Sunday, May 6, 2018

Youtube daily report w May 7 2018

************ Musical Introduction **********

Everytime we say goodbye,

I die a little,

Everytime we say goodbye,

I wonder why a little,

Why the Gods above me,

who must be in the know

Think so little of me

they allow you to go.

When you're near,

there's such an air of spring about it,

I can hear a lark somewhere,

begin to sing about it,

There's no love song finer,

but how strange the change from major to minor,

Everytime we say goodbye.

******** MUSICAL BREAK ***********

When you're near,

there's such an air of spring about it,

I can hear a lark somewhere,

begin to sing about it,

There's no love song finer,

but how strange the change from major to minor

Everytime we say goodbye.


****** THE END *******

For more infomation >> Jotta R - Every time we say goodbye - kar Instrumental - Duration: 4:00.


हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 0:34.

Mother day whatsapp status Video

For more infomation >> हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 0:34.



For more infomation >> ТОП КРЮЧКОМ. РАЗБОР УЗОРА+СХЕМА+ВЫКРОЙКА - Duration: 17:47.


Come Home Soon

For more infomation >> Come Home Soon


EFT | Episodio 01 - Entrega do Passado PARTE I - Duration: 19:19.

For more infomation >> EFT | Episodio 01 - Entrega do Passado PARTE I - Duration: 19:19.


🎦#13 - Mastopexia com prótese: Limitações e Expectativas - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> 🎦#13 - Mastopexia com prótese: Limitações e Expectativas - Duration: 2:53.


Rodrigo Faro é recebido por multidão em Angola e se emociona com carinho dos fãs - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Rodrigo Faro é recebido por multidão em Angola e se emociona com carinho dos fãs - Duration: 3:43.


Gigi Buffon e Ilaria DʼAmico al mare, che coccole materne! - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Gigi Buffon e Ilaria DʼAmico al mare, che coccole materne! - Duration: 1:15.


Lo sapevi che le prugne secche sono il miglior rimedio naturale per prevenire l'osteoporosi? - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Lo sapevi che le prugne secche sono il miglior rimedio naturale per prevenire l'osteoporosi? - Duration: 2:52.


Amici 17: fuori Matteo assieme a Valentina, Luca e Zic. Il pubblico non approva - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Amici 17: fuori Matteo assieme a Valentina, Luca e Zic. Il pubblico non approva - Duration: 4:03.


🔵 Ácido Hialurônico: Quais os tipos? - Drops#26 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> 🔵 Ácido Hialurônico: Quais os tipos? - Drops#26 - Duration: 1:01.


🔵 Ácido Hialurônico: Quais os tipos? - Drops#27 - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> 🔵 Ácido Hialurônico: Quais os tipos? - Drops#27 - Duration: 0:56.


हस्बी रब्बी जल्लाल्लाह | Ramzan Special Naat | Hasbi Rabbi - Duration: 6:34.

Hasbi rabbi jallallah mafi qalbi ghairullah

For more infomation >> हस्बी रब्बी जल्लाल्लाह | Ramzan Special Naat | Hasbi Rabbi - Duration: 6:34.


हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 0:34.

Mother day whatsapp status Video

For more infomation >> हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 0:34.


Tom and Jerry Animation Fun Kids in Hindi Dubbed full movie - Tom and Jerry show Cartoon 2018 - Duration: 17:26.

Tom and Jerry Animation Fun Kids in Hindi Dubbed full movie - Tom and Jerry show Comedy Cartoon in Hindi 2018

For more infomation >> Tom and Jerry Animation Fun Kids in Hindi Dubbed full movie - Tom and Jerry show Cartoon 2018 - Duration: 17:26.


I look del mese: cos'hanno indossato le star? - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> I look del mese: cos'hanno indossato le star? - Duration: 2:57.


EFT | Episodio 01 - Entrega do Passado PARTE I - Duration: 19:19.

For more infomation >> EFT | Episodio 01 - Entrega do Passado PARTE I - Duration: 19:19.


Jotta R - Every time we say goodbye - kar Instrumental - Duration: 4:00.

************ Musical Introduction **********

Everytime we say goodbye,

I die a little,

Everytime we say goodbye,

I wonder why a little,

Why the Gods above me,

who must be in the know

Think so little of me

they allow you to go.

When you're near,

there's such an air of spring about it,

I can hear a lark somewhere,

begin to sing about it,

There's no love song finer,

but how strange the change from major to minor,

Everytime we say goodbye.

******** MUSICAL BREAK ***********

When you're near,

there's such an air of spring about it,

I can hear a lark somewhere,

begin to sing about it,

There's no love song finer,

but how strange the change from major to minor

Everytime we say goodbye.


****** THE END *******

For more infomation >> Jotta R - Every time we say goodbye - kar Instrumental - Duration: 4:00.


हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 0:34.

Mother day whatsapp status Video

For more infomation >> हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 0:34.



