Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Youtube daily report May 2 2018

I told you, I think I had too much for dessert.

But I can't help it, I missed it, so much!

And what aunt Macide told, she said she hasn't cooked these since we left here.

Now I remembered the day you left here.

I said, "finally, she leaves now, and I can rest my head!"

Shame on you!

So, could you have your rest?

I felt your absence, since the day after.

And even, if I'm not to embarass myself, I mean...

I was gonna ask my mom for you to get back here, or to send me which school you were going to.

I don't know...

It seems that...

the peace was here, with you.

Now, it is, still.

Glad you're back.

Same for me, as well.


- I should take these, then. - Leave it to me, I'll take them.

No, but you, already...

You brought these, I'll take them back.

Süreyya, it's alright. I'll take them back the way I brought it here.

You have your rest.

Alright. Thank you.

Have a good night.

Good night.

For more infomation >> "Peaceful here, with you..." | Elif Episode 723 (English subtitles) - Duration: 2:37.


Cómo Prevenir y Deshacerse de Las Cicatrices Del Acné Para Siempre - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Cómo Prevenir y Deshacerse de Las Cicatrices Del Acné Para Siempre - Duration: 4:19.


Letizia arrasa con su nuevo look en los Premios Barco de Vapor - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Letizia arrasa con su nuevo look en los Premios Barco de Vapor - Duration: 2:52.


¿Cuál sería la causa de la ruptura de la ventana de un avión en pleno vuelo? - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> ¿Cuál sería la causa de la ruptura de la ventana de un avión en pleno vuelo? - Duration: 3:07.


Versión Completa. Claves para educar a nuestros hijos con calma. Alicia Banderas, psicóloga - Duration: 58:31.

For more infomation >> Versión Completa. Claves para educar a nuestros hijos con calma. Alicia Banderas, psicóloga - Duration: 58:31.


La mejor extraescolar para los niños es el juego libre. Alicia Banderas, psicóloga educativa. - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> La mejor extraescolar para los niños es el juego libre. Alicia Banderas, psicóloga educativa. - Duration: 5:52.


Message of Mary from May 2, 2018 to Medjugorje ... Message from Mary - Duration: 3:53.

Message of May 2, 2018 from Mary to Medjugorje

Dear children ...

All that my Son did ...

The light of love ...

and that he continues to do, ...

He did it for love.

You too, my children, ...

When you live in love ...

and that you like ...

your neighbor, you do ...

the will of my Son.

Apostles of my love ...

Make yourself small.

open your pure hearts to my Son ...

so that he can act ...

through you.

With the help of faith ...

fill yourself with love.

However my children ...

do not forget that the Eucharist ...

is the heart of faith.

It's my Son who feeds you ...

of his body and strengthens you ...

of his blood; ...

it is the miracle of love: ...

my son is coming ...

always again, alive, ....

to vivify the souls.

My children ...

by living in love ...

you do the will ...

of my Son and he lives in you.

My children ...

my maternal desire ...

is that you like it ...

always more because ...

he calls you by his love ...

he gives you love so that ...

you spread it to all ...

around you.

By his love, as mother, ...

I am with you for, ...

give you the lyrics ...

of love and hope, ...

to give you the lyrics ...

eternal, who are victorious ...

time and death, ...

to call you to be ...

my apostles of love ...

Thank you.

To have the official translation into your language, go to the website ""

For more infomation >> Message of Mary from May 2, 2018 to Medjugorje ... Message from Mary - Duration: 3:53.


Audi A4 1.6 NL AUTO - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 1.6 NL AUTO - Duration: 0:53.


Raúl Castro preside junto a Díaz-Canel el desfile del 1ro de mayo en Cuba - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Raúl Castro preside junto a Díaz-Canel el desfile del 1ro de mayo en Cuba - Duration: 4:21.


Combate las infecciones en los ojos con alguno de estos 8 remedios - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Combate las infecciones en los ojos con alguno de estos 8 remedios - Duration: 8:07.


Unboxing & review de una lampara minera básica de $99 pesos Mx. Marca Black Mountain. - Duration: 10:49.

Unboxing and review of a basic mining lamp. Black Mountain brand.

Thanks for watching!!!

For more infomation >> Unboxing & review de una lampara minera básica de $99 pesos Mx. Marca Black Mountain. - Duration: 10:49.


Maze Runner: The Death Cure

For more infomation >> Maze Runner: The Death Cure


#MeToo Figures Tarana Burke, Ronan Farrow Speak at Gonzaga U. - Duration: 1:10.

Our 2018 Presidential Speakers Ms. Tarana Burke and Mr. Ronan Farrow

Thank you so much everyone for being here

For more infomation >> #MeToo Figures Tarana Burke, Ronan Farrow Speak at Gonzaga U. - Duration: 1:10.


Tory Lanez x Bryson Tiller Type Beat ft. Lucas Coly - "Excuses" | Prod. By @Chad_G x KYO Beats - Duration: 4:06.

Tory Lanez x Bryson Tiller Type Beat - "Excuses" | Prod. By @Chad_G x KYO Beats

For more infomation >> Tory Lanez x Bryson Tiller Type Beat ft. Lucas Coly - "Excuses" | Prod. By @Chad_G x KYO Beats - Duration: 4:06.


Stormy Daniels and Trump - Duration: 3:09.

stormy Daniels in Donald Trump well one of the latest cringe-worthy episodes in

the Donald Trump saga and this happened ten years ago with stormy Daniels who is

the porn actress there was a nondisclosure agreement that she signed

some time where she was paid hundred thirty thousand dollars by trumps lawyer

his personal lawyer to not disclose any details about the relationship however

short term it was and there was also more recently a allegedly a threat by a

by a trump supporter or operative against her or her daughter if she said

anything in any way it's just uh the details are just too tawdry I don't

even really care then there was a the CBS tabloid interview on sending I was

sixteen sixty minutes where she details some of the some of the details of they

of their meeting what can I say he's just more of the sorry politics around

around that we see too much of she'll stand to make a whole bunch of money

from this anyhow no matter what happens she has that intrapreneurial American

experience some call it opportunism you can call it

whatever you want to to me Trump is kind of the Teflon president remember back in

the 80s Ronald Reagan was called the Teflon president because a lot of

controversies and and things didn't really stick to him I think maybe Donald

Trump is also kind of a Teflon president except things might stick to him but he

repels and he just doesn't really seem to care much about it just kind of part

of the baggage of being Donald Trump you know and I don't think his supporters

care anything about this really some people who believe

just made up as a porn actress against a president however compromised he may be

so you know nobody really much cares about it except though the people on the

left the Democrats the progressives will try to play it up real big and you know

if it was any other president it would be a really serious really horrible

thing but for Donald Trump it's just uh you know the latest episode and it

happened in so long ago I just don't know if people really care much about it

I don't think I'm not sure that it is important anymore

we're just waiting on the next story and which will probably be more

entertainment for all of us anyway this is trip I hope you'll subscribe and

comment below have a good day

For more infomation >> Stormy Daniels and Trump - Duration: 3:09.


Cheseecake Fragole e Cioccolato - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> Cheseecake Fragole e Cioccolato - Duration: 8:29.


Illegal Immigrant Caravans - Duration: 7:18.

illegal immigrant caravans hi this is trip and today I'm talking about the

group of people that was it's been coming up through the middle of Mexico

over the Easter holidays there were about a 1,500 the last time I the news

report that I saw you can go and see the video it's really quite shocking you see

