Rotterdam Blaak
Rotterdam Blaak
"Hold On"-------------------------------------------
Taglia 2 limoni e li mette sul comodino. Quando saprai perché non potrai più farne a meno - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Ermal Meta, canta ad Amici con il piccolo Giuseppe e si commuove: il retroscena - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
VACATION AFTER HAWAII PRO - RAIN FOREST - MISSED FLIGHT - Duration: 58:30.Next day on the beach
Its fu*king hot today
Show me
Its a piece of coral
Karolina stresses out that she is not in shape already
Its 30C and sunny so
Were gonna stay in water for a while
I wont go to water with camera or I fall and the cam is gone
Everybody stare at Karolina
This beach is about 2km long
They say its the most popular beach in the world
so were glad to be here
But its just as good as any other good beach.
We will go through jungle with waterfalls
Its about 2km walk
Its gonna be tough for us
if we dont get stabbed by moskytos or any other mother fu*kers
we would wanna film something
Its so fu*king awesome here
Its looks like clowdy when you you look from the balcony in the morning
no swimming today
but when you go out in shorts and tanktop its so hot
and the sun burns even through the clowds
If it would be clear sky it would kill us
Its ideal like this
Its just nice out here
just Hawaii
You recommend to everybody huih?
We recommend to everybody
Go here
Its Tuesday, third day after the show
My stomach is full
Ill have to keep myself back with that food
My intestines were that dry like the old snakes skin
so now when I started to eat, drink and salt and
I have an enormous energy intake
so my intestines suck everything in and
hold it because its so beat up from last week
absolute starvation right
and 3 months before that was classic diet
But the end was the starvation.
plus cardio and training
I dont even remember that last week right
I was in some kinda delirium
I just did what I knew I had to.
and I dont remember any details
I didnt even recognize how nice its here
Im glad were here for another week so I can enjoy it.
Ill take a break now
and when Im back in Czech I wont eat junk but Its not gonna be diet
Then I start with diet for another show
Its not over yet.
Ill probably do two more shows in Europe
Ill recharge energy here
after that last days hardcore
I hope I can improve my condition
Its another morning...7am
We dont junk out too much already
If you eat junk more than a few day after show then you dont feel good anyways and
youre swallen and you feel like s*it.
So we try to keep it down lil bit
Karolina is preping the rest of the breakfast
Shes probably in the bathroom now
We should go on trip today
Yesterday we missesd the shuttle
which is the bus that picks up people at their hotels
We screwed up yesterday because we were waiting at wrong place
We know today so were gonna be fine.
Were gonna go swim in a few I hope
Even though its 7 am Im sitting here just in my shorts so
so I hope we wont be cold in the morning
Im gonna eat this
The only disadvantage of out room is that
we have a street view
so its a bit noisy on our balcony
If we stayed at the opposite side we would have an ocean view
But we couldnt know or change it.
We got peanut butter with chocolate and coconut
and its good.
We still have few more day here.
about 4 days
which is still enough
We just enjoy ourselves here
We cant get enough of how awesome its here.
Its just totally awesome.
If we go on vacation we would definitelly come back here.
Its really worth it.
Were here for almost 3 weeks
and we have a feeling that its not enough
Theres always something to explore
Karolina will kill me because I film her
She will say shes fat
but its not true
When youre 2 days after show you feel like the biggest pig in the world
and when you see the footege after like half a year
then you realize that youre in fantastic shape even 2 days after show
so were gonna dry out
and then go away
The color goes down better in water
It it Wednesday today?
You still have that color on you.
when we come back home
Karolinas gonna edit videos
Untill now we already have about 5 hours of footage
So were gonna be busy then
I think that we will make at least 3 videos of it
Were waiting for the bus
Were here
Were gonna walk up this path for 30 or 45 mins
Here are locations where Jurasic park or Hunger games were filmed.
Its totally different nature than we have
Giant trees
Just like in jurasic age
Its totally monsterous
I looks like in studio
You cant see in on camera
Its fu*king slippery here
Its like in a movies
My glasses starts to mist
from that high humidity
Higher we go...Theres a hill with waterfall
...the humidity increases
Bambooses grows everywhere
Lot of them are back there
Were told that here are no poisonous snakes
not even lions or anything that could eat us
Its relatively safe
Not poisonous insects either
People usually survive this trip
We have these sticks for any case
if some raptor jumps out the trees
Are you on alert?
People strugling stepping these rocks
Were on the very top
Were the waterfall is
I gotta watch my steps so I dont break my legs
Its over there
Its about 50m high
Theres a sigh that you cant go past this sign
Of yourse everybody go there
Are you kidding me?
Shes gonna go in there?
What the f*ck?
Sure... strip to you undies and take a bath
We got some mud on crocks
Were back within an hour
We got this stick...crutch
We will give it back
Karolina freaks out because shes stabbed by mosquitoes
I got stabbed only two times...Karolina more times.
Next full day trip is ahead of us.
Jiri is hustling because hes afraid that theyre gonna leave us here egain.
But we still have 10 mins
They maybe wait there so we better go.
Its gonna be Oahu round trip today
Lets go!
Everybody is getting up now
another amazing day
Its just beautiful
Its a reward for us
Weve been working all year round
This is like a dream
We dont wanna come back home
Id be here for 2 more weeks and we would still have much to do.
And this is just one of the Hawaiian islands
Lets go.
Were at macadamia farm
where tha macadamia nuts are grown
Here are some samples
Its delicious
They have different flavours
Macadamia nut are Karolinas favourite right?
coffee one?
even better huh?
the previous one was better
This is uncracked macadamia
and these are cracked
So you bought some?
