And today
Hai Domo! Virtual Youtuber Kizuna AI here!
Kizuna Ai is here with me today!!
Yes I am here!!
This time we can't enter the Virtual World so
We're both meeting up in the real world
No Problems
So today,
I feel like picking a fight with you today
You picking a fight with me?!? You've got guts boi
You're talking about a fight with a Super AI here
You seriously fine with that?
Well I don't give a damn if you're a Super AI or not
AI-chan: don't give a damn www
TheAnimeMan: This time we'll be having a match,
AI VS Half (Since TheAnimeMan is half Australian & half Japanese) kind off battle
AI-chan: Well since you are half this is gonna be an easy match
TheAnimeMan: ww Underestimating me already
You'll eat those words right back
AI-chan: Will I?
If I lose, since you've been dating for almost 2 years,
I'll put a spell on you where you'll break up with your girlfriend
What does my girlfriend have anything to do with this?!?
Before we even started recording this, AI-chan
kept talking about my girlfriend
AI-chan: Yeah I did! Apparently they've been dating for 2 years
They're still very lovey dovey
Lovey Dovey soo good
That's enough about my girlfriend,
This time we're having a battle!
A very Youtuber-ish battle
TheAnimeMan: Calling it, AI VS HALF
This time we won't be fooling around, no foul plays
We'll be having a serious Kanji Test
AI-chan: Wait wait this time? Sounds like I cheat everytime
TheAnimeMan: Well last time
it was my first time in the Virtual World so I wasn't used to it
AI-chan: I see
TheAnimeMan: So this time we'll be having it here, my home ground
Kinda weird saying that (?)
So the Kanji questions was prepared by the Staff
goes up from Level 5 to Level 1
so we'll be showing the Kanji one by one
and we'll be guessing what the Yomi(reading) is
AI-chan: I see
This is easy, you are half Australian half Japanese and you've just recently came to Japan
even though your Japanese is quite fluent
doesn't mean that you can read Kanji
This old man who's lovey dovey with his girlfriend
Old man? Old man is a little...
I am not an old man (23 years old)
What's the prize for whoever wins?
The prize for today is...
You'll be awarded the title "The Kanji King"
Don't need it
TheAnimeMan: Come on The Kanji King
AI-chan: Well only here right?
TheAnimeMan: Yeah only we here can use the title
AI-chan: I want a more awesome prize!!
TheAnimeMan: But the punishment for whoever losses is quite severe
Eh, what's the punishment
The person with the lowest points
You'll have to make a video of you doing a Kanji Test by yourself in your own channel solo!
I really don't wanna be here right now
Don't want that to happen right?
So the only option is to win and get the title
Yeah I guess so
So the title will be like The Kanji King, Kizuna AI
Yeah yeah that's right
Might be cool
This is a real serious match so I don't know what kind of Kanji is going to pop out
Are you sure?
Seriously, like seriously
Let's do it the Youtuber way
All right let's go!
All right first Kanji
TheAnimeMan: This is Level 5 kanji after all,
Ai-chan: Oh you can read this AnimeMan-san?
TheAnimeMan: You're underestimating me too much now ww
I can absolutely read this
Half's are quite scary
Oh we both got it right
yattaaaaaa Perfect
this is Hosoku(Supplement) right?
AI-chan: Well this is quite easy
We're practically being underestimated by the staff
If we got this wrong, it's gonna be pretty bad
Yeah quite bad, it is Level 5 kanji after all
TheAnimeMan: Yeap Level 5 kanji
2nd kanji
AI-chan: Like to get this one right too TheAnimeMan: How bout this one?
AI-chan: Do you know this AnimeMan-san?
TheAnimeMan: Yeah of course I do
AI-chan: Yeah yeah I do know
TheAnimeMan: What was that moment of silence ww
TheAnimeMan: Shasou AI-chan: Shamado
TheAnimeMan: What did you just say AI-chan?
Shamanto EH OHME? I said Shasou
TheAnimeMan: ww Nah nah what did you say first?
Tell me honestly
AI-chan: Sha - so - U
TheAnimeMan: Shasou, ok I said Shasou too so is that correct?
Staff: Correct!
AI-chan: YATTAAAA!!!