this crowd or I guess an organized mob of people coming up through the middle

of Mexico intent on coming to the US border and getting gaining a trading to

the United States it's basically it does look like an invasion okay and it is an

organized mob they actually have different sections there that are

there's a food section a Security section so it's not just a spontaneous

group of people to some extent it's really is organized and they're

defiantly coming to the US they say they're trying to escape the violence

and the poverty the unrest in their own countries and it's mostly from this

group is mostly from Central from especially from Honduras and other

countries in Central America well it seems like if you wanted to decrease

Harvard decrease poverty that you would have fewer children we should be it we

should be helping these governments with family planning it just seems like you

shouldn't be digging the you know digging the hole deeper just stop having

so many children and then you expect somebody else to take care of them now

you want to send them to the US for us to take care of them they say that

they're trying to interviews with them they said they were trying to escape the

lawlessness in the countries fantastic so you're going to you're going to come

to our country and break the law what a wonderful way to start off we really

value that you know you're escaping a lawless place and you want to bring your

lawlessness to another country and they'll bring the same problems here

that they left behind there after their own countries were messed up

they'll come here and they'll mess this one up too we already have enough enough

undocumented immigrants here we have millions maybe 15 maybe 20 million or

more over the last 30 and 30 years or so we're being overwhelmed overwhelmed by

these people and is contributing to to the lawlessness in the u.s. because you

can be sure that whenever these people come here they'll filter down to their

similar immigrant communities and the drug gangs the violence those groups

will follow them here and it will be even just as bad here as it was there

and what you get here there is no the place to go we are we

are the we are the location of last resort for so much of the world just as

Europe is for other places over there for Africa and in the Middle East Mexico

is not doing anything to really help this they're actually aiding and

abetting you know that Mexicans could turn these people back if they wanted to

they're happy to have them come on through to the u.s. as long as they

don't stay in Mexico no do not stay in Mexico because then the Mexicans will

we'll get rid of you if you intend to emigrate they are from Central America

there they're protecting their borders they just don't want us to protect ours

so this group of these these large groups of people and this is not the

first one this I understand it's um every year this happens it's just the

first you heard of it they'll come to the border they intend to overwhelm the

border guards and just force their way in they will present themselves at the

border so they will be taken into custody fed clothed housed given medical

care then they'll be turned loose into the communities with the expectation

that they'll come back to court sometime in the future well the courts are

already backed up for years and these people never they're just taking

advantage of our system to try to overwhelm the country by force by sheer

force of numbers and of course most them vote Democratic so Schumer and Pelosi

are happy to have them on board it's already a vocal group here also of other

people who came here illegally in from and who are illegal from those

communities and is like in California you know it's a UH is a sanctuary state

so we're gonna lose the rest of the us if we don't do something about it the

Mexican Foreign Minister says that they are working on this we're working with

the US on immigration all they're doing is allowing that people to come through

by the millions they're not changing anything they're happy to aid and abet

this so what can we do about all this several things we can prosecute the

people the American citizens or residents who are going down there and

organizing these people to come up here we can tax transfers or the workers back

to their of the money they earn here that they send back in remittances to

the countries I come from we should be doing this with with all countries not

just in Latin America but in all countries for instance with Mexico their

main import use export used to be oil will now course the main export of

Mexico's Mexicans and the main source of revenue back to Mexico is these cash

remittances from these people working here legally back to their families

wherever they're wherever they are we need to stop the custody at the border

when people turn themselves in they don't even need to come across the

border they just need to be stopped it's dangerous for these people to be making

this journey - there's the train that brings people up here through the middle

of Mexico is called the train of death it's bad for them to be making this trip

we can't take them in what about our troops that are defending borders of

thousands of miles away that should be here defending the borders of this

country finally if you're somebody who wants to spawn

sir a family of these immigrants maybe you're a progressive or a Democrat and

you want to help out or if you're anybody at all then sponsor a group up

and take them into your house and feed clothe and provide them medical care

teach them English they just don't expect the rest of us to

have to pay pay the penalty for this it's a mockery of our job our laws it's

a mockery also to the people who have done this the legal way and stood in

line and gone through the system to get here end it now this is trip and please

comment below and hope you'll subscribe thank you

For more infomation >> Illegal Immigrant Caravans - Duration: 7:18.


I Tried A Personal Training Session - Duration: 6:05.

How are you feeling?

Not good! [laughs]

I'm going to be sore already.

I can feel it!

So, I'm sitting on my couch.

I just ate some chips, and I am going to a personal trainer in about an hour and a half

which I have never done before.

And I'm really nervous; I don't really know what to expect.

I have, like, no idea.

I'm not into fitness... at all.

So, that also makes me a little nervous.

Um, yeah, I guess we'll see what happens.


Okay, go. Nice, alright, grab a break.

Everything feels good though?


Right, there we're going up.

Deep breath out.

Awesome, let's go as many as you can for the first set.

Chest up!

There you go!

Oh, that's definitely the hardest one!

Yeah, we rarely use these muscles back here.

Yeah, it feels so unnatural to move that way for some reason!


Let's go, let's go, come on!


My left arm is so weak!

All good, all good.

Alright, grab a break.

Okay, so you're going to keep your legs straight, get a nice stretch back here, breathe out

into a plank and then get into a side plank if you can.

Five seconds, then switch.

Five seconds, and back up.

Should be no problem for you.

We'll see how it feels after the first round.

Breathe, breathe, breathe out.

Five seconds, then go, then five seconds.

In through your nose, out through your mouth, then switch!


Breathe, in through your nose, out through your mouth, let's go.

And awesome, and back up and back down.


So, just literally what it is: you're kind of squatting and breathing out.

That looks so much fun!

I don't know if I'm just angry as a person.

When do I throw it?

As you squat down.

You should get a nice rhythm going.

Breathe out as you throw.

The point of this is to get to your core.

So you'll feel it after a couple.

Three, let's go slam!

Two, let's go, let's go, boom, nice!

And done, awesome job today!

Nothing too bad?

Wasn't too bad?

No, not too bad.

Just been a long time.

It was good, it was really good.

That was fun.

Sweet, okay!

Thank you so much.

Yeah, no worries!

Feeling good?

Feeling good!

So, Shen, how long have you been a personal trainer?

Um, so right now it's approaching my third year now.

Oh, awesome!

But I've also been in this field almost since grade 8, so that's approaching almost 6-7 years

It's a huge passion of mine.

Just graduated from UVic and this was the little start-up idea I had.

I haven't been that sweaty in a long time! [laughs]

So, final verdict, would you come

back again?

Oh, totally!


It's like fun pain.

Okay, so it's been a few days now since I did my training session with Shen, and I'm

no longer sore which is really, really nice because for a while it was pretty iffy.

Looking back, I just really enjoyed it, and it made me feel more encouraged, I thought

it would make me feel less encouraged to start fitness again, but it actually has made me

want to get back into it a little bit.

And I would for sure go back without a doubt.

It was really fun, she's super nice, and she knows how to push you but not past your limit

so you're not ever uncomfortable.

She really works with you and your body which I super appreciated.

So, overall, really good experience and I would definitely do it again!

For more infomation >> I Tried A Personal Training Session - Duration: 6:05.


Liberals Infuriated As Trump Drops The Hammer On Welfare & Gives Deadline - Duration: 5:10.

Liberals Infuriated As Trump Drops The Hammer On Welfare & Gives Deadline.

President Donald Trump rolled out a new plan to make America great again.

He set a deadline for federal agencies.

This deadline might decide the fate of one of the country's most-hated practices.

Most patriots despise government handouts.

Even many of the people on government handouts don't like them.

The incredibly expensive programs were supposed to help people, on a limited basis, but millions

of Americans are hooked.

They get on programs like welfare and never get off.

It has resulted in a welfare state.

A large portion of our population is dependent on the government for food, housing, and other


Instead of earning these things themselves through a good-paying job they are little

more than subjects of an all-powerful government.

Americans stuck on welfare aren't enjoying prosperity.

They surely aren't living the American dream.

When Donald Trump took office, he promised to empower all Americans.

He wants everyone to have the chance at a good-paying job.

That's why one of the first things he did was slash government regulation.

He fought to end TPP and renegotiate NAFTA, trade deals that harmed American jobs.

Perhaps his biggest win was the GOP tax cuts, which has raised wages and increased employment.

Now, he's set his sights on the welfare state.

Trump is not satisfied with the way things are.

There are an estimated 6 million job openings across the country.

These are jobs that aren't being filled.

Millions more are relying on government handouts, instead of finding good employment, but things

might be changing very soon.

Trump has set a deadline for federal agencies.

They must submit a revised plan for welfare programs in the next 90 days.

That could mean big changes to how the government hands out money.

As part of its all-out effort to rein in the welfare state, the Trump administration is

requiring all federal agencies to submit plans for revising welfare programs over the next

90 days.

"Every year, it costs more and more money to take care of the same number of people,"

[Ben Carson] told Washington's WMAL radio on Thursday.

"We want to absolutely protect the elderly and the disabled but for the work-able people,

we're providing opportunities for the landlords, the Public Housing Authorities, to have a

series of choices that they can utilize," he said.

Carson believes that will simplify the mind-numbing complexity of the applications, as well as

incentivize tenants who are often dissuaded from working by the yearly escalation in rent

contribution that a pay increase entails to seek higher-paying jobs.

"Now they can go out and get a job and make lots of money.

You're not charged anymore for a 3-year period," he said.

"During that time they might begin to understand: 'You know what?

I can take control here."

[Source: Fox News]

For years, government programs have made it harder for Americans to get out of poverty.

People get into a program because they are in need.

These programs often reward people who are earning less.

The unintended result is that many deliberately stay out of work, or earn low wages, to keep

collecting government checks.

You might be able to argue that was the plan all along.

These programs were originally designed by Democrats, who wanted to exploit the working

class and poor.

They created these programs, pretending they will help these groups.

All the while knowing it makes them dependent on big government to sustain them.

That's the opposite of the American way, where every individual deserves to live free

of government control.

Naturally, this move to cut down on the welfare state has the left outraged.

But opponents are infuriated that those receiving housing public assistance would also be required

to spend 5 percent more of their monthly gross income on rent, that deductions for some child

care and medical costs would be eliminated, and that caps for the neediest able bodied

would jump from $50 to $150 a month.

Rebecca Vallas of the Center for American Progress believes the proposed changes are

cruel, given the ever-increasing costs of living in the United States.

"Nowhere in the United States, in no state in this country, can a worker earning a federal

minimum wage of $7.25 an hour afford a one-bedroom apartment at market rates," she told Fox


[Source: Fox News]

Don't be fooled of their talk of cruelty.

These elitists don't know what it's like to live in poverty.

The people they claim to care about struggle just to make ends meet.

Most of them hate having to collect meager support from the government.

Steps by the Trump administration to get them off the government's teat would mean a world

of good.

Keeping them in this toxic situation is cruel and unusual punishment.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Liberals Infuriated As Trump Drops The Hammer On Welfare & Gives Deadline - Duration: 5:10.


Creme Naturali Bio promo | Trailer Creme Naturali Biologiche - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Creme Naturali Bio promo | Trailer Creme Naturali Biologiche - Duration: 0:50.


2018 Free A Boogie Wit Da H...

For more infomation >> 2018 Free A Boogie Wit Da H...


I Went To BeautyCon With SheaMoisture! - Duration: 6:30.

So it's 7:00 a.m. I just got here

I had to figure out where my Hotel pickup was and the lady was like, "you need to take the AirTrain" and I'm like, "what the frick is an

AirTrain" it's literally a train

Anyway, and I thought, "hey I should call my husband

I'm here safe and sound" and I forgot about the time zone change, and I accidentally called him at 5:00 a.m.. Because it's 8 a.m. here

Yeah, he wasn't happy about that, whoops

Today is BeautyCon day one

I literally woke up at 7:00 so my hair could air dry in time for the event at 12:00

Because my hair takes five hours to air dry. Why didn't you just diffuse?

