Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Youtube daily report May 22 2018

Today i have an awesome lesson to help you build your vocabulary,

because i'm going to tell you 20 great adjectives to describe yourself.

That's coming up.

In today's lesson, I'm going to talk to you about 20 amazing adjectives that you can use to describe people.

And these are really action words that stand out in a conversation.

Which, means, they are perfect for a job interview.

You can also use them in presentations, and you could use them on a resume as well.

These words really stand out and people notice these words.

They also happen to be 20 of my favorite adjectives.

So let's begin.

First adjective that i have for you is diligent.

And this is a great adjective because it really shows that you care

about your work, your duties, the things that you have to do, and that you are also a hard worker as well.

You are diligent.

Next is motivated.

It shows that you are determined to do something.

So if you're in the job interview, you could tell somebody that you are motivated to succeed.

You are motivated to finish the job. You are motivated to learn new things.

Another adjective that you could use instead of motivated, which is interchangeable, is driven.

You are driven, you are determined to do something as well.

So for example, I could say: I hope you are motivated to learn english with us.

Also, i hope you are driven to hit that like button if you enjoy learning new adjectives.

Another great adjective to use in a job interview is ambitious.

because this word just means that you have a strong motivation to succeed.

You don't just want to succeed. You really, really want to succeed.

... because you're ambitious.

Now, if we want to talk about our ability to work with others, we could use collaborative.

... because this just means involving two or more people working together to achieve a certain purpose.

So for example we could use it and talk about a collaborative effort.

Or maybe we'll have a collaborative meeting.

And of course we'd all want to work in a collaborative work environment.

One of my favorite adjectives because this describes me is punctual.

And punctual means arriving at the expected or correct time.

So if there's a meeting, it's important to be punctual so that you are always there on time and people aren't waiting on you.

Or maybe you have a deadline that you have to meet. You could say that you are always punctual and you finish things on time.

Next, we have efficient.

... and this just means working quickly and effectively in an organized way.

So in business, it's very important to be efficient.

Great word.

Another great adjective to describe yourself is detail-oriented.

And this just means someone who pays close attention to the details.

And jobs that I think this would apply to somebody who is a doctor.

They should be detail-oriented.

An architect, an accountant (you're working with numbers). You need to be detail-oriented

One of my favorite adjectives: personable.

And this is just talking about somebody's manner, their appearance,

somebody who is easy to approach and easy to talk to.

They're very personable.

They're great communicators, and they enjoy talking to other people, meeting other people.

We all want to work with people who are personable.

A wonderful adjective to describe someone's energy is enthusiastic.

... and this just means showing a lot of excitement and interest in something.

that you are enthusiastic about the work that you do.

Another important adjective is adaptable.

And this is just talking about your ability to easily change depending on the condition or situation.

Instead of adaptable you could also use flexible. Same meaning: you're adaptable, you're flexible, you can easily change.

If you'd like to really impress people, a great adjective to do that is innovative.

because if you are innovative, that means that you are able to create new methods

and come up with original ideas to solve a variety of problems.

You are innovative.

Another adjective that I like to think describes me is organized.

And this means that you have arranged things in a systematic way that makes sense.

So if you're talking about your workspace, you want it to be organized.

Or your schedule: you should have an organized schedule.

Or maybe you're discussing different projects that you're going to do. You should be organized.

Another great adjective, especially in a job interview, is experienced.

And if you are experienced that means that you have a lot of knowledge and information about something.

Perhaps you've worked in the industry for a long time.

Maybe you have family history in this business, or you just grew up practicing this skill or ability.

You are someone who is experienced.

Next is methodical.

And this means doing things according to an established procedure.

And you're basically putting a lot of thought into every step that you're taking.

You are being methodical.

Another great adjective, which I think is very very very common, is responsible.

And this just means that you have to answer for something that you have control over.

You are responsible for something.

So you can think: how are you responsible?

What is something you have control over and you have to answer for that?

You have to make sure that it gets done, and that everything is right.

You must be responsible.

Another very common adjective is reliable.

And this just means that you can be trusted to get the job done.

They can count on you because you are reliable.

and businesses - they are always looking for reliable people.

Next is insightful.

And if somebody is insightful that just means they're showing a deep understanding of something,

and because they have a deep understanding of it, they can really express their their thoughts and opinions really well;

and give insight because they're insightful.

Now if you want to use an adjective to describe your speaking ability, you could say that you are articulate.

And this just means that you can speak intelligently, and you are good at expressing yourself,

easy to understand, and you can explain things very well.

You are articulate.

And it's very important to be articulate during presentations, in meetings, and job interviews.

Another one of my favorite adjectives is resourceful.

And if somebody is resourceful that just means that they are skilled at making Decisions and working on their own,

and that they can easily overcome any problems that they may encounter - because they're resourceful.

Finally, we have proactive.

And this is a great adjective because it's talking about somebody who takes action to control a situation,

instead of just reacting to it.

So if somebody's proactive, they go ahead and they make a decision,

and they take control of the situation in order to solve the problem.

So now, let's practice using some of these adjectives, and we're going to pretend like we're in a job interview.

So, I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer using some of these adjectives.

And I want you to try and speak.

So you can pause the video as you give your answer.

My question for you is simple:

How would you describe yourself?

Now, if you were a little too shy to speak, that's okay.

I want you also to write it in the comments below.

Practice using these adjectives and tell me:

Why are you resourceful? Why are you proactive?

Why are you responsible?

This is great practice for the next time you are in a job interview,

or even if you're just describing yourself to somebody else.

I hope that you learned some new adjectives today,

and you'll be a little better prepared the next time that you go in for your job interview.

Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> 20 Amazing Adjectives to Describe Yourself in a Job Interview - Duration: 10:29.


Creatividad para los más pequeños. ¡Despierta su imaginación! - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Creatividad para los más pequeños. ¡Despierta su imaginación! - Duration: 0:31.


Popular Animated Kids Series | MAD (பைத்தியம்) – Big Block – Episode 21 | Shemaroo Kids Tamil - Duration: 2:18.

Have you ever been so angry you could stomp your feet

Have you ever been so mad you get tears

Have you ever been so angry that your head gets hot

Feels like steam's coming out of your ears?

Well everybody out there feels that way now and then

Everybody out there gets mad

Here's a little trick I think might help you feel better

You might not end up feeling so bad

Breath out, Breath in, take some time, count to ten

Now you're ready to begin

To cool it down

Think about it

Now you've cooled down, it might be easier to think

Think about it

Things might not be so bad

Talk about it

Talking about it might make you feel better

You might not end up feeling so mad

It's hard not to be angry when you break your favourite thing

It's tough when you spill stuff too

For those times when it feels like everything is going wrong

Feels like it's just raining on you


Well here's what you can do

Breath out, Breath in, take some time, count to ten

Now you're ready to begin

To cool it down

Now you're ready to begin

To cool it down

For more infomation >> Popular Animated Kids Series | MAD (பைத்தியம்) – Big Block – Episode 21 | Shemaroo Kids Tamil - Duration: 2:18.


