The point is starting at the beginning is not necessarily a bad thing.
When you're talking about public speaking, for example,
there's also a beginning point to it.
It's almost like saying forget everything
everybody taught you
and start from a very -- the very first step,
that you need to take.
In public speaking
the very first step you need to take is to
ask yourself 'Who is my audience?
If you don't know who your audience is,
then you talk to people who are investing in your company
like they're small children.
And that's not good.
Or you talk to a group of parents about their children
like they are investors in a company
- which could be good,
but maybe the language would be very different.
So I think the first question, we always have to ask ourselves is,
'Who is our audience?'
'Why are they listening to us?'
'Why should they listen to us?'
and so on.
So you make an introduction video,
which I did - check.
Get coaching, get educated.
When we first start learning a language,
we do start as amateurs,
and we start at the most basic,
which is learning the ABC's.
We move on from there very quickly, as adults, especially,
but even as adults we need help.
When you're first learning English,
you probably have a Korean,
if you're Korean,
teacher who speaks English very well,
so that they can give you both sides of the explanation.
I certainly, when I was learning Korean,
I had an excellent teacher
who knew English, like a native,
and could explain to me the rules in English and
then have me practice it in Korean.
Get coaching. As a teacher [laughter],
I don't need to tell you.
I also take art classes,
I take Korean classes and so forth.
Coaching, education - It's the bomb.
Stop living the broken rule everyone else is living.
This is a little bit more difficult to explain.
They are talking about zigging and zagging.
When people talk to you about zigging and zagging,
you should have one image in your mind and that is a big Z.
Right? A Z goes zig
and then it zags.
Anyway, what you call it is not important -
this is written by an American,
it has very basic American ideology.
I saw a commercial in Korea, for a sports outfit
and their tagline was "follow."
And I thought to myself,
'You know, in America - this would never be 'follow.'
It would only be 'lead.' Right?
Some cultures are more community
or social oriented.
The thinking is about a group of people, like Korean culture.
Some cultures are much more individualistic and they don't talk
about following, they talk about leading.
If we are here talking about English and we're
talking about public speaking,
then we're talking about leading - why? Because the person,
even though you are talking to a crowd of people
and they all have to understand you
in a similar way, you are an individual.
You are standing in front of them.
You are, in some sense, alone.
We can talk more about it later.
Consistent until you have a breakthrough.
This is what we call encouragement... not encouragement.
Self-help. When you're reading
self-help material, you should be careful.
Why? Because, for example, number four is
'be consistent until you have a breakthrough,'
so keep trying until you get it. Hey! I also
said, 'You have to keep going,
you have to keep doing. You have to make mistakes...'
This is supposed to be about life in general, right?
Mine is about language acquisition.
When you are studying a language,
using it is the most valuable thing you can do.
If you don't use it, it's still in your brain,
it's just harder to get to.
The longer you don't use it, the harder it is
to remember - What was that word?
Family (*remembering).
Here they are talking about life.
And they're right. In life, consistency is important,
because basically - Be You.
Same thing is true for public speaking.
Don't be somebody else. Be you.
It's hard enough to get on to a stage,
it's hard enough to talk to a group of people.
It's hard enough to try and get them to understand
or be convinced or hear you.
Trying to do all that and pretend to be a clown
or pretend to be someone you're --
it is impossible.
The best is to be yourself and then there are other
things you can do to get your message across.
And, we'll get there.
Structure your entire life to optimize your performance.
Again, self-help. They talk
very big but on some level, we can understand
them because we can say,
'if you eat unhealthily but jog every day, or exercise every day,
the scale is not balanced.'
If you're going to exercise you should eat healthy.
It helps your body and it makes you better
at what you are doing.
That's just general life things.
Keep going.
Allow time for recovery.
This one is kind of a difficult one.
I once didn't get a job because they looked at my resume
and they said 'We've noticed that you've only worked every place for one year."
Now there's a reason I--
that my job looks like that.
One of the reasons is because I wanted to live in Busan
and I couldn't find the perfect--
the right job for me in Busan,
so I went to Ulsan, but when my contract ended I wanted
to come back, so I was looking for work in Busan...