For more infomation >> ТОП КРЮЧКОМ. РАЗБОР УЗОРА+СХЕМА+ВЫКРОЙКА - Duration: 17:47.


LEGO City - Mountain Police ...

For more infomation >> LEGO City - Mountain Police ...


An intro to Miami Real Estate - Duration: 12:34.

For more infomation >> An intro to Miami Real Estate - Duration: 12:34.


180 Sq. Ft. Rustic/Western Tiny House For Sale in Tennessee - Duration: 3:10.

180 Sq. Ft. Rustic/Western Tiny House For Sale in Tennessee

For more infomation >> 180 Sq. Ft. Rustic/Western Tiny House For Sale in Tennessee - Duration: 3:10.


Sam Heng - The power of habits | success reveal - Duration: 30:18.

Sam Heng - The power of habits | success reveal

For more infomation >> Sam Heng - The power of habits | success reveal - Duration: 30:18.


Denys Arcand et Maripier Morin à TLMEP pour le film ''La chute de l'empire américain'' - Duration: 21:36.

For more infomation >> Denys Arcand et Maripier Morin à TLMEP pour le film ''La chute de l'empire américain'' - Duration: 21:36.


Collocations with MAKE and DO - Duration: 7:37.

Welcome to ESL TOP TEN. I'm Nessa and in this lesson I want to talk to you about

the power of collocations. I want to start by giving you three sentences that

I hear students say, and when I give you each sentence I'm gonna show you exactly

what I picture, what I imagine, when I hear them. Here is sentence number one.

You know what Nessa, I really want to make a girlfriend.The next one is I

usually come to school by foot. And the third one is my favorite. I love this one. It

always makes me smile. Here we go. You know what? I'm gonna walk with my dog

today. Walk with my dog! Collocations!

So before we go over the corrections with those mixed-up English collocations,

what is a collocation? What does the word mean?

Well co means together right? Like co-worker, you work together, and location

means place. So a collocation is a set of two or more words that are often used

together. They are placed together in a sentence. Collocations. And collocations

are important because by using the correct collocation you just sound more

natural. So let's go back to those three sentences. What are the corrections? Well

instead of saying make a girlfriend, unless you're a scientist in the lab, you

could say Nessa I really want to find a girlfriend or Nessa I wish I had a

girlfriend. The next one is I go on foot or better yet just use the verb walk. I

walk to school, I walk to the park, let's walk to the store. And the third one is

instead of walk with your dog, you walk your dog, or you could use the verb take.

I take my dog for a walk. So yesterday I took my dog for a walk around Stanley

Park. So those are some corrections with mixed up collocations. In this lesson, to

keep it a little bit simple, we are going to look at common collocations with two

verbs that often get mixed up: make and do. Before we get started, I want you to

participate in this lesson, so I want you to hit pause in a moment and grab a pen

and a piece of paper. So hit pause... So now you're back, right? I'm off pause. So what

I want you to do is I want you to take your pen and I want you to make a line

in the middle of your paper so that you have two columns. At the top of one of

the columns, you're gonna write the verb make and in the other column you're

gonna write do, and as we go through a list of words or sets of words, I want

you to place each word or phrase in the right column. Is it going to be make or

do? So this is a dictation. Here we go! Are you ready? We'll

check our answers at the very end. first word is research. The next one is your

hair. Number three, I'm gonna give you three words here that are similar in the

sense that they have similar meanings, so they're gonna go under the same column.

It's either make or do, so you have to write three words here. The first one is

the dishes, the laundry, housework. The

next one is your best. A mistake. A

suggestion. There's two here, they're just opposite, so they go in the same column. A

good impression, a bad impression. Here's a little tricky one: your bed. As in you

hmmm your bed in the morning. where are you gonna write your bed? A mess. A cup of

coffee, a cup of coffee. A phone call.


Noise. It's the last one, noise. So hopefully you have two columns

with make and do, and now we're gonna check our answers, and also, you can

double-check your spelling. Here we go. The first one do research, you do your

hair ,you do the dishes, and the laundry, and housework. Oh my god, can you do the

dishes tonight? I'm exhausted. The next one is your best.

You do your best. I did my best. I hope I passed the test! Next one is a good impression and a bad

impression, is make. You make a good impression, you make a bad impression.

Make a mistake, make a suggestion, make your bed in the morning, and you

make a mess, and you make a cup of coffee. You make a phone call, you do yoga, you do

karate, you do tae kwon. You do any martial arts, including Qi Gong or Tai

Chi, capoeira...You make progress, I'm getting better every day, and you make noise.

How'd you do? Dd you get them all? These are some common collocations with make

and do. If you mixed a couple up, I encourage you to take a few minutes and

write the collocation a few times in your own example sentence.

Make sure your example sentence is true, as in I usually make my bed in the

morning, if that's true. If it's not true, you could say I don't

usually make my bed in the morning. So write a few sentences with any of these

collocations that you got mixed up. It'll help you remember them. And get your

freebie. What's in the freebie, Nessa? Well this freebie is awesome because

you're gonna get all these collocations with make and do, plus some common

collocations with go and play, some other verbs that are often mixed up.