Por Amar sin Ley | Leticia recibe un duro golpe a su orgullo - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Por Amar sin Ley | Leticia recibe un duro golpe a su orgullo - Duration: 1:18.


Comment avoir confiance en mon avenir? [2 conseils] - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Comment avoir confiance en mon avenir? [2 conseils] - Duration: 6:54.


Pharrell type beat

For more infomation >> Pharrell type beat


That Stinks - Cleaning Supplies That Smell Bad - Duration: 4:09.

How do you know if something stinks?

We're going to talk about that today.

Hi there. I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,

and I get to help you find an answer,

and today's show is brought to you by HouseCleaning360.com

Now, if you go outside this summer, and you notice that the shutters on the side of your

house have faded due to sun damage, and the edging around the side of the door, the door

frame and the rim around the outer window need to be repainted, you can find somebody

that will come to your house, and they will repaint those on HouseCleaning360.com

There are interior and exterior painters that will give the inside and the outside of your

house a brand new look.

So, if you need a fresh coat of paint this year because spring is here, and along with

spring brings all kinds of freshness, you can find that person on HouseCleaning360.com

On to today's question which is from a house cleaner who has this question.

"Hi Angela.

My name is Brittany, and I was just wondering what makes you qualified to give your opinion

on the smell of vinegar. Thanks."

Angela Brown: All right, now I was unclear by this question whether you meant,

if I was qualified to give you my opinion on the smell of vinegar,

or if you meant people in general.

So let's address the question about people in general.

How do you know if something stinks?

Well, if you're at a customer's house, and you're using vinegar, and they say,

"That stinks."

Then guess what?

I got news for you.

It stinks.

It may not stink to you, but if it stinks to the customer, and that's not the smell

they want in their house, you've got to find a different chemical or a different something

you're going to use in order to clean their house.

Now, if you get a group of Thieves distributors in a room, and you say that Thieves which

is a cleaning product.

It's an all-purpose cleaner, and you say that it stinks.

They will attack you like vultures.

Like, "Oh my product doesn't stink."

But it's subjective.

Everybody has smells that they love and smells that they hate,

and so you have to make a

really clear distinction when you go to a customer's house that what you're cleaning

with is not something that repels them.

Now, there was one woman who loved Pine Sol, so we used Pine Sol in her house.

Another woman said that it was very antiseptic, and she didn't want that smell in her house at all.

And so you have to ask each customer, and sometimes I wouldn't ask.

I mean, but if you're using something, and the customer's like, "Ugh what is that?

That stinks."

Well then it stinks to them, so don't use it.

But what qualifies somebody to say that something stinks is their own personal opinion.

There are no tests that you take.

There are no standards in the industry about something that smells nice and something that

doesn't smell nice.

There are scents that are more accepted than others.

Like citrus is more accepted than other smells.

Like sage, for example.

Or, maybe you have lavender.

Lavender is a scent that is accepted more than maybe something like cloves.

So it just really depends on personal preference.

Now, it's like saying, how do you know something tastes good.

To somebody, something tastes delicious.

There are other people that are like, "blah, I'm not having that."

So it's all personal preference.

So if you're having a house cleaning business, and you're choosing products and some are

strong in scent, be prepared for a customer to say, "Not doing that.

That just doesn't work me."

"All right.

It doesn't work for you.

What would you prefer we use in its place?"

And then you can find ... And the good news about cleaning products is there are a lot

of varieties that are similar that will do similar things, so you find a quick replacement,

and you move on, and you think nothing more of it, and you make a note on the customer's

page, and you just say, when I come back, don't use vinegar.

The end. It's simple. We don't spend a lot of time dwelling on it.

If a customer thinks vinegar stinks, it stinks.

All right.

That's my two cents for today, and until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> That Stinks - Cleaning Supplies That Smell Bad - Duration: 4:09.


Đại ca Hà đứng ra che chở Công Đen xử Dung Bống và Việt kent |tin tức giang hồ| tv bodoi - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Đại ca Hà đứng ra che chở Công Đen xử Dung Bống và Việt kent |tin tức giang hồ| tv bodoi - Duration: 10:16.


Therm-a-Rest Prezentuje: Prawo Bernoulliego w Działaniu - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Therm-a-Rest Prezentuje: Prawo Bernoulliego w Działaniu - Duration: 1:21.


독전 후기 리뷰 _ 강한 캐릭터들의 조합 - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> 독전 후기 리뷰 _ 강한 캐릭터들의 조합 - Duration: 8:23.


Top 12 Bản Nhạc EDM 8D China Huyền Ảo | Nhạc Điện Tử Gây Nghiện Hay Nhất | ZIN - Duration: 46:51.

For more infomation >> Top 12 Bản Nhạc EDM 8D China Huyền Ảo | Nhạc Điện Tử Gây Nghiện Hay Nhất | ZIN - Duration: 46:51.


GHALI - HABIBI (PARODIA IN CATANESE) Roby De Marzi - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> GHALI - HABIBI (PARODIA IN CATANESE) Roby De Marzi - Duration: 3:14.


✔️Nâng Được Thì Buông Được | Trần Ngọc Ánh - The Voice | Lyrics ~ Replay 1H | Minion Cover - Duration: 1:01:59.

For more infomation >> ✔️Nâng Được Thì Buông Được | Trần Ngọc Ánh - The Voice | Lyrics ~ Replay 1H | Minion Cover - Duration: 1:01:59.


Cała ślubna sesja Meghan Markle i księcia Harry'ego. Oficjalne zdjęcia [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 4:25.

Cała ślubna sesja Meghan Markle i księcia Harry'ego. Oficjalne zdjęcia

Cała ślubna sesja Meghan Markle i księcia Harryego.

Na te zdjęcia świat czekał z zapartym tchem.

Właśnie do internetu trafiła cała ślubna sesja Meghan Markle i księcia Harryego, której autorem jest fotograf polskiego pochodzenia – Alexi Lubomirski.

Zdjęcia wykonano 19 maja, zaraz po ceremonii, która miała miejsce w kaplicy św.

Jerzego na zamku w Windsorze.

To był niesamowity honor móc towarzyszyć księciu i księżnej Sussex w ich miłosnej, pełnej nadziei i rodzinnej podróży.

Od sesji zaręczynowej, przez zdjęcia ze ślubu aż po rodzinne portrety w sobotę.

To był cudowny rozdział w mojej karierze i życiu, którego nigdy nie zapomnę – napisał autor zdjęć.

Rodzina królewska, w oficjalnym oświadczeniu dołączonym do rodzinnych portretów, podziękowała gościom, którzy wspierali młodą parę w tym szczególnym dniu:.

Książę i księżna Sussex chcieliby podziękować wszystkim, którzy wzięli udział w sobotnim weselu.

Są niesamowicie szczęśliwi, że mogli spędzić ten dzień ze wszystkimi zgromadzonymi w Windsorze oraz tymi, którzy byli przed telewizorami w UK, Zjednoczonych Narodach i reszcie świata – czytamy w oświadczeniu Kensington Palace.

