

�Whole grains should be considered part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. They should

not be considered a magic food, or a magic bullet, for increasing longevity.� [3]

This is the first large analysis of whole grain consumption and premature death.

Whole-grain nutrients are released in the digestive tract more slowly than those in

refined grains, such as white flour, white rice, and regular white pasta. Also, people

tend to chew whole grains longer, which stimulates more satiety hormones.

Sun said:

�There�s a pretty linear association between whole grain intake and mortality. There are

many biological pathways that would explain why whole grains are beneficial.�

Sun added that although whole grains are readily available in store, most people don�t consume

enough of them.

He also said that low-carbohydrate diets that neglect the health benefits of whole grains

�should be adopted with caution,� due to a higher risk of heart disease.

For more infomation >> Analysis Eating These Foods Could Extend Your Life - Duration: 3:47.


10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Underestimate the Power of Empath - Duration: 6:05.

10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Underestimate the Power of Empath

First things, empaths are incredibly powerful individuals, that's why I wouldn't recommend

that you underestimate one of them.

They are outstanding at reviewing people body language and also, they are the best mind


The best means to describe empaths is: the knowing just happen.

They understand how to read individuals, and they typically aren't easily misleaded.

If you are an unfaithful type of companion, then don't get with an empath ever.

You will soon take pleasure in the preference of your very own medicine.

Empaths are born with special gift; they have the capability to feel others feelings.

Although this is handy when you require somebody to speak with, this isn't their primary gift.

Empaths are professionals on human psychology by force of habit.

This gives them the capability to be able to inform when a person is forging, lying,

or just not that they said they were.

Some nice people have harsh objectives, just face it already.

However, Empaths just have the ability to recognize this.

So, In this video, I'm going to share with you 10 reasons why you shouldn't underestimate

the power of empath.

If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video and subscribe

to our channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future.

#1 - Empaths are Essentially Lie Detectors.

When somebody exists, they produce particular subconscious body movements as well as 'ticks',

if you must.

Typical ways to determine a liar is their eye movement, and frustrating purpose to convince


Nonetheless, if you're an empath you currently know this.

You aren't sure how to discuss why you understand, you just do.

It is one of the most famous sensation you'll ever before feel in your gut.

#2 - They Can Recognize Exploitation.

Keep in mind when you were a kid and you wanted something, so you would certainly 'butter

up' your moms and dads to obtain exactly what you desire.

Perhaps that is a southerly term, so basically you're being nice to somebody to gain a benefit

from them.

Do not do this to an empath, they will certainly quit you in your tracks.

You are more likely to get just what you want by saying it directly.

#3 - Do Not Aim To Deceive Them.

Empaths feel other people's feelings, a lot more compared to they would certainly want

as well.

Because of this, they know when you're fabricating.

Do not try and conceal your vicious purposes around an empath, it just won't work.

Empaths can see right through your conniving disguise.

They commonly do not ever approach it either since they are likewise mindful that you undoubtedly

have some type of mental distortion.

#4 - They Know When You're Trying to be Somebody You're Not.

Empaths have the capability to see a personals spirit.

They value your rewards as well as your imperfections!

There is nothing more appealing to an empath compared to a person who is their self.

When you attempt to place on an act, they will know.

So, be confident in your very own skin and don't attempt to be somebody you're not.

Particularly in front of an empath.

#5 - They Know When You're on The Wrong Course.

If you have a compassionate pal and also they are cautioning you concerning things you have

actually been doing, LISTEN TO THEM.

Empaths are so proficient at forecasting self-destruction it is similar to time travel.

They know your subconscious thinking for acting out and also it isn't worth it, and they will

certainly tell you that too.

When an empath is informing you that you are heading for a dark area, then you better seriously

reevaluate your objectives.

#6 - They Know you're not Fine.

" are you alright?"

" yes, I am great."

" No, you're not.

Now please tell me everything."

If you have ever had this conversation with a close friend, they are more than likely

an empath.

Empaths know when you exist, as well as they also recognize when you really feel poor.

Having a friend you can speak to around points is an incredible aid!

Take a good use from your good friend's healing ability and do not try to lie to them for


Don't be afraid; they wish to aid.

#7 - They Can Sense Hatred.

One of the most common senses an empath has is for disgust.

Hatred is such an adverse emotion it emits an adverse energy that is so powerful.

Empaths are attracted away by this feeling.

They typically aren't harmed over your hatred, however would rather not have their spirit

affected by your adverse energy.

They do not sweat any kind of disgust, which often causes individuals to dislike them much


They fit with who they are, and also they anticipate to be nobody else.

#8 - They Know your Prejudices.

