Sunday, May 6, 2018

Youtube daily report w May 7 2018

Mother day whatsapp status Video

For more infomation >> हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Status In Hindi - Duration: 0:31.


上越インター~国道253号浦川原 2018/4/15 - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> 上越インター~国道253号浦川原 2018/4/15 - Duration: 6:06.


TOEICスコアアップに役立つ単語暗記  No.475【emphasize】 - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> TOEICスコアアップに役立つ単語暗記  No.475【emphasize】 - Duration: 0:35.


SdralkerX vL PRO MKX tournament hosted by E-Sports Professional GAMELTA - Duration: 16:38.

in mortal with more nine as such the

competitive player professional player

little by little we were climbing I got a

little in xl and just the games of

goal the ram and studies that we are going to have

today but here we are here

we are on the side this time of the caster and the

truth is that it's franchises


so not sometimes you lose the

opportunity to participate and compete

but he has the blessing and grace of

to be able to share with all of you to be

a spokesperson for what we are living and

be a chronicler of the emotions that

these players give us the truth

It's always a privilege to be with you this

with all the fellow casters and with

all the people who are there at home and the

boys who accompany us guys and

girls that accompany us the

today here in quertaro

sharing that emotion very many

thanks from the entire team of

I really regret that makes this possible

for and for you exactly because

here we only see two but behind

noble how many are we enough then

really on everyone's part

thanks and in the same way

he commented equally to me he gives me a lot

I like the truth of commenting with you

I was a player

and today it is not independently

for me it is a pride to have who we

represented before as the only caster

of fighting games and today

have the opportunity to be with you

I think it's valid, it's valid

Dear, I do not get the ones from

crocodile because we are on camera for the

program really valued very much

those words and tell us good and what

We have said many times, not us

we are the reason why people are

here but you know the players that

they are in today you know these

last eight players of the great tournament

of mortal kombat today that we

you can say of them quite quality

pretty quality to whom we have to

put the eye

I would say that you will love already and there will be every time

to March and there will be every one being one

of which we must have there at

so much because they are pretty good

players because they already have experience

in this ambit

at least abracadabra experience

international exactly as well

good either medium with kris and then

really if it already brings as you comment that

international experience has also gone

to brasilia to represent then

we have enough quality today

for what is being mortal kombat

of xl that is about to start my

estimated peak


but good tattooed in your heart and

estimated spats and it's already going to

begin with all this my dear call

As I told you, the truth is not

I know to you which character has been your

favorite and there we are in the brackets

look nothing else you can tell us about

the arms the bracket as such comes

something to face and it comes with all my

dear with you there will be a corpse I think

it goes against

you will not love to read very well

from this area but good as such and

we are simply to top 8 it seems to me

we're going to have windows the end because

I'm seeing in the bracket then it's going to

be with all my dear cold and

just waiting for what's coming

being windows final fine fine and whistles

against bikers

although already and it's going to be the first

so it is and the truth is that as

I mentioned it there will be no corpse is a

player that I will always have in the

Mira has represented us very well very

good friend also of years in the

community of fighting games but

There will be c's already mentioned, I do not know about

he unfortunately I'm not able to

keep track of all the players

of all the franchises in the country but

that can tell us what we can

wait will love towards a player not so

new so to speak perhaps for your

question yes because we have not had

the tournaments as before were but

it's really the player brings three

levels has been devoted a lot in

deadly kombat thing that many have not

continued if he has continued with it and

Well, I just imagine that what

more could I highlight it would be mixed

because it has a very good mix or so and if

perhaps confirmation of how he was like that

that that is very very very valuable and very

relevant and we can see them I can see

our two players at this moment

is ready to start we listen

since it seems to me they are already doing the

check record button

so that all our fans and

people that accompany us today

the check button is that moment in which

the players have the possibility of

configure their controls so they can

play at your best level but let's go this

is what we wanted to see there are

we have the filsa tag from part of jack

brics let's see how this starts

hard to door on the part of scorpion goes to

connect today missed little seems arrived

has been used there also the ball of

fire does not connect it come excellent

way in which confirms jack and briks

very good comes the wake up and they are giving

with everything call so strategy be within

of moments copied what they have what

understands strong form using everything

that expensive corner and he takes it to the

corner look nothing else so I scored goal

Tasty that we were seeing trying

general all the possible damage is not

doing that

coverage came different mix that's not

he gets it and there comes again the me

I'm looking for me to comment like this with this is going to

be for the first bar to be carried

of jacques and scorpion briks

is against the wall of this one maybe

use those bars and get out of there that

nobody wants to be in the lamb my

estimated like this from giving a little bit of

space to go out let's see what happens


we already have an x-trade bar there

be careful, we want to see it


because to get out of the problem by spending

well the bar using the resources the

takes to the floor what is the way to do

good way to try to continue in the

hollow doctor cormillot culminates the

confirmation and going forward is there

here brick that looks very solid in these

our moments exactly but because

manages to enter exactly so that it

the excellent king mentions being like

it accommodates it as the mix gets with

the over get careful because it's activated

is on fire this is the time in the

that you must have enough I can with

scorpion since it does damage

spectacular so is the fire does

terrible things but in these moments

we already have to mark the floor to

good way to block perfect reading

on the defensive by kiwis that

it continues to be carried forward as

still with spectacularity to

celebrate and we go directly to the

next more we are seeing good

trancazos to start this tournament

finally we start with the right foot

my dear and as well as scorpion starts

controlled come diego and there exactly

the kun there ends up activating what are we going

see where he is coming from

good is very good at coverage and

he tried to enter with that logo but he knew

what was coming since excellent brics the

truth is that very good defense of part

of this boy has had good reading

of game the main gain has been very good

let's see flors in the control of is

short that you can do is with against the

wall has to do the same in this

moment has to take control has

to go forward and it's precisely

what it is doing is gaining ownership

in these moments of good actions

way to use that game to hunt

with antier and try to go in these

moments ahead and cares explode

problems can be here can be the

Comeback can be made clear if it came

the berges do not get it excellent the

Scorpion part delay from part of

whistles and care because it's against

excellent strings the complete wey arrives

by the load and thus get the

first bar spending also memories

very important to win that round the truth

he needed to regain confidence

show that you also have what it takes

but look I'm wells I got the ones

reasons 30% of damage first as of

first combo of the match the truth

it's pretty pretty good way to

start forward again that

scorpion was about what own

stop there you know what are the

moments to attack jacques and briks

exactly knows has good

knowledge of the game as such and more

that nothing against the scorpion comes

excellent view it as well confirmed

the dance bar or that if it does not

lack is finished carrying and careful

we have to get out of that corner whistles

has seen quite suffocating in this

side my dear cold and there comes comes

also being the bar does not get

absolutely nothing come excellent the

Atp on the part of scorpion tried

do what I tried to achieve, not what

get the coverage here bicske

very well up 2 that it's finally going to

confirm the kun there and we will see by

where the mix comes from or where is it going

finish doing down up to

where is the 50-50 decide if the change of

guard very well spending resources and

staying without anything there are brics here

is doing the same at this time

he is tremendously dangerous he is courteous with

all resources has all the funk and

those worked ready to do it

it's possible


and I like



do not

do not






composed of more than twice the same


that's that shows a little bit

despair sought the hole with the

canon ball excellent the part baghdad

of scorpion there ends up taking the

come bar is losing down and

careful because well the yoghurts is

quite the damage you can do here

31% and it's still in the corner, it's not going to

shake off

pretty punishes the scorpions now with

a very good domain on the part of

from here it has not been the same as cachete

makes celeb wants to keep that

vehemence that violence in his favor

let's see but they punish you in these

moments and with all that bar you do not