So get yours by clicking the links below. You'll find it in the video description,

and please hit like if you found this lesson helpful. And I would love to have

you subscribe and join our awesome community here at ESL TOP TEN. I am Nessa and I

will see you next week right back here. Have a good one.

For more infomation >> Collocations with MAKE and DO - Duration: 7:37.


Régis Labeaume maire de Québec à Tout Le Monde En Parle TLMEP - Duration: 15:15.

For more infomation >> Régis Labeaume maire de Québec à Tout Le Monde En Parle TLMEP - Duration: 15:15.


McCain Won't Make It Through The Day After Hogg Just Exposed Who's Paying Him - Duration: 13:46.

McCain Won't Make It Through The Day After Hogg Just Exposed Who's Paying Him

They are going for the jugular

Students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have become activists since the shooting

that took the lives of 17 of their classmates and injured numerous others.

They have continued this activism since the March for Our Lives that took place all across

the country.

And they are not holding back, they are going for the jugular and this time they have chosen

someone who can't defend themselves as much.

17-year old David Hogg has used his social media accounts to attack and target politicians

and this time he is going after Senator John McCain.

When Senator McCain went to Twitter to post about a Rio Valley project in Arizona Hogg

attacked him and tried to hijack the post by asking him how much he accepts from the

National Rifle Association.

However, Senator McCain has taken the high road and not responded yet and there is no

indication that he will.

In all likelihood, Hogg targeted Senator McCain because according to the Center for Responsive

Politics Senator

McCain is the top recipient of donations from the National Rifle Association.

In total, they have noted he has received approximately $7.7 million from the National

Rifle Association.Image may contain: text

The Center for Responsive Politics posted a graph of all the members and politicians

who accept the most National Rifle Association donations.

Making these politicians the likely next target of these children.

Senator John McCain (Republican – Arizona) ($7,740,521)

Senator Richard Burr (Republican – North Carolina) ($6,986,931)

Senator Roy Blunt (Republican – Missouri) ($4,551,146)

Senator Thom Tillis (Republican – North Carolina) ($4,418,012)

Senator Cory Gardner (Republican – Colorado) ($3,879,064)

Senator Marco Rubio (Republican – Florida) ($3,303,355)

Senator Joni Ernst (Republican – Iowa) ($3,124,273) Senator Rob Portman (Republican – Ohio)

($3,061,941) Senator Todd Young (Republican – Indiana)

($2,896,732) Senator Bill Cassidy (Republican – Louisiana)

($2,861,047) Senator Tom Cotton (Republican – Arkansas)

($1,968,714) Senator David Perdue (Republican – Georgia)

($1,825,006) Senator Pat Roberts (Republican – Kansas)

($1,584,153) Senator Pat Toomey (Republican – Pennsylvania)

($1,467,821) Senator Ron Johnson (Republican – Wisconsin)

($1,269,486) Senator Mitch McConnell (Republican – Kentucky)

($1,261,874) Rep. French Hill (Republican – Arkansas)

($1,089,477)Image may contain: 1 person, text Breitbart News reported,

"Hogg's tweet comes after he called for his Twitter followers to pressure advertisers

to pull their ads from Fox News show host Laura Ingraham's broadcast, after she said

he was whining about college rejections.

"David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it.

(Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA…totally predictable given acceptance rates.)," she tweeted.

She later issued an apology, after advertisers being pulling their ads from her show.

McCain, 81, is a six-term senator, Vietnam War veteran, and former prisoner of war.

He was one of four Republicans who supported a bipartisan bill on gun purchase background

checks in 2013, which did not ultimately clear the Senate."

The Daily Mail reported,

"Ingraham apologized Thursday on Twitter, saying: 'On reflection, in the spirit of

Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims

of Parkland.'Image may contain: 1 person, text

Ingraham tweeted that she thought she was the first to feature Hogg on her show after

the shooting and added: 'He's welcome to come on my show anytime for a productive


Hogg tweeted later Thursday that an apology to save advertisers wasn't enough and that

he'd only accept Ingraham's apology if she denounced the way Fox News has treated

his friends.

'It's time to love thy neighbor, not mudsling at children,' wrote Hogg."

The Blaze reported,

"A number of students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida have

been part of a media blitz asking for tougher gun control laws.

Hogg has been one of the most outspoken leaders of the campaign.

Hogg filled the headlines for the past few days after feuding with Fox News host Laura

Ingraham, resulting in some advertisers pulling their ads from her show.

Ingraham had mocked the student for complaining about not yet being accepted into his preferred

colleges; the host later apologized for her comments.Image may contain: 1 person, text

The student has also gained recent attention from conducting profanity-laced interviews,

making a noteworthy gesture at the DC March For Our Lives rally, and bragging about hanging

up during a call with the White House."