Przypomnijmy, że Lubomirski jest także autorem pierwszej wspólnej sesji Meghan Markle i księcia Harryego, która powstała w grudniu 2017 roku, zaraz po zaręczynach pary.

Ślubne portrety rodzinne Meghan Markle i księcia HarryegoNa zdjęciach, oprócz Meghan w suknie Givenchy i Harryego w mundurze wojskowym kawalerii (Blues and Royals), możemy zobaczyć ich najbliższą rodzinę.

– księcia Karola z księżną Camillą, księżną Kate z księciem Williamem i ich dwójką dzieci – Georgeem i Charlotte, a także matkę Meghan Markle – Dorię Ragland.

Na historycznej fotografii uwieczniono także najmłodszych bohaterów, którzy 19 maja odegrali szczególne role podczas ślubu – druhen i drużbów.

W rolach druhen wystąpiły księżniczka Charlotte, chrześniaczki Meghan, Remy i Rylan Litt, córki chrzestne księcia Harry'ego, Florence van Cutsem oraz Zelia Warren i pociecha najlepszej przyjaciółki panny młodej, Ivy Mulroney.

W rolę paziów wcielili się książę George, który podobną rolę pełnił w 2017 roku na ślubie Pippy Middleton, a także dwóch synów panny Mulroney – John i Brian oraz chrześniak księcia Harry'ego – Jasper Dyer.

Rozczarowanie? Oto, co było w torbach dla gości od Meghan Markle i księcia Harryego.

For more infomation >> Cała ślubna sesja Meghan Markle i księcia Harry'ego. Oficjalne zdjęcia [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 4:25.


Książę George mistrzem drugiego planu na oficjalnym ślubnym zdjęciu Meghan i Harry'ego! - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Książę George mistrzem drugiego planu na oficjalnym ślubnym zdjęciu Meghan i Harry'ego! - Duration: 3:57.





Goście Harry'ego i Meghan Markle stanęli jak wryci na jej widok!... - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Goście Harry'ego i Meghan Markle stanęli jak wryci na jej widok!... - Duration: 5:25.


Improve your Vocabulary: Stop saying VERY! - Duration: 20:06.

"Getting from here to there, it's been a long while."

Oh, hi.

My time is finally here.

James from engVid.

I can't believe this, this is like the Mirror Universe.

If you watch Star Trek, you'll understand; if not, go watch Mirror Universe with Star


I have two, look at them, I have two Mr. Es.

In the first one Mr. E is hot, and the first one Mr. E is cold.

Let's go to the board.

E, what's up?

"It's very hot.

35 degrees centigrade."

You're right.

I see you're wearing your Bermuda shorts.

And the second E is saying he's very cold: "It's minus 30 degrees centigrade."

Ow, this isn't good.

I feel for you.

But don't you think there are better ways to say it's very hot or it's very cold?

I think so, and in today's lesson I'm going to teach some of you...

Not some of you.

I'm going to teach all of you how to get rid of the word "very" to describe everything,

and use other words which give more information, which will make you sound more like a native

speaker and make your writing phenomenal.

Oh, "phenomenal"?

That's a word for "very good".

Are you ready?

Let's go to the board.

So, today's lesson is on "very".

"Very" is a very good word, that's why we use it, but when you're writing, to hear somebody

say: "Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very" is what we call monotonous, it

means "mono" as one, "tonous", one tone, one sound - very boring.

So let's change that from you being...

You know, using "very" because I teach and I notice a lot of students saying things,

like: "Teacher, today it's very cold outside."

I'm like: -"Yeah, it is."

-"And I'm very tired and very hungry."

I'm like: "Okay, okay."

It's like being punched in the face again and again, and I just want to say: "Stop with

the 'very'.

Use a different word."

But it's not fair because "very" is a very good word-there, I did it again-we just need

to find other words to make your language sound richer to improve it so you sound more

like a native English speaker, and to make it more interesting for you because it will

express more of who you are and your ideas in a better way.

It makes you unique.

You ready?

Let's go to the board.

You'll notice I put "very" in red because this is something we don't want to do, we

don't want to keep saying: "very".

We want to change that up.

And I'm going to give you a list of words that people or students usually say when they

say "very" that I've heard many, many times.

And maybe you've done this.

And today I'm going to give you singular words to use instead.

I'll explain them, just in case they're difficult.

Let's start with the first one.

People say: "Very rude", instead of saying that, you can say: "vulgar".

"Vulgar" means very rude, and if somebody says to me: "Your language is vulgar", I'll

probably stop talking because it means it's not right, it's inappropriate, it's very bad.


"I don't like your vulgar tone", your rude tone.

It's strong.

"Very short", another word we say is "brief", which means small.

We had a very brief...

We had a very brief conversation, a very short conversation.



When you say: "Class was very boring today", you can say: "dull".

"Dull" means very boring.

It also means... See?

Here's a bonus when you use these words, stupid.

If you say someone is dull, you can say they're very boring, or dull meaning they're stupid.

Don't use it like that too often; people don't like being called stupid.

And if you say: "He's rather dull, isn't he?"

I have to listen for context to mean stupid or boring.

Next one, everybody's favourite: "Very good".

"Teacher, the food is very good.

The lesson is very good.

I like this, it's very good."

Why don't we change that to the word "superb"?

Look carefully at the word "superb", you have the word "super" written inside it.

"Super" means what?

Above average, excellent, or superb, very good.

"The food was superb."

People don't usually use this word, so if you tell me when I cook for you that it's

superb, I'm telling you right now I will take that as such an amazing compliment.

Gentlemen, if you tell a woman she looks superb, she'll be like: "Thank you.


Because no one says it.

All right?

"Freezing", you can say: "It's very cold outside", but in minus 35, it's freezing.

I can put meat outside and it will turn to ice, it's freezing, that's how cold it is.

And if you tell me it's freezing, I'm going to get a jacket and another coat, and a hat,

and a scarf because I know it's very, very cold.

You don't have to say: "It's very, very cold today."

Say: "It's freezing."

Next, here's a nice word, this is what we call a $10 word.



Even when you say it, there's: "Arr, arr".

When you're ravenous, you're not hungry.

If you walk into a restaurant and say: "I'm ravenous", they will get all the cooks together

and start cooking right away, immediately, knowing that they have to feed you because

you'll eat everything.

You can use this about l'amour, the love.

"I'm ravenous for l'amour.

I love it.

I'm hungry for it.

I want it desperately."

It's a great word.

You can be ravenous about reading, it means: "I want to eat it and take all of it."

Nice word, I like this word, even the: "Arr", it's so sexy.



In the morning when I get up I move very slowly, you know?

Like, real, word, if you're in Toronto the TTC is rather sluggish in the morning.

You know what I'm saying?

You're always late.

It means very slow.

But in the morning I'm usually sluggish, I'm moving slow, you know?

Slow, sluggish, like a slug, like a bug.


His sluggish reaction.

Slow reaction.

This one has an asterisk: "Very fast", when something's very fast.