TheAnimeMan: That was a wee bit suspicious there
AI-chan: No no no we said it at the same time so it was hard to hear
3rd Kanji
AI-chan: AH well this Kanji is yeah if you don't know this then there's something wrong with your head
TheAnimeMan: Well this is exactly about me right?
AI-chan: Eh isn't this about me?
TheAnimeMan: So you can read this right?
AI-chan: Yeah of course
TheAnimeMan: Ok let's go then 3,2,1
TheAnimeMan: Kichou AI-chan: Kichou
TheAnimeMan: And yes that is correct
4th Kanji TheAnimeMan: I think it's gonna get harder from here
AI-chan: I've seen this somewhere before
Looks like someone's name ww
TheAnimeMan: Yeah it does I can only think of a name
AI-chan: I feel like I'm gonna get this one wrong
I wanna go home
TheAnimeMan: Reijin AI-chan: Reito
AI-chan: AHAHA
TheAnimeMan: Wonder which one is correct?
AI-chan what did you say?
AI-chan: I said Reijin
TheAnimeMan: You said Reijin, yeah right I know you said something else
Alright AI-chan let's be honest here it's a serious match, what did you say
AI-chan: I said Reito
TheAnimeMan: Reito ok and I said Reijin,
TheAnimeMan: Ok and what is the correct answer? AI-chan: I THOUGHT REIJIN WAS THE RIGHT ANSWER BUT
Staff: and the correct answer is, Reijin
TheAnimeMan: Yayyyyy
4 points to 3, what's the matter AI-chan?
AI-chan: Well the real fight starts right now
5th Kanji
TheAnimeMan: What Level is this again?
This is Level 4 kanji?? This is absolutely not Level 4 kanji
AI-chan: I thought Level 4 Kanji was like elementary school level
TheAnimeMan: Yeah yeah
AI-chan: Isn't this a little hard? TheAnimeMan: Like the kanji before this
Kichou, but this is Level 4?
AI-chan: Hey Staff you sure this is Level 4 Kanji?
Now I'm wondering what kind of kanji gonna pop out for grade 1 Kanji
TheAnimeMan: Well I think I've got a reading on the first kanji
AI-chan: Well I do have my guess too!
TheAnimeMan: Tenbu AI-chan: Tenzoku
TheAnimeMan: Are? You said Tenzoku right?
AI-chan: Yeah I did
It's not Tenbu! TheAnimeMan: This kanji is bu right?
Staff: the correct answer is, Tenpu
AI-chan: YaATTTAAA!!! Oh wait no Yatta
TheAnimeMan: No no we didn't get that right
Cause you said Tenzoku
Damn it was so close
AI-chan: Well... we both got that wrong so... ww
6th Kanji TheAnimeMan: Ahh
AI-chan: AH
TheAnimeMan: What was this again??
I've definitely seen this before
AI-chan: Yeah I've seen this before too hehehehe
TheAnimeMan: AH, I remember it now
AI-chan: EH?!
TheAnimeMan: I've got this in the bag
AI-chan: Really?!?
Can you give me a hint? Like real quiet..
TheAnimeMan: No no no AI-chan: Like come on real quiet
AI-chan: COME ON
TheAnimeMan: The camera is rolling!
AI-chan: Just one hint!
TheAnimeMan: The camera is rolling!
AI-chan: Just the front kanji
TheAnimeMan: Alright just this one time
I think the front kanji is, Bu
AI-chan: EH really
TheAnimeMan: I think it's bu
TheAnimeMan: Buyou AI-chan: Budou
TheAnimeMan: Eh Budou?!? Don't think this kanji is dou though
I think it's Buyou, the dance
TheAnimeMan & AI-chan: And the correct answer is?
Staff: the correct answer is, Buyou
TheAnimeMan: Yayyyyyy Yosshaaaa
AI-chan are you really an AI?
AI-chan: Yes I am an AI
TheAnimeMan: You've got like 3 questions wrong straight
AI-chan: I can do this!
7th Kanji
TheAnimeMan: Alright this is easy
AI-chan: I think I know this one, wait
TheAnimeMan: This Kanji is used in a lot of Novels and Manga
AI-chan: Yeah it does
TheAnimeMan: So do you know what this is?
