Sunday, May 6, 2018

Youtube daily report May 7 2018

Hello, I´m Nikka from Mexico City and #TodosSomosHunters!!! (#WeAreHunters)...

Hello! You are watching the Madhunter Channel!

In this episode, I brought you to the Diecast Convention, the biggest toy car convention in Mexico!

I haven´t had attended since a long time ago... But let's see what can we find!

I´m excited! I hope we can find Hot Wheels from the 70s made by CIPSA and from the 80s made by Aurimat...

I´m sure we will have lots of fun...

There will be surprises, shows and maybe we will meet some Hunters!

So... Enjoy this great convention with me!

They have very impressive cars on the event!

We can see Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, exotic cars... Even the Batmobile!

The hype for the diecast and the cars is huge in this place!

I´m super excited!!!

I love that people do these kinds of events because they promote the hobby...

This is a great spot to meet with other collectors and share our passion.

As a "Hunter"... I will see first the booths to look for Hot Wheels and then I will take a look at the convention.

Do you have more vintage stuff?

That "Greyhound"...


This is new stuff but It gets my attention because they made a set of all the Batmobiles of each decade.

This is one of my favorites... I love the front part!

I was so distracted that I didn't notice the jewel you have over here!

This a complete set of Treasure Hunts from JC Penny!

That´s right and it the first one!

These are Treasure Hunts from 1995!!!

This is awesome dude! And this Camaro here is the Holy Grail of the set.

How much are you asking for this beauty?

$1,500 USD!


I would love to buy it... But I´m only on the vintage stuff...

It´s in great conditions!

There were 2 ways to get these cars...

The first one was to buy them separately at stores and...

The second was to get this exclusive set from JC Penney.

Wow! I've never seen the Corvette in person before... It's super cool.

These were the first TH ever made...

Do people ask about them?

Of course! As you say is an iconic piece.

LOL... They were in front of me but I was drooling with other stuff.

I also have the Holy Grail in the single pack!

How much does it cost?

$700 USD...

$700 USD for the Camaro!

This is the most sought-after TH!

It´s a ´67 Camaro TH made in 1995...

Look at this jewel! It´s a lime-green "Sweet Sixteen"!!!


This car is from the Shell promotion.

It´s in very good conditions.

It has small paint issues but the paint was very thin...

How much are you asking for it?

That's only an exhibition piece... It's from my personal collection.

Ohhh!!! I was getting excited about buying it...

#TodosSomosHunters!!! (#WeAreHunters!!!)

Look at this awesome track! The famous Thrill Drivers Corkscrew track.

It doesn't have the cars inside... I can imagine that they were a temptation for the kids!

But lets see what is inside!

It´s the Mexican version made by Aurimat in the 80s!

It has the user´s guide and the classic warranty from Aurimat...

Cool! It has the stickers also...

What I love about it are the colors of the rails, they are blue with white and red!

The cars that came with it were the Torinos and they are relics!

These cars are hard to find in good condition because they flew at the end of the track...

And sometimes, when you grabbed them from the sides the tampo used to come off!

So these Mexican versions are very hard to find in good conditions...

How much is it?

The track without the cars is in $140 USD and with the cars is in $175 USD...

The cars are in a 50% or 60% condition.

If you come here you will have to take a look at all the booths...

Because you will never know when you will find the good stuff!

How much are you asking for this "Stocker"?

$100 USD...


How much are these VW Rabitts?

$57.50 USD for that one...

Do you collect VW Rabbits? Do the people ask a lot for them?

I have a lot of clients for them!

I only collect the GTI cars of Hot Wheels.

It´s the only casting I like! I have more than 500 pieces of it.

I have them loose and also with the original pack.

These pieces are very hard to find...

$75 USD...

Specifically this one!

$100 USD...

That one is from Europe and it costs $240 USD...

This is the Rompin Rabbit!

He is telling me that is more expensive and rare because they used the same bodywork in both cars.

I love to meet people that focus only in one casting!

It´s interesting to have the same casting but in different versions!

This is another rare piece... The hippie!

Can you give me the prices on these cars?

This one is $125 USD...

This one is $15 USD...

And that one with the black base $20 USD!

This one is beautiful!


How much is it?

$40 bucks...


This one is "loose" that refers when something is out of the package.

When you see a catalog you will find some abbreviations like MIP which is "Mint in Pack"...

How much are you asking for it?

$22.50 USD...

For all the VW guys here is the good stuff!!!

This car is from 1990...

Don´t tempt me, dude!!!

I promised to focus on cars from the 70s and 80s!!!

But this one is in the limits!!! It barely passes... LOL

For those that would like to buy something from him, you can look for "Ventas Levet" in the social networks.

Let´s vote for the best ass!

Listen to this! A special surprise from "360 Spray Paint" for all the "Hunters"...

Ok! This is "Beatbox" for all the "Hunters"!!!

"360 Spray Paint"!!!

Both at the same time!

For all the "Hunters"!


Thanks for your applause! We are here with "360 Spray Paint"!!!

For all the "Hunters"...

This is the VIP truck!!!

Yeah, dude! This is our truck welcome!!!

The "360" lifestyle!!!

That´s right man!

"360" is a young 100% Mexican company...

We manufacture spray paint but specifically done for graffiti!

A few years ago we traded a sports car for this truck that was on a junkyard...

Yeah! We converted it into our home...

I liked a lot the set you put outside with all the art, and spray cans from "360"...

There are also the special edition spray cans!!!

As a collector I loved them!

But I'm impressed about all the art that it´s on a can that it's supposed to be disposable!

We made them for those people that used to paint, and now want to have something to collect about this art.

Or maybe to have a can that has a design from a specific painter that they follow.

Graffiti is basically drawing on the streets...

