(Unusual entrance)
J: Why isn't this moving!?
J: (Detailed expressions) Speed Mood! x4 R: (Hang o..) (Hang on...)
J: I need to park my car x3
R: You look like you can't the park B: No, no, I did it well
J: How's my Lamborghini? R: It's cool, it's cool ♥ Is it a two-seater?
J: No, it's a one-seater R: Ah, really?
J: So (B: Yes) where are we today? B: Let's start off with our introductions first
J: Should we? 1, 2, 3. All: Hello~ We're NU'EST W!
J: Because we really wanted to have some fun today, we're here today! Do you know where this place is?
All: It's our practice room, of course!
(May, the season for picnics. However, there's a fine dust advisory right now!)
J: If you're talking about spring... The seasons have changed, it's spring now right? (All: That's right) Is there anything that reminds you of it?
(King of leading the show, JR's surprise question What do you think of in 'Spring?') R: Forsythias! Cherry Blossoms! What else is there...
B: Picnics! (J: And?) A: Uh.. Uh.. (Save me..)
B: You look like you're thinking while delaying his time J: No, it's not. Quick~
R: Butterflies! A: Good weather
J: Right, there's good weather too B: What else is there?
J: Lunchboxes! Food that can be eaten outdoors! All: That's right x2
J: Since we came out now (Whisper) (Whisper) We're outdoors now ok? (B: Oh? We're outdoors now?) There's grass too, take a look at the back
R: Grass... We prepared that too J: Today, we're here on for a spring picnic!
(Today is NUBLE's spring picnic day! Ft. New concept) All: Wow
A: If you look the back, it's written there! B: That's right, it says '2018 NU'EST W Spring Picnic'
J: Also the pictures... It's drawn individually. It may come off as a surprise but it's a portrait of us
J: We came here for our spring picnic but you know there are outfits for spring too right? All: That's right
J: In order to make our outfits feel more like spring (R: With lots of flowers) we dressed more flower-like
B: All of our matched our colors to blue but Ren... A: All by himself... Wow... (Who didn't inform Mango of the dress code..)
B: Ren originally likes to stand out so... R: No, no
J: Doesn't Ren kinda seem like he's in a fashion show? Do a runway walk for us once, walk along just like this R: What kind of runway here~
(I'm a pro)
J: No, walk from the back, the back! R: Ah, really...
(I'm a pro... This is now a runway..) A: Oh... He's cool
B: But Ren actually walked on a runway before right? J: Yea he walked on one before
B: Can you stop now? You can stop now~ R: Four levels! (More like three levels..)
B: I went to see the lunch boxes for a bit. If you look at the back, there's even a convenience store. There are lunchboxes there too right... J: Shall we head over to explain them?
B: This thing, we... We use them during spring picnics because we have to eat... This is an area for us to prepare our kimbabs
(Feat. Self-service) (A place where all the kimbab and sandwich ingredients have been prepared)
R: We have a cotton candy machine here too B: That's right. The cotton candy machine during spring... Somehow it feels just like spring if you walk around carrying a stick of cotton candy
R: That's right B: It's tasty too...
R: Honestly I really want to have one of this when I was young.. B: This here? (R: Yea) You can have it now! Congratulations!
R: (Mango's ♥) I got it
(A convenience store corner filled qith a variety of snacks!) B: Also if you look over to this side J: This is a convenience store, a convenience store.
R: There are soups too
J: Aigo~ You're handsome~ Aigo~ These handsome bachelors~ What are you doing here~ Aigo~
B: There are lots of snacks here, I got some coffee here too J: There's coffee, there are drinks too. We prepared everything here
R: There's the fish snack here too! A: Wow!
R: The next location is... Wow this looks good B: A tent!
(Picnic necessities!) B: Inside the tent, if you look here, there's a mat. You'll definitely need a mat right? A: Oh so that's a picnic mat
J: We planted the grass here last night R: Ah the mat is really pretty, so spring-like
B: Oh? It's a match? Oh?