Brenda?! Literally what the hell are you doing here? to go to the meet and greet of my favorite youtuber duh

Aw you're gonna go to my meet and greet? hell nahh I wanna see Trisha Paytas. This is BeautyCon, not VidCon

Damn it. So here's my outfit for day one, I wanted to go for like a

Contrasting patterns kind of look, nam sayin. So I paired up this floral button up with the checkers

And you know I've got the checkered shoes with the mismatching socks. That's what ya boi be doing, nam saying.

Yay, we're here. The place was freaking huge. Basically a bunch of beauty brands have booths and they give you a buttload of products

Look! the Shea Moisture booth

I met up with Bianca Renee, she introduced me to a few new friends shout out to them

Also, I met up with Leah and Lynn Kate

We were in the VIP creators lounge and there were so many huge youtubers there, It was insane

I was way too nervous to talk to any of them, but I did say hi to it's my raye raye

She was so nice, and it makes me love her even more

I was really shooketh cuz some of y'all actually recognized me and said hi

I did not expect that and it made me so happy

After spending the day at the event, a bunch of Curly's got together, and we went out to eat. We were starving

I absolutely love my curlfriends. After that, I went to an after party with some friends and look who I met

She was super nice too. So it's 1:00 a.m.. And I just got home from the BeautyCon after-party and it was


There were so many huge youtubers that I met today, I met it's my raye raye

I saw Jackie Aina and I didn't get to say hi. I was so upset

GiGi gorgeous, Nikita Dragun, timothydelaghetto. I've made so many new friends today, and I met up with old friends and

I'm just... I'm just so grateful. Everything I have is

because of you

And your support


It means the world to me

Thank you so much. My voice is gone, and I have to do the thing tomorrow at the SheaMoisture booth

I'm just gonna give it 1000%

And yeah, I'll see you guys on

day two

So I'm gonna show y'all real quick

The routine that I've been using

During my BeautyCon stay. So first I shampoo, and I use my favorite shampoo ever. It's sulfate free and contains

Coconut oil, coconut milk, rose hip oil, sweet almond oil, it cleanses without stripping your hair or making it greasy

After that I condition with the matching conditioner

And this is awesome. It contains shea butter, coconut oil, coconut fruit juice. It gives a slight amount of protein

But also helps with tangles. So after the conditioner, I style with the matching leave-in

Conditioner. So I just spray it in my hair while it's wet and then I scrunch, super simple. This is great for moisture and shine

It contains coconut oil, shea butter, sweet almond oil,

and nettle. So I just finished air-drying and here are my results. It makes my hair super soft and shiny

Like, the shininess in the video does not capture how it looks in real life

Because this is shiny

Day two, let's do it


So I was with SheaMoisture, and somebody yells, "Alessia Cara!"

and I'm like, "No, sorry to underwhelm you, it's just me"

Honestly, you could be her doppleganger, honestly

I just want to thank SheaMoisture for having me and allowing me to meet my supporters, as well as make new friends. This was so

insanely fun

Until next time


For more infomation >> I Went To BeautyCon With SheaMoisture! - Duration: 6:30.


Let's find out who AM I - Mooji 2018 Meditation by Mooji - Duration: 1:00:08.

which must call a chapter in a book the excellence of knowing nothing the

excellence of knowing nothing because only in such a state is the

piece that that is there so so reassuring so so totally contempt

content enough to be still and I don't have that that's you know the stillness

is there content when didn't bring stillness

we've been talking sometimes that the truth is simple and all of that but

sometimes I question this whether we are looking in the wrong way to speak like

that that the truth is simple or complex

maybe that is also a tribal perspective because it is beyond simplicity or

complexity it's not about that it's not in the category of the interrelated

opposites you understand this is very important I think what I'm saying right

now because you know sometimes I say what it's very simple it's all very

simple and maybe according to how the mind works it's a thinking

Mooji said simple so that stupid would the way it works but the truth does not

work it just is it's not a complex nor simple you know there's no way fitting

in to the way that the human mind is working which is it's like the mind is

like an instrument for for interpreting and for measuring change or variety and

for speculative speculation and what I'm speaking as as the awareness is not in

any category the mind itself is it is a category the mind itself is and the

person who the sense of the person they're all linked together and

awareness is is is not it's not part of that atomic structure it's not a


yes but I see that is the beginning of the

inquiry because even to say that my mind doesn't need to do anything and whatever

no the inquiry is not really targeting your mind but you why you speakers in my

mind you see when we speak about mind immediately for me the mind itself is a

phenomenon if I talk about my mind immediately interest goes to the my more

than to the mind for me do you follow hmm

many times of what people say about here in my mind Andrea but it goes to the

mind look for the mind when the mind is going but when he saved my mind and my

interest go straight to you do you who is you because whatever the mind is it's

taking us reeling from you so who are you

they say my mind immediately you know the feels like I don't have to do

anything so who is the eye and because we are so accustomed to some a question

that I we always more go to at least questioning what the I think so the one

I imagine or what I want which is secondary to the eye you see this is

these are these are the real

essential quit I don't even know what what this qualities people talking about

in this world you know yeah you know and you know Jesus is coming and he's going

to do all these kind of stuff and I think wow you know like I know this mind

you know I know these worlds I know these worlds they they are part

of they're part of an amazing sort of matrix of spirits of spiritual kind of

like currents you know because the Muslims are having a relationship with

God and the Christians are having a relationship with God through Jesus

Christ and you know sort of like you know every

you know the Buddhists are having their relationship with the Buddha and the

Hindus are true true you know you know Krishna and the worshipers of Vishnu and

the worshipers of you know Shiva and they haul out their differently these

things which are real and people are having experiences and sitting with

Shiva and going through all these things and you know meeting Jesus and who is

speaking about all these things and where do these worlds collide where

today interpreted they meet as one because they seem to the Mauri that even

you know even the prophets seem to be arguing against or the prophets in the

mind of people and this feels like you know it's unarguable where you go and i

have to come back and say but who are you

jesus took me to see you being who who are you

that jesus recognized in what way does jesus recognize you as what does jesus

recognize you can he recognize you anything other than the way he

recognized himself I mean are you of different material that he thinks

himself I am the son of the Father but you are something else you are going to

help I mean could Jesus behind what way Jesus is relating to you in what way is

the Prophet Muhammad in what way is he relating to you

or what does krishna call you you are calling you something so this is the

this is the how to come out of this dream the waking dream and the sleeping

dream even meaning the the imagery of creation the imagery of the vital force

the imagery of the existence in time such as future and past in the present

an identity you know there has to be music the beyond whereby these things

are seen because where do you have to go to prove these things just today is good

enough where is where is yesterday today where is yesterday today and when their

parents tomorrow come where is this moment enough now where is the pictures

of today tomorrow where is yesterday's pictures in you today yesterday equally

a moment was there that was very very succinct to a very delicate or profound

or very aggressive or something it had an impact upon your being in some way

you know where is it now where is it where's yesterday sometime it says

quarter to nine where what's quarter to nine yesterday

we speak about the past where it come from where do you keep your past where

is the past then we give so much importance and credibility to it I think

if a human being begins to question a little bit like this a clarity must

prevail at the end of this thing very

you know I'm saying these things over and over again I don't know if I'm just

a failed mission area or something because I did not come from that

background particularly it is in its religious you know costume I was not I

was not a thinker I'm not a thinker you know I didn't rob but I kind of ride

debates and thinking and introspecting and meditating I would never do now I

was more of a sports guy I never read books and you know a basic kind of guy

watch movie read comics and you know fool around make lot of sports all of


and how radically that life changed whereby these things can be spoken about

and so I mean something happened here I

mean you're going north on your end up in the east Oh what happened to you I

said well I don't know actually but something did to take place

something inside here and a reorientation of direction somehow took

place and I'm now speaking about these things I'm not sitting here talking

about martial arts or arts or any of the arts or you know any of this any

philosophy and just somehow bringing awareness bringing attention to this

which are found of all the varying subjects in the human Kingdom and this

is the ever prevailing one what is your essential condition does everything got

backed by this fire

and you have to be strong to be in this well when I said I say have to be strong

to be in this world what world am I talking about

the world that is lived in the mind the world that is the world of human beings

relating to other human beings about life and ideology and their own personal

mythology and identity the interaction that happened in a marketplace called

existence this is what I say is very complex because who sent us in

particular here you know when you when our parents were were pregnant mother

pregnant with you she was expecting a child but was she expecting you

particularly and who are you particularly you keep changing sometimes

your blue sometimes green sometimes yellow sometimes no light sometimes

brown sometimes pink you know who are we the child for parents

without you stand still you can be still

something always cooking's always always moving but there is that which which

somehow looks upon that also unchanged full aspect the changefulness and watch

it from a place of unchanging Ness otherwise the change could not be

perceived as changeable were it not for the unchanging when one contemplates

like this all the subjects all in differences and so all of them being

punished because they can't come here

there's a place where the world stops beyond that gate it cannot come there's

a place to where the person stopped beyond this gate it cannot come and you

are here

but when I say we have to be strong for this world we're in our individual

worlds but we're in a common world in a way because all the individuality is

this is Thakur says the same guy it's the same world we looked at in a

slightly different way in each one but it's like when you are from the English

speaking world you can speak with everybody who speaks English we can

correspond you know we can correspond and if you find an interpreter we can

correspond to people in different languages also you come to find out they

are the same the same guy well you need a code to work with him

I don't know why these type of discussions produce so much dry maybe

that's what they are both and where did I come from

somehow the absence of the person the real observing into the truth removes

the person when the process removed is pure joy and we're just pure joy and

this is you're in the presence of God in the holiness itself because joy is God's

perfume peace is God's perfume love is God's perfume so when the person is out

of the way it is smelly little person then you're in the perfume of the

holiness easy your cotton

and inquire it's like I'm trying to catch something but it's like the

morning something my famiiy immediately see immediately know something escapes

and it's showing up in different elusive I don't care nothing about it

what business I have with that he wants to run about a little run about the

place what does it take from me what does it

take from you nothing at all what does it take from you how can you take that

he cannot take that it can it can it can appeal for that I cannot take it it is

you will give attention to it something just sort of have it you have to

acknowledge your power you cannot just keep giving things away and say oh

because you sting your eyes means that I'm I'm distracted oh you're not me

because of that why do you refuse your power to uh knowledge yourself the human

knowledge meant to everything else something out external look at this

thing our thing is going now what is think of would you what is this thing

gonna say what thing nothing more John I'm not sure look Wow what about you I

want to see you gonna show me this thing I will show you that thing here what

that thing and this thing there's so many things in the world worth looking

that nothing but you I want to meet

because the God is shown itself in this body

then something seems to be obstructing there was wide open ting obstructed good

then I see that the powers are misused to give attention to things which are

really value in themselves they only have the value given to them everything

have value in itself does goal of value in itself there was no human being would

gold be valuable would gold be arguing you know I'm 22 karat gold you're only

18 hahaha I'm above gold and know for whom

is you will give the value to it

whenever you value whatever you want you give value to it early explorers used to

go to some country finally have gold yeah and exchange gold for what nothing

little star a little nonsense things I give you a mirror look you can see your

face oh I take your gold laughing oh my god you know he's given me something mr.