I bought some nuts .
Theyre good but
But Im dissapointed because
Its called Macadamia farm so I was expecting to see something like they grow them.
instead of that theres a shop with samples
try for free and buy
You dont get to know anything about growing and stuff
Hopefully we will see pineapple farming
Do you think its gonna be good?
Did you film anything?
Were at Shrimp farm
They grow shrimps localy
in small lakes
no import
everything is local farm product
including those pineapples
You dont eat the tail
Karolina is not a big shrimp fan because she never like them.
so she tries again
so we got our lunch here
in a few were on our way again.
Were glad to know that everything is local production and no imported stuff
at least we try fresh stuff
Whats there?
yeah look how it watches
Its gonna hit them now
Its hypnotize them
so in these puddles they
they grow fish and shrimps
There are about 30 puddles like this around us
They grow their own shrimp and serve fried or with some shi**y cream
Were at the end of todays trip.
Were on the beach where were supposed to snorkel with turtles
But turtles migrated out
Beach looks like this
Its almost end of the trip.
Were gonna go to see how pineapples are grown
Its this left entrance right?
We run to get the pineapple ice cream
Here at the pineapple plantation
of this company DOLE that you all know
for example from stickers on bananas in Czech
They grow their pineapples that they dont export
Its fuc*ing good huh?
really good
so there are pinapple plants
This is one of the mid phases
where the pineapple didnt appear yet
First it looks like this
then it grows
Then this thing grows on it
and pinapple grows from this
Its doesnt grow under ground
One would say that it grows in ground and you just pull it off like a carrot
Well it grows on the top
This is a small field just as demonstration
There are growing phases
Pineapple grows so slow
on the top there are months
They harvest in 1,5 years
They have over 100 kinds of pineapples
There are small pineapples growing already
some another kind
over 100 kinds they have here
Its another day and another trip.
Its not exactly a trip
because we go snorkel to Hanauma Bay
Its a hole made by erruption
and the water flowed in there
and now theres an underwater life
no tides
Its probably the best place to snorken in Hawaii
Were so curious and we cant wait.
So were up
This is the crater view
Its big as* crater
I cant say how big it is
Oahu island that were on is the island of chicken
There are hens and roosters running freely
Over there too
Just like that
Its normal here.
Just like we have birds so they have hens and roosters
Were here. We already were in water
Its giantic hre
Beautiful fish and also lot of people
If you wanna see something you gotta go far from people.
Was it good?
Yeah good
You can say that theres been lot of tourists for many years
Its kinda worn already.
the bottom it grey
Yes there are fish but
Its not fresh
Egypt was more colorful
even bottom
thats right
This is famous because its in America
But still good
Im glad were here
It bacame totally nice and clear
We will be burned but its worth it.
It look very different when the sun shines on it
Those grey areas are corals
You can swim over them that you almost touch them with your belly
Theres so much space. You can snorkel for days
Never ending packing
I dont wanna go home
I do! Im looking forward
Go on
Were packing last pieces and we still have to put our jackets in suitcases
because its so hot here and then
were gonna spend all our time at airports so
we will need winter jackets in Prague
I dont know how we wanna fit them in because suitcases are full already
but we gotta do that
cabin suitcase
we take a bag
Jiri is burned
even he says he put the sun protect on
I put it only on one arm but you cant see that now
This one is burned as fu*k and this one is fine.
We have some frozen stuff left so were gonna have them for dinner
Did you put both asparaguses in it?
Just one.
and one we will have tomorrow morning with cheese
We will forget
We wont
We have got some bananas left
There I have a orange
In our fridge we have what...
Peanut butter that you already saw at breakfast
regular peanut butter
ketchup, butter
This green melon is delicious
salad, tomatoes, eggs
Here I have teriaki chicken with rice
Ill have this for dinner
We need to eat all this
Trash everywhere
Were good trash producers
unbelievable amount just from two people
Were going home.
Were booking Lyft
I dont even know if we have Lyft in Czech
Its similar to UBER
and here
you can see...wait
You can see cars moving on the map
One of them comes to pick us up.
I think Uber has the same app
Were using it for the first time.
We always used a cab
But we gotta keep track so were using Lyft now
Its cheaper and more organized
and they have cleaner cars
This was our hotel lobby
Our totally packed bags.
I hope none of them exceed 23kg because I dont know where we would put our stuff
hand suitcase...bag
Here we have it
This man is taking us
Oh Francis
Francis is gonna give us ride in this car
Hes here in 4 mins so lets go.
ok lets go
Bye Ilikay
Its so romantic good bye
at the sunset right?
to the left
I will miss these evenings
We spent 14 days here
It felt like 4 days
The best vacation so far
20 mins to the airport by car
He definitelly cant understand our language
Good thing is that we can talk about anybody and they dont understand a word
But we met Czech people at waterfall
Thats right
Traveling back will be tough
I wanna be at home already
Traveling to here was without any major issues so
we hope we will be lucky and get over it with no problems too.
We got a good flight so the whole journey should be about 30 hours.
plus driving from airport to home.
so 31 hours all in all which is not bad for how far we are.
We gotta get ready for that.
while were in good mood
Its gonna get tougher
Karolinas addiction
Whenever she spots Starbucks she hustle there
no matter what
and Im instagramming
watching what our team members posting.
