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Forgotten Realms Pantheon - Torm and Tymora - Duration: 5:38.Hello everybody Jorphdan here the PH is silent.
I've had a lot of fun with this series, learning all the deities and I wanted to say
thank you to everyone who's been sharing these videos.
I see them pop up on facebook and twitter occasionally and it makes me smile to see
the Forgotten Realms is getting out there.
We continue today with Torm the god of courage, and Tymora goddess of good fortune!
Torm the Loyal Fury, The True, and The Hand of Righteousness.
Torm is the god of duty and loyalty.
He is the patron of Paladins and anyone who faces danger for a greater good.
Torm was originally a mortal man.
He served Tyr as a war leader and champion in the days following the Fall of the Netheril.
Although no-one knows where his kingdom was located at most believe it to be south of
the Lake of Steam.
The followers of Torm occasionally go looking it believing it to be a holy site, hoping
to glean more information on Torm's life as a mortal.
Torm was elevated to divine status by Tyr at some point, no one is sure when really.
And Torm is Tyr's faithful servant to this day.
Torm was a smaller demipower for a long while but that changed with the Time of Troubles.
Torm came down and fought against Bane destroying him, but he died in the process.
It was actually a cool fight and in order to be powerful enough to kill Bane Torm absorbed
the souls of many of his true worshipers and assumed the form a monstrous lion-headed man.
After the fight, and thus after Torm's death, Lord Ao took pity on him and resurrected Torm
elevating him to lesser deity status.
Since then Torm, Tyr, and Ilmater work together frequently and are known as the Triad.
The dogma of the church is salvation through service.
Strive to maintain law and order.
Stand alert against corruption and strike quickly against the rot in mortal hearts.
But Torm does not want blind servitude and questioning unjust laws is part of his dogma.
Devotees are urged to do what is right and just, not only what is lawful.
Because of his sense of justice and do what's right attitude good aligned people worship
Torm's popularity soared after the events of the Time of Troubles defeating Bane at
the cost of his own life.
He has a number of Clerics, Paladins, and fighters that worship him, and they are known
as the Tormish.
The faith is divided into a three-level hierarchy of worshipers.
The top tier are the clerics and paladins of Torm.
The second tier is composed of knightly orders dedicated to Torm.
And the third tier are the lay followers of Torm.
Warriors and government officials are in this third group.
During the year the Tormish celebrate two great festivals.
The Divine Death commemorates Torm's death in battle just north of Tantras during the
Time of Troubles.
The other is the True Resurrection when Torm returned to his powers.
During the True Resurrection the laws are set aside just for one day so his followers
are allowed to stray from the principles of law and order but just once a year.
This commonly is used as an opportunity to shock others by speaking freely but occasionally
someone will use the holiday to bring vengeance down on another.
Worshipers of Torm pray to him four times a day, noon, dusk, midnight, and dawn.
The major center of worship is in Tantras where Torm appeared during the Time of Troubles.
Known as the Temple of Torm's Coming, it is a scarred and powerful battle-fortress
overlooking the city below.
Torm has a order or Paladins known as the Order of the Golden Lion that serve as holy
warriors of Torm.
Up next is Tymora, the goddess of good luck.
Known as Lady Luck, and the Lady Who Smiles Tymora is a Chaotic Good deity with worshipers
of any alignment.
Tymora is the sister of Beshaba who is the goddess of misfortune.
The two were originally one deity known as Tyche.
Tyche, the original goddess of fortune was split in two by Selune who destroyed her with
a bolt of purifying light.
Tyche's remains split into two new deities known as Tymora and Beshaba.
Basically one of good luck and the other of bad luck.
Tymora is a popular deity, and her faith is very common throughout the forgotten realms.
The wealthy worship her, as well as those people who live by their wits and their luck;
commonly known as adventurers.
Tymora is playful, friendly, and graceful.
Her domains cover chaos, good, luck, protection, and travel.
Many traveling bards will worship Tymora.
One should be bold, for to be bold is to live.
Place yourself in the hands of fate and trust to your own luck.
Chase your own unique goals, and the Lady aids the chase.
These are some of the sayings you'll hear a faithful of Tymora teach.
Her temples may be found wherever there is a strong adventuring population.
She rewards faithful and others who live in the manner she deems proper, trusting chance.
Each Tymora temple is its own independent operation with it's own clergy.
Because of this there are no set rituals and ceremonies they vary from temple to temple.
Tymorans pray for spells in the morning, and her faithful believe that all luck comes from
You must thus accept bad fortune as a test from the goddess.
Tymora seems really neat.
Her clergy go from town to town preaching the good word of Tymora but also encouraging
others to take chances and pursue their dreams.
During the Time of Troubles Tymora appeared in Arabel and stayed there for a while.
That site has become the most popular center of worship for Tymorans known as the Assembly
of the Faithful at the Lady's House.
The church has a strong relationship with the Harpers, which is a secret society working
for good throughout Faerun.
I hope to do a video on the different factions, like the Harpers, at some point so stay tuned.
There isn't necessarily a knightly order or a group of Paladins that follow Tymora
but the church does sponsor adventuring parties from time to time.
Maybe a temple of Tymora hires your party to stop an evil cult of Bashaba for your next
D&D game.
This could work as there is a special fellowship of clergy within the church known as the Fellows
of Free Fate that have dedicated themselves to stopping Beshaba's influence across Faerun.
And that's it for today.
Both of these deities would be excellent choices for an adventuring party.
It got me thinking of building a group of players that all worshiped the same deity.
Their home base could be a nearby temple of Tymora and maybe they uncover some Beshaba
corruption within the church.
That sounds like a sweet 6 month campaign right there.
Thanks for watching everyone so happy you're enjoying these videos.
If you're so inclined share them with you D&D group.
New lore videos every wed, I'll see you all next week!
Kathy Griffin Curses Out Trump Spokesman, Gets Hit With Clever Comeback. - Duration: 4:28.Kathy Griffin Curses Out Trump Spokesman, Gets Hit With Clever Comeback.
Kathy Griffin had the nerve to show up to the White House Correspondents Dinner, where
she cursed at President Donald Trump's spokesman Hogan Gidley as he enjoyed his beer.
But it was Gidley who got the last laugh on the washed-up comedian, when he hit her with
a clever comeback that you don't want to miss.
According to Daily Caller, Kathy Griffin, the disgraced comedian and now personal "friend"
of the Secret Service, attended the White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday, April
28, 2018.
The President decided to appear at a rally in Washington Township, Michigan, on the same
night, but he did have a few of his White House staff attend the liberal hosted dinner,
and that is where Griffin collided with Deputy White House press secretary Hogan Gidley.
Griffin, whose life was turned upside after she stupidly posed with a mock severed head
of Trump, couldn't resist the opportunity to take a cheap shot at Hogan Gidley as he
walked by her table with his beer in hand.
"How do you sleep at night?"
Griffin sneered at Gidley as he tried to squeeze by with his drink.
Griffin quickly learned she was no match for the witty White House young gun.
Gidley fired back a very classy but short response to Griffin.
"Very well, thank you," he simply said.
Obviously discontent with her failure to ruffle Gidley's feathers, Griffin expressed doubt
about his answer.
"Are we really going to do this?"
Spokesman Gidley asked the washed-up comedian.
This should have been the point in the conversation where Kathy Griffin exercised a little good
judgment and showed a little class.
But, because Griffin is stupid and lacks any decent manners, her fangs came out and she
resorted to cursing at Gidley.
"Yes, we are, suck my dick!
No, really, suck my dick!"
Kathy Griffin, forgetting she's a female, yelled at Gidley.
It's hilarious that in her attempt to get Gidley's goat, Griffin lost her mind and
embarrassed herself and those around her with her disgusting and obnoxious behavior.
It's even more amusing that she said something to him, that her liberal counterparts would
be up in arms about had the roles been reversed.
But, I digress.
Hogan Gidley buried the demon-hag with the perfect response and not just for Griffin
but all liberals.
As Gidley held his Tecate beverage, he cleverly announced he was off to enjoy his Mexican
beer "before we build the wall and you can't get these anymore," according to Fox News.
Griffin's frustrated response was priceless.
Those around her cringed as she yelled, "Fuck you," at Gidley, and those at her table
reportedly responded only with a nervous laugh at her sickening behavior.
In my opinion, Griffin was in way over her head trying to get into a mental match with
I think he handled her in an expert fashion as she was once again exposed for being an
unhinged liberal witch.
This is the behavior we've come to expect from Griffin, who made a fool of herself earlier
this week during an expletive-filled appearance on "The View," where she obnoxiously cursed,
forcing the studio crew to cut her mic several times.
The crass 57-year-old comedian reiterated that she was taking back the tear-filled apology,
that she issued to the President after she ruined her own career by posing with the bloodied
Trump head in 2017.
"Yeah, I take the apology back," Kathy Griffin told The View's co-hosts.
"Fuck him.
And Don Jr. and Eric, or as I call them Eddie Munster and Date Rape.
I'm not holding back on this family.
This president is different, and I have been through the mill, and so now, I'm back on
the road.
I sold out Carnegie Hall in less than 24 hours."
Griffin dropped the Fuck-bomb several times as co-host Joy Behar tried to get Griffin
to keep things PG with no success.
