Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Youtube daily report w May 22 2018

On the 4th of January, 2012, a user on 4chan posted this image

to the site's infamous /b/ or random board.

The anonymous author, who went by the four-digit pseudonym 3301, challenged users to uncover

a message hidden within the image.

Unbeknownst to those who stumbled across it, someone had just set in motion one of the

most elaborate scavenger hunts the internet has ever seen.

Within minutes of the image being posted someone discovered that by opening the file using

a text editor an appended string of readable text could be found.

The string contained a cipher that, once deciphered, formed a link to yet another image.

At first this appeared to be a dead end but using an application known as OutGuess

users were able to extract hidden information embedded within the first image.

The extracted information lead to a subreddit which in turn contained information about a book.

The book along with a code could then be used to uncover a

phone number that, when called, played this prerecorded message.

By the following day, the initial image had been reposed all over the internet.

A growing community of armchair detectives sought to unravel this elaborate puzzle but

no one was quite sure what to make off it.

What was the puzzle for?

Who was behind it?

What happens when you reach the end?

Some naturally dismissed it as an elaborate joke while others perceived its complexity

as evidence against it being the work of a mere troll.

Before long, rumors began to circulate that this could be the work of some secret society

or intelligence agency with the intent of recruiting individuals proficient in

cryptography, steganography, and other related fields.

Of course, it was nothing but a rumor.

The two missing numbers mentioned in the recording proved to be the dimensions of the original image.

After multiplying the width and height with 3301 and using the product as a web address,

users were taken to a website.

The website consisted of a countdown as well as an image of a cicada.

When the countdown reached zero, the page was updated with a list of coordinates.

The coordinates pointed to locations around the globe.

14 locations in 5 different countries.

It was now up to participants living near the specified coordinates to rise from their

comfortable armchairs and venture outside.

Those who believed Cicada to be the work of an organization now felt their beliefs had been justified.

In their opinion, only some international collective possessed the means and resources

to create a scavenger hunt of this magnitude.

This was not the work of your average troll.

No, this had to be something else.

At each location was a poster with the cicada symbol and a QR code.

...on the bike shelter over here.

See I got it... I got it right there.

You can see the corners, I just kinda ripped it off.

The codes linked to an image, the image contained a riddle, the riddle lead to a book,

and the book lead to a website.

But here, the puzzle took an unexpected turn.

Only a select group of first arrivals to this website were accepted into the final stage of the puzzle.

The site eventually closed down with the message:

"We want the best, not the followers."

The finalists were also warned not to collaborate with others nor to share the details of this

private stage of the puzzle.

Well, given that we know this, it's safe to say that not everyone heeded that warning.

But those who did presumably advanced through the final stages before reaching the very

end of the puzzle.

After nearly a month of silence an image appeared on the subreddit announcing the conclusion

of the puzzle and, just like that, the hunt was over.

Cicada had supposedly found the "highly intelligent individuals" they were looking for

and whatever happened to them is a bit of a mystery but more on that in a moment.

The lack of an explanation was perceived by many as confirmation that the puzzle had been

nothing but a wild-goose chase intent on wasting everyones time.

After all, questions raised by the original image remained unanswered.

What was the puzzle for?

Who was behind it?

What happens when you reach the end?

However, as it later turned out, this was only the beginning.

Whomever was behind this intricate game had the foresight to include an authentication

code known as a PGP signature along with every clue.

This allowed users to verify that an image or message was actually from Cicada as opposed

to some impostor seeking to derail or hijack the puzzle.

Cicada had repeatedly warned of such "false paths" and insisted that any message lacking

a valid PGP signature should promptly be disregarded.

That's why this image, posted exactly a year and a day after the first, provoked such a frenzy.

After a year of lackluster imitations, this image finally matched the official PGP signature.

Cicada was back and it was time for round two.

The second puzzle was not too dissimilar from the first.

The image enclosed a message, the message lead to a book, the book produced a link,

and gradually the puzzle unfolded.

At one point, a recording titled The Instar Emergence was uncovered.

Another clue lead to a cryptic Twitter account which then lead to an image.

The image proved vital to the progression of the puzzle but the inclusion of this runic

alphabet would remain a mystery for quite some time.

Much like the first puzzle the second swelled into the physical world when a list coordinates

compelled participants to, once again, take to the streets in search of enigmatic posters.

This time it was 8 locations in 4 different countries.

But eventually the trail went cold once again.

Another select group of first arrivals had been accepted into a final private stage of the puzzle.

Unlike the first puzzle the second did not conclude with an official message from Cicada.

The trail merely went cold and Cicada vanished once more leaving us no closer to an explanation.

However, this was still not the end.

At the beginning of 2014 it was time for round three.

Once again the image enclosed a message, the message lead to a book, the book produced a link,

and suffice it to say, it was more of the same.

Except, this time, the puzzle seemed to revolve around a strange book.

The book was titled Liber Primus, meaning First Book in Latin, and was evidently written by Cicada.

The runic alphabet uncovered in 2013 finally made sense as the book was primarily written in runes.

Even so, the meaning of the translated pages were cryptic at best.

The book consisted of various philosophical and idealogical ideas and appeared to be their manifesto.

Many have since compared the strange writings to that of a cult.

Nevertheless, the book also comprised a myriad of clues and codes.

For example, this page advised participants to seek out a website on the deep web

but the site remains undiscovered.

Another page lead to a website containing yet another recording titled Interconnectedness.

However, a significant portion of the book has yet to be translated.

The runic text on some of the pages appear to be obfuscated by layers of encryption

that has yet to be decrypted.

Of the 74 pages featuring runes, only 19 have been successfully translated.

As 2015 came and went without the launch of a new puzzle, many came to suspect the Liber Primus

had to be completed if Cicada was to return.

This was more or less confirmed at the beginning of 2016

when Cicada encouraged a reexamination of the book.

More than four years have now gone by with minimal progress and near complete silence from Cicada.

Questions raised by the original image have gone ignored.

What is the purpose of these puzzles?

Who's behind them?

What happens when you reach the end?

When the initial image appeared on 4chan back in 2012 many assumed Cicada 3301 to be an

alternate reality game designed by a corporation to promote a new service or product.

For example, Microsoft developed an elaborate ARG back in 2001 to promote the film

Artificial Intelligence and a similar viral marketing campaign was used to promote the release of Halo 2.

But the release of subsequent puzzles and the complete lack of commercialization

has more or less eliminated that possibility.

If we choose to believe some of the leaked information from the private end-stage of

each puzzle than we do gain some insight into who this group might be.

For example, at the end of the first puzzle, finalists supposedly received this email.

In it, Cicada describe themselves as an international group who believe that privacy is an inalienable right.

The aim of each puzzle is to recruit like-minded individuals

in an effort to develop privacy-conscious solutions.

The email then concludes with three questions.

The PGP signature, which would have confirmed the authenticity of the email, was conveniently

removed by the leaker.

If a version with a valid signature does exists online I was unable to find it.

But regardless of it's legitimacy, I find this question a bit odd.

It reads: "Do you believe that information should be free?"

Assuming the expected answer is yes then the very first sentence...


...seems a bit hypocritical.

While the idea of a secret society recruiting individuals by means of elaborate cryptographic

puzzles may seem a bit absurd or even conspiratorial, it's not entirely unfounded.

Corporations and governments alike have employed similar recruitment techniques since at least

the second World War.

In 2013, the British intelligence agency GCHQ launched a recruitment program known as

"Can You Find It?".

Participants had to decrypt a number of cryptograms hidden across the internet and those who managed

to solve the entire puzzle were offered a prize or a position at the agency.

Google did something similar with enigmatic billboards back in 2004 and the US Navy launched

a near-identical project in 2014.

Okay, but then, what about the recruits?

Why have we not heard from these chosen few?

Well, we have.

It's just that separating a legitimate finalist from an impostor is virtually impossible.

In a 2015 interview with Rolling Stone, two alleged winners of the first puzzle chronicled

the events beyond the final stage.

After receiving an email from Cicada they were taken to a forum on the dark web.

Here, they could communicate with some twenty some odd recruits as well as a handful of

established members of Cicada.

They were told that Cicada 3301 had been founded by a group of friends who shared common ideals

about security, privacy, and censorship.

The goal was to work as a collective to develop software applications in line with that ideology.

As friends recruited friends, this secret society quickly expanded into a decentralized

international organization.

The recruits were then tasked with developing software that fit the ideology of the group

and members of Cicada would oversee their progress.

But without the allure of a puzzle to be solved, the recruits quickly lost interest.

By the end of 2012 all but one had left and a few months later the site was gone.

They never heard from Cicada again.

One of the two winners, named Marcus Wanner, later elaborated further in a video by YouTuber Nox Populi.

Furthermore, Nox Populi himself claims to be a winner of the second puzzle so I reached

out to him and this is some of what he had to say.

After completing the final stages of the second puzzle Nox Populi received an invitation to

join Cicada 3301.

However, he was not invited to a website but was instead merely told to be patient.

Then, around May of 2013, all communication with Cicada abruptly ceased.

This was around the same time as when the website dedicated to the winners of the first

puzzle was suddenly taken down.

Nox Populi later contacted other winners of the second puzzle to compare notes and their

experiences were identical.

In his own words:

"All the stories were the same, we were invited to join 3301, then something happened and

silence followed a request for patience."

Nox Populi suppose that roughly five others completed the second puzzle in contrast to

the twenty-odd winners of the first.

In regards to who or what Cicada is, Nox Populi believes they could be a remnant of the cypherpunk

movement of the late 80s and 90s.

Essentially a small group of activists advocating widespread use of strong cryptography and

privacy-enhancing technologies but he admits that there is no way to know for certain.

If you want a far more comprehensive walkthrough of these puzzles as opposed to my brief overview,

Nox Populi has produced a number of videos on his channel which I highly recommend.

While these accounts cannot be verified they do make for a very compelling argument as

to what Cicada is.

A group of anonymous developers seeking to develop privacy-conscious applications by

recruiting talented individuals via cryptographic puzzles.

Sure, it is not nearly as exciting as a shadow government seeking world domination or any

of the more fantastical theories but it is certainly more plausible.

You have to keep in mind that no part of these puzzles would have required more than one person.

The posters are often pointed to as evidence that this must be the work of some international

organization but I beg to differ.

I mean, right now, I could use any number of services to hire random persons around

the globe to install posters for me.

Although, given that no poster was located more than an hour away from an airport leads

me to believe that one or multiple persons actually traveled to these locations.

I mean, some of the posters were found within walking distance of an international airport.

The fact is that anyone with a disposable income and enough time on their hands would

be able to create the illusion of a vast secret network spanning the globe.

Not saying that is the case with Cicada 3301 but it is nonetheless a possibility that cannot be discounted.

With all of that being said, I personally think a loose-knit group of privacy-minded

hobby-cryptographers to be the most plausible explanation.

