Monday, May 7, 2018

Youtube daily report May 7 2018


It's hard to believe

This can't last

It's too good to be true


to not look down

but with you it's so much easier

that now I barely care

Let winter come,

we are ready

we are ready

Let winter come,

we are ready

we are ready


and fear in equal parts

It isn't normal if everything is flat

I always get scared

when everything is going too well

the further up I go

the bigger the blow will be

But let winter come,

we are ready

we are ready

But let winter come,

we are ready

we are ready

Everything is better

if we are happy

translator: Joana Martí Payés

For more infomation >> PAU VALLVÉ - QUE VINGUI L'HIVERN (videoclip) - Duration: 4:10.


테슬라, 콤팩트 SUV '모델 Y' 2019년 생산 계획..라인업 '완성' - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 테슬라, 콤팩트 SUV '모델 Y' 2019년 생산 계획..라인업 '완성' - Duration: 4:04.


Cláusula de infidelidad y drogas : los acuerdos prenupciales más extremos de los famosos - Duration: 11:56.

For more infomation >> Cláusula de infidelidad y drogas : los acuerdos prenupciales más extremos de los famosos - Duration: 11:56.


Prepara tu propio granizado de fruta - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> Prepara tu propio granizado de fruta - Duration: 9:49.


El misterio de la Patagonia - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> El misterio de la Patagonia - Duration: 2:08.


Johnny Hallyday : un hommage lui sera rendu à Marseille - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hallyday : un hommage lui sera rendu à Marseille - Duration: 0:55.


La obstinación de Puigdemont destroza los planes de ERC - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> La obstinación de Puigdemont destroza los planes de ERC - Duration: 5:49.


Kate Middleton : Les premières photos du petit Louis dévoilées - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton : Les premières photos du petit Louis dévoilées - Duration: 1:43.


Brigitte et Emmanuel Macron, trahis par des poches - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Brigitte et Emmanuel Macron, trahis par des poches - Duration: 1:46.


Los Javis hablan del bullying que sufrieron en el colegio: "Me llegaron a pegar" - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> Los Javis hablan del bullying que sufrieron en el colegio: "Me llegaron a pegar" - Duration: 6:56.


Cyril Lignac risée du métier à cause de la télé « On m'a jeté la pierre » - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Cyril Lignac risée du métier à cause de la télé « On m'a jeté la pierre » - Duration: 1:27.


Rope Chandelier Made Easy Method - Duration: 8:24.

Hi friends .

We are together with a new work.

I'll show you chandelier with simple materials.

I will show materials without losing time.

And I want to get started.

3 meter rope

4 meter cable

Bulb holder

1 meter chain

1 tree branch

I will use a grape tree branch

I had previously varnished it.

I will use a linen string like this

There are 2 hooks, hook screw

And we have one pendulum apparatus.

Yes friends

We made a chandelier in an easy way.

I think it's beautiful.

Materials can be supplied easily.

Now, this is a bit long.

But we can shorten it when we want.

For example, we may infer that way.

That way

As you see

That way, we can shorten.

And we can wrap the rope in different shapes

I hope you enjoy the video

See you in another video.

For more infomation >> Rope Chandelier Made Easy Method - Duration: 8:24.


12 infusiones ideales para aumentar las defensas - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> 12 infusiones ideales para aumentar las defensas - Duration: 8:58.


10 choses que les hommes ne savent pas sur leur pénis | MuLLu TV - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> 10 choses que les hommes ne savent pas sur leur pénis | MuLLu TV - Duration: 8:12.


連比計算完全攻略下 - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> 連比計算完全攻略下 - Duration: 5:43.


連比計算完全攻略上 - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> 連比計算完全攻略上 - Duration: 5:31.


Dr. Dre Type West Coast Bea...

For more infomation >> Dr. Dre Type West Coast Bea...


Wanna Marchi e Stefania Nobile irrompono sul GF: ecco cosa faranno | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Wanna Marchi e Stefania Nobile irrompono sul GF: ecco cosa faranno | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.


TERI MERI JODI - Anjali Raghav II Rahul Puthi | Minakhsi Panchal | Latest Haryanvi Songs - Duration: 3:03.

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For more infomation >> TERI MERI JODI - Anjali Raghav II Rahul Puthi | Minakhsi Panchal | Latest Haryanvi Songs - Duration: 3:03.


Jennifer Lawrence Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Jennifer Lawrence Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 7:04.


