Welcome to your Sunday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures In
Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you My One Word is #Heart and I
put my heart into everything I do we're helping 10,000 straight razor
shavers in the next two years so if you're interested in learning how to
straight razor shave go ahead and hit that Subscribe button then click on the
Bell next to it to be notified when I upload videos so that way you won't miss
a thing I do Shave Of The Day videos every Wednesday and Sunday so stop on by
and check them out tonight I am using my Wade and Butcher "For Gentlemens Use" and
this is a great big ol 15/16" Barber's Notch smiling blade and look at that nice
oh yeah that is a near wedge yes it is very nice out of the mid 1800's so that's
cool and for soap tonight Stubble Trubble
and this is Summer Passion here it is getting warm so that means summer's here
we got like one week of spring and now summer so I am kicking in with some
summer soaps yes I am now I've had that puck blooming and we're going to pour
that off and put that on as a pre-shave yep that is now we're going to help keep
that beard hydrated
and what a wonderful summery scent this is so good it really is quite nice and
refreshing it's a light step in the respect of it's not like heavy perfumey
it is a really really nice outdoorsy kind of thing I like it and for a brush
tonight my Omega 10098 wonderful brush we are going to go ahead and get
that all loaded up so hopefully your weekend is going good
and your well yeah that is so important yeah there's some colds and sickness is
going on around here I don't know Matt you're apart but seems to just hang on
forever so it's really good to be well hopefully you are well and this
Sunday shave find you in high spirits yep and you've been having a good
weekend and be able to relax have some downtime with your friends and family
oh yeah it's so good it really is and now you shaved it didn't have a still
good shaves maybe even in some great shaves yeah let me know let me know in
the comments that would be great really enjoy hearing all about it is so good
this is the one wonderful hobby we can have that we can just unite and just get
together doing something that used to be a chore but now it's fun yep so put most
that on the brush go ahead get the rest of that more less on your face there we
go check this out oh yeah it's that greater or what
yeah this is a great soap I'm telling you Adam there at Stubble Trubble makes a
fine so look at that in that beautiful nice and pasty just the way I like it
kick that up
work that soap right into those whiskers that is so good
yeah I think I just still go some water I do let's get a little more water on this
oh nice nice okay
there we go
I'm not done yet yeah oh that's so good all right now I do Straight Razor Edge
Friday Specials on the first and third Friday of every month I just did one and
it was one brushes and soaps which is the very first thing you need to figure out
when you're shaving with a straight razor so go ahead and click on this card
here and you can watch that Friday Special that Straight Razor Edge Friday
Special and we'll talk about brushes and soaps all right very good now this is
pass one which is primarily going to be with the grain for me so let's do it
yeah nice
yeah now that smiling blade gets right there so good really better than any of
the razor have
oh yeah we have blowing through it very nice
and that soap is excellent it is so good wonderful scent great performance nice
cushion and really oh man slick nice and slick
yeah there we go definitely doing good on this one switching your hands we're gonna
do this other side
oh yeah nice yeah this is really this is one of my favorite razors as well and I
just enjoy it
and when you think about how old it is and how you can still use it in a cool
really like that alright yeah that's pass one complete let's go ahead and
get washed off see how we did oh yeah nice yeah just blew right
through those whiskers look that you know great hmm
let's get our lather on here yep
yes so I do hope you are enjoying this new Straight Razor Edge Friday
Special Series last Friday was the first installment of that and we will
be Coming out with more so hopefully this is going to help newbies and beginners and
make this process even easier for you
there we go
now for me I like a nice pasty soap and a lot of people like it runnier but
this is the way I like it now this is pretty much going to be
against the grain on my cheeks like this through here this is going to be against
and across and this will all be against the grain
let's do it
there we go
yeah smiling blade just reaches right in there
that's a fine job oh yeah very nice yeah quite good now we're gonna switch hands
and get this other side
oh yeah nice
there we go excellent now get that cleaned off
we're gonna switch hands and get this other side
yeah nice
alright now on this razor you don't get a whole lot of audio feedback you do
get some nice mechanical feedback
so what do I mean by that unlike a extra hollow or hollow razor this doesn't sing
but you can feel it
which is cool yep really is alright pass two complete now let's get that rinsed
off really felt good this is sweet shaven razor
I'm telling you really is another quarter hollows and the near wedges and
wedges I think seem to kind of get a bad rap
but for me man they some good shavers they really are nice and
comfortable and like this it's a wonderful just relaxing Sunday shave oh
yeah that's what I'm talking about right there yeah oh yeah and this brush has got so
much more together all right so there we go getting soap everywhere now oh yeah
that's so good though
that's it right there looking good now get those hands cleaned up
yeah dry off and we'll be able to continue on so this is the half pass and
basically it's just my jaw line my neck I don't need to do my cheeks they're
good yeah and you know I'm going to be going across the grain (really Against the Grain) I'm gonna go
across the grain (really Against the Grain) my jaw line my neck and this is going to do it for me cuz that's
all I need it's gonna give me a great shave
and if you haven't seen the half pass revealed click on this card it will show
you the half pass in more detail
nice really good hit a little spot right there
just put a little soap on that no big deal
okay and we're gonna switch hands get this other side
yeah just get right in there so good that smiling blade is fantastic at that
oh yeah another shave in the books yep oh and it felt good you did let's see
how good it did I think I'm got another good shave I do
so let's find out oh yeah and that's smooth yes it is very nice
okay is it sweet yeah Alum everywhere
and then we dry that off and that is so good
what a wonderful shave and for our after shave tonight okay we're going Thayers and
this is the Extra Cool yes it is very nice this has got like grapefruit menthol
excellent so wonderful wonderful after shave oh yeah that is nice yeah we're gonna put
down everywhere yes we are and we're gonna top the shave off with Nivea
push a balm yep always good give that a good healthy dose
there you go all right you can click right up here to see the best how to
shave with a straight razor video you've ever seen click right over here to see
my latest video click down here on a video especially picked out for you
click over here on me Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share this video with friends
have a Great Shave and a Good Day and I will see you next time on Adventures In
Wet Shaving!
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