Cicada made their last public statement in April of 2017, merely warning against disinformation,

but the current status of the third puzzle and the possibility of a fourth

remains clouded in mystery.

For more infomation >> LEMMiNO 網路未解之謎 - 蟬3301 (Cicada 3301) 中文字幕cc - Duration: 17:54.


Como asignar un programa a un tipo de archivo en Windows 10 - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Como asignar un programa a un tipo de archivo en Windows 10 - Duration: 6:26.


ボロボロに傷ついた老猫の心を開いたのは、小さな毛皮の天使たちだった!!【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> ボロボロに傷ついた老猫の心を開いたのは、小さな毛皮の天使たちだった!!【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:47.


Kia Sportage - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage - Duration: 1:07.


Volkswagen Golf 2.0 TDI Trendline Airco 5Drs (bj 2008) 6-Bak - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 2.0 TDI Trendline Airco 5Drs (bj 2008) 6-Bak - Duration: 1:06.


MagSlide Pre-Launch Teaser

For more infomation >> MagSlide Pre-Launch Teaser


Uomini e donne oggi,Sara in crisi e cancella tutto? La verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne oggi,Sara in crisi e cancella tutto? La verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.


Uomini e Donne, nuovo duro colpo per Gemma: scopriamo la mossa inaspettata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, nuovo duro colpo per Gemma: scopriamo la mossa inaspettata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:39.


Uomini e donne oggi, la scelta di Sara cancellata: ecco il motivo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne oggi, la scelta di Sara cancellata: ecco il motivo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:17.


Una dieta efficace per ridurre la pancia - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Una dieta efficace per ridurre la pancia - Duration: 5:27.


LAZIO-INTER | Extra Time: Inter are in the Champions League! - Duration: 4:38.

In this last episode of Extra Time we'll be reflecting on the game against Lazio,

which brought the season to a close.

It was a tough match but there was plenty of passion and ultimately immense joy

as Inter celebrated their return to the Champions League after a six-year hiatus.

With me today for this final episode is Opta's Daniele Trombetta.

- Hi Daniele. - Hi Federica and everyone.

And Alberto Santi. Welcome back, Alberto.

Hi Federica and Daniele, and hello everyone.

Let's start with today's talking points.

"Inter is here!" Because promises are there to be maintained.

After the #InterIsComing hashtag we have #InterIsHere because Inter are in the Champions League.

"Welcome back, Champions League", six years on.

"Crazy Inter do it the hard way", as is befitting of our club.

And finally we have "The season's stats".

So we end the campaign in fourth place after a truly thrilling match.

We always say that supporting Inter is not for the weak-hearted and so it proved. Daniele?

It did. And I like this "Inter is here" in English to celebrate the club's return to the international stage.

If we look at the number of points Inter needed this year to finish fourth,

it's 72, which is the same as Atalanta last season when they finished fourth,

though it didn't grant access to the Champions League.

It's a great result because in recent years you needed fewer points to qualify for the Champions League.

It was always less than 70, around 66 or 67,

so that makes this qualification even more impressive.

They had to fight till the very end

and were able to produce the late charge they needed to get across the line.

It was the target Inter set themselves at the start of the season and everyone believed in,

the fans and especially the players, who showed togetherness both in the hard times

and as they celebrated last night after completing a brilliant fightback.

The league table does make for pleasant reading

because if you consider Inter's history fourth place is almost an under-achievement

but considering the club's recent past it is something to celebrate

because Inter are back in the Champions League at last.

As we said yesterday, last year Inter finished 25 points behind Roma

while this year we're five points behind.

That doesn't mean next season we'll finish 15 points ahead

but closing the gap on the sides that have been playing regularly in the Champions League

is clearly a sign of growth.

Last season Inter didn't even qualify for the Europa League and now we're in the Champions League.

We could have said much the same things even if we had drawn or lost yesterday

because we still would have been there or thereabouts

and going into the last game of the season with everything to play for means we've improved.

In today's episode we'll also look at how the team improved from September to May,

so clearly progress has been made.

Let's examine some of the season's hot stats.

We start with the top scorer once again, Mauro Icardi,

who has now scored 100 Serie A goals for Inter.

It's our first qualification for the Champions League since 2011/12.

Our best points haul since the season before then, 2010/11: 72.

And our best defensive record since 2007/08: just 30 goals conceded.

Where shall we start?

With a tribute to Icardi.

He's the eighth player in Inter history to reach triple figures for Serie A goals.

He's an out-an-out striker because of those 100 goals, 96 have come from inside the box.

He's a thoroughbred striker.

If you score 96% of your goals from inside the box, it means that is where you excel.

That's where he is at.

Thanks for watching and enjoy the rest of your evening on Inter TV.

For more infomation >> LAZIO-INTER | Extra Time: Inter are in the Champions League! - Duration: 4:38.


Denis Urubko: lo specialista dei colossi himalayani. Parte 2 - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Denis Urubko: lo specialista dei colossi himalayani. Parte 2 - Duration: 2:19.


Grande Fratello 15: anticipazioni della sesta puntata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello 15: anticipazioni della sesta puntata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.


Citroën Berlingo Multispace 1.6 e-HDI Feel 5 persoons Airco - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo Multispace 1.6 e-HDI Feel 5 persoons Airco - Duration: 1:10.


A Ballando con le Stelle, la vittoria di Cesare Bocci e il valzer con la moglie - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> A Ballando con le Stelle, la vittoria di Cesare Bocci e il valzer con la moglie - Duration: 4:07.


✅ Giulia De Lellis e Andrea al concerto di Jovanotti: tutti i dettagli - Duration: 3:09.

Giulia De Lellis e Andrea Damante allo stesso concerto di Jovanotti: è arrivata la dedica d'amore? Inutile ricordare ogni volta che Giulia e Andrea sono due degli ex protagonisti di Uomini e Donne più amati dai telespettatori della trasmissione

Dopo la partecipazione al programma di Maria De Filippi, la De Lellis e Damante hanno ottenuto sempre più successo anche e soprattutto grazie alla loro bellissima storia d'amore

Purtroppo il lieto fine tanto atteso non c'è stato e i due si sono lasciati. Da quando è stata annunciata la rottura se ne sono sentite di tutti i colori

Tradimenti, semplici problemi di coppia, riavvicinamenti, dediche d'amore e tanto altro

Purtroppo, però, la verità sembra essere una soltanto: tra i due non pare esserci la possibilità di una riappacificazione

Nelle ultime ore, gli attentissimi followers si sono resi conto di un particolare dettaglio apparso sui social di entrambi

Uomini e Donne, Giulia e Andrea dopo la rottura: al concerto di Jovanotti senza incontrarsi Giulia e Andrea hanno fatto sapere ai propri fan di essere al concerto che Jovanotti ha tenuto all'Arena di Verona proprio il 21 Maggio 2018

Entrambi hanno pubblicato innumerevoli story, confermando appunto di trovarsi nello stesso luogo

Sul web si è iniziato a leggere cose di qualunque tipo. C'è chi crede che i due si siano incontrati, chi pensa che si siano recati al grande evento insieme chi invece suppone che non si siano visti neanche di sfuggita

In ogni caso, dai vari indizi apparsi sui profili privati di Damante e della De Lellis sembrerebbe che i due ex non si siano incontrati neanche per un minuto

Andrea Damante e Giulia De Lellis da Jovanotti: è arrivata qualche dichiarazione d'amore? Lui si trovava molto vicino al palco, mentre lei era sugli spalti

Sembra perciò che Damante e la sua ex fidanzata non si siano visti. Sui social sono apparsi alcuni video e qualcuno crede che sia lei che lui abbiano voluto inviare una dedica d'amore all'altro

Giulia ha scritto: "Cosa sei disposto a perdere?" con le note di Mi Fido di Te in sottofondo

Mentre lui ha ripreso il cielo al momento del brano A Te.

For more infomation >> ✅ Giulia De Lellis e Andrea al concerto di Jovanotti: tutti i dettagli - Duration: 3:09.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Shine Automaat (CAMERA!!/Airco/Privacy glass/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Shine Automaat (CAMERA!!/Airco/Privacy glass/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:11.


Tina Cipollari se ne è andata? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Tina Cipollari se ne è andata? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.


Grande fratello15: ecco cosa accadrà questa sera | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Grande fratello15: ecco cosa accadrà questa sera | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.


Nuovo Scandalo al GF, un concorrente è stato denunciato: ecco cosa ha fatto | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Nuovo Scandalo al GF, un concorrente è stato denunciato: ecco cosa ha fatto | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.


U & D: la scelta di Sara, indiscrezioni sulle ultime registrazioni | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> U & D: la scelta di Sara, indiscrezioni sulle ultime registrazioni | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:17.


An alumnus talks about RSM's MSc in Accounting & Financial Management - Duration: 1:43.

(gentle piano music)

- I feel that the master has really given me

a strong background in all core aspects

of financial management and accounting.

If I think about my day-to-day job

as a planning and appraiser advisor at NAM,

there are various examples that come to mind.

For example, key performance indicators,

choosing the right performance indicators.

Financial controls as well as business controls.

Understanding the framework.

Understanding how to manage risks and persevere value.

Complex accounting topics.

Knowing how information flows for your balance sheet.

Through your PNL.

It impacts your cash statement.

And maybe, as last example.

Management information.

So really making sure that you present

the right management information.

That helps to drive decisions that impact the bottom line.

What I feel is most valuable about the Master in Accounting

and Financial Management is really the combination between

the theoretical concepts that you get to learn.

As well as applying the concepts in real-life cases.

And really learning what it's like, almost,

to do that in practise.

So through the core courses, you get a strong foundation.

And thereafter, you can choose

in a wider range of electives.

To further specialise yourself

based on your personal interests

and your career ambitions.

So to me, altogether, the master really

prepared me for the financial labour market

and I pretty much feel ready for every challenge

that still lies ahead of me

due to the solid background that I got from my studies.

(gentle piano music)

For more infomation >> An alumnus talks about RSM's MSc in Accounting & Financial Management - Duration: 1:43.


18 Essential Chrome Shortcuts & Hidden Tricks (To Skyrocket Productivity) - Duration: 4:32.

Hello everyone my name is Adriana and I'm a growth trainer here at Growth

Tribe. As growth marketeers we love to reduce waste and work faster, so today I

want to show you a number of Google Chrome hidden gems that will boost your

productivity. We'll start with an easy hack that I use on a daily basis. Since

I'm not a big mouse user I always scroll down faster by pressing the spacebar and

then scroll back up by pressing the shift and the spacebar together. If you

are sick of getting those annoying pop-ups asking if you want to receive

any notifications you can turn those entirely off by following this easy

process. There you will find the option for

notifications that you just need to switch off and that's it. If you download

a file and you want to move it somewhere specific, you can drag and drop

it from the download bar directly onto your desktop or in any other folder. You

can also drag and drop files from Chrome's download bar directly into your

online service such as Google Drive or Gmail. Now, if you ever close a tab by

mistake - hit ctrl or command shift T to reopen your most recently closed tabs.