I want to say what you can do look

nothing more than 30% is already gray and

comes the pace to do now if you

it blocks the up and down very well already

well controlled here not

meanwhile fried is trying to

make new adjustments to his offense but

you have to do it fast they are

downloading excellent again what

come back come see what we are going to see how much

confirms does not end up spending down

this time if you activate it two bars go

we are just as we started one to

one come

again above this can be the

yogis make us expect clearly that if you

is going to spend the barrick be it yesterday

finishing ladies and gentlemen 2 to 2 34 by

7 him as well confirmed well done

flat you put all to 2 tremendous the

chair that we are in in village of

mortal as arranging very well the

situations the truth taking the

correct decision making a change

character that could have cost him the

departure but it's leading to good

term until now we're going to see

what can do whistles quoted that they will go to

the colleges that you can do about it

and good immediately comes here not

punish after the parakeets

taking the films attack they have the

corner he leaves me to do the

start with the mix eo come this time

comes down excellent come 22 22 34

36 holy mother of the Lord 43 percent

what comes spending of damage 17 blows

with awesome what we just saw

for everything to be the first round generating

the same bar you need to do it

the damage generation by cano

impressive but here this is because

he goes back brings it back he turns it

quote what is the challenge through above

and from below you have seen it many times

in these moments that now no longer no longer

is coming fried has to change

your offensive options

nothing else other character good form of

use antier by face up

the moment of today I tried or he repeated

ice cream and he's telling me do not jump

do not tell them before because it's costing you

expensive today come the canon excellent

using the bar with the protection

come well and failing in the storm

it could have been to confirm and start

with the missions it is already used to make a

atp let's see it and there it is there is

nothing else they already know if there are minors

age please cover the eyes look

tranquilito you take

to play the white rival

how pretty is deadly kombat the ladies

and gentlemen but how beautiful is how

is saying these players please

a loud applause because this is not

easy what we are seeing is high

quality in mortal kombat x be like this is already

Said it before the tournament began

you had warned us of the quality of

players that we had today and

this first fight is not failing your

word stroke really a shot of

quality what we had what what I

I had told them I had been

predicted since I saw the squadron and

I knew there was going to be a good chair in

mortal kombat of would like and what

we were looking pretty good in the

decision of this boy to change to

jackie brics i think i was in good

time knowing that there were three in the

best of good three of five then

I think it was the best option because

many risk the already the last and the

adaptation of the character then it's not the

last what the quality done if what

I would have done in the second round

I would have lost for that and lost the

first with canon but it gives you the time and

the ability to download your

opponent and the settings work the

impressive offensive that we saw in that

beginning in the first round the third

more was

awesome go like these guys

Of course they have practiced bringing their fingers

warm people bring the desire to play in

seriously bring and come with all these

boys all the level impresses me to

see after so long that this

game we had not seen it and what

have really invested enough

esteemed with something that does stand out

the adaptation of the canon game was

pretty good but already armed was infamous

but go immediately took letters in the

subject was learned the mix

What has been changing guard and

suddenly wake up then it did not start

to enter and that was what it cost him

practically the match to so many also

we must mention this that surely

you more than me men do not

lately there have been deadly arrangements

kombat that are making the game

also be much more entertaining not

nothing more to play but also to see no

we were already seeing him we were commenting

respect when a predator was broken

to the dead letter for example not

we started or with them we started with a

canon and we start with a scorpion and

well there we are seeing the bracket

ladies and gentlemen who ends up going

well saying we have affections

in front of 4 to 2 what is not giving

on the scoreboard and below these are the

want who is there in good lights

at the moment the road is not over yet

we still have a little bit to move forward and

it seems that it will continue to be there every time in

against romeo adriano so is romeo

adrián against there will be every time

remember there will be corpses one of the

players with more experience

international international

games of the netherrealm family and has

been also a player has already recognized

even by brands

For more infomation >> SdralkerX vL PRO MKX tournament hosted by E-Sports Professional GAMELTA - Duration: 16:38.


Collegamento tra insonnia, carenza di ossigeno e demenza? - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Collegamento tra insonnia, carenza di ossigeno e demenza? - Duration: 6:02.


Westworld 2x03 Inside "Virtù e Fortuna" (HD) Fort Forlorn Hope - Duration: 5:31.

LISA JOY: Westworld is a genre show,

but I like to think when we're looking at the characters,

especially the women,

we are naturalistic and real and trying to deal with topics

that women face to overcome forces that oppress you.

How do you get past what has been done to you,

and yet, not be defined by it?

JONATHAN NOLAN: We've met the Confederados in the first season.

Dolores has unfinished business with them.

The only way she's gonna survive is to build herself an army.

Quite the welcome.

And you are?

Call me Wyatt.

You're Wyatt?

JOY: The tensions that you feel as a human,

having to present yourself in a certain way,

in order to be construed as a leader,

there's a certain level of persona

that you have to craft for that.

Especially as a woman. And Dolores has to do that.

EVAN RACHEL WOOD: I think I thought I would really be

playing this character that had this

soul of a man, this maniac of a man.

And then I realized that Wyatt could also be a girl's name.


And it completely changed my perspective on the character.

Just promise me your men.

I need them if we're ever to survive this threat.

WOOD: I think that episode was the most difficult for me

character-wise because I've never been given a role

where I'm commanding an army or talking like a general.

Who is he?

ROBERTO PATINO: We've spent three episodes seeing this host

who is a war general and a vengeful goddess.

Suddenly, she sees her father,

and she becomes a daughter again.

(SOFTLY) I'm here.

JOY: And you realize she's still the same person

with vulnerabilities,

with feelings, with insecurities, with doubts.

-Dolores? -Daddy.

You can't express all the things you are at every given moment.

But the totality of those moments,

if you string them together,

is what creates a true portrait of who you really are.

-Ready! Aim! Fire! -(GUNSHOTS)

NOLAN: Derelicts of an older conflict,

these soldiers carry on the mythos

of the post-Civil War moment in which some of these soldiers

fled south of the border and elected to keep fighting.

So, we knew that their environment had to be a fort.

The challenge was to feel

the power and history of the place.

Howard Cummings built an amazing set.

HOWARD CUMMINGS: They wanted a kind of an Apocalypse Now quality to it.

So, I pushed it into that Adobe fort style.

It's not the Alamo, it's not Western,

it's actually sort of more Midwestern.

The place had to look bombed out,

and totally dis-repaired, there's sections of it missing.

We built ramparts with cannons and barricades,

these big, spiky barricades that they used,

and bunker kind of things.

I wanted evidence of their people being amputees,

so, there's a big infirmary...

JULIE OCHIPINTI: The hardest thing there was just the scale,

it's a massive set for us.

LOUIS HERTHUM: When you're in a setting that is very realistic

it's so much easier to...

let yourself go and become the character.

Sir! Sir. We saw 'em.

They're coming up from the ground.

MICHAEL LANTIERI: One of the biggest challenges

on season two was the big battle at Fort Forlorn.

We fight this battle head on, we lose.

We fight my way, we all win in the end.

DAVE PAHOA: It was big.

It involved a weeks-worth of prep.

We had a couple hundred extras and stunt people and horses.

To your posts!

LANTIERI: It was just one big, choreographed

stunt-effects-sequence that

had to be timed and planned and executed perfectly.

PAHOA: They were trying to create a wall that separated

the people in the fort from the marauding horde.

ALAN ROBERTS: Basically, what they're trying to sell

is that she's shooting the ammo and explosive depot,

which is all buried underground.

PAHOA: We had high explosives.

We wanted to create explosions,

almost cylindrical in shape, taller, and then,

in between layouts,

some more that was more of a cloud, but violent.

LANTIERI: Then you have the challenge of

having all the stunt people

and all the people in the middle of this battle,

and sorting out how we're gonna do things safely.

There's a lot of different ways to do shootouts.

On our show, we just rehearse it filming it

as many times as possible,

and then we only have the squibs on our actors

or our stunt performers once.

We then blow the squib, and then move on.

We rehearsed the battle sequences for about a day,

prior to shooting.


Fire away!


LANTIERI: How people die was very important to us.

We're always looking to push the envelope

and use the most effective, startling effects.

ROBERTS: They had kegs in here,

we simulated that the bullet got in there,

and it took out two Confederados.