While Senator McCain is the current target of the gun activists there is nobody who is


These students are targeting every politician and Member of Congress who has any type of

pro-gun position or has taken even $1 from the National Rifle Association.

It is clear they are preparing for the midterm elections in an attempt to try and get Democrats

elected to Congress to sway the majority more towards the middle.

All in an attempt to try and push anti-gun policy.

However, many of these students and children will not be able to vote until the next presidential


It remains to be seen how these marches, activism, and cyberbullying they are partaking in will

have much if any effect on the midterm elections and the longevity of their party.Image may

contain: 1 person, text

It is clear they are preparing for the midterm elections in an attempt to try and get Democrats

elected to Congress to sway the majority more towards the middle.

All in an attempt to try and push anti-gun policy.

However, many of these students and children will not be able to vote until the next presidential


It remains to be seen how these marches, activism, and cyberbullying they are partaking in will

have much if any effect on the midterm elections and the longevity

of their party.

Share if

you agree.

For more infomation >> McCain Won't Make It Through The Day After Hogg Just Exposed Who's Paying Him - Duration: 13:46.


Superb Tresco Holiday Retreat with 2 or 3 Bedrooms Options and Full Kitchen - Duration: 2:59.

Superb Tresco Holiday Retreat with 2 or 3 Bedrooms Options and Full Kitchen

For more infomation >> Superb Tresco Holiday Retreat with 2 or 3 Bedrooms Options and Full Kitchen - Duration: 2:59.


Get your suspension questions answered NOW! - Duration: 0:40.

(rock music)




- [Alexa] Only Custom Offsets has Brad!

For more infomation >> Get your suspension questions answered NOW! - Duration: 0:40.


Are Builders Advertising The Same Message Losing Out? - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Are Builders Advertising The Same Message Losing Out? - Duration: 4:41.


Beautiful Cottage With Light Style in Ideal Condition of Florida (127 m2) | Great Small House Design - Duration: 2:33.

Beautiful Cottage With Light Style in Ideal Condition of Florida (127 m2)

For more infomation >> Beautiful Cottage With Light Style in Ideal Condition of Florida (127 m2) | Great Small House Design - Duration: 2:33.


Arby's® | Jalapeño Bites® Review! 🤠🌶️🔥 - Duration: 4:24.

hey everyone it's Ian K back again with another one for ya this time headed

back to Arby's to check out something else that I saw in the menu and I went

to go review their bourbon barbecue chicken sandwich and that's their

version of the jalapeño popper or in this case the jalapeño bites as they're

calling them and being that I did actually try the jalapeno poppers from

Carl's jr. a while back I wanted to swing them back to see what these had to

offer so obviously based upon the title of this review you guys are coming along

for the ride now with that said I've got my 5-piece order ready to go but like

always before I take that first bite of these to give you my thoughts like I

always do let's get right up on him first for that closer look let's peep

this out we're taking a look at the spicy side of things so to speak here at

Arby's today with an order of their jalapeño bites a pretty tasty looking

crispy side item featuring halved jalapeños filled with cream cheese and

then battered up and fried to a nice golden-brown guys that looks pretty

appetizing along with being fairly decent in the size department here let

me lift one of these up to give you a closer look here so we can peep this out

a little up close guys that is really really nicely crispy nice and golden

nice and brown and a decent size it's pretty much covers end to end it feels

like there is an actual halved jalapeño in here and it definitely looks pretty

tasty and just to make sure the tastiness continues I decided to get the

old standby some ranch to dip into these to see exactly how this is gonna be

amazing to the flavor that these are hopefully gonna deliver on their own

well let's just get into it guys this is the jalapeño bites it's a 5-piece order

here at Arby's let's peep out this flavor these are just minutes old and

they're very hot and considering it's about 95 degrees outside of my car right

now that is just adding to this experience let's dive in it's the

jalapeño bites here at Arby's mmm yeah this has a pretty healthy amount of warm

rich creamy cream cheese in the top of a decently sized halved jalapeño on the

inside of this crispy coating guys nice fried goodness there I mean it's a

delicious flavor overall because it is fried but everything just works

flavor-wise with a very slight amount of heat in the background it's not bad but

again not super hot let me try and squeeze this open for you just a little

bit to give you a better look on the inside I'm really diggin the

presentation of this one overall because it is a whole pepper and that does make

the difference compared to the jalapeño poppers that were over at Carl's those

were just bits of jalapeño with cheese this is a whole jalapeño with a nice

amount of cream cheese on the top guys really digging it and like I mentioned

earlier it's not super hot just enough of a sizzle to let you know it's there

mm yeah definitely love that rich flavor okay what do you guys say we drop one in