The reality here is that liberal hack jobs like Kathy Griffin lack any kind of moral
Her disgusting attack on Hogan Gidley backfired on her at the WHCA Dinner and her appearance
on "The View" was embarrassing, even for the ultra-liberal hosts of the show.
In my opinion, the only thing Griffin can do now is to make a huge spectacle of herself.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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How to Naturally Clean and Whiten Your Yellowed Pillows - Duration: 3:51.Have you ever stopped to think about how we spend one-third of our lives asleep?
For many, sleeping may seem like a waste of time, but they're very wrong.
A good night's sleep is vital for our mental and physical health.
It helps to prevent stress, and improve memory and mood.
Furthermore, sleeping well every night helps prevent heart disease and diabetes.
Once you know about these benefits, you kind of want to make sure you are getting some
good quality sleep, right?
In order to sleep well, we need to pay attention to our sheets and pillow.
Check your sheets, mattress, the bed itself, and make sure everything looks good.
A dirty pillow will attract mites and other microbes that can affect your health.
Mites, for example, can create allergies and even breathing and skin problems.
With this in mind, we're going to show you some tips to keep your pillows clean and free
of dust, mites, sweat, and other residue from our skin.
Lemon Juice and Hot Water Lemon juice is one of the best natural cleaning
products to use on white surfaces.
It disinfects and keeps your pillows free of stains.
Hot water; 6 lemons.
Instructions The amount of water depends on the size of
the pillow and container you have at home.
The idea is to squeeze the lemons into a cup.
Then put the pillow in a big bowl and cover it with hot water.
Then add the juice to the bowl and let it sit for a few hours.
Once the time is up, wash the pillow in the washing machine with an organic soap.
Baking Soda and Vinegar Baking soda is great at cleaning since it's
an astringent.
It can lighten and even get rid of stains and odors on pillows.
When paired with vinegar, the two ingredients fight bacteria and mites very effectively.
Ingredients 125 ml of white wine vinegar;
80 grams of baking soda.
Instructions Put the pillow in a bowl and cover it with
Then add the baking soda and white wine vinegar.
Let the mixture sit for a while then wash the pillow like normal and lay it out in the
sun to dry.
Baking Soda and Tea Tree Oil You already know about the benefits of baking
soda, but you might not know that tea tree oil is one of the best ingredients at eliminating
The combination of these two is great at eliminating mites, bacteria, and fungus, as well as cleaning
and removing stains from pillows.
Ingredients 100 grams of baking soda;
1 tablespoon of tea tree essential oil.
Instructions Mix both of the ingredients in a container.
Once that's done, sprinkle the mixture on the pillow and let it sit for 45 minutes.
Now dry clean the pillow.
Rub the stains away with a brush then dust the rest of the mixture off the pillow.
Peroxide (10 volumes) and Lemon You already know about lemon's benefits.
But what about peroxide?
This substance is used a lot to disinfect and clean, but when mixed with lemon its great
at bleaching and removing stains, especially sweat and saliva stains.
Ingredients 250 milliliters of peroxide;
125 milliliters of lemon juice; Hot water.
Instructions Put the pillow in a big container and cover
it with hot water.
Then mix the ingredients and pour them on top of the pillow.
Then let it sit for an hour and wash it like you normally would.
Let it dry in the sun.
¡Los perros sin raza son más saludables! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:49.-------------------------------------------
Opel Meriva 1.4T Design Edition. Navigatie. - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
8 Ball Pool - Four Victory Boxes 3.13.5 New Update Free Latest 2018 - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
最帥古裝美男,展昭形象深入人心,今59歲為了一個約定終身不娶 - Duration: 8:13.-------------------------------------------
HOG TIED: Pres Trump Just Blindsided Congress Putting Them Directly On NOTICE - Duration: 1:59.HOG TIED: Pres Trump Just Blindsided Congress Putting Them Directly On NOTICE.
It appears Pres Trump is keeping another one of his campaign promises!
This may put him at odds with Congress, but POTUS is a man of his word.
President Trump released a tweet that he met with lawmakers who are in strong support of
Congressional term limits.Interestingly, a recent poll suggests that most Americans would
like term limits…are you one of them?
In a recent poll from January, McLauglin & Associates releases the results from their national survey.
The survey indicates "82% of voters approve of a Constitutional Amendment that will place
term limits on members of Congress."
Moreover, that "four-in-five voters believe that it is important for President Trump to
keep his promise to support term limits for members of Congress by calling on Congress
to vote for term limits."
Additionally, the survey cites, "the majority of voters, 54%, believe it is very important
for the President to keep his promise."
Well, President Trump does not disappoint Americans.
And he tweeted earlier today:
"I recently had a terrific meeting with a bipartisan group of freshman lawmakers who
feel very strongly in favor of Congressional term limits."
President continues, "I gave them my full support and endorsement for their efforts
hashtag DrainTheSwamp.
Do you believe America would operate with less corruption if Congressional term limits
were amended into the Constitution?
And do you believe Pres Trump has done an outstanding job of keeping his campaign promises
so far?
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
USA facts today.
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I Got Fillers For My Torn Piercing | Macro Beauty | Refinery29 - Duration: 6:24.Although ears are really a tiny feature, they do frame our face.
And they can either enhance or take away from our beauty.
I became aware of my stretch earlobe I think in college.
Cause I was wearing these hoop earrings and at the part where you connect them, it's
supposed to stop there.
But it would just keep going.
And the whole hoop would just go through.
My earlobe has expanded a lot and now I can barely wear any type of earrings, especially
if they're heavy.
My name is Rachel and I'm gonna get earlobe fillers.
I probably knew that I wanted to be a doctor since I was about eight years old.
So the two fields that I really enjoyed when I got to medical school are surgery and psychiatry.
And in dermatology it really is an overlap of the two.
There's a lot of psychiatry and psychology that goes into treating skin.
That goes into dealing with skin cancer patients.
And I really love that aspect because I really love engaging in patient care and talking
to my patients.
I am seeing more and more patients come into my office with complaints about their earlobes.
So a lot of people say "Why the earlobes?
This is just far too much vanity."
But there really is an emotional component to wearing jewelry.
And so not being able to wear them, it really takes something away from a lot of my patients.
And so it's something that's really important to kind of restore that quality to them.
Beyond the fact that earrings are beautiful and it helps to frame your face, there truly
is a sentimental quality to a lot of the jewelry that we wear.
My name is Dr. Michelle Henry.
I am a Manhattan-based dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon.
I found out about earlobe fillers because I was actively on Google searching for a way
to fix this.
Initially I thought maybe I could get it sewed up and then just leave it as is.
I just won't have a piercing anymore.
And then I think one day my coworker sent me a video of this woman just getting her
earlobe injected with fillers and it looked amazing.
It closed up the stretch and I was like, "Oh my god.
This is what I've been waiting for."
For years.
Initially, how I started doing this is that I'd have women that would come in.
And maybe I was filling their lips, or their cheeks and we had just a touch of filler left.
So we would inject their ears.
And they really didn't realize before that what a big role
that played in their overall assessment of how they look in their youthfulness.
As we get a little bit older our collagen starts to deteriorate.
And when that happens the ears start to deflate, they start to sag, they start to become floppy.
But another problem I see in the office is something that I call fashionista ears.
So these are really young fashionable women who are wearing maybe really large statement
earrings that could be quite heavy.
And so with time they start to pull on the piercing site.
And that piercing site starts to stretch and stretch and stretch.
And become elongated, and eventually it might even tear through the ear.
In middle school there was a phase where everyone was so into the gauge earrings.
And they come in different colors and they look like unicorn horns.
I really liked them so I bought them and I tried to stuff it in myself.
So over time it just stretched out to the way it is now.
So when you look at her ears you'll notice that her piercing site has become longer and
longer and longer.
And she's a very young girl.
That damage can start quite early.
I'm very excited about the procedure.
From what I've seen, it looks like it makes a drastic difference and I hope that it'll
allow me to go back into wearing any type of earrings I want to.
First step of the procedure is to actually numb the ear.
We use a very strong topical numbing cream to reduce the pain of the injection.
So my filler of choice is hyaluronic acid.
Hyaluronic acid is essentially a complex sugar.
It's very important when we're injecting the skin to avoid infection.
I like to inject very slowly, introducing small aliquots into the ear at a time.
And all you really feel is a tiny pinch.
And after that you feel a gentle filling of the product,
which is not uncomfortable.
I like to watch the earlobe slowly fill, and to watch the piercing site slowly contract.
You inject until the area looks full and looks plump.
And until the piercing site contracts in a way that you like.
I typically try to overfill the area just a bit, because when the swelling goes down
you're gonna lose some of the immediate effect.
After injecting, I gently massage the area to make sure that the product is nice and
And then we ice.
By the fourth day the swelling will start to go down.
I don't expect you to have swelling for more than about five or six days.
I typically ask my patients to wait about one to two weeks before starting to wear earrings
It didn't really hurt.
It just felt like something was stretching through your skin rather than pain.
The process was actually much shorter than I thought it would be.
I think when I went into
this process, I was just looking for instant gratification, but I think I just have to
wait it out.