Barbara D'Urso svela il nome del nuovo concorrente del Grande Fratello | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso svela il nome del nuovo concorrente del Grande Fratello | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:43.


Uomini e donne, Andrea Damante smascherato:ecco perché ha lasciato Giulia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, Andrea Damante smascherato:ecco perché ha lasciato Giulia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


70년대를 주름잡은 전설적인 여배우 '정윤희' 최근 근황은? - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> 70년대를 주름잡은 전설적인 여배우 '정윤희' 최근 근황은? - Duration: 3:29.


Grande Fratello: Aida Nizar costretta a mangiare da sola per paura dei 'bulli' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello: Aida Nizar costretta a mangiare da sola per paura dei 'bulli' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:21.


Grande Fratello 15, eliminata Aida? L'appello choc dei bulletti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello 15, eliminata Aida? L'appello choc dei bulletti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


M・サヴィッチ代理人、マンチェスター・Uとの契約合意報道を否定 - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> M・サヴィッチ代理人、マンチェスター・Uとの契約合意報道を否定 - Duration: 1:57.


Grande Fratello 2018 non va in onda oggi? La scelta Mediaset | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello 2018 non va in onda oggi? La scelta Mediaset | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


Daily Life English Conversations And Dialogues - Example 37 - Duration: 1:29.

Daily Life English Conversations And Dialogues - Example 37

For more infomation >> Daily Life English Conversations And Dialogues - Example 37 - Duration: 1:29.


Daily Life English Conversations And Dialogues - Example 36 - Duration: 1:57.

Daily Life English Conversations And Dialogues - Example 36

For more infomation >> Daily Life English Conversations And Dialogues - Example 36 - Duration: 1:57.


경기 양주 주택가 LP가스 폭발… 2명 사망, 2채 완전붕괴 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> 경기 양주 주택가 LP가스 폭발… 2명 사망, 2채 완전붕괴 - Duration: 2:36.


7 Year Old Gets Ear Pierced.

For more infomation >> 7 Year Old Gets Ear Pierced.


1 injured in shooting on I-95 in East Lyme - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> 1 injured in shooting on I-95 in East Lyme - Duration: 0:18.


Crash shuts down I-85 - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Crash shuts down I-85 - Duration: 2:11.


My Adventure into Valve's Maps - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> My Adventure into Valve's Maps - Duration: 10:25.


Get MORE Graphic Design Clients RIGHT NOW - 6 Tips - Duration: 6:12.