B: If you put it like this, (R: Find what's hidden) you're camouflaged (Proud)
(We just can't tell who's Ren and where's the mat) B: Ren definitely has the charms of a chameleon
A: If you enter the tent... B: Please take all the things out of the tent one by one
A: There's this game (All: Jenga) B: Let's play some Jenga
J: If you're talking about picnics in spring, there's definitely food but it's also important to have things to play with friends
B: There's this Halli Galli game too! Having good reaction speed is important for this R: That's right
J: In the past we played Halli Galli too and they couldn't do it (Exploding pride for Halli Galli) B: No... Everyone can...
A: There are tons of games here. There's this too. B: What's that?
J: Is that 007? B: Is that Yut? R: I'm seeing this for the first time
A: There's a game here that Baekho is really good at. B: Ah! Five stones! We played that too right
B: (MIC ON) Yes~ Hello~ Yes... Thank you for finding us today. There's a mic here too.
(There's even dumbbells for working out!) B: It's important to continuously take care of yourself even during picnics right
All: Dumbells..
B: Honestly, this is just here to make sure the tent doesn't fly J: Originally, there are supposed to be pebbles
B: There are pebbles here too! They prepared these too J: But these pebbles can't hold them down, thats why there are those dumbbells
B: Oh! Pebbles are used for stone skipping too! Please try it once over here J: I'm a stone skipping expert, mine usually skips 7 times
R: Don't damage the cameras A: Try it out just once (Stone skipping (on a surface that's like water) challenge!)
R: Careful x2 J: Oh I think I did...
R: No this... B: Wasnt it just twice?
J: No /making noises/ You have to count those too R: Ahhh /making noises/
R: Yours went seven times A: Oh that's not it, sorry
R: Oh /making noises/ Aron-hyung's went four times B: Aron-hyung did four!
A: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8? R: /Making noises/ four times! J: You cant win me eh
R: How should I do it for it to go well? Let me know some tips
B: Just throw it like this R: (Using strength to throw it)
B: Wow this resembles stone skipping the most, right? J: Yes I admit
R: At the end, there was this /Ren making sounds/ B&J: Shall we take a seat?
J: There are games, there's even a mic for karaoke. There are tons prepared, at the back there are tons of things to eat. We have to roll the kimbab ourselves too
J: After we each make a kimbab with our own charms
J: How about we do some evaluation? R: Like who made it the prettiest?
J: Shall we pick the most inedible? B: That's fun too
J: But we really have to put in effort in making it, (B: Ren's...) don't make something weird R: Oh of course
B: Minki-yah this matches you (Flower Mango) R: That's right this matches me
J: How about we try to fill the three-leveled lunchbox we saw at the runway just now B: Or how about we have each responsible for each level of the lunchbox?
(Separately but the same. Each of them fills one level of the lunchbox each!) B: We can have one person in charge of the fruits section R: Sandwiches...
B: Should we do that then? J: Then I'll be the bodyguard for the lunchbox
J: Let's go! (Lunchbox-nim) This way please! R: Where to? Are you talking to the lunchbox?
B: Seems like it haha
J: There's a knife here so be careful when you're using it R: Does that mean we have to record from the front?
J: In that case, (A: There's a lot of things here) I will be the camera director
R&B: Ok J: Ok, please start then! (So cool)
R: Can we start? J: You can start once you have decided
R: Whoever wants to make the kimbab, please raise your hands (Aron-ie's hand!) B: Hyung, you said you wanted to make the kimbab just now
A: Me! I will make the kimbabs! R: Whoever wants to make the sandwiches...
B: Sandwiches? Who wants to make the sandwiches? Let's just do whatever we want R: Ok, ok
J: Right so there's the first, second and third level. The way I see it, the third level should be filled with fruits? B: Oh, this is an apron, amazing
R: Are there no gloves? J: There are some gloves on that table
B: Wow there are these kinds of apron too, the ones for one-time usage. Come here! (Strong) R: Gloves x2
A: Mmm the rice is nice, feels like they put some oil in it
J: I will cut some fruits. I will cut some fruits and then... B: Aron-hyung, come here (Strong22)
A: The kimbab is there though? B: Ah no, not the kimbab. This.