Were at the Portland airport
and I have pimples from carbs that Ive been eating
and from sun protection that I put on my face so...great
5 hours of flight is behind us
Now were gonna wait for 3 hours for another flight
from Portland to Seatle
an hour flight so no problem.
then from Seatle to London which will be tough
9 or 10 hours flight
and London to Prague
So theres a lot ahead of us
but we already went through some part so its possitive
and thats probably all
Im having coffee
Its okay here. No crowds so we can sit
stretch legs
and refresh from that plane
I just came back from toilet
Something terrible...people
I dont understat that everytime when I go sh*t at the airport
four people next to me have massive diarrhea
They fart that they almost sh*t on my feet throught that free wall bottom thats between tiolets
snorring... hissling*t
I almost threw up there
Sitting 20 cm next to somebody who has a diarrhea
I didnt even wanna breathe in there
oh and then he went out
I saw him through the door slot
He did not wash his hands and he had severe dirrhoea.
fu*king pig
Im on the floor
Because I hate sitting still
I use every second to lay down like a homeless
Were about to spend almost 10 hours in plane
and Ill be freaking out there
Id lay down at the isle
but I cant do that right
We already have 30 mins delay so I hope
we will make it to our next flight
or theres gonna be another adventure
catching up next flight
We dont want that
Its probably gonna be a big plane because we fly with all these people.
That plane can take up 800 people
Its gonna be a big motherf*cker
Hope its gonna be more roomy
sonsidering that 10 hours flight
I feel like its my end already
Me too. I feel like were in Prague and we are up to drive home
Were not even in half
But we had a nice vacation and you did well at the show
We have to think about this
so we dont freak out here
so Seatle to London
begins right now
So we fly in this big boy
2 floors
We probably didnt fly in this yet
It can take more than 800 people
We will have a look in the brochure
Its probably tghe biggest plane we ever traveled in.
This is hell of an engine
Its about 3,5m in diameter
I think it can easilly manage any bird
Were in Gatwick, London
We have over an hour delay so
it look that were gonna miss our connecting flight as always
our family is always lucky
Were waiting for our bags now
and were praying
Were not even angry right?
Were about 2 hours from home
Furtunatelly this is not the flight that fly once in 3 days
London to Prague should fly at least 4 times a day
Thanks God that we got off that fu*king plane
Its was something
Im becoming claustrofobic near the end of flight
10 hours
I dont know how we always make it.
It seems unreal
yeah right
How you doing?
I hate this
Were just not gonna make it home
Well we missed our flight
and now were gonna wait here for another flight for 8 hours like idiots
Were not tired at all right?
At least we have food huh?
holy cow
They should call us with another flight info in 30 mins
We dont even have a flight tickets yet
They are too slow there
having a coffee and in the meantime somebody buy out all tickets
I just hope this wont end up that we will have to go to London and spend a night in hotel.
Were 30 hours on travel
I look like that
We slept about an hour in plane
This is ...
You cant do a thing
You sit and look around and you just have to wait here
I have to go to bathroom
I dont even have to go to bathroom anymore
You asimilate it huh?
She said 30 mins huh?
Lets see thats gonna happen in half an hour
So there is no free flight today
So we have to spend night in London
Were coming home tomorrow
I dont know what to say
Im so trashed that
We have so bad luck
I cant no more
Theres not even 6C. Maybe 1C
lil bit of a difference here right?
from 30C to freeze
I drank all your coffee dont you mind?
Traveling with Borkovecs family
Its not traveling its strugling
I dont know what to say. Im all fu*ked up.
Im getting delirious as I didnt sleep for two days
Im talking trash
Lets have some coffee and go to sleep
hey look what they have
Im out of my mind. I dont know what day it is
what time is it. Whats my name nothing
Our final flight.
Were in hotel now
Were close to airport so we cant get stucked in traffic
We go to breakfast soon
We slept realtively fine
We cant wait
Are you afraid?
Were at the London City airport
small airport
You sure wasnt here yet
Id be amazed if you were because this is s*ithole
We depart in a bit
Were standing before gates
My facial hair totally grown within those 3 days while were on travel.
We started our travel on Saturday
and today is Tuesday
Were at the airport again
where else would we be right?
I need to regiment
Me too
I have a week vacation and it really shows on my body
shape and weight wise
Ill stick with karolinas regiment
We should depart in about an hour
So were gonna have a coffee before that
and were gotta sit
I already said that but we started on Saturday and today is Tueaday
Isnt that something?
We travel in time you get it?
I saw the flight before ours canceled on the screen
I hope we wont be that lucky
Id break down here
I dont know how we would fly back home
We would walk
We would rent a car or boat
It matches
Karolina has her snack there
Were in the plane.
Were heading the f*ck off
Start it up
I so wanna be there
What you are looking forward to most in Czech?
to our dog and my stereotype
Were home
Czech Republic
Finally were home
We landed in Prague and we also had to deal with the broken bag
they took off the wheel
Now were waiting for our ride so
Sei stanco delle orme tue e del tuo cane per casa? Dirty Dog è la soluzione perfetta! - Duration: 5:46.-------------------------------------------
Rodriguez affossa Michele Hunziker: Belen poi chiede scusa e va in terapia - Duration: 4:31.-------------------------------------------
2018 Mid-Season Invitational Play-In Group Stage Day 4 Tease - Duration: 1:22.All the other teams banned out my Thresh.
I think I showed KaBuM why.
I definitely feel like we all disappointed.
But we still have a shot and are going to remain hopeful until the last moment.
As soon as they try to climb up, I will crush their hopes.