Now I don't have to worry about if the earring is gonna stretch out my earlobes even more
because all the filler around it is gonna hold up the earring in its perfect place.
Thanks so much for watching Refinery29's video.
To watch more videos click here, and to subscribe click here.
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This Woman Wants To Be Rich, And She's Not Ashamed Of It | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 12:35.-------------------------------------------
All For One | S2 Ep 30 | "Win-Lose" - Duration: 13:08.>> Dorothy: Hey guys! Welcome to our end-of-the-year party thing.
Yeah, sorry, um...
You know, I am, I am excited to see all of my friends and celebrate...
You know the end of my first year.
But we did just lose an election so I guess I'm still kind of sad about that.
I think it was for the best though. I mean...
I was up there in front of the whole house
waiting for the election results to come in and I just kept thinking...
What if we actually win and I have to lead all of these people and
is this actually the way that I want to make change happen here at MST or not?
I'm just a freshman and
Henry and Treville are so ready. Maybe Portia and I will run again someday.
As soon as I stop having nightmares
where I am trapped in HQ editing videos til the end of time so yeah?
Ow, what was that for? >> Monty: Positive reinforcement!
>> Dorothy: For what?
>> Monty: For being less awful.
You're doing a great job! Cheer up!
>> Dorothy: Thank you!
Was the punching really necessary though?
>> Monty: I thought that was your thing.
>> Dorothy: It was nice. Except for the punching part.
But the rest, ah, it was nice.
I feel good about Henry and Treville winning. You know Portia is gonna do something awesome
because she's smart and and hardworking and so nice when she doesn't want to stab you.
Wow I know if it's just that it's like the end of the year or something, I just I'm feeling really really mushy.
Oh! Breton, you sarcastic sometimes
extremely rude goofball. I love you!
I love you all all of you so much. You are the reason that I am still in college.
I was ready to quit. I was ready to go live in woods
but you stopped me. I just love you so much.
I want to hug you all but I won't because of computer safety.
[Knocking on door]
Treville! I mean Madam President!
Congrats on the big win! >> Treville: Thank you!
I appreciate you throwing this get together. I understand if you weren't in a celebrating mood.
>> Dorothy: Ahh. What are you talking about?
I mean two of my best friends
just won an election that is 100% a very good reason to celebrate.
I even got a piñata. Well, rather, I sent Monty out to get a pinata and she
brought back a loaf of bread, but I tried.
>> Treville: I brought a gift for you.
I was going through the MST archives and umm...
Don't open it now. It's special.
>> Dorothy: Thank you.
How are you feeling about being president? >> Treville: Excited...terrified.
>> Dorothy: You're gonna be great. This is your destiny.
Can I ask you something? >> Treville: Of course.
>> Dorothy: We're you ever gonna ask me to be your VP like for real.
I'm sorry that was a that was a stupid thing to ask. Of course, you weren't.
>> Treville: No, I was or I thought I might.
>> Dorothy: I get why you didn't though.
I mean I wouldn't have wanted me for VP either and clearly the house didn't.
I just I wouldn't have been good enough
>> Treville: No, Dorothy, it wasn't that. I promise.
It was that Anne demanded that she be your big over me and
I was hurt and jealous and sad and then we broke up and you sided with her and...
>>Dorothy: Oh, Treville... >> Treville: It was petty and childish of me.
And I apologize with all of my heart.
>> Dorothy: You would have been the best big that I could have ever asked for.
>> Treville: You are gonna do amazing things Dorothy Castlemore.
And I fully expect by the time you graduate you too will be a president of Mu Sigma Theta.
Mark my words.
>> Dorothy: Thank you.
[door opening]
>> Treville: Ms. Montecliff, you look well! >> Monty: Treville, you're looking very geometric.
Well, sorry, I can't stay for the party.
I have a date.
With a girl.
Who's not my ex.
>> Dorothy: Wow! Good for you, Monty!
Go get 'em you Casanova. Break those hearts.
Actually, I'd much rather that you you didn't break any heart, but still!
Monty: Ow!
Why do you like that?
That was weird.
>> Henry: Did that work?
>> Dorothy: Yeah, you got it. You're a genius Abascale.
>> Henry: Well, you're not wrong.
>> Alex: Not much but it wasn't same without you guys.
>> Connie: Oh, true! How do we make it through a whole party
without your deep and insightful commentary?
>> Portia: Oh, oh, before I forget! Owen...
We got you a little something. To celebrate you being the best
communications director and campaign manager!
>> Rochefort: Hey guys, you really didn't have to do this!
You really didn't have to this. [Everyone laughs]
>> Dorothy: It's a canoe because you're not a douche canoe anymore.
Even a little. >> Rochefort: Ohh...
Thanks guys. [Everyone laughs]
>> Treville: Your work was very impressive Mr. Rochefort.
This was well deserved.
>> Rochefort: Even though we lost?
>> Treville: Technically you also managed the winning ticket briefly.
>> Portia: And you gave us the chance at winning
which should have been impossible given how badly I messed up the campaign.
>> Rochefort: You weren't that bad. I have worked with Rick remember.
>> Portia: Actually?
>> Rochefort: I want to run for Student Union prez.
Clean up the corruption
Do it right and...
I want you to be my running mate what?
>> Portia: What? Me?
Why? >> Rochefort: Why?
We work so well together. I mean you're confident.
You stand behind your ideas and values and you throw killer parties.
There's really nobody I'd rather run with.
>> Portia: I don't know. >> Henry: I think it's a great idea.
And then we could get matching VP bath robes and towels.
And headbands and bracelets and tattoos and be totally annoying
and have everyone hate us. >> Portia: Matching bracelets?
Okay, I'm in!
>> Rochefort: Awesome!
>> Portia: So Dorothy what about you? Um, we do need a campaign manager.
>> Dorothy: Uh, nah. No offence.
You guys are gonna kill it. I just need a very long break
from politics like maybe forever.
>> Connie: So what's next for Dorothy Castlemore?
>> Dorothy: I don't know. This election really kind of opened my eyes to...
the other ways that I could get involved around MST like maybe I'll
join a committee, maybe I'll start a committee.
How does everyone feel about intramural Quidditch?
>> Portia: Ooo, we could try out together!
>> Henry: Also as MST's new VP, I can say that we are looking for volunteer ro chi for next year.
>> Dorothy: Oh, really? Do you think I would be any good at that?
>> Treville: At taking care of young women in one of the scariest times of their lives?
I think you'd be phenomenal.
>> Dorothy: Okay great, yeah! >> Henry: Also as a Mu Sigma Theta's newly-
>> Dorothy: Uh, please stop saying that.
>> Portia: I like it. He sounds so official.
>> Henry: It's weird.
I was always anti authority. Not authority.
>> Portia: Mmm, it suits you. I'm so proud of you.
>> Alex: I was actually thinking of applying to be a ro chi next year.
>> Dorothy: Yeah, really? >> Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I think, um, considering everything I went through this year and seeing the new freshmen come in...
They really need someone to look out for them.
>> Henry: I thought you hated being a mom.
>> Alex: Maybe I don't hate it so much now that I get to choose it.
So what do you think? Can we handle it?
>> Alex: Yeah, we'd be awesome.
>> Connie: Yeah, you two can definitely handle it. >> Dorothy: You know why?
Alex: Why?
>> Dorothy: Because we've got a handle on...friendship! [Everyone laughs]
[Connie & Dorothy laughing]
>> Connie: You're gonna make a great ro chi.
>> Dorothy: I just want to make until the semester with no black eyes.
On anybody. I mean even the douche bros.
Even the bike racks.
It'll be a lot harder without you here.
>> Connie: Well, I believe in you.
You're definitely not the girl who punched the bike rack anymore.
Or who tried to kiss her new roommate after a week.
>> Dorothy: Uh, I think that worked out pretty well.
>> Connie: We'll have our summer in Paris. We'll talk online and I'll come home a lot.
You're not getting rid of me that easy.
>> Dorothy: Oh, shucks.
>> Connie: Hey, did you turn on the Inseparables. >> Dorothy: No, I guess I forgot.
Oh, she told me not to open it until after the party and I totally forgot.
>> Connie: Oh, here it is!
>> Dorothy: I wonder what it is. She said she got it at the archives
so it's probably just a boring history book or like records or something.
Hmm, what's this? Yep, got that part, thanks!
>> Connie: Dorothy, what is it?
>> Dorothy: It's my Gran's diary.
I thought my mom got rid of it after after she sold Gran's house but...
This is everything she wrote in her time at MST and I mean and the years after.
It's all her adventures.
Yeah, and wait what?
Ok, quit being a weirdo. >> Connie: I don't think those are the inseparables.
I don't like this.
>> Dorothy: Who are you?
Tell me who you are!
Lolaf Ronde?
Screw you, I'm not scared of you!
Even though you are creepy and...
You type like a serial killer.
I am not afraid of you, Lolaf Ronde.
>> Connie: I think you fixed it. Well, that was creepy.
South Mountain Freeway - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Why You Should Take Ice Cold Showers - The Benefits of a Cold Shower (animated) - Duration: 6:08.Back in the day, hot water was a luxury.
People had to live near hot springs in order to enjoy a hot bath, so for most of human
history we bathed in cold water.