And it starts when you write your name on them...

When you write your name and simplifying it...

Like the Tags?

Yes... But before the Tag, there are more simple ways to do it...

Those were letters forming the nickname and the street where someone lived...

That´s the American story...

Everyone wants to put their names but you also want to stand out...

That's when you start using more striking colors or a thicker marker to be above your opponents.

I say that the graffiti is not written, its drawn!

When a sign is well done it's drawn, and you can notice the plasticity, the elasticity and the flexibility of the trace.

That's graffiti... Design letters!

Thank you very much!!

Hunters let's support the Mexican art and Mexican entrepreneurs!!!

I want to congratulate you because you are doing the things with huge quality!

I collect vintage toys but I wanted to chat with you because it´s very interesting what you are doing.

I wanted to share it with my followers! Thanks bro!

Let´s go hunting!!!

Finally I found a Mexican vintage car!

I loved it because it the "Lickety Six" but it has the black plastic motor variation!!!

I was missing this variant. Is not in perfect conditions but for $11 USD it´s a great deal.

I will offer him $10 bucks... LOL (just joking)...

This is the booth of "Val Wheels" and which I liked the most of it is that he brought vintage stuff!

I appreciate a lot that vendors bring vintage stuff for collectors like me!

Wow! We found an oasis in the middle of the convention...

This is the booth of Edsel another collector.

And he brought some rare jewels like this "Sand Witch" made by CIPSA...

There is also a "Peeping Bomb" made in Mexico.

For being CIPSAs they are in fair conditions...

How much are you asking for this one?

$150 USD for you my friend!

It´s a common situation for this casting is finding it without the roof...

This one has a roof from a modern version...

But for it worths to treasure this kind of cars...

I see you also brought other vintage stuff... How much are you asking for the ThunderTank?

$225 USD

Beautiful! Is very imposing...

A beauty!

Yeah! A favorite of all times!!!

The Pink Panther car!

How much does it cost?

$110 USD!

It has the original Panther!

It´s complete! The Panther is always missing.

That´s true! All the kids used to take it out.

Yes is not glued to the car.

It was made by Meccano in England.

It´s awesome!

Look at this!

Wow, this is an original piece! Nowadays there are replicas from it.

Yes, that one is all original...

That´s a "Hot Pink"!


I can tell you that the camera does not show the real beautiful spectraflame color!

It´s a beauty!

How much is it?

$350 USD!

It has a few chips...

Just a few "flea bites"!

This piece is great! It´s a car from the 1992 World Cup in Spain... It has the "Naranjito Mascot" on it!

It was made by Corgi!

And it costs $20 USD! Great price.

I wanted to show this, guys!

As you know the jet of Wonder Woman was transparent...

And Hot Wheels made possible to have it!!!

This Rolls Royce in the original pack is incredible!

It´s from 1971...

How much are you asking for?

$225 USD...

You brought a very good selection of cars!

You even brought those Saint Seiya cars that I had never seen.

Those are custom made cars by a friend of mine!

He tried to put a car that matched with the personality of each Knight!

This is the car of "Lupin III"!

I like a lot the "Charawheels" because they are very detailed and the design is great!

I have the 3 Delorean cars that Hot Wheels released but I can see that you have more of castings...

The Speed Racer...

The Knight Rider...

Kamen Rider...

How much is it?

They are between $20 to $75 USD!

That one is $20 USD!

The most expensive of them are the most popular characters as Kit and the Speed Racer...

They are taking out the hidden stuff!

The best for last!

It´s a super great piece! A green Maverick made by CIPSA.

This casting is difficult to find in good condition because it was a favorite model!

That´s right!

The favorite in our childhood!

It has the spoiler and was one of the favorite sports cars in those days!

Some people say that it was the economic version of the Mustang! LOL

Or the most affordable! Right?

The one that all the people could be able to buy!

It was made in the 70s by CIPSA!

Carlos sells this car in $600 USD!

The address of this custom workshop is: "Hector Fierro #3 in Tlalpan, Mexico City"...

There you can buy these kinds of pieces of art. Support the Mexican talents!

I know that many of you will get crazy about these vehicles!

If you would like to hunt a great custom motorcycle or a cabover like those visit this workshop!

#TodosSomosHunters! (#WeAreHunters)

There are just junk cars!

But sometimes we find cool stuff at the junkyards! LOL

This is my friend "El Vochito"!!!

It´s been a while since I saw you, man! The last time was in San Luis Potosi (State in Mexico)...

Look at this Johnny Lighting car! It's horrible... LOL

They are charming! LOL

This Cross Country set of Matchbox is incredible!

How much are you asking for this one?

That one is $47.50 USD!

Great price! And the conditions on the cars are awesome!

Let's see what we can find!

We are admiring the creations of my friend Erick!

It´s always a pleasure to see your art!

I´m very happy that you came and that you like my art!

We met at the San Luis Potosi convention and it´s a pleasure to see all the colleagues at these events.

This is the end of the "Diecast Convention"!

It was lots of fun! I spent a great time, all the activities were awesome...

There were many food stalls and places to sit...

We say incredible motorcycles, vintage, and new cars!

The only thing missing was more vintage cars!

There were some CIPSAs but I already had them...

I made offers for some others but couldn't work it out with the seller...

I recommend this event!

We have to support these kinds of events to have more of them and to have more places to hunt for toys!

The idea of this video is that you feel you came to this convention with me...

Let me know what was your favorite part, what would you buy and what did I leave!

Please leave your comments!

Don´t forget to subscribe!

You are watching the Madhunter Channel!



Mensaje de despedida de Iniesta tras disputar su último Clásico - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Mensaje de despedida de Iniesta tras disputar su último Clásico - Duration: 3:09.