LANTIERI: The squibs that we used,

you know, the blood hits that we used,

we fire the charges by radio timed to the guns going off...

ANGELA SARAFYAN: It was unreal.

The production value was enormous.

WOOD: Watching them collide was, to me,

the perfect image for the show.

-Do it. -(COCKS GUN)

It was like the past and the present just--


For more infomation >> Westworld 2x03 Inside "Virtù e Fortuna" (HD) Fort Forlorn Hope - Duration: 5:31.


El sueño de las cejas perfectas puede acabar en pesadilla | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> El sueño de las cejas perfectas puede acabar en pesadilla | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:09.


Carmen Martínez Bordiú será duquesa de Franco salvo que Felipe VI lo impida - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> Carmen Martínez Bordiú será duquesa de Franco salvo que Felipe VI lo impida - Duration: 11:06.


Amputata la gamba ad una modella per colpa di un assorbente interno - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Amputata la gamba ad una modella per colpa di un assorbente interno - Duration: 5:59.


Il test delle 6 case - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Il test delle 6 case - Duration: 6:36.


हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Status In Hindi - Duration: 0:31.

Mother day whatsapp status Video

For more infomation >> हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Status In Hindi - Duration: 0:31.


KUWK: Khloe Kardashian Attends Tristan Thompson's Cavaliers Game — The Couple Is Officially - Duration: 2:53.

KUWK: Khloe Kardashian Attends Tristan Thompson's Cavaliers Game — The Couple Is Officially Back Together

Just weeks after giving birth to her daughter, True Thompson, Khloe Kardashian has made her way back courtside to show support for Tristan Thompson.

Leaving everyone to believe without a doubt that they are back together.

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson made headlines when they were spotted on May 4 for the first time after the cheating scandal laughing and talking with friends at lunch.

The day before, the "KUWK" star disabled her comments that were filled with congratulatory messages and Tristan Thompson insults.

Some speculated that the lunch was just a way to show that she and Tristan are co-parenting.

But make no mistake, Khloe showing up to the basketball game so soon after giving birth and leaving her first born child home is being seen as a clear statement that they are still together.

She may have been his good luck charm because the Cavs beat the Raptors by two points.

After the news broke that the 27-year-old had been cheating with five women since at least October, he has been benched, booed, and taunted.

The crowd even chanted "Khloe" at a couple of the games.

It's obvious that Khloe is doing whatever it takes to keep her new little family together by staying in Cleveland and allowing him to allegedly move back in the house.

An insider explained: "Khloe's lived a large portion of her life without a dad and she does not want that to happen with True.

She wants to get to a place where she can trust Tristan once again and she's thinking that he has one more chance.

They are not fully reconciled but that's the path she's taking and she's hoping it gets to a place where they can be a family.".

Although they may not agree with Khloe's decision to stay by her cheating spouses' side, they are still going to support her through this tough time.

For more infomation >> KUWK: Khloe Kardashian Attends Tristan Thompson's Cavaliers Game — The Couple Is Officially - Duration: 2:53.


KUWK: Khloe 'Dreaded' Showing Up At Tristan's Game – Here's Why She Went Anyway - Duration: 2:47.

KUWK: Khloe 'Dreaded' Showing Up At Tristan's Game – Here's Why She Went Anyway

We hear that although Khloe Kardashian was there to cheer for her baby daddy at the playoffs, she was not too excited to attend the game.

Apparently, the reality TV star was worried about how people would react seeing her there after everything that has happened.

As a result, she reportedly almost decided against going but changed her mind in the end.

Khloe decided to be at the game very last minute, she was not going to attend the playoffs, but in the very end, she decided to bite the bullet and go.

She was dreading the kind of reception she was going to get, but at the end of the day she has not done anything wrong so she did not see why she should hide,' one insider shared.

'Khloe's made up her mind to stand by her baby daddy and give him the benefit of the doubt, so she is forcing herself to carry on as if it is business as usual.

Walking into that arena was nerve-racking, and she was totally dreading it, but it turned out to be nowhere near as terrible as she thought it would be.'.

Khloe also wanted to look good for the event and be prepared for all the cameras and curious eyes.

Our source says that 'Khloe put on one of the sexiest dresses she owns, high heels, a Hollywood-style huge pair of sunglasses, and just held her head high.

'She cheered on her man and was excited when he won.

It has been a hellish couple of weeks, but now she has made her mind up to stay alongside Tristan.

Khloe feels a lot better and as far as she is concerned, haters are just going to hate.

She is going to remain positive and strong, and live her life how she wants – it is nobody's business but her own.'.

Do you think she made the wrong decision?.

For more infomation >> KUWK: Khloe 'Dreaded' Showing Up At Tristan's Game – Here's Why She Went Anyway - Duration: 2:47.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Aurora da Resistência: Esquerda inova e tenta atrair pessoas às ruas - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Aurora da Resistência: Esquerda inova e tenta atrair pessoas às ruas - Duration: 2:23.


Batidos e infusiones para nuestro sistema nervioso - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> Batidos e infusiones para nuestro sistema nervioso - Duration: 6:32.


Fechou! Corinthians entra em acordo com jogador e Carille terá novo reforço - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Fechou! Corinthians entra em acordo com jogador e Carille terá novo reforço - Duration: 4:30.


►세계 최초의 인공위성을 쏘아올린 로켓 R-7 ► korean army 24h - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> ►세계 최초의 인공위성을 쏘아올린 로켓 R-7 ► korean army 24h - Duration: 5:04.


糸魚川インター~上越インター 2018/4/15 - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> 糸魚川インター~上越インター 2018/4/15 - Duration: 4:49.


第2世代GT-Rを買うならコ ...てどんなお店? - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> 第2世代GT-Rを買うならコ ...てどんなお店? - Duration: 8:27.


हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Status In Hindi - Duration: 0:31.

Mother day whatsapp status Video

For more infomation >> हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Status In Hindi - Duration: 0:31.


上越インター~国道253号浦川原 2018/4/15 - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> 上越インター~国道253号浦川原 2018/4/15 - Duration: 6:06.


TOEICスコアアップに役立つ単語暗記  No.475【emphasize】 - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> TOEICスコアアップに役立つ単語暗記  No.475【emphasize】 - Duration: 0:35.


7 Year Old Gets Ear Pierced.

For more infomation >> 7 Year Old Gets Ear Pierced.


Don't Scream At The Referee! - Parents Behaving Badly! - Duration: 2:23.

Hi everybody from Coach Dom Costa got another video for you for parents

behaving badly don't scream at the referee or umpire it just doesn't help

we're human beings if you have a question just ask quick story and how it

worked by the way punch that like button share subscribe comment I was doing a

flag football game refereeing it and I made a call and it turned out it was the

incorrect call but the way the coach went off I had to literally like put him

off the field a little bit there put a penalty down I didn't kick him out but

it just was very negative and he ended up, where he was winning by three touchdowns

anyway but that's regardless I blew the rule

he's just the way he came at me sideways and was very negative and for me I did

look up the rule and I saw him two days later because they play a you know round

of games and I went up to him I said hey you know I want to tell you the other

night I want to apologize you were right about that rule and he says you know

what that's really I was telling the kids when a man says he's sorry that's

that's a true man and I appreciate what you've done I did share with him

though hey if you got something and I do it when I coach my own teams over the

years I don't yell I thank the referees for their service and I ask a question

about hey is that what you saw is a rule interpreted this way or is it interpreted

that way is the ball spotted here and just get them to think and sometimes get

in a group with their other referees and they'll get the call right they're human

beings with screaming the vile stuff that I have had to hear

sometimes it's not that I get my back up and say no I'm not gonna make a call I

don't you want to do a good job for the game and you want to do a good job for

the kids but referees are human and I think you're gonna get more with honey

than you do with vinegar and how you speak and take care of yourself

professionally so I want to share that with all the coaches out there you know

ask good questions I think you can get your point across without being vile or

violent verbally and I just want to share that so

parents don't behave badly don't get a to be a topic on one of my videos thanks

for watching and I'll catch you on the next one!