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Trilogy (Legendado) - Duration: 8:56.-------------------------------------------
Estas son las palabras de Jorge Javier Vázquez tras la sentencia de 'La Manada' - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
Cortan la avenida Diagonal de Barcelona en protesta por la sentencia a 'La Manada' - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
Cure Poor Blood Circulation Naturally - Duration: 13:35.While you cannot control hereditary and some environmental factors, you can still lower your risk of bad blood circulation by making healthy diet and lifestyle choices. A well-planned diet can help prevent bad blood circulation. To treat your bad blood circulation, medications are needed. Medical treatment is a simple, safe and effective option. However, certain foods can also help improve blood circulation health and boost the effectiveness of your metabolism. So you can be away from bad blood circulation. Here's a list of some of the best foods and herbs to eat if your goal is to prevent and cure a bad blood circulation.
1. Oats.
We speak a great deal about oats here, however, they actually are among the top foods proven to eliminate cholesterol from your body and can also be anti-inflammatory. If you are concerned with gluten, select gluten free oats, and consistently select steel or rolled -cut over a blink of an eye to get the whole grain advantages. Oats are a few of the most antioxidant packed grains, it is possible to eat in only a modest portion for the price. They additionally help supply energy that will help power you through the exercises. You can also boost digestibility and their alkalinity by giving them a straightforward overnight soak in the event that you would like to take things up a notch.
2. Turmeric.
It is the super anti-inflammatory spice that appears to be good for just about everything. The active ingredient in turmeric, called curcumin, protects from blood clots formation and decreases plaque buildup in the arteries. This will improve blood flow throughout the body. One 2012 study done published in the journal Nutrition Research, found that turmeric supplements had a positive effect on circulation, very similar to that found when exercising. Of course, turmeric should not replace exercise, but it is a terrific addition to any healthy diet and exercise routine. Add one tablespoon of turmeric to a glass of milk and drink once a day for best results. If you wish to take a supplement, speak with your doctor about the correct dosage for your situation.
3. Salmon.
Salmon, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, or mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which your body doesn't make on its own, yet are essential for overall health. How to improve blood circulation by eating fish? The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends two servings per week. Research shows an omega-3 fatty acid deficiency results in poor circulation. Brooke Alpert, MS, RD, CDN of says that omega-3 rich salmon contains natural blood-thinning properties and anticoagulant effects.
4. Kale.
If you haven't heard enough about kale, here's another reason to add the superfood to your diet: It could help improve circulation. Kale is exceptional at replenishing red blood cells and increases the blood's ability to transport more oxygen around the body, It is also rich in chlorophyll, which as you may remember from science class is a green pigment in plants that assists in catching the light from the sun to help make its own food for growth. What does that have to do with circulation? The molecular structure is similar to that of hemoglobin which is an essential part of human blood. Here are some creative ways to cook with kale.
5. Raw Almonds and Walnuts.
The raw almonds and walnuts are the two of the most valuable nuts it is possible to eat. Each also has antioxidant elements that are unique to enhance the blood much more. Almonds include Vitamin E to fight inflammation and walnuts contain omega 3 fats, exceptional to the nut family because it's the sole source among them all. Consistently love them raw when possible become less alkaline. For example, walnut butter or raw almond is exceptional manners to love these nuts, or you also can just use them scattered onto overnight porridge.
One Punch Man Season 2「AMV」- Thánh Phồng Tôm Trở Lại - Duration: 3:48.
Il telex - #DdVotr 213 #OperazioneNostalgia - Duration: 9:14.-------------------------------------------
アプローチ (字幕ONで歌詞でます) - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
ForoCoches se defiende tras la publicación de datos personales de la víctima de La Manada - Duration: 6:19.-------------------------------------------
리설주 미모! 전 남편 장성택 루머 및 김정은과 리설주 아들 - Duration: 7:25.-------------------------------------------
Pocoyo em Português | Jogando futebol | Novos Episódios 2018 - Duration: 6:24.-------------------------------------------
Metro en Tram Rotterdam op Bevrijdingsdag - Duration: 10:06.Rotterdam Blaak
Rotterdam Blaak
Metro en Tram Rotterdam op Bevrijdingsdag - Duration: 10:06.Rotterdam Blaak
Rotterdam Blaak
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
50조 사업 '한국 T-50' 미국 훈련기로 채택될까? | KR ARMY | - Duration: 8:49.-------------------------------------------
Chinese 101 - Duration: 8:54.-------------------------------------------
アプローチ (字幕ONで歌詞でます) - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
Patrick Bruel Album Best Of - Les meilleures chansons de Patrick Bruel - Duration: 1:42:41.Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!
林冠英回檳島拜票引騷動 夫人周玉清抹汗場面溫馨 - Duration: 14:04.-------------------------------------------
Taareyan De Des (Unplugged) - Harbinder Singh Gill - Duration: 4:04.
Wow! My love, There is no match for you
The days are yours and the nights are also yours
Once I thought that i will see moon up close
But i ended up seeing your beautiful face
Oh people living in nation of stars,
He misses you who lives on earth
Oh resident of stars
Here somebody misses u a lot on earth
Wow! My love, There is no match for you
The days are yours and the night too
One Punch Man Season 2「AMV」- Thánh Phồng Tôm Trở Lại - Duration: 3:48.
7 Things NOT TO DO Shopping in Germany - Duration: 7:58.No! Do not do these things while shopping in Germany.
Hey everyone! I'm Dana and you're watching Wanted Adventure Living Abroad.
I have already made several videos about grocery shopping differences in Germany versus the
USA as well as some videos about a few of the things that I still struggle with when grocery shopping
in Germany, so I will link to those down in the description.
I think by now I could probably start a playlist just on my grocery shopping videos.