Desayunos para depurar el organismo después de una cena pesada - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Desayunos para depurar el organismo después de una cena pesada - Duration: 7:04.


Piramide Con Decenas Sorteo Miercoles 9 Mayo 2018 Loteria Nacional Numeros Loteria Para 9 de Mayo - Duration: 1:16.

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For more infomation >> La ostentosa noche de Diego Maradona en Dubái - Duration: 1:59.


美官員稱一國兩制不適合台灣 網友:要「一國一制」 - Duration: 9:36.

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Messi, más cerca de la Bota de Oro: Salah se quedó sin marcar - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Messi, más cerca de la Bota de Oro: Salah se quedó sin marcar - Duration: 3:12.


La divertida justificación de Luis Suárez de su falta en el gol de Leo Messi - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> La divertida justificación de Luis Suárez de su falta en el gol de Leo Messi - Duration: 3:27.


mejores canciones de rock : clásicos del rock de los 70 , 80 y 90 - Duration: 1:36:28.

For more infomation >> mejores canciones de rock : clásicos del rock de los 70 , 80 y 90 - Duration: 1:36:28.


Propiedades del pepino para nuestra salud - Duration: 8:59.

For more infomation >> Propiedades del pepino para nuestra salud - Duration: 8:59.


Aprende a cuidar tus cuerdas vocales - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> Aprende a cuidar tus cuerdas vocales - Duration: 7:25.


Raymix, Juanes - Oye Mujer (...

For more infomation >> Raymix, Juanes - Oye Mujer (...


Using OneNote for a Conference - Duration: 3:25.

Previously I created a video on how to create OneNote ...

pages from an Excel list which allowed you to create a ...

journal of sorts. So today what I'm showing ...

you is how I use a similar feature in OneNote instead of ...

having to use Excel to create a conference template.

In this case I'm preparing for the ISTE conference.

So basically what I do is I go to the date.

and I put a link into the full program site.

Now Saturday didn't have sessions where it was ...

morning, noon,

you know, afternoon,

evening, so basically what I do is I go ...

to the program.

I go to the link and filter it to only show me Saturday.

And then I went to print version over here on the right.

That opens a new tab.

And I just did select all, copy.

So control A, control C.

Went back to my notebook.

And pasted that in.

Now that worked great for Saturday,

but when I look at the other days,

they break down into morning,

afternoon, and evening so what I'm ...

going to do is I'm going to go to insert.

And I'm just going to choose to put five columns because ...

or five rows, sorry.

I'm going to do.

Morning, afternoon,

evening, top choices,

and then events. Maybe there's outside events.

So this is similar to what I did in Excel only now I don't have ...

to use Excel so I'm going to highlight the list.


And go to link to pages.

You'll notice on the right it builds all of those pages.

My original idea was to copy this table into the others,

but the problem is that then it hyperlinks back to these ...

pages so I'm going to delete and.

basically then I would go through and repeat that on ...

all the other days so I have the morning sessions that I ...

like, afternoon,

evening, my top choices so I could ...

copy and paste ones that were specifically of interest to ...

me and then any other events that I had planned on.

So now what I'm going to do for morning is I'm going to go ...

back to the ISTE website.

And close this tab and in program search,

I'm going to switch it from Saturday to Sunday and I'm ...

going to specify morning.

I'm going to let that filter.

Now do the same thing, go to print version.

Select all , copy.

Go back into my OneNote notebook.


And there are all the events and then I can delete out ...

ones that don't interest me or don't apply to me or move ...

them over to my top choices.

Before I post this video I'm actually going to go ahead ...

and put in all the sessions for the rest of the days so all you ...

have to do is take out what you don't want.

I hope you find it helpful and that you share with others ...

and if you'd like, give me a shout out or share ...

some ideas that you'd like. You can tweet me ...

@filibuster3 on Twitter.

Filibuster3 and that's all also in the introduction section.

For more infomation >> Using OneNote for a Conference - Duration: 3:25.


+=+BlazeVortex Livestream Road to 40 subs+=+ - Duration: 38:43.

For more infomation >> +=+BlazeVortex Livestream Road to 40 subs+=+ - Duration: 38:43.


MB 실소유주 확정되면 다스 주인 될 수 있나 - Duration: 8:57.

For more infomation >> MB 실소유주 확정되면 다스 주인 될 수 있나 - Duration: 8:57.


박주선, 단식 김성태 찾아 "여당이 여당이길 포기 - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> 박주선, 단식 김성태 찾아 "여당이 여당이길 포기 - Duration: 4:01.


다친 김성태가 멀쩡한 홍준표 살렸다" 한국당 결집력 강화 - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> 다친 김성태가 멀쩡한 홍준표 살렸다" 한국당 결집력 강화 - Duration: 8:04.


김경수 "어제부로 모든 것 깨끗이 정리…두려울 것 없어 당당" - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 김경수 "어제부로 모든 것 깨끗이 정리…두려울 것 없어 당당" - Duration: 2:43.


대북전단 살포 행위를 제지시켜야 하는 이유. 진실은 무엇입니까? - Duration: 11:34.

For more infomation >> 대북전단 살포 행위를 제지시켜야 하는 이유. 진실은 무엇입니까? - Duration: 11:34.


हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status - Duration: 0:39.

Mother day whatsapp status Video

For more infomation >> हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status - Duration: 0:39.


U2 Greatest Hits Full Album - Best Songs of U2 Collection 2018 - Duration: 2:01:22.

Thank you for your support by clicking the subscribe button <3

For more infomation >> U2 Greatest Hits Full Album - Best Songs of U2 Collection 2018 - Duration: 2:01:22.


हस्बी रब्बी जल्लाल्लाह | Ramzan Special Naat | Hasbi Rabbi - Duration: 6:34.