A: Thank you
J: I am in charge of fruits so I will use the uppermost level and you can put the sandwiches on the middle level R&B: Is that so?
J: Of course because the final highlight has to be rice. (B: I understand) Here's this for Aron-hyung's rice
B: Hyung! You've never wrap kimbab before right? R: (What's that?..)
A: Yea (Eyes)(Shaking) B: The rice has to reach all the way up there
J: Hyung what are you doing with the rice? Arent you a bit too much? There's only this much rice (Rice only filled 1/3 of the seaweed. The truth of Aron's kimbab)
A: Isn't this already a lot? R: Hang on this is really funny
J: You should only see 1/3 of the seaweed... B: Hyung no...
B: This is for the lunchbox, we have to eat it you know R: This is kimban, not a kimbab (*Ban = Half in Korean)
(Nagging explosion from his first time wrapping a kimbab kekeke) A: Oh it's not done like this? I thought it was done this way
J: Let's have 2 people making sandwiches R: Ok let's try making sandwiches
J: Wait, do you want to cut fruits? B: Should I cut the fruits? You can just cut the fruits like this
J: No no we have to take out its skin B: No cutting it then peeling it off is more...
(Sandwich) (Fruits2) (Fruits1) (Kimbab) (⋇The current lunchbox role allocation⋇)
J: Ahhh your sense.... B: Do you want to have a challenge?
R: Shall we make the sandwiches? B: The ingredients for the sandwiches are... Oh there's this
A: Oh? I have a good idea B: Jonghyun-ah... You look like you'll hurt your hand heh.. (Worried)
J: No no, I'm concentrating on it right now A: I saw some cheese just now... Oh I should make some cheese kimbab (Kimbab beginner's ability to use ingredients +5)
J: Look at this. While cutting, there's not much flesh here!
B: Just cut them like this! (Shoot)(Pew) R: ○♢○
B: No no! That's yours, I'm telling you to use it R: (What are you doing now?) (Baekho's new way of passing tools)
R: Is that so? (B: Yea) Then I guess I'll use them to cut out some shapes... A heart! I should make a heart shaped sandwich?
B: You should cut them out like this... Then peel it. It's much easier that way J: Ah is that so? Please show it to me
<Baekho's Apple Peeling Tip> 1. Cut them into a good size to eat
<Baekho's Apple Peeling Tip> 1. Cut them into a good size to eat 2. Remove the seed in the center
<Baekho's Apple Peeling Tip> 1. Cut them into a good size to eat 2. Remove the seed in the center 3. Peel the remainder of the skin
J: Ohhhhhh B: This is much easier
R: As expected, he's doing well J: In that case, Dongho-sshi can cut it like this and I will peel the whole thing on it's own
J: Lets see who can peel it better B: : I get it x3
R: I made a heart sandwich. (Heart) Bread Ren~ (Heart)
J: You have to always be careful when you're using a knife B: We can do some art too
J: Of course we can do some art. R&J: Art sounds good.
J: In the past when I peeled apples, the flesh from here tastes the nicest R: What? (J: The skin)
R: What? J: The flesh that's here
B: Tada~! (R: What) A bird! R: Wow you really cut it well
R: You have some skills
A: Oh my, this... Hang on, I think I did it wrongly (Apple) (Cheese) (Basic Ingredients)
R: Why? A: This looks too big
R: No, it's fine. We can eat it since we'll be hungry B: Hyung! Why did you put apples in there?
A: No, it's gonna be delicious. Really.
J: Recently, it's the 'well-being' generations so kimbabs with apples in it sell well A: Wait, sorry (Quick apology)
J: Oh wow A: It's beautiful kim~bab
B: I'm in trouble... J: Guys, have you ever made personally made a lunchbox for a picnic before?
R: No, my grandma used to prepare it (J: In the past?) A: I did in once. In middle school
J: What did you prepare A: Sandwiches
(This is a sandwich... too...) R: Mmmm sandwiches
J: In America, when you go for things like a picnic, do you pack things like kimbab too? Or do you pack stuff like hamburgers?