But even when the Ancient Greeks developed heating systems for their baths, they continued
bathing in cold water for the health benefits.
You've most likely been taking warm showers for your entire life and there's nothing wrong
with that.
However today I'm going to tell you about the benefits of switching from warm to cold.
And at the end of the video I'll explain the best way to do it.Ok, so why take cold showers
in the first place?
Believe me when I say this, but if there were no advantages, then I would't take them.I
don't love taking them, but I love the benefits they give me.So the first benefit is;energy
and alertnessObviously, an ice cold shower is going to wake you up.
If you have trouble getting up for the day, cold shower is a good cure for your sleepy
A change in body temperature sends your body into a slight state of shock, which instantly
boosts your alertness and the feeling of being awake.The freezing water is going to get your
heart pounding, lungs pumping and eyes wide open.When you get hit by the cold water, it
forces you to start breathing more deeply and you'll get more oxygen in to your body.
It's like entering a meditative state.Your heart rate will also increase and it's going
to feel like drinking a cup of coffee.
You'll have extra energy to be more productive and tackle the rest of the day.Second benefit
is that it canboost your willpowerBy doing something you are resistant to doing, you
make your willpower stronger.
Kind of like a muscle.
To make a muscle bigger and stronger you have to push yourself to move more weight than
the last time.
Willpower works the same way.
By exposing yourself to something that takes some serious self discipline, you start building
that willpower muscle.And one of the best ways to build it, is to do something as hard
as taking a cold shower.
By building willpower in one area of your life you will end up having more mental strength
That means if you build enough self-discipline to take a cold shower every day, you will
have more self discipline to hit the gym, quit smoking and overall make better life
decisions.Imagine a cold shower as an obstacle you have to overcome every day.
By getting over that initial obstacle, every other obstacle becomes easier to overcome.The
third benefit is thatit improves circulation.If you're not motivated by feeling better or
doing better, then at least be motivated by becoming healthier.Good blood circulation
is vital for overall cardiovascular health.
It also speeds up recovery time from demanding exercises and work.
When the cold water hits your body, your arteries pump blood more efficiently, therefore boosting
your overall heart health.Alternating between hot and cold water also works.Cold water causes
your blood to move to your organs to keep them warm.
Warm water reverses the effect by causing the blood to move towards the surface of the
Thus improving circulation.What's more interesting is that in one study they found that even
30 seconds of cold water exposure can improve your immune system.
The participants of the study who took cold showers for 30 seconds or more, were less
likely to get sick.So not only do cold showers improve circulation, they also make you more
immune to diseases.
Now, if I have you convinced with the benefits, let's take a look at how to actually take
a cold shower.
If you've spent most of your life showering with warm water, suddenly going cold, can
be a pretty big shock for your body.
You don't want to start off too cold right away, as this can come be a big surprise for
your immune system, and it might actually make you sick.
My suggestion is to gradually decrease the temperature of the water, so your body can
slowly adapt.
So you don't have to jump straight in to ice cold.
In fact, I start my showers warm.
Over the course of about two minutes I steadily approach my desired temperature.
And by slowly changing from warm to cold, I give my body enough time to adjust.
So basically what you do is: you start your shower with warm water.
Enjoy yourself.
Then make it slightly colder.
After a few seconds you'll get used to it and then you can go even colder.
Keep on making it cold until you reach a temperature you can handle for about 30 seconds.
It doesn't have to be ice cold, just cold.
So here's your experiment.
I challenge you to take a cold shower tomorrow morning for just 30 seconds and see how it
makes you feel.
Actually, how about about we make it a 7 day challenge?
Remember the first cold shower is the hardest one.
Every single day you do it, it gets easier.
You just have to condition your body to get used to the cold, just like with any other
For example, Wim Hof aka "The Iceman", can stay in an ice bath for 2 hours without freezing.
He also holds many other world records, such as climbing the highest mountains in the world,
in only his shorts.
So even if the cold showers don't make you the next Wim Hof, you should still experiment
with them and see how they make you feel.
Do they make you more energized?
Or do you feel like they do nothing for you?
Let me know in the comments below.
And together we'll become better than yesterday.
Nightcore - Serial Killer - Duration: 2:58.This video includes lyrics on the screen
It Is Considered The Most Deadly Drink In the World It Can End Your Life - Duration: 2:25.
23 Year old PC Magazine - Windows '95 Released! | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 8:12.PC Pro is a popular UK magazine which still exists to this day.
It's been running on a monthly basis since 1994 through Dennis Publishing Ltd, with distribution
stretching across the globe under various licences.
Since it's inception, it has been promoted as a magazine for "IT professionals", serving
up reviews of hardware, software and helping IT mangers make informed decisions.
Of course, it was also widely read by interested hobbists, who were eager to grab some free
software from the attached cover disk or who just wanted to know what they could do, to
improve their setups.
Back in 1994 and 1995, these magazines were an essential communication method, where you
could find out news on the latest software or even hardware releases.
Most people simply weren't connected to the internet at this time, and even if they were,
quality sources of information were thin on the ground.
Throughout the mid 90s, I bought all manner of PC magazines, from the more casual PC Format,
to gaming specific titles such as PC Zone and of course an array of professional magazines
such as Personal Computer World and PC Pro.
But today I'm focussing on one issue specifically; Issue 11, from September 1995, and my aim
is to pick apart the magazine and discover just what drew my interest back in 1995.
Here's the cover, of course we've got big features on Windows '95.
I mean, it'd only just been released.
We've also got a big feature on the latest Pentium processors, along with some reviews
and a section on Virtual Reality, which sounds right up my alley.
Now at £2.25, these magazines were pretty affordable, and you received a lot of paper
for your money.
But, of course, much of the Dennis Publishing's revenue was from advertising, and that is
what makes up the bulk of this magazine.
Of course it does.
These magazines are here to make profit, and in a distinctly competitive marketplace, adverts
make perfect sense.
But I never looked on them as intrusive or obstructive, in fact, I loved looking at the
offers available, showcasing the latest hardware and software.
A particular favourite was Software Warehouse, who indeed must have had one hell of a software
We've got Compton's Encyclopedia here, Encarta, Ready Set Grow, Multimedia cats or Dogs, and
this is just one page.
Look at all this.
So many options and potential digital creations to play with.
Imagine being locked in the Software Warehouse, it would have been amazing.
Straying from their name, they even served up the odd piece of hardware.
But let's not get too distracted, there's an entire magazine here.
Let's begin with the cover disk.
At this point the magazine was shipping in both HD floppy and CD-ROM versions.
This was the floppy edition, for which we received a demo of Virtek 3D-ware and JASC
Media Center.
JASC being the original creators of Paintshop Pro... which I still use to this day.
Of course, if you were lucky enough to be a CD-ROM drive owner at the time, then all
this wonderful software would be yours as well.
We've even got demos of Micro Machines 2, Space Quest VI and Hi-Octane.
I think I spent most of the 90s playing demos to be honest.
And so to the letters... much chatter about Windows '95.
The star letter is commending the new long file name structure of Windows '95 for helping
with dyslexia.
It's interesting to get different perspectives.
I remember, I actually found it incredibly irritating.
I was so used to short file names that navigating DOS with all these excessive file names was
a pain in the nuts.
Derek Cohen is making a joke about Windows '95 being a benevolent Virus here.
Also many quips referring to Microsoft stealing Apple ideas.. yet again.
In the News we have more Windows '95 related articles, including a list of incompatible
Users of Lotus Ami Pro 3.01 better watch out.... do you remember Ami Pro and the Lotus suite?
Look, there are some articles on it here.
It was a rival to Microsoft Office essentially, created by IBM's Lotus Software group.
I think support ended for it in about 2007.
Check this out.
Executions the controversial video featuring people getting killed for real is now out
on video CD.
Do you remember that?
What a time 1995 was!
We've got some more cracking PC adverts here.
I was always a big fan of the Tiny and DAN PC aesthetic.
Also MrPC used to grab my eye too.
Let's check out some Windows '95 POWER TIPS and see what we can learn.
Look, we've got The Recycle Bin here.
Various Icons on the Desktop.
We can send ANY document anywhere - to a fax, printer or directly from the desktop.
We may scoff at this now, but this was amazing stuff then.
Although, come on, these definitely aren't POWER TIPS.
You could do most of the things here in Windows 3.1, with the help of third party apps.
But it shows the cohesion Windows '95 brought to the table.
What tips has Dave got for us?
"You can leave Windows Explorer running all the time and rarely go any where else to carry
out just about all your folder and file management tasks".... imagine that?
"Video clips can now be shown full screen".... amazing stuff.
OK, what about that Virtual Reality section.
Because that's pretty relevant to us today... some 20 years after it was supposed to take
over the earth.
Here they're talking about full body suits to simulate gravity and touching virtual objects.
So that's something we can look forward to in the future.
Oooo, look here, an Escom advert.
These are the guys who bought out the Amiga brand in 1995, but then folded in 1996.
There are quite a few PC reviews in here.
Check out this pair, the Viglen Genie P5/133 particularly takes my eye.