By the way, you can also do this multiple times if there's more than one tab that

you want to recover. Are you looking for a website that's down, or do you want to

see how a page look like a while ago, type this into your Chrome's address bar

and replace page.com with whatever URL you want to search for. And now for one

of my favorite and most helpful hacks, you can just copy paste this snippet of

code into your Chrome's address bar and drag the link into your bookmark bar and

voila you now have your own one-click scratch pad. Write your thoughts directly

into your browser - no extension required. You can also easily drag and drop images

in there. Want to open a link in a new tab without interrupting your current

session? Then hold out ctrl or command and click it, to open the link in a whole

new window you shift-click instead. If you wanna save a link just drag it up

into your Chrome's bookmark bar or wherever you want in your bookmark

category. Another easy one is checking the back button in Chrome's upper left

corner, it does a lot more than you might think, click it and hold your mouse

button down and you'll get a pop-up history of all the recent pages you

viewed within your current tab. Also, if you're like me and have a bunch of tabs

open and you want to save the entire session for later just hit ctrl shift D

and you will save all your open tabs into one folder. To restore them

right-click the folder within your bookmark and select open all or open all

in a new window. The history page is also super helpful when you want to see your

last viewings from all devices, and it has a very easy shortcut ctrl or command

Y. Privacy is a top concern now, so if you want to leave no trail when you navigate

simply open Chrome settings, click advanced, then click privacy and security

and turn on the toggle next to send a do not tag requests with your browsing traffic.

This is turned off by default so turning it on will eliminate some of the cookie

tracking and invasion from the ad networks. So for another favorite of mine

now you can quiet annoying sites once and for all, by right-clicking their tabs

where the title is displayed and selecting mute site. This recently added

option will prevent the site from playing any audio on your computer any

time you visit it again. If you want to copy paste text without its original

formatting you just have to hit ctrl or command shift V to strip all the

formatting away. If sometimes you find Chrome mysteriously acting strange type

this in to your crumbs address bar and your browser will restart itself and

restore all your tabs and windows in an instant. Chrome extensions can be

extremely useful but they can also create a lot of disorder in your

browser's upper right corner. You can hide the extension icons if you don't

need them by right-clicking them and selecting hide in chrome menu after just

open the main chrome menu and you'll see all the hidden icons there. While we're

talking extensions you can create custom keyboard shortcuts, try typing this link

into your browser's address bar to setup your own extension shortcuts. As the last

point run custom search engine feature has a lot of untapped productivity

potential. So open up Chrome settings click on manage search engines, then

click the add command next to the other search engine. For example, you can open

up your scratch pad presented before by simply typing SP in the keywords section

and the code in the URL section. This is it for the video, thanks for watching and

please remember to subscribe and comment below with your

favorite google chrome hack!

For more infomation >> 18 Essential Chrome Shortcuts & Hidden Tricks (To Skyrocket Productivity) - Duration: 4:32.


Trattamenti casalinghi per l'acne - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Trattamenti casalinghi per l'acne - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:58.


Intro 21st Century Skills - Duration: 1:01.

Welcome to Swedish University Outreach and our 21st Century skills program

My name is Mathias Blob

And I am Kjell Lindström

In this program we will discuss; the complex, changing, uncertain, communication driven

and network based organisation of today and what kind of skills you need to navigate in them.

We believe there are seven essential skills

that will make you a competitive partner in any organisation.

The program consist of seven different skills

Each skill is presented by a short video introduction.

We give you five good advice for each skill

Each skill ends with a learning assignment that gives you the opportunity to learn and

train your skills in your everyday life

We are looking forward to see you as a participant in our course!

God luck!

For more infomation >> Intro 21st Century Skills - Duration: 1:01.


Denis Urubko: lo specialista dei colossi himalayani. Parte 1 - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Denis Urubko: lo specialista dei colossi himalayani. Parte 1 - Duration: 4:04.


Renault Mégane Estate TCe 115pk Limited (R-link/Climate/Cruise/16''Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate TCe 115pk Limited (R-link/Climate/Cruise/16''Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:00.


Renault Espace TCe 200pk Dynamique (7PERS.!!/R-link/Climate/Park. sens. Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Espace TCe 200pk Dynamique (7PERS.!!/R-link/Climate/Park. sens. Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 0:54.


Renault Clio TCE 90pk Intens (R-LINK/Climate/PDC/16''LMV) - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio TCE 90pk Intens (R-LINK/Climate/PDC/16''LMV) - Duration: 0:55.


R+T 2018: Klaus Braun / Alukon KG - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> R+T 2018: Klaus Braun / Alukon KG - Duration: 1:40.


Renault Mégane TCe 130pk Bose (R-link/Climate/Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane TCe 130pk Bose (R-link/Climate/Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 1:10.


Renault Mégane Estate TCe 100pk Bose (CAMERA/R-link/Climate/Cruise/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate TCe 100pk Bose (CAMERA/R-link/Climate/Cruise/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:13.


LEMMiNO 網路未解之謎 - 蟬3301 (Cicada 3301) 中文字幕cc - Duration: 17:54.

On the 4th of January, 2012, a user on 4chan posted this image

to the site's infamous /b/ or random board.

The anonymous author, who went by the four-digit pseudonym 3301, challenged users to uncover

a message hidden within the image.

Unbeknownst to those who stumbled across it, someone had just set in motion one of the

most elaborate scavenger hunts the internet has ever seen.

Within minutes of the image being posted someone discovered that by opening the file using

a text editor an appended string of readable text could be found.

The string contained a cipher that, once deciphered, formed a link to yet another image.

At first this appeared to be a dead end but using an application known as OutGuess

users were able to extract hidden information embedded within the first image.

The extracted information lead to a subreddit which in turn contained information about a book.

The book along with a code could then be used to uncover a

phone number that, when called, played this prerecorded message.

By the following day, the initial image had been reposed all over the internet.

A growing community of armchair detectives sought to unravel this elaborate puzzle but

no one was quite sure what to make off it.

What was the puzzle for?

Who was behind it?

What happens when you reach the end?

Some naturally dismissed it as an elaborate joke while others perceived its complexity

as evidence against it being the work of a mere troll.

Before long, rumors began to circulate that this could be the work of some secret society

or intelligence agency with the intent of recruiting individuals proficient in

cryptography, steganography, and other related fields.

Of course, it was nothing but a rumor.

The two missing numbers mentioned in the recording proved to be the dimensions of the original image.

After multiplying the width and height with 3301 and using the product as a web address,

users were taken to a website.

The website consisted of a countdown as well as an image of a cicada.

When the countdown reached zero, the page was updated with a list of coordinates.

The coordinates pointed to locations around the globe.

14 locations in 5 different countries.

It was now up to participants living near the specified coordinates to rise from their

comfortable armchairs and venture outside.

Those who believed Cicada to be the work of an organization now felt their beliefs had been justified.

In their opinion, only some international collective possessed the means and resources

to create a scavenger hunt of this magnitude.

This was not the work of your average troll.

No, this had to be something else.

At each location was a poster with the cicada symbol and a QR code.

...on the bike shelter over here.

See I got it... I got it right there.

You can see the corners, I just kinda ripped it off.

The codes linked to an image, the image contained a riddle, the riddle lead to a book,

and the book lead to a website.

But here, the puzzle took an unexpected turn.

Only a select group of first arrivals to this website were accepted into the final stage of the puzzle.

The site eventually closed down with the message:

"We want the best, not the followers."

The finalists were also warned not to collaborate with others nor to share the details of this

private stage of the puzzle.

Well, given that we know this, it's safe to say that not everyone heeded that warning.

But those who did presumably advanced through the final stages before reaching the very

end of the puzzle.

After nearly a month of silence an image appeared on the subreddit announcing the conclusion

of the puzzle and, just like that, the hunt was over.

Cicada had supposedly found the "highly intelligent individuals" they were looking for

and whatever happened to them is a bit of a mystery but more on that in a moment.

The lack of an explanation was perceived by many as confirmation that the puzzle had been

nothing but a wild-goose chase intent on wasting everyones time.

After all, questions raised by the original image remained unanswered.

What was the puzzle for?

Who was behind it?

What happens when you reach the end?

However, as it later turned out, this was only the beginning.

Whomever was behind this intricate game had the foresight to include an authentication

code known as a PGP signature along with every clue.

This allowed users to verify that an image or message was actually from Cicada as opposed

to some impostor seeking to derail or hijack the puzzle.

Cicada had repeatedly warned of such "false paths" and insisted that any message lacking

a valid PGP signature should promptly be disregarded.

That's why this image, posted exactly a year and a day after the first, provoked such a frenzy.

After a year of lackluster imitations, this image finally matched the official PGP signature.

Cicada was back and it was time for round two.

The second puzzle was not too dissimilar from the first.

The image enclosed a message, the message lead to a book, the book produced a link,

and gradually the puzzle unfolded.

At one point, a recording titled The Instar Emergence was uncovered.

Another clue lead to a cryptic Twitter account which then lead to an image.

The image proved vital to the progression of the puzzle but the inclusion of this runic

alphabet would remain a mystery for quite some time.

Much like the first puzzle the second swelled into the physical world when a list coordinates

compelled participants to, once again, take to the streets in search of enigmatic posters.

This time it was 8 locations in 4 different countries.

But eventually the trail went cold once again.

Another select group of first arrivals had been accepted into a final private stage of the puzzle.

Unlike the first puzzle the second did not conclude with an official message from Cicada.

The trail merely went cold and Cicada vanished once more leaving us no closer to an explanation.

However, this was still not the end.

At the beginning of 2014 it was time for round three.

Once again the image enclosed a message, the message lead to a book, the book produced a link,

and suffice it to say, it was more of the same.

Except, this time, the puzzle seemed to revolve around a strange book.

The book was titled Liber Primus, meaning First Book in Latin, and was evidently written by Cicada.

The runic alphabet uncovered in 2013 finally made sense as the book was primarily written in runes.

Even so, the meaning of the translated pages were cryptic at best.

The book consisted of various philosophical and idealogical ideas and appeared to be their manifesto.

Many have since compared the strange writings to that of a cult.

Nevertheless, the book also comprised a myriad of clues and codes.

For example, this page advised participants to seek out a website on the deep web

but the site remains undiscovered.

Another page lead to a website containing yet another recording titled Interconnectedness.

However, a significant portion of the book has yet to be translated.

The runic text on some of the pages appear to be obfuscated by layers of encryption

that has yet to be decrypted.

Of the 74 pages featuring runes, only 19 have been successfully translated.