Apparently grocery shopping is something that I think a lot about.
But anyway in this video it's more about shopping no-nos in Germany in general, not
just at the grocery store, but I am going to start with a grocery store one.
Okay, so first one is: don't expect to find sanitizing wipes for the shopping cart at
the front of the grocery store in Germany.
In the U.S. I do not remember seeing this in grocery stores when I was a kid, but starting
I think when I was in high school, that's when I began seeing quite a few grocery stores
putting these little containers of sanitizing wipes at the front of the store for cleaning
off the grocery cart handle.
So you could come into the store and you could take a sanitizing wipe if you wanted to and
clean down your grocery cart or the basket handle or whatever.
And I have never ever seen that at any grocery store I've ever been to in Germany.
Also going along with that, what's in the store, don't expect to see in grocery stores
in Germany a scale for you to weigh yourself on.
I remember that lots of grocery stores in the U.S. would have a scale.
I don't actually know why stores had that in the U.S.
But yeah, I've never been able to weigh myself on a scale in the grocery stores in Germany.
That's not something that I've seen here.
Another don't when shopping in Germany is specifically for if you have driven to the
place you're shopping at and parked in a parking garage.
And this one is actually kind of a two parter.
Part number one is: if it's a parking garage that offers a certain amount of free parking
for people shopping at one or more of the stores associated with the parking garage,
don't forget to get your parking ticket stamped at the store.
And number two: don't try to pay your parking fee at the parking garage exit.
First you need to put your ticket into a little machine, pay the parking fee.
And then take your now paid for ticket with you and use that to exit the parking garage.
If you get to the exit and you have not paid for your ticket yet, you will not be able to exit.
And that could create unhappiness in the drivers behind you.
Don't do that.
But maybe it's not a store you're not shopping at, but rather an outside market in Germany.
Well then, another don't is: don't just go grabbing at the fruits and vegetables,
picking out what you want and putting them in a bag. No.
You need to look around for a sign.
And at many of the little veggie markets or kiosks there are signs instructing you not to touch the food.
You need to wait until it's your turn and then the person working at the kiosk will help you.
And I didn't see the signs once and I made the mistake of trying to just pick out my
own fruit and I got scolded real bad. So don't do it.
Also don't automatically assume that the store you're shopping in will have a restroom
for customers in Germany.
In my experience, in the U.S. grocery stores and drug stores always have customer restrooms.
But in Germany that has not always the case.
It has happened to me several times that I've been in grocery stores or drug stores here
in Germany and I have looked around, but I couldn't find customer restrooms anywhere.
And then I've even gone and asked before like, excuse me, wo ist die Toilette?
Where's the restroom?
And I've been told by the people working there that there are no customer restrooms
available at the store.
And speaking of talking to people...another don't is don't expect to make small talk
with the cashier or other people in line at the check-out.
In the U.S. I often make a little small talk at check-out lanes, but here in Germany it's
just not something that people commonly do.
Here in Germany it is polite to say hello when it's your turn and good-bye to the cashier
when you leave, but it is just not a thing here in Germany to make small talk at the store.
And lastly, this one is once again pretty much grocery store specific: don't expect
someone to bag your groceries for you in Germany.
And if you didn't bring your own bag with you to the store -- which that one is actually a do.
Do try to remember to bring a bag with you to the grocery store.
But if you didn't bring a bag with you, don't forget to grab a bag before you get to the
end of the check-out lane.
So in Germany the bags are often located underneath the conveyor belt, so you can grab one when
you're putting your things on the conveyor belt.
And the bags cost money in Germany, so the cashier will scan the bag as they're scanning
the rest of your stuff, and then they'll pass it down to you for you to then put your groceries into.
So my question for you is: what other shopping don'ts are there in Germany or around the world?
And also what shopping dos are there?
Please let me know in the comments below. Thanks so much for watching.
If you enjoyed this video please think about giving a like with the like button.
And don't forget to subscribe for more Wanted Adventure videos on Wednesdays and Sundays.
And I have been doing the Instagram stories in German. So far.
I started doing them a little bit ago.
And I've been doing them at least mostly in German.
So if you'd like to check those out I will leave a link to my Instagram
down in the description below.
And I'd like to say thank you, thank you, thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon,
who help make these videos possible. Thank you so much for your support.
If you would like to check out our Patreon page you can find a link to that down in the
description box below.
Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!
Bye! Oh, I'm okay.
Also don't automatically assume that your store...the store you're shopping in!
I keep wanting to say "the shtore you're shtopping in."
Okay, okay. I'm ready.
【大马】林首长回槟岛拜票场面轰动!林夫人抹汗场面温馨。 - Duration: 6:48.-------------------------------------------
Cure Poor Blood Circulation Naturally - Duration: 13:35.While you cannot control hereditary and some environmental factors, you can still lower your risk of bad blood circulation by making healthy diet and lifestyle choices. A well-planned diet can help prevent bad blood circulation. To treat your bad blood circulation, medications are needed. Medical treatment is a simple, safe and effective option. However, certain foods can also help improve blood circulation health and boost the effectiveness of your metabolism. So you can be away from bad blood circulation. Here's a list of some of the best foods and herbs to eat if your goal is to prevent and cure a bad blood circulation.
1. Oats.
We speak a great deal about oats here, however, they actually are among the top foods proven to eliminate cholesterol from your body and can also be anti-inflammatory. If you are concerned with gluten, select gluten free oats, and consistently select steel or rolled -cut over a blink of an eye to get the whole grain advantages. Oats are a few of the most antioxidant packed grains, it is possible to eat in only a modest portion for the price. They additionally help supply energy that will help power you through the exercises. You can also boost digestibility and their alkalinity by giving them a straightforward overnight soak in the event that you would like to take things up a notch.