A whopping £2,872 for this little baby, but it does have 16MB of EDO RAM, a 1.6GB Hard
Drive, Diamond Stealth Video card and a 16 Bit Vibra Sound Blaster.
Not to mention the bundle of Encarta '95, Musical Instruments and Golf which it ships
What else do we have here...
This was a time when MPEG video was starting to make waves, with cheap accelerators on
the horizon.
We've also got the first mentions of CDs using Blue Light, developed by a Consortium of members
including HP, Xerox, American Crystal and the Universities of Boston and Texas.
Of course, we know what that led to, eventually, although not directly from this venture necessarily...
I mean, DVDs weren't even out at this point.
Anyway, that's PC Pro from September '95.
A huge focus on Windows '95, and many, many adverts.
I think that sums it up nicely.
What a year.
Sampler Sew Along Intro | Quilt Block of the Month Series | Whitney Sews - Duration: 2:34.hi everyone I'm Whitney and I post tutorials on my youtube channel to help
sewers of all skill levels learn new projects and techniques this week is
actually the first video in a new series I'm starting called the sampler sew along
I have selected 12 different traditional quilt blocks to share in this series and
then I'll be showing not only how to sew the blocks themselves but how to sew the
entire quilt together from start to finish so that you can create your own
sampler style quilt that finishes in a nice lap quilt or baby quilt size each
of the quilt blocks will finish at a 12 by 12 inch size this is a really great
size if you're new to quilting new to piecing you can get in your practice
doing your piecing learn new techniques and all of that
without having to sew together really really tiny pieces because that can
definitely and be it difficult and be frustrating when you're trying to learn
the process sampler quilts are so much fun because the blocks aren't intended
to be the same they are all supposed to be different they are just a great way
to practice technique so that's what they are intended for so as long as you
choose fabrics that coordinate for all your blocks your quilt will turn out
beautiful even though every single block is different from all the rest so for
the fabrics for your quilt you will need about 10 to 12 different fabrics you
need one fabric in particular that you get more of so a couple yards of it and
it needs to be a light fabric so I chose a white tone-on-tone fabric for that one
and I just pulled that from my stash for the remainder fabrics you only need
about a quarter yard of each so you can definitely pull from your stash on those
or you can go out and buy fat quarters those would be perfect for this I did go
out and purchase some fabrics new because I found this beautiful fabric
that I love that has a ton of colors in it and so I wanted to use those colors
for inspiration for this quilt but like I said you need a couple yards of a
light fabric and then a quarter yard each of ten to twelve different bright
fabrics when you're selecting your fabrics please keep in mind that small
non directional prints will work the best and tone-on-tone fabrics are also
really great for making there will be a playlist linked below
with all these samplers so long videos that have already been posted and I'll
link it right over here to the side as well and make sure you subscribe so you
don't miss out on any of the future videos in this series and until next
time happy sewing
This Woman Shared the Most Relatable Before-and-After Post About Being Stuck at Weight Loss Plateau - Duration: 2:37.This Woman Shared the Most Relatable Before-and-After Post About Being Stuck at a Weight Loss Plateau
We're always scrolling through before-and-after weight loss transformations, amazed at how
much fitter a person can become if they make living healthier part of their lifestyle.
But one woman's candid Instagram post about her journey was especially relatable.
Rather than celebrating her effort to get in shape, Dallas-based graphic designer Sierra
Miller sounded off about hitting a stubborn weight-loss plateau after losing 75 pounds.
Weight-loss plateaus are something that anyone who has ever tried to drop pounds has encountered,
and they can be really frustrating and make you want to give up getting healthy.
I've pretty much maintained my weight for over a year," she captioned a post of her
side-by-side images, which she also featured on her new fitness account @sierramiller_fit.
"I've felt like a disappointment for not reaching a 100 lb loss.
It's hard to feel like you're doing everything right, eating all of the right things, working
out AT LEAST 4-5 times a week and yet still, the scale won't budge."
But Miller didn't throw in the towel.
Despite her struggle, she made a conscious decision to look at the upside of her weight
loss efforts.
Instead of dwelling on the number on the scale, she opened up about her gratitude.
"I'm thankful for maintaining and not gaining the weight back, I'm thankful that
I have a body that is capable of working out," she wrote.
"This year, I've challenged myself to stop focusing so much on the number but rather
how I feel and to have FUN with my workouts.
… I'm in this for me and NOT for the approval of others.
It may not always be easy but the scale doesn't always tell the whole story and I'm here
to prove it and myself wrong."
Miller's post found an appreciative audience, as users congratulated her and agreed that
she shouldn't judge her success by what the scale says.
People also shared their own weight-loss plateau stories, and they identified with her insecurity
around the definition of "progress."
Here's what we want Miller to know: the scale doesn't tell the whole story.
Instead of getting stuck on a number that falls short of your goal weight, pat yourself
on the back for the pounds that you did lose and the muscles you've strengthened.
Getting fit—not fitting into a certain jeans size—is what makes the journey a success.
Subscribe Our Channel Health & Lose Weight Fast Tips :
Who is Cardi B? - Duration: 3:43.Welcome to I Am Your Target Demographic and today we're asking the question that a lot
of folks seem to be asking which is "Who is Cardi B?"
Where did she come from, why is she famous?
Let's start at the beginning.
Surprise, Cardi B is not her real name, but she was born Belcalis Almanzar, half Dominican
and half Trinidadian, born and raised in the Bronx in New York City.
Life was not easy for her, so she ended up joining the Bloods by age 16 and becoming
a stripper by age 19.
Interview: "So basically stripping saved your life?"
"Yeah, you know what, it really did though.
That's why I never play the game.
A lot of people be like 'oh my gosh,' they make it so negative.
But like, it really saved me from a lot of things.
When I started stripping, I went back to school."
So where did the Cardi B name come from?
Her sister's name is Hennessy and Belcalis decided to come up with the name by taking
the brand Bacardi and swapping the B from the beginning of the word to the end.
She started to rise to fame through social media, most notably her Instagram where she
began modeling and endorsing fashion and music.
In 2015 she started to appear as a regular on the television show Love and Hip Hop: New
York, while she was also starting to appear as a guest rapper on some big tracks, including
her debut as part of Shaggy's track "Boom Boom."
She then started to release mix tapes and was even nominated for best new artist and
best female artist at the 2017 BET awards, though she didn't win either.
At this point, Cardi B released her first commercial single Bodak Yellow.
This was the first single to top the Hot 100 by a solo female rapper since Lauryn Hill's
Doo Wop That Thing in 1998.
Cardi B is also the first Dominican ever to reach #1 in the Hot 100.
In 2018 already, she's appeared alongside Bruno Mars on his track Finesse and became
the first woman ever to have five singles in the top 10 at the same time (and only the
third person ever after Kendrick Lamar and Drake).
She also made news by revealing her pregnancy during a performance on Saturday Night Live,
with her fiancé Offset, from the group Migos.
Before this, she was in a relationship during Love and Hip Hop with rapper Tommy Geez, who
was in jail for her entire time with the show for gun possession.
"Right now, I'm dating this cute young fine thug thing but right now, he's locked up and whatever."
Somebody trying to tell me that I should leave him and whatnot, but guess what, behind bars
he treat me better than you."
People may often ask about Cardi B's feud with Nicki Minaj.
Now there isn't really much of a feud but people project this because there's two women
competing in a male-dominated space.
They have appeared on tracks together, they have maybe had slight disses towards one another,
but this feud is likely an embellishment.
A lot of what people resonate with is Cardi B's sense of honesty and her blunt perspective.
"Over the past few months, my life changed drastically.
My music have been doing extremely good and everything that I have put my money and my
time into, it be getting poppin."
Her skyrocketing to fame may have seemingly come out of nowhere but people following the
hip hop scene for the past few years likely saw this coming.
So what do you think of Cardi B?
Is her honesty refreshing?
Do you foresee a long career ahead or do you think she's a bright light that'll burn out soon?
Let me know in the comments and thanks for watching!
"You know what, a girl have beef with me, she gonna have beef with me FOREVER."
Federica Panicucci fa i complimenti a Barbara D'Urso: ecco perché - Duration: 3:57.-------------------------------------------
Jeff Bezos On Breaking Up And Regulating Amazon - Duration: 4:22.- Your most prominent critic at the moment
is the president of the United States.
People are even saying that he may be willing
to prepare initiatives to break up Amazon
because it's too big, it's too successful,
it's too dominant in too many sectors,
or for varied other reasons.
First of all, is this scenario of a break up something
that you take seriously, or you think it's just a fantasy?
- For me, again this is one those things where
you know, I focus on, and ask our teams
to focus on what we can control.
And, I expect, whether it's the current US administration
or any other government agency anywhere in the world,
Amazon is now a large corporation,
and I expect us to be scrutinized.
We should be scrutinized.
I think all large institutions should be scrutinized
and examined.
It's reasonable.
And, what's, you know, one thing to note about us
is that we have, we have gotten big in absolute terms
only very recently, so we've always been growing fast
in percentage terms, but in 2010, just eight years ago,
we had 30,000 employees.
So, in the last eight years we've gone from 30,000 employees
to 560,000 employees.
So for us, you know, in my mind, I'm still delivering
the packages to the post office myself.
You see what I'm saying?