some ranch let's see what that does well I gotta say what it's already doing

is telling me how thick the ranch is here at Arby's that really is a pretty

nice-looking ranch guys let's go mmm I took out the whole jalapeño with that

bite along with a healthy dose of that cream cheese filling and the ranch very

delicious guys very delicious indeed a little bit of the fried coating to go

with it only added to that hmm let me go for one more quick bite to give me that

one last close up and it's just another excuse to go for some more ranch to hang

on oh yeah it sure is a nice amount of filling of that cream cheese to go with

a very decently sized jalapeño piece on the inside of this coating guys just a

very very tasty side item and one that I would definitely recommend with ranch it

really close pretty nicely but as always that's just my opinion what do you guys

think are any of you fans of the jalapeño bites here at Arby's already

and if you're fans of jalapeño poppers in general who do you think makes the

best drop those comments down below and definitely let me know and as for the

overall rating based upon what I experienced today I'm gonna have to give

the jalapeño bites here at Arby's a pretty solid 8.5 out of 10

definitely a very tasty side item to go with any type of sandwich you may get

here at Arby's guys the only thing for me though is I wish it was just a little

bit stronger in the spice category but other than that a very nice amount of

cheese and of course it's fried goodness how bad could that really be right and

those are my thoughts on a tasty side item and I'm glad I check out here at

Arby's as I close out another episode of peep this out guys and like I always say

I've got brand new content every single week here in my channel so while you stay

tuned for the next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty I love

how it just states the obvious in these bags Arby's is delicious yeah it

absolutely is and these jalapeño bites were no exception

alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Arby's® | Jalapeño Bites® Review! 🤠🌶️🔥 - Duration: 4:24.


हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 0:34.

Mother day whatsapp status Video

For more infomation >> हैप्पी मदर्स डे | Mother Day Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 0:34.


Giuliani says Trump could plea the Fifth - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Giuliani says Trump could plea the Fifth - Duration: 2:03.


Mưa đêm tỉnh nhỏ - Lê Trung - Tài Năng Sân Khấu - Duration: 1:00:16.

For more infomation >> Mưa đêm tỉnh nhỏ - Lê Trung - Tài Năng Sân Khấu - Duration: 1:00:16.


4 Benefits of Network Marketing and What You Need to Know - Duration: 4:08.

In this video, we're going to talk about the benefits of network marketing and what you

need to know.

Hey, this is Michelle from Network Marketing Performance where you can find ideas to create

the business and life you love through network marketing.

Many people start their own network marketing business because of the lifestyle they can


Whether it's to replace your income, spend more time with your family, or just be able

to live life on your own terms, the benefits of network marketing are undeniable.

But just because network marketing can give you the life you want, doesn't mean it's for


So to help you decide whether or not network marketing is the right fit for you, I'm going

to share with you the 4 benefits of network marketing and what you need to know.


There is no income ceiling.

It's true, there are no limits to how much you can earn.

But when starting any new business, it can take some time and effort before you start

to earn any money.

You only get paid for performance so unlike a job, where you're paid to show up and do

the work, in network marketing you don't get paid for showing up.

You get paid on the results you produce whether it's through selling products and services

or building a team to help you sell more products and services.

So only if you are willing to learn the skills and do the work, you can earn as much money

as you want.

You need to be committed and take this business seriously.

The sky is your limit.


You can earn residual income.

Meaning, you can earn money that continues to come in even after your initial effort

has been made.

When you work at a job and get paid a salary, you need to put in your time and once you

stop working, you stop making money.

But that's not the case with residual income, it continues to pay you time after time because

of your initial effort, even if you decide to take a break from network marketing.

Think of your cell phone provider.

You continue to pay them month after month after the initial setup for continuing to

use their service.

So in network marketing, you have access to create this kind of income as well.

But what you need to know is that in order to create this kind of income, it requires

you to develop yourself as a leader and to be able to help other people achieve their

goals in network marketing.

You need to learn how to manage people and help your team succeed.

So it'll require a lot of personal growth and development.


You are your own boss.

Now, this can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how motivated you are.

Because you don't have anyone to be accountable to but yourself, so you need to be a self-starter.

Sure it's easy to have motivation at the beginning when you first join and you're all excited.

But what happens when your excitement fades?

It's easy to join network marketing and slowly fizzle out overtime because life starts to

get in the way.

But if you really want to succeed in network marketing, you need to be sure of yourself

that you will do whatever it takes.

Quitting is not an option if you want to have the benefits of network marketing.


Network marketing is a level playing field.

Anyone can start a network marketing business and you don't need to have any experience

prior to joining.

But again, it doesn't mean that everyone is a good fit.

Network marketing is a people business based on relationships.

And if you aren't willing to help make other people's lives better through your network

marketing business or your products and services, then network marketing is not for you.

You only truly succeed if you help people better their lives.

So you need to have the mindset of giving vs getting.

And as long as you are willing to learn new skills, be teachable, and put in the work,

then network marketing will be the right fit for you.

The benefits of network marketing has allowed so many network marketers to live the life

they desire.

But what most people don't realize is how much work and effort it takes to build a successful

network marketing business.

