Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Youtube daily report May 22 2018

Hello there! This is Cedric from MosaLingua.

In today's video, I'm going to talk about

6 very common mistakes that people make when they learn a language.

Chances are that you're making one of these six errors. So listen up and

bear with me!

You may have noticed in the past that some people don't seem to have

any problem when learning a language. They get started and a few months later,

you see them getting by in their target language as if they've been learning it

for years. Some others remain stuck at beginner level for a long time

before giving up out of frustration. What could be the reason for

such a difference in success between learners? Let's take 2 language learners

that we are going to call Alice and Bob.

Alice is a good student that doesn't do

the same mistake that poor Bob does while learning a language.

Let's see what Bob's mistakes are and that Alice manages to avoid.

1. Not listening enough

This is the most important skill to develop at the beginning. While Bob spends a lot of

time reading Spanish books, texts and doing a lot of grammar exercise, Alice

spends a lot of time with music, TV shows, podcasts, movies which helps her

improving her understanding and expression. As a result, bob is totally

lost when he's trying to have a conversation

with a Spanish native. This is why it is crucial that you immerse yourself from

the very beginning.

2. Not listing the reasons to learn the language

Motivation is a key factor when learning a language, and it's all down to the reason why one

decides to learn a language. For example Alice made it clear she wanted to learn

Italian for her love of good food and this impression of a good life she could feel

while watching old Italian movies, or when she goes there on holidays.

Meanwhile Bob wants to give up when his faced with difficulties in Spanish

forgetting the reason why he wanted to learn Spanish in the first place.

This is why it is important to list your reason to learn the language, commit to them, and

review them when you feel that your commitment is diminishing.

3. Being too much of a perfectionist

At some point, you won't know the right word and you will

be stuck, and yes, you will make mistakes, a lot. And often

the same one, and again and again. If you manage it up with a smile then you're

good to go. Alice is aware of that and doesn't get

too frustrated when she fails to make a perfect sentence, when talking to an

Italian person. While poor Bob claims all the time is Spanish is bad and that

becomes an excuse not to practice. Accepting your imperfection is the best

way to see mistakes for what they truly are: a great opportunity to learn more.

4. Learning the boring way

It will take some time for you to learn a language,

so why make this boring? There are many ways to have fun while learning a

language and yet, many of us learn languages the same way we did in school.

Bob keeps on doing his "listen and repeat" drills alongside more grammar exercise.

It's so boring! No wonder he wants to quit all the time! Alice is aware of that

and mixes them with many more fun, diverse, and interactive activities such as chatting,

reading or simply watching a movie in its original version.

5. Work too hard

This last one might sound quite strange, but bear with me. Studying for long session

will not improve your memorization. You might overload your capacity to

memorize information and bore yourself to death. It's smarter to work less but

regularly. Over time you will remember much more this way without running the

risk of losing your precious motivation. That's why Alice started doing short

10-minute study sessions every day and increase the length once she had built the habit;

Meanwhile Bob gave up after week, trying to cram in 2 hours of Spanish everyday.

6. Being scared to speak

It's also understandable for you to be scared when

speaking in a language. This is a very natural emotion and you will never get

rid of it. Instead of letting it prevent you from speaking, it's better to face it

and realize that you cannot make progress by remaining muted. That's why

Alice leaves her pride aside when she talks and forgets about sounding or

looking silly when she speaks in Italian. How can Bob progress if he always shies

away from any opportunity to speak Spanish?

Did you recognize any mistakes that you're currently making?

If so, don't be a Bob and check out our other videos

in which we give our expert tips on how to learn a language the smart way. And if

you enjoyed this video, give it a like and more importantly subscribe to our

channel for more language learning tips with MosaLingua. Happy learning

and see you soon!


For more infomation >> 6 common mistakes when learning a language - Duration: 5:01.


Cause e rimedi per il dolore alle ginocchia - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Cause e rimedi per il dolore alle ginocchia - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:40.


Edge 130: Navigation Features - Duration: 3:01.

Wherever you ride, Edge 130 tracks how far, how fast and even how high you've gone.

In this video, we'll introduce you to some of this device's most helpful navigation features.

You can use the Course Creator from Garmin Connect

to easily plan and download courses for your next ride.

These courses use our popularity routing algorithms,

so you'll be routed to the most popular cycling routes.

To get started, access Garmin Connect on your desktop

if you want to plan a course in detail or make adjustments to an existing course,

or if you want to import a course from a third-party platform, like Strava.

Open the Garmin Connect Mobile app if your course is already created,

or if you want to plan something on the fly.

Tap "More"

Then "Courses".

Tap the plus sign to create a new course

or the magnifying glass to search for one.

When you're done creating a course, or if you've found one you like,

tap the icon in the top right corner to send the course to your device.

The course will transfer wirelessly to your Edge 130.

You'll be notified when the download is complete.

Then, on your Edge, press and hold the button on the top right side.

Select "Navigation"

Then "Courses".

You'll be able to see the map overview as well

as the elevation profile of the courses on your Edge.

Select one.

Then select "Ride".

As you ride, you'll receive turn prompts at all key points along the course.

Keep in mind, you can assign a data field on your Edge

to show the distance until your next turn.

That way you'll always know what's coming up next.

Edge 130 also lets you navigate back to start at any point during your ride.

Just press the Pause button.

And select "Back to Start".

Then you'll select whether you want to head back to your starting point

along the same route you've been riding, or simply in a straight line.

Press the start button to resume your ride.

The device will navigate you back to the starting point.

Wherever you ride, Edge 130 provides a helpful breadcrumb map.

Not only does it show you where to ride next, it also shows you where you've been.

it also shows you where you've been.

Just press the button to scroll down through the page loop while you're riding.

And, if you go off course at any point, you'll get an alert on your Edge,

so you can quickly view the map and find your way back.

That's all for now. To learn more about Edge 130,

check out the other videos in this series.

For more infomation >> Edge 130: Navigation Features - Duration: 3:01.


Sierra de Teba, a lomos de un caballo. Teba. Málaga - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Sierra de Teba, a lomos de un caballo. Teba. Málaga - Duration: 1:24.


Funktionsweise des TriAuto ZX2 Videotutorial mit Dr Sebastian Riedel - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Funktionsweise des TriAuto ZX2 Videotutorial mit Dr Sebastian Riedel - Duration: 4:52.


Jet Li très affaibli et malade, une photo choc dévoilée - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Jet Li très affaibli et malade, une photo choc dévoilée - Duration: 1:17.


Camille Cerf a été punie par Mike Horn - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Camille Cerf a été punie par Mike Horn - Duration: 1:31.


4 batidos espectaculares de manzana para un abdomen plano - Duration: 8:56.

For more infomation >> 4 batidos espectaculares de manzana para un abdomen plano - Duration: 8:56.


Stéphane Bern « c'est difficile de vivre avec moi » - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Stéphane Bern « c'est difficile de vivre avec moi » - Duration: 1:27.


La responsabilité éducative des entreprises - Le 12 juin à Bercy - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> La responsabilité éducative des entreprises - Le 12 juin à Bercy - Duration: 0:47.


Learn amigurumi (11) - How to close crochet (magic close) - Duration: 6:37.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Learn amigurumi (11) - How to close crochet (magic close) - Duration: 6:37.


How the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude was born - Duration: 4:52.

It was a time that was not easy

because we did not have money

instead it was a very good time because I was writing like a train

that is the best thing that can happen to a writer,

then when I saw that a hundred years of solitude was coming,

and that nobody stopped it,

I told Mercedes

you take care of this matter

and she of course

did not think twice.

It's curious that my children -now I ask them

at this time- and they remind me

like a man who was locked in a room

and never came out and I had the impression

that I was the most human and most sociable being in the world

now I realized that for 18 months I did not leave the room,

but I remember that I went out once,

I left when Mercedes told me there was nothing to do

that had already bottomed out, then

I had a car

and I carried it to El Monte de Piedad

and I pawned it and I brought to Mercedes the money and I said:

look here you have like for

10 years,

and it lasted three months

and I kept writing,

I remember that halfway

the owner of the house

called Mercedes and said:


you owe me three months about the house

and Mercedes covered the phone and said:

how much time do you need

to finish the book? and I said: like six months,

and then she told him: look Sir, I not only owe you

three months but we are going to owe you six more

and then, the guy told her:

In seven, will you pay me everything ?