A: No, because my parents are both Koreans, I ate a lot of kimbabs when I went for picnics too but usually for picnics in America, we don't have things like sandwiches
B: Ah Minki-ya (Culture) What are you doing? (Shock) What is this.. What is this.. J: What's that guy doing?..
B: (Speechless) R: Heart! (Brave) A heart sandwich!
B: Where did the rest go? R: One of it is here
B: No.. The remainder of the bread.. (R: There) What are you gonna do with these? R: Just eat them like this
B: W ow.. (You're the best) J: Let's make them first x2, it's fine
B: Do it x2
J: Let's anticipate each others... Until we're all done A: Oh!!!!! I'm done!!!!! (Satisfied 200%) Wow I really did it, look at this
A: It's big but it looks fine right (Using the strength from his success to press it)
B: I would think that those who are looking at us now are gonna feel frustrated J: There might be some thinking 'You're just cutting apples, do you even need more than 10 minutes'
J: Minki-ya that... What are you doing R: Hang on I'm cutting an avocado
J: Aren't you supposed to cut an avocado into half then get it out? R: Ah is that so?
J: (Cooking knowledge king) Cut the avocado into half like that R: How do you know that
J: Ah... These guys who can't cook x2... For the avocado, after cutting these into half...
R: These looks fine though? A: Look it looks delicious eh (★Perfect★)
J: Hyung you can put those into the container now
R: I don't know about the taste but I am sure of its shape
(The is surely(?) a heart-shaped sandwich) R: This... a bit... I'm gonna apply some strawberry jam with my feelings J: (Commotion) (Fuss)
R: What is that? It looks like a coconut J: (I did cut it into half but..) I cut it into half...
A: You cut it into half like this... (J: Hyung, careful) I got it x3... Then you do it like this... After cutting it like this... You separate it like this... Then do this... (R: Good x3) And it's out!
J: You eat this right? (A: This?) No this (A: Ah this...)
R: I'm done with one! A heart! x2 (♥Mango's heart sandwich♥) It's full of strawberry jam, there's avocado on top and there's tuna salad. This seems fine to me?
J: Are you making the sandwiches, Minki-ya? R: Eat this? (Did not hear) Thank you
R: This kind of looks like a shrimp. It looks like a shrimp without its skin B: That's a heart
R: This is a heart?! B: It's a heart!
R: (A heart?..) This heart is kind of pointy though B: It's a heart...
J: Minki-yah, are you making them well?22 R: (No response) Mmm~ The apple is well-ripened (Nonsense)
J: Please make 4 sandwiches quickly (Firm) R: Ok (...) 4 pieces (!!!!)
B: That's right, 4, we have 4 here R: Can't we have 1 just to taste? I get it.. (Gave up quickly) I'll try making them
R: I won't concentrate on the shape anymore J: Just recently I cooked and ate at home. A mentaiko eggroll mayonnaise... No, a mentaiko mayonnaise eggroll
A: Oh it sounds good J: I ate that continuously and it was delicious
R: (Going crazy) (I'm screwed) How should I make it hahaha
R: That's right I should cut it into half B: Did you cut them? Try using this
(⋇Definitely in the middle of making 4 portions⋇)
B: But Jonghyun-ah.. Arent you taking too long just to cut it? The apple is gonna ripen in your hand (Facts explosion) R: That's true
A: (Suddenly using his face to make the kimbab) J: Ah I cut them all x2
A: This is amazing J: (★Apple making(?) success ★) (Self appreciating) Didn't I peel it well? Look at it's super round shape. Now I need to cut this
B: Jonghyun-ah why x2? You look like you cant decide whether to cut it? Do you not want to cut it? J: No I'm going to cut it, I'm just thinking about it
J: This is hard... Ah hang on... Ok! B: Oh kimbab!!! (Amazing)
A: It looks ok right? (R: Why? Was it well made?) B: It was rolled well
A: Is it good? (B: Mmm (Delicious♥) Mmmmmm) It's ok right? R: Is it really that good?
B: (Fixed gaze) R: Is it good?