It requires learning new skills, adapting a new mindset, and developing yourself as

a leader and not many people are willing to do that.

So you need to decide for yourself if the benefits of network marketing outweigh the

effort it'll take to succeed.

Let us know in the comments below.

What are some of the benefits of network marketing you like and why?

If you like this video, go ahead and click the like button and share it with your friends.

Make sure to subscribe to our channel to stay up-to-date with new videos from us.

And be sure to check out and click on our blog to get more ideas to

create the business and life you love through network marketing.

Thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> 4 Benefits of Network Marketing and What You Need to Know - Duration: 4:08.


Locked Out - Duration: 3:01.

Done is Done

Time is Time

This is the start

Of something new

The door is always locked

But now its open

But every time you go in it, a new path opens

Both are doomed

If your loud, they will hear. If you move they will see. Is there anyway to hide? ~

For more infomation >> Locked Out - Duration: 3:01.


Lesson 1 part B - Duration: 14:47.

The point is starting at the beginning is not necessarily a bad thing.

When you're talking about public speaking, for example,

there's also a beginning point to it.

It's almost like saying forget everything

everybody taught you

and start from a very -- the very first step,

that you need to take.

In public speaking

the very first step you need to take is to

ask yourself 'Who is my audience?

If you don't know who your audience is,

then you talk to people who are investing in your company

like they're small children.

And that's not good.

Or you talk to a group of parents about their children

like they are investors in a company

- which could be good,

but maybe the language would be very different.

So I think the first question, we always have to ask ourselves is,

'Who is our audience?'

'Why are they listening to us?'

'Why should they listen to us?'

and so on.

So you make an introduction video,

which I did - check.

Get coaching, get educated.

When we first start learning a language,

we do start as amateurs,

and we start at the most basic,

which is learning the ABC's.

We move on from there very quickly, as adults, especially,

but even as adults we need help.

When you're first learning English,

you probably have a Korean,

if you're Korean,

teacher who speaks English very well,

so that they can give you both sides of the explanation.

I certainly, when I was learning Korean,

I had an excellent teacher

who knew English, like a native,

and could explain to me the rules in English and

then have me practice it in Korean.

Get coaching. As a teacher [laughter],

I don't need to tell you.

I also take art classes,

I take Korean classes and so forth.

Coaching, education - It's the bomb.

Stop living the broken rule everyone else is living.

This is a little bit more difficult to explain.

They are talking about zigging and zagging.

When people talk to you about zigging and zagging,

you should have one image in your mind and that is a big Z.

Right? A Z goes zig

and then it zags.

Anyway, what you call it is not important -

this is written by an American,

it has very basic American ideology.

I saw a commercial in Korea, for a sports outfit

and their tagline was "follow."

And I thought to myself,

'You know, in America - this would never be 'follow.'

It would only be 'lead.' Right?

Some cultures are more community

or social oriented.

The thinking is about a group of people, like Korean culture.

Some cultures are much more individualistic and they don't talk

about following, they talk about leading.

If we are here talking about English and we're

talking about public speaking,

then we're talking about leading - why? Because the person,

even though you are talking to a crowd of people

and they all have to understand you

in a similar way, you are an individual.

You are standing in front of them.

You are, in some sense, alone.

We can talk more about it later.

Consistent until you have a breakthrough.

This is what we call encouragement... not encouragement.

Self-help. When you're reading

self-help material, you should be careful.

Why? Because, for example, number four is

'be consistent until you have a breakthrough,'

so keep trying until you get it. Hey! I also

said, 'You have to keep going,

you have to keep doing. You have to make mistakes...'

This is supposed to be about life in general, right?

Mine is about language acquisition.

When you are studying a language,

using it is the most valuable thing you can do.

If you don't use it, it's still in your brain,

it's just harder to get to.

The longer you don't use it, the harder it is

to remember - What was that word?

Family (*remembering).

Here they are talking about life.

And they're right. In life, consistency is important,

because basically - Be You.

Same thing is true for public speaking.

Don't be somebody else. Be you.

It's hard enough to get on to a stage,

it's hard enough to talk to a group of people.

It's hard enough to try and get them to understand

or be convinced or hear you.

Trying to do all that and pretend to be a clown

or pretend to be someone you're --

it is impossible.

The best is to be yourself and then there are other

things you can do to get your message across.

And, we'll get there.

Structure your entire life to optimize your performance.

Again, self-help. They talk

very big but on some level, we can understand

them because we can say,

'if you eat unhealthily but jog every day, or exercise every day,

the scale is not balanced.'

If you're going to exercise you should eat healthy.

It helps your body and it makes you better

at what you are doing.

That's just general life things.

Keep going.

Allow time for recovery.

This one is kind of a difficult one.

I once didn't get a job because they looked at my resume

and they said 'We've noticed that you've only worked every place for one year."

Now there's a reason I--

that my job looks like that.