-Yes, everything , and he told her:

if you give me your word,

I have no problem waiting for you, and Mercedes covered the phone and told me:

you are going to pay it´s your word, and

I said: my word of honor,

and you know

that at seven months we went and we paid him everything

-not for a "One hundred years of solitude "- because I ended up after a month

and I brought such a palenque in my hand that

I started to work later in advertising and we were able to pay for all that

and the day

I ended it up

we went to the post office - Mercedes and I -

they were 700 pages,

then they weighed them

and they said that it cost 83 pesos

from Mexico to Argentina

and Mercedes told me: I have only 45,

it was be very easy for me: I split in half the book and told them :

weigh this book until 45 pesos,

they weighed it up to 45 pesos

and I cut it like someone who cuts meat,

when it reaches 45,

I wrapped the rejected ones,

and I sent them and we keep the rest;

then we went to home

and Mercedes took out what remains to be pawn,

which was the heater that I used to write

- because I can write in any circumstance except cold -

the dryer that

I used for the head

and the blender

that I had used to make - all life -

to make fruit juices to children since the children were growing and they no longer needed.

She went with that to El Monte de Piedad

and they gave her 50 pesos

and the fact is that we returned with the rest of the novel

to the post office,

they weighed it and said:

it costs 48 pesos, and Mercedes

paid those 50 pesos

and they returned her two

and I realized that when we left the post office,

she was

green with the annoyance

and he told me: now all that is missing

is that this novel is bad.

For more infomation >> How the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude was born - Duration: 4:52.


Pharrell type beat

For more infomation >> Pharrell type beat


Recept IJssandwiches – Colruyt - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Recept IJssandwiches – Colruyt - Duration: 1:56.


6 common mistakes when learning a language - Duration: 5:01.

Hello there! This is Cedric from MosaLingua.

In today's video, I'm going to talk about

6 very common mistakes that people make when they learn a language.

Chances are that you're making one of these six errors. So listen up and

bear with me!

You may have noticed in the past that some people don't seem to have

any problem when learning a language. They get started and a few months later,

you see them getting by in their target language as if they've been learning it

for years. Some others remain stuck at beginner level for a long time

before giving up out of frustration. What could be the reason for

such a difference in success between learners? Let's take 2 language learners

that we are going to call Alice and Bob.

Alice is a good student that doesn't do

the same mistake that poor Bob does while learning a language.

Let's see what Bob's mistakes are and that Alice manages to avoid.

1. Not listening enough

This is the most important skill to develop at the beginning. While Bob spends a lot of

time reading Spanish books, texts and doing a lot of grammar exercise, Alice

spends a lot of time with music, TV shows, podcasts, movies which helps her

improving her understanding and expression. As a result, bob is totally

lost when he's trying to have a conversation

with a Spanish native. This is why it is crucial that you immerse yourself from

the very beginning.

2. Not listing the reasons to learn the language

Motivation is a key factor when learning a language, and it's all down to the reason why one

decides to learn a language. For example Alice made it clear she wanted to learn

Italian for her love of good food and this impression of a good life she could feel

while watching old Italian movies, or when she goes there on holidays.

Meanwhile Bob wants to give up when his faced with difficulties in Spanish

forgetting the reason why he wanted to learn Spanish in the first place.

This is why it is important to list your reason to learn the language, commit to them, and

review them when you feel that your commitment is diminishing.

3. Being too much of a perfectionist

At some point, you won't know the right word and you will

be stuck, and yes, you will make mistakes, a lot. And often

the same one, and again and again. If you manage it up with a smile then you're

good to go. Alice is aware of that and doesn't get

too frustrated when she fails to make a perfect sentence, when talking to an

Italian person. While poor Bob claims all the time is Spanish is bad and that

becomes an excuse not to practice. Accepting your imperfection is the best

way to see mistakes for what they truly are: a great opportunity to learn more.

4. Learning the boring way

It will take some time for you to learn a language,

so why make this boring? There are many ways to have fun while learning a

language and yet, many of us learn languages the same way we did in school.

Bob keeps on doing his "listen and repeat" drills alongside more grammar exercise.

It's so boring! No wonder he wants to quit all the time! Alice is aware of that

and mixes them with many more fun, diverse, and interactive activities such as chatting,

reading or simply watching a movie in its original version.

5. Work too hard

This last one might sound quite strange, but bear with me. Studying for long session

will not improve your memorization. You might overload your capacity to

memorize information and bore yourself to death. It's smarter to work less but

regularly. Over time you will remember much more this way without running the

risk of losing your precious motivation. That's why Alice started doing short

10-minute study sessions every day and increase the length once she had built the habit;

Meanwhile Bob gave up after week, trying to cram in 2 hours of Spanish everyday.

6. Being scared to speak

It's also understandable for you to be scared when

speaking in a language. This is a very natural emotion and you will never get

rid of it. Instead of letting it prevent you from speaking, it's better to face it

and realize that you cannot make progress by remaining muted. That's why

Alice leaves her pride aside when she talks and forgets about sounding or

looking silly when she speaks in Italian. How can Bob progress if he always shies

away from any opportunity to speak Spanish?

Did you recognize any mistakes that you're currently making?

If so, don't be a Bob and check out our other videos

in which we give our expert tips on how to learn a language the smart way. And if

you enjoyed this video, give it a like and more importantly subscribe to our

channel for more language learning tips with MosaLingua. Happy learning

and see you soon!


For more infomation >> 6 common mistakes when learning a language - Duration: 5:01.


Edge 130: Navigation Features - Duration: 3:01.

Wherever you ride, Edge 130 tracks how far, how fast and even how high you've gone.

In this video, we'll introduce you to some of this device's most helpful navigation features.

You can use the Course Creator from Garmin Connect

to easily plan and download courses for your next ride.

These courses use our popularity routing algorithms,

so you'll be routed to the most popular cycling routes.

To get started, access Garmin Connect on your desktop

if you want to plan a course in detail or make adjustments to an existing course,

or if you want to import a course from a third-party platform, like Strava.

Open the Garmin Connect Mobile app if your course is already created,

or if you want to plan something on the fly.

Tap "More"

Then "Courses".

Tap the plus sign to create a new course

or the magnifying glass to search for one.

When you're done creating a course, or if you've found one you like,

tap the icon in the top right corner to send the course to your device.

The course will transfer wirelessly to your Edge 130.

You'll be notified when the download is complete.

Then, on your Edge, press and hold the button on the top right side.

Select "Navigation"

Then "Courses".

You'll be able to see the map overview as well

as the elevation profile of the courses on your Edge.

Select one.

Then select "Ride".

As you ride, you'll receive turn prompts at all key points along the course.

Keep in mind, you can assign a data field on your Edge

to show the distance until your next turn.

That way you'll always know what's coming up next.

Edge 130 also lets you navigate back to start at any point during your ride.

Just press the Pause button.

And select "Back to Start".

Then you'll select whether you want to head back to your starting point

along the same route you've been riding, or simply in a straight line.

Press the start button to resume your ride.

The device will navigate you back to the starting point.

Wherever you ride, Edge 130 provides a helpful breadcrumb map.

Not only does it show you where to ride next, it also shows you where you've been.

it also shows you where you've been.

Just press the button to scroll down through the page loop while you're riding.

And, if you go off course at any point, you'll get an alert on your Edge,

so you can quickly view the map and find your way back.

That's all for now. To learn more about Edge 130,

check out the other videos in this series.

For more infomation >> Edge 130: Navigation Features - Duration: 3:01.


Uomini e Donne: ecco quando andrà in onda l'ultima puntata del dating show | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: ecco quando andrà in onda l'ultima puntata del dating show | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.


Jessica Biel Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 6:10.

If you want more, please SUBSCRIBE, Thank You...!