2. Turmeric.
It is the super anti-inflammatory spice that appears to be good for just about everything. The active ingredient in turmeric, called curcumin, protects from blood clots formation and decreases plaque buildup in the arteries. This will improve blood flow throughout the body. One 2012 study done published in the journal Nutrition Research, found that turmeric supplements had a positive effect on circulation, very similar to that found when exercising. Of course, turmeric should not replace exercise, but it is a terrific addition to any healthy diet and exercise routine. Add one tablespoon of turmeric to a glass of milk and drink once a day for best results. If you wish to take a supplement, speak with your doctor about the correct dosage for your situation.
3. Salmon.
Salmon, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, or mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which your body doesn't make on its own, yet are essential for overall health. How to improve blood circulation by eating fish? The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends two servings per week. Research shows an omega-3 fatty acid deficiency results in poor circulation. Brooke Alpert, MS, RD, CDN of says that omega-3 rich salmon contains natural blood-thinning properties and anticoagulant effects.
4. Kale.
If you haven't heard enough about kale, here's another reason to add the superfood to your diet: It could help improve circulation. Kale is exceptional at replenishing red blood cells and increases the blood's ability to transport more oxygen around the body, It is also rich in chlorophyll, which as you may remember from science class is a green pigment in plants that assists in catching the light from the sun to help make its own food for growth. What does that have to do with circulation? The molecular structure is similar to that of hemoglobin which is an essential part of human blood. Here are some creative ways to cook with kale.
5. Raw Almonds and Walnuts.
The raw almonds and walnuts are the two of the most valuable nuts it is possible to eat. Each also has antioxidant elements that are unique to enhance the blood much more. Almonds include Vitamin E to fight inflammation and walnuts contain omega 3 fats, exceptional to the nut family because it's the sole source among them all. Consistently love them raw when possible become less alkaline. For example, walnut butter or raw almond is exceptional manners to love these nuts, or you also can just use them scattered onto overnight porridge.
The Halloween | Cookie Looke Video For Kids By Super Kids Network - Duration: 2:49.The Halloween Looke Mouse...
Watters' World 05/06/18 2AM | May 06, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:30.-------------------------------------------
THINGS ARE GOING TO CHANGE! – Shop update (05/2018) - Duration: 8:58.-------------------------------------------
Comment COUPER une CORDE D'ESCALADE ● [TUTO MATOS #37] - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
Поперечный шпагат для продвинутых | Раскрытие тазобедренных суставов | S-HUBme с Лизой - Duration: 12:46.-------------------------------------------
NATURAL DISASTER SURVIVAL!! (part 2) - Duration: 13:07.sup guys today im playing natural disaster survival, and...
CONDITIONALS 丨КАК ПОНИМАТЬ УСЛОВНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ - Duration: 11:59.-------------------------------------------
THE NEW ANIME PARADISE in TOKYO ! JAPAN VLOG #2 - Duration: 14:56.Oooh It's raining !
Hey John ?
"Winter is coming !"
You are crazy !!
Thanks Honey !
Hello everyone, and welcome to this new video !
It's a weird way to start this video
we are stuck in the airbnb
Yesterday we put the little chain that holds the door
Here it is !
And it's stuck
I finally made it
I started to feel anxious..
Well done Clem !
It's raining a lot
So, the program of the day
we are going to enjoy our neighbourhood
this morning we are taking you to
Nakano Broadway street
Apparently it's a street that ends in a mall inside !
I read it was considered as
better than Akihabara in terms of mangas, anime and figures..
so we'll see that
if it's interesting
but for now we are really hungry !
And we'd really love to eat sushis !
Sushis !
Let's go !
and because we don't have a lot of energy
I bought something last night, we're going to try it
Like a syrup
Ooh you have some on your lips, it's disgusting !
No it's turmeric look !
Aaah it's turmeric yes, it's not bad right ?
it's disgusting !
it's disgusting !
We've just arrived,
we're soaked,
and we are going to look for a restaurant,
to eat !!
Yes exactly !
You want sushis ?
Yes !!
You have a face of someone who wants sushis !
You have a really red nose !
Come on, let's go !
What if we take one of these for a starter ?
No no
Yesterday it broke my stomach !
The Uniqlo is directly here
Clem just told me something,
we are not in Nakano brodway yet
We are in the "pre-mall"
at the very bottom we can see written "Nakano Broadway"
Here we are !
we were right, it's heated !
We've just arrived in Nakano Broadway
we only did like 100 meters
So we are going to take off our layers (coats)
Look there is a little Clem here !
Exactly !
Are you lost ?
Where is your mum ?
but where is your mum ?
She looks like chucky
she's scary
it looks like she's here like,
come into in my store...
you'll never come out..
No, Clem.. !
What's a zizi ?
Little Paris
But it's a market
It looks so good !
we went back on our steps
and we are going to eat sushis
because we are hungry
we found a little sushi place
Tofu nigiris
My shinkansen has arrived !
this one is really expensive, is it this one ?
the fatty tuna is amazing
let's try it
it melts in your mouth !
I am shocked
Who has the biggest pile ?
A little matcha latte
This figure only costs..
Look at this one, it's awesome
I found a little clementine key ring
less than 0,50 euros
a little sewing machine
a little Chopper from One Piece
And a little sushi !
This one is crazy
and also this one
it's from Hunter X Hunter
Do you want these shoes Clem ?