As 2015 came and went without the launch of a new puzzle, many came to suspect the Liber Primus

had to be completed if Cicada was to return.

This was more or less confirmed at the beginning of 2016

when Cicada encouraged a reexamination of the book.

More than four years have now gone by with minimal progress and near complete silence from Cicada.

Questions raised by the original image have gone ignored.

What is the purpose of these puzzles?

Who's behind them?

What happens when you reach the end?

When the initial image appeared on 4chan back in 2012 many assumed Cicada 3301 to be an

alternate reality game designed by a corporation to promote a new service or product.

For example, Microsoft developed an elaborate ARG back in 2001 to promote the film

Artificial Intelligence and a similar viral marketing campaign was used to promote the release of Halo 2.

But the release of subsequent puzzles and the complete lack of commercialization

has more or less eliminated that possibility.

If we choose to believe some of the leaked information from the private end-stage of

each puzzle than we do gain some insight into who this group might be.

For example, at the end of the first puzzle, finalists supposedly received this email.

In it, Cicada describe themselves as an international group who believe that privacy is an inalienable right.

The aim of each puzzle is to recruit like-minded individuals

in an effort to develop privacy-conscious solutions.

The email then concludes with three questions.

The PGP signature, which would have confirmed the authenticity of the email, was conveniently

removed by the leaker.

If a version with a valid signature does exists online I was unable to find it.

But regardless of it's legitimacy, I find this question a bit odd.

It reads: "Do you believe that information should be free?"

Assuming the expected answer is yes then the very first sentence...


...seems a bit hypocritical.

While the idea of a secret society recruiting individuals by means of elaborate cryptographic

puzzles may seem a bit absurd or even conspiratorial, it's not entirely unfounded.

Corporations and governments alike have employed similar recruitment techniques since at least

the second World War.

In 2013, the British intelligence agency GCHQ launched a recruitment program known as

"Can You Find It?".

Participants had to decrypt a number of cryptograms hidden across the internet and those who managed

to solve the entire puzzle were offered a prize or a position at the agency.

Google did something similar with enigmatic billboards back in 2004 and the US Navy launched

a near-identical project in 2014.

Okay, but then, what about the recruits?

Why have we not heard from these chosen few?

Well, we have.

It's just that separating a legitimate finalist from an impostor is virtually impossible.

In a 2015 interview with Rolling Stone, two alleged winners of the first puzzle chronicled

the events beyond the final stage.

After receiving an email from Cicada they were taken to a forum on the dark web.

Here, they could communicate with some twenty some odd recruits as well as a handful of

established members of Cicada.

They were told that Cicada 3301 had been founded by a group of friends who shared common ideals

about security, privacy, and censorship.

The goal was to work as a collective to develop software applications in line with that ideology.

As friends recruited friends, this secret society quickly expanded into a decentralized

international organization.

The recruits were then tasked with developing software that fit the ideology of the group

and members of Cicada would oversee their progress.

But without the allure of a puzzle to be solved, the recruits quickly lost interest.

By the end of 2012 all but one had left and a few months later the site was gone.

They never heard from Cicada again.

One of the two winners, named Marcus Wanner, later elaborated further in a video by YouTuber Nox Populi.

Furthermore, Nox Populi himself claims to be a winner of the second puzzle so I reached

out to him and this is some of what he had to say.

After completing the final stages of the second puzzle Nox Populi received an invitation to

join Cicada 3301.

However, he was not invited to a website but was instead merely told to be patient.

Then, around May of 2013, all communication with Cicada abruptly ceased.

This was around the same time as when the website dedicated to the winners of the first

puzzle was suddenly taken down.

Nox Populi later contacted other winners of the second puzzle to compare notes and their

experiences were identical.

In his own words:

"All the stories were the same, we were invited to join 3301, then something happened and

silence followed a request for patience."

Nox Populi suppose that roughly five others completed the second puzzle in contrast to

the twenty-odd winners of the first.

In regards to who or what Cicada is, Nox Populi believes they could be a remnant of the cypherpunk

movement of the late 80s and 90s.

Essentially a small group of activists advocating widespread use of strong cryptography and

privacy-enhancing technologies but he admits that there is no way to know for certain.

If you want a far more comprehensive walkthrough of these puzzles as opposed to my brief overview,

Nox Populi has produced a number of videos on his channel which I highly recommend.

While these accounts cannot be verified they do make for a very compelling argument as

to what Cicada is.

A group of anonymous developers seeking to develop privacy-conscious applications by

recruiting talented individuals via cryptographic puzzles.

Sure, it is not nearly as exciting as a shadow government seeking world domination or any

of the more fantastical theories but it is certainly more plausible.

You have to keep in mind that no part of these puzzles would have required more than one person.

The posters are often pointed to as evidence that this must be the work of some international

organization but I beg to differ.

I mean, right now, I could use any number of services to hire random persons around

the globe to install posters for me.

Although, given that no poster was located more than an hour away from an airport leads

me to believe that one or multiple persons actually traveled to these locations.

I mean, some of the posters were found within walking distance of an international airport.

The fact is that anyone with a disposable income and enough time on their hands would

be able to create the illusion of a vast secret network spanning the globe.

Not saying that is the case with Cicada 3301 but it is nonetheless a possibility that cannot be discounted.

With all of that being said, I personally think a loose-knit group of privacy-minded

hobby-cryptographers to be the most plausible explanation.

Cicada made their last public statement in April of 2017, merely warning against disinformation,

but the current status of the third puzzle and the possibility of a fourth

remains clouded in mystery.

For more infomation >> LEMMiNO 網路未解之謎 - 蟬3301 (Cicada 3301) 中文字幕cc - Duration: 17:54.


Como asignar un programa a un tipo de archivo en Windows 10 - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Como asignar un programa a un tipo de archivo en Windows 10 - Duration: 6:26.


ボロボロに傷ついた老猫の心を開いたのは、小さな毛皮の天使たちだった!!【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> ボロボロに傷ついた老猫の心を開いたのは、小さな毛皮の天使たちだった!!【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:47.


Kia Sportage - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage - Duration: 1:07.


Volkswagen Golf 2.0 TDI Trendline Airco 5Drs (bj 2008) 6-Bak - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 2.0 TDI Trendline Airco 5Drs (bj 2008) 6-Bak - Duration: 1:06.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


[ENG SUB] UNI.T (유니티) UNI.TV (유니티비) Ep 2 - Come to My House - Duration: 8:10.

[BGM: UNIT G (10:45) - Cherry On Top] (UNI.T's Older Ones Dorm Revealed)

(We are opening our dorm!!)

([BGM for open rooms only] Ddaraddaddan~ ddaraddaddan~~~~)

EJ: Come here

YJ: Hello! Yoonjo's room is open!

YJ: No. I'll do it again.

YJ: We're opening Yoonjo's room.

(Glance) (Tact)

YJ: My room is empty.

YJ: I use a single room.

(Cheering applause from professional single)

YJ: Isn't that great? YJ: I'll reveal my clothes!


YJ: How is it?

(White Grey Black) YJ: You see this, right? I'm such a person.

(Achromatic T-shirts line up for broadcasting(?)) YJ: I arrange them by color.

(Nice to meet you, the second column achromatic) YJ: Second is Knitwear. It was decided.

YJ: And, if I open my closet.

YJ: I like dark clothes.

(All dark) YJ: It's usually dark.

(Two rare color clothes) YJ: Because I wear black clothes, almost all these things are dark.

(Yes...Yes... That's right) YJ: Yes, yes, that's right.

(Room introduction will soon run out) YJ: This will soon run out. PD-nim, I'm done.

YJ: Right!! My room introduction is done now.

YJ: What should I do?

YJ: I'll show you what I usually do at the dorm.

YJ: Lie down,

YJ: I'm lying down.

YJ: Then you can hear the birds.

YJ: This is such a room that makes you feel comfortable.

YJ: PD-nim, what will I do now?

YJ: I'll show you in my room...

(Why are you guys so excited!!) YJ: Why are you guys so excited? I have nothing to do. What should I do?

(Heung Euijin & Heung Woohee Room Introduction) EJ: Then this is Woohee Unnie's small desk. Very good.

[BGM: UNIT G (Too Charming) - Sweet] EJ: And this is our bed!

WH: Like this... I'm very grateful. And we thought we had something that was really cool.

(For peace in the room, Pink Share) - EJ: That's right. - WH: Pink color.

- WH: It's reversed. - EJ: I'll turn this over.

WH: Color taste like this... it was the right roommate, everyone.

- WH: I think it fits better than I thought. - EJ: Yes, I like it.

(Pink Woohee's bed) WH: Our room is fresh.

(Pink Euijin's bed) WH: I should have bragged about this.

(This is a handmade table) - WH: This is a handcrafted. - EJ: It's true.

(This is a gift by Woohee's Mom!!) EJ: This is a hand-crafted by Woohee's Mom. This is our size, she give this to us.

- EJ: She have made a production. It's our standard. - WH: Give a good look.

(Showing off instead) EJ: She also can paint it herself like this and very clear and really we can have this. Woohee's Mother, we love you.

WH: What is this, everyone? What is this?

(Answer!!!) WH: What is this?

EJ: Tab...

([Tension] Let's broadcast, Hong Euijin) WH: If Tab's right, then what's next? I think you're so nervous.

EJ: I'm sorry. Now I can't think.

(Textured! Rug!!!) WH: This is...

WH: Not rug. Not that.

(Hong Euijin fool~ Rug is wrong!) - WH: Hong Euijin fool. Rug is wrong! - EJ: That has been heard.

(Leader Bae customized Euidin) WH: Well, everyone, this bedclothes didn't come out real.

WH: This is exactly the tablecloth.

WH: The tablecloth like this is fortune. Fancy.

(This is also a gift by Woohee's Mom!!) - EJ: This is also a gift by Woohee's Mom. -WH: Woohee's style, right?

(White Tablecloth + White Shirt + White Pants) EJ: Unnie, now... white tablecloth, white shirt, white pants. You almost sank.

(White people complete!) WH: It's white people.

- EJ: Who's wearing it like this at home? - WH: I've been wearing it like this.

- EJ: Elegant. - WH: Yes.

WH: And I always sleep with this long pillow.

(Lie!!!) EJ: Don't lie to me, Unnie! Why do you want to be so sincere?

WH: No! I slept like this yesterday. I slept facing here like this yesterday.

EJ: Don't be ridiculous.

(Unfair) WH: No. So how much did you wake up? You're excited like that. Your breath is dead.

EJ: Woohee Unnie might have brought a lot of perfume.

(Woohee Smell) EJ: So this is as far as it goes today.

(Euijin smell) EJ: I can't lose like this.

- EJ: Perfume collection~ - WH: So I sprinkle you sometimes.

- WH: Hong Euijin, thank you. - EJ: Unbelievable.

- EJ: Woohee Unnie's closet open! - WH: Woohee's closet open!