For more infomation >> Jessica Biel Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 6:10.


Perchè Sara ha annullato la scelta di oggi a U&D? E' colpa dell'ex fidanzato? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Perchè Sara ha annullato la scelta di oggi a U&D? E' colpa dell'ex fidanzato? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.


Learn Colors with Balloon ! Baby Educational Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Song ! #Toysforkidsvideos - Duration: 1:18:23.

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

watch colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

learn colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

kids colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

baby colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

hey colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

now subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos now

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

toddler colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

colors balloon and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Balloon ! Baby Educational Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Song ! #Toysforkidsvideos - Duration: 1:18:23.


U&D, Andrea e Giulia ancora innamorati: l'incontro segreto | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> U&D, Andrea e Giulia ancora innamorati: l'incontro segreto | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.


4 batidos espectaculares de manzana para un abdomen plano - Duration: 8:56.

For more infomation >> 4 batidos espectaculares de manzana para un abdomen plano - Duration: 8:56.


Barbara D'Urso asfalta Romina Power a Pomeriggio 5: ecco perchè | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso asfalta Romina Power a Pomeriggio 5: ecco perchè | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


Impardonnable Épisode 101 à 102 résumé - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Impardonnable Épisode 101 à 102 résumé - Duration: 2:58.


JETSKI TALKING TOM 2 #6 Adventure as the RACE FOR the GOLD game about a cartoon - Duration: 20:14.

For more infomation >> JETSKI TALKING TOM 2 #6 Adventure as the RACE FOR the GOLD game about a cartoon - Duration: 20:14.


I Hate You মা | Heart touching love story | Bangla valobashar golpo - Redowan - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> I Hate You মা | Heart touching love story | Bangla valobashar golpo - Redowan - Duration: 4:09.


Remmicom Clouddiensten: RemPaaS & RemDaaS - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Remmicom Clouddiensten: RemPaaS & RemDaaS - Duration: 2:03.


[특파원+] 문 대통령 방미 불구 북·미 정상회담 무산 가능성 - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> [특파원+] 문 대통령 방미 불구 북·미 정상회담 무산 가능성 - Duration: 7:00.


'테일즈위버' 3년만의 업데이트…원작 소설도 나온다 - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> '테일즈위버' 3년만의 업데이트…원작 소설도 나온다 - Duration: 3:23.


함소원의 '18세 연하 남편' 이야기에 박나래가 크게 공감한 이유 - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> 함소원의 '18세 연하 남편' 이야기에 박나래가 크게 공감한 이유 - Duration: 2:03.


[HINDI] how to hide subscribers on youtube | how to hide subscribers on youtube in hindi - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> [HINDI] how to hide subscribers on youtube | how to hide subscribers on youtube in hindi - Duration: 3:39.


Google Analytics Annotations: What is it, Why Should I Use it & How to Use it - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Google Analytics Annotations: What is it, Why Should I Use it & How to Use it - Duration: 4:46.


[HINDI] how to create partition in windows 7 in hindi | how to create partition in any windows - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> [HINDI] how to create partition in windows 7 in hindi | how to create partition in any windows - Duration: 9:18.


Darren - What I got (Official Audio) (Kor/Eng sub) - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Darren - What I got (Official Audio) (Kor/Eng sub) - Duration: 3:06.


I Hate You মা | Heart touching love story | Bangla valobashar golpo - Redowan - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> I Hate You মা | Heart touching love story | Bangla valobashar golpo - Redowan - Duration: 4:09.


MVI 9179 Het verschil tussen 'I AM-men' en 'affirmeren' - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> MVI 9179 Het verschil tussen 'I AM-men' en 'affirmeren' - Duration: 8:10.


Top 20 Alex Britti Of All Time - I migliori successi di Alex Britti - Duration: 1:22:56.

Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Top 20 Alex Britti Of All Time - I migliori successi di Alex Britti - Duration: 1:22:56.


Beyoncé 📀 Best Thing I Never Had + End of Time (Live @ BET) - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> Beyoncé 📀 Best Thing I Never Had + End of Time (Live @ BET) - Duration: 7:07.


突然變「硬氣」安倍公然挑釁中國,在打什麼算盤 - Duration: 14:21.

For more infomation >> 突然變「硬氣」安倍公然挑釁中國,在打什麼算盤 - Duration: 14:21.


Ny i Sverige - bidrag och lån från CSN - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Ny i Sverige - bidrag och lån från CSN - Duration: 2:17.


Top 18 Giusy Ferreri Of All Time - I più grandi successi di Giusy Ferreri - Duration: 44:51.

Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Top 18 Giusy Ferreri Of All Time - I più grandi successi di Giusy Ferreri - Duration: 44:51.


코다라인 - All I Want 가사 번역 - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> 코다라인 - All I Want 가사 번역 - Duration: 5:08.


安倍叫囂:「釣魚島是日本的」 中國:「懶得理會瘋子的瘋言瘋語」 - Duration: 13:42.

For more infomation >> 安倍叫囂:「釣魚島是日本的」 中國:「懶得理會瘋子的瘋言瘋語」 - Duration: 13:42.


Vegan Ramadan | رمضان - وجبات نباتية - Duration: 12:28.

For more infomation >> Vegan Ramadan | رمضان - وجبات نباتية - Duration: 12:28.


Aneta Kręglicka i Jan Kliment: Nikt o tym nie wiedział! - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Aneta Kręglicka i Jan Kliment: Nikt o tym nie wiedział! - Duration: 1:29.


強度是鋼板60倍我國造神奇「管子」,美國封鎖面臨全面崩盤 - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> 強度是鋼板60倍我國造神奇「管子」,美國封鎖面臨全面崩盤 - Duration: 6:28.


✅ Giulia De Lellis e Andrea al concerto di Jovanotti: tutti i dettagli - Duration: 3:09.

Giulia De Lellis e Andrea Damante allo stesso concerto di Jovanotti: è arrivata la dedica d'amore? Inutile ricordare ogni volta che Giulia e Andrea sono due degli ex protagonisti di Uomini e Donne più amati dai telespettatori della trasmissione

Dopo la partecipazione al programma di Maria De Filippi, la De Lellis e Damante hanno ottenuto sempre più successo anche e soprattutto grazie alla loro bellissima storia d'amore

Purtroppo il lieto fine tanto atteso non c'è stato e i due si sono lasciati. Da quando è stata annunciata la rottura se ne sono sentite di tutti i colori

Tradimenti, semplici problemi di coppia, riavvicinamenti, dediche d'amore e tanto altro

Purtroppo, però, la verità sembra essere una soltanto: tra i due non pare esserci la possibilità di una riappacificazione

Nelle ultime ore, gli attentissimi followers si sono resi conto di un particolare dettaglio apparso sui social di entrambi

Uomini e Donne, Giulia e Andrea dopo la rottura: al concerto di Jovanotti senza incontrarsi Giulia e Andrea hanno fatto sapere ai propri fan di essere al concerto che Jovanotti ha tenuto all'Arena di Verona proprio il 21 Maggio 2018

Entrambi hanno pubblicato innumerevoli story, confermando appunto di trovarsi nello stesso luogo

Sul web si è iniziato a leggere cose di qualunque tipo. C'è chi crede che i due si siano incontrati, chi pensa che si siano recati al grande evento insieme chi invece suppone che non si siano visti neanche di sfuggita

In ogni caso, dai vari indizi apparsi sui profili privati di Damante e della De Lellis sembrerebbe che i due ex non si siano incontrati neanche per un minuto

Andrea Damante e Giulia De Lellis da Jovanotti: è arrivata qualche dichiarazione d'amore? Lui si trovava molto vicino al palco, mentre lei era sugli spalti

Sembra perciò che Damante e la sua ex fidanzata non si siano visti. Sui social sono apparsi alcuni video e qualcuno crede che sia lei che lui abbiano voluto inviare una dedica d'amore all'altro

Giulia ha scritto: "Cosa sei disposto a perdere?" con le note di Mi Fido di Te in sottofondo

Mentre lui ha ripreso il cielo al momento del brano A Te.