Empaths will constantly recognize when you have a covert bias.

If you are distressed by people with various tinted skin, sexual orientation, or individuality

differences, empath will certainly most likely lose interest.

Empathic individuals are not interested in individuals who are shallow or narcissistic.

#9 - They Sense Envy.

Empathic individuals could really feel when you are envious of them.

You might expect this to earn them feel a bit charismatic, but that would be wrong.

Empath's could recognize that you are jealous of them for whatever reason, as well as they

will commonly show humbleness making you feel much more comfortable.

#10 - They Could Check out Lackey's Like a Publication.

Empaths dislike little talk, and they despise sucking up a lot more.

Don't falsely enhance an empath to acquire their love.

They in fact despise this, and also they see just what you're doing.

An Empath's most effective capacity is deciphering people's actions and purposes.

Well, those are the 10 reasons why you shouldn't underestimate the power of empath.

So, Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Underestimate the Power of Empath - Duration: 6:05.


[Non Copyrighted Music] Nicolai Heidlas - Hand In Hand [Pop] - Duration: 3:07.

BreakingCopyright: Music for videos YouTube Music Library

BreakingCopyright: Music for YouTube YouTube Music Library

Today on BreakingCopyright: Nicolai Heidlas

No Copyright Music (Non Copyrighted Music) Nicolai Heidlas - Hand In Hand

For more infomation >> [Non Copyrighted Music] Nicolai Heidlas - Hand In Hand [Pop] - Duration: 3:07.




























For more infomation >> THE BEST KRPTON KODI 17.6 BUILD MAY 2018 - [COSMIC SAINTS] 4K BUILD INSTALL!! - Duration: 10:02.


America's News HQ 05/05/18 4PM | May 05, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 34:07.

For more infomation >> America's News HQ 05/05/18 4PM | May 05, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 34:07.


Tinnitus Masking Test | CLIP 5 | Thailand Rain | 7500Hz-20,000Hz Boost - Duration: 1:00:51.

Masking Test Part2- CLIP 5 One of the more popular ones at 70/325 people. Boosted everything from 7500Hz -20,000Hz, and an extra 3Db boost at 12,800Hz. Nice high Freqs to Mask your T, and also repetive drips to help drift off to sleep. Feel free to subscribe to the channel, Leave a comment and share if you like and I wish you all a peaceful night! x Original TINNITUS RAIN MASKING EXPERIMENT- Hi All, Interesting results from Part 1 ! Here are the numbers- Total people took part = 325 Clip 1- 109 votes Clip 2- 36 votes Clip 3- 26 votes Clip 4- 30 votes Clip 5-70 votes Clip 6- 19 votes Clip 7- 19 votes 16 people found none of them worked at all, and a handful of people found it actually made their Tinnitus worse! ( sorry about that!!)Number 1 ( the highest pitch) was the clear favorite, with 5 also a strong favorite.I'm still digesting the many comments and input from you all, and I thank you massively for taking part and giving me such good feedback. So now for PART 2 of the Test/Experiment- I'm creating 7 individual videos of each clip, but longer versions. Say 1 hour. Obvs I don't need you to watch for 1 hour for the test!! But I know some of you will appreciate the longer versions for sleep etc.I'm going to be dramatically boosting certain frequencies within each one. The ones that I think was helping to mask your T.I know for sure, that no matter what I do, what works for some won't work for others, but by you guys giving me more amazing feedback like in Part 1, then this will only help me to produce better material for us all.

For more infomation >> Tinnitus Masking Test | CLIP 5 | Thailand Rain | 7500Hz-20,000Hz Boost - Duration: 1:00:51.


SmartPhone Bitcoin Lottery setup! 12.5 BTC or $121,249.94! Part 1 computer setup - Duration: 10:39.

today Tech guy Mitch is gonna show you how to set up your phone farm to run

Bitcoin lottery let's check it out hey guys Mitchell here with LCS LLC I will see

the lazy tech guys and now what we're gonna do today is basically called the

Bitcoin lottery so to speak we're going to do some solo mining

um I'm just gonna dump all of our phones and from our past mining experience we

also have an ASIC miner that we're gonna throw into it too and if we get super

lucky then we will hit a block and if we hit a block that's 12.5 coins - the

pools 1% and I know what you're thinking pool

you said solo to save us a lot of headache on the setup we are using a

pool that allows for solo mining kinda kinda

different I didn't even know such a thing existed but we found it I've been

messing with a little bit I kind of liked it and yeah so hopefully the

phones aren't going to stay on this too long because I don't feel it is our most

profitable option with it we're gonna make this happen let's see here

looks like slush pool which was one of our old time favorites still offers

their good old stratum proxy so let's go ahead and see if we can grab that okay

alright and now we're just gonna cut one of those out of there I don't know why I

got to cuz I wasn't paying attention or maybe I was I don't know probably gonna

put this on the D Drive somewhere on the root Drive on the D Drive there and

we're just gonna just gonna call it a stratum proxy Hey who would of guessed.