Today we only visited Nakano Broadway
we stayed for hours in it
you've seen we found a lot of shops
I am going to film you my little figures
so you can see them
So tomorrow we are going to go to Yodobashi Camera
which is 9 floors high
electronic, there is everything
so we are going to see this tomorrow
We may reunite the two days in one vlog
it breaks itself in 2, and you have the two sauce laying on your sausage
what is it going to do now ?
it's going to break
there you go
now you have the mustard and the ketchup like a hot dog
without the bread
Japanese people are the best
so smart
is it good ?
I show you quickly
Clem took a salad
Curry bread
these are gelatines, and this one is only fibers
we are going to eat !
the video continues
It's the next day
and we decided to film you our visit to Yodobashi Akiba
It's 9 floors high mall
in Akihabara
Let's go !
We are on the 8th floor of Yodobashi
this floor is full of restaurants
it was hard to pick one
we choose a beef restaurant, our food has arrived
I show you my meal, it looks delicious
it's breaded beef we are going to dip in sauces
there is curry, rice
cabbage, egg yolk
we are going to dip the beef into the egg yolk
and there they explain to you the order to dip your beef
let's go for the tasting !
So you take a piece
you put a little bit of wasabi
then you dip in the first yellow sauce
then you add the pepper in the middle
a little bit of pepper,
the orange sauce,
the orange sauce,
in the curry here
and then in the egg
in the egg ?
but be careful, it's going to overflow
we validate
we destroyed it
we paid 12 euros each
it's called beef cutlet
with the egg
we go on with a pancake restaurant
I wanted a little dessert
I really wanted to try this
they call this "fluffy pancakes"
they are like 2cm thick
this is amazing,
you can eat this even without being hungry
I validate this at 2000 %
so good
it's exactly what I wanted to taste
really good
it was an experiment !
a crazy experiment !
now we are going to see all the other floors
7th floor
backpacks, clothes,
books, stationery
the magazine is open, and you have a gift in the middle, it's funny
floor 6
video games department
and toys
I think we are going to buy a Nintendo Switch !
so we picked a few things to go with the Nintendo switch
a little protective cover
and for the first game, we are going to take Mario Kart to play together
one piece
and Voila!
Happy birthday !
thank you !
floor 5
we found the sewing machines
careful !
Stop it !
you're stupid !
the vacuum bottle department !
the vacuum bottle department
warning the vacuum bottle department
the vacuum bottle department
the vacuum bottle department
I repeat the vacuum bottle department
the vacuum bottle demonstration
Careful Clem
One, two, three
It's fresh
do you believe me Clem, it unblocked my nostrils !
do you want to try ?
I am in a massage chair
damn it
it cracked my back
my back just cracked
I feel good right now
you have to try this
I feel good !
in the back yes
it's massaging my booty
Floor 4, audio-visual
We are on the floor 3
the camera's floor and a lot of other things !
it's covers for cameras, it's really handy
what's that ?
look at how sharp it is
we are on the 2nd floor
computers, hard drives
we've shorten the 2nd floor there was too many things
we're arriving to the 1st floor
and it's going to be cellphones
the Ali Baba cave
to put your lunch
is it water ?
and this one !
a little Chopper
It's ronflex !
look at the tv
it's so weird
lots of little willys
I want either this one or this one
but there is one egg in this one so it's good
We've walked all day long
and now we are at the Tokyo station
we are in the mall among the multiple malls in Tokyo's station
and we found a little alley with only ramen restaurants
and we are exhausted
and we are going to fall asleep soon
it's a total fatigue
it's beautiful
but I think it's totally going to be different than the other day
We've just arrived, it's going to be 11:00 pm soon
we walked a lot in Tokyo station
and we ate so much good food today !
but as we walk a lot, we digest pretty quickly so it's kind of okay
so I hope you enjoyed this video
it was an intense one
don't hesitate to put a thumbs up
See you next week on sunday
for a new video
peace, we are going to bed, look at our faces
it's the end !
See ya !