For more infomation >> ✅ Giulia De Lellis e Andrea al concerto di Jovanotti: tutti i dettagli - Duration: 3:09.


구강암 투병중 차인표 동생 차인석 씨 사*망! 씁쓸한 소식.. - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> 구강암 투병중 차인표 동생 차인석 씨 사*망! 씁쓸한 소식.. - Duration: 3:19.


British Royal Wedding Food - Beef And Horseradish Sandwich Picnic Idea - Duration: 5:07.

Welcome to British Cook. Today we are doing British Royal Picnic Sandwiches

In this video specifically. We'll be covering the beef and horseradish sandwich.

I Know it doesn't sound complicated get this method right and you'll never try any other way


I bet you didn't know that the sandwich is actually a British invention. How cool is that?

invented by the 4th Earl of Sandwich in the

1790s this extremely wealthy Earl had been spending a lot of time spending a lot of money doing a lot of things

He shouldn't be doing

He requested that some cold beef be brought to him

Between two pieces of bread and thus the traditional British sandwich was born. If you want to know how to make a delicious


Beef and horseradish sandwich just like this one, a huge mnster

keep watching


Previous to this bread was mainly used as what they call a trencher

Which is when you have a big piece of stale bread

you'd eat your food off it like you would a plate and then you'd either eat the

Trencher the bread the stale bread feed it to a dog or give it to a poor person like a kind of disposable plate I guess.

and when I say poor person, I mean there were people staving on the street everywhere

So the sandwich became very popular the aristocracy at the time by the 1800s

Sandwich shops and sandwich bars started popping up in London a bit like today really everywhere

They were the most popular thing it was available. It was affordable by then

It was the thing to have, have yourself a nice fresh sandwich. Even Royalty eat them.

I'd also like to say thank you so much for all the support in my last video

I'd love to make more videos of that as I said it comes down to time and that's what I'm trying to do my

Patreon, so if you want me to make more videos like that, please join my patreon

Please support me and get some awesome rewards and maybe you wn this?

So if you want to join the British Cook patreon community click the link that's coming up right there

Where is it there anyway for $5 a month, it's like buying me coffee if you enjoy what I do.Thank you so much.

Freshly baked oven fresh bread

Doesn't everyone love the smell of bread and this is just a lovely thing to be making in the morning

If you want to know how to make bread at home

I've got an amazing video where I'll show you how to make bread just like this

No kneading, not hours and hours of proving not complicated. Very simple

So if you want to see that video on how I make bread, there's links that coming up right now

This is going to be so delicious

So I'm gonna cut the bread with this old knife

Look at that lovely crumb, lovely aeration nice and crispy on the outside, make your bread at home. That's so easy.

[cooking noise]

Just Look at it lovely. At this point, I guess you are all thinking. Well, I seen a sandwich being made before

It's about the order it goes on the bread. Trust me. It makes massive difference

It's like a scone tastes completely different with cream on top as it does so jam on top

So get this in the right order. Butter always start off with nice good butter

I do funny enough have a video on how to make butter at home

Should you wish to check out if your breads cut like mine and is slightly bigger

you want to keep the biggest part as a base and this for the top get your butter and

Absolutely slam that on there lots of butter it's going to be delicious

next up so

lots of salt quite a lot of salt

Good grinde of salt in there and these are sort of tips. You won't find anyone else telling you about


Next up beef in my mind the worst thing you do with a sandwich. It's not put enough filling in it


Four slices so we've got this lovely big base here and we're gonna absolutely cover that with horseradish sauce

Horseradish sauce and the trick to this basically is that you smother on okay. So you want lots and lots of horseradish

Really cover that in sauce horseradish is a root that grows

I guess in all over the place really probably Europe as well. If you like I think is really hot

You can make your own horseradish at home and that can be really really quite fiery

Next up pepper, we want to get a lot of pepper on top of there as well.

Good grinding of pepper on top of that horseradish

There'll be some people that say that you want the horseradish on the bottom as well

But you don't you want the horseradish when you bite into it to squeeze out the top of your mouth and really give it that

kind of hot horseradish delicious taste.

So grab yourself nice sharp knife and we should have cut through this have a quick look at this beef and horseradish sandwich

Absolutely amazing. You can make this yourself at home. So easy just follow the steps to I gave you and it won't go wrong


And don't forget I love you all. Thank you so much for sharing for subscribing for liking and leaving me comments

Thank you so much for me British cook. Good. Bye

For more infomation >> British Royal Wedding Food - Beef And Horseradish Sandwich Picnic Idea - Duration: 5:07.


Summer Side Jobs for Extra Money on the Weekend - Duration: 6:18.

- Hey Angie Nelson here from the workathomewife.com.

In today's video we're going to be talking about

some great ways that you can make money on the weekends.

Now this is going to be a video for you,

maybe you have kids at home during the day

during the week this summer,

maybe you have a day job that you're perfectly happy with

but you're looking for some extra side money there

that you could put towards a down payment,

or make some extra mortgage payments

or just pad your savings account.

Today's video is going to be for you

and make sure that you stay till the end of the video

to find out how you can learn more about the opportunities

that we're talking about today

in addition to some other great online jobs.

Now many of the opportunities

we're going to be talking about today

are not going to be online,

these are going to be opportunities

that you can go out and do on your own community

but a lot for a really flexible schedule

and some great earning potential as well.

Now these are all jobs

that usually don't require much of a scheduling commitment

and will allow you to really pick 'em up

and put them down as you see fit.

Now the first one we're going to be talking about

is driving for Uber.

This can be a great side gig

and it's something that a lot of people really enjoy.

If you love meeting new people

and learning about their experiences and their lives

this can be a great job for you

to earn a little extra money on the side.

Now if you happen to be a person

that maybe isn't so comfortable

with allowing strangers into your vehicle alone

that's okay too,

Uber has a great new program called Ubereats

that is strictly delivering food

from your local restaurants to people

so you're not having to allow anyone

to get into your vehicle.

You can also check our some other opportunities

like Doordash or Amazon Flex.

Amazon Flex is the newer we've seen from Amazon

this is delivering Amazon packages.

Those are some great opportunities

to earn some extra money in a flexible schedule.

Now if you're looking for a side gig

that's more on the fun side

and a little more exciting

you should really look into becoming Event Staff.

Now if you live in a larger city

there are going to be a lot of these gigs available.

You can usually find them on Craigslist

under the gig section

and these are going to be some things like

being event staff at local concerts or festivals.

Maybe working you know

the next baseball tournament that's in your town.

You'll also see some opportunities

to become a Brand Ambassador

in which your working a local event or festival

supporting a brand in your town

and introducing people to their latest products or services

and these gigs can pay you really well

and it's an opportunity

that maybe your only working one day at a time

you can just pick it up and as you see fit

or as you need the extra cash

work a few hours and be done with it.

These can be some great opportunities

and you can

quickly make a little bit of extra money over the summer.

Now as we are getting ready to enter the summer months

another great opportunity that's going to be in demand

is pet sitting and pet walking.

A lot of different sites are popping up

such as rover.com and Wag

that are going to allow people

walkers and sitters to connect with those pet owners

that are in need of their services.

Now if you live in a even a smaller community

can support these walking positions

but a lot of these are going to come off over the summer

as people are heading out of town

to go camping for the weekend,

maybe they're taking you know a couple day trip

just to get out of town

and they need somebody on short notice

to take care of their animals,

this can be a great way for you to make some extra money

and to also networking get to know some other people

in your community that may have even more gigs available.

Now if you're looking for something

a little more lay back and not really looking for

to make any big bucks this summer

you can check out some of the great apps

that are available on your smartphone.

We see ones like Gigwalk and Field Agent

that kind of provide gigs

more on the mystery shopping side of things,

or quality assurance of side of things

where your going out to a store

and you're checking on maybe a display

or checking to see how an item is priced,

or maybe even providing some feedback

on your experience there.

Now with summer coming up it's also a great opportunity

to take advantage of the good weather

to clean out your own house

and get rid of some items by selling them

at say a garage sale or online,

you can also take advantage of the other garage sales

that are going on in town

to pick up some great items for you to flip.