today I've got six different ways that you can get graphic design clients right

now so tune in and follow along in today's video on how to get more graphic

design clients right now I know more money as a graphic designer

what is that people welcome back to cetera graphics the who a graphic design

content right here on YouTube so I'm gonna go along with six points today in

a quick-fire style of video on how to get more graphic design clients for your

graphic design career at the first one is when I've tried to adopt myself but

literally I have no time sometimes I feel like I need to like make a clade of

myself or cut myself into two so I have enough time to do all the projects that

I want but anyway the first one is a blog if you've got a portfolio website

or you've got a website in general start making a blog on graphic design related

topics so you might want to make a blog about logo design or the color theory in

graphic design and then spread that on social media and other places where it's

going to be shared among other people and designers this is gonna get you more

exposure and it's going to show that you actually know what you're talking about

in terms of graphic design so possible clients are going to be reassured by the

fact you have a graphic design blog because it looks like you know what

you're talking about hopefully you do but yeah the first point today is to set

up a blog related to graphic design

the second point how to get more graphic design clients right now is one that

I've actually shunned and ignored but I really should do it and I miss LinkedIn

I'm not really looking for clients right now but if you're looking for graphic

design clients I suggest that you get on LinkedIn and if you are LinkedIn I

suggest updating your profile and making up to scratch in this day and age many

many employers in the graphic design world will actually go to LinkedIn to

check you out before they hire you this is almost a standard procedure in

today's working world LinkedIn is a really highly professional social media

platform for entrepreneurs and business people alike so make sure you can busy

on LinkedIn people now the third point in today's video on how to get more

graphic design clients is word of mouth this is pretty self-explanatory if you

make a good piece of design for a client they're gonna tell other people they

know in the business world and their friends and family about you and your

graphic design work this has happened to me countless times where I've done a

project and I get email from someone else a few weeks later saying that they

spoke to that person and they liked my work and they need a design doing for

themselves but also what comes into play here is how you talk to your clients or

possible clients because he needs people like you needs to be warm and friendly

so people are going to suggest you by word of mouth but also on the flip side

if you're a negative person and your work isn't actually that great that word

of mouth is gonna go round as well so you really need to pay attention to how

you present yourself and the work that you put out because people do talk and

word does get around

now the fourth point today is actually hashtags in Twitter I've actually used

this quite a lot often going back in my design career is going to Twitter and in

the search of the top and hashtags searched like a logo a logo design or

even graphic design jobs or design jobs so for example if you hit up logo design

and look for all of the posts you're actually going to see people who want to

look a design and they're actually searching for possible graphic designers

through Twitter what you need to do then is you need to like either send them a

message in their newsfeed or you can actually add them like the tweet and

maybe they're gonna DM you what you then have to do is link your portfolio of

work to them because they're not gonna hire someone with no portfolio of work

when they've got many many many designers on Twitter to choose from

so again approach them in a warmer friendly manner and also showed them

your portfolio of work but yeah Twitter could be really useful for getting more

graphic design clients right now now this is a kind of controversial one but

a freelancer websites are getting bigger and bigger and bigger with each and

every single year there is actually one a freelance website that I do suggest

people go on use if they're trying to find some clients and they're just

starting out heck there's even some intermediate to like higher level

designers who do use people Bower and I actually used it last months to

get a really good design job because there are actually some good good gigs

in there if you check it out people per hour in my opinion is more professional

than say fiber there are some quite high budget projects in there if you look

around but again you do need a portfolio of work and you need experience to get

those jobs the only downside is that people out now take 20% of any project

that you work on say for example if you commissioned 500 dollars to design a

logo they're gonna take a hundred of those dollars that's outrageous that's

quite a lot I remember back in the day when I started out in there it was ten

percent commission and then he went up to 50 and I was 20 so what's next like

25 30 thousand

now lastly in today's video on how to get more graphic design clients right

now is something about approaching clients or possible clients in person

many many people businesses get emails every single day asking if they need

graphic designers or they need a logo etc etc if you actually go to these

people in person if you can make sure you have your portfolio on hand in a

physical form also it wouldn't hurt if you designed a brochure or leaflet

explaining who you are in a very creative and very original manner this

is gonna wow them and it's a good way to present yourself and your skills to a

potential client in person so yeah guys there was my video today of six

different ways that you can get more graphic design clients right now let me

know what you guys saw up to this video write down the comment section below if

you did enjoy my content or find it useful give it a like and share it on

social media so that people can see it too I'm going

back tomorrow the logo design tutorial with a kind of twist we're gonna be

modifying your debut logo in a really really cool and neat manner so stay

tuned for that but yeah anyway guys until next time design your future today


For more infomation >> Get MORE Graphic Design Clients RIGHT NOW - 6 Tips - Duration: 6:12.


PAU VALLVÉ - QUE VINGUI L'HIVERN (videoclip) - Duration: 4:10.


It's hard to believe

This can't last

It's too good to be true


to not look down

but with you it's so much easier

that now I barely care

Let winter come,

we are ready

we are ready

Let winter come,

we are ready

we are ready


and fear in equal parts

It isn't normal if everything is flat

I always get scared

when everything is going too well

the further up I go

the bigger the blow will be

But let winter come,

we are ready

we are ready

But let winter come,

we are ready

we are ready

Everything is better

if we are happy

translator: Joana Martí Payés

For more infomation >> PAU VALLVÉ - QUE VINGUI L'HIVERN (videoclip) - Duration: 4:10.


Eat Healthy And Stay Healthy | Diabetes Diet | Diabetes Treatment - Duration: 8:56.

Tabitha's is a chronic disease which can be controlled naturally without taking

insulin but by changing to a healthy lifestyle and following strict diet it

can be easier to lead a happy life with the diabetes under control though

suffering from lifestyle induced diabetes should keep a constant check on

that blood sugar level whereas switching from white rice to brown rice is a good

option as brown rice has a low glycemic index plain brown rice meat is dull or

boring at times so if you have some interesting curry like chole Aurasma or

even egg or chicken curry that goes well with rice or you can choose to make this