For more infomation >> Don't Scream At The Referee! - Parents Behaving Badly! - Duration: 2:23.


'John's Past Life' Sneak Peek Ep. 405 | Fear the Walking Dead - Duration: 1:08.

You been out here long?

Good while, I suppose.

What did you do before?

I was a police officer.


Why didn't you bring your guns?


What guns you mean?

I thought all cops had guns.



they cause more problems than they solve.

Plus, they just attract more of past, right quick.


Do you like it, being a cop?

One time.


For more infomation >> 'John's Past Life' Sneak Peek Ep. 405 | Fear the Walking Dead - Duration: 1:08.


'Waterpark Walkers' Behind the Scenes Ep. 404 | Fear the Walking Dead - Duration: 2:51.

Man, I used to love these places.


We are at an amazing water park.

And action!

Alicia and Naomi are searching this place

to see if they can find something.

Whoever was camped here

moved to higher ground when the fence went down.

They realize that there was clearly a standoff

and that people had sequestered themselves

at the top of the water slide.


Debnam-Carey: Naomi and Alicia come to this kiddie pool,

and there are about 15 moldy, algae-covered infected

just waiting in this pool.

This scene I think might be the grossest scene

I've done on the show so far.

[Walkers growling]


We have roughly 20 walkers.

Some of them are stunt. Some of them are background.

After a full day in this water, they're pretty chilly.

They put wet suits underneath their costume,

so that helps a little bit.

Nicotero: We have the opportunity to see

a couple levels of algae-infected walkers.

We use a combination of mold

and different colors of slime and algae

to completely cover their faces.

It's very disgusting, incredibly gross,

but it looks amazing.


Elfman: We have slides we have to climb up.

We've got slides we're sliding down.

It's very slippery with the algae.




Today we did this stunt sequence

in what they call the toilet bowl.

The toilet bowl itself was quite challenging

because we needed it to be slippery enough

that the heroes could come out with the walker

and kind of swish around the edges

and slide down towards the threat that was there.

We tagged our principals with a cable.

I had my rigging team on a cue.

Once the cast fell into their marks,

we cued them to pull them through

so they could just kind of vanish down the tunnel

as if they got far more speed.

At the end of those tunnels, we had pads so they could

come flying out full-blast and land on the pads.

It was so hard to support yourself

in this dipped kind of bowl shape.

We're basically fighting around the edges

and slipping and sliding,

and we've got everyone clawing at us.

It was really -- It was intense stunt work.

-[Grunts] -[Screams]

[Both panting, walkers growling]

For more infomation >> 'Waterpark Walkers' Behind the Scenes Ep. 404 | Fear the Walking Dead - Duration: 2:51.


Trump Doctor Not Only Won't Get New Job, He's Losing His Old Job - Duration: 3:47.































































For more infomation >> Trump Doctor Not Only Won't Get New Job, He's Losing His Old Job - Duration: 3:47.


10 Things When You're Dating a Good Guy After a Toxic Relationship - Duration: 3:49.

10 Things When You're Dating a Good Guy After a Toxic Relationship

After a narcissistic relationship, there is a mental breakdown that happens.

It is extremely damaging, and some people really want to end their life instead of surviving

with such heavy burden.

There is no way that you can survive easily without the help of a nice guy.

Fortunately, it is possible to meet a nice guy, and the world will feel different.

It is not impossible that any sufferer from narcissists can meet the nice guy that really

loves her.

#1 - He's confident in you

After your confidence disappeared, there is someone who can help you to regain that.

The good guy will always make you confident.

Your doubt will be gone easily.

#2 - Being kind all the time

Good guy really loves you unconditionally.

You have prepared the worst that his traits will change.

However, he does not.

This guy is still nice and kind to you.

You definitely do not want to let this kind of person go.

Being kind all the time is the best thing you can get, and you should appreciate that

by not letting him go.

#3 - He spoils you

He tries the best to make you happy, and he makes you queen of his world.

He truly makes you valuable, and you can feel it.

You also cannot deny that sometimes you feel helpless.

However, a good guy just wants the best for you.

#4 - He listens

Unlike narcissists who listen to answer, this good guy will listen for understanding you


Moreover, the guy also wants to listen your nice voice because it is calming and relaxing

for him.

You definitely can see different reaction on his face.

#5 - He builds your trust

Unlike narcissist who will slowly degrade your trust, the good guy will slowly return

it back to normal.

The good guy also improves it time after time.

Even though sometimes you feel uncomfortable with their extreme kindness, you slowly begin

to trust them and try to return the favor sincerely.

#6 - He does not manipulate you

Say goodbye to manipulation as he will make sure you get what you say and what he feels.

You are not under his control, and you definitely can do whatever you want.

#7 - He apologizes

Narcissists will never apologize.

They make excuses.

Thus, if you, by chance, meet a guy who apologizes sincerely, he is definitely the good guy you

are looking for.

You need to see him in the eyes to make sure he expresses it sincerely.

#8 - He's humble

He never asks something in return.

This even makes you feel uncomfortable sometimes that you are moved to do nice thing to him

as the reward.

This creates a dynamic and matched relationship that both appreciate.

#9 - Positive

Even though you are down, he will lift you up.

When you are sad, he will cheer you up.

You will never be in miserable position ever again.

#10 - He teaches you the real love

Real love is always a process.

You will learn along with him throughout the journey, and you definitely will appreciate

how enjoyable and fascinating it is.

Well, that's all of the 10 Things That Happen When You Meet a Good Guy after a toxic relationship.

So, Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Things When You're Dating a Good Guy After a Toxic Relationship - Duration: 3:49.


Westworld 2x03 Inside "Virtù e Fortuna" (HD) Fort Forlorn Hope - Duration: 5:31.

LISA JOY: Westworld is a genre show,

but I like to think when we're looking at the characters,

especially the women,

we are naturalistic and real and trying to deal with topics

that women face to overcome forces that oppress you.

How do you get past what has been done to you,

and yet, not be defined by it?

JONATHAN NOLAN: We've met the Confederados in the first season.

Dolores has unfinished business with them.

The only way she's gonna survive is to build herself an army.

Quite the welcome.

And you are?

Call me Wyatt.

You're Wyatt?

JOY: The tensions that you feel as a human,

having to present yourself in a certain way,

in order to be construed as a leader,

there's a certain level of persona

that you have to craft for that.

Especially as a woman. And Dolores has to do that.

EVAN RACHEL WOOD: I think I thought I would really be

playing this character that had this

soul of a man, this maniac of a man.

And then I realized that Wyatt could also be a girl's name.


And it completely changed my perspective on the character.

Just promise me your men.

I need them if we're ever to survive this threat.

WOOD: I think that episode was the most difficult for me

character-wise because I've never been given a role

where I'm commanding an army or talking like a general.

Who is he?

ROBERTO PATINO: We've spent three episodes seeing this host

who is a war general and a vengeful goddess.

Suddenly, she sees her father,

and she becomes a daughter again.

(SOFTLY) I'm here.

JOY: And you realize she's still the same person

with vulnerabilities,

with feelings, with insecurities, with doubts.

-Dolores? -Daddy.

You can't express all the things you are at every given moment.

But the totality of those moments,

if you string them together,

is what creates a true portrait of who you really are.

-Ready! Aim! Fire! -(GUNSHOTS)

NOLAN: Derelicts of an older conflict,

these soldiers carry on the mythos

of the post-Civil War moment in which some of these soldiers

fled south of the border and elected to keep fighting.

So, we knew that their environment had to be a fort.

The challenge was to feel

the power and history of the place.

Howard Cummings built an amazing set.

HOWARD CUMMINGS: They wanted a kind of an Apocalypse Now quality to it.

So, I pushed it into that Adobe fort style.

It's not the Alamo, it's not Western,

it's actually sort of more Midwestern.

The place had to look bombed out,

and totally dis-repaired, there's sections of it missing.

We built ramparts with cannons and barricades,

these big, spiky barricades that they used,

and bunker kind of things.