I read many of your comments and it's like: "He speaks: 'Blah-blah-blah-blah'.

He speaks so quickly, so rapidly.

I don't understand anything."

Yes, James is a rapid speaker.

I speak very quickly or I speak very fast.

They moved quickly or you say they moved at a rapid pace, very quickly, very fast.

So, instead of saying: "Very quickly, very fast", you can use the word: "rapid" or "rapidly".



You can say: "rapidly".


I told you I'm going to give you lots of information so you can really change up your vocabulary

and sound amazing.

Sound superb.

When you're tired, you're coming home from work, you can say: "I'm so tired.

I'm very, very tired.

I'm always very tired."

Use the word "exhausted".

That means done, finished, totalled, toast, no more.

I'm exhausted.


It means you want to go to sleep now.

Or if you're exhausted of this conversation, then no more, I can't do any more, I'm done,

it's over.

"Poor", a lot of people like to use the word "poor".

Most native speakers don't even use the word I'm going to teach you because it's so strong.

If you say: "I'm very poor" it means I have no money.

If I'm destitute, you live on the street, my friend, you eat with the rats.


You and the rats share Kentucky Fried Chicken out of garbage at night.

All right?

I'm just saying.

But if you say: "I'm destitute", it means: "I'm very poor."

You want to remember this word for the next time your English friend says: -"Hey, Jimmy.

Can I borrow 5 dollars?"

-"Sorry, dude.

I'm destitute."

He will give you 5 dollars and be like: "I didn't know it was so bad.

You're so poor, you're destitute?"

It means my house is...

I live on the street.

My house, I have nothing.

I'm destitute.

After the divorce, most people are destitute.

Don't get divorced.

Okay, next.

"Rich", "very rich".

I know, students love to: "I'm studying English because one day I hope to be very, very rich.

I'm telling you I'm going to be rich.

You know?

I'm going to be very rich."

And I go: "You want to be rich?

I want to be wealthy."

And they say: "Teacher, what's the difference?

'Very rich' means I have everything."

So I say: "Okay, so, you know Michael Jordan?"

They go: "Yes, yes, he's a very rich man", I go: -"Yeah, he's very rich."

-"They pay him millions of dollars."

I go: "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

I say: "I want to be the man who pays Michael Jordan -- that guy's wealthy."

Sudden silence, and then their vocabulary changes instantly: "I would like to be wealthy,

yes, I think it would be superb to be wealthy.

In fact, I'm looking for a rapid change in my environment so I can become wealthy."

I go: "Oh, you understand."

Change your vocabulary, change your brain, change your life.


Okay, anyway, before I go on that, I don't want to become dull going over the same points

again and again.

I'm going to try to keep it brief, okay?

Ah, I do want to talk about one difference here, that's why I have it.

We talked about hot, "scalding" and "scorching", they're not quite the same.

These both mean very hot, but usually we use "scolding" for liquids, like water.


The water is scolding, it will burn you it's so hot.

And we say "scorching" for hot for heat like the summer sun.

So you say, if the water...

If the coffee is scolding, it will burn you because it's a liquid; but it's scorching

outside, it's hot from the fire or the sun.

They're similar, it's just we use it a little differently.


You wouldn't probably say: "It's scolding outside."

People would go: "Huh?

Is there water that I'm going to step in?"

You go: "No, no, no.

It's scorching, very hot, 35 degrees.

But don't go and put your foot in the water, it's scolding.

It will burn you and send you to the hospital."


All right.

I'll see you in a second.


Okay, so if you're ready, I want you to pay attention.

Remember I taught you a lot of words, you know: "very happy", "very tired", and we're

going to see how well you understood it by two speeches that I have on the board.

And the first speech I'm going to read it to you and I want you to identify where I've

used "very" and another word together, like an adjective like "hot" or "cold", and tell

me where they are.

Because if you can't identify them, we can't fix them and use the new vocabulary.

You will probably also notice that the story seems or the speech seems very repetitive

as I keep saying "very, very", and why I said that, once we get rid of that word and use

other words, not only your writing because this is writing, but your vocabulary and speech

will seem much more natural and fluent.

Are you ready?

Let's go to the board.

Okay, so: "My name is Tiago."

By the way, Tiago is James in Brazil, so my Brazilian friends and the three Tiagos I've

met, how you doing?

Okay, so: "My name is Tiago.

I live in a very poor"...

Or, sorry.

"...a very poor part of Toronto.

I have to work long hours, so I am usually very tired.

My home has a very good view of the city, but my apartment is often very cold in the

winter and very hot in the summer.

I work hard so one day I will be very rich."

It's not a bad speech or story, but I would say that's about a grade 3 or grade 4, that's

children's classes in Canada.

You don't want to sound like that.

So why don't we add a few words, some seasoning, some masala?

Make it same thing, but now we'll sound much more interesting to the ear.

You'll notice you'll have to work a little harder with your vocabulary so you'll get

better at speech, and people will like what...

You know, like listening to you more.

Are you ready?

Now let's go to the board.

The first thing we're going to do is identify the parts that we want to change.

So, again, we go: "My name is Tiago", got it.

"I live in a very poor", see?

We have this and we did learn another word to say it for that.


What's the next one?

"I have to work long hours so I'm usually very tired", there's another one we want to


"My home has a very good view", oh, I think we've said two sentences and "very" three


Okay? "...but my apartment is often very cold in the winter and very hot"-there we go-"in

the summer.

And I work very hard because I..."

Or, sorry.

"I work hard because I want to be very rich."

That's a lot of them.

So, take a look and you can see how we use the word "very" a lot of times in a very small



Let's change it up now that we have identified what we want to change, and look for better


Well, I've taught you the better words, so why don't we just...?

Why don't we just put them in there?

You ready?

So the first part is: "My name is Tiago.

I live in a _________ poor part of Toronto."

What was the word we used for "very poor", almost homeless?

That's right: "destitute".

When you're destitute, you're very poor, so in this case: "I live in a very poor part

of Toronto".

"I have to work long hours, so I am usually _________..."

Another word for "very tired".

"Exhausted", that's right, I'm very tired, exhausted.

"My home has a _________ view of the city."

Do you know what my favourite...?

Well, my favourite hero is this guy here, the bat, but his best friend is who?

Ah, remember I told you, "superb"?

"Super" is in that word because it's super.

"A superb view of the city."

"...but my apartment is often _________ in the winter..."

What would it be in the winter?

Not "very cold"...

"freezing", it means very cold.

"...and in the summer _________..."

You have to be careful because I taught you two words, remember?

Both start with S. Which one would it be?

Not "scolding", but "scorching".

Scorching hot, scorching.

And finally, do you remember I told you the story about Michael Jordan and the man who

pays Michael Jordan, or the woman?

Oprah's rich, she can pay him, too.

I don't want to be a rich man, I want to be a wealthy man.

Now, if you look at the story now...

Let's read it.

"My name is Tiago.

I live in a destitute part of Toronto.

I have to work long hours, so I am usually exhausted.

My home has a superb view of the city, but my apartment is often freezing in the winter

and scorching in the summer.