You can flip these at local Facebook groups,

maybe you can fix them up and sell them online.

There are a lot of great opportunities to kind of flip items

for a profit that you can get onto cheap.

Now this is not a good idea

if you know yourself to be a little bit of a hoarder

'cause you're probably want to keep a lot

of those items for yourself.

But if you have no emotional attachment to the items

that you buy and can quickly sell them for a profit

it's a great way to take advantage of the seasonal weather

and take advantage of those seasonal sales.

Now those are just a few ways for you

to make some extra money this summer on the weekends.

I'm going to leave you a link of the description below

that's going to tell you more about the opportunities

that we talked about in this video

along with listing out several other great opportunities

that you may want to consider.

I'm also going to leave you a link to a post

it's going to list I think it's 17 different apps on your phone

that will pay you extra money.

So this can be a great opportunity

to kind of take advantage

of those little few minutes of time here and there

whether it's on the weekend or during the week days

to earn a little extra money right from your smartphone.

Now if you liked today's video

please give it a like and a share

and make sure you're subscribed

so you'll get notification of my next video.

Until then I wish you best of luck

in your money making endeavors.

For more infomation >> Summer Side Jobs for Extra Money on the Weekend - Duration: 6:18.


🌾 Sasuke & Sakura | Kowareyasuki 💓 (SasuSaku AMV) - Duration: 4:58.

You're fragile

You're fragile

You're always so timid, while smiling the whole time

But I too understand not wanting to be disliked

That's why you say nothing, swallow the truth

In a big breath, and just endure it

Just stop, and show your heart only to me in secret

I love you and your teary eyes

And the clumsy way you live with your defenses down

Fragile things must be protected or they'll be broken

I'll always protect you, hold you

You're fragile

I can see your hesitation, it makes my heart hurt

The way no one else will ever know how kind you are

But I've realized the truth

When we're able to be alone, please don't just endure it

Come now, show all of your grief only to me

I love you and how you overthink everything

Because you're the complete opposite of me

Fragilove, don't let this fleeting love break

I'll always protect you, hold you

Injured and scared

Were you waiting for me with an injured heart?

I found it, your real heart

Fragile things must be protected or they'll be broken

I'll always protect you, hold you

Fragilove, don't let this fleeting love break

I'll always protect you, hold you


Fragile things

You're fragile


You're fragile

For more infomation >> 🌾 Sasuke & Sakura | Kowareyasuki 💓 (SasuSaku AMV) - Duration: 4:58.


Clean Bandit - Solo (feat. Demi Levato) l Cover by Ryan Yip - Duration: 4:44.

Hey, what's up you guys?

I'm Ryan and welcome back to my Youtube channel!

Hey guys!

How're you guys doing? :)


I miss you guys so much <3

And I'm so sorry that I haven't released ANY music cover videos for such a long time.

And you know what?


I'm trying to update the Youtube channel and I'm going to produce.

You know.....

More music cover videos in this summer holiday.

And yeah!

So I'm going to refresh this Youtube channel by singing a new music cover song.

The name of the song is "Solo" by the Clean Bandit and feat.

Demi Levato.


The beat of the song is so goodddd, it's so DOPE!

And it's so catchyyyyy XD Hope you guys will love the original song,

and also, you know, my original cover song (of cuz~~)

If you guys like it, feel free to comment down below, give me a thumbs up.

And also suggest what kind of songs am I going to sing next.

And also....

You know what?

Just let's go to the video.

I never meant to leave you hurting I never meant to do the worst thing

Not to you

Cause every time I read your message

I wish I wasn't one of your exes Now I'm the fool

Since you've been gone Been dancing on my own

There's boys up in my zone But they can't turn me on

'Cause baby, you're the only one I'm coming for

I can't take no more, no more, no more I wanna f-woop woop woop, but I'm broken hearted

Cr-cr-cry but I like to party T-t-touch but I got nobody

Here on my own I wanna f-woop woop woop, but I'm broken hearted

Cr-cr-cry since the day we parted T-t-touch but I got nobody

So I do it solo Every single night I lose it

I can't even hear the music without you Ah, yeah, yeah

Try to stop myself from calling But I really wanna know if you're with someone

new Since you've been gone

I've been dancing on my own There's boys up in my zone

But they can't turn me on 'Cause baby, you're the only one I'm coming

for I can't take no more, no more, no more

I wanna f-woop woop woop, but I'm broken hearted Cr-cr-cry but I like to party

T-t-touch but I got nobody Here on my own

I wanna f-woop woop woop, but I'm broken hearted Cr-cr-cry since the day we parted

T-t-touch but I got nobody So I do it solo

Hey guys ,thank you so much for watching my video.

It really means a lot to me. :)

And if you guys really want me to produce more music cover video

and something else other than music

Feel free to COMMENT DOWN BELOW once again.

For more infomation >> Clean Bandit - Solo (feat. Demi Levato) l Cover by Ryan Yip - Duration: 4:44.


Katastrofa Titanika -= Sinking Titanic =- Story in Minecraft - Duration: 6:27.

3 Majster presents:

Iceberg right ahead!

All engine to stop!

Hard a starboard!

23:42 - watertight doors are closed

turning on water pumps

shooting flare

0:30 - lifeboard loading

water on the top board

2:19 - the ship is breaking

2:20 - Titanic is gone

over 1500 people died

before 4 o'clock the wreck touched the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean

For more infomation >> Katastrofa Titanika -= Sinking Titanic =- Story in Minecraft - Duration: 6:27.


Royal Navy enviará o RFA 'Largs Bay' carregado de mantimentos ao Haiti - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Royal Navy enviará o RFA 'Largs Bay' carregado de mantimentos ao Haiti - Duration: 0:45.


Aneta Kręglicka i Jan Kliment: Nikt o tym nie wiedział! - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Aneta Kręglicka i Jan Kliment: Nikt o tym nie wiedział! - Duration: 1:29.


Gundam Build Divers-Episode 8: Festival!(EN,TW,KR,FR,IT sub) - Duration: 25:43.

The Rommel Team will not suffer such a disgraceful defeat!


H-He's fast!


the power of...

my new 00 Diver Ace!

F-Forgive me, Captain Rommel!

We were victorious, Mr. Yukki.

It was the first victory for Build Divers, Mr. Riku.

Sure they were rookies,

but we beat the Rommel Team.

It's an unbelievable upset.

Impressive marksmanship here, Mr. Yukki.

Oh, please.

It pales in comparison to your finishing blow, Mr. Riku.

Gosh, how many times are they going to watch it?

They've been like this ever since the Force Battle.

Let them be.

A Force Battle win is unlike individual ones.

- Teammates share a victory. - Let's win again.

Another big win!

They're pouring in.

All these challenges from other forces!

Beating the Rommel Team sure had a big impact.

Hey, why don't we take them all on?

That way, our Force Rank thing will go up faster, right?

Then maybe we will.

Yeah, do it!

They sure are carefree.

From the next Force Battle, the enemy will be analyzing us.

It won't be easy like the first battle.

That's pretty harsh, Ayame.

I'm just stating a fact.

All right, let's battle this force next...

Battles are fine too...

But there are other things that only a force can do.

Things only a force can do?


Like that.

"Force Festival. Now open for a limited time."

What is this?

As the name suggests, a festival only for teams who have formed a force.

It's going on right now.

A festival? I want to go!

What's it like?

There are lots of different kinds.

Gunpla races.

Sports tournaments.

Dance contests.

And even karaoke competitions!

Those events are for forces to get to know one another.

I've heard about this.

If you attend, you can get special items,

or wear costumes limited to that area.

Yes, that's right.

This time, it's the most popular kind.

The Beargguy Festival!

You get to go to a Beargguy party.

What's this bear? It's so cute.

That's a Beargguy.

It's a Gunpla that's a cute customization

of the Acguy from Mobile Suit Gundam.

There's also a variation called the Petit'gguy.

I know the Petit'gguy!

It's the cute one I saw before.

Riku, Yukki, let's go to the festival.