I wanted evidence of their people being amputees,

so, there's a big infirmary...

JULIE OCHIPINTI: The hardest thing there was just the scale,

it's a massive set for us.

LOUIS HERTHUM: When you're in a setting that is very realistic

it's so much easier to...

let yourself go and become the character.

Sir! Sir. We saw 'em.

They're coming up from the ground.

MICHAEL LANTIERI: One of the biggest challenges

on season two was the big battle at Fort Forlorn.

We fight this battle head on, we lose.

We fight my way, we all win in the end.

DAVE PAHOA: It was big.

It involved a weeks-worth of prep.

We had a couple hundred extras and stunt people and horses.

To your posts!

LANTIERI: It was just one big, choreographed

stunt-effects-sequence that

had to be timed and planned and executed perfectly.

PAHOA: They were trying to create a wall that separated

the people in the fort from the marauding horde.

ALAN ROBERTS: Basically, what they're trying to sell

is that she's shooting the ammo and explosive depot,

which is all buried underground.

PAHOA: We had high explosives.

We wanted to create explosions,

almost cylindrical in shape, taller, and then,

in between layouts,

some more that was more of a cloud, but violent.

LANTIERI: Then you have the challenge of

having all the stunt people

and all the people in the middle of this battle,

and sorting out how we're gonna do things safely.

There's a lot of different ways to do shootouts.

On our show, we just rehearse it filming it

as many times as possible,

and then we only have the squibs on our actors

or our stunt performers once.

We then blow the squib, and then move on.

We rehearsed the battle sequences for about a day,

prior to shooting.


Fire away!


LANTIERI: How people die was very important to us.

We're always looking to push the envelope

and use the most effective, startling effects.

ROBERTS: They had kegs in here,

we simulated that the bullet got in there,

and it took out two Confederados.

LANTIERI: The squibs that we used,

you know, the blood hits that we used,

we fire the charges by radio timed to the guns going off...

ANGELA SARAFYAN: It was unreal.

The production value was enormous.

WOOD: Watching them collide was, to me,

the perfect image for the show.

-Do it. -(COCKS GUN)

It was like the past and the present just--


For more infomation >> Westworld 2x03 Inside "Virtù e Fortuna" (HD) Fort Forlorn Hope - Duration: 5:31.


Beer Vs. Belly | Ballmastrz: 9009 | Adult Swim - Duration: 1:22.

I have an important announcement!

Gaz has made a heroic pledge

to get fit by our next big game!

Whoa. That's intense.

Doesn't she already have enough on her plate?

Yeah, if she succeeds, it'll be an epic triumph

of mind over platter.

[ Both laugh ]

I just know she can do it!

Damn right she will!

With my expert tutelage and focused curriculum

of training, temperance, and nutrition,

she'll melt back into a hot piece of tail in no time!

Hah! Digzy's idea of a balanced diet

is a beer in each hand.

[ Laughter ]

Seriously, speaking of beers, I'm gonna seize

this opportunity to make a little announcement of my own.

You're now looking at the official spokesball

of Ulsa Guerin's favorite local brew, Offal Ale.

[ Robots chanting "Beer" ]

Some free samples to celebrate our first

cross-promotional giveaway.

The next game will be Free Beer Day.


Hey, I see what you're trying to do.

You sabotage my dieting efforts with a lot of easy suds.

How dare you!

I am only trying to bolster the Leptons' brand

with a lucrative marketing gimmick.

Why, you rotten little --

Butif you're down for a little side bet,

I'll wager you can't stay sober 'til game day, you lush!

I haven't touched a drink in 2 days, 6 hours, and 14 minutes.

What are the stakes?

The loser has to be the winner's personal slave

for a whole month!

You're on, ya floating dingleberry.

For more infomation >> Beer Vs. Belly | Ballmastrz: 9009 | Adult Swim - Duration: 1:22.


Reading Wrap Up - 18 BOOKS! | 2018 - Duration: 19:30.

[music only]

[music fades out]

Hey guys it's Trina. I have not done a reading wrap-up in quite a while. I

haven't done one yet for 2018 so basically this is my wrap-up for the

first quarter of 2018. January, February, and March. I'm gonna just cut it there.

I'll do April later. But I haven't been able to do wrap ups this year yet

because I just found that with a newborn it was very difficult to find the time

like to sit down and do it every single month because these videos are very

large videos, they take a lot of time for me with editing and filming and

everything. It was just something that I needed to kind of cut out of my schedule to

just have one last obligation when it came to my channel and now it's been

three months and I have way too many books to cover! It's been a while since I

read some of these so I'm sure that some of my thoughts aren't as fresh and I

won't have a ton to say about several of them. So I used to start out doing my

wrap ups by having a TBR check-in and I don't have one of those for you guys

this time because I have not been making TBRs this year but if you love TBR

check-ins I have done a few videos of channel check-ins where I went back and

checked in with the stuff I said I was gonna read the first year that I started

my channel. I am behind on making those as well but they do exist if you miss

the TBR check-in portion. Since I have quite a few books to cover let me insert

a couple of little statistic things to just share with you guys how some of

these books break down. In January I read three books, in February I read seven

books, in March I read six books, and over those three months there were two books

that I did not finish. And the way they break down by format is: I read four print

books, I listened to 12 audiobooks, and I read two ebooks. I think that I'm just

gonna go through these in the order that I read them. At the end I will wrap up by

telling you guys what my favorite reads in this batch were. I started out the

year by reading Into The Bright Unknown by Rae Carson. This is the third book in

her Gold Seer trilogy. The plot of this individual book is basically an old

western heist and despite that being a pretty awesome

sounding premise ,I was pretty bored by this book. I just was underwhelmed by

this one I guess and I just truly feel like neither of the sequels in this

trilogy ever recaptured the appeal that the first book in the trilogy had for me.

I don't really feel fulfilled by finishing out this series to be honest.

Then I read One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake, the second book in her Three

Dark Crowns series. I really really enjoyed this book. All of my theories

from book 1 did not play out how I thought they would but I really loved

seeing more of these characters, more of this world. I loved the way that the

storylines have come together and the ending of this one has given me some

high hopes for where the next book is going. Like we're gonna see totally new

stuff and so I definitely think there is more to the story to be told and I

really am anticipating that. I just have really enjoyed the two books in this

series so far. I also finished my reread of the Harry Potter books via their

audio books, the u.s. versions narrated by Jim Dale. So I read Half Blood Prince

and Deathly Hallows. There was like a month between me finishing these two

books but I wanted to talk about them together because it's a series. I have

loved re-exploring this beloved series that I'm very very familiar with in a

new to me format, which were the audio books because I'd never listened before. And

as I listened to each and every book in this series, like each book became my new

favorite, and then I listened to the next one and it was my new favorite. It

was just a delight to re-experience this world in a new way.

I read Little Monsters by Kara Thomas, which is a standalone YA mystery. I

did really enjoy this one and this one was very readable. I feel like I flew

through it. It wasn't my favorite mystery that I've read but I don't think

it really did anything wrong. It definitely cast suspicion across the

many different characters. It had me guessing.