color what a stupid money to call my gold and

gave me this amazing Wow I wonder if there's someplace you can get more of

this from and then more of them are coming ah look gold take all the gold

what you value this thing they value that thing does the thing have value in

itself no the value is in you

if you really understood this all your questions and dust would perish isn't it

why would you become in asking sometimes ever well you didn't you would not have

it's finished it's finished if you're found one doesn't even take one not one

minute not even one second it doesn't take one second even I have

not heard anybody talking about it

suppose you do have time to be confused what doesn't take time there's no time

to be confused why but answer you see maybe you are just getting a little bit

acquainted with me maybe we're on different time frame because I am only

here now understand I can't answer for later on the closest people to me you

know sometimes I still ask me you you weren't about to my we want to do today

later on or I wanted you with me all the time and you still don't know I don't

know nothing about these things I know nothing about tomorrow I've never seen

tomorrow alright so I am more want to know where is the top of the game right

now I know about it tomorrow tomorrow don't exist for me if it exists it has

to be here now you follow are you on my wavelength a little bit yeah because the

rest is just excuse for me it's just excuse because you're not really you're

not up for just being what is we're only always on the way to what is you're

never not enough just what is so this is why you need time

sometimes give you this you want something from time take some of that

but what doesn't take time you say about there's something a creates confusion I

ain't got time to be confused I don't have time to be confused

to be confusing in some time and you need something I don't have nothing and

don't listen to me like I'm speaking some kind of little game or some riddle

or some kind of novelty I'm speaking to you as honestly as words can express

them that my truth so therefore I've got to wait for you why have I got to wait

for you all of you tell me I've got to wait for you why can't you be in real

time together or in no time together I

feel very much you see wonder maybe we might we might arrive too we might we

might arrive together we might just be here together can we be here together

our bodies is in the same time together but are we in the same time together or

timelessness I have to wait for everybody only when you're empty I don't

have to wait for you you follow or not

so it's a clue how you are being in your own life you're waiting for something

and if you're waiting for something you are not present now the thing you're

waiting for is it waiting for you

you want to do something about something I don't have to do anything about


and what I say let's meet let's meet but do we need an appointment appointment

means not now you follow let's meet you say when yeah

now now doesn't need any appointment appointment means later your whole life

is later waiting for something to happen what you're waiting to happen

itself cannot happen you're waiting for what cannot happen to happen so when

will that happen this is gonna be one of my best YouTube's

isn't it for the one who has the eyes to see it the mind to see it even if you

try to focus you already late even if you try to focus on what I'm saying to

try and understand you are already late because you're very attempt already

we've seen in that which is timeless and that one which sees your attempt is that

interested in your attempt or even you

and now are these words offensive is it somebody would be offended by them

because the line wants to do so what do I do

I said what doing takes time maybe what doesn't take time what what is it that

you don't have to do nor can you undo

in England the English person how do you do I don't do

so instantly more instant than instant is what come on more instant and instant

no time for a relationship not time to separate no time to meet not time to

meet then what now what you have to reject me or accept me it's already done

you see that cannot even accept or reject isn't it I'm trying to show you

where we never separated are you up to speed because when I speak like this

then you start to see my god I'm so slow I'm so slow because everything about me

take time everything about me take time to meet god that's going to take even

more time my god don't need a lot of time people tell you I need more time I

need more time what doesn't take time

time is in the domain of ignorance

and don't try and do anything because that's wrong already what you tell ado

take time what does not take time there's already

a very strong reflex that maybe as soon as you think this conversation is over

which makes no it makes no difference to what is it wants to slip back into it

yeah well you know okay I can breathing it like as I'm back into ignorance you

gotta go back to time because what we are used to his time yeah we're

comfortable yeah what time you want to go tomorrow Mooji at 7 o'clock ok I'll

be near 10 to 7:00 that's our life miss 10:00 to 7:00 for what doesn't take time

be induct as that which does not take time know what you're gonna do with my

words when I say that who receives the words who responds to them

they're only reflecting back something which is not time it's opening up

something to show you what is not time but this thing is not apart from you

this is the mystery in any circle you sit now in the universe in the world

people discussing beings discussing these things this this what I'm speaking

now this is what you have to hear I'm telling it you I wonder if you have a

sense or not about it yes that which does not take time the others we want to

do this and we've got to do this and try to get into this and try and explore

what is inside out on you by

your time investors timeshare no no no what does not take time

this is the good news I tell you this is the good news

such art free saturate we take you out of this this room of suffering and

projection fantasy and delusion that

does not it

when you find out you are in love already it does not need time to love

love knows nothing about time

peace peace knows nothing about time joy joy knows nothing about time wisdom

nothing about time the divine nothing about time timeless eternal they say but

who is what to who is going to collapse in what I'm speaking

something and you understand immediately see when I speak to you something and

you already understand immediately it does not to do anything at all isn't it

something immediately knows what I'm speaking you know and as joy in itself

it may say for hundreds of years I'm trying to release this to myself but

today is enough grace is here to say and hear myself at the same time to speak

and hear myself instantly nor delay no time

once you have heard it in your heart you cannot be fooled by time you cannot be

fooled by time this is why every time I hear is people talking and would you

need the trouble if she already in this time darling I don't have time for you

I'm here for a little time with you to introduce you to the timeless one day or

go I don't know when that one day it could be one day in timelessness

although I'll leave time

while we have a little time don't waste it use it to find the timeless

you see this you were put down as the most important talk human being enough

but only if it is understood only if it is understood and if it is grasped

inside a heart is the most profound thing you will hear in the human Kingdom

who knows this what I'm speaking in the heart yes he is gonna have a lot of

impact and effects because when it is understood the truth is blessing every

facet of the expression in the manifest world the impact of it because I see the

rest once you've seen like this the rest is trick is a trick of the mind if you

make your stunts in the mind you have to play by the rules of the mind and the

rule of the minds time and effort and identity and then you are go around on

that merry-go-round for either and it's not so merry actually ground for quite a

little while because it is creating time produce time selling time selling effort

selling the belief selling selling concepts selling duality selling

distance selling separation selling promises you trying to sell God selling

fruit but I point you directly that which is not in the bubble of that

delusion so what should we do now has got nothing to do with it

it is not a doing thing now do you hear this thing in your head in your heart in

or in everything in everything that you can say is you which part does that go

to everywhere attention everywhere we've been talking about something that

sometimes I discuss it a little bit with Arjuna we've been using sometimes some

won't some timber that we buy and they say that you know we call it Talyn eyes

would I first learnt about this time in England Talyn eyes would this is the

wood looks like any other would you buy it like this but you put it in the

ground it doesn't rot but no in a section live in it okay it just does not

rock like that okay they say how it's possible because I put a regular piece

of wood and a colonise wood together and then this one after you put it in the

ground after one year and stuff and that you can just take it and break it with

your hand but this one it's the same then I heard about the process I don't

know if it is true maybe somebody who is more technically aware of this than I am