Let's do it, Riku.

To celebrate our first Force Battle victory.

Yeah, sounds good.

I'll pass.

I'm not into that stuff.

It's a festival for forces.

We have to go together.

Sorry, I don't think I'll be able to help you.

All right, let's get going.

- Yeah! - Yeah!

Riku, Gundam 00 Diver Ace.

Yukki, GM III Beam Master.

KO-1, Galbaldy Rebake.

Momo, Sarah, Momokapool.


To the Force Festival...

- Here we go! - Here we go!


Welcome to the Beargguy Festival.

Wow, it's like an amusement park.

Almost the real thing.

Welcome to the Beargguy Festival.

(House of Transformation)

Care to try on a limited edition costume? (House of Transformation)

Sounds fun. Let's do it.


Ayame, we should also...

Is something wrong?

No. Nothing's wrong.





Together we are...

- The Fourgguy Rangers! - The Fourgguy Rangers!

That name doesn't jingle, Yukki.

I know.

Sarah, you're so cute.

You too, Momochi.

- But someone isn't fitting in. - But someone isn't fitting in.

Y-You want me to wear that thing?


They say "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

They got you too!

- Bear, Bear. - Bear, Bear.

- Bear, Bear. - Wait.

- Bear, Bear. Bear, Bear. - Bear, Bear. Bear, Bear.

I-I said wait...


- (Welcome to Beargguy Land!) - (Get ready for Beargguy Quest.)

Yukki, let's go there next.


They're so full of energy.

That's a perk of being young.

You sound so old.

Excuse me...

Excuse me, would you take a pic for us?

Oh, umm, I'm not...

How do I say this?

Let me see that.

Thank you.

- Gundam Seed Destiny! - Neeee!

- Thank you. - Thank you.


KO-1, about the next ride.

You're going to ride more?

Oh, you're...

You're from the force that beat the Rommel Team.

You're right.

I saw the live stream of the battle.

Yeah, you were so cool.

Oh, you think so?

We're not that special.

This again?

Since you're here...

you guys have a force too?

Yes. Our force is called Archangels.

It's an all-girl force.

Really? That must be pretty rare.

That's not true.

There are Gunpla girls all over the world.


Anyway, you guys are here for the Event mission, right?

We expected fewer teams would participate during the day,

but we've got quite a rival.

Event mission?

Beargguy Quest!

Use your Gunpla to solve Beargguy Island's mystery,

and find the treasure.

Divers who successfully find the treasure

will receive a special Mushagguy.

Will you be able to discover it?

That special Mushagguy is so cute.

I want it!

Riku, what do you say?

What do you think?

How could we pass up something that sounds so fun?


All right.

Let's find the treasure!

- Yeah! - Yeah!

Welcome to the Event mission "Beargguy Quest."

Let me give you a simple rundown of the rules.

Hidden across Beargguy Land

are treasure chests with clues.

Using these clues,

find the Beargguy statue.

The statue will contain a clue about the final treasure chest.

Everyone, good luck finding the treasure!

Hi there.

That voice...it's you two.

We're not going to lose.

We've done this before, so we know where the clues are.

We won't go down without a fight.

Well, that's the spirit.

Now, Beargguy Quest...



Let's go, Stea.

OK. I'll do my best.

I won't be a burden to you.

Don't say that.

KO-1, do you have a plan?

For now, let's split up and search for clues.

Yukki. You and Momo come with me.

Riku, go with Ayame.

- Got it. - Step on it!

M-Miss Ayame, wait!

Is she that desperate for a mere...

...stuffed animal?

Any treasure chests?

None underground.

This calls for a probe MS.

Got it. A treasure chest reading.

Let's go.

Shoot! My head's stuck!

Thanks for the treasure.

No, that's mine!

There it is. That tree!

Clue time.

The Beargguy statue is by the water.

By the water...

The ocean or the lake.

- Let's go, Stea. - OK.

- There's one, Sarah. - Yeah.

Quiz time.

If you can name ten Gundam titles, you'll get your clue.

I don't know the answer.

Yukki, help.

Hold on.

I found one too.

Sorry. Nothing here.

Not even a clue.

All that for nothing.

Then come here quick and answer the question.

Um, OK.

Miss Ayame.

Where are you headed?

Just follow me.

The Beargguy statue.

How'd you know it was here?

At a festival 2 years ago,

there was a similar Event mission.

But you said you played solo...

Let's go.

Bonus clue.

In episode 15 of Mobile Suit Gundam, "Cucuruz Doan's Island,"

the Gundam threw a certain MS.

The treasure is located in a place with the same shape as its head.

Cucuruz Doan...that's...-

A Zaku.

In the story, Amuro Ray says they needn't fight anymore,

and throws Cucuruz Doan's Zaku into the sea.

A landform shaped like a Zaku's head.


M-Miss Ayame!

I found the Beargguy statue.

Huh? Wait...


Oh, they beat us to it.

No, they haven't gotten the treasure yet.


- We'll get it no matter what. - Wait!

That's the Zaku's head.

Found it!

We did it, Miss Ayame.

Let's clear this quest together.

We can do it.

What am I doing?

After all this time...


An attack?

That Gunpla...

It's that lady.

Starting a fight in an Event mission?


Stop it, Stea.

What are you doing?

That treasure belongs to us!



Cut it out.

That's bad manners.

I'm sorry.

Stea, what are you doing?

Even so...

I still want to contribute to my force.

I'll do anything!


That's a Break Decal.

I can't believe she's a Mass-Diver!


How could you?

I don't want to become a burden.

I've always caused problems for my force.

The other day too, our Force Rank dropped because of me.

At this rate, they'll all give up on me.

- You're mistaken... - That's why...

I will become strong.

Even if I have to use a Break Decal!

Miss Ayame, this is...

What's going on?

Is the Break Decal's effect on GBN being amplified?

Isn't this faster than usual...?

What the--?!

Is it a bug?

Now I can finally become strong.

Stea, that's enough.

We'll never give up on you.

You will, eventually.


I'm an awful player.


Watch, Kanari.

I want you to see that I've become strong!



Why can't you trust your friends?!

You think you'll get left out because you're bad?

That's not true.

You wanted to play Gunpla Battle and enjoy GBN.

So you started a force with your friends.

You're the one who's...

betraying your teammates!

A talented kid like you wouldn't understand.

You're the one who doesn't understand.

The power you obtained is just a deception.

By doing what you're doing,

you won't be able to stay in GBN, let alone your force.

Don't you get that?

You came to GBN...

to have fun with your friends, right?


Even so...

I have to win.

I have to be useful.

If not, I'll no longer have a place where I belong!

I have to win.

I have to be useful.

The place...

where I belong...


Stea, you're a fool.

Believe in me.

We've been together all this time.

We're teammates.

And we always will be.






I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I really am.

I'm sorry...


The festival isn't over yet.

The party's just beginning, isn't it?

I would've never guessed that she was a Mass-Diver.

What's even more surprising

is how widely Break Decals have spread.


The crooks handing out Break Decals, what do they want?

I don't know either.

Why can't you trust your friends?

You wanted to play Gunpla Battle and enjoy GBN.

So you started a force with your friends.

Miss Ayame.

Is this a bad time?

It's fine.

What is it?

The champ was saying...

that he wanted to protect this world.

Kyoya Kujo did?


I feel like I understand what he meant.

I had a lot of fun today.

I like GBN even more now.

All kinds of people can become friends through Gunpla,

and laugh together.

I realized once again that this is such a wonderful world.


The Mass-Divers...

No, those making and passing out Break Decals are trying to

rob people of that fun.

That lady too. If it weren't for Break Decals,

she wouldn't have done such a thing.

We can't let Mass-Divers act selfishly in this fun world.

I won't allow it.

- It's so pretty. - It is.


I heard that I could become strong if I came here.

Y-You're here, right?

No need to yell.

I have what you desire.

A Break Decal...

I was shocked.

Even though we've seen it several times...


Hey there, Riku.

Cheer up!

Sure, thanks!

If you don't cheer up, Riku,

how can we enjoy the next battle?

An event battle!