AI-chan: Kinda lost in thought actually
I've got like 2, 3 answers in my head
(*Screams in agony*)
TheAnimeMan: Can you like make it into 1 answer please
AI-chan: I think I'm gonna get this wrong
TheAnimeMan: You are an AI, so have confidence in yourself ww
TheAnimeMan: Taiman AI-chan: Gouman
TheAnimeMan: Taiman? right?
AI-chan: Yeah I definitely said Taiman (LIE)
TheAnimeMan: correct answer? Staff: correct answer is Taiman
Both: Yayyy
8th Kanji
TheAnimeMan: This is fine right?
AI-chan: I know this one!
Isn't Level 3 kanji a little easier?
TheAnimeMan: Yeah, is this Level 3 kanji?
It is? Isn't this quite easy?
AI-chan: I feel like Level 4 kanji is more harder than 3
(Level 4 Kanji is harder than Level 3 kanji)
TheAnimeMan: Kimajime AI-chan: Kimajime
Both: Yayyyy
TheAnimeMan: This is easy
AI-chan: I knew this one
9th Kanji AI-chan: And next we have
TheAnimeMan: Oh shoot
AI-chan: Hey I think I know this one
TheAnimeMan: Eh?!?
AI-chan: You don't know this one?!?
TheAnimeMan: I have seen this somewhere but I am a bit suspicious on what the reading is
AI-chan: Going to be a bit embarassing if I get this wrong
I don't know///
TheAnimeMan: This first Kanji is a little uncertain
AI-chan: I might get this wrong
Nah nah let's just go
TheAnimeMan: Chinjutsu AI-chan: Renjutsu
AI-chan: I think I'm done for
TheAnimeMan: I thought it was Ren or Chin
AI-chan: Yeah me too, so not liking this right now
Staff: The correct answer is, Chinjutsu
TheAnimeMan: Yoshaaaaa!!
AI-chan: Aite let's go home
Let's go home~
10th Kanji
TheAnimeMan: I have seen this one before too
AI-chan: Eh but I think I know the readings for each one of them
but if you them all together... I don't know what it reads..
TheAnimeMan: I'm just guessing here, but I think it's exactly that
AI-chan: Mayuge?
TheAnimeMan: Oh the first one reads Mayu, thanks so much
AI-chan: EH?!?
TheAnimeMan: You just made a critical mistake there AI-chan
AI-chan: Eh but it might be wrong!
My correct answer rates are quite low
Are you okay with trusting me here?
TheAnimeMan: Mayutsubamono AI-chan: Mayu.. a
AI-chan: Said it too late ww
TheAnimeMan: So AI-chan what was your answer?
AI-chan: Mayutsubamono
TheAnimeMan: Really??
AI-chan: Yes really! Cause you said that the reading was exactly as it is
so I thought it was Mayutsubamono, really thought it was
TheAnimeMan: But I don't know if I got this right or not
Staff: The correct answer is, Mayutsubamono
TheAnimeMan: Oh got it right
AI-chan: Oh can we both get this right?
TheAnimeMan: Alright alright I'll give you a point too
AI-chan: Yatta!!
11th Kanji
TheAnimeMan: This is super easy
This Kanji does come out a lot in Novels and Manga
AI-chan: Yeah yeah, might get this one right, maybe
scary if I get this wrong
TheAnimeMan: Shosen AI-chan: Shosen
AI-chan: Yattaaa! Got it right!!
TheAnimeMan: Yay we both got it right!
AI-chan: AnimeMan-san can you please get one wrong
I can't get point if you go on like this
TheAnimeMan: No I can't lose this battle
I shall win against Kizuna AI today
AI-chan: Can't believe I am gonna lose to this kid
12th Kanji AI-chan: AH what was this again??
TheAnimeMan: It just got harder
AI-chan: I absolutely know this one!
TheAnimeMan: I've never seen this one
AI-chan: Really?
TheAnimeMan: I think the first kanji is... wow this is bad
AI-chan: I've seen this before
TheAnimeMan: I've never seen this before, this is bad
AI-chan: Seen this before but I can't remember
TheAnimeMan: But if you don't score points here it's gonna be really bad for you
AI-chan: Eh wait hold on, I DON'T KNOW
TheAnimeMan: I don't know as well
What Kanji Level is this? Level 2 Kanji
AI-chan: Level 2, but I feel like I do know this one...