WH: That's it.

WH: That's it.

EJ: Are you curious?

- EJ: That's a secret. - WH: We'll not disclose anything.

([End of Room Introduction] We boast until heating up) - WH: But every room in our house has heating. - EJ: Right. We have coil heating. Who are you?

([Knock only BGM] Do you wanna build a snowman~~~)

(Single room Yoongjo came)

YJ: Open the door.

YJ: Please open.

WH: All done. Let's go.

(NyangJi's room in a cozy space) JW: I'm seen, right? Are you doing this well?

(Self-cam usage poor customer) JW: What if I do this? Like this, am I also seen? OK.

JW: Are you with me today?

([What do you mean] She's beautiful anyway) JW: Anyway do you know anything?

JW: Let's do it like that.

(Jiwon's various things(?) open) JW: Between various things...

JW: Mine are... That's it. Yes.

JW: I also have my pictures.

JW: Turn around?

JW: This is our The Unit. ([Recall memories] The Unit times before becoming UNI.T)

JW: Jiwon, Hyunjoo, what should I do? I miss them.

JW: I also have photos with my best friend Eunjung. (4 cuts of memories with my best friend Eunjung)

JW: Who? Mine? It's a picture when I was young.

(Cute Cute) JW: Yes. Is it similar?

JW: What else is there to do? I have a book.

JW: These days I'm getting a gift.

[BGM: THE UNIT - Present] JW: Every moment was you.

JW: That's a good word.


(Set in the Yoonjo's most cramped single room)

- WH: It's too neat. - EJ: It's white.

- WH: Wait a minute. You haven't done this yet?? - YJ: Yes.

- EJ: Oh! Unnie, give me a chance to rip it once. - YJ: OK.

JW: So you like that.

EJ: Not like this.

JW: But why didn't you rip it?

YJ: It's annoying.

JW: The day the drawer came, Yoonjo said, why is the drawer so dirty? It came weird dan very dirty.

(I'll not break the protective film, The chest of drawers was dirty) JW: But this vinyl drawer is a material that don't look good. It's dirty. You said that, right.

JW: But now it peeled off, it's so clean and pretty. (Euidini peeled it)

(Experience in Yoonjo's bed) WH: Oh, it's good. Oh why is this so fine?

EJ: Unnie is almost gone now.

(The bed and one body of Leader Bae) EJ: I don't see you.

- EJ: Find Woohee. - YJ: Where is Woohee unnie?

(Has anyone seen Woohee unnie~??) EJ: I was in the room with her just now.

YJ: where is Woohee unnie?

JW: It can't work.

(A film lump left by Euidin) YJ: Hey, Euijin!

(Now get out of my room...) YJ: Isn't this too much?

JW: Hey, your wallpaper is point wallpaper.

- JW: It's true. It's true. - EJ: What's yours?

(Let's see Jiwon Unnie's wallpaper~) - JW: Mine is an ordinary wallpaper. - EJ: Your wallpaper is...

EJ: That's right.

(Cozy Jiwon's Room, Euidini Entrance)

(Dazzling Jiwon's fluorescent taste) EJ: Jiwon Unnie's chair is fluorescent color, everyone.

EJ: Jiwon unnie sleeping with the horse.

([Amazed + Awesome] Discover a new perseverance item)

JW: Oh, what's that? You brought mine.

- EJ: It was amazing. - JW: Oh, really?

(Dust) (Pick up)

(Anxious... Hong Euijin) JW: Wow it's a lot.

(Anxious... Hong Euijin) WH: Then let me go first.

JW: This way, it eats the dust. Do it like this...

EJ: Then you have to shake it like this?

(Hey!! Hong Euijin!!!) YJ: Hey! Hey!

(The Older Ones Dorm, we are so happy today)

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] UNI.T (유니티) UNI.TV (유니티비) Ep 2 - Come to My House - Duration: 8:10.


R+T 2018: Klaus Braun / Alukon KG - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> R+T 2018: Klaus Braun / Alukon KG - Duration: 1:40.


EASIEST WAY TO MAKE YOUR OWN FONT - How To Use Fontself Tutorial - Duration: 5:32.

today I'm going to show you guys the easiest way to make a custom font right now

in today's tutorial so let's waste no more time let's dive in today's video on

how to make your very own font the easiest way every single cheese day

here at Satori graphics is going to be typography Tuesday where I'm going to

bring you guys a video or tutorial based around typography so if you love all

things type and you want to learn more about the art of typography you know

where to come today I'm showing you the easiest way to make a font the actual

software to use and how to use it next week I'm going to show you guys how to

design the font I work itself I use an extension you can purchase flow

Illustrator or Photoshop called font self it's an extremely easy piece of

software to use to make your very own font and it's relatively inexpensive at

43 great British pounds as you can see there are various different options for

price plans when I suggest you the debilitated version as making a font

from a vector ensures it's going to remain crisp and clean throughout so how

do we actually use font self to make a fonts it's actually very easy and I'm

going to show you how to do that right now remember next week I'm going to show

you the design process for the font artwork itself once you've downloaded

the font self and you've installed it using the kili send to email address

needs head up to the extensions section illustrator and open up the software I

actually forgot to change my font to black instead of using white but now

that's been changed you will notice at the very top of font self there are

buttons - upper case lower case numbers and a thing called badge

firstly let's add some lowercase letters if you have exactly 26 letters you can

add them all at once into the relevant section just drag and drop them like so

if they are in order font self will place them into the

relevant category for each one letter you then can click the top left corner

of the letter to zoom in and focus on that letter itself this is where you can

adjust the kerning and the baseline of the letter which is something you will

need to spend a lot of time on throughout your font creation you can

either drag and slide here to adjust the kerning ie the space between each letter

or you can do it the manual way which is the way that I do and type in the values

themselves here at the very top section here this is where you can type in and

test to see how your font is looking in comparison to other letters checking to

see if the kerning is OK you can change how far you want to zoom in a zoom out

here what you want to do is to spend a lot of time to carefully test the

kerning of each letter next to another letter so for example with an A and a B

here I can see the kerning is not ideal so I'm going to go back to the B letter

and adjust the kerning values behind and in front of the letter like I said this

does take a lot of time but it is essential for a quality font you can

also add a letter at a time in the back section by selecting a letter from your

font and then clicking badge once added simply type in the letter

Orvis punctuation you just type in the penetration mark again you're going to

need to adjust the coding values for everything you upload into font self and

then test it thereafter

I've used various different font production programs and I find font self

the easiest simply because it's linked up to illustrator or Photoshop and it's

very simple to use I'm not sponsored by the way I just really love this program

lastly you want to export your file for use and that's also very straightforward

to do when you're ready just go up to exports

click it and then name your phone to be exported you then need to install your

font onto your font library or font book and again do more testing I've exported

my font for different times because I experimented and tested it within Adobe

Illustrator and other programs to see how it functioned when designing you in

font you can never do too much testing

so there was today's video and how to make a font yourself

the easiest way right now let me name we thought of today's video write down the

comment section below and of course we did enjoy today's upload give it a

thumbs up and also subscribe to Satori graphics if you haven't already let me

know if you think funk surf was a good medium to actually design your very own

font and if you agree with my opinion and it's the easiest way to make a phone

that actually works and looks good and also don't forget every single Tuesday

I'm going to upload a type or copy/paste video right here Satori graphics but

anyway guys until next time there's only a few today peace

For more infomation >> EASIEST WAY TO MAKE YOUR OWN FONT - How To Use Fontself Tutorial - Duration: 5:32.


18 Essential Chrome Shortcuts & Hidden Tricks (To Skyrocket Productivity) - Duration: 4:32.

Hello everyone my name is Adriana and I'm a growth trainer here at Growth

Tribe. As growth marketeers we love to reduce waste and work faster, so today I

want to show you a number of Google Chrome hidden gems that will boost your

productivity. We'll start with an easy hack that I use on a daily basis. Since

I'm not a big mouse user I always scroll down faster by pressing the spacebar and

then scroll back up by pressing the shift and the spacebar together. If you

are sick of getting those annoying pop-ups asking if you want to receive

any notifications you can turn those entirely off by following this easy

process. There you will find the option for

notifications that you just need to switch off and that's it. If you download

a file and you want to move it somewhere specific, you can drag and drop

it from the download bar directly onto your desktop or in any other folder. You

can also drag and drop files from Chrome's download bar directly into your

online service such as Google Drive or Gmail. Now, if you ever close a tab by

mistake - hit ctrl or command shift T to reopen your most recently closed tabs.

By the way, you can also do this multiple times if there's more than one tab that

you want to recover. Are you looking for a website that's down, or do you want to

see how a page look like a while ago, type this into your Chrome's address bar

and replace page.com with whatever URL you want to search for. And now for one

of my favorite and most helpful hacks, you can just copy paste this snippet of

code into your Chrome's address bar and drag the link into your bookmark bar and

voila you now have your own one-click scratch pad. Write your thoughts directly

into your browser - no extension required. You can also easily drag and drop images

in there. Want to open a link in a new tab without interrupting your current

session? Then hold out ctrl or command and click it, to open the link in a whole

new window you shift-click instead. If you wanna save a link just drag it up

into your Chrome's bookmark bar or wherever you want in your bookmark

category. Another easy one is checking the back button in Chrome's upper left

corner, it does a lot more than you might think, click it and hold your mouse

button down and you'll get a pop-up history of all the recent pages you

viewed within your current tab. Also, if you're like me and have a bunch of tabs

open and you want to save the entire session for later just hit ctrl shift D

and you will save all your open tabs into one folder. To restore them

right-click the folder within your bookmark and select open all or open all

in a new window. The history page is also super helpful when you want to see your

last viewings from all devices, and it has a very easy shortcut ctrl or command

Y. Privacy is a top concern now, so if you want to leave no trail when you navigate

simply open Chrome settings, click advanced, then click privacy and security

and turn on the toggle next to send a do not tag requests with your browsing traffic.

This is turned off by default so turning it on will eliminate some of the cookie

tracking and invasion from the ad networks. So for another favorite of mine

now you can quiet annoying sites once and for all, by right-clicking their tabs

where the title is displayed and selecting mute site. This recently added

option will prevent the site from playing any audio on your computer any

time you visit it again. If you want to copy paste text without its original

formatting you just have to hit ctrl or command shift V to strip all the

formatting away. If sometimes you find Chrome mysteriously acting strange type

this in to your crumbs address bar and your browser will restart itself and

restore all your tabs and windows in an instant. Chrome extensions can be

extremely useful but they can also create a lot of disorder in your

browser's upper right corner. You can hide the extension icons if you don't

need them by right-clicking them and selecting hide in chrome menu after just

open the main chrome menu and you'll see all the hidden icons there. While we're

talking extensions you can create custom keyboard shortcuts, try typing this link

into your browser's address bar to setup your own extension shortcuts. As the last

point run custom search engine feature has a lot of untapped productivity

potential. So open up Chrome settings click on manage search engines, then

click the add command next to the other search engine. For example, you can open

up your scratch pad presented before by simply typing SP in the keywords section

and the code in the URL section. This is it for the video, thanks for watching and

please remember to subscribe and comment below with your

favorite google chrome hack!