Hey a nice little folder setup for it and we're gonna dump it in the folder

don't know if anybody's touch all this nice little trick but uh you hold down

shift and right-click in the folder that you're working in you can open a command

prompt and not have to do all the CDs and get appointed where you need to go

so there we go we got a nice little command prompt and

if I can type here

ah mi ni ng underscore proxy and it's probably gonna be like /h yeah hey

there we go woo alright so now what we're gonna have to do is we're actually

gonna have to make a batch file to run this no problem at all we're just gonna

call this proxy and for right now just making the txt file it'll make it easy

if we need to make changes later and throw this up over here and it's going

to be mining underscore thank you

proxy and most of stratum mining pool port of

strata okay so we need a - o and that is going to be and again like I said I

know it's where we're using a pool we claim to be solo mining it is a I'll try

to remember to pull up the web page for you and let you kind of see

what it is but basically they get 1% and through the blockchain if we hit it then

they set it up to go directly into our wallet - their 1% which is more than

fair I think you know whatever you're going to do a stratum host and

since all of them our CG minor does allow yes that's what

I thought everything we're running does allow

stratum so we're running stratum to stratum the the purpose of this

proxy if you're wondering is this will basically if I understand correctly and

for any of you that understand cryptocurrencies better than I will I

invite you to correct me because it's all a learning experience for me but for

my understanding by running this proxy it will combine the hashes from all of

our devices into a single piece of work that right I hope so

but you know if not like said let me know SH whoa not down there SH and we

are listening on what's your local IP sir

on two four four and we are going to listen on stratum poured I believe we

can do the same port as the post or yeah that's the host port since once an

incoming port once an outgoing port I might be wrong on there we will find out

I'm sure for now we're gonna go ahead and throw on this - v I want to see if

what we're doing is working or you know if we just think it is cuz that's

important and why did I do that I'm not very smart sometimes we are going to

reopen that and go to file/save as I think we got this computer CPU mining so

you know that would explain the little bit of drag down were experienced there

but we can still work around that okay proxy .bat save all right

hmm so i got something wrong awesome

be here oh well you know there's an obvious problem

give that a try and we're still not working this this thing is just stupid

alright so just to show you guys what it should do when it comes up this is my

little test rig now minor proxy owes so P 3333 look at that

it's doing exactly what it should do right out difficulty four thousand

everything exactly what we expect from a pool from our solo pool again makes no

sense I'm sorry don't yell at me it's it's it's how he

defines himself and

or do it's fun I don't blame you so what are we missing in did it I spell

something wrong am i an mining underscore prox (inaudible voice back ground)

do I oh you mother ha ha ha ha ha

you guys know with command-line that everything is super super sensitive

you've got to have it all just right and it does not like two underscores where

one underscore should be so looks like we have that little issue averted except

for proxy mining proxy dot main trying to connect to stratum pool at

unhandled error see and this is why we test Sol



ck pool yeah go away go away get out of my face

get out of my face.. (background Laughing)

all right and since now we know that that is working and hopefully I'm not an

idiot well okay shut up

hush hush I hear you over there

even though you're not saying anything I can hear you all right and we're gonna

use this username for submitting shares - is that - that's - right see

you okay we're gonna do that for the custom user

all right now this user is actually going to be our our our our our our our

wallet address so give me just one minute while I go retrieve that from a

secured website and once again through modern magic we are back back in DeeDee

yes yes indeedy all right so we're gonna paste our wallet address here this

should all be set up now we're gonna save it and do and see if we can connect

now whoohoo see this this is what we expect to see info proxy client service handle

event setting new difficulty four hun four thousand four thousand yes yes okay and

then every now and then it will update with these new jobs here all right

that's exactly what we want we're gonna throw this up over here you're gonna

throw this on the oh not there delete that I'm gonna throw this gonna shoot a

shortcut to the desktop maybe if I know what I'm doing send to

yes oh wait I'm gonna go ahead and do that anyway that's for us later um I

can't see any of our desktop things right now but yes that will be what it

will be so now we can go ahead and - memorize that okay guys I'm gonna cut it

off here it was getting to be a pretty long video and from there guys don't

forget to hit that subscribe button don't forget to Like and make some

comments and blow what's your thought and make fun of Mitch down there and

remember guys the day is what you make it

so let's make it a good one

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