I didn't predict it but it failed to like be an over the top shock to me but

I still really enjoyed it. Really enjoyed reading this, I definitely want to check

out more by this author now. It is also set during winter, it was a very

snowy atmosphere and I read this one in early February when it was still cold where

I'm from so this is definitely a very wintry atmospheric book if you're

looking for something like that to pick up. Then I reread Ready Player One by

Ernest Cline. I decided to reread this one because I read this three or four

years ago, I really loved it at the time and I've heard so many negative opinions

and reviews and criticisms of this book that are completely valid since then and

I've wondered if my opinion on the book would change and then with the movie coming

out I started seeing trailers and a lot of the stuff in the trailers like did

not look familiar to me whatsoever so Iwas like you know what, people keep

recommending the audiobook to me, I will try it. I'm gonna do a separate review on

the audiobook. I really hope to get back into doing my series of audio book

reviews. I've listened to so many audiobooks this year, I really really want to talk

more about the narration. But anyway I fully expected my thoughts on this book

to change because of a lot of the criticisms that I have heard but I was

surprised that my opinion on the book did not change. I still really really

enjoyed it although I can totally see that these criticisms are valid. There's

a lot of sexism, there's a lot of nerd gatekeeping, there are some transphobic

comments. And another big criticism I always have heard is that the 80s

references just like pound you, like they're everywhere, you can't escape them

and although I feel like I did feel that more the first time around, the second

time reading it I felt like the references were less than I had

remembered. I felt like I wasn't getting as caught up in them. Maybe it was

because I was already familiar with the story. I haven't seen the movie yet. I

probably will check it out at some point but you know, I like this for what it is

but it's definitely not a perfect book. Then I read Artemis by Andy Weir. This is

an adult sci-fi novel set on the moon following a citizen of the Moon City who

is a smuggler and she basically finds herself wrapped up into this plot that

can threaten the well-being of the entire Moon City. I was highly

anticipating this book because I loved the Martian by this author. That's one of

my all-time favorite books. And I... really disliked Artemis. [laughing]

It was kind of a surprise to me. My biggest complaint of this book is that the

female main character did not feel authentic at all. This is one of those

instances that you see people like mock on twitter where a male author just

completely gets the female voice wrong. It was very sexualized for no

reason whatsoever. If you read The Martian and you hated how much of a

science info-dump there was, this book is even worse in my opinion because with

the Martian that character had a reason to know all of those facts and to

explain them. He was a highly specialized astronaut. This character, she's just

explained away as like oh I have perfect memory and I'm super intelligent but she

has no real reason to know every single thing that she does know. In her one

field maybe she'd know that but she just seems to know everything about all

science and all space stuff and it just didn't come across as authentic. I was

highly disappointed by this book. I read Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds. This is

a story told in verse and it is about a main character whose brother has been

shot and killed so to avenge his brother he grabs a

gun and he goes to the neighborhood where this suspect lives and he boards

an elevator to get to his house and on the elevator at every single floor he

meets a person that basically influences the decisions he's made to get to this

point. I did listen to the audio of this one because it was highly recommended to

me. The author himself reads the audio book and so you really get like a good

feeling of the tone that he intended. I didn't enjoy the ending, I felt like I

just needed a little bit more closure. However, then I checked out the physical

book from my library because I wanted to kind of flip through it and see the

verse and I reread that final chapter and I feel like I just understood it a

little bit better. I'm just not the biggest fan of books in verse but I

understand it better now that I saw the print if that makes any sense. I reread

Beneath The Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire. I read an ARC of this book at the end of

last year right before it came out and I had listened to the first two books on

audio so that's why I did the reread, because I wanted to experience the audio

of this story as well. So these three books are YA portal fantasy where

these characters have found doorways to other realms,

they go through them, they've lived there for years, this is like their home,

the place that they belong, and then they're kicked back out into the real

world, into Earth, and no one really believes where they've been. This is the

third book in the series and it is following the characters from book 1 but

there are two new characters that are kind of main characters of this one.

There's this epic quest that kind of plays with the rules of time and you go to a

world that is just made up completely of candy and sugar.

I initially reviewed it I think in my December or November

reading wrap-up so you know you guys can see that for my initial thoughts. I

pretty much feel the same but I really enjoyed the audio. I liked both formats

of this story. The audio versions really complement the storytelling in these

books. I read the graphic novel Wires And Nerve, Volume 2: Gone Rogue by Marissa

Meyer and illustrated by Stephen Gilpin. This is the second one of Iko's adventures.

I think that these graphic novels are fun. I really enjoy seeing the characters

again. I think that this format is really fitting to the Lunar Chronicles story

and I would love to have more graphic novels set in this world with these

characters but I definitely like volume one much more than volume two. The

entire story arc of volumes 1 & 2 end in this one in such a simple way and it's

like why did you just not do that on page 1? Like the whole story felt

pointless. It just could have been not as predictable of a story I guess and I

just really did not like how things concluded between Iko and Kinney. Like

there just wasn't enough. So I was a bit disappointed by this. Then I binge read a

duology back-to-back because I loved these books. It is the In The After duology

by Demitria Lunetta. Book 1 is In The After. Book 2 is In The End. I listened to

the audio books of these. This is a YA post-apocalyptic story and it is about

these beings, like these creatures have invaded earth and everyone thinks

they're aliens but they eat people so it's kind of like a mix between aliens

and zombies and they are attracted to sound so the people who have survived in

this world have to be completely quiet and so the main

characters use their own form of sign language. I think book 1 was definitely

the best of the two. I don't think that book 2 was necessarily that needed. I

didn't like it as much, I think it's more that I just didn't like the particular

location of book 2 but this is like my type of story.

I love survival stories, I love post-apocalyptic. These books are so

under the radar but you gotta check them out if you like those things. I read The

Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory. This is an adult romance. I got it in my PageHabit

box and it's really cute, really good. It is about a couple of people, a

man and a woman, that meet in an elevator because the elevator has lost power and

the guy says, 'I'm in town for a wedding. It's my ex-girlfriend's wedding, she's

marrying my best friend, there's drama there. I'm going alone but I would love a

wedding date. Do you want to come with me and pretend like you're my girlfriend?'

They go, it's a fake relationship type of setup. It's a multiple point of view

book so you get the points of views from both of them. I really enjoyed that this

book of got right into it. You get right into the wedding, it doesn't spend a

whole ton of time there so after that you get to see how things play out.

However, I think that it kind of dragged along in the middle a bit unnecessarily

because like it got into things so quick and then it just started to feel

repetitive, but I really enjoyed it. I loved the characters. Alexa felt like a

very real character and I definitely want to read more by this author. I just

think it was really cute, fluffy, easy read. Very very readable. I reread Simon

vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli. This is a YA romance,

I kind of want to call it a mystery because I think there was a big mystery

element to it although it's not like someone's dead, who did it? It's like the

main character has had an email relationship with a boy from his school,

both of these boys are gay but neither one of them are out so they haven't told

each other who they are, so they go to school together and the main character

is trying to figure out who his crush is. I have read this book twice before and I

decided to listen to the audiobook because that was you know, a new to me

format, I wanted to reexperience the story in a new way and it was fabulous.

Absolutely fantastic. I love it. I have loved this story from the first time I

read it to the third time I've read it. It's just, I love it. It's one of my

favorites. I read The City Of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty. This is a Middle Eastern

adult fantasy book about a main character who finds out that she has

like magical lineage basically. There are djinn and she ends up traveling with one

of them to this magical city and becoming intertwined in the Royal

politics of this place. One thing that caught me off-guard is that there are

multiple points of views and that didn't kick in until several chapters in so it

was like just total change of pace and I did not like the second point of view

for a long time because you're just getting to know this city but once the

two storylines met up I was glad that I had that background information. This is

a very long book. I did feel like it dragged at parts. I was a little bit

bored in parts just like wanting things to get on with it. A lot of world

building and explanation was happening in this book so it did feel

like the first of a series, just a lot of setup, but the way that things ended did

make me excited for where the series is going to go. This is one of those series

that I feel like I loved the first book but it was long and a bit intimidating

so by the time book 2 comes out I feel like I'm gonna put it off and then I may

never get around to finishing the series. It's one of those types of series but

for what it's worth I did really really enjoy this book. The last thing I

finished in the first three months of this year was The Seven Husbands of Evelyn

Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Redi. I loved this book so much. I listened to the

audio, there were three narrators, it's fantastic. Oh my goodness I really love

this. This is an adult book about a movie star, Evelyn Hugo. She's like super famous

and now she's older and she decides that she's going to give her life story. her

biography, like her tell-all to this random reporter that seemingly was

plucked out of obscurity. She's this amazing acttress

but she has a reputation because she's been married so many times and the

public has always wanted to hear her story about why did you marry so many

people? So she's telling us the story and she answers the burning question of who

was the love of your life? As Evelyn tells the story you do have chapters

that like are flashbacks so there is kind of a historical aspect to it. It

covers like Hollywood Golden Age and stuff. It kind of felt like you were

really listening to a real celebrity tell her story.