I still have all the memories of, you know,
hoping one day we could afford a forklift.
And, obviously that's, my intellectual brain knows
that's just not the case anymore.
We have 560,000 employees all over the world
and I know we should be scrutinized,
and I think it's true, a big government institution
should be scrutinized, a big non profit institution
should be scrutinized, big universities should
be scrutinized, it just makes sense.
And that, by the way, is why the work
that The Washington Post and other great newspapers
around the world do is so important,
because they are often the ones doing
that initial scrutiny even before the government agencies do
- But in a way the general sentiment towards
the big, innovative tech companies has changed.
I mean, Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon,
they used to be seen as the nice guys in T shirts
that are saving the world, and now they are
sometimes portrayed as the kind of evil of the world.
And the debate about the big four or the big five,
if The Economist is suggesting a split up
other powerful people like George Soros
are giving speeches in Davos,
the EU Commission is taking pretty tough positions here.
Do you think that there is a change
in mindset in the society?
And what should the big tech companies,
what should Amazon learn from that or do with that?
- I think, I do sense, I mean, I think again,
I think it's a natural instinct,
I think we humans, especially in the Western world
and especially inside democracies,
are wired to be skeptical and mindful of large institutions
of any kind, we're skeptical, I'm sure,
we're skeptical of our government
always in the United States, state governments,
local governments, I assume it's similar in Germany.
It's healthy, because they're big, powerful institutions.
You know, the police, the military, whatever it is,
it doesn't mean that you don't trust them
or that they're bad or evil or anything like that,
they're just, they have a lot of power and control
and so you want to inspect them.
Maybe that's a better word.
You kinda wanna always be inspecting them.
And I think if you look at the big tech companies,
they have gotten large enough that they need,
they're going to be inspected.
And by the way, it's not personal.
I think where some of the, where you can go astray on this
if you're the founder of a company,
one of these big tech companies
or any other big institution, if you go astray on this,
you might start to take it personally,
like what why are you inspecting me?
And I wish that people would just say yes, it's fine.
RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 TRAILER #3 REACTION - Duration: hello guys and welcome today we're going to be doing a reaction to the Red
Dead Redemption trailer number three which released literally two seconds ago
so let's take a look right now listen to me
we don't want to kill any of you but trust me
you've got to keep faith
they will not crush us
good old Dutch my best friend you know how we met para hucksters trying to rob
each other back in 78 or there abouts you have to love yourself a fire for the
sure we can have five and we can have the knowledge of fucker
but with that comes some knowledge of every
gentlemen official robbery sons a Dutch
makes us brothers sometimes brothers make mistakes
change I know that all of venerate savagery
da Savage
Wow so yeah it was a story trailer hopefully we will get more III so yeah
little bit underwhelmed maybe I was too excited for this I'm afraid but yeah so
that was the Red Dead Redemption tree sorry red every time shit - trailer
number three link in the description yeah I guess that's my reaction yeah so
anyway guys if you like this video remember to give a thumbs up you can
watch around the video over there you can watch the latest video down there or
you can click down here to subscribe thank you bye bye
Literary Explorers—I Am Slappy's Evil Twin - Duration: 1:14.[music]
Would you be scared if two dummies came to
life and haunted you?
Then read this book!
It is called I Am Slappy's Evil Twin.
It is by R.L. Stine.
R.L. Stine has written many scary books.
In this book, there is a boy named Luke Harrison and his dad is a horror movie maker.
But one day, Luke, his sister, and his friend see two dummies talking to each other without
someone moving them!
Their names are Slappy and Snappy.
Will Luke be smart enough to stop the dummies!
Read to find out!
I liked this book because I like books that are very scary.
Also, I liked what happened in the story.
Is THIS missing from your game room or setup? - NewAir AB-1200B MiniFridge Review - Duration: 7:47.[90s commercial] Tired of running out of cold beverages during
your gaming sessions?
Getting up to go to the kitchen becoming a drag?
Has mom stopped replying to your cries for aid?
Mooooom please get me something to drink.
No, shutup, I was talking to my mom, gawsh.
The NewAir AB-1200 beverage cooler and mini-fridge is JUST what the doctor ordered.
Customizable temperature, locking door and internal LED light - this minifridge will
keep you gaming ALL SUMMER LONG.
[intro] I'm EposVox, here to make tech easier and
more fun, taking a look at something different today.
I've always been a sucker for cool setup videos, game rooms, production workflows,
and "man caves" as they used to be called.
"Back in the day," a staple for such setups used to be a mini fridge.
Be it water, soda, kool-aid, or booze - a gamer's gotta have their drinks, right?
This trend seems to have died down in recent years.
Personally, I assign this to a few reasons: Size, Noise, price, and looks.
You might disagree with me, but these are the reasons I might've avoided them when
planning a setup.
So my contact at NewAir recently reached out and wanted me to give their new Avalon Bay
minifridge the review treatment, and, well, there's a first for everything!
Usual disclosures: Product sent free from NewAir for review, not of my request.
Video is not paid nor sponsored in any way outside of review sample, and as you're
about to hear, it's going to sit in storage for a few months after this review.
I do have a coupon code where you can save 20% off of this model, but I get no kickback
from the sales or anything like that.
Just a discount for you, the viewer.
Thanks, disclosure Epos!
I've always loved the idea of having a minifridge in my game room or production office - but
living in small apartment makes that difficult.
Thankfully, the NewAir units are quite small.
This one, the AB-1200 is a 126 can size, but they also have a smaller 84 can model if you're
stuck on space.
Even now, our living room/game room/production office is as cramped as it gets, so this thing
looks SICK between my server rack and gaming setup here, buuuuut - this is actually our
back door.
It can't stay here forever, and I'll definitely showcase it in our future house-located setup
in the future.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this unboxing of this product
from Epos's cat.
We have filled it with 2 packs of Sunkist, a couple bottles, a six pack of Sprite, a
rather large kitty checking it out after the smaller one was reviewing it.
And a 12-pack of Canada Dry Ginger Ale.
Still plenty of room, as this is a 126-can fridge, but pretty cool.
No, no, you don't get to speak.
This was just for the cat.
Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
So that's size out of the way, but what about noise?
Those of you who know me know that noise levels are of the UPMOST importance for my office
and studio.
I do a LOT of my recording here, and computer and server sound is problematic enough.
That also means that when some company contact sends me an email saying something like their
mini-fridge being quiet - I stay VERY skeptical.
Buuut color me impressed.
It's not silent, but it is quiet enough to meet my standards.
It's far quieter than my normal fridge in my kitchen, and isn't louder than anything
else in the room.
There's a small "kick" when the compressor or whatever inside starts, but the usual noise
as it cools is near silent.
I've had no issues with the sound showing up in recordings or anything.
When it comes to price… this is usually a polarizing thing in review content.
This specific model is $300 - which is a little on the higher-end for such a thing, but I've
seen similar ones go for upwards of $500 or more, so eh..
Yes, you can go to your local Best Buy and get a generic black or white Frigidaire mini
fridge with no flair for $150 or less.
Many of them I have seen are quite loud and put out a lot of heat, however.
Can't speak for them all and there might be quieter ones.
They even have similar-looking models, aesthetically, from Insignia for $50 to $100 less.
And that's….
There are cheaper and more expensive models of things and I get annoyed when people leave
nasty comments when I cover something that isn't the cheapest version of such a product,
but if price is your priority, this might not be for you.
Lastly, THE LOOKS.
This is a pretty nice-looking fridge.
My model is a nice black, but they've got some steel-like models and a blend of the
steel look and black.
It's simple, it's a black box with a black-framed door on the front.
Big window so you can see what drinks you have - illuminated by the LED light up top
if you wish - though it does glare quite a bit.
The branding is subtle and there's a lock at the bottom if you need to secure your beverages
or severed digits or favorite steak or… something.
There's 5 re-positionable shelves, with a bucket thing at the bottom.
By default the 5 shelves line up for having cans on their sides - it is a can cooler,
after all, but you can adjust them to hold bottles, or anything.
There's a lot of different slots for the shelves to go in.
There is only 1 light at the top with an on-off switch, along with the temperature control
I found the default 4?
Position to be perfect for my drinks.
I don't like super cold drinks, so just keeping them cool is nice.
Admittedly, I had really hoped that there would be LEDs lining the inner layer of the
thick front glass to provide a little extra flair - maybe even RGB.
I know, I know, but it would be dope af and you know it.
NewAir… if you're going to charge this much, get some more optional flair options
going, mmkay?
Well, this is a first.
I've never reviewed an appliance before - but branching out every once in a while
is a lot of fun.
I don't have many criticisms - there's a lot of suction to the door, meaning it kinda
jars when you first open it, but that doesn't really matter.
It's expensive, but it's nice.
If you want one, check it out via the link in the description below and save 20% with
coupon code EPOSVOX at checkout.
Hit the like button if you enjoyed, subscribe for more awesome tech content.
Let me know if you could see yourself investing in a mini fridge for your game room or setup
in the comments below.
I'm EposVox, and I'll see you next time.
How to Make Remote Controlled Snake from Cardboard - Duration: 4:26.Thanks for watching!!
Hope you have a great time
Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!!