R: Doesn't look like it though B: No it's really good but what are you doing?
R: No... The bread... No, making the sandwich has its limitations B: (Ok try explaining) Don't try to do anything... Just make it delicious and it's fine
R: Deliciously? No even so... Even so... That(?).. I get it I'll make it so delicious you'll be shocked
J: I'm almost done /Shoot!/ I'll put it here and... B: Ah wait!
J: Let's fill it with kiwi! B: Wait x2 A bit here...
B: I'll cut the kiwi J: Wow this will really shock you! The fruits.. Fruits... Tchhh
R: (Tada–★)
J: Hyung I think you just need 1 more roll and you'll be done A: Yea this is the last one
B: Ya but... You improve in the process of making the lunchbox
J: I improved a lot (Agree1) A: That's right (Agree2)
R: I don't feel it (Except Mango..)
J: I'll put these in one by one now... Ok ok!
(The sandwich is heading to the microwave questionably) J: The sandwiches cannot be eaten, honestly (Half joking, half sincere)
R: Whyyy.... J: You know that right? The person that makes it have to eat the remainder
R: Whyyy.... (Looks like the person himself dislikes it too keke)
J: You ask why? (Serious) Wow hyung you did it well A: It looks ok right
A: Can I use it, Minki-yah? R: Mmm? Ok... I should've done the kimbab, honestly, the kimbab was the easiest, the sandwich was so difficult (?...)
B: Minki-yah~ That's not it~ R: Is that so? A: (I did it well~) (Exciting~)
J: There's no such thing as being able or unable to cook you know? (B: Cooking is about sincerity) it's all in the sincerity. I'm asking you to use your sincerity to make it~
R: Aigo~ (Sulky) (Tsk)
J: (Surprised) B: (Warm) Are you ok?
J: You could get hurt so be careful R: But why is there no mayonnaise and the likes?
J: There is! R: There is? Where is the mayonnaise?
(The mayonnaise was here... From the beginning) R: Ok let's use this! A: Oh what? Wait, wait!
R: Why? A: Where are you taking mine to?
R: Hyung you have some over there A: I want to use this too
R: Is that so? That's right we have this weapon(?). That's right lets put it in the sandwich
R: I'm going to start doing it properly
J: Mine and Baekho's are finishing soon R: Already?
J: If i were to describe this, (R: Hang on!) the fruits are like an oasis in a desert?
(Different world) R: Tsk whatever he makes, it's always like an oasis in a garden (Grumble)(Grumble)
R: Was making a sandwich always that difficult... Ah Aron-hyun lend me some of your ingredients A: No
R: Just the egg! The egg x2 Oh that was my idea A: No~
A: Wah the hot bar really looks good R: Ah what am I gonna do, really... I'm in trouble
R: Right the mayonnaise is really nice, I am going to put some mayonnaise... Because we are 'W'...
B: (...) (Ren-ah..) R: (!!!) Why are you looking at me this scarily
B: I'm not x2 R: I'm in the middle of putting in a lot of effort, really
A: I'm done!
J: We will reveal the three levels we made later R: It came out well, I'm done
(After all the difficulties, NUBLE's 3 level lunchbox is complete!) R: Ah... This was really difficult
J: We have finally completed our lunchbox! (Clap)(Clap)
J: It's not lunch time yet B: The time is still...
J: It's only 11:30 and we usually have lunch at 12:30 right? B: Is that so?
J: So during this 1 hour, we could have some exercise... B: Before that, (R: Recreation!) shall we let everyone see our lunchbox?
J: We'll do it later when we eat, we'll reveal it.... Should we do it now? B: Let's do it now!
J: Do it now? (B: Yea lets!) Do this now? (B: (...) Lets..)
J: We can't do this though... B: No Minki has to reflect..
R: It's now time to reflect (Agree)
J: We'll reveal the lunchbox to everyone first and... A: And do the tasting later?
J: We'll do a review of the flavours slowly (Revealing a bit of it before tasting!)
(⋇Revealing it for the first time⋇) J: This is the three-level lunchbox NU'EST W has made
B: Minki-ya would you help us film it? R: Ok!