simple recipe diabetics haldi me coriander and spinach brown rice which

is more diabetic friendly and helps to keeps your blood sugar normal adding

spinach and coriander to plain brown rice increases your nutrient intake and

enhance the taste - to prepare this healthy meal we need 1 cup brown rice 1

cup spinach chopped 1 cup coriander leaves chopped and salt to taste

wash the rice and drain put the rice in a large pan with the salt and 2 cups of

hot water bring to a boil over high heat reduce the heat to moderate low cover

partially and simmer till the rice is almost cooked while the rice is cooking

wine the spinach for 2 minutes drain wash job and keep aside drain out any

water that may be left in the pan and written the rice to the pan add the

boiled chopped spinach on raw curry and the leaves to the rice and mix well

cover the pan and place it on very low heat put a heavy weight on the lid and

cook for a few minutes till the rice is tender and fluffy taste and add more

salt if required serve hot with a cover of your choice you can also try these

brown rice recipes when trying to lose weight

diabetes friendly recipe this diabetic friendly recipe consists of high fiber

and it is a gluten free recipe which has to improve insulin sensitivity and

prevents frequent hunger pangs to make this healthy recipe we need words

1/2 cup poha 1/2 cup garlic paste mustard seeds curry leaves 2 green

chilli chopped peanuts turmeric powder & oil take a pan and fry odds and poha

separately and put them aside

now add required amount of oil now add one tablespoon of mustard seeds and one

tablespoon of garlic paste to it and such for 1 to 2 minutes green chilies

chopped and curry leaves and sat for a few minutes now add 1/2 TSP of turmeric

powder pinch of salt and peanuts and SOT well for 2 to 3 minutes

finally add woods and poha to this mixture unsought thoroughly then put low

flame for a few minutes and of this tout healthy recipe for diabetics now ready

serve it in a bowl and enjoy instead of breakfast are also in snacks time green

gram recipe for diabetes green gram also known as Moonbeam used essence and

sometimes in India and Chinese Lee sign green gram consists of high fiber and

low glycemic green gram contains both insoluble and water soluble fiber which

together yield varied benefits fiber scrubs your intestinal tract as it makes

its way through your digestive system it fills you up setting your appetite what

is soluble fiber reduces LDL cholesterol and reduces risk for cardiovascular

disease because of the high amount of fiber green gram dhal is considered low

glycemic a digests slowly and gradually releases glucose into your bloodstream

by stabilizing your blood sugar consumption of low glycemic foods lower

Co risk for developing diabetes and since green gram dhal prolongs the

release of sugar into your bloodstream it can help Bakr vo post meal cravings

let us see the making of diabetes recipe for this we need green gram sprouts 1

cup to prepare fully sprouted seeds soak them overnight in a wet cloth chopped

onions 2 tablespoons chopped garlic cloves 1 tbsp mustard seeds 1 tbsp oli

while two tablespoons red chillies and curry leaves take a pan and heat olive

oil then add chopped onions garlic mustard seeds curry leaves and red chili

2 e unsought thoroughly for 2 minutes now add sprouts to the pan unsought well

for 2 to 3 minutes if need add pinch of salt and black pepper powder and mix

well and turn off stout serve this and consume when it is warm for good taste a

study confirms that move beans lower blood glucose triglycerides and

cholesterol and my team pro blue cause tolerance that keeps diabetes in bay

white and brown rice which is good and how to eat for diabetes replace white

rice with brown rice each additional servings of white rice a week increases

your chance of developing diabetes by 10% that's eating more than 4 servings a

week and it's no laughing matter considering how common white rice is not

to mention the plethora of rice pastas and gluten-free breads that real on this

cheap processed and refined grain brown rice is actually white rice that has not

been stripped of its nutrients unrefined to of those nutrients or fiber and

magnesium both of which have been shown to regulate blood sugar studies have

shown that replacing white rice with brown rice even helps reduce the

likelihood of developing diabetes eat less rice overall for best blood sugar

control replacing all white rice with brown rice is a good idea reduces

diabetes risk by 16% eating less rice overall is best replacing rice with

other grains reduces diabetes risk by 36% did you know a serving of rice is