I work hard because one day I want to be a wealthy man."

Sounds a little better, doesn't it?

Yeah, I thought so.


So, you...

You know me, I'm not doing this for free.

I have a bonus for you.

I'll teach you the bonus, but you notice that we can change the statement and make it much

more interesting, okay?

You're going to work your tongue to work on better pronunciation and vocabulary, saying

words like: "superb", "destitute", okay?

Much better than: "very", "very".

But as a bonus because I like you so much, I'm going to go through another five words.

Now, I call these level two words.

And you're saying: "Level two, what?"

Well, level two because these are words Canadians don't even use a lot of the time, so when

you pull out this word, let's say you're speaking like this, see?

And you say: "I'm rather jubilant about this situation", people will go: "What the hell?"

like that.

"You know, I'm very happy about what's going on here.

How are you feeling about it, huh?"

You know?

"I see you seem very anxious about what's going to go on, but don't worry, I'm rather


Could you please get me a beer?"

They're going to go: "Whoa.

Where's this person coming from, so educated, so eloquent?"

This will be you, so let's go to level two.

"Jubilant" means very happy.

If you're feeling jubilant, you're very happy.

I'm telling you right now: 90% of Canadians don't use this word at all.

They know it, but they don't use it.

How about you?

When you're very nervous, you're very nervous, you say: "anxious".

It means I'm waiting for something to happen and I feel very strongly about it in a nervous


"Parched", it's a nice word, use it at a bar.

You get points for that one.

"I'm rather parched", very thirsty.

The earth can be parched, and when you see the earth is parched there's usually holes

or cracks in the ground, it means it needs water.

You know where you put your flowers, and it's like cracks?

You say the water...

The earth is parched, it means it's extremely thirsty.

So, trust me, when you go to the bar and say: "parched", they'll get you drinks right away.

"Squalid", this means very dirty.

And believe me, if an English person walks in your house and says: "Your house is squalid"...

Let me rephrase that.

If an English person says your house is squalid, they will not walk in your house.

They might call people to come and take you out and take down the building.


So when you say that, someone might cry, you're like: "Your place is squalid and you live

in a destitute fashion."

I mean that's going to make me cry, because that's worse than saying bad words, trust



And if you...

If you have kids you can use this or if you're an employer at work, or you know, anyone's

getting on your nerves, you can say: "I need this place spotless before you go."

That's not just clean, that means nothing exists in that area; there's not germs, nothing.


Do you understand me?

Very strong.

All right?

So these are your bonus level two words, save them, put them in your back pocket for when

you have to correct some English speaker.


Show them you do speak English and you know it well.

Of course we have homework.

So, before you go, I want you to do this, I want you to think of five other "very" collocations,

because this is collocations, words that go with "very" that you use, and I want you to

share them on engVid.

Do you say: "very cheap", do you say: "very..."?

I don't know.

I don't know what you say, that's the whole point.

After you do the quiz there's usually comments, go there, leave a comment and say: "I use

these ones", and see what other people say, maybe they have another word that can help

you improve your English or maybe you'll surprise people, and maybe even someone like myself

will stop by and go: "Whoa, you can't say that.

You have to say that" or: "That's not even English."

Community is a good thing.

Anyway, I got to go.

I need you to subscribe, there's something around here, the "Subscribe" button, press


A bell should come up.

You know, a little bell?

Like Taco Bell.

Just ding that bell and you'll get the latest and greatest that comes out from engVid from

myself and other teachers.

You won't have to worry, it'll come on your cellphone, or your laptop, or what have you.

Anyway, you have a good one.

I have probably given you something to be jubulous about.


Jubilant about, and I'll see you soon.

Thanks a lot.

For more infomation >> Improve your Vocabulary: Stop saying VERY! - Duration: 20:06.




Katarzyna Cichopek (35 l. ) i Marcin Hakiel (34 l. ) w ubiegły weekend świętowali Pierwszą Komunię Świętą swojego syna Adasia (9 l.

Aktorka pochwaliła się tym ważnym dniem na swoim profilu w mediach społecznościowych.

Para zakochała się w sobie, kiedy celebrytka przyszła do programu Taniec z gwiazdami w 2005 roku, a Marcin został jej tanecznym partnerem.

Na sali treningowej spędzali razem wiele godzin i tak między nimi narodziła się miłość.

Od tego momentu zdążyli wziąć ślub, a na świat przyszła dwójka ich dzieci: Adam (9 l. ) i Helenka (5 l.

Małżonkowie przetrwali już jeden poważny kryzys w swoim związku i wygląda na to, że obecnie nic nie jest w stanie ich rozdzielić.

Zwłaszcza, że w ich życiu nie brakuje momentów, które zdecydowanie scalają rodzinę.

Tak było właśnie tym razem, gdy do Pierwszej Komunii Świętej przystąpił Adam.

To było wielkie wydarzenie dla Kasi i Marcina.

Gwiazda nie ukrywała tego przed fanami, wręcz przeciwnie, pochwaliła się tym wydarzeniem na swoim profilu.

Pokazała piękny niebiesko-biały tort, a także to, jak wyglądali tego wyjątkowego dnia z mężem.

Dziś nasz Syn przyjął Pierwszą Komunię.

To był dla nas przepiękny, duchowy dzień, w gronie rodziny - napisała wzruszona aktorka.

Fanki były wprost zachwyconą sukienką, jaką wybrała na tę okazję celebrytka.



Ślub Pawła i Katii w 1374 odcinku M jak miłość. Co grozi Zduńskiemu? - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Ślub Pawła i Katii w 1374 odcinku M jak miłość. Co grozi Zduńskiemu? - Duration: 3:29.


5 balsami fai-da-te per i capelli - Italy 365 - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> 5 balsami fai-da-te per i capelli - Italy 365 - Duration: 7:49.


SÀI GÒN MÙA MƯA nghề LAO ĐỘNG PHỔ THÔNG MƯU SINH kiếm sống 2018 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 25:26.

For more infomation >> SÀI GÒN MÙA MƯA nghề LAO ĐỘNG PHỔ THÔNG MƯU SINH kiếm sống 2018 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 25:26.