but they say they put the wood then the regular wood in a chamber like you know

you know in a big kind of tube and then this tube they create kind of like this

suck all the air out they draw all like the suck all the air

out so whatever moisture was inside the wood when they turn up this thing goes

suck everything out so they're now inside is a tremendous tension inside

this vacuum and then at the other end they release this this liquid and when

they release it it it replaces what they order one came out from Venice yeah and

that just get pulled back with this particular chemical treatment that makes

the wood you know gives it that in that longevity and all those years ago

it struck something in my behind yeah I was praying to God colonize me you

understand this prayer yeah tell her eyes me put me in your vacuum suck out

all my bullshit okay and release you many many years ago such

was the impact how long


to be Talyn eyes it's also a phenomenon hmm because the truth doesn't need to

tell an eyes anything in a Stan it is Talyn izing takes some time even a

second a microsecond finish truth doesn't take that why because it is

everywhere the same already this is what I tell you when my master spoke instant

awakening then I am Telling You even not even instant

what does not take time so you may say understanding somehow maybe take time a

little time instant to recognize that timeless instant to recognize the

timeless then where does it fit in the progress on the hardship on the

suffering and please help me Oh does that have a place I say yeah it has a

place it is also the play of the dynamic consciousness which manifests as time

also and change an identity because it needs an identity only the identity can

evolve in time without without an entity can there be evolution there must be

some farm then you can have the evolution this is the form and the form

you might say it's evolved into the natural biological process of growth and

decay the mind is evolving or so evolutionary to intelligence and

experience and learning and so on event but the inmost one does it evolve is it

they have a perfect but how do you know tis ever perfect

maybe that's just a concept also how can you prove yourself perfect okay forget

ever perfect let's just say everything you see is imperfect

what gives you the ability to know that it's imperfect because it is subject to

change if everything is subject to change you would not even have the

concept of change you can only perceive and that which is changeable

because there is that which is not changing but they aren't changing you

cannot see you can only know it by knowing that which is changeable when

you know what is changeful immediately what is unchanging is there

maybe it is enough for today to tell you that more than this you don't need to



too much love too much love too much peace too much space too much joy too

much light too much holiness too much perfection too much good too much too

much too much this is what I have to say

if you ask me what is my perceiving it too much it's too much true too much too

much happiness too much contentment too much light too much Beast much joy too

much timelessness and and it is it is infecting you to remove you and leave on

it timelessness leave a little bit you might enjoy a bit of you and a bit of

you to you without you and you with you before I was saying you without you

first come to you without you and then you can have the you back give a right

you without you and you will do if you are no harm them

too much

too much happiness you ever hear anybody say like that too much happiness too

much joy too much love yes who calm the whole world come whole world can drink

as much joy as much happiness as it went but it only has to be a bit empty first

because you cannot fill a full cup full of joy

today when I read this letter from this person who was writing about somebody

writing about all you know they must have seen our YouTube or something and

felt very struck and want to tell you all sin all these all these biblical

message that they found in the revelations and then and and some of the

Gospels and so on to condemnation messages you know I'm going to hell

you're gonna go to hell and all of these things I said and sometimes I feel the

pain inside my heart alright then if I can be wrong about this if I'm wrong

about this and then I'm also guiding others into this wrongfulness and then

put a stop to it and turn everybody to the right way if I'm wrong and I'm here

to tell you too much joy too much happiness too much freedom too much

compassion too much all-inclusiveness too much life too much timelessness too

much infinite Ness too much too much

because what can I do but say this thing I can't say nothing else I don't know

how to say something else okay anything else

I can say sometimes why not - I don't try some trauma I try and talk about

something else but all my something else is the same

thing because it's not the something is it no there's nothing else there's no


then somehow when I'm here with in a company of your company Sangha and then

it it loves it to be there it loves its own Sangha when it finds doors that

venerated that has a love for the truth but it's Ukraine easy then it knows no

bound but to shower love upon them because it has a perfect excuse to do it

I don't know and become in our farms or farms they come I see the love of God

the power of the Holy Spirit hunting working in many different expressions is

there but it imparts its grace in many different ways in the form of miracles

and many two ways

and they are good - all this wood but this way is very beautiful the

all-encompassing way

the part of emptiness that's something less because wherever there's something

there's gonna be competition is gonna be comparisons there's gonna be preferences

think I'll be rejections it's gonna be war there's gonna be conflict but when

there is that holy emptiness then the fullness can do real fullness can show

itself because it will not be stained by the delusions of the ego

and you're so filled with Joy's you you don't even want to go to bed you can

sleep in your buddies tie don't know what you mean buddy start on time

I don't know when this body will expire but sometimes I feel that some more time

and it would be appreciated to prolong destroy in the sharing of this despite

him but

it's not up to me

I guess I like that

and you know that all of this is just played on you yeah it has to be a play

every day fresh who writes this play

this play the infinite one every day this play is going on and every

character has a role in it even the viruses have a role to play even the

worms if you go to the belly of the earth you find creatures there every one

of them are playing the role perfectly

everyone even the dung beetle eat the tapeworm

the flea everything everybody has a role they're playing in this great play the

great play of consciousness the great dream of consciousness no rehearsal

take one

take one dip one take one

and because there's no rear so you can just relax

because everything you do is in the player you like it it's very nice you

can't do anything wrong even your mind is in the play yes even your mind is in

the play the only thing is you must know that there is something that's not in

the play but even your mind is in the play so you cannot relax let it go all

itting don't identify with him remember you are just too old to met witness of


who is in the balcony watching all this the Supreme Lord of the universe have


even a sock I'm talking

you are

but now it's been made right there

both your body and your mind and your emotions all of it is already a part of

the play the great play just don't be confused that it is you you're the

witness you get the feeling even the feeling that it is you is part of the



For more infomation >> Let's find out who AM I - Mooji 2018 Meditation by Mooji - Duration: 1:00:08.


Which Augmented Reality Should I use? - Duration: 8:15.

Adding Augmented reality to a book is a great way to enhance the interactivity of the book.

This video is part of a daily video series leading up to the release of my Self-Published

Book, Treasure Protectors Inc.

A STEM-Fiction Novel.

In this video I am going to talk about different tools for adding augmented reality (or AR)

to a print book and my journey in finding which tool is best for me.

Initially I wanted to create an eBook and include videos and audio files in the book.

(Both of which are doable), but I realized that a large file is cumbersome and costs

more to sell.

During this time I was researching how to bring augmented reality into my classroom.

I teach technology education and wanted my students to learn how to become producers

of AR.

My research inspired me to create a print book that used AR.

It has been a journey to find the right AR that works for my book.

I want to discuss my experiences and hopefully help you find what would work best for you.

The primary AR tools that I used are Aurasma Now HP Reveal, Unity and Vuforia, QR Codesand


QR Codes are put in my book more as a back up incase the reader doesn't want to download

the AR App they can access the content online with a QR Reader.

I won't talk much about QR codes in this video.

I tried other tools but they don't warrant much mentioning either I found out early on

they weren't for me, or they were way out of my price range.

Let me start with Aurasma.

I have seen this at numerous teacher conferences and know many educators who have used it.

If you search youtube for Aurasma you will see children of all ages using this.

One goal I had in my book is that everything in the book could be recreated by the readers

of the book.

Aurasma offered free licenses and was very education friendly.

I spent a couple of months learning how to use this platform, and became quite good (after

many mistakes).

I found a way that would be easy enough to teach my readers how to create their own.

I had over 40 draft AR features in my book.

I had finished a readers copy of my book with step by step instructions for the reader to

access the AR.

In December I received an email…

Aurasma was going to be rebranded HP Reveal…

Promises of new features…

unfortunately the branding process is a long process.

I reached out to HP Reveal I was told I could still use my content, but there was no timeline

for when everything would be finished.

I think their education push slipped away.

I couldn't release a book that had technology that was being changed.

I had to find a new option.

You can see my list of Pros and Cons here.

The biggest con aside from changing brands was the trigger recognition.

I didn't know exactly what they were looking for and it was trial and error.

I wanted to have each chapter start playing an animation teaser of what was in the chapter,

but I had to change my designs a few times to get it to work, and it still wasn't perfect

sometimes it would load the wrong chapter.

But if students could replicate it I thought it would work.

I ran a crowd funding campaign to raise money to promote the book and one of the readers

I thought this was the first AR book of it's kind.

Someone contacted me on the crowdfunding and pointed me to many other books that are AR.

I contacted authors and bought some of their books.

I really enjoyed seeing how the AR worked.

I discovered that Unity and Vuforia are a great option for AR.

Unity is a game engine that offers free licenses for hobbyists, and really small businesses.

Coincidentally I was researching unity trying to see how I could bring Virtual Reality Development

into my classroom as well, I didn't know that with a "plug in" or software license

called Vuforia augmented reality was a possibility Vuforia is free to try a but a reasonable

license is required if you publish.

This is an amazing program.

The ability to recognize triggers was amazing.

It also can be developed for multiple platforms.

I found a class on Udemy that showed me how to make a virtual book.

If I remember I'll include a link to it.

The course was called Build 11 Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and Vuforia.

In developing the apps I kept having issues (there is a decent amount of coding and debugging).

You can do it with minimal coding but the troubleshooting and debugging became and issue,

I realized that this would be beyond the scope of my readers and I had to find a simpler


So my readers could experience creating their own AR as well.

The search began I tried many small companies some free.

I contacted small companies that wanted to charge between 5 and 20K but they couldn't

narrow it down from there.

I had tried Zappar, and didn't like it at first because you have to put a lightning

bolt or zapcode (their version of a QR Code) where you want the AR to work.

The platform is simple and easy for children to use.

In fact at writing this they offer a free option for up to 5 zapcodes.

I decided that having a lightning bolt on my page wasn't that bad…

They have different pricing levels depending on what you want to do.

The level I chose does not support 3D models which both of my previous AR tools had.

Their top model does include it but is out of my budget for this project.

The thing that I really like is their platform has analytics, so I can clearly see what is

happening with my content.

That really is what sold it for me aside from the ease of use.

I'll create another video that shows how to use that tool.

Here is an example of the Zappar Zap Code.

You can download the free app (which is only a few megabytes—way better than the app

I was trying to develop.)

Open it and try scanning this video.

I put a couple of the things in there.

If you are interested I recommend going to and sign up for a free trial to

see if their tools will work for you.

I found it to be the best option for my book.

If you know of other good AR tools feel free to share in the comments so others can know

about them as well.

If you enjoyed this video or would like to learn more about my Journey in Self-publishing

please subscribe to see the other videos I make about Self-Publishing

For more infomation >> Which Augmented Reality Should I use? - Duration: 8:15.


What's the Difference Between an Astronomer and an Astrophysicist? - Duration: 6:21.

Hello everyone and it's time for another Deep Astronomy Vlog post.

These little video snippets are designed to offer you some career advice if you're a

young person just starting out and wondering what a career in astronomy is like.

I base my advice on the 35 years or so experience I've had working in the field of astronomy.

I've been at this since I was in high school and every once in a while, I like to take

out some time to share my experience with you.