J: Ok we will now reveal the fruits me and Baekho made J&B: Tada~
J: Isn't it pretty? We did it well right? R: Wow what's that
J: This is the desert surrounding... B: The concept of this is Hallasan
A: Wow you really made it well R: The details
J: I named it 'The Oasis in the Apple'... The apple is as refreshing as a oasis so... (R: Nice) and this is the flower that represents Korea, the Rose of Sharon
(The fruit feast which used fruits to represent the oasis that looks like the river at Hallasan and the blooming Rose of Sharon)
J: This is a fruit lunchbox which has the Rose of Sharon and an oasis
All: Next!
B: Wow the kimbab is well made! J: It's really pretty! The kimbab is originally the highlight of the picnic too!
J: Even though I really want to try one now... B: If you're talking about a picnic, you'd definitely think of a kimbab
(Visuals that don't shy away from Heaven The mouthwatering, neatly-packed kimbab full of feelings)
J: All these rolls... All have a different flavor (A: That's right) and now we've come to the grand highlight
R: I really worked hard on it B: I know you worked hard on it... That I know
J: I wonder... What kind of reactions will there be once I reveal it? I didn't get to see it just now B: I saw it
R: Please reveal it! Wow it's so pretty! (Hehehe...) B: Wow...
J: What is this? Why is there a hamster on it? A: (Eyes) (In disbelief)
R: That's the point! J: What's the title of this?
J: (Say it) The sandwich's name R: It's name?
R: Originally I wanted to do the W in NU'EST W but while doing it.... While doing it.... The bread pieces all flew away so... J: The title is...
R: The.... 'Heart Within the Sandwiches!'
(S.. Save me please..)
J: I think... 'Mental Breakdown Situation' x2 (R: What 'Mental Breakdown Situation'!) I think the name 'Mantal Breakdown' sounds great but...
⋇Title of Ren's sandwich⋇ 1. Heart Within the B..Bread 2. Mental Breakdown Situation (3. Hamster Rescue Operation)
B: You did well (Soul0) R: Thank you
A: What is this? R: That's just... dessert...
B: We'll eat these later as we get hungry. Right now we're still not hungry J: Because it's only morning
R: Game x6 J: We need to play some games so I prepared something but I left it in the car...
R: Wow the car's good J: Where is it
J: Ah! I found it x4. The Jenga was in the car. The Lamborghini... Oh...
All: Let's build it J: You can't leave out forfeits in games right
B: Ah we need to choose a good location, we should move it to the center if not we might not be able to build it later
J: That's important right? The forfeit? B: That's right the forfeits are important
J: So I did a little test just now! It doesn't hurt but doesn't make you feel good
J: Let's use this to smack the behind
B: Shall we start the game? A: How should we order ourselves?
J: Let's come up with the rules first. When building it back up do we build it properly or not properly? (All: Let's build it properly)
B: It's more fun if we build it properly (R: That's right x2) A: And once you touch a piece, you have to take it out no matter what (All: Ok/Yes!)
A: We can only use one hand and our butts cannot come off the ground J: Oh ok, our butts cannot come off the ground
J: Ok please find your spots now! Minki, come a bit nearer R: No distractions!
J: Let's go in this order A: No, why...
B: Clockwise? J: Yea clockwise, we'll start off clockwise!
B: Ok, please start J: I can take it out immediately
J: In the past... B: Ah you have to take that out now
J: You touched it x2 R: ○♢○
B: You have to take it out x2 J: No it's still fine if you touch it
R: Woah~
R: Guys..
R: Oh my
R: Oh my x2
A: You need to build it now
A: Ah what are you doing? Choi Minki (Anxious)
A: Aron-hyung likes it when it's stable J: That's right, he's always stable
J: You need to put it on top to pass but it looks like it might fall once you do
(★As expected★)
R: It's Aron-hyung!!!
B: This happened because of Minki so shall Minki hit? J&R: Is that so?
R: I'm starting! B: Hyung, your butt has to face over there
R: Face your butt over there
A: (Gently...) You're dead, really...
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