Metro en Tram Rotterdam op Bevrijdingsdag - Duration: 10:06.Rotterdam Blaak
Rotterdam Blaak
The Fiery Cross Book Review - Duration: 9:42.what's up everyone I'm Melissa Elise and you're watching Melissa Elise TV welcome
to my May book club in this video I'll be reviewing The Fiery Cross book 5 in
the Outlander series and of course revealing the next book of the month so let's get to it
the story picks up right where drums of
autumn left off and I don't know if that's significant but this is really
the only book in the series so far that has done that as opposed to any sort of
time jump even between Voyager and drums of autumn there's a three month lapse so
if you're reading them back-to-back like I did it's pretty much like turning the
page likely this is the very next day or at least it reads that way with Jamie
and Claire Brianna Roger Fergus and Marsali and all of their kids still at
the gathering and the first hurdle they all have to get over is getting Bree and
Roger as well as Jocasta and Duncan married now you wouldn't think it would
be that difficult to get two couples married in one day but Diana takes 14
chapters and a whole lot of problems in detours to get just one couple Bree and
Roger married and buy a replacement Presbyterian minister because the
Catholic priest was arrested by the sheriff some of the problems that Diana
introduces in the first fourteen chapters end up playing bigger roles in
the rest of the book starting with the regulator's uprising and the wake of a
relatively small but violent riot Governor Tryon the same governor who
gave Jamie the land grant for Fraser's Ridge orders him to assemble men to
serve in a militia with Jamie as Colonel I don't know if you would say that this
is the primary plotline of the book though it is one the characters have to
keep coming back to since the militia gets called out twice
though they only see one battle and this is also where we see the symbol of the
fiery cross which serves as a call to arms for the men of a clan now the men
living on the ridge aren't all Fraser's so they're not a part of Jamie's clan
but he lights one in the front yard of the ridge to try and call as many men to
fight with and for him of course there's parallels to Culloden
Jamie leading his men out to war in the face of what Claire has told him will
happen and now Claire Brianna and Roger have all warned him about the future but
there's still a little over four years out from the Revolution and this time
there's victory for the rebels but in the meantime Jamie and his family had to
walk a thin line between oath sworn to the Crown and supporting the rebel cause
another plot introduced early on but you would almost overlooked especially since
Diana doesn't come back to it until almost halfway through the book is the
Catholic priests arrest at the gathering though Brianna Rogers still get married
by the Presbyterian minister Jo and Duncan do not which was exactly the
point of the priests arrest the question of why anyone would want to prevent
their marriage is posed at the time but looking at it now there was no way of
knowing how far and how deep this plot would go when Jo and Duncan finally do
get married at least five months later there's another attempt made to prevent
the wedding but this time on Duncan's life and someone actually does die a
slave who was meant to give a cup of poisoned wine to Duncan but when he
refuses she drinks it not knowing what was in it but the poison doesn't kill
her so the culprit has to go back and finish the job things only get crazier
from there with Jo and Duncan held hostage in their own bedroom the night
after their wedding well Jamie and Claire are trying to perform an autopsy
on the dead woman and if you thought things couldn't get wilder Stephen
bonnet shows up and Jamie goes off after him he doesn't catch him of course but
his presence at this point comes out of nowhere yet it all seems to center
around the supposed French gold sent to the Bonney Prince by his cousin Louie
King of France it turns out that this gold wasn't so supposed as we thought
because it did come all be it too late but Hector and Jocasta Cameron were there to
meet it along with Dougal Mackenzie now Jo
gives them some quick story about how they lost the gold when they were
fleeing after Culloden but nobody believes her
least of all Stephen bond it but we don't find out his full involvement
until close to the end of the book if anything you could say that this is the
foremost plot because Jamie spends the majority of the book looking for Stephen
bonnet pretty much making it known that he's trying to find him but his in
Rogers plan kind of gets turned on its head in the end while they go and try to
meet him he goes and is trying to kidnap Bree and Jemmy a lot of the chapters in
the book come back around to talk about Bonnet either by way of Jemmy whether or
not he's Bonnets or Rogers son or when Roger asked Jamie to teach him how to
fight so that he can kill Bonnet and then again when Claire and Bree try to
convince Jamie to stop looking for him of course this plot also had a bit of
Diana's usual contrived connections with the doctor whose equipment Claire's been
using and whose journal she's been reading ending up being the same guy who
found out about the gold in the first place and Hector Cameron killed him and
buried him in his own crypt where you guessed it the remaining French gold is
hidden all the moving pieces of this plot are almost too much to track with
but my favorite part has to be Brianna's shooting Bonnet in the crotch though he
blocks it with his hands so we don't actually know if she got anything below
the belt in the end things circle back around to the
coming war though with Roger deciding that he and his family will stay and
face it by Jamie and Claire side
so far I haven't really been singing the
praises of this book and I don't want it to seem like I didn't like it I really
enjoyed this one so much so that I'm not sure where it lands for me in terms of
favorites I mean obviously I won't have an ultimate favor until I read all of
the books and I still have at least three more to go but for now I think
it's still "Drums Of Autumn" but "The Fiery Cross" I think is my second favorite even
over "Dragonfly In Amber" because what's happening in this book takes this story
to a whole nother level I feel like I say this about every book but it really
there really is so much that can be said about this book and yet not enough
there's so much going on but it's mixed with everyday life stuff which I love
because it's so nice to see Jamie and Claire
and now Brianna and Roger have some resemblance of a normal life and one of
the reasons I really did love this book was because of Roger I thought he went
through it in drums for WoW a Jamie really adopt Roger as his heir and son
he makes him captain in the militia and in part this is out of necessity because
with Ian gone and Fergus only able to do so much and because Rogers married to
Jamie's only daughter by marriage that does kind of make of his heir but there
really is this friendship and family bond that for
in the end as I said before I really enjoyed this book but I can say that I
loved the last three chapters because of young Ian's return I didn't talk about
this much in last month's review because it was actually quite an emotional point
for me I just could not believe what happened to Ian and if you don't know again
I would highly recommend reading "Drums Of Autumn" or I guess you could just wait
for season four to air but I feel so much better and now that Young Ian is back
and I'm looking forward to finding out what he's been through about his time
with the Mohawk Indians and why he gets to come home as far as other characters
I really love the grandkids Germain and Jemmy are so adorable but my favorite
new characters Adso the cat he is so cute and funny and just ah Thank You
Diana that's what this story needed a cat
all the characters are great really
and to see each one of them develop over each book is so fulfilling but also
nerve-wracking because I don't want anything to happen to any of them
I could always say more and I kind of want to about Claire and Jamie but I
won't you guys know where to reach me and if
you don't you can check the description below for all my social media handles to
connect I don't have a question for you guys this month but if you have a
question for me please let me know in the comment section and of course let me
know what you thought of "The Fiery Cross" now I can't just give up here so of
course the Book of the Month for May is "A Breath Of Snow And Ashes" I hope you'll
join me as I continue the Outlander series and as always thanks for watching
guys and I'll see you next month
if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up and if you're new here consider
subscribing for more book reviews
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