We won't find out the opponent and situation

until the day of the battle!

What? That sounds like fun!

Next episode, Return of the Ogre.

I won't lose this time!

Go for it, Riku!

For more infomation >> Gundam Build Divers-Episode 8: Festival!(EN,TW,KR,FR,IT sub) - Duration: 25:43.


Learn amigurumi (11) - How to close crochet (magic close) - Duration: 6:37.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Learn amigurumi (11) - How to close crochet (magic close) - Duration: 6:37.


Liofilizaty - test smaku - skalnik.pl - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> Liofilizaty - test smaku - skalnik.pl - Duration: 9:13.


김구라 나이 아내 부채이유 이혼사유 아들 동현이 통장잔액 이효리 독설 내용. 진실이 밝혀졌다. - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> 김구라 나이 아내 부채이유 이혼사유 아들 동현이 통장잔액 이효리 독설 내용. 진실이 밝혀졌다. - Duration: 4:16.


【MUKBANG】 [THAT'S SO CUTE!!] Ikumi Mama's Animal Doughnuts!! [30 Items] About 6600kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 8:49.

hello its kinoshita yuka


Jaaan !

i bought 2 of every kind of Ikumi Mama, so 30 in total

you can say that i bought it as a coincidence from the station

i think it's a limited shop, you can find it just in various places throughout the country

and originally in Kawasaki city in Kanagawa Prefecture or something like that

my friend told me that in this shop they sell a really cute donuts

and Coincidentally, i passed by the shop

in that day i went to watch the greatest showman again

for the 4th time that i watch it

and i just passed by the shop so i bought it

i'm so happy that i watched the film once more

i got a new poster as well

you can feel that is a really special movie

the greatest !

the donuts is so cute

and i'm happy that i was able to buy a lot of kinds


maybe you can find the shop near you, so check that if you please

today is coffee milk


because all of it is so cute, i don't wich one i start with


okay, let's start with a classic one

let's start with the cat and pig-chan

the faces of pig-chan are different

this is so cute


i ate all the face with one bite

you are so poor

its taste is light

and its texture is a little bite hard

and filled with almond



they used plenty of chocolate with it

the ears of the cat here are so cute


they used white chocolate

next, dog-kun and chokuku-chan

this is a dog and this is a cat

and the faces of the dog is different



it's modestly sweetest

donuts goes so well with coffee milk

the sweet food with hot drink, is a happiness maker




a mix of white chocolate and sweet chocolate

Ame sho-kun and black cat

its color is so cool


its a black chocolate

and this is so tasty

and it texture is so good

and here is a black cate, there are plenty of cats


i think the chocolate here is much more sweet


white bunny and tiger-kun

it's so cute what makes me so sad when i eat it

the white bunny


they used white chocolate and the ears are with the almond

i have no more coffee milk so i'm going to make more



it has an aroma of tea

and here the cat and maru-chan

i don't know what they mean by maru-chan

this pieces is the most diverse one

they used a special chocolate for the back as well

they used plenty and different kinds of choco

i really hesitate to eat it when i look at it

mmmmm! white chocolate



i don't really know why the call it maru


and this is alpaca-kun

its eyes are sparkling

why they like to make the eyes of the camels and alpacas sparklings

Horse too, isn't that !

why ?

i though about it but i didn't find any clues


the face with almond

the face with the almond

the used the almond for the face

how many time i said that, the face with the coconut

i think about almond a lot

i know it's not almond but i keep say it


can you see it like this well ?

i though at first that is a cream

and it's a ring donuts


hay, only 4 are left

Pingouin-chan and Frog kun

ah, the Pingouin-chan also with a ring donuts

but covered with a layer of choco

they made it so fluffy


it's black sesame chocolate

its hand made of almond

this frog looks so hungry

i think it's Metabolism is so high

hey frog, you know what , i have A mark in my medical-check-up


looks so hungry


choco with macha

the last plate


i'm sorry

the laste plate

panda and fox-kun

let's leave the panda to the end

hay, look at the winks


it's a coffee choco

and now with the mama panda

it's a mother

they used Belgian chocolate for rhe ears

i removed the ear

aaah !


and if we remove the other ear

it will become a kid a gain

looks like a kid now

i don't really know what i'm talking about

the mother panda and her son

hay! kinoshita's discoveries

the last one


the last bite, itadakimasu



Ikumi Mama animal donuts was so tasty

and it was so cute

it's face make it so cute

and made feel about her, and i don't know why

but i ate it because it was so tasty

i think it's going to be so good to eat it with the kids

i ate the white bunny and a lot more, but i prefer the cats ones

and because it was so tasty and cute, why you don't try it as well ?

And as always thank you for watching

if there is anything you want me to do or eat

please tell me in the comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

©2018 all right reserved to kinoshita yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [THAT'S SO CUTE!!] Ikumi Mama's Animal Doughnuts!! [30 Items] About 6600kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 8:49.


Recruitment in sundargarh | +2 level, diploma nursing,ANM & more ||odisha job upadate - Duration: 2:42.

Job vacancy

Sundargarh district

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Odisha govt job

Odisha job application

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Sundargarh vacancy

Odisha job

For more infomation >> Recruitment in sundargarh | +2 level, diploma nursing,ANM & more ||odisha job upadate - Duration: 2:42.


6 common mistakes when learning a language - Duration: 5:01.

Hello there! This is Cedric from MosaLingua.

In today's video, I'm going to talk about

6 very common mistakes that people make when they learn a language.

Chances are that you're making one of these six errors. So listen up and

bear with me!

You may have noticed in the past that some people don't seem to have

any problem when learning a language. They get started and a few months later,

you see them getting by in their target language as if they've been learning it

for years. Some others remain stuck at beginner level for a long time

before giving up out of frustration. What could be the reason for

such a difference in success between learners? Let's take 2 language learners

that we are going to call Alice and Bob.

Alice is a good student that doesn't do

the same mistake that poor Bob does while learning a language.

Let's see what Bob's mistakes are and that Alice manages to avoid.

1. Not listening enough

This is the most important skill to develop at the beginning. While Bob spends a lot of

time reading Spanish books, texts and doing a lot of grammar exercise, Alice

spends a lot of time with music, TV shows, podcasts, movies which helps her

improving her understanding and expression. As a result, bob is totally

lost when he's trying to have a conversation

with a Spanish native. This is why it is crucial that you immerse yourself from

the very beginning.

2. Not listing the reasons to learn the language

Motivation is a key factor when learning a language, and it's all down to the reason why one

decides to learn a language. For example Alice made it clear she wanted to learn

Italian for her love of good food and this impression of a good life she could feel

while watching old Italian movies, or when she goes there on holidays.

Meanwhile Bob wants to give up when his faced with difficulties in Spanish

forgetting the reason why he wanted to learn Spanish in the first place.

This is why it is important to list your reason to learn the language, commit to them, and

review them when you feel that your commitment is diminishing.

3. Being too much of a perfectionist

At some point, you won't know the right word and you will

be stuck, and yes, you will make mistakes, a lot. And often

the same one, and again and again. If you manage it up with a smile then you're

good to go. Alice is aware of that and doesn't get

too frustrated when she fails to make a perfect sentence, when talking to an

Italian person. While poor Bob claims all the time is Spanish is bad and that

becomes an excuse not to practice. Accepting your imperfection is the best

way to see mistakes for what they truly are: a great opportunity to learn more.

4. Learning the boring way

It will take some time for you to learn a language,

so why make this boring? There are many ways to have fun while learning a

language and yet, many of us learn languages the same way we did in school.

Bob keeps on doing his "listen and repeat" drills alongside more grammar exercise.

It's so boring! No wonder he wants to quit all the time! Alice is aware of that

and mixes them with many more fun, diverse, and interactive activities such as chatting,

reading or simply watching a movie in its original version.

5. Work too hard

This last one might sound quite strange, but bear with me. Studying for long session

will not improve your memorization. You might overload your capacity to

memorize information and bore yourself to death. It's smarter to work less but

regularly. Over time you will remember much more this way without running the

risk of losing your precious motivation. That's why Alice started doing short

10-minute study sessions every day and increase the length once she had built the habit;

Meanwhile Bob gave up after week, trying to cram in 2 hours of Spanish everyday.