TheAnimeMan: Definitely know this one but
AI-chan: Yeah seen this somewhere, alright let's do this
TheAnimeMan: Shitamaki AI-chan: Shouzetsu
AI-chan: HA seriously don't know
TheAnimeMan: Zekka? AI-chan: Yeah Zekka
TheAnimeMan: so the correct answer is?
Staff: The correct answer is, Zekka
TheAnimeMan: Ah but you knew this one huh at the end
AI-chan: Yeah but it's not good if I can't get it at first glance
TheAnimeMan: Well but you did say Zekka before we asked the staff said the correct answer so
Will give you a point just for that!
AI-chan: YATTA Really?
TheAnimeMan: Yeah sure!
AI-chan: YattA!!! One chance I can win this!
TheAnimeMan: Yeah chance chance
13th Kanji
TheAnimeMan: This is really hard
AI-chan: Ah I definitely have seen this one
TheAnimeMan: Everything we've seen so we've definitely seen it somewhere
I think it's that Kanji
AI-chan: That Kanji? Which Kanji?
TheAnimeMan: That one
AI-chan: Which one?
TheAnimeMan: I won't say it though
AI-chan: You won't say it?!?
TheAnimeMan: Mashin AI-chan: Yasemi
TheAnimeMan: Wait a minute
A slight accident has occured
AI-chan: Yasemi www
TheAnimeMan: Yasemi?!?
AI-chan: Dosen't Yaseru(lose weight) look like that a little??
Staff: And the correct answer is, Soushin
TheAnimeMan: Well just got that wrong
AI-chan: The Kanji for Yaseru is the first one right?
TheAnimeMan: Is this the Kanji for Yaseru?
Ah I see, so you got that right
AI-chan: Yay so I get a point!
TheAnimeMan: No no no
Well I think I'll give you half a point
AI-chan: 0.5?
TheAnimeMan: Yeah will be giving you 0.5 points
AI-chan: Yosshaaaa, you're so kind AnimeMan-san
As expected of a guy who has a girlfriend!
Soooo kind!
14th Kanji
TheAnimeMan: This is just impossible
I've never even seen this Kanji before
Ah but can I just say something?
I know the second Kanji
I don't know the first one, but I'm certain the second Kanji has only this reading
AI-chan: Oooo, AnimeMan-san you do know your Kanji huh?
TheAnimeMan: Actually, back in High School I already passed the Level 3 Kanji test in Grade 11
AI-chan: That's a little bit unfair now isn't it?!?
TheAnimeMan: But it was during in my High School days so I've forgotten a lot of stuff
AI-chan: I see
TheAnimeMan: And this is what Kanji level we're in?
This is Level 1 Kanji
Since this is Level 1 I don't know any of this
AI-chan: I see
TheAnimeMan: Tanku AI-chan: Inuku
TheAnimeMan: You got the Ku part right though
AI-chan: Oh yeah
So this deserves 0.5 points
TheAnimeMan: No no no
Staff: And the correct answer is, Waiku
TheAnimeMan: Waiku?!?
TheAnimeMan: So what's the meaning?
Staff: Uhhh www
TheAnimeMan: Wait wait, even the guy who put out the kanji's doesn't even know!
19th Kanji TheAnimeMan: Like to get at least one right
AI-chan: Yeah at least 1 right
TheAnimeMan: Looks like that's gonna be hard
AI-chan: What is this...
Ah I think I know this one
TheAnimeMan: Really?!?
AI-chan: Really think I might know this one
I feel like I've seen this Kanji in a manga I read recently
Might be wrong though
TheAnimeMan: I've never seen this Kanji before
AI-chan: Ehh so my chance of winning has cometh
TheAnimeMan: Alright so Level 1 is quite difficult, if you get it right, it's going to be 2 points
AI-chan: YATTA but if I get this wrong gonna be a little sad
TheAnimeMan: Goudoku AI-chan: Kodoku
TheAnimeMan: Quite close
Kodoku? Ah Ko, I said Goudoku
AI-chan: Well it's like putting lots of poisonous insects in a bin
and they fight till there's only one remaining, that situation is Kodoku
there's a manga about it, but I might be wrong!
TheAnimeMan: And the correct answer is?
Staff: The correct answer is, Todoku
Both: Completely different
TheAnimeMan: This is bloody impossible, can't even depend on the power of Manga
16th Kanji
TheAnimeMan: No no, there aint no Kanji like this one
AI-chan: What is this?