Episode 16 where I fall in love with Enoshima, part 1 - Duration: 6:23.

so I figure out that I always forget to introduce myself

and hey I hope you have a nice day

Alisa I hear today from Enoshima

really beautiful place do you run away from Tokyo

It's just about one hour from Tokyo. You can see it's incredibly beautiful

and it has not only this amazing see

also some sea sports

like there are surfers over there, Yacht Club

there are a lot of very beautiful restaurants and food

and there's a spa resort over there

and I'm not allowed to go there because of the tattoos

so, please, be advised

let's spend the day together

Enoshima is really famous for its fresh seafood

and this is a shirasu

Shi-Ra-Su is like 1cm long baby fish

and usually it's served fresh on the rice

and this is my first time trying this

sorry little fish I'm so sorry you died for me

hmm it's really delicious because of the soy

sauce and the ginger

it's delicious

this is the best place

the charred place

so we actually entered absolute random restaurant here on this main shopping

street and we will have donburi with sashimi with shirasu fish

and some other seafood

it's usually served on top of rice

and I'm really excited of having this

going for miso first of all

one tiny baby I don't know what it is

I think it's fish cake

well miso is always very tasty

I really want to go for this one

the rice is really warm

and the seafood is raw and fresh

I have a dollop of grated ginger

wasabi, tuna, what is it

octopus, shrimp and fish

I really wanna try tuna

Before coming to japan i didn't realize that draw fish has really

beautiful, subtle taste

and different fish has different taste and for me it is so magical

looks like mackerel

dissolving in the mouth

I'm in love

looks like delicious see Mountain

you should try it

the streets here aligned with historic buildings and traditional shops and

walking around the area feels like being in a different era

Enoshima boasts some of the closest bitches to Tokyo

but that's not the only enticing factor

Enoshima has got a little bit of everything

parks, shrines, aquarium, local restaurants and even caves

making it in the perfect all-in-one vacation spot

For more infomation >> Episode 16 where I fall in love with Enoshima, part 1 - Duration: 6:23.


杜特爾特:中俄很慷慨,但是與之結盟卻萬萬不能 - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> 杜特爾特:中俄很慷慨,但是與之結盟卻萬萬不能 - Duration: 4:03.


好消息發展中國家把人民幣當成救世主,被抬進該國貨幣結算體系 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 好消息發展中國家把人民幣當成救世主,被抬進該國貨幣結算體系 - Duration: 5:02.


★ Solavana Bio Garten Teil I | solavana.eu ★ - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> ★ Solavana Bio Garten Teil I | solavana.eu ★ - Duration: 4:18.


中國在南海島礁起降轟-6K被指加劇緊張 外交部回應 - Duration: 17:31.

For more infomation >> 中國在南海島礁起降轟-6K被指加劇緊張 外交部回應 - Duration: 17:31.


微軟發布辦公室巨屏神器,這才叫真正的生產力工具啊! - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> 微軟發布辦公室巨屏神器,這才叫真正的生產力工具啊! - Duration: 8:32.


김현지, 자*살 이유는 우울증! 진실을 밝혀! 불우한 인생을 살았던. - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> 김현지, 자*살 이유는 우울증! 진실을 밝혀! 불우한 인생을 살았던. - Duration: 6:20.


That Stinks - Cleaning Supplies That Smell Bad - Duration: 4:09.

How do you know if something stinks?

We're going to talk about that today.

Hi there. I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,

and I get to help you find an answer,

and today's show is brought to you by HouseCleaning360.com

Now, if you go outside this summer, and you notice that the shutters on the side of your

house have faded due to sun damage, and the edging around the side of the door, the door

frame and the rim around the outer window need to be repainted, you can find somebody

that will come to your house, and they will repaint those on HouseCleaning360.com

There are interior and exterior painters that will give the inside and the outside of your

house a brand new look.

So, if you need a fresh coat of paint this year because spring is here, and along with

spring brings all kinds of freshness, you can find that person on HouseCleaning360.com

On to today's question which is from a house cleaner who has this question.

"Hi Angela.

My name is Brittany, and I was just wondering what makes you qualified to give your opinion

on the smell of vinegar. Thanks."

Angela Brown: All right, now I was unclear by this question whether you meant,

if I was qualified to give you my opinion on the smell of vinegar,

or if you meant people in general.

So let's address the question about people in general.

How do you know if something stinks?

Well, if you're at a customer's house, and you're using vinegar, and they say,

"That stinks."

Then guess what?

I got news for you.

It stinks.

It may not stink to you, but if it stinks to the customer, and that's not the smell

they want in their house, you've got to find a different chemical or a different something

you're going to use in order to clean their house.

Now, if you get a group of Thieves distributors in a room, and you say that Thieves which

is a cleaning product.

It's an all-purpose cleaner, and you say that it stinks.

They will attack you like vultures.

Like, "Oh my product doesn't stink."

But it's subjective.

Everybody has smells that they love and smells that they hate,

and so you have to make a

really clear distinction when you go to a customer's house that what you're cleaning

with is not something that repels them.

Now, there was one woman who loved Pine Sol, so we used Pine Sol in her house.

Another woman said that it was very antiseptic, and she didn't want that smell in her house at all.

And so you have to ask each customer, and sometimes I wouldn't ask.

I mean, but if you're using something, and the customer's like, "Ugh what is that?

That stinks."

Well then it stinks to them, so don't use it.

But what qualifies somebody to say that something stinks is their own personal opinion.

There are no tests that you take.

There are no standards in the industry about something that smells nice and something that

doesn't smell nice.

There are scents that are more accepted than others.

Like citrus is more accepted than other smells.

Like sage, for example.

Or, maybe you have lavender.

Lavender is a scent that is accepted more than maybe something like cloves.

So it just really depends on personal preference.

Now, it's like saying, how do you know something tastes good.

To somebody, something tastes delicious.

There are other people that are like, "blah, I'm not having that."

So it's all personal preference.

So if you're having a house cleaning business, and you're choosing products and some are

strong in scent, be prepared for a customer to say, "Not doing that.

That just doesn't work me."

"All right.

It doesn't work for you.

What would you prefer we use in its place?"

And then you can find ... And the good news about cleaning products is there are a lot

of varieties that are similar that will do similar things, so you find a quick replacement,

and you move on, and you think nothing more of it, and you make a note on the customer's

page, and you just say, when I come back, don't use vinegar.

The end. It's simple. We don't spend a lot of time dwelling on it.

If a customer thinks vinegar stinks, it stinks.

All right.

That's my two cents for today, and until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> That Stinks - Cleaning Supplies That Smell Bad - Duration: 4:09.


Safety Razor Storage Cases-Protect Your Razor! - Duration: 5:02.

What's up Gents? I'm Geofatboy for ShaveNation.com All right I've got my

Dopp case here. This is a nice big Dopp case two zippered compartments as you

can see and a hook for easy carrying. By the way it's a Shave Nation Dopp case but what's

in here I want to show you a few different options for carrying your

safety razor safely so you don't cut your fingers and damage your razor that

sort of thing so let me get everything out of here, quite a few things in here

this thing holds a lot. All right put that off to the side. Okay we'll start

with this, this is a Parker saddle leather type zip razor case, nice zipper

goes all the way around it and this is pretty substantial this will hold just

about any size safety razor this is the Merkur futur and a package of Derby

blades right here. It'll snap down you don't really even need the snap because

it holds it pretty securely but just an added feature. Nice soft back lining so

it won't scratch the razor there's a good look at it.