6. Being scared to speak

It's also understandable for you to be scared when

speaking in a language. This is a very natural emotion and you will never get

rid of it. Instead of letting it prevent you from speaking, it's better to face it

and realize that you cannot make progress by remaining muted. That's why

Alice leaves her pride aside when she talks and forgets about sounding or

looking silly when she speaks in Italian. How can Bob progress if he always shies

away from any opportunity to speak Spanish?

Did you recognize any mistakes that you're currently making?

If so, don't be a Bob and check out our other videos

in which we give our expert tips on how to learn a language the smart way. And if

you enjoyed this video, give it a like and more importantly subscribe to our

channel for more language learning tips with MosaLingua. Happy learning

and see you soon!


For more infomation >> 6 common mistakes when learning a language - Duration: 5:01.


Making Change - Duration: 2:59.

When it comes to change, are you taking it or are you making it?

This week we're Off Balance On Purpose in Mexico City.

I'm in Mexico City this morning, heading home in just a couple hours after speaking yesterday

to a group of leaders in the Mexican automotive industry.

Now these folks are facing massive change due to the upcoming national election, the renegotiation

of NAFTA, economic shifts, new competition...it is huge.

My talk was not specifically about those issues, but rather about the fundamental shift that we all

must make in our relationship to change in order to be more resourceful and more successful.

It really is the central issue to everything I talk about and to the universal challenges

that we face.

Are you taking change, or are you making change?

Taking change is about response and survival, like taking punches.

You feel bombarded by one blow after another.

Your ability to see past your present moment completely disappears.

Your world constricts and a feeling of helplessness sets in.

Now while this condition may be unavoidable at times, to live a life on purpose, it must

remain temporary.

The human experience is one of transition.

From your birth to your death, you are transitioning from one circumstance or stage to another.

The only way to find peace and contentment in life is to find peace and contentment in

the process of living.

That process is one of unceasing transition from who you were to who you will become or

from what was to what will be.

So instead of just taking change, we strive to shift as quickly as possible to the mindset

of making change.

Sometimes this means being proactive, taking a longer range view and applying strategic

design to your life decisions, but it also means taking those blows that you never anticipated

and developing a reflexive response to make them your responsibility.

Do something about it right now, and your actions become motivated by response and adaptation

rather than coping or resistance.

With practice and honest reflection you will see absolutely no point or purpose to complaining.

Either you're going to adjust your circumstances or change yourself.

When life hits you with change, take it, and then make it your own.

Make it the impetus that you need to welcome and undertake your next transition.

I believe in you, and I know that your best is yet to come.

So, until next week, stay Off Balance On Purpose.

For more infomation >> Making Change - Duration: 2:59.


配合大馬重啟1MDB調查 美國司法部:願與大馬聯手抓大盜 - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> 配合大馬重啟1MDB調查 美國司法部:願與大馬聯手抓大盜 - Duration: 8:41.


El capo Paolo Vasile y los 'condenados' de Mediaset - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> El capo Paolo Vasile y los 'condenados' de Mediaset - Duration: 1:12.


Oto RODO #5 - RODO dla pacjentów - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Oto RODO #5 - RODO dla pacjentów - Duration: 1:08.


Barwy szczęścia, odcinek 1870: Carina w ciąży ucieknie z Polski? - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Barwy szczęścia, odcinek 1870: Carina w ciąży ucieknie z Polski? - Duration: 2:47.


Nine News Illawarra - Opener (22.5.2018) - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Nine News Illawarra - Opener (22.5.2018) - Duration: 1:02.


Katastrofa Titanika -= Sinking Titanic =- Story in Minecraft - Duration: 6:27.

3 Majster presents:

Iceberg right ahead!

All engine to stop!

Hard a starboard!

23:42 - watertight doors are closed

turning on water pumps

shooting flare

0:30 - lifeboard loading

water on the top board

2:19 - the ship is breaking

2:20 - Titanic is gone

over 1500 people died

before 4 o'clock the wreck touched the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean

For more infomation >> Katastrofa Titanika -= Sinking Titanic =- Story in Minecraft - Duration: 6:27.


Edge 130: Navigation Features - Duration: 3:01.

Wherever you ride, Edge 130 tracks how far, how fast and even how high you've gone.

In this video, we'll introduce you to some of this device's most helpful navigation features.

You can use the Course Creator from Garmin Connect

to easily plan and download courses for your next ride.

These courses use our popularity routing algorithms,

so you'll be routed to the most popular cycling routes.

To get started, access Garmin Connect on your desktop

if you want to plan a course in detail or make adjustments to an existing course,

or if you want to import a course from a third-party platform, like Strava.

Open the Garmin Connect Mobile app if your course is already created,

or if you want to plan something on the fly.

Tap "More"

Then "Courses".

Tap the plus sign to create a new course

or the magnifying glass to search for one.

When you're done creating a course, or if you've found one you like,

tap the icon in the top right corner to send the course to your device.

The course will transfer wirelessly to your Edge 130.

You'll be notified when the download is complete.

Then, on your Edge, press and hold the button on the top right side.

Select "Navigation"

Then "Courses".

You'll be able to see the map overview as well

as the elevation profile of the courses on your Edge.

Select one.

Then select "Ride".

As you ride, you'll receive turn prompts at all key points along the course.

Keep in mind, you can assign a data field on your Edge

to show the distance until your next turn.

That way you'll always know what's coming up next.

Edge 130 also lets you navigate back to start at any point during your ride.

Just press the Pause button.

And select "Back to Start".

Then you'll select whether you want to head back to your starting point

along the same route you've been riding, or simply in a straight line.

Press the start button to resume your ride.

The device will navigate you back to the starting point.

Wherever you ride, Edge 130 provides a helpful breadcrumb map.

Not only does it show you where to ride next, it also shows you where you've been.

it also shows you where you've been.

Just press the button to scroll down through the page loop while you're riding.

And, if you go off course at any point, you'll get an alert on your Edge,

so you can quickly view the map and find your way back.

That's all for now. To learn more about Edge 130,

check out the other videos in this series.

For more infomation >> Edge 130: Navigation Features - Duration: 3:01.


JETSKI TALKING TOM 2 #6 Adventure as the RACE FOR the GOLD game about a cartoon - Duration: 20:14.

For more infomation >> JETSKI TALKING TOM 2 #6 Adventure as the RACE FOR the GOLD game about a cartoon - Duration: 20:14.


✅ Hoje em Deus Salve o Rei: Amália descobre tudo sobre boatos - Duration: 2:05.

Mesmo depois de já ter passado por vários problemas, Amália (Marina Ruy Barbosa) deve enfrentar mais algumas dificuldades, inclusive no capítulo desta terça-feira (22) de Deus Salve o Rei, atual novela das 19h da Globo

Tudo porque a ruiva fica sabendo, por meio de Diana (Fernanda Nobre), que está com seu nome envolvido em vários boatos, inclusive também relacionados a Afonso (Rômulo Estrela)

De acordo com Diana, muitas pessoas estão pensando, principalmente pelo fato de Montemor ter sido tomada pela peste, que Amália é um tipo de feiticeira, e enfeitiçou o atual rei da cidade, para que ele se apaixonasse perdidamente por ela

Confira o resumo completo da novela de hoje: Ísis aprova a presença do inquisidor

Afonso decide expulsar o inquisidor de Montemor. Agnes vê Bartolomeu em seu sonho e teme por Selena

Otávio avisa a Aires que a vida de Virgílio está em perigo. Brice conta a Agnes que foi salva por um homem quando foi presa por Bartolomeu

Bartolomeu diz a Gregório que permanecerá em Montemor até ter certeza de que a cidade não corre perigo

Otávio manda Virgílio descobrir o paradeiro de Augusto. Diana conta a Amália do boato sobre ela ter enfeitiçado Afonso

Bartolomeu diz a Amália que irá provar que ela é uma bruxa.

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