Hasbi rabbi jallallah mafi qalbi ghairullah

For more infomation >> हस्बी रब्बी जल्लाल्लाह | Ramzan Special Naat | Hasbi Rabbi - Duration: 6:34.



For more infomation >> ТОП КРЮЧКОМ. РАЗБОР УЗОРА+СХЕМА+ВЫКРОЙКА - Duration: 17:47.


Con ghẻ Con ghẻ - Huỳnh Phúc - tham gia Thần tượng tương lai - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Con ghẻ Con ghẻ - Huỳnh Phúc - tham gia Thần tượng tương lai - Duration: 5:03.


Khalid Type Beat

For more infomation >> Khalid Type Beat


I'm Eighteen (Alice Cooper Cover) - Duration: 2:31.

Chris, Mike, Scott and Brad

For more infomation >> I'm Eighteen (Alice Cooper Cover) - Duration: 2:31.


K. Michelle Updates Butt Implant Recovery: "I Don't Look Like A S e x y Ant" - Duration: 3:56.

K. Michelle Updates Butt Implant Recovery: "I Don't Look Like A Sexy Ant"

Michelle made the rounds earlier this year when she recounted her butt implant surgery live on Dr. Oz.

The cosmetic procedure began to effect her health.

She began feeling pain in her back, started suffering migraines out the blue.

Her legs were also beginning to show a discoloration consistent with a botched surgery..

Her road to recovery has been anything but easy, since she had a procedure done to reverse her body enhancement.

Michelle recently told Bossip that when she looks in the mirror she no longer grimaces in horror: I looked in the mirror today and didn't look like a sexy ant! Lol! I'm so tiny and cute.

And this butt of mine is all mine and I'm still bootylicious naturally.".

The former Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta star has been aided in her recovery by daily visits from a nurse.

She also makes regular consultations with her doctor and undergoes therapy on a regular basis.

For all its setbacks, the botched surgery seems to have been a growing experience for K. Michelle.

Her rebuilding process has helped her connect with other women suffering the same fate.

Body issues are nothing to take lightly.

We continue to wish her a speedy recovery.

For more infomation >> K. Michelle Updates Butt Implant Recovery: "I Don't Look Like A S e x y Ant" - Duration: 3:56.


Oczyszczanie organizmu. Prawdy i mity o dietach oczyszczających - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Oczyszczanie organizmu. Prawdy i mity o dietach oczyszczających - Duration: 6:04.



Whats up guys, its finally here, and you probably know what it is already. Its the spoiler for my car.

The one used in the Mini Challenge Series in Europe.

It took a while because I was deciding wether i wanted it or not

And it also took a while to arrive in Brazil.

But it's finally here, and today im going to install it for you guys.

It's a very simple installation, the only problem is, you have to still holes on the OE spoiler.

First stop at the dealership, they are going to help remove a trim under the spoiler

This one right here

To remove the spoiler you need to remove it, and they told me 90% of the time it breaks

It's about $150 to get a new pair

So I've decide to bring it here, so they can help me remove it, hopefully without breaking it

After you get it out, there are two screws here and five underneath

And then drill the holes right here. So lets begin.

They removed the trim already

Both sides, and were going to remove the hole spoiler here already

This is the trim piece

It has two clamps that go right here

You have to pull it to the side and then down to remove it

The odds of breaking it are very high, and mine did.

Which is this part right here

But one clamp is enough to hold it down, and I might glue it before putting it back together

So we just need this last part, which is latched on top, and its off.

And then, back home, drill the holes and install it.

I haven't shown you guys yet.

I've already seen it, so its no surprise for me

End plates

Hard ware

And the spoiler

Let me put you guys to the side

Here it is

So how does it work

There are six holes on the back, but were only using the bottom two of each side.

Not sure what the other two holes do

Where going to measure it out on the OE spoiler, place it on top and hopefully get it centered

The hardest part is lining up the holes, and finding the middle of the OE spoiler

So were making a blueprint of the holes on the paper, and stick that to the OE spoiler

After drilling the holes, you use these aluminum plates to hold the spoiler down

We first stuck the paper to the Challenge spoiler, made the holes on the paper, then stuck the paper on the OE spoiler

Now were going to remove the Challenge spoiler from the paper to reveal the holes underneath

After we drill it im taking it to the store to get it wrapped, and I'll talk more about that later

Everything cut, now we can see exactly where the holes are

So lets drill it, and its done

All done, now im taking it to the shop, but its lunch time and im not sure the guys are going to be there

I told them I would get there earlier, so lets see if the'l be able to fit me in

Long story short, I messed up the date, it was supposed to be one week later

So now im at the launch of the BMW X2

Im going to show you the new X2 and tomorrow ill finish the install

But before that, take a look at this M4 CS, spectacular!

So, let me go downstares show you the X2 and finish the video tomorrow

Today is the day, im getting it done! Its here with me, and we are going to the shop to get it wrapped

What are your thoughts on the X2?

I liked it, the engine is the same as my car, the B48, with the new dct (Dual Clutch Transmission)

It has the new iDrive sistem, with a super fast processor

Very well built and styled

But i thought the price was kinda off

Lets see when it starts selling what the market will be for those

They want $70.000

But its rival, the GLA, only costs $55.000

Not sure what the niche is for this car

Tell me what you guys think about this.

So we're here, at Second Skin

A lot of people asked me where i wrapped the things on my car, and this is it.

Everything you see on my car the is black, was wrapped

I did it all here at Second Skin, ill link them in the description

If you want to wrap anything, just give them a call and they'll take care of you.

So what im I wrapping...