There's a reason.
That's the way my life has been,
and so one year at one job.
And that's fine. That works for me.
Some people, especially in Korea,
they'll enter a company and they'll just stay there for 15 years.
That's also fine, and that's also a choice
that somebody made.
But the question is,
'Are you tired?'
I can tell you, everybody gets tired.
Doing the same thing every day, is tiring.
We're talking about the kind of tired
that you get from doing the same thing all the time.
Now some people
need to separate life and pleasure.
And it works for them,
they find balance.
A lot of people probably don't.
A lot of people probably go to work and are tired.
And you can see
those people and you can see their--
the way they're behaving and you understand;
these people are not happy in their job and they're tired.
Sometimes what people in Korea do
is they'll get another job at the same company.
Like they'll start in sales, they'll go to --
they'll work in sales for a few years,
then they'll get a job at HR,
and they'll bounce around.
If you're one of those people, I think that's a good
way to solve the fatigue problem.
The problem of being tired by your job,
because change is good. Change is interesting.
Some people don't like change or
too much change is not good.
So they've solved it in this way.
Remember, for me all of these things are just conversations.
Conversations that you can have with another person,
so when somebody talks to you about work, you know -
What kind of job do you do?
- A very common question.
You can say, oh I am working in HR now
but I was working in sales.
The reason I moved was A, B, C.
I am much happier now/ I am not as happy now.
This job was as good/not as good.
Conversation is moving.
And that's very important because,
for me as a teacher, you're using your English
For you as a student, you're practicing sentence constructions,
thinking in English,
using your English.
But in general, basically,
you're sharing information with your conversation partner
and that means you're getting closer. So win-win.
Pre-performance routine that gets you in the flow.
Again, this is self-help stuff.
And the last-- there are two more.
There's embrace fear and suffering.
Hey I am also telling you to embrace fear and suffering.
I am telling you you have to make mistakes.
Nobody likes to make mistakes.
Mistakes are embarrassing, but it's part of language.
I actually feel comfortable making a mistake- -
I am married to a Korean.
When I'm speaking Korean there's a lot of laughing,
and I just go with it because
they're talking to me.
And hey! That's what I want.
I want them to keep talking to me.
What I don't want is,
'Hey, what are you guys talking about?
Can you explain it to me?'
and then 'No, just forget it.'
Because then there is a divide.
They are there and I am here
and the two are not interacting.
So, even if you're making mistakes
if you let the laughter be what it is,
move forward, then you're moving forward.
Embracing fear and suffering -
that's embracing fear and suffering.
Do it because of love.
One of the most important things about learning English
and these kinds of readings
that I'm giving you -
they are not the average reading
you would get as an ESL student.
I'm using things from the Internet that
anybody in the 20 to 40 age range/
group would have access to -
find easy to read -
and it's called 'Pop psychology'
but it's still interesting enough.
And it should have something for everybody.
That's why self-help is so popular.
Do it because of love - I also think you
should do it because of love
and what I am going to point to is -
you should find reading topics
that you read because you love them.
I had one student who wanted to read history,
and I am a big fan, so that was no problem.
Some students want modern
communication between natives -
so for example you can go to something
like reddit.
Let me write that out for you.
And there are thousands of topics,
you just click on something.
If it's interesting you read it, if it's not you move on.
There is so much [laughter] to read
it is not possible that you have not yet found something that
is interesting to you.
And if you are interested then you're reading it.
And if you are reading, you're improving your English.
Do it because of love.
I agree.
That was the homework for the reading part.
When it comes to the speaking part,
everyone should be able to say things
like 'What's your name?'
'What do you do?'
'What are your hobbies?'
Those are easy.
Be sure to be able to answer those questions.
You can make a video and send it to me -
my information will be linked at the bottom.
Or you can try Hellotalk or language exchange
with other natives, also very important, and invaluable.
When it comes to the grammar,
I will post the answers in another link.
So there'll be a link for the homework.
There'll be a link for the answers to
the last lesson's homework.
That took up a lot of time, but time well spent, I think,
because what we are going to talk about today....
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