One question I get a lot is, "What's the difference between an astronomer and an astrophysicist?"

Well the short answer is that there isn't one.


All done.

Now all you people on YouTube who's time is SOOOOO valuable can go now.

Thanks for watching and as always, Keep Looking Up!

Okay, are all the short-attention span people gone?

Now that all the social media viewers who's attention span won't allow them to watch

anything longer than a minute are gone, I can elaborate.

There is absolutely no difference between someone who is working as an astronomer and

one working as an astrophysicist.

The job is the same, what's different are the people who use the titles.

Let's face it, astrophysicist sounds way cooler than astronomer and saying you are

one to people who aren't in the field makes you sound very impressive.

The thing is, studying astrophysics isn't all that hard compared to many of the other

physical sciences.

For example, the curriculum for getting a PhD in physics, actual hard physics, is more

rigorous than that for astrophysics.

At the University of Colorado for example, where I went, graduate students in the astronomy

department didn't have to take Jackson' E&M, a course notoriously difficult and considered

by many a 'weed-out' course.

And there were many courses like that that physics graduate students had to take but

the astrophysics students did not.

Even in undergraduate studies, I got my physics degree at a time when CU did not offer an

undergraduate astronomy degree.

It was made available in my senior year and when I looked at the courses astronomy students

had to take versus the ones I took going through the physics program, I was glad I went through

the physics program.

It was more rigorous and I feel like it better prepared me to do astronomy better in my career.

My opinion is that a physics degree is better than an astrophysics one.

When I say it's less rigorous, I'm talking about the course work one has to take to get

the degree.

I feel like the physics degree was more valuable.

So back to our question: what is the difference between an astronomer and an astrophysicist.

My experience working with the hundreds of astronomers I've met over the decades is

one of personality.

Look at all the people who insist - and by insist I mean they get upset or correct you

if you call them anything else - who insist on calling them as astrophysicist.

There's a pattern there: usually they are involved with the general public and are building

a brand for themselves.

I'm not going to name any names, but you can easily see who I'm talking about in

this magical scicomm age where the echo chamber is deafening with everyone teaching astronomy.

Try an experiment and call them an astronomer and watch their reaction.

I do it sometimes just to irritate them.

Then there are those whom you won't really hear about because they are the ones actually

doing the work in astronomy.

Making the discoveries, designing the observatories, building the cameras, processing the data

and doing the math for the modelling.

These guys could care less what you call them and unfortunately you won't really see them

unless you get a job yourself in the field.

Try to be one of those guys when you get a job.

You'll be glad you did.

Actually I take that back.

If you watch our weekly hangouts on Thursdays, then you will meet some of the smartest guys

in the room.

One of the reasons we do those hangouts is so you'll see what the work of astronomy

is like and meet some of the most awesome people working in the field today.

So, if you want to meet the real rock stars of astronomy, watch our hangouts on Thursdays

at 3pm ET.

I guess I'd better qualify this opinion with the statement that of course not EVERYONE

who claims to be an astrophysicist is an insecure attention-grabber, but I'm sorry but in

my experience, most of them are.

I had one guy get downright indignant when I introduced him as an astronomer.

He corrected me and was huffy for the rest of the presentation.

Points if you can figure out who it was.

So don't get caught up in the whole astronomer/astrophysicist thing.

If you're good at your job, do good science, write papers people cite, build telescopes

that work and people want to use, or cameras that show things no one has ever seen before,

people can call you an astrologist and it wouldn't matter.

Ok, I take that back, I think most astronomers would correct you on that one.

My point is, when your work speaks for itself you are the coolest guy in the room no matter

what they call you.

Well that's it for this vlog post Space Fans, thanks to all of you for watching.

I've got two more SFN episodes in the hopper and getting ready to be posted soon, I also

have a new space video on the way in about a week or so.

If you have a question you'd like to pose about becoming an astronomer for a future

vlog post, please leave it in the comments below.

I check the comments across all videos everyday.

Also, let me know what you think about this whole astronomer/astrophysicist thing.

Is it just an ego thing like I've alluded to or is there more to it for you?

Let me know.

Thanks for watching and as always, Keep Looking Up!

For more infomation >> What's the Difference Between an Astronomer and an Astrophysicist? - Duration: 6:21.



[Holly] Twin sis? Poppy! Where are you? The Dragon Ball tournament starts in 20 minutes,

and look at my hair! It's a mess! You said you'd come back to the room and do it for me!

[Poppy] I'm so sorry, twin sis! Oh my gosh, you should see what's going on here at the Tower Hair Salon! It is fully booked,

standing room only! I just don't see how I can leave. I am so sorry! I have Apple,

Raven, and Briar here for Legacy Day, and then Blondie and Cupid and Cedar are

going to some kind of a - a birthday ball, and then from Monster High, we've got

several ghouls here because their friend Clawdeen Wolf's salon is closed because - I guess -

Clawdeen is babysitting tonight. And so I have Frankie and Draculaura, and

I have Spectra on the pedicure chair, and I'm trying to do Lagoona's hair...wait, that

rhymed! Oh, and Holly? There's even a Monster

movie star here. Her name's Elissabat, and she's kind of hiding in the corner.

[Holly] Okay, that's fine, Poppy. I will deal with it myself. I'll just flip my hair over and

comb it out. Okay, good luck! Bye!

[Doorbell rings] [Dizzy] Uh hi, I was wondering if you had any openings?

[Poppy] No, I'm so sorry. As you can see, I am just fully

booked today. I apologize! Come back another day?

[Dizzy] Oh, I meant, did you have any JOB openings?

[Poppy] Oh, you're looking for a job? Well, in that case, you are hired! When can

you start? Oh, and uh, what's your name?

[Dizzy] Oh, I'm Dizzy, daughter of Drizella, and I'm an expert at cut, color, and nails.

[Poppy] Wow, you are such a Grimmsend! Well, in that case, can you finish Spectra's pedicure over here?

[Dizzy] Sure! Here I go!

[Dizzy] Um, is it just me, or are your feet invisible?

[Spectra] Well, I AM the daughter of a ghost...

[Dizzy] Oh boy. This is gonna take a while.

[Dizzy] Wow, look at all these girls. How are we gonna get them all done?

[Dizzy] Um, Boss Poppy? I think we're gonna have to cheat, or at least take a shortcut.

[Poppy] What did you have in mind, Dizzy?

[Dizzy] Well, here's the plan. [Whispering]

[Jane] Hey Dizzy! I came as soon as you called. What's going on?

[Dizzy] Jane, I need your bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.

[Jane] Remember what happened when I bibbidi-bobbidi-boo'd Audrey? It was awful!

[Dizzy] Jane, please, I need your help.

[Jane] Okay, fine. I'll give it my best shot.

[Dizzy] Okay, these girls first.

[Jane] Bibbido bobbidi boo!

[Chorus of voices exclaims over their beautiful hair]

[Jane] Well, that turned out better than Audrey. Who's next?

[Dizzy] Spectra and Elissabat.

[Jane] So where are you two ghouls going?

[Elissabat] Um, ve are going somevere tropical for a ghouls' getavay.

[Jane] Okay, here goes. Wish me luck! Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!

[Spectra] Wow, this looks great! It even comes with a flower lei!

[Elissabat] Awesome! But what about me?

[Jane] Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!

[Eissabat] Vow! I am ready for a tropical wacation! Come on, Spectra. Let's go!

[Multiple voices saying goodbye]

[Dizzy] Thanks, Jane! I can take it from here.

[Dizzy] All right, Monster High ghouls! Everybody hold hands.

[Multiple voices asking if they're doing it right]

[Dizzy] Okay, Frankie. Zap 'em!

[Sounds of electricity arcing]

[Multiple voices exclaiming over how good their hair looks]

[Multiple voices chattering]

[Frankie] That was great, Dizzy, but what about me?

[Dizzy] Frankie, I'll turn you into a masterpiece.

[Frankie] Dizzy, you're a genius! I can't wait to show off my hair and makeup and dress.

[Poppy] Okay, Lagoona! It's time to check out your new 'do!

[Lagoona] Wow, Poppy! It's so much fuller than before! [Slow music plays]

[Lagoona] Thank you for working so hard on my hair, Poppy! I love it, and so will Gil!

[Poppy] Okay, finally Legacy Day girls! Dizzy and I are ready for you.

[Poppy] Well, Dizzy, I think we've outdone ourselves on these princesses.

[Briar] I royally love it!

[Apple] Me too! I feel like such a princess! Oh, I AM a princess!

[Raven] I've got to hand it to you, Poppy. Your new employee, Dizzy, is a genius!

[Dizzy] Really?Thank you so much!

[Raven, Apple, & Briar say goodbye and thank Poppy and Dizzy simultaneously] [Poppy and Dizzy flop down tiredly on the couch]

[Poppy] Well, Dizzy, I've got to hand it to you. You saved the day!

[Dizzy] Thanks, Boss Poppy! Do you mind if I take a nap?

[Poppy] [Big yawn] Oh sure, Dizzy! I think I'll take a nap too...



秦始皇陵除了兵馬俑,還有一件神器,功能先進讓現代人無法理解 - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> 秦始皇陵除了兵馬俑,還有一件神器,功能先進讓現代人無法理解 - Duration: 2:07.


Consigli per sbiancare i denti in modo naturale - Salute 365 - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Consigli per sbiancare i denti in modo naturale - Salute 365 - Duration: 4:43.


Fabricating a Trellis: Many Rings Come Together - Duration: 8:39.

Welcome to another fabrication video.

This time we will be making lots of circle and putting them together into a trellis for

my garden.

This epsiode is graded in high dynamic range and I will have some amazing slow motiong

welding shots later.

So stay tuned.

We got 6 full length of 1/2in x 3/16in mild steel bars; that's 120 feet or roughly 37


Some basic high-school math is needed to figure out the correct length.