Evelyn Hugo felt like a very real very genuine character and I just really

really enjoyed this. It was fantastic. I could not get enough of it. I'm sad that

it's over. I would read this book if it had 2,000 pages. Now I'm gonna talk to

you guys about the books that I DNFed, I did not finish these for whatever reason

so I wanted to talk about why. First was Your One & Only by Adrianne Finlay.

This is a 2018 YA debut novel. It's sci-fi about clones.

So basically humanity has died out and the only people that live on earth now

are clones that were cloned from like the last nine people that set out to

save civilization or whatever. They have like played with their genetic makeup so

much to like pick out certain traits and attributes that they value but then

there is one human that is living among them who still knows things like what

love is. That's a big emphasis in this. I read like about 3/4 of this book or 2/3

of it, I read a good chunk, and I was so bored because things just started

repeating themselves. The human character was very violent unnecessarily and so

just over and over he and this other character will just get into fist fights

like over and over for the same reasons and the same stuff like the same

consequences would happen each time. I was just tired of it. I was like, I wanted

to read a clone love story not Fight Club you know? So I didn't like this. It

didn't live up to the premise to me and it was repetitive so I quit because at

some point I just realized I don't care how things end up. I just don't care. It

was not that interesting to me. I also DNFed Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge,

which I'm pretty disappointed about because I was really looking forward to

this book when it came out like several years ago and it

took me forever to get around to it. This is like a Little Red Riding Hood

retelling but I think it expands on that story so much that it really loses the

retelling aspect so I don't know that I would even call it a retelling. Maybe

like one scene was inspired by it. And this is a YA fantasy...? I can't even

tell you what this book is about because the world is very convoluted. It's like

set in a fantasy version of a French court. There's this like creation story,

there's this darkness that some characters have and our main character

is one of these darkness people and she has to kill other people, and yeah, see I

don't get it because this was a very very wordy novel. I think I got about a

third of the way through the book and it just felt like nothing was happening so

I grew bored and I kept putting it down and then when I would try to pick it

back up again I was like so lost, like it was just over my head. This one just

didn't work well for me personally. So that's everything that I read in January,

February, and March and since I kind of did that out of order I want to just

tell you what my favorite books were. I have three clear favorites. The Seven

Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo. It was amazing. I highly recommend it. In The After by

Demitria Lunetta. I was just really enthralled by this book. And One Dark

Throne by Kendare Blake. I just really loved these characters and this world.

These were definitely my favorite of this group. I really loved them, would

recommend all of them. So that is it that is my long and very overdue wrap-up.

Thank you so much for sticking with me, with my channel, with this long video and

I would love to hear what you guys have been reading and what some of your

favorite books of the year so far have been. Thank you so much for watching and

I will see you in the comments. Bye!

[music only]

For more infomation >> Reading Wrap Up - 18 BOOKS! | 2018 - Duration: 19:30.


Why junk food makes you strongerThe Weird Reason Exercise Makes You Eat 44% More Junk Food - Duration: 3:12.

The weird reason exercise makes you eat 44% more junk food

exercising takes a lot of Time &Energy it only makes sense that did motivate you to stick to a clean diet

except if it can end up doing the exact opposite of here are 10 easy ways to start eating clean turns out it's pretty common for exercisers to

over to eat or even a bunch of junk after a sweat session

according to findings published in the journal of physical activity and health

when researchers interviewed 27 active folks about their food intake and work out habits

they found that regular exercisers typically give themselves permission to eat certain foods

POS ticks are size here are 54 proof ways to avoid a pig out

what's more these foods have a lot to do with their feelings torrid working out

people who didn't really enjoy a exercising tended to feel justified in rewarding themselves with sugary junk food

not all exercisers find exercising rewarding per say and some may use food as a reward for being physically active

explains study coauthor Simone Dahl P HT a psychologist at the university of cologne in Germany

here are some healthier junk foods that won't wreck your clean eating efforts

that most of the time the reward isn't just

like a square of dark chocolate

previous findings to show that after sweating it out you'll scarf down up to 44% more dessert and 32% fewer vegetables

and since you'd practically have to run a marathon to negate the caloric load of a pint of fudge brownie ice cream

it's not surprising that the whole food as reward for exercised thing could thwart your weight loss efforts

or worse cause you to actually gain weight

so should you actually exercise less

or not at all in order to truly curb your intake of crappie foods Surrey

know these findings aren't a pass to let yourself turn into a couch potato

in fact being aware of your tendency to use food as a post workout reward could itself help you be more mindful about what you inhale

when you get home from the GM here are three health mistakes you didn't know we're making you gain weight of

or find a type of exercise that you actually enjoy

so you don't feel the need to reward yourself afterward

if dancing along to old school hip hop music videos makes you happy

do that instead of forcing yourself to run on the drag mill for an hour if you want to avoid being

in the overeating exerciser do whatever you can to make your workout fun

anything that brings a smile is likely to get you to eat less dull says

For more infomation >> Why junk food makes you strongerThe Weird Reason Exercise Makes You Eat 44% More Junk Food - Duration: 3:12.


CNN Reporter Nearly Gets Into 'Physical Fight' In White House, Gets Smacked Back To Reality By Sarah - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> CNN Reporter Nearly Gets Into 'Physical Fight' In White House, Gets Smacked Back To Reality By Sarah - Duration: 6:34.


CNN Reporter Nearly Gets Into 'Physical Fight' In White House, Gets Smacked Back To Reality By Sarah - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> CNN Reporter Nearly Gets Into 'Physical Fight' In White House, Gets Smacked Back To Reality By Sarah - Duration: 6:34.


Bell + Howell Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Home and Garage 9... - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> Bell + Howell Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Home and Garage 9... - Duration: 8:40.


The Tresco, Superb Holiday Retreat With 2 Bedrooms | Charming Small House Design - Duration: 2:08.

The Tresco, Superb Holiday Retreat With 2 Bedroom

For more infomation >> The Tresco, Superb Holiday Retreat With 2 Bedrooms | Charming Small House Design - Duration: 2:08.


7 Unexpected New Ways to Eat Brussels Sprouts - Duration: 3:43.

Seven unexpected new ways to eat Brussels sprouts

them in a cabbage like veggies have had quite a bad rap in the past

but the tiny green snacks carry powerful benefits

each cup of Brussels to sprouts delivers 3 g of fiber

plus like kale they deliver Ute nancy's and thin have Molly Morgan Rhodes says

that means you'll have an extra boost of age fighting properties

this winter stock up on the holiday staples and surprise your guests with any of these seven unexpected Brussels sprout recipes

crisp roasted Brussels sprouts get the crisp roasted Brussels to sprouts recipe from the

family cooks for a beginner this recipe is about as in easy as it gets

better yet these crisp the roasted sprouts can double as chips just serve alongside any kind of get four are ready to go snack

bacon wrapped stuffed Brussels sprouts

get the bacon wrapped stuffed Brussels sprouts recipe from modern hospitality

Brussels to sprouts may seem like an unlikely choice for an appetizer

that the addition of bacon and cream cheese creates true southern comfort that melts in your mouth with an explosion of flavor

which Mandel get the chicken and Brussels sprouts law recipe from the healthy you diet of in this delicious recipe Brussels sprouts a

member of the cabbage family are thinly sliced and used like cabbage and coleslaw a

the fresh taste and the protein pact disk and served as both a side dish or main launch sell it

rich man Doyle Brasil sprout poppers with orange poppy seed dipping sauce get the Brussels sprout poppers with all orange poppy

seed dipping sauce recipe from 101 recipes you can't live without

already bite size Brussels to sprouts were Taylor made for easy party fare like this

the most in creates an addictive caramelized flavor and wooden picks are the only utensils

you'll need for serving these healthy up a kaiser is hashed Brussels to sprouts

as a side dish Brussels to sprouts make a nice change from broccoli

there both members of the crew suffers planned family

so they contain until three carbines all soul for roughing and antioxidants

in combination these compounds are very likely cancer protective

Brussels to sprouts great and ditch the crackers bread crumbs and fried onions this year

and make veggies the star of your holiday casserole

a delicious soup are nutritious pace Brussels sprouts

there in season through January and like their crews a first cousin scale and broccoli there

loaded with fiber vitamin sea and disease fighting antioxidants

the butter cream and cheese in this glowed and free recipe from make the rich dish the perfect partner for lighter proteins like Turkey

cheesy buffalo Brussels bites you may have heard of cauliflower buffalo wings but there's

another tasty veggie that can serve as a nutritional upgrade to deep fried poultry

Brussels to sprouts the nutrient dense green loaded with vitamin sea and Kay gets tossed

with fresh garlic and hot sauce for a spicy snack or side that won't derail your diet

For more infomation >> 7 Unexpected New Ways to Eat Brussels Sprouts - Duration: 3:43.