I wanted to keep the white roof, but it might look weird with the challenge spoiler in black

And what I've seen on the cars in the series, they just wrap the OE spoiler black and leave the roof untouched

So thats what I'll do, just do the back one, and leave the roof white

Not sure what ill do with the end plates, would like to make them white as well

If i think it didn't look good then ill just finish the rest of the roof

We'll remove the OE spoiler now, the hardest part was to remove this trim, but thats out already

So we just need to get these two screws on top, and five in the bottom

Pull it out, fix the challenge to it and its done!

Almost done, finishing touches on the wrap and then just need to fix the wing to it

When i ordered it I was sure i was going to like it, but when i saw the size I got a bit scared

For what i know its the only one in Brazil, so I hope people like it

Everything back together, just tightening the screws back up

We haven't put the trunk down so im not sure how it looks yet

What did you guys think, to big, to small, what about the color, should i keep it white?

I really liked it, i just need a couple of days to get used to it, its pretty big

I thought it would look out of place, but it goes well with the car

It was pretty hard to get one and very expensive as well,

if you want one send me a message on Instagram and well try to get another one

But you really have to like it to get one

So I hope you guys enjoyed this video (and the subtitle :D)

Please like, share and subscribe, it helps me a lot.

And until the next one!

For more infomation >> INSTALLING THE MINI CHALLENGE SPOILER! - Duration: 14:00.


Presidente do Palmeiras fala sobre possibilidade de contratar Guerrero - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Presidente do Palmeiras fala sobre possibilidade de contratar Guerrero - Duration: 4:30.


Bishop Briggs - 1 White Flag & 2 Wild Horses [Live] - Duration: 7:28.

May 5, 2018

Observatory North Park, San Diego, CA

"White Flag"

"Wild Horses"

Click now to subscribe! For All Bishop, All the Time!

For more infomation >> Bishop Briggs - 1 White Flag & 2 Wild Horses [Live] - Duration: 7:28.


Corinthians dá vexame no Campeonato Brasileiro 2018 e só empata com o Ceará - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Corinthians dá vexame no Campeonato Brasileiro 2018 e só empata com o Ceará - Duration: 4:29.


हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status - Duration: 0:39.

Mother day whatsapp status Video

For more infomation >> हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status - Duration: 0:39.


Negociação com Guerrero trava e jogador poderá deixar o Fla de graça; entenda - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Negociação com Guerrero trava e jogador poderá deixar o Fla de graça; entenda - Duration: 4:16.


Half Moon - Dean (Cover) - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Half Moon - Dean (Cover) - Duration: 1:35.


Comentário polêmico de comentarista gera desconforto ao vivo - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Comentário polêmico de comentarista gera desconforto ao vivo - Duration: 4:02.


Changsub - Mine - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Changsub - Mine - Duration: 0:28.


CNN 10 | CNN Student News | May 7, 2018 | U.S. food industry - Duration: 10:01.

Welcome to a special edition of CNN 10. I`m Carl Azuz.

Today, we`re taking a look at inside the U.S. food supply, this time, zeroing in on produce.

We`re examining how engineering and importing have

replaced old fashion growing in the U.S. food industry, and how consumer demand still has

the power to influence the industry.

Our reporter Cristina Alesci has gone inside some of America`s biggest food companies,

seeing what most folks haven`t seen before and getting

incredible insight as to how production affects what`s on our plate.


CRISTINA ALESCI, CNNMONEY CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Salad. Americans are eating up to five times

more leafy greens than they did 20 years ago.

We`re consuming three billion pounds a year. But our intensifying love affair with fresh

produce is creating problems for farmers, for the

environment, and even for our own health.

One in six Americans, that`s 48 million people, get sick from contaminated food each year,

3,000 die, that you think it`s coming from undercooked meat

and fish. Well, produce is actually responsible for about half of the illnesses.

MANSOUR SAMADPOUR, PHD, PRESIDENT, IEH LABORATORIES: Any industry that wants to produce safe foods,

they can do that.

ALESCI: Dr. Mansour Samadpour runs one of the nation`s largest food safety consulting

labs. Chipotle recently hired his company to assess and improve

safety standards after the government traced an outbreak of E. coli back to some of its

stores. He stocks listeria and salmonella in his office.

SAMADPOUR: This plate in theory is good enough to infect everyone in the city of Seattle.

ALESCI (on camera): How could you get so close to it?

SAMADPOUR: Because they don`t jump.

ALESCI (voice-over): Recently, the risk associated with some fruits and vegetables has become

so high that the FDA begun actively monitoring them

for contaminants, a historic move for the agency.

So, how serious is the industry when it comes to keeping our food safe?

We traveled across the country to find out. It`s sunrise in Salinas Valley, California.

This area is called the "Salad Bowl of America" and

for good reason. Its fields produce 60 percent of the leafy greens in the U.S.

DIRK GIANNINI, FARMER: I think farmers are the backbone of this nation, to be honest.

ALESCI (on camera): I climb up on this side, right?

So, this is water that did this, that cut this?

GIANNINI: Yes, it`s a water knife with extreme amount of pressure. We`re trying to attract

better workers and a better working environment for our


ALESCI (voice-over): Dirk`s family has been farming this land for four generations.

GIANNINI: The amount of work that goes behind one head of lettuce is tremendous and the

basic consumer has no idea of the intensity and the

dedication to a 10-acre block of romaine.

ALESCI: Farming in this part of the world has gotten really rough. Farmers are fighting

a drought, a labor shortage and rising prices for

land, even some insiders say the industrial process is pushed to the brink.

The president of Campbell`s Fresh is one of them.

(on camera): What is the state of the food system?

JEFF DUNN, PRESIDENT, CAMPBELL`S FRESH: I would say that it`s highly stressed. The past

50 years of over-farming a lot of land has created real

problems on the global basis in terms of having enough irrigable farmland. The word I`ve used

is stressed almost from any dimension you look at.