Zip that back up so a little bit large will take up some space in your Dopp kit

but it does a great job. It's got a nice pebble grain leather finish. All right

next up here is a Shave Nation zip case it's a little bit smaller more

rectangular, logo on the front and it will hold one razor as you can see right

there and a package of blades with a felt lining in the back nice and soft so

it won't scratch anything. So that's another option. All right next up if you

want to go a little bit smaller, you got this which is a Waterfield case and

this is holding a MerkurHD 34 C. So this will hold just the razor I don't

even think you can squeeze a pack of blades in there. Here's an Edwin Jagger

DE89, let's see if that fits, that fits no problem which is nice so zip that back

up there's a look at that Waterfield case, a bit smaller takes up less room in

your Dopp kit. Then you can go to this type of a case which is a snap case it's

got nice white stitching around it and this will hold your razor

DE89 no problem holds it and then snap it down nice and easy takes up very

little room in your Dopp case. Now we'll get to one of my favorite minimalist if

you're into that type of thing or just think like things on the smaller

side. You have this is just I call it a leather head cover but kind of reminds

me of golf clubs you put your golf club in the head cover to keep it from being

scratched. This is a safety razor head cover it's got a circle and a slot white

stitching. All you do is insert your head right into that leather sheath, push

it down so the handle protrudes from the center like so, and you're good to go!

Takes up very little space in your Dopp kit so if you have a smaller Dopp kit

this will be perfect for you. The only thing is your handle is not protected, it

certainly protects the head. Here's another I think excellent version this

is a Shave Nation razor, this is SN 359 it's a heavy razor, large handle, it's 5

or 6 ounces, a pretty heavyweight razor. So this won't fit in all of your

smaller safety razor cases but it will fit in your zip cases and larger snap

cases. But this cover I really like, some German engineering went into this, it's

made by Mühle it's got their logo on it right here you can see and all you do

with this there's a slot in the back just insert that directly over the head

perfect! Look how nice that is and this will not fall off fits rather tightly

and this will fit just about any razor head. Here's the DE89 or the Merkur HD

34C there's a look at that with the head cover on, goes nowhere.

Let's try it with the Edwin Jagger DE89. this one. Perfect fit look how nice so I

like that option by Mühle really is pretty cool. One thing to keep in mind

with these safety razor head covers is the fact that on a lot of safety razors

the blade will protrude just slightly out the end, you know it protrudes from

the sides but on both ends it may protrude slightly as well and that

happens quite often with safety razors so when you insert it in here just keep

in mind the fact that it is protected. There is enough material there where it

covers the end of the head so you won't slice your finger when reaching into

your Dopp kit, and here's the Mühle same deal. Insert it and you can see

there's enough plastic where it protects the end of the head as well on both

sides. It takes up very little room in your Dopp case so for you minimalist types

you'll love it! That's just a few options of storage for your safety razors.

Alright I hope you enjoyed the video! Visit ShaveNation.com for all your

shaving supplies. I'm Geofatboy Have A Great Shave, Have A Great Day. I'm gonna

go get my shave on right now :)

For more infomation >> Safety Razor Storage Cases-Protect Your Razor! - Duration: 5:02.


Star Labs Front Desk Sounds l The Flash CW l AMSR l Study Aid l Sleep Aid l Soundscape - Duration: 1:00:12.

What are you reading this for?

It's a relaxation sound video

I based it on my current favorite superhero

the flash and the cw version of the show

it's got a cool fancy looking lab that they all hang out in

sorta reminds me of a giant family or somthing the way they chill out there

i thought it might be nice to pretend like I'm working there for a bit so I made this

it's got a lot of office sounds but a few strange ones as well

like the flash zooming in and out

or strange alarms going off on the screens

anyway... it's no big thang

I'm going to go ahead and let you go go go go

to sleeeep

or study

or whatever you are doing


For more infomation >> Star Labs Front Desk Sounds l The Flash CW l AMSR l Study Aid l Sleep Aid l Soundscape - Duration: 1:00:12.


FabScraps Technique Tuesday Easy Ombre Colour Technique on a die cut - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> FabScraps Technique Tuesday Easy Ombre Colour Technique on a die cut - Duration: 2:59.


Mowgli Official Movie

For more infomation >> Mowgli Official Movie


Marinha enviará NDCC 'Almirante Saboia' e 'Mattoso Maia' para o Haiti - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Marinha enviará NDCC 'Almirante Saboia' e 'Mattoso Maia' para o Haiti - Duration: 0:58.


Fabrizio Corona shock: o come Padre Pio perseguitato e schiavo del denaro - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Corona shock: o come Padre Pio perseguitato e schiavo del denaro - Duration: 4:18.


20 Amazing Adjectives to Describe Yourself in a Job Interview - Duration: 10:29.

Today i have an awesome lesson to help you build your vocabulary,

because i'm going to tell you 20 great adjectives to describe yourself.

That's coming up.

In today's lesson, I'm going to talk to you about 20 amazing adjectives that you can use to describe people.

And these are really action words that stand out in a conversation.

Which, means, they are perfect for a job interview.

You can also use them in presentations, and you could use them on a resume as well.

These words really stand out and people notice these words.

They also happen to be 20 of my favorite adjectives.

So let's begin.

First adjective that i have for you is diligent.

And this is a great adjective because it really shows that you care

about your work, your duties, the things that you have to do, and that you are also a hard worker as well.

You are diligent.

Next is motivated.

It shows that you are determined to do something.

So if you're in the job interview, you could tell somebody that you are motivated to succeed.

You are motivated to finish the job. You are motivated to learn new things.

Another adjective that you could use instead of motivated, which is interchangeable, is driven.

You are driven, you are determined to do something as well.

So for example, I could say: I hope you are motivated to learn english with us.

Also, i hope you are driven to hit that like button if you enjoy learning new adjectives.

Another great adjective to use in a job interview is ambitious.

because this word just means that you have a strong motivation to succeed.

You don't just want to succeed. You really, really want to succeed.

... because you're ambitious.

Now, if we want to talk about our ability to work with others, we could use collaborative.

... because this just means involving two or more people working together to achieve a certain purpose.

So for example we could use it and talk about a collaborative effort.

Or maybe we'll have a collaborative meeting.

And of course we'd all want to work in a collaborative work environment.

One of my favorite adjectives because this describes me is punctual.

And punctual means arriving at the expected or correct time.

So if there's a meeting, it's important to be punctual so that you are always there on time and people aren't waiting on you.

Or maybe you have a deadline that you have to meet. You could say that you are always punctual and you finish things on time.

Next, we have efficient.

... and this just means working quickly and effectively in an organized way.

So in business, it's very important to be efficient.

Great word.

Another great adjective to describe yourself is detail-oriented.

And this just means someone who pays close attention to the details.

And jobs that I think this would apply to somebody who is a doctor.

They should be detail-oriented.

An architect, an accountant (you're working with numbers). You need to be detail-oriented

One of my favorite adjectives: personable.

And this is just talking about somebody's manner, their appearance,

somebody who is easy to approach and easy to talk to.

They're very personable.

They're great communicators, and they enjoy talking to other people, meeting other people.

We all want to work with people who are personable.

A wonderful adjective to describe someone's energy is enthusiastic.

... and this just means showing a lot of excitement and interest in something.

that you are enthusiastic about the work that you do.

Another important adjective is adaptable.

And this is just talking about your ability to easily change depending on the condition or situation.