1/2 cup here are some ways to make that 1/2 cup be enough instead of filling

your plate with brown rice and sprinkling in some veggies eat a plate

full of busy sprinkled with 1/2 cup of brown rice adapt a habit from our

south-of-the-border friends and serve beans whenever you eat brown rice add

since 5 servings of rice are more per week put you at high risk of developing

type 2 diabetes add variety of replacing some rice with grains the torgue lento

you blood sugar that our gentler on your

blood sugars Renova buckwheat and wheat berries I had been some visits to brown

rice for better sugar readings here is the deal because brown rice still scores

on the high end of the glycemic index it is best to serve it with foods that are

naturally high in fiber and have little effect on your blood sugar those two

qualifiers describe beans and veggies Vince or the king of fiber rich foods

and visi sod for free for all when it comes to blood sugar control well except

when it comes to potatoes here is an example making a typical steak dinner

diabetic friendly spend less time cooking rice cooking brown rice at home

is easiest when done in a rice cooker in the rice isles you can find 10 minutes

rice bags that are slightly cooked already so it greatly reduces the time

brown rice takes to cook seasoned ground respects in the tech 90 seconds to

microwave are also plentiful in the rise aisles key points to remember half cup

serving or day at most a less than 5 servings or a week are being son visits

to 1/2 cup of brown rice eat less rice ripley's rise with quinoa buckwheat or

oats thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Eat Healthy And Stay Healthy | Diabetes Diet | Diabetes Treatment - Duration: 8:56.


Zjedz jabłko i bądź zdrowy - Duration: 2:10.

Jabłko na miażdżycę.Liczne badania wykazały, że osoby jedzące co najmniej jedno jabłko dziennie, mają niższy poziom cholesterolu LDL (złego) i znacznie wyższy poziom cholesterolu HDL (dobrego). 

Zmniejsza to prawdopodobieństwo powstawania blaszek miażdżycowych odkładających się w ścianach naczyń tętniczych, które są przyczyną miażdżycy, wysokiego ciśnienia i podwyższonego ryzyka zawału serca.

 Według niedawno opublikowanych badań w Medical Journal jabłka są tak samo skuteczne w ochronie układu sercowo-naczyniowego jak leczenie zapobiegawcze statynami. 

Jeżeli już wprowadzone są statyny, nie powinno się z nich rezygnować, a jedynie wzbogacić dietę w owoce takie jak jabłka i w ten sposób dodatkowo poprawić efekty leczenia.

Również osoby nie mające problemów z sercem i poziomem cholesterolu mogą zadbać o swoje naczynia krwionośne i pamiętać o jednym jabłku dziennie.Chroni przed nowotworem jelita grubego

Badania naukowe przeprowadzone w Niemczech donoszą, że pektyny znajdujące się w skórce jabłka, mogą hamować powstawanie komórek nowotworowych w jelicie grubym.

 Pomaga zrzucić wagę.Wpływ spożycia jabłek na utrzymanie prawidłowego poziomu cholesterolu i funkcje jelita grubego może okazać się pomocny przy próbach zrzucenia wagi. 

Badania donoszą, że ludzie jedzący jabłka regularnie tracą 1,5kg w ciągu kilku miesięcy bez stosowania jakiejkolwiek diety. 

Oczywiście nie liczmy na cuda, jednak na pewno owoc ten w zdrowy sposób pomoże nam zrzucić kilka zbędnych kilogramów.Inne korzyści z jedzenia jabłek

Chociaż jeszcze wiele jego właściwości nie zostało odkrytych, dzisiaj wiemy, że jabłko nie jest specjalnym źródłem witamin. 

Posiada natomiast kwercetynę, silny przeciwutleniacz, który zapobiega przedwczesnemu starzeniu się wszystkich komórek.

Oprócz tego jest bogate w potas, składnik mineralny, który ma działanie moczopędne, co zmniejsza prawdopodobieństwo wysokiego ciśnienia krwi spowodowane zatrzymywaniem wodą w organizmie.

Finalnie badania przeprowadzone na uniwersytecie w Abeerden dowiodły, że konsumpcja jabłek ma łagodzący wpływ przy zapaleniach górnych dróg oddechowych oraz może łagodzić objawy astmy.

Jak widzisz, z jedzenia tego owocu wynikają same korzyści. Dlatego, jeżeli chcesz pomóc swojemu zdrowiu, sięgnij po jabłko już dzisiaj i nie zapomnij o nim jutro!

For more infomation >> Zjedz jabłko i bądź zdrowy - Duration: 2:10.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Now - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Now - Duration: 1:06.


Jeremy Corbyn | Plymouth Labour Party - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Jeremy Corbyn | Plymouth Labour Party - Duration: 1:01.


The Peaches Finger Family, Video For Kids Songs | Emax Kids Songs - Duration: 11:19.

For more infomation >> The Peaches Finger Family, Video For Kids Songs | Emax Kids Songs - Duration: 11:19.


돌아온 왕석현 "'과속스캔들' 기억해주셔서 감사해요" - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> 돌아온 왕석현 "'과속스캔들' 기억해주셔서 감사해요" - Duration: 7:00.