ALESCI (voice-over): And farming is just the beginning of the process. And yes, I mean,


(on camera): How cold is it in there?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s going to be about 34 to 36 degrees Fahrenheit in there. The

entire process is that cold.

ALESCI (voice-over): Taylor Farms is the largest producer of fresh cut vegetables in the world.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Any given day, we`re going to have a million pounds of product come through

this cooler.

ALESCI (on camera): A million pound?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A million pound of products.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whether we dice, shred or shock, they`re going through several series

of cutters and they immediately fall down into the beginning

of our wash process.

BRUCE TAYLOR, FOUNDER AND CEO, TAYLOR FARMS: It kills Gram-negative bacteria, which is

the bad stuff. So, E. coli, salmonella and listeria.

ALESCI (voice-over): Taylor spent millions on the so-called smart wash system after spinach

from another California company caused 200 people to

get sick and killed three.

TAYLOR: You can`t eliminate -- there`s no kill stuff in our industry yet. It`s still

fresh products, so you can`t cook it or microwave it, or to do

something like that.

ALESCI (on camera): How much of a setback was the outbreak in 2006 of E. coli?

GIANNINI: I think that was a wake up call.

ALESCI (voice-over): Beyond the human costs, it was a $300 million setback to the industry.

SAMADPOUR: The current assumption is that the food is safe until proven otherwise. We

have made a lot of people sick over the years.

ALESCI (voice-over): You may be asking, how does a bacteria like E. coli or salmonella

end up in your leafy greens? It could be a variety of ways,

but the most common answer is waste. Manure is used to fertilize crops. Animals like rodents

or birds pick up the bacteria and then carry it into

produce fields.

SAMADPOUR: People need to understand what they are eating, where it has been grown.

You`re planning to travel to a country and they say, when you

go there, don`t eat salads and don`t drink water. And then you find out that your salad

is coming from that place.

ALESCI: In an appetite for year-round produce means the imports just keep coming.

TOM NASSIF, PRESIDENT AND CEO, WESTERN GROWERS: Well, they always produces, but it wasn`t

the kind of importing that`s being done now. Every

year, we import more and more fresh produce from foreign countries. We found that in many

of the outbreaks, it comes from foreign producers.

ALESCI: The government is trying to hold foreign producers to a higher standard, with the Food

Safety Modernization Act, or FSMA -- the most

significant food safety law in 70 years. The bill sets guidelines for how companies should

prevent and respond to contamination.

It sounds great. The problem: funding.

(on camera): How much more does the FDA really need to do its job right?

SAMADPOUR: Much more than what they have been asking for.

ALESCI: How much more?

SAMADPOUR: Say they need probably minimum 10 times more resources, 10 times more resources.

ALESCI (voice-over): The agency says it needs about $170 million more. A lack of money and

people might be one of the reasons the FDA has stopped

short of requiring routine government inspections of farms, according to critics. Instead, it

relies on third party auditors. But the agency says

the new law gives the industry an accountability that didn`t exist before. The goal it says

is getting safer food to you.

But with 48 million people getting sick each year, and an estimated $77 billion in costs,

the price of failure is high.

(on camera): Fresh food, it`s what everyone wants to eat more of, and the key to the healthy

diet. And technically, it`s supposed to make shopping

more simple. There isn`t a laundry list of ingredients on a bag of carrots, right? But

sometimes, shopping for raw ingredients could actually

be more confusing than buying the packaged and processed stuff.

So, let me bring it down for you.

(voice-over): After reporting "Raw Ingredients", people said, great, now that you`ve scared

us, what can we buy that`s safe in the grocery story?

Should you buy organic produce?

Well, it kind of depends. The government tracks chemical residues on our fruits and vegetables.

The worst culprits: apples, berries, cucumbers and

spinach. It might be worth paying a premium for those.

Or you could stick to fruits and vegetables that have fewer chemical deposits. Think onions,

sweet corn, cabbage and eggplant. The cleanest,


There is an emerging alternative, hydroponics, growing produce without soil, which is supposed

to be much cleaner than an open field.

(on camera): Fish, you want it low in contaminants and high in omega 3s, the good fatty acids.

(voice-over): Seafood like mackerel, shrimp and wild salmon.

Or look for pull caught fish. Those tend to be younger, so they spent less time exposed

to toxins.

(on camera): But what if your local store only stocks farm-raised salmon?

(voice-over): Those can be higher in industrial chemicals stored in fish bag. But experts

say you can remove most of the bad stuff like trimming

away or cooking off the fat.

(on camera): But enough with the veggies and fish, how about the meat? Now, the ideal here

is, find some companies that minimize antibiotics.

(voice-over): The CDC says that all those drugs in our meat have created a public health

threat known as a super bug. So, look for these labels.

These third parties are supposed to ensure farmers are using drugs responsibly.

And here are a few marketing scams you should watch out for. Terms like "natural and farm

raised". Those don`t tell customers whether living

conditions for the animals are horrendous or pristine.

And while "hormone free" chicken sounds great, the FDA bans those in chickens, turkeys and


(on camera): Bottom line, eat fresh food, just ask a few more questions.

For more infomation >> CNN 10 | CNN Student News | May 7, 2018 | U.S. food industry - Duration: 10:01.