Behind The Scenes: Cowpens Blog (Southern Campaign) - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Fördelar med att filma i 4K - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...-------------------------------------------
RECEITA DE BRIGADEIRO LOW CARB - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
NSYNC, O-Town, LFO & More: Flashback - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Veja como a polícia francesa matou o terrorista no mercado em Porte de Vincennes - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
GUERRA INFINITA | CENA PÓS-CRÉDITOS EXPLICADA - Jujuba ATÔMICA - Duration: 9:10.-------------------------------------------
The only way to improve it's with a lot of fights and it takes time, Isaac Julio - Duration: 4:53.[Leo] Hi Isaac, for how long have you been in Thailand?
Almost a year and a half, 1 year and 4 months
- [Leo] Not planning to go back home? - Not yet
I'm planning to go home for a month, a quick trip just to see my family
because to stay in Brazil is tough, it's hard to make a living from fights
and in Thailand I can. I always dreamed and worked hard for it
and I can't waste the chance that I got
I think it's getting better and I'm starting to get better fights
I knew that I didn't have enough experience and I need to fight a lot
country side to get this experience
because I train for a long time, but I didn't ...
I didn't train how it should be, not because of my team, but because
there's no support for muaythai. At my gym
a person that want to grow as a fighter and live from fights
was only me. In my city, also in Brasil, muaythai is not seen as a job
that was my main issue in Thailand, fight experience
I used to train a lot but never fight, and the key factor is fight experience
for me what makes the difference is the experience that you only get from the ring
You see that you need to be faster
you need to know how to breath, how to walk in the ring
I never practice in the ring. [his gym didn't have one] and just started in Thailand
I'm learning how to walk in the ring because it's not easy
and the only way to improve it is with a lot of fights and takes time
So... I think for you need at least a year to start to understand muaythai
I'm starting to get it now
but still is a long way to go, I'm just in the begining
In Brazil I did 10 fights
I started in 2010, came to Thailand in 2017
on that period I had only 10 fights.
And wasn't easy because I have to save money to fight
for me was hard to travel to São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro to fight [around 500km]
So my plan was don't fight for while and work with classes, teaching, save
the money to make this trip to Thailand and earn the experience that I want
Isaac fought Real Hero tournament where fights are 1 round of 5 min
the other brazilian was Sao Paulo native Jorge Batman
Isaac won Sochanty Phin by KO and Jorge won Gokhan Boran on points
Both brazilians lost in the semifinals for the strong clinch of the Thai opponents
Samingdet Dekfaifah was the champion after win Petchboonchu by KO in the final
Today was easy and I didn't get tired
- [Leo] Didn't get tired? - Yes!
- [Leo] What was the hardest fight on the tournament?
I think was... the brazilian [Isaac], in the 2nd fight
- [Leo] E como foi a final? - Foi bem tranquila
the brazilians are coming strong and if you face one, it's gonna be a hard fight
we're taking it seriously and it's going to be a war
it's hard training and we got the heart and don't give up
and thanks Yoksutai for the support
Manhã Leve | Saiba tudo sobre as cirurgias reconstrutoras - 01 de maio de 2018 - Duration: 13:02.-------------------------------------------
Manhã Leve | Conheça as principais mudanças no mercado de trabalho - 01 de maio de 2018 - Duration: 14:11.-------------------------------------------
CZYŚCISZ USZY PATYCZKAMI? SPRAWDŹ, DLACZEGO NIE POWINIENEŚ TEGO ROBIĆ! - Duration: 1:49.Przyjęło się sądzić, że powinniśmy myć uszy tak często, jak to tylko możliwe, za pomocą patyczków higienicznych. Nic bardziej mylnego! Oczywiście, o uszy powinniśmy dbać, jednak należy to robić odpowiednio.
Powinniśmy czyścić jedynie widoczną część ucha – małżowinę, przy użyciu wilgotnego wacika. Co więcej nigdy nie czyścimy ucha głębiej, niż możemy sięgnąć palcem!
Przedstawiamy wam prezentację w formie serii obrazków, która z pewnością pomoże Wam zrozumieć ,jak bardzo możemy sobie zaszkodzić, czyszcząc uszy w nieodpowiedni sposób.
Dlaczego nie powinieneś czyścić uszu za pomocą patyczków higienicznych?Patyczek wpycha woskowinę wgłąb kanału usznegoi zatyka bębenki.
Co sprawia, że gorzej słyszysz. W rzeczywistości Twoje uszy potrzebują woskowiny.
To ona zapobiega dostawaniu się do uszu ciał obcychw tym insektów…
Powstrzymuje również rozwój grzybów.
Woskowina nawilża kanał uszny.
Więc w jaki sposób prawidłowo usuwać woskowinę?
Odpowiedź brzmi: NIE USUWAĆ!
A jeśli odczujesz jakiekolwiek dolegliwości podczas higieny uszu lub problemy ze słuchem, skonsultuj się z lekarzem.
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Trailer Oficial #3 - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
[ENG CC] 부산여행 VLOG # 감천문화마을에 처음 가 본 독일여자의 반응은? l Traveling To Busan With My Korean Boyfriend - Duration: 11:00.Spontaneous travel to Busan!!
Rachel spent some quality time with her friend...
Finishing the first day with a walk at the Gwangan Bridge...
So our next plan is...
Hi Guys~
We are Jelly Couple.
And we are in Busan!
Yesterday we went to...
Like I was just hanging out with my friend in Busan
and he arrived at our airbnb apartment.
And today we will start to discover new places.
Today's video is a real Busan travel video. :D
We first have to find the subway station.
Lets go!
Lets go~
Aren't you hot?
I'm so hot...
Today is really hot but we only brought sweaters...
I first wanted to bring different clothes but...
he wanted to bring the sweaters so yea...
The Problem is actually that for him it's ok
even though it's hot he will not sweat.
But I'm the foreigner so
I will sweat, definitely.
Western people usually sweat more than asians.
yea... :D
Now we have to transfer one time
but we are lost.
Actually we are not lost, actually only he is lost.
He just needs to tell me wish direction we need to go
and then I know which station we have to go.
Is it really her first time taking the subway? Because she did really well.
We found our...
We tried to explain the security doors at the station when...
It's really hard to take a video at the subway station... :D
This sound is like...
The train is coming.
yea the train is coming.
Where will we go after this station?
look at this beautiful...
It's really cute.
Everything is so colorful.
No we are on our way to
Gamchon? Culture Town?
And it's hot...
It seems like the town is on the top of the mountain.
so we have to...
It seems like the Gamcheon culture town is over there.
oh god...
That's why all the people here in Busan look so skinny.
Yea because everything is on the top of the mountains.
yea, everything is on the top of the mountain.
Rachel is still energetic because it's her first real travel to Busan.
After five Minutes she was totally dying... :D
look! :D
look! look!
What are you doing there? :D When he sees people he just barks loudly... :D
so cute~ :D
We just found some really tiny door
probably the house owner is Dobby or Bilbo Baggins. :D
Why is that door so tiny?
We enjoyed the nice view and kept climbing...
We were just dying...:D
I don't know how beautiful the village over there is but...
we already climbed over thirty minutes...
oh my god...
look, I will show you...
After we climbed up this street we needed to climb much higher...
Finally! We arrived at the Gamcheon culture village!
The whole village has a unique architecture which makes it to on of the tourist hot spots in Busan.
Something like this would be so nice for my mother, right?
We just bought a stamp map for this village
It says that we can collect a lot of stamps at some parts of the village.
So let's try.
Where do we have to go first?
We have to go straight and then we can get a stamp at...
maybe here?
Lady: "Can you speak Korean?"
I know a little bit...
Honey.. help me.. :D
We got a stamp!
So here after you get the stamp you get a postcard
and you can write it to yourself in the future
that means that they will send it to you in one year.
So that's pretty amazing. :D
In this area here you can find a lot of benches
where you can sit and rest.
But the special thing about this benches is
that you can charge your phone.
I think there are USB ports, right? And there you can just charge your phone. Like over there...
People are resting there and charing their phone.
I think this is pretty cool. :D
We don't have anything like this in Germany
It's really hard to charge your phone when you are outside so..
I think I really like that.
It was incredibly hot so we went to a Café to rest a while.
ah~ I like the coffee better than the slushy.
What is inside there? Yoghurt?
I don't know... ahhh...
Because he drunk so fast... :D
So we are on the roof of the café right now because...
:D are you ok?
oh? where are all the people?...
We didn't know if this was the right way but we made it... :D
We just finished to look around in the culture village and...
This is a really old arcade!
Do you think there is something inside?
Does it still work?
Are they open?
The owner was kind enough to make a sign for foreigners.
Ilbeom hasn't seen an old arcade like this in while...
All the games are really old
Rachel shows a lot of interest.
you can't move?
no... :(
but I can't go back...
just shoot. :D
Because the game was to hard for Rachel we tried an easier one.
Do you Guys remember this sound? :D
Ilbeom has a lot of fun.
It reminds him of his childhood. :D
He cleared the whole game with just 100won... :D (0.093$ / 0.077€)
ah~ you are cute~ :D
there is more?
Rachel's turn!
She wanted to play another one... :D
She is really bad at that game... :D
We finished to play games and it was so fun!