For more infomation >> 18 Essential Chrome Shortcuts & Hidden Tricks (To Skyrocket Productivity) - Duration: 4:32.


LEMMiNO 網路未解之謎 - 蟬3301 (Cicada 3301) 中文字幕cc - Duration: 17:54.

On the 4th of January, 2012, a user on 4chan posted this image

to the site's infamous /b/ or random board.

The anonymous author, who went by the four-digit pseudonym 3301, challenged users to uncover

a message hidden within the image.

Unbeknownst to those who stumbled across it, someone had just set in motion one of the

most elaborate scavenger hunts the internet has ever seen.

Within minutes of the image being posted someone discovered that by opening the file using

a text editor an appended string of readable text could be found.

The string contained a cipher that, once deciphered, formed a link to yet another image.

At first this appeared to be a dead end but using an application known as OutGuess

users were able to extract hidden information embedded within the first image.

The extracted information lead to a subreddit which in turn contained information about a book.

The book along with a code could then be used to uncover a

phone number that, when called, played this prerecorded message.

By the following day, the initial image had been reposed all over the internet.

A growing community of armchair detectives sought to unravel this elaborate puzzle but

no one was quite sure what to make off it.

What was the puzzle for?

Who was behind it?

What happens when you reach the end?

Some naturally dismissed it as an elaborate joke while others perceived its complexity

as evidence against it being the work of a mere troll.

Before long, rumors began to circulate that this could be the work of some secret society

or intelligence agency with the intent of recruiting individuals proficient in

cryptography, steganography, and other related fields.

Of course, it was nothing but a rumor.

The two missing numbers mentioned in the recording proved to be the dimensions of the original image.

After multiplying the width and height with 3301 and using the product as a web address,

users were taken to a website.

The website consisted of a countdown as well as an image of a cicada.

When the countdown reached zero, the page was updated with a list of coordinates.

The coordinates pointed to locations around the globe.

14 locations in 5 different countries.

It was now up to participants living near the specified coordinates to rise from their

comfortable armchairs and venture outside.

Those who believed Cicada to be the work of an organization now felt their beliefs had been justified.

In their opinion, only some international collective possessed the means and resources

to create a scavenger hunt of this magnitude.

This was not the work of your average troll.

No, this had to be something else.

At each location was a poster with the cicada symbol and a QR code.

...on the bike shelter over here.

See I got it... I got it right there.

You can see the corners, I just kinda ripped it off.

The codes linked to an image, the image contained a riddle, the riddle lead to a book,

and the book lead to a website.

But here, the puzzle took an unexpected turn.

Only a select group of first arrivals to this website were accepted into the final stage of the puzzle.

The site eventually closed down with the message:

"We want the best, not the followers."

The finalists were also warned not to collaborate with others nor to share the details of this

private stage of the puzzle.

Well, given that we know this, it's safe to say that not everyone heeded that warning.

But those who did presumably advanced through the final stages before reaching the very

end of the puzzle.

After nearly a month of silence an image appeared on the subreddit announcing the conclusion

of the puzzle and, just like that, the hunt was over.

Cicada had supposedly found the "highly intelligent individuals" they were looking for

and whatever happened to them is a bit of a mystery but more on that in a moment.

The lack of an explanation was perceived by many as confirmation that the puzzle had been

nothing but a wild-goose chase intent on wasting everyones time.

After all, questions raised by the original image remained unanswered.

What was the puzzle for?

Who was behind it?

What happens when you reach the end?

However, as it later turned out, this was only the beginning.

Whomever was behind this intricate game had the foresight to include an authentication

code known as a PGP signature along with every clue.

This allowed users to verify that an image or message was actually from Cicada as opposed

to some impostor seeking to derail or hijack the puzzle.

Cicada had repeatedly warned of such "false paths" and insisted that any message lacking

a valid PGP signature should promptly be disregarded.

That's why this image, posted exactly a year and a day after the first, provoked such a frenzy.

After a year of lackluster imitations, this image finally matched the official PGP signature.

Cicada was back and it was time for round two.

The second puzzle was not too dissimilar from the first.

The image enclosed a message, the message lead to a book, the book produced a link,

and gradually the puzzle unfolded.

At one point, a recording titled The Instar Emergence was uncovered.

Another clue lead to a cryptic Twitter account which then lead to an image.

The image proved vital to the progression of the puzzle but the inclusion of this runic

alphabet would remain a mystery for quite some time.

Much like the first puzzle the second swelled into the physical world when a list coordinates

compelled participants to, once again, take to the streets in search of enigmatic posters.

This time it was 8 locations in 4 different countries.

But eventually the trail went cold once again.

Another select group of first arrivals had been accepted into a final private stage of the puzzle.

Unlike the first puzzle the second did not conclude with an official message from Cicada.

The trail merely went cold and Cicada vanished once more leaving us no closer to an explanation.

However, this was still not the end.

At the beginning of 2014 it was time for round three.

Once again the image enclosed a message, the message lead to a book, the book produced a link,

and suffice it to say, it was more of the same.

Except, this time, the puzzle seemed to revolve around a strange book.

The book was titled Liber Primus, meaning First Book in Latin, and was evidently written by Cicada.

The runic alphabet uncovered in 2013 finally made sense as the book was primarily written in runes.

Even so, the meaning of the translated pages were cryptic at best.

The book consisted of various philosophical and idealogical ideas and appeared to be their manifesto.

Many have since compared the strange writings to that of a cult.

Nevertheless, the book also comprised a myriad of clues and codes.

For example, this page advised participants to seek out a website on the deep web

but the site remains undiscovered.

Another page lead to a website containing yet another recording titled Interconnectedness.

However, a significant portion of the book has yet to be translated.

The runic text on some of the pages appear to be obfuscated by layers of encryption

that has yet to be decrypted.

Of the 74 pages featuring runes, only 19 have been successfully translated.

As 2015 came and went without the launch of a new puzzle, many came to suspect the Liber Primus

had to be completed if Cicada was to return.

This was more or less confirmed at the beginning of 2016

when Cicada encouraged a reexamination of the book.

More than four years have now gone by with minimal progress and near complete silence from Cicada.

Questions raised by the original image have gone ignored.

What is the purpose of these puzzles?

Who's behind them?

What happens when you reach the end?

When the initial image appeared on 4chan back in 2012 many assumed Cicada 3301 to be an

alternate reality game designed by a corporation to promote a new service or product.

For example, Microsoft developed an elaborate ARG back in 2001 to promote the film

Artificial Intelligence and a similar viral marketing campaign was used to promote the release of Halo 2.

But the release of subsequent puzzles and the complete lack of commercialization

has more or less eliminated that possibility.

If we choose to believe some of the leaked information from the private end-stage of

each puzzle than we do gain some insight into who this group might be.

For example, at the end of the first puzzle, finalists supposedly received this email.

In it, Cicada describe themselves as an international group who believe that privacy is an inalienable right.

The aim of each puzzle is to recruit like-minded individuals

in an effort to develop privacy-conscious solutions.

The email then concludes with three questions.

The PGP signature, which would have confirmed the authenticity of the email, was conveniently

removed by the leaker.

If a version with a valid signature does exists online I was unable to find it.

But regardless of it's legitimacy, I find this question a bit odd.

It reads: "Do you believe that information should be free?"

Assuming the expected answer is yes then the very first sentence...


...seems a bit hypocritical.

While the idea of a secret society recruiting individuals by means of elaborate cryptographic

puzzles may seem a bit absurd or even conspiratorial, it's not entirely unfounded.

Corporations and governments alike have employed similar recruitment techniques since at least

the second World War.

In 2013, the British intelligence agency GCHQ launched a recruitment program known as

"Can You Find It?".

Participants had to decrypt a number of cryptograms hidden across the internet and those who managed

to solve the entire puzzle were offered a prize or a position at the agency.

Google did something similar with enigmatic billboards back in 2004 and the US Navy launched

a near-identical project in 2014.

Okay, but then, what about the recruits?

Why have we not heard from these chosen few?

Well, we have.

It's just that separating a legitimate finalist from an impostor is virtually impossible.

In a 2015 interview with Rolling Stone, two alleged winners of the first puzzle chronicled

the events beyond the final stage.

After receiving an email from Cicada they were taken to a forum on the dark web.

Here, they could communicate with some twenty some odd recruits as well as a handful of

established members of Cicada.

They were told that Cicada 3301 had been founded by a group of friends who shared common ideals

about security, privacy, and censorship.

The goal was to work as a collective to develop software applications in line with that ideology.

As friends recruited friends, this secret society quickly expanded into a decentralized

international organization.

The recruits were then tasked with developing software that fit the ideology of the group

and members of Cicada would oversee their progress.

But without the allure of a puzzle to be solved, the recruits quickly lost interest.

By the end of 2012 all but one had left and a few months later the site was gone.

They never heard from Cicada again.

One of the two winners, named Marcus Wanner, later elaborated further in a video by YouTuber Nox Populi.

Furthermore, Nox Populi himself claims to be a winner of the second puzzle so I reached

out to him and this is some of what he had to say.

After completing the final stages of the second puzzle Nox Populi received an invitation to

join Cicada 3301.

However, he was not invited to a website but was instead merely told to be patient.

Then, around May of 2013, all communication with Cicada abruptly ceased.

This was around the same time as when the website dedicated to the winners of the first

puzzle was suddenly taken down.

Nox Populi later contacted other winners of the second puzzle to compare notes and their

experiences were identical.

In his own words:

"All the stories were the same, we were invited to join 3301, then something happened and

silence followed a request for patience."

Nox Populi suppose that roughly five others completed the second puzzle in contrast to

the twenty-odd winners of the first.

In regards to who or what Cicada is, Nox Populi believes they could be a remnant of the cypherpunk

movement of the late 80s and 90s.

Essentially a small group of activists advocating widespread use of strong cryptography and

privacy-enhancing technologies but he admits that there is no way to know for certain.

If you want a far more comprehensive walkthrough of these puzzles as opposed to my brief overview,

Nox Populi has produced a number of videos on his channel which I highly recommend.

While these accounts cannot be verified they do make for a very compelling argument as

to what Cicada is.

A group of anonymous developers seeking to develop privacy-conscious applications by

recruiting talented individuals via cryptographic puzzles.

Sure, it is not nearly as exciting as a shadow government seeking world domination or any

of the more fantastical theories but it is certainly more plausible.

You have to keep in mind that no part of these puzzles would have required more than one person.