Fortnite gameplay. - Duration: 5:53:30.

For more infomation >> Fortnite gameplay. - Duration: 5:53:30.


Jungle Adventure-:-RUN FROM CROC-odile-:-Puppet Animated Storyline - Duration: 6:41.

This story begins in the jungle about Africa where there are wild animals about

lion leopard and bear are looking for water and trying to keep away from

crocodile I

We're out in the Jungle, come on guys this way

Hey wait for me come on let's go

Hey you guys wait up, uh where's that crocodile I do not want to bump into him

Wait up wait up

I gotta catch up with them

I can hide over here

What a beautiful waterfall and Lake oh my goodness, I knew there'd be water out here somewhere

Come on Bear, hurry up!

Wow, it's beautiful!

A stream and pond, Awe, I want to go swimming


You guys are just moving too fast for me.

Too much brush around hear!

I'm going to step in something, I just know it!

They don't even know I'm following them.

I'm so thirsty, I must get some water!

I really want some water but I'm afraid I'll fall in!

Ahh, I'm so thirsty

Ahh, that's real cold

I hear water

Maybe there out swimming and I'll surprise them.

They can not be here

Quick guys! Here comes Croc!

Hey! Where is he?

Over there...over there!

By the water, okay climb this tree ...Yeah quickly yes quickly Come on!

Come on guys follow me you can do it. Let's climb this tree

Don't look down



What am I gonna tell what am I gonna tell mother I did today?

She's gonna be furious, and we're supposed to be reading a book. I'm comin' lion

I should be able to climb this tree easy,

I'm stuck, I'm stuck, I'm stuck, Oh help me I'm stuck!

Hold on, I'm coming I'm coming, I'll help you.

Thank goodness

Somebody's here to rescue me

Come on hold on. I'll carry you

Oh Thank you, Bear.

I s see you up in that tree ah I'll just wait down here at the bottom, until you get tired and hungry

Then I can eat yah! yum, yum yum yum!

But I hadn't kind of get sleepy hmm Okay. Yes. I guess I have to wait now.

I just have to wait here for as long as I can oh, I hope I don't fall asleep

I'm awfully sleepy (yawn) I'm so tired.

Oh no! I think I'm falling asleep.

Oh no, oh no, huh!

(snore, snore)

Guys! oh my goodness look down there.

He's fallen asleep, oh my we're gonna have to make a run for it - Come on everybody back down the tree

This's not easy.

E-gad Lion! Make up your mind! Oh you're gonna land on us, we better hurry and get down too!

He look like he's asleep


Come on Leopard, I'll hold you.

Be careful, be careful!

I'll carry you.

Alright quick everybody run!

Run away! Run away!

Excuse me!

What...what, oh no they're gone!

I must have slept through it. Oh darn so hungry

I guess I won't be able to eat 'till tomorrow unless I find something on the way home.

Well we did it guys we outsmarted that

Crocodile... man that was a close one

huh? Hug Leopard?

Yes, I was very scared!

Let's go home now, please? Yes, let's go home. Yes, let's go home.

For more infomation >> Jungle Adventure-:-RUN FROM CROC-odile-:-Puppet Animated Storyline - Duration: 6:41.


5 Clean Weight Loss Smoothies for summer. - Duration: 2:31.

Five clean weight lost smoothies that double as dinner

smoothies for dinner might not be the norm but there are plenty of reasons to sometimes swapped out your usual chicken and veggies

combo for a nutrient dense drink these include one

having a big late lunch and not being super hungry

to eating like wrap all day and feeling your body crying out for some actual nutrition

three not feeling like cooking anything


Four nights when you hit one or all

of those check marks

try one of these clean and seriously satisfying

picks from some of our favorite food blotters the green thing smoothie spinach

check parsley check avocado

^apple and flaxseed check that times for this is basically the most nutrient dance movie you can drink

which makes it perfect for those regrettable days when you had a doughnut for breakfast and pizza for lunch

carrot cake smoothie everyone knows that having desert for dinner is a bad idea

but when you trade carrot cake for this creamy carrot cake smoothie it's totally OK it's got

cashews and hemp seeds to keep you full all night

plenty of cinnamon and ginger for maximum flavor

and three servings of Prodi use nice

coconut Tom and ginger protein shake

this thick creamy sheik is loaded with altman's coconut and vanilla

four nights when you really want to eat clean but don't feel like drinking a salad for dinner

post workout greens smoothie

sure it might be designed to replenish you after your sweat session

but with plenty of protein healthy fats complex cards and green vegetables

this drinks got all the makings of a well rounded meal it might be named after a cake

that this movie definitely counts as dinner you've got your veggies

beats your fruit strawberries your cards banana

and your protein Greek yogurt and you don't even need desert afterwards

For more infomation >> 5 Clean Weight Loss Smoothies for summer. - Duration: 2:31.


#277 beautiful padi kolam with 5 dots|latest simple geethala muggulu|easy rangoli designs|chukkala - Duration: 3:29.

Daily Rangoli Designs

For more infomation >> #277 beautiful padi kolam with 5 dots|latest simple geethala muggulu|easy rangoli designs|chukkala - Duration: 3:29.


7 Most Unhealthy Vegetable Dishes - Duration: 3:07.

The seven most unhealthy vegetable dishes of all time

there are vegetables the things that are crazy good for you and that you should always aimed to eat more of

an then there are vegetables the things that contains some semblance of the vegetables former self and for that reason appear much

more virtuous than they actually are have this is a list of the latter warning

due to the intense creativity of food manufacturers

it may not be all encompassing

when you snack on this stuff do so with the full knowledge that it's more reduced guilt junk food than it is disease fighting super food

one veggie chips puffs or crisps yes

they'll deliver slightly more nutrients and fiber than plain all potato chips

but don't let yourself get seduced by the wholesome packaging

with loads of added starch most of them still fall into the nutritionally worthless category

plus the salt fat and crunch makes them addictive so you'll probably end up eating the whole bag to vegetable infused waters

remember how in everyone thought that whole foods asparagus water was a total joke

that's how you should feel about any water that claims to be infused with vegetables

at best it's literally like drinking plain water

at worst it's diluted vegetable juice

three Folsom fruit and vegetable leathers there billed as better than conventional fruit only leathers that you know that you know better

these things are basically sugar delivery systems withe like half an ounce of dehydrated

vegetables thrown in to make you feel like a health genius

don't buy it four

frozen vegetable medleys with cheesy sauce if you wanna top steamed frozen broccoli with a little grated parmesan or cheddar go to town

but when you venture into pre package frozen cheese sauce territory

the likely start to run into loads of sodium

plus all kinds of weird thickeners stabilizers

flavor additives and who knows what else

five tempura style vegetables true

you're still getting vegetables in their whole form

but when their battered in flower and deep fried in who knows what kind of cheap oil

you just might be negating some of the health benefits

six catch up

regardless of what the makers of that iconic brand might say about catch up being a great source of lycopene

it's still basically sugar sauce

escort or two on your burger isn't going to kill you

but a concoction made largely from high fructose corn syrup isn't exactly equal to eating an actual tomato

either have

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