We are trying to make as many circles as possible on a given mandril and also need a little

bit of extra to have something to hold on.

Since the bar is quite thin we can do all the bending cold.

The basic idea to bend the mild steel bar around the tube as many times as it fits.

The jig has a little holder welded next to the tube that holds the bar.

In this case, our leg vise is not all that stable and we use the weight of a second person

to stabilize it.

After bending, we end up with four circles that we need to cut apart and then weld together.

The trick with the band saw is to cut one circle at a time and not try to cut them all

at once.

We need four different ring sizes and for each of them we calculate how much material

to cut so that we can create as many rings at once as possible.

For this video, I had a lot of extra help.

Tony was visiting from Chicago and Nils Anderssen was visiting from Norway.

When bending around our makeshift mandrel, we need to keep the bends as tight and even

as possible so that the resulting rings are all of the same size.

As we are essentially winding up a spiral, some adjustment is needed to bring the ends

back together.

Some hits with the hammer while clamping the lower end of the ring in a vise usually does

the trick.

We are slowly working our way up to the larger ring sizes and am starting to run out of space

in the shop.

The longer the initial bar the more space we need around the mandrel and we are sort

of navigating the obstacles that are getting in the way.

Finally, we are getting to our largest ring size and of that we just need a couple but

the technique is slighly different as you will see.

After having made 30 - 40 rings, we need to weld them together.

This is actually easier with some help to prevent the ends from coming apart.

We are careful to just weld from the outside to make cleanup on the belt sander easier.

Once we have created all the rings for the trellise, we go back to our master plan and

fit them to our layout.

Placing the rings is pretty fast but making all the little connection pieces will be somewhat


When welding, we will only weld from the top and the bottom but not from the sides.

The trellise is not going to support anything really heavy.

After we completed welding one side, we flipped the trellise over and supported it on two

saw horses.

To give you a sense how welding looks like for the person operating the welding machine,

we tried to take a couple of shots through the helmet.

It looks a little bit odd but conveys a different perspective.

Slow motion and high dynamic range make welding look almost magical.

I hope you enjoy what you see.

I am probably over indulging here but I could watch this for hours.

With the aperture wide open, depth of field make the sparks appear quite peaceful.

After all the welding of the rings is done; it's time for another round of clean up with

the angle grinders.

Slow motion turns this into abstract art as well.

Alright enough with that.

We are basically done and just need to figure out how to mount the whole contraption.

We think that three legs made form square bar should be

sufficient to hold it.

What is left after that is to weld the legs onto a plate that can be fixed in some concrete.

Because the trellise is quite tall and the material very thin, it's not completely self


We are also welding on a bracket in the back that can be used to support the

trellise against a house wall.

That's it.

The trellise now just needs to be painted and then installed.

I hope you enjoyed what you saw and if you want to see more please subscribe to my channel.

Also many thanks for people who have joined me on Patreon.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Fabricating a Trellis: Many Rings Come Together - Duration: 8:39.


火力封鎖! 中國為何不遺餘力建造這一殺器, 西方: 已無力與其對抗 - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> 火力封鎖! 中國為何不遺餘力建造這一殺器, 西方: 已無力與其對抗 - Duration: 5:28.


Kellyanne Conway Is Still Super Pissed About Michelle Wolf's Jokes - Duration: 4:39.

Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the President of the United States is still super pissed

about the fact that Michelle Wolf made a joke about her at the Saturday evening White House

Correspondents' Dinner.

During a recent appearance on Sean Hannity's Fox News program, Kellyanne Conway went off

into this weird little diatribe about what happened Saturday night.

Take a look at the clip.

It's a little bit longer, but you got to watch it to the end, because this is really weird.

She opens a can of worms that I don't think she wanted to open.

Take a look at that.

Sean, in some ways, there was very little that was surprising on Saturday night, though.

The faux outrage from some people who look down at Twitter all day long and see the likes

of Sarah, and Ivanka, and me insulted, this just happened right in front of them where

they were all gussied up, so they couldn't deny it.

I mean, in some ways, it was just another day at the office.

They know that we're insulted [inaudible 00:00:58], but it doesn't make some people any less miserable

or us any less powerful and dutiful to the jobs that we have on behalf of the country

that we love.

I actually think both events Saturday night really helped President Trump.

First, he got to go to Michigan and tell ... he was in Washington, Michigan, touting-

So smart, yeah.

The economic progress of security, the historic nature of what's going on in Korea.

Then the event here in Washington helped him as well, because it fed right into all of

the cynicism, the skepticism, that a lot of Americans have about the mainstream media

writ large.

They have a 14% approval rating.

Let me ask you this.

Let me say something.

I spent tonight trying to find out how much Michelle Wolf was paid, and nobody will give

me a straight answer.

I called three people who were on the dais who actually picked up the phone.

No one will give me an answer.

Two said that they had no idea.

There aren't any kinds of [crosstalk 00:01:53] like that, no expenditures-

I'd like to know about the media's ... I'd like to know about anchors' and reporters'

financial holdings too, considering everyone cares about mine.

Well, no, but hold on.

But hold on.

The reason I say this is, we're told this is a scholarship dinner.

Yeah, she should pay for your entertainment, but I feel really badly for those students.

The president and the vice president met them at the White House.

They took pictures with them the other day.

I had occasion all throughout-


I'm running out of time.

[crosstalk 00:02:15] at different events to meet these scholarship winners.

I feel sorry for them, because they were almost an afterthought that night.

I don't want anybody to say this was about them.

This was about the First Amendment.

When the President of the White House Correspondents' Association stood up and said, "An attack

on one journalist is an attack on all journalists-"

You know what, Kellyanne?

You're absolutely right.

If an attack on one woman or two women, as you say, is an attack on all women, then let's

talk about attacks on women.

Specifically, let's talk about the attack from your boss, "I moved on her like a ****." How

does that play out, because that to me, sounds like an actual physical, sexual attack on

a woman.

How about "Grab 'em by the *****"? How does that play out when you're feigning outrage

over the fact that a female comedian made a joke about you?

There are real attacks on women happening in this country.

According to at least 19 different women right now, some of those attacks came from your

boss, unwanted sexual advances.

But you just want to gloss over those.

You've actually said that these women are just liars, that none of this is true.

But a comedian, somebody who was paid, and according to you, you can't find out how much,

but you damn sure want to know, she was paid to go up there and basically roast people.

She spent a good amount of time roasting the press as well.

But you, because it was on you personally for one joke, you can't handle it.

You're willing to overlook the allegations of sexual assault against the President of

the United States, but a female comedian making a joke about you, well, that's just crossing

a line, and something needs to happen here, right?

That's not how it works.

There are problems that women in this country face, and you've probably faced them too throughout

your career.

Those are the ones that need to be addressed, but you going after this woman for making

a couple jokes, which she was paid to do, if that's the biggest thing you have to be

outraged at, then I'm actually jealous of you, because I would love it if I had nothing

worse to worry about in my life than a comedian making a couple jokes about me.

For more infomation >> Kellyanne Conway Is Still Super Pissed About Michelle Wolf's Jokes - Duration: 4:39.


Ryan Reynolds on the Possibility of 'Deadpool 3': 'I Don't Know' - Duration: 2:58.

Ryan Reynolds on the Possibility of 'Deadpool 3': 'I Don't Know'

Ryan Reynolds is all smiles during a press conference for Deadpool 2 on Wednesday (May 2) in Seoul, South Korea.

The 41-year-old actor was asked recently if there would be a Deadpool 3.

"I don't know that there would be a Deadpool 3.

I really don't," Ryan told EW.

"I feel like the character, in order for him to function properly within his own universe, you need to take everything away from him.

I don't think that you can keep doing that.

I do see him as being a part of X-Force, obviously.

I would love to see him in a team-up sort of thing, like a mano a mano or a great female character from the X-Men universe.

I just think if you're going to do another Deadpool solo film, you've got to really, like, get that budget down to nothing and just swing for the fences, and break all kinds of weird barriers, and do stuff that no one else can do.".

For more infomation >> Ryan Reynolds on the Possibility of 'Deadpool 3': 'I Don't Know' - Duration: 2:58.


i caled tge boss babe - Duration: 1:51.

*Phone Ringing*

*Phone Ringing*

*Phone Ringing*

Hello? Is this Boss Baby?

Boss Baby do you hear me?

Yes, this is the Boss Baby.

Oh my God guys this is actually the Boss Baby.

Templeton, I need your help with a secret mission.

I'm not Templeton.

Oh, sorry.

I couldn't tell your voices apart.

There's no time to argue, though.

I need your help right now.

I was just calling to ask




I know where you live.


I know...


I know where you live.

Ok. What do you need me to help you with?


Baby Corp. is losing power because too many people are falling in love with other things...

like dogs,


and Darn Tyler on Youtube (subscribe)

We need to get rid of the enemy ASAP.

I am Darn Tyler.

A heat vent opens up below the surface of the ocean, releasing carbon monoxide and suffocating everyone on the planet.




I'm sorry.


*Call Ends*

*Phone Ringing*

*Phone Ringing*



*Fatal Gunshots*




For more infomation >> i caled tge boss babe - Duration: 1:51.


I Love Milford Bible Church Because... - Duration: 0:48.

I like Milford Bible Church for the friendships...

people that I've met...and...

the things that we do at church and outside of church...


...commaraderie? [laugh] I don't know if commaraderie is the right answer... [laugh]


...but I also love the Milford Bible Church...

whether it's Sunday School, preaching on Sundays...

...and the opportunities you have to fellowship with others.

For more infomation >> I Love Milford Bible Church Because... - Duration: 0:48.


I Tried A Personal Training Session - Duration: 6:05.

How are you feeling?