One of the reasons is because I wanted to live in Busan

and I couldn't find the perfect--

the right job for me in Busan,

so I went to Ulsan, but when my contract ended I wanted

to come back, so I was looking for work in Busan...

There's a reason.

That's the way my life has been,

and so one year at one job.

And that's fine. That works for me.

Some people, especially in Korea,

they'll enter a company and they'll just stay there for 15 years.

That's also fine, and that's also a choice

that somebody made.

But the question is,

'Are you tired?'

I can tell you, everybody gets tired.

Doing the same thing every day, is tiring.

We're talking about the kind of tired

that you get from doing the same thing all the time.

Now some people

need to separate life and pleasure.

And it works for them,

they find balance.

A lot of people probably don't.

A lot of people probably go to work and are tired.

And you can see

those people and you can see their--

the way they're behaving and you understand;

these people are not happy in their job and they're tired.

Sometimes what people in Korea do

is they'll get another job at the same company.

Like they'll start in sales, they'll go to --

they'll work in sales for a few years,

then they'll get a job at HR,

and they'll bounce around.

If you're one of those people, I think that's a good

way to solve the fatigue problem.

The problem of being tired by your job,

because change is good. Change is interesting.

Some people don't like change or

too much change is not good.

So they've solved it in this way.

Remember, for me all of these things are just conversations.

Conversations that you can have with another person,

so when somebody talks to you about work, you know -

What kind of job do you do?

- A very common question.

You can say, oh I am working in HR now

but I was working in sales.

The reason I moved was A, B, C.

I am much happier now/ I am not as happy now.

This job was as good/not as good.

Conversation is moving.

And that's very important because,

for me as a teacher, you're using your English


For you as a student, you're practicing sentence constructions,

thinking in English,

using your English.

But in general, basically,

you're sharing information with your conversation partner

and that means you're getting closer. So win-win.

Pre-performance routine that gets you in the flow.

Again, this is self-help stuff.

And the last-- there are two more.

There's embrace fear and suffering.

Hey I am also telling you to embrace fear and suffering.

I am telling you you have to make mistakes.

Nobody likes to make mistakes.

Mistakes are embarrassing, but it's part of language.

I actually feel comfortable making a mistake- -

I am married to a Korean.

When I'm speaking Korean there's a lot of laughing,

and I just go with it because

they're talking to me.

And hey! That's what I want.

I want them to keep talking to me.

What I don't want is,

'Hey, what are you guys talking about?

Can you explain it to me?'

and then 'No, just forget it.'

Because then there is a divide.

They are there and I am here

and the two are not interacting.

So, even if you're making mistakes

if you let the laughter be what it is,

move forward, then you're moving forward.

Embracing fear and suffering -

that's embracing fear and suffering.

Do it because of love.

One of the most important things about learning English

and these kinds of readings

that I'm giving you -

they are not the average reading

you would get as an ESL student.

I'm using things from the Internet that

anybody in the 20 to 40 age range/

group would have access to -

find easy to read -

and it's called 'Pop psychology'

but it's still interesting enough.

And it should have something for everybody.

That's why self-help is so popular.

Do it because of love - I also think you

should do it because of love

and what I am going to point to is -

you should find reading topics

that you read because you love them.

I had one student who wanted to read history,

and I am a big fan, so that was no problem.

Some students want modern

communication between natives -

so for example you can go to something

like reddit.

Let me write that out for you.


And there are thousands of topics,

you just click on something.

If it's interesting you read it, if it's not you move on.

There is so much [laughter] to read

it is not possible that you have not yet found something that

is interesting to you.

And if you are interested then you're reading it.

And if you are reading, you're improving your English.

Do it because of love.

I agree.

That was the homework for the reading part.

When it comes to the speaking part,

everyone should be able to say things

like 'What's your name?'

'What do you do?'

'What are your hobbies?'

Those are easy.

Be sure to be able to answer those questions.

You can make a video and send it to me -

my information will be linked at the bottom.

Or you can try Hellotalk or language exchange

with other natives, also very important, and invaluable.

When it comes to the grammar,

I will post the answers in another link.

So there'll be a link for the homework.

There'll be a link for the answers to

the last lesson's homework.

That took up a lot of time, but time well spent, I think,

because what we are going to talk about today....

For more infomation >> Lesson 1 part B - Duration: 14:47.


Top 10 Marijuana Health Benefits You Probably Didn't Know - Duration: 8:02.

Joy Home Remedies Brings You:

Top 10 Marijuana Health Benefits You Probably Didn't Know



Mary Jane.


Nicknames aside, much of the world calls the psychotropic plant, Marijuana, or by its scientific

name, Cannabis.

Weed has a long pop culture presence — and an even longer record of use.

As you may already know, for the vast majority of people, smoking a blunt induces a sense

of euphoria and calm as it activates neurotransmitters in our brain which helps us among other things,

feel happy.

It turns out though, that cannabis provides a variety of health benefits to those who

are healthy, as well as folks struggling with various illnesses.