The posters are often pointed to as evidence that this must be the work of some international

organization but I beg to differ.

I mean, right now, I could use any number of services to hire random persons around

the globe to install posters for me.

Although, given that no poster was located more than an hour away from an airport leads

me to believe that one or multiple persons actually traveled to these locations.

I mean, some of the posters were found within walking distance of an international airport.

The fact is that anyone with a disposable income and enough time on their hands would

be able to create the illusion of a vast secret network spanning the globe.

Not saying that is the case with Cicada 3301 but it is nonetheless a possibility that cannot be discounted.

With all of that being said, I personally think a loose-knit group of privacy-minded

hobby-cryptographers to be the most plausible explanation.

Cicada made their last public statement in April of 2017, merely warning against disinformation,

but the current status of the third puzzle and the possibility of a fourth

remains clouded in mystery.

For more infomation >> LEMMiNO 網路未解之謎 - 蟬3301 (Cicada 3301) 中文字幕cc - Duration: 17:54.


The Usopp Pirates arrive & beat Captain Kuro up | One Piece 15 | Multi-Sub | HD | #105 - Duration: 3:09.

What was that?!

What did he do?!

It looked like his arm stretched!

Get real!

He sent Captain Kuro flying!

I leave the rest to you!

I'm gonna get me some treasure!

--The Usopp Pirates have arrived! --The Usopp Pirates have arrived!

You guys!

Stay away!

Say your prayers, butt-ler!

It's punishment time!

Lousy pirate! Disrupting this village's peace!


--Darn you! --Take this!

You brats! What are you doing?!

What're those runts doing?!

Stop that, you guys... Stop!

Alright! We'll let you off with just that!

Now Captain Kuro is really mad!

Those stupid brats!


I knew it! You were fighting, Captain!

Why didn't you tell us?! That's unbare!

No! You mean "unfair"!

Who cares about that?! You guys just gotta get out of here! Run!


We're gonna fight, too!

The Usopp Pirates will be shamed if we run!

You idiots! Get out of here, now!


That hurt a bit...

That's quite a strange technique you have there...

I take it you have Devil Fruit powers?!

Yep! I ate the Gum-Gum Fruit!

I'm a rubber person!

What?! A Devil Fruit?

He's dangerous!

They really do exist?!

I thought he seemed strange!

I see. A rubber person. So I didn't hallucinate his arm-stretching...

For more infomation >> The Usopp Pirates arrive & beat Captain Kuro up | One Piece 15 | Multi-Sub | HD | #105 - Duration: 3:09.


Here's Who Is About To Be Booted From Trump's Cabinet - Duration: 12:17.

Here's Who Is About To Be Booted From Trump's Cabinet

After just one year in office, Donald Trump has already fired numerous members of his


Now, the latest people to be on his chopping block have been revealed.

The Los Angeles Times reported that one person who may be in danger is Trump's Secretary

of Education Betsy DeVos, who has been met with protests and ridicule since she was appointed.

She was particularly mocked for a recent "60 Minutes" interview in which she gave vague

answers on school choice, sexual assault on college campuses and other issues.

Steve Schmidt, a longtime Republican strategist, described the interview as "bad."

"She humiliated herself and the administration," he said.

"That's what Trump hates most — humiliation.

But, for now, she remains."

Another person who could be in danger is Trump's chief of staff John Kelly.

Insiders say Trump has turned on Kelly and that the president has complained the management

structure in the West Wing doesn't suit the freewheeling style he employed as a businessman.

Kelly also recently made negative headlines when he acknowledged he mishandled accusations

of domestic abuse that were made by ex-wives of Rob Porter, who resigned in February from

his job as White House staff secretary.

Trump's Secretary of Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin is also on the chopping block, as

he has been making the news for all the wrong reasons.

Back in August, he took a military jet from New York to Washington, saying he needed a

secure phone line in a trip that cost $25,000.

He also received criticism for flying on a government plane to Kentucky, where he viewed

the solar eclipse with his wife.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been on the chopping block ever since Trump slammed

him for recusing himself from the Russia inquiry last year.

"So why aren't the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking

into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations?" Trump tweeted last summer.

Schmidt said that at some point, the humiliation "may just be too much to overcome" and

that Sessions "might leave on his own … you would think that might have happened months


Who do you think the next person to be fired from Trump's White House will be?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.


For more infomation >> Here's Who Is About To Be Booted From Trump's Cabinet - Duration: 12:17.


4 reasons why Leonardo Jardim would have been perfect for Arsenal ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:39.

Trophies in the Cabinet

Jardim has collected three significant trophies as a manager since 2012.

During his time short time with Olympiacos, Jardim won both the Greek league title and

cup despite being relieved of his duties before the season ended.

During one season in charge of the club, Sporting finished second in the league, 25 points and

five sports higher in the table than the Lisbon club finished in the previous campaign.

Along with the title, Monaco is one of only two French clubs (PSG) to finish inside the

top three of the table in each of the last four campaigns.

Can Work on a Budget

According to Transfermarkt.com, Jardim has recorded a net spend of about -€180 million

during his four seasons in Monaco.

This surplus of money brought into the club was fueled by sales of Benjamin Mendy, Bernardo

Silva, Tiemoue Bakayoko, Layvin Kurzawa, Yannick Carrasco, and the aforementioned Rodriguez,

Martial, and Kondogbia.

Recent reports suggest Arsenal also have a limited amount of transfer money available

to their next manager.

Focus on Youth

Not only can Jardim handle money/transfers extremely well, but he also likes to focus

on developing young talent as well.

This is something that Wenger has previously done well at Arsenal for over two decades.

During his four years in Monaco, the average age of incoming transfers has been 22.

Style of Play

Monaco have slowly turned into an offensive powerhouse under Jardim.

After scoring just 51 Ligue 1 goals in his first campaign with the club, Monaco have

scored an impressive 249 league goals over the last three seasons

Jardim does not necessarily deploy a single formation and stick to it.

While he did previously implement a 4-4-2 during Monaco's title run, he has since

gone with a 4-4-1-1 or even a 4-2-3-1 at times this season.

For more infomation >> 4 reasons why Leonardo Jardim would have been perfect for Arsenal ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:39.


Are You Sleeping Brother John | Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs | Video for Children Kids - Duration: 2:31.

Hi friends! Thanks for your watching! Don't forget to subscribe!

You can watch more videos in our playlist, its link in the description.

Please leave a like if you enjoyed and tell me what you think in the comments.

Having many interesting video more. Let's follow us!

For more infomation >> Are You Sleeping Brother John | Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs | Video for Children Kids - Duration: 2:31.


【MUKBANG】 [THAT'S SO CUTE!!] Ikumi Mama's Animal Doughnuts!! [30 Items] About 6600kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [THAT'S SO CUTE!!] Ikumi Mama's Animal Doughnuts!! [30 Items] About 6600kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 8:49.


Norah Jones - Austin City Limits - 2017 - Duration: 25:45.

For more infomation >> Norah Jones - Austin City Limits - 2017 - Duration: 25:45.


ABC Song | Learning Videos For Children by Farmees - Duration: 1:01:11.







Y and Z

I just love my ABC...

26 Letters from A to Z







Y and Z

Now i know my ABC...

Next time want you sing with me







Y and Z

I just love my ABC...

26 Letters from A to Z






Y and Z

Now i know my ABC...

Next time want you sing with me

For more infomation >> ABC Song | Learning Videos For Children by Farmees - Duration: 1:01:11.


李思思丈夫不是60岁老头!隐藏多年的"富豪"曝光,网友:这身份谁能想到? - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> 李思思丈夫不是60岁老头!隐藏多年的"富豪"曝光,网友:这身份谁能想到? - Duration: 4:14.


【肉食中環】不甘心舊男友名成利就的女模特兒(周顯) - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> 【肉食中環】不甘心舊男友名成利就的女模特兒(周顯) - Duration: 4:03.


🌾 Sasuke & Sakura | Kowareyasuki 💓 (SasuSaku AMV) - Duration: 4:58.

You're fragile

You're fragile

You're always so timid, while smiling the whole time

But I too understand not wanting to be disliked

That's why you say nothing, swallow the truth

In a big breath, and just endure it

Just stop, and show your heart only to me in secret

I love you and your teary eyes

And the clumsy way you live with your defenses down

Fragile things must be protected or they'll be broken

I'll always protect you, hold you

You're fragile

I can see your hesitation, it makes my heart hurt

The way no one else will ever know how kind you are

But I've realized the truth

When we're able to be alone, please don't just endure it

Come now, show all of your grief only to me

I love you and how you overthink everything

Because you're the complete opposite of me

Fragilove, don't let this fleeting love break

I'll always protect you, hold you

Injured and scared

Were you waiting for me with an injured heart?

I found it, your real heart

Fragile things must be protected or they'll be broken

I'll always protect you, hold you

Fragilove, don't let this fleeting love break

I'll always protect you, hold you


Fragile things

You're fragile


You're fragile

For more infomation >> 🌾 Sasuke & Sakura | Kowareyasuki 💓 (SasuSaku AMV) - Duration: 4:58.


Top 18 Gloria Trevi de todos los tiempos - Los mejores éxitos de Gloria Trevi - Duration: 1:13:47.

Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Top 18 Gloria Trevi de todos los tiempos - Los mejores éxitos de Gloria Trevi - Duration: 1:13:47.


Making Tee nuts - Duration: 8:50.

Welcome to Enots engineering I'm Alan

in todays video we make five t-nuts to fit the CNC machine

These are specially made to suit the aluminium extrusion on the CNC machine.

All the milling is done in the lathe so let's go into the workshop

and see how we make them

Today in the workshop I want to make some tee nuts for the CNC machine

what I'm using is aluminium then I cut out for the Machine backplate cut these

shapes out so I've got lots of these aluminium triangles I've marked this one out

and the cut it in the bandsaw and make some tee nuts for the bed of the CNC

I will do the milling on the lathe

so the first thing I need to do is set the tool post parallel to the chuck.

What I'm doing is holding my dial indicator across the jaws clamp it this means I

can move the dial indicator up and down to get in the right position

you don't need to clamp it tight in the jaws just enough to hold it

bring it into the tool post and then by adjusting the tool post you can set this to run true

it's about four thou over that length

that's 0.0002"

The aluminium I'm using that's been sawn off just on the bandsaw

that side that's got another saw cut on that side so I want to make one side square

I'm just using a piece of packing on the top so that I don't damage the

surface of the aluminium with the locking cap heads

lock that in position

what I want to do next is put the fly cutter in the chuck

and I'll adjust the height of this so the aluminium is near the center of the chuck

it's not critical it's just so that the fly cutter cuts evenly each side

Just check that I can move the full the length of that piece of aluminium

and that the cutting bit will travel right to the end that's at the end of my travel

it should be okay

I,ve change the fly cutter to an end mill with four flutes

so I've roughed it out now can get a better finish on there I've set the

aluminium to the center of the cutter

What I've done is I've changed my tool holder to one that holds a wider tool this was

the original one I was using as you can see I can't get this piece of aluminum

inside words when I can on this one I've put some packing at the back to bring it

out 3mm so when I go 3mm deep it'll miss this tool holder and

I've put a smaller-diameter end mill in so it only comes up 6.25mm

which is the depth I need to go so what I need to do now is machine

that until it's 3mm deep turn the part round

and do the same on the other side and that should give me the width I need in the middle.