(OH MY GOD DID HE GET SMACKED)?!!!!!! - Duration: 3:55.

oh my god something crazy just happened bro but before I get into that bro how is your day how is

your life I hope you're having an amazing day today don't forget to smash

the like button it is your boy angelo back here for another video

and so um basically what just happened was this boy and his a girl got into a

little argument slash smash up thing I don't know but they got into an argument

and um like she basically hurt her feelings or did something to make her

mad and so she started raging on him so like I don't know kind of what happened

but it was kind of crazy because I was there to film it so um roll the clip and

we're gonna be seeing what this is all about.

he just gonna let her hit him like that like

like pay attention I'm talking to you like yikes bro

oh this fire

a few moments later whoa they threw water on his head bro like wait hmm who

yo if you guys made it to the end of the video thanks a lot man don't forget to leave a

yo if you guys made send the video thanks a lot man don't forget to leave a

comment and like the video if you really really liked the video then consider

stay tuned for my next videos and Angelo is out.

stay tuned for my next videos in Angelo is out

For more infomation >> (OH MY GOD DID HE GET SMACKED)?!!!!!! - Duration: 3:55.


+=+BlazeVortex Livestream Road to 40 subs+=+ - Duration: 38:43.

For more infomation >> +=+BlazeVortex Livestream Road to 40 subs+=+ - Duration: 38:43.


DIY Quick & Easy Art Storage With Oatmeal Container (How to Guide) by Jacob Sheetz - Duration: 2:10.

Wondering a cheap and easy way I do it yourself project

To make containers to hold your art supplies pens pencils or anything

First thing you need is an oatmeal container

any size a

Box cutter a

Sharpie to mark the point for the measurement

And finally a pair of scissors

So first thing you're going to do is make the mark for the measurement

I made it halfway point and then just make a small incision

Just so you can get the cut started

And now that's done. I used scissors at the end just for safety so that I can get the final cut done

So what I'm doing at this point is now that I've made the incision with the box cutter. I'm cutting around

The whole container so that I can get the cut nice and even and I've made a mark on the other side

So that's how you do it with a pair of scissors and

You got your two parts here. You got your one side. That's got the lid leave the lid on there

Then you've got the other side in the bottom

Make my mark

Quit start the incision

and then this point I'm doing this with the box cutter and

most of the cutting is going to be done with the box cutter I

Stuff at the end where I'll use the scissors

So at this point I've finished that and now I'm done using the box cutter. I'll finish the end of with the pair of scissors


So that's how you do it, you can put any size of pins in there

sharpies markers pigment microns paint brushes or anything it's up to you and remember just

Be creative because then the possibilities are limitless

For more infomation >> DIY Quick & Easy Art Storage With Oatmeal Container (How to Guide) by Jacob Sheetz - Duration: 2:10.


"9개월간 35편"..워너원, 역대급 '예능 도장깨기' - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> "9개월간 35편"..워너원, 역대급 '예능 도장깨기' - Duration: 4:57.


চাকরী করবো নাকি ব্যবসা করবো || job vs business || what should you do - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> চাকরী করবো নাকি ব্যবসা করবো || job vs business || what should you do - Duration: 4:10.


Music for Coffee with 3 HOURS of Music for Coffee Shop and Coffee Time - Duration: 3:22:58.

Title: Music for Coffee with 3 HOURS of Music for Coffee Shop and Coffee Time

For more infomation >> Music for Coffee with 3 HOURS of Music for Coffee Shop and Coffee Time - Duration: 3:22:58.


박영선 '톱모델의 아우라' - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> 박영선 '톱모델의 아우라' - Duration: 0:27.



Whats up guys, its finally here, and you probably know what it is already. Its the spoiler for my car.

The one used in the Mini Challenge Series in Europe.

It took a while because I was deciding wether i wanted it or not

And it also took a while to arrive in Brazil.

But it's finally here, and today im going to install it for you guys.

It's a very simple installation, the only problem is, you have to still holes on the OE spoiler.

First stop at the dealership, they are going to help remove a trim under the spoiler

This one right here

To remove the spoiler you need to remove it, and they told me 90% of the time it breaks

It's about $150 to get a new pair

So I've decide to bring it here, so they can help me remove it, hopefully without breaking it

After you get it out, there are two screws here and five underneath

And then drill the holes right here. So lets begin.

They removed the trim already

Both sides, and were going to remove the hole spoiler here already

This is the trim piece

It has two clamps that go right here

You have to pull it to the side and then down to remove it

The odds of breaking it are very high, and mine did.

Which is this part right here

But one clamp is enough to hold it down, and I might glue it before putting it back together

So we just need this last part, which is latched on top, and its off.

And then, back home, drill the holes and install it.

I haven't shown you guys yet.

I've already seen it, so its no surprise for me

End plates

Hard ware

And the spoiler

Let me put you guys to the side

Here it is

So how does it work

There are six holes on the back, but were only using the bottom two of each side.

Not sure what the other two holes do

Where going to measure it out on the OE spoiler, place it on top and hopefully get it centered

The hardest part is lining up the holes, and finding the middle of the OE spoiler

So were making a blueprint of the holes on the paper, and stick that to the OE spoiler

After drilling the holes, you use these aluminum plates to hold the spoiler down

We first stuck the paper to the Challenge spoiler, made the holes on the paper, then stuck the paper on the OE spoiler

Now were going to remove the Challenge spoiler from the paper to reveal the holes underneath

After we drill it im taking it to the store to get it wrapped, and I'll talk more about that later

Everything cut, now we can see exactly where the holes are

So lets drill it, and its done

All done, now im taking it to the shop, but its lunch time and im not sure the guys are going to be there

I told them I would get there earlier, so lets see if the'l be able to fit me in

Long story short, I messed up the date, it was supposed to be one week later

So now im at the launch of the BMW X2

Im going to show you the new X2 and tomorrow ill finish the install

But before that, take a look at this M4 CS, spectacular!

So, let me go downstares show you the X2 and finish the video tomorrow

Today is the day, im getting it done! Its here with me, and we are going to the shop to get it wrapped

What are your thoughts on the X2?