Yea! It was so fun! He really loved it since he is a hipster... :D
And for me it was the first time seeing a really old arcade like this
I've just seen it in like really old movies.
Even though the atmosphere was a little bit creepy...
This whole Village looks like it's stuck in 1992.
I didn't know that an old arcade like this still exists in Korea.
It was a really amazing experience to see it like that
because I've never seen it before in my whole life.
I don't know where we will head next because
we changed our plan because of the weather.
So we will see later. :D
Manhã Leve | Aprenda a fazer uma bolsa de palha com Del Carmen - 02 de maio de 2018 - Duration: 18:10.-------------------------------------------
VID 20180430 WA0003 - Duration: 1:19.-------------------------------------------
Manhã Leve | Descubra os mitos e as verdades sobre a saúde infantil - 01 de maio de 2018 - Duration: 21:46.-------------------------------------------
Buy best quality e-bike price in BD/Rechargeable Bike,Electric Bike from china, ebike in Dhaka 2018 - Duration: 9:14.english
How to Naturally Clean and Whiten Your Yellowed Pillows - Duration: 3:51.Have you ever stopped to think about how we spend one-third of our lives asleep?
For many, sleeping may seem like a waste of time, but they're very wrong.
A good night's sleep is vital for our mental and physical health.
It helps to prevent stress, and improve memory and mood.
Furthermore, sleeping well every night helps prevent heart disease and diabetes.
Once you know about these benefits, you kind of want to make sure you are getting some
good quality sleep, right?
In order to sleep well, we need to pay attention to our sheets and pillow.
Check your sheets, mattress, the bed itself, and make sure everything looks good.
A dirty pillow will attract mites and other microbes that can affect your health.
Mites, for example, can create allergies and even breathing and skin problems.
With this in mind, we're going to show you some tips to keep your pillows clean and free
of dust, mites, sweat, and other residue from our skin.
Lemon Juice and Hot Water Lemon juice is one of the best natural cleaning
products to use on white surfaces.
It disinfects and keeps your pillows free of stains.
Hot water; 6 lemons.
Instructions The amount of water depends on the size of
the pillow and container you have at home.
The idea is to squeeze the lemons into a cup.
Then put the pillow in a big bowl and cover it with hot water.
Then add the juice to the bowl and let it sit for a few hours.
Once the time is up, wash the pillow in the washing machine with an organic soap.
Baking Soda and Vinegar Baking soda is great at cleaning since it's
an astringent.
It can lighten and even get rid of stains and odors on pillows.
When paired with vinegar, the two ingredients fight bacteria and mites very effectively.
Ingredients 125 ml of white wine vinegar;
80 grams of baking soda.
Instructions Put the pillow in a bowl and cover it with
Then add the baking soda and white wine vinegar.
Let the mixture sit for a while then wash the pillow like normal and lay it out in the
sun to dry.
Baking Soda and Tea Tree Oil You already know about the benefits of baking
soda, but you might not know that tea tree oil is one of the best ingredients at eliminating
The combination of these two is great at eliminating mites, bacteria, and fungus, as well as cleaning
and removing stains from pillows.
Ingredients 100 grams of baking soda;
1 tablespoon of tea tree essential oil.
Instructions Mix both of the ingredients in a container.
Once that's done, sprinkle the mixture on the pillow and let it sit for 45 minutes.
Now dry clean the pillow.
Rub the stains away with a brush then dust the rest of the mixture off the pillow.
Peroxide (10 volumes) and Lemon You already know about lemon's benefits.
But what about peroxide?
This substance is used a lot to disinfect and clean, but when mixed with lemon its great
at bleaching and removing stains, especially sweat and saliva stains.
Ingredients 250 milliliters of peroxide;
125 milliliters of lemon juice; Hot water.
Instructions Put the pillow in a big container and cover
it with hot water.
Then mix the ingredients and pour them on top of the pillow.
Then let it sit for an hour and wash it like you normally would.
Let it dry in the sun.
Chateau La Car 400 EK - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Ep7 Best Of Me | BTS: Burn the Stage - Duration: 25:37.-------------------------------------------
Kaysar faz revelação surpreendente sobre chegada da família ao Brasil - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
Punto de abanicos calados muy fácil y rápido - Duration: 16:20.
hi how about how are you Majovel welcome to the channel today is Wednesday and
like every Wednesday in gallery points that I teach to do this point
this beautiful fan point that very pierced but it is very beautiful and very simple
look how pretty it looks for a blouse for a shawl for a
for a scarf for a little blanket summer for baby good for what
you and days that you have many ideas and I'm sure I'll use it
jce great because nothing is very facilitated
As always, I say thank you very much to see me and to follow me and that I wait for you
on Sunday with another tutorial until Sunday
I'm going to do the sample of this point with the west that I always use the
mark bay and with a crochet number 3
tell you that the point is a multiple of 12 then we will start
with six chains 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 and now we count back 4 1 2 3 and 4
we entered and a point down again 1 2 3 4 5 and 6
we count 1 2 3 and in the fourth point down
1 2 3 4 5 and 6 1 2 3 and in the room low 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 and in the
fourth low point and so let's do it as long as we want
when we already have how long we want chain
and I ended up with 4 chain points now the next round we make a
chain and in this fourth point we're going to make a low point
at the first chain point we will take
and we're going to do a fan here
and we start catch for the strand for make a bar
but we are going to do it in three times 1 2 and 3 we are going to extend it a little more
you can do it if you want in double vareta also
of varetas means catching twice you see strand of thread and going in and doing
one or two
it gets a little longer you see the difference
that's why I've done it like this in three times a normal aretha in three
times because it is not usually so fat so fat is not for nothing in particular
but that you if you like more in Double crochet and you feel more comfortable
you can do the same now once we have the first vareta we will make 3 chains 2 and
3 we will go through
and we will make a point down again we will go back
we will do 1 2 and 3 three chains
and we go through and point down again we go back in
three chains
and we cross here up point down 4 the fourth
three chains dot picot
we already have 4 5
the three chains
and 6 we have to have six doubles varetas
behind and we finish here the fan
you see now we hooked here in the next
peak that we have done with a low point and we jump to the next peak
and we're going to make another fan again I repeat it again so that you
you see well a double vareta
double crochet that is a double crochet as well
low three chains low point of new other
2 2 and 3
low point
2. 3
three chains and point down
3 point below and the sixth
2. 3 down point chains
and we jump to the next we make a point below we hook it
there and now in the next we do what same and the sequence we will do until the
finish the round and we will finish the round
with a low point here in the last point
the next turn we are going to hook let's make the chains to hook
then in the following the fans then we will do 1 2 3 4 5 and 6
we will do the same as the first round we will count 4
point down 1 2 and 3 we will jump here to the third peak
of the fan point down
2 and 3 3 chains we jump to the next peak and hook
now we come back again to the 6 chains 2 3 4 5 and 6
we count the four chain points backward
point down 1 2 and 3 chains
and we jump here to the 3rd peak of the next fan point down
three chains
low point
again six other chains two three four five six we will count four
backward and we will do
point under three other chains and we jump
to the third peak of a fan and so we will work among other 3
chains we jump to the next peak and again we will do all six
2 3 4 5 and 6
and we will enter the fourth point below 2 and 3
we will make a low point in the third peak three chains
and in the next point below we will finish the round with 6 always
these turns we will finish them the same in this round in
the second
with 3 4 5 and 6
we will enter the room we will point down and with a
It is double hooked here in the beginning when
let's have the full fans we will make the second round we will finish
same now in the third we will enter here in
in the peak that we have created you see in sections 1 2 3 and 4 chains
and we're going to make half a fan
we will make a bar three chains
The next 2
three chains
and 3
2 and 3
now we jump here where we have
the three chains that we have made between peak and peak and here we are going to knit
down again we go back again
and we do a fan
with their 6 varetas their respective 3 chains
As you can see, the point is very easy
the only thing to be careful if we make this rod is not to be confused
what you can is very easy
and the last one
and we already jump here and point down and this sequence we do it until the end of the
return we will finish the return as we have
started with half fan
of 4 brands
and four the fourth we do not spike
now the next turn let's do when we finish with the
half fan the next round let's go to start the same always with 3 chains
and in the next peak point down now we will return again to do it
of the six chains four five or six and in the room
1 2 and 3 and we will jump 12 to the third peak
three chains and the next
and we will repeat all this sequence
until the end of the turn and we will end the same always when
let's finish we have here the middle fan
we will do here in this third peak
the low point 3 chains how have we started
and a small dot and now the next next round
it will be the same as lap number 1 we'll start by entering here at 3
chains we have made we will do the point under a chain
we make here in low point and already here we started making the fan
in the next we will hook here fan we hook fan we hook
we fan and hooked and then it will be what we have done in round number two
and so on we will intersperse although it seems to you that it stays that way
because again we made a point too I told you, do not worry about it
it looks good then it looks very straight and very well what happens is that as it leads
is so quiet because it's a point to my draft is sometimes
those that remain on one side a peak and on the other hand to another but you do so the
you crush a little and it remains divine then nothing I hope you liked
thank you very much for seeing me thank you very much for following me and I wait for you on Sunday with
another tutorial until Sunday
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