Now I need to reduce the thickness by 1mm.

So I've fitted it in a four jaw chuck and I'm facing off the part

now after taking off some of the sharp edges that slides in that slides in there

So all I need to do now is drill and tap M6 holes and then slice them off in two the nuts

I fitted the blank for the t-nuts in the pedestal drill vise and I've

marked out will get five T nuts out of this and I'll position the center drill

in the center this way and in the center for the first hole for the first nut so

what I'm going to do is centre drill all the positions change it to a 5mm drill

and then drill through all the holes

and the way I Centre and position the parts is

I've got fitted to my drill press table an X&Y axis so I

can position the part anywhere within this area it's a little heavy for these

drilling machine but it seems to be coping with it

so now I have to wind it over 0.750"

that's finished item now on this one when I tighten this bolt up and clamp

something on it the top of the t-nut doesn't protrude over the top of the bed

five new two nuts well that's it for today I hope you

enjoyed it and we'll see you next time On Enots engineering

For more infomation >> Making Tee nuts - Duration: 8:50.


Causes and Risks of Heart Disease - Duration: 5:48.

Causes and risks of heart disease

what is heart disease heart disease is sometimes called coronary heart disease CHP it is the leading cause of death among adults in

the United States learning about the causes and risk factors of the disease may help you avoid heart problems

causes of heart disease

heart disease occurs when plaque develops in the arteries and blood vessels that lead to the

heart this blocks important nutrients and oxygen from reaching your heart

plaque is a waxy substance made up of cholesterol

fatty molecules and minerals

plaque accumulates over time when the inner lining of an artery is damaged by high blood pressure

cigarette smoking or elevated cholesterol or triglycerides

risk factors several risk factors play an important role in determining whether or not you're likely to develop heart disease

two of these factors aged and heredity are a lot of your control

the risk of CE HT increases around the cage a 55 and women and 45 in men your risk may be

greater if you have close family members who have a history of heart disease

other risk factors for heart disease include all be city

insulin resistance or die a B.S. high cholesterol and blood pressure

family history of heart disease

being physically inactive

smoking eating an unhealthy diet

clinical depression unhealthy lifestyle choices though dramatic factors can increase your risk

of developing heart disease unhealthy lifestyle choices also play a big role

some unhealthy lifestyle choices that can contribute to heart disease include living a

sedentary lifestyle and not getting enough physical exercise

eating an unhealthy diet that is high in fat proteins Trans fats sugary foods and sodium

smoking excessive drinking

staying in a high stress environment without proper stress management techniques

not managing your diabetes as

link between heart disease and type two diabetes as it is estimated that people with type

two diabetes as and a specially those who have reached middle age

are twice as likely to have heart disease or experience a stroke as people who do not have diabetes as

adults with diabetes tend to have heart attacks and a younger caged and are more likely to experience multiple heart attacks to if they

have insulin resistance or high blood glucose levels

the reason for this is the relationship between glucose and blood vessel health

high blood glucose levels that aren't managed can increase the amount of plaque that forms within the walls of the blood vessels

hindering or stopping the flow of blood to the heart if you have diabetes as you can reduce

the risk of heart disease by managing your blood sugar carefully

follow a diabetes friendly diet that's rich in fiber and low in sugar

fat and simple carbohydrates

you should also maintain a healthy weight if you smoke now's a good time to consider quitting

the managing your blood sugar levels can prevent heart disease eye disease and circulation problems

depression some studies have shown that individuals suffering from depression develop

heart disease at higher rates than the general population

depression can lead to a number of changes in your body that can increase your risk for

developing heart disease or having a heart attack

too much stress and or consistently feeling sad can elevate your blood pressure and your levels of a substance called see reactive

protein CR pea sea rp is a marker for inflammation in the body

higher than normal levels of CR pee have also been shown to predict coronary heart disease

depression can also lead to a decreased interest in daily activities

including daily routines like exercise that are necessary to help prevent heart disease

this can lead to unhealthy behavior such as skipping medications

not putting effort into eating a healthy diet

drink in too much alcohol

or smoking cigarettes talk with your Dr. If you're feeling depressed

the fashion a help can get you back done the path to good health and may reduce the possibility of recurring problems

the takeaway heart disease biz dangerous

but it can be prevented in many cases

everyone would benefit from maintaining a heart healthy lifestyle

but it is particularly important for those with increased risk

the following strategies can help prevent heart disease exercise regularly

maintain a healthy diet

maintain a healthy weight

reduced stress in your life

stop smoking drink in moderation

get annual physicals from your Dr. To detect abnormalities and assess risk factors

take supplements as advised by your Dr.

Know the warning signs of heart disease

heart attacks and strokes

living a healthy lifestyle is one of the most effective ways you can prevent heart disease

heart attacks and strokes

preventing heart disease should be a priority whether you're in your twenties or in your sixties

For more infomation >> Causes and Risks of Heart Disease - Duration: 5:48.


Android P beta - New features and how to download on YOUR smartphone NOW ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 3:06.

GOOGLE'S Android P is now available to download via the beta programme and here's all the

new features and how to get it right now.

Google's next generation operating system, Android P, is now available to download via

the firm's beta programme.

The US technology giant has just announced the launch of its new OS at its yearly developers

conference with a swathe of updated features also revealed.

There's plenty of new features coming to Android P including Adaptive Battery, which prioritises

battery power only for the apps and services you use the most.

Google has also used machine learning to create something called Adaptive Brightness.

This intelligent feature learns how you like to set the brightness slider given your surroundings

with Google saying it does a better job that current in-built settings on most smartphones.

Google is making a big deal about the way Android P looks with the whole experience

now more simple - making it easier and faster to use.

A less cluttered home screen along with easy gestures to switch between apps have all been


App Actions, for instance, help Android fans get to the next task more quickly by predicting

what they want to do next.

Say you connect your headphones to your device, Android will surface an action to resume your

favourite Spotify playlist.

Actions show up throughout Android in places like the Launcher, Smart Text Selection, the

Play Store, the Google Search app and the Assistant.

Another of Android P's headline features is making smartphones less intrusive.

Within this upgrade are plenty of options that allow users to check how much time they

are spending on their phone and stop themselves from being distracted by it.

Google says its focus is on giving users a greater understanding of how you use your

phone, as well as more controls.

Android P includes a new Dashboard that gives a simple guide to app usage.

It even shows how many times you've unlocked your phone, and how many notifications you've


Another option is the App Timer which lets users set time limits on apps, and will nudge

them when they are close to their limit.

Finally there's a Wind Down mode which will switch on Night Light when it gets dark,

and it will turn on Do Not Disturb and fade the screen to grayscale at your chosen bedtime

to help you remember to get to sleep at the time you want.

For more infomation >> Android P beta - New features and how to download on YOUR smartphone NOW ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 3:06.


✦ Star Wars Force Link 2.0 Enfys Nest & Swoop Bike✦ - Duration: 9:52.

This figure is sponsored by Toys-Shop.gr!

Hello folks! Stathis here! We have another Star Wars review!

So today we will take a look at the Enfys Nest and Swoop Bike figures!

We will take a look at this vehicle here which is called Swoop Bike.

And of course Enfys Nest.

I say "she" because in the next minutes of this video you will hear that she has a female voice.

So this is the box. Here you see the figure.

Enfys Nest, her name over here. This toy is for ages 4 & up.

Nothing special on the sides of the box.

And on the back side of the box you see some product shots.

Enough with the box, let's see the figures from close now.

And here is Enfys Nest and Swoop Bike out of their box and they look fa-nta-stic!

First of all, they comes with the instructions. Very simple instructions.

They tell us that we can use the Force Link 2.0 device with these figures.

And here is Enfys Nest. A very nice figure! I really like the design of this figure.

It surprises me that her cape is made of cloth! Bravo Hasbro! Very impressive!

These pieces here are made of rubber material. The horns as well.

I really like her mask. Very nice details.

Nice silver paint on the helmet. Nice gun metal grey paint over here.

I like the design of this piece, it looks like it's bones.

Here you see her arm covers. She looks very nice.

And these 2 pieces here are made of rubber material.

As for her articulation, her head can rotate 360 degrees.

It can move slightly up and down. It has a small tilt left and right.

The arm can move up and down.

Also these pieces here are made of rubber material.

There is rotation at this point of the arm.

And the leg can move back and forth.

Under her feet she has pegholes so you can put her on a base with a peg on if you have.

And this is her weapon. It has very nice sculpted details.

These small figures have very nice details! For the size they have, they're very good!

They simply don't have good articulation.

And as you can see, she can hold it without any problem.

She can hold it very securely.

And this is the Swoop Bike vehicle. I really like the Star Wars vehicles!

They 're all unique! Very cool designs!

Nice gun metal grey paint for the thrusters.

Grey plastic for the handles.

The pedals are made of flexible plastic as far as I can see.

It looks nice! So let's see her on the vehicle!

Put her in a sitting pose.

Place the handles through her hands.

Here you go! Very nice! Looks very good!

I haven't found any storage place for her weapon.

But you can place it in this hole here and it will stand like this.

Okay! It is also a solution!

So let's see a size comparison now to have an idea about the size of this figure.

Stay up! Nice.

Here she is next to Chewbacca.

Here she is next to Han Solo.

And finally, here she is next to a legends class figure, Power Of The Primes Windcharger.

And the time has come for what we were all waiting for! To hear what kind of sounds they make, these 2 figures.

Take the Force Link 2.0. Tap 2 times over here to activate it.

Come on!


Okay...it makes this weird sound.

You also hear gun shots.

Why doesn't she speak?!

If I remember well she speaks...!

I guess she doesn't speak....!

Let's see the Swoop Bike now.

The opposite happened! :D

The Swoop Bike speaks, Enfys Nest doesn't speak! :D

As far as I can understand, her voice is a little bit distorted.

But it's a female voice, it's not a male voice.

She repeats the same words. I believe she has 4-5 different phrases.

It's a very nice set.

I really love the Star Wars vehicles, they have very nice design!

The figure has very nice details for its size and you can use the Force Link 2.0 device

so the figures will interact.

I believe it is worth the money and the little kids would love this set!

I will also give you a link in the video description below in case you want to purchase this set.

So that was my Enfys Nest & Swoop Bike review.

Thank you all for watching, see you in the next video, bye!

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