I liked it, the engine is the same as my car, the B48, with the new dct (Dual Clutch Transmission)

It has the new iDrive sistem, with a super fast processor

Very well built and styled

But i thought the price was kinda off

Lets see when it starts selling what the market will be for those

They want $70.000

But its rival, the GLA, only costs $55.000

Not sure what the niche is for this car

Tell me what you guys think about this.

So we're here, at Second Skin

A lot of people asked me where i wrapped the things on my car, and this is it.

Everything you see on my car the is black, was wrapped

I did it all here at Second Skin, ill link them in the description

If you want to wrap anything, just give them a call and they'll take care of you.

So what im I wrapping...

I wanted to keep the white roof, but it might look weird with the challenge spoiler in black

And what I've seen on the cars in the series, they just wrap the OE spoiler black and leave the roof untouched

So thats what I'll do, just do the back one, and leave the roof white

Not sure what ill do with the end plates, would like to make them white as well

If i think it didn't look good then ill just finish the rest of the roof

We'll remove the OE spoiler now, the hardest part was to remove this trim, but thats out already

So we just need to get these two screws on top, and five in the bottom

Pull it out, fix the challenge to it and its done!

Almost done, finishing touches on the wrap and then just need to fix the wing to it

When i ordered it I was sure i was going to like it, but when i saw the size I got a bit scared

For what i know its the only one in Brazil, so I hope people like it

Everything back together, just tightening the screws back up

We haven't put the trunk down so im not sure how it looks yet

What did you guys think, to big, to small, what about the color, should i keep it white?

I really liked it, i just need a couple of days to get used to it, its pretty big

I thought it would look out of place, but it goes well with the car

It was pretty hard to get one and very expensive as well,

if you want one send me a message on Instagram and well try to get another one

But you really have to like it to get one

So I hope you guys enjoyed this video (and the subtitle :D)

Please like, share and subscribe, it helps me a lot.

And until the next one!

For more infomation >> INSTALLING THE MINI CHALLENGE SPOILER! - Duration: 14:00.


Corinthians dá vexame no Campeonato Brasileiro 2018 e só empata com o Ceará - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Corinthians dá vexame no Campeonato Brasileiro 2018 e só empata com o Ceará - Duration: 4:29.


Negociação com Guerrero trava e jogador poderá deixar o Fla de graça; entenda - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Negociação com Guerrero trava e jogador poderá deixar o Fla de graça; entenda - Duration: 4:16.


Mártires ou idólatras (Homilia Diária.840: Segunda-feira da 6.ª Semana da Páscoa) - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Mártires ou idólatras (Homilia Diária.840: Segunda-feira da 6.ª Semana da Páscoa) - Duration: 5:29.


Oczyszczanie organizmu. Prawdy i mity o dietach oczyszczających - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Oczyszczanie organizmu. Prawdy i mity o dietach oczyszczających - Duration: 6:04.


Białe plamy na skórze – o czym świadczą? - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> Białe plamy na skórze – o czym świadczą? - Duration: 10:42.


Devocional Mundial para Jovens Adultos — Maio de 2018 - Duration: 2:07:24.

For more infomation >> Devocional Mundial para Jovens Adultos — Maio de 2018 - Duration: 2:07:24.


हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status - Duration: 0:39.

Mother day whatsapp status Video

For more infomation >> हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status - Duration: 0:39.


HOW TO MAKE Flower Arragement with ROSE ? Episode 98 - Duration: 13:14.

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE Flower Arragement with ROSE ? Episode 98 - Duration: 13:14.


Em quinze anos, Globo perdeu 30% das TV's ligadas em São Paulo - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Em quinze anos, Globo perdeu 30% das TV's ligadas em São Paulo - Duration: 5:29.


PUBG Highlights Early Game Action Compilation - Duration: 4:05.

He's actually landing by the shed

1 landing besides you, Robin, and 1 up by Aleks.

2 are coming down to Robin

2 by Robin

Didn't have time to loot anything

Look out for the other one, he might have a shotgun

There's 2 around me now. (Yeah, I'm far away)


Which house are you in? Oh the big 1, jump out the little window facing Aleks.

He'll cover you

He's outside towards there now, I think

There's 2 there!

Yeah, I said so

Cover fire!

Not sure if you saw that, took the chance with the jump..

... I thought I could jump and peek

Still 1 by the little house I marked

Yeah, in the orange

1 went into your house, Robin

Nex, come

Knocked 1 outside

Won vs 1 with thompson

1 on the roof of the casino, waiting for him to sit down

I can't see, too high. (Nah, he's high)

He's behind the damn ventilation. (He knocked 1, then you knocked him)


It's still party, party over there

EHEHEHEHEHE... (The bait is real, to put it that way)

...the "scumbaggery"!

Yes, we do got friends!


...a smoke

I hit him a couple of times

Is he on your floor? (1 dead.)

Saw on at 1st and 1 at 3rd <floors>

On the other side, aka Robin's side. (Oh, damn)

The 1st ??? so I can't see him any longer

The 1 at 3rd is in the main hall at 3rd

Robin is at 2nd

He's probably going down to Robin now (Going down the stairs.)

There. (I got 2 insta-kills) <no, I didn''t>

1 of them failed

There's a shotgun, he's getting it! Fuck, fuck!

No, no, no, no!


1 at 1st... (A sawed-off!)

I took him with sawed-off vs pump shotgun!

...and I missed, only hit 1st and had to reload!

Ooo, I see him! Be careful. (Oh fuck, he's shooting at me)

<1 outside of the game> I expected you to say that you were pro and backflipped

Ok, I knocked him

Another 1 besides him

He's knock...

... still up.

That's so bad. Ok, now..

.. it's possible. (I knocked 1 of them, lets kill them!)

Both of them?

Yeah, there's 2 here

I tagged him pretty hard

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