Not good! [laughs]

I'm going to be sore already.

I can feel it!

So, I'm sitting on my couch.

I just ate some chips, and I am going to a personal trainer in about an hour and a half

which I have never done before.

And I'm really nervous; I don't really know what to expect.

I have, like, no idea.

I'm not into fitness... at all.

So, that also makes me a little nervous.

Um, yeah, I guess we'll see what happens.


Okay, go. Nice, alright, grab a break.

Everything feels good though?


Right, there we're going up.

Deep breath out.

Awesome, let's go as many as you can for the first set.

Chest up!

There you go!

Oh, that's definitely the hardest one!

Yeah, we rarely use these muscles back here.

Yeah, it feels so unnatural to move that way for some reason!


Let's go, let's go, come on!


My left arm is so weak!

All good, all good.

Alright, grab a break.

Okay, so you're going to keep your legs straight, get a nice stretch back here, breathe out

into a plank and then get into a side plank if you can.

Five seconds, then switch.

Five seconds, and back up.

Should be no problem for you.

We'll see how it feels after the first round.

Breathe, breathe, breathe out.

Five seconds, then go, then five seconds.

In through your nose, out through your mouth, then switch!


Breathe, in through your nose, out through your mouth, let's go.

And awesome, and back up and back down.


So, just literally what it is: you're kind of squatting and breathing out.

That looks so much fun!

I don't know if I'm just angry as a person.

When do I throw it?

As you squat down.

You should get a nice rhythm going.

Breathe out as you throw.

The point of this is to get to your core.

So you'll feel it after a couple.

Three, let's go slam!

Two, let's go, let's go, boom, nice!

And done, awesome job today!

Nothing too bad?

Wasn't too bad?

No, not too bad.

Just been a long time.

It was good, it was really good.

That was fun.

Sweet, okay!

Thank you so much.

Yeah, no worries!

Feeling good?

Feeling good!

So, Shen, how long have you been a personal trainer?

Um, so right now it's approaching my third year now.

Oh, awesome!

But I've also been in this field almost since grade 8, so that's approaching almost 6-7 years

It's a huge passion of mine.

Just graduated from UVic and this was the little start-up idea I had.

I haven't been that sweaty in a long time! [laughs]

So, final verdict, would you come

back again?

Oh, totally!


It's like fun pain.

Okay, so it's been a few days now since I did my training session with Shen, and I'm

no longer sore which is really, really nice because for a while it was pretty iffy.

Looking back, I just really enjoyed it, and it made me feel more encouraged, I thought

it would make me feel less encouraged to start fitness again, but it actually has made me

want to get back into it a little bit.

And I would for sure go back without a doubt.

It was really fun, she's super nice, and she knows how to push you but not past your limit

so you're not ever uncomfortable.

She really works with you and your body which I super appreciated.

So, overall, really good experience and I would definitely do it again!

For more infomation >> I Tried A Personal Training Session - Duration: 6:05.


Tory Lanez x Bryson Tiller Type Beat ft. Lucas Coly - "Excuses" | Prod. By @Chad_G x KYO Beats - Duration: 4:06.

Tory Lanez x Bryson Tiller Type Beat - "Excuses" | Prod. By @Chad_G x KYO Beats

For more infomation >> Tory Lanez x Bryson Tiller Type Beat ft. Lucas Coly - "Excuses" | Prod. By @Chad_G x KYO Beats - Duration: 4:06.


戰火將在整個中東點燃?知名預言家:油價料觸150美元、金價恐飆至2000美元 - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> 戰火將在整個中東點燃?知名預言家:油價料觸150美元、金價恐飆至2000美元 - Duration: 7:18.


Hyundai Getz 1.3i GLS 5DRS - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.3i GLS 5DRS - Duration: 0:52.


SPLAT「Kirby Star Allies 💗 Ep4 & Splatoon 🦑」 - Duration: 2:25:32.

For more infomation >> SPLAT「Kirby Star Allies 💗 Ep4 & Splatoon 🦑」 - Duration: 2:25:32.


Honda Jazz 1.4i V-TEC Lifestyle - Panormadak - Trekhaak - Standkachel - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.4i V-TEC Lifestyle - Panormadak - Trekhaak - Standkachel - Duration: 0:55.


Honda Jazz 1.4i V-TEC Lifestyle - Panormadak - Trekhaak - Standkachel - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.4i V-TEC Lifestyle - Panormadak - Trekhaak - Standkachel - Duration: 0:55.


Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...

For more infomation >> Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...


Allergia In LIVE! Stampiamo con la GEEETECH E180... o forse no! - Duration: 34:48.


For more infomation >> Allergia In LIVE! Stampiamo con la GEEETECH E180... o forse no! - Duration: 34:48.


Claudia Leitte se muda para o EUA e detona os Brasileiros " Porcos Imundos, pior pais de todos" - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Claudia Leitte se muda para o EUA e detona os Brasileiros " Porcos Imundos, pior pais de todos" - Duration: 3:17.



[Holly] Twin sis? Poppy! Where are you? The Dragon Ball tournament starts in 20 minutes,

and look at my hair! It's a mess! You said you'd come back to the room and do it for me!

[Poppy] I'm so sorry, twin sis! Oh my gosh, you should see what's going on here at the Tower Hair Salon! It is fully booked,

standing room only! I just don't see how I can leave. I am so sorry! I have Apple,

Raven, and Briar here for Legacy Day, and then Blondie and Cupid and Cedar are

going to some kind of a - a birthday ball, and then from Monster High, we've got

several ghouls here because their friend Clawdeen Wolf's salon is closed because - I guess -

Clawdeen is babysitting tonight. And so I have Frankie and Draculaura, and

I have Spectra on the pedicure chair, and I'm trying to do Lagoona's hair...wait, that

rhymed! Oh, and Holly? There's even a Monster

movie star here. Her name's Elissabat, and she's kind of hiding in the corner.

[Holly] Okay, that's fine, Poppy. I will deal with it myself. I'll just flip my hair over and

comb it out. Okay, good luck! Bye!

[Doorbell rings] [Dizzy] Uh hi, I was wondering if you had any openings?

[Poppy] No, I'm so sorry. As you can see, I am just fully

booked today. I apologize! Come back another day?

[Dizzy] Oh, I meant, did you have any JOB openings?

[Poppy] Oh, you're looking for a job? Well, in that case, you are hired! When can

you start? Oh, and uh, what's your name?

[Dizzy] Oh, I'm Dizzy, daughter of Drizella, and I'm an expert at cut, color, and nails.

[Poppy] Wow, you are such a Grimmsend! Well, in that case, can you finish Spectra's pedicure over here?

[Dizzy] Sure! Here I go!

[Dizzy] Um, is it just me, or are your feet invisible?

[Spectra] Well, I AM the daughter of a ghost...

[Dizzy] Oh boy. This is gonna take a while.

[Dizzy] Wow, look at all these girls. How are we gonna get them all done?

[Dizzy] Um, Boss Poppy? I think we're gonna have to cheat, or at least take a shortcut.

[Poppy] What did you have in mind, Dizzy?

[Dizzy] Well, here's the plan. [Whispering]

[Jane] Hey Dizzy! I came as soon as you called. What's going on?

[Dizzy] Jane, I need your bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.

[Jane] Remember what happened when I bibbidi-bobbidi-boo'd Audrey? It was awful!

[Dizzy] Jane, please, I need your help.

[Jane] Okay, fine. I'll give it my best shot.

[Dizzy] Okay, these girls first.

[Jane] Bibbido bobbidi boo!

[Chorus of voices exclaims over their beautiful hair]

[Jane] Well, that turned out better than Audrey. Who's next?

[Dizzy] Spectra and Elissabat.

[Jane] So where are you two ghouls going?

[Elissabat] Um, ve are going somevere tropical for a ghouls' getavay.

[Jane] Okay, here goes. Wish me luck! Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!

[Spectra] Wow, this looks great! It even comes with a flower lei!

[Elissabat] Awesome! But what about me?

[Jane] Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!

[Eissabat] Vow! I am ready for a tropical wacation! Come on, Spectra. Let's go!

[Multiple voices saying goodbye]

[Dizzy] Thanks, Jane! I can take it from here.

[Dizzy] All right, Monster High ghouls! Everybody hold hands.

[Multiple voices asking if they're doing it right]

[Dizzy] Okay, Frankie. Zap 'em!

[Sounds of electricity arcing]

[Multiple voices exclaiming over how good their hair looks]

[Multiple voices chattering]

[Frankie] That was great, Dizzy, but what about me?

[Dizzy] Frankie, I'll turn you into a masterpiece.

[Frankie] Dizzy, you're a genius! I can't wait to show off my hair and makeup and dress.

[Poppy] Okay, Lagoona! It's time to check out your new 'do!

[Lagoona] Wow, Poppy! It's so much fuller than before! [Slow music plays]

[Lagoona] Thank you for working so hard on my hair, Poppy! I love it, and so will Gil!

[Poppy] Okay, finally Legacy Day girls! Dizzy and I are ready for you.

[Poppy] Well, Dizzy, I think we've outdone ourselves on these princesses.

[Briar] I royally love it!

[Apple] Me too! I feel like such a princess! Oh, I AM a princess!

[Raven] I've got to hand it to you, Poppy. Your new employee, Dizzy, is a genius!

[Dizzy] Really?Thank you so much!

[Raven, Apple, & Briar say goodbye and thank Poppy and Dizzy simultaneously] [Poppy and Dizzy flop down tiredly on the couch]

[Poppy] Well, Dizzy, I've got to hand it to you. You saved the day!

[Dizzy] Thanks, Boss Poppy! Do you mind if I take a nap?

[Poppy] [Big yawn] Oh sure, Dizzy! I think I'll take a nap too...



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