TheAnimeMan: Feels like I've seen this in Yokohama's China Town
AI-chan: I seriously don't know this one
TheAnimeMan: But I have seen this second Kanji before
But the problem is I've only seen it once and I don't know how to even read it
AI-chan: Howeeee
TheAnimeMan: This is like reading Chinese ww
AI-chan: Neeee, do you know how to speak Chinese?
TheAnimeMan: No I don't
AI-chan: Ah I see, good(?)
TheAnimeMan: Koushaku AI-chan: Tasa
TheAnimeMan: Completely different
I said Koushaku
AI-chan: I said Tasa www
I said Tasa www
It's just inspiration
Staff: and the correct answer is, Kikyoku
TheAnimeMan: Kikyoku?!?
AI-chan: I really don't know that word
TheAnimeMan: Seriously don't know a single one
Kanji is hard
17th Kanji
TheAnimeMan: Ah wait, I might know this one
I definitely have seen this before
This is definitely Hai
AI-chan: definitely Hai
TheAnimeMan: But in this Kanji does this read Hai or not? is the question here
AI-chan: Yeah, and don't know how to read the first Kanji
TheAnimeMan: Yeah me too
What's the other reading for Hai?
AI-chan: Bai? Hehehehe (Cute)
TheAnimeMan: Alright let's just leave it to inspiration then
AI-chan: Yoshaaaa
TheAnimeMan: Shouhai AI-chan: Kazanbai
TheAnimeMan: You said Kazanbai?
AI-chan: Really really don't know so Kazanbai ww
TheAnimeMan: This first kanji is Kazan(Volcano)?
AI-chan: Well you know there might
A hard ban
TheAnimeMan: The longer I look at this it is starting to look like Kazan ww
Staff: The correct answer is, Jinkai
TheAnimeMan: Jinkai, so it reads Kai
AI-chan: So Kai huh...
TheAnimeMan: So it seems, AI-chan: So it seems
TheAnimeMan: So you got it? Do you input it?
AI-chan: I have input ed it
TheAnimeMan: And that is the end of the Kanji Quiz!
AI-chan: Y-Yayy
TheAnimeMan: A bit sudden but,
So do you think you can win?
AI-chan: Yeah I can, definitely got this
TheAnimeMan: Well I did give you a handicap at the end
Don't know how the outcome will look like
AI-chan: Yeah I really feel like I'm gonna win this one
TheAnimeMan: If I lose cause I gave a few extra points to you
I'm gonna be so angry
And the result are in
TheAnimeMan: 10 points AI-chan: 9 points
TheAnimeMan: So it is a win for me!!!
A very close match
AI-chan: I was given quite a lot of free points
It was a complete defeat though if you remove the handicap points
TheAnimeMan: So the Title, Kanji King shall go to me
And AI-chan has to do a Punishment game!!!
AI-chan: Punishment game
TheAnimeMan: Every time we do a collab we tend to do punishment games right
AI-chan: Yeah we do, mostly me though
So it's just kinda sad making a cute girl like me
Make's your heart hurt don't it?
Your girlfriend might be like, how dirty this guys heart is and might break up with you
TheAnimeMan: Just by doing a Kanji Quiz?!?
AI-chan: You're bullying a little girl, you're the worst!!!
She might say that
So the very kindhearted AnimeMan-san
Shall be doing the Punishment Game in my stead
Your girlfriend will be soooo impressed
So does that make me the Cupid of Love?!?
TheAnimeMan: Please don't end my video
You lost and this is a real Youtuber-ish match so you have to do it
(*Screams of despair*)
TheAnimeMan: Well maybe someday, you'll see the video on AI-chan's channel
reflect on her loss today and will do a Kanji Test video
AI-chan: YES SIR
TheAnimeMan: Do your best!
AI-chan: I shall do my best!
What are you thoughts on the Kanji Test?
It was super boring
Just cause you lost, oiii
don't say that haha
It was super boring ww
We'll be taking another video together after this
To those who wanna watch that, please click in the description below
and please go on over to AI-chan's channel and check out her videos too
I'm more nicer than this usually
She won't say stuff like "Super boring match"
No no won't say stuff like that, AnimeMan told me to say those stuff, super scary
Would like to end the video here and Hope you guys enjoyed it,
See you guys next time! Bye bye!
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