Here are some of the most important and sometimes surprising health benefits of marijuana you

probably didn't know!

Number 1 - Regulate Metabolism and Weight Loss

Contrary to popular belief, smoking weed can actually help you lose weight!

Recreational marijuana use is notoriously associated with the munchies, or junk food

cravings, but long-term ingestion of marijuana is now associated with a 56% lower likelihood

of obesity.

This is just one of the many studies that ties lower rates of obesity to cannabis users

who have a smaller waist on average than non-cannabis users.

Weed is believed to help regulate your metabolism, also making it a factor in lowering the risk

of diabetes.

In addition, for many people, smoking weed makes them more active.

In fact, there are people who claim that it increases athletic ability, in particular

for long distance runners as well as for swimmers.

Many athletes claim that it improves focus and the ability to push past previous limitations.

Number 2 - Alleviate Depression

Depression is one of the most common medical conditions in the world.

According to studies, cannabis can be used to supplement endocannabinoids lacking within

our system, helping the body return to homeostasis and in turn reducing depression levels.

Marijuana also aids in relieving stress, which is one of the biggest risk factors for depression.

Number 3 - Relieve Arthritis

Arthritis is one of the leading causes of physical disability in the world and it is

one of the most common kinds of chronic pain.

The first recorded use of cannabis to help heal arthritis was in China nearly 4,000 years


Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties.

While Cannabidiol (CBD), which is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, helps regulate auto-immune conditions

like arthritis as well.

Number 4 - Slow the Development of Alzheimer's

Studies have found that THC in most strains of marijuana, could be a potential therapeutic

treatment option for Alzheimer's disease through multiple functions and pathways.

This is believed to be due to the neuroprotective and antioxidant qualities of cannabis.

Number 5 - Treat Chronic Pain

One of the most common reasons people miss work and have a decreased quality of life

is due to various types of chronic pain.

From PMS cramps to headaches to back pain, many people feel pain on a daily basis.

The anti-inflammatory properties of marijuana can help reduce pain whether it's applied

in the form of a topical, or consumed orally.

Cannabis consumption can also help greatly decrease the need for addictive opioids.

Number 6 - Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can lead to cardiovascular disease, and even to stroke or heart attack.

Tobacco is one of the most common causes of high blood pressure, along with a poor diet

and lack of exercise.

There's a wide range of scientific and anecdotal studies to support how cannabis decreases

blood pressure.

Some researchers also believe that the health benefits of cannabinoids may include a protective

role within the body, which also helps decrease blood pressure.

Number 7 - Aid in Recovery from Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are becoming an increasingly large problem across the world as many young

people are exposed to constant media pressure to be unattainably beautiful and thin.

Cannabis can help regulate eating patterns, aiding with recovery from conditions like

bulimia, and other binging disorders.

Marijuana can also help stimulate appetite to aid people with anorexia.

Cannabis also helps to reduce anxiety, both social and food related that leads many people

down the path of eating disorders.

Number 8 - Reduce PTSD Symptoms

Veterans have become some of the most vocal supporters of marijuana legalization due to

the incredible relief cannabis can provide to folks with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Smoking weed can help reduce the stress and anxiety PTSD sufferers struggle with every


It also reduces the need for opioids and other pharmaceuticals that come with their own list

of dangerous side effects.

Number 9 - Reduce Nausea

Many people experience nausea on a regular basis, whether it's caused by digestive

problems or certain foods.

Cannabis can help decrease stomach pain and regulate your body's digestive processes.

Marijuana also reacts with brain receptors to help regulate the feelings that are often

associated with nausea.

Weed can also help stimulate appetite when people may find themselves avoiding food due

to stomach discomfort.

Number 10 - Reduces Frequency of Seizures

CBD, the non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in marijuana, can greatly reduce the frequency

and severity of seizures.

A study has found that there was an average of a 51% decrease in the amount of seizures

people experienced while using medical cannabis, as well as a 63% decrease in seizures for

patients who had Dravet syndrome.

A specific marijuana strain, Charlotte's Web, was created particularly for a young

girl who experienced extreme seizures.

The strain is still widely used due to its effectiveness and lack of psychoactive side


Whether a person uses marijuana for its therapeutic, or euphoric properties, at times it can produce

a variety of physical and psychological side effects.

Not everybody experiences the same effects, and reactions can vary depending on the type

of cannabis and the way it's consumed.

So it's best to consult with your doctor before trying to treat any of these ailments

with weed!

Thanks for watching!

If you like to blaze, please slam that like button, and share it with your friends!

For more videos like this, please subscribe, and hit the little bell.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Marijuana Health Benefits You Probably Didn't Know - Duration: 8:02.


Sethekk Halls Transmog Farm | 30K+/30min+ - Duration: 3:19.

Alright guys so today here we're with another dungeon transmog farm

this one will be in Terokkar Forest which is Sethekk Halls

see you in the end

So after completing this dungeon nine times, here are my results.

Thanks for watching and till the next time, see ya!

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