Instead of adaptable you could also use flexible. Same meaning: you're adaptable, you're flexible, you can easily change.

If you'd like to really impress people, a great adjective to do that is innovative.

because if you are innovative, that means that you are able to create new methods

and come up with original ideas to solve a variety of problems.

You are innovative.

Another adjective that I like to think describes me is organized.

And this means that you have arranged things in a systematic way that makes sense.

So if you're talking about your workspace, you want it to be organized.

Or your schedule: you should have an organized schedule.

Or maybe you're discussing different projects that you're going to do. You should be organized.

Another great adjective, especially in a job interview, is experienced.

And if you are experienced that means that you have a lot of knowledge and information about something.

Perhaps you've worked in the industry for a long time.

Maybe you have family history in this business, or you just grew up practicing this skill or ability.

You are someone who is experienced.

Next is methodical.

And this means doing things according to an established procedure.

And you're basically putting a lot of thought into every step that you're taking.

You are being methodical.

Another great adjective, which I think is very very very common, is responsible.

And this just means that you have to answer for something that you have control over.

You are responsible for something.

So you can think: how are you responsible?

What is something you have control over and you have to answer for that?

You have to make sure that it gets done, and that everything is right.

You must be responsible.

Another very common adjective is reliable.

And this just means that you can be trusted to get the job done.

They can count on you because you are reliable.

and businesses - they are always looking for reliable people.

Next is insightful.

And if somebody is insightful that just means they're showing a deep understanding of something,

and because they have a deep understanding of it, they can really express their their thoughts and opinions really well;

and give insight because they're insightful.

Now if you want to use an adjective to describe your speaking ability, you could say that you are articulate.

And this just means that you can speak intelligently, and you are good at expressing yourself,

easy to understand, and you can explain things very well.

You are articulate.

And it's very important to be articulate during presentations, in meetings, and job interviews.

Another one of my favorite adjectives is resourceful.

And if somebody is resourceful that just means that they are skilled at making Decisions and working on their own,

and that they can easily overcome any problems that they may encounter - because they're resourceful.

Finally, we have proactive.

And this is a great adjective because it's talking about somebody who takes action to control a situation,

instead of just reacting to it.

So if somebody's proactive, they go ahead and they make a decision,

and they take control of the situation in order to solve the problem.

So now, let's practice using some of these adjectives, and we're going to pretend like we're in a job interview.

So, I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer using some of these adjectives.

And I want you to try and speak.

So you can pause the video as you give your answer.

My question for you is simple:

How would you describe yourself?

Now, if you were a little too shy to speak, that's okay.

I want you also to write it in the comments below.

Practice using these adjectives and tell me:

Why are you resourceful? Why are you proactive?

Why are you responsible?

This is great practice for the next time you are in a job interview,

or even if you're just describing yourself to somebody else.

I hope that you learned some new adjectives today,

and you'll be a little better prepared the next time that you go in for your job interview.

Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> 20 Amazing Adjectives to Describe Yourself in a Job Interview - Duration: 10:29.


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✅ Joelma relembra fim do casamento com Chimbinha - Duration: 3:17.

A cantora Joelma relembrou o fim do seu casamento com Chimbinha e admitiu não guardar mágoas do músico

"Escolhi perdoar, não só ele, mas qualquer pessoa na face da Terra, porque quem perdoa é quem ganha

(.) E sempre falo para as pessoas não confundirem perdoar com voltar a confiar", disse em entrevista para o programa Mariana Godoy Entrevista, da RedeTV!

"Ele não tinha controle e eu sabia que não teria paz se não fizesse isso [prestar queixa]

Ele precisava de ajuda para se encontrar e isso deu paz a mim e à minha família. Me respaldei de todas as formas

" Ela também falou sobre a música Perdeu a Razão, parceria com Marília Mendonça: "Quando fui para o estúdio para cantar e chegava no refrão, eu desabava [a chorar] porque lembrava de quando eu tinha 5 anos de idade e meu pai batia na minha mãe

Mesmo tendo razão, você a perde porque violência não se justifica", e continuou: "Antes de gravar meu primeiro DVD solo, eu liguei para ele e pedi perdão, porque eu tinha um sentimento muito negativo

Na verdade, ele plantou muita coisa ruim, eu só tinha más lembranças dele". FIM DO CASAMENTO Em agosto de 2015, eles colocaram um ponto final no casamento de 18 anos

  A notícia foi confirmada pela assessoria de imprensa  "Nota de esclarecimento – Joelma e Chimbinha (Banda Calypso)

A Great Assessoria, responsável pela assessoria de imprensa da Banda Calypso, informa que chega ao fim o casamento de Joelma e Chimbinha

A união de 18 anos deu fruto a dois filhos maravilhosos, projetos e parcerias tanto na vida pessoal quanto profissional como a Banda Calypso, maior banda independente do país e que conta com mais de 15 milhões de discos vendidos

Queremos ressaltar que o respeito, gratidão, amizade, admiração e parceria permanecem recíprocos

Informamos também que os compromissos profissionais da Banda Calypso seguem normalmente com agenda por todo o Brasil

Contamos com o carinho e a compreensão de todos para que esse momento seja preservado

" _____________________________________________________________________________ Márcia Sensitiva: previsões para o signo de gêmeos

For more infomation >> ✅ Joelma relembra fim do casamento com Chimbinha - Duration: 3:17.


✅ Thais Fersoza e filhos ganham beijo de Michel Teló nos bastidores de show. Vídeo - Duration: 2:28.

Michel Teló se apresentou na 11ª edição do Beleza do Bem, show beneficente em prol do GRAAC (Grupo de Apoio ao Adolescente e à Criança com Câncer) nesta segunda-feira (21) e teve convidados superespeciais nos bastidores

O sertanejo - transformado em Marília Mendonça no programa "Hora do Faro" - foi prestigiado pela mulher, Thais Fersoza, e pelos filhos, Melinda e Teodoro

No Instagram Stories, a atriz mostrou o momento em que o marido, durante uma breve pausa no show, foi até eles

"Olha quem veio dar um beijo! ", vibrou. 'É cedo', explica Thais sobre presença dos pequenos Em uma série de vídeos no Instagram Stories, Thais mostrou mais dos bastidores do show com os filhos

"Hoje é dia de ver o show do papai com meus dois amores. Que delícia!", comemorou a artista, que tem planos de seguir na carreira de apresentadora

Ela contou ainda que levou Melinda e Teodoro para a apresentação do cantor por ser no Anhembi e em um horário em que os pequenos, tietados por ela em foto recente, ainda não dormiram

"E a perna da mãe agachada para ficar com os pequenininhos. Tô tão feliz! Tem show do papai em São Paulo hoje e é cedo, a gente conseguiu vir", disse

Em outro vídeo, a filha mais velha, Melinda, aparece chamando o pai. "Apontando para o pai

Toda apaixonada", falou sobre a menina, que já pede para tirar selfies no celular

"A gente se vira como pode, né? É um no colo e outra entre as pernas", disse Fersoza, mostrando como acomodava os filhos nos bastidores

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