Thomas Lapeyrie est de retour | Orbea Enduro Team - Duration: 7:13.

Second take.

What happened is I went to Chile

early this year for the Andes Pacifico.

It was a nice race in early February, a chance for me to try the new bike.

I had a very bad cold and I was very tired, which played a part

on top of a lot of bad luck. When I was on the plane...

FIFTH FLOOR, CARDIOLOGY inner ears didn't depressurise properly and exploded.

It's called a barotrauma. Usually,

it happens to divers who go very deep, more than 30 meters deep.

Inner ears explode when you rush through the different stages.

When I arrived abroad, I heard a lot of noise in one ear

on the first night and then loud noises in both ears the second night.

The first week, I would lose my balance a lot, I would feel dizzy.

I didn't know what was happening. A doctor told me I should see a specialist

because I wasn't well at all.

It was a very stressful time because I didn't know what was happening.

It was tough. I spent two weeks in a foreign country like that.

I wouldn't sleep at all, I had reached a state

that prevented me from sleeping. I accumulated fatigue

and day after day, I would feel more and more tired and exhausted.

My body wouldn't obey. I couldn't do anything.

The third week, I went back to France.

They put me in a hyperbaric chamber,

and at the end of that first week of treatment,

it really got better. I would hear less noise,

I started feeling a bit better and would sleep for a couple of hours a night.

I spent five entire weeks without doing any sport.

I was confined to bed, there was nothing else I could do.

When I first resumed exercising again,

I started exercising a bit at home.

It was important to do some core muscle building and to be in shape again.

I then started going to the gym again and doing normal sessions.

I trained again,

doing the sessions my trainer would suggest.

I found a normal rhythm at the gym.

It was also important to lift weights and find some strength again.

I had lost a lot of strength.

The most important for me was physiotherapy. I did a lot of it

to improve my focus and my balance.

I had lost my balance, which is bad for riding and for the every day life.

It helped me a lot. I worked a lot on my breathing,

I would focus on one goal and try not to move

while focusing on my breathing.

A lot of parameters. At first, I couldn't do anything, it was unbelievable.

I had completely lost my balance, I was going crazy,

but the hard work started paying off.

I'm happy about that. I did a lot of yoga.

Yoga helped me a lot when it came to really letting go,

not thinking about everything around me

and trying to really focus on myself.

That was the basis of my work with yoga

and listening to my body and my sensations.

It was something that helped me a lot whenever I couldn't sleep.

I will keep doing it in the future because it's important

for athletes to listen to their bodies. Yoga has taught me that.

I did a lot of alternative medicine, I tried hypnosis,

I did a lot of osteopathy and cranial osteopathy.

My body had accumulated a huge amount of injuries.

I had fallen on my head a lot.

I had broken at least three helmets in three years.

I had a lot of dislodged cervical vertebrae and my whole left side

was damaged because of great pressures.

When I started all that again, I found a good rhythm

and a good balance. I'm trying to find a balance between not exercising too much

and not relying on treatments too much. I do what I have to

without doing too much and it helps me find

a good rhythm in the right direction.

What helped me a lot too was doing a lot of e-bike.

Even before returning to my usual Enduro Rallon,

I did a lot of e-bike, which helped me do long rides

without it being too hard, I got to do several loops in a row,

ride for two hours without getting too tired.

That was really nice. That's how I started riding again.

I then got to ride my Enduro again and have fun riding with my friends.

That's what I like, being with friends

and have fun most of all.

I need to remember I'm just riding a bike

and we have fun when we ride together

and when we have a beer together in the end.

My goal was to do the Epic Enduro to finish at least one loop

to know where I stood. I did that team race

with François Bailly-Maître and Damien Oton.

I was just very happy to complete the 44 kilometers.

I had trouble completing them, I had cramps by the end,

but it was a big step for me to see that I could do a whole day

of racing for 44 kilometers for the Epic Enduro in early April.

It allowed me to reach a certain level and make projections for a month later.

I'm going to try to go to Olargues for the World Series.

Two days of riding for 44 kilometers.

The goal is just to complete the race which will be a victory in itself.

Physically, I really did lose everything.

I feel like a newbie, but I also learn a lot again,

and I appreciate being on my bike even more, so, in the end,

it might be a blessing in disguise even though I'm lost physically.

I'm coping with it and I'm happy to be riding my bike.

For more infomation >> Thomas Lapeyrie est de retour | Orbea Enduro Team - Duration: 7:13.


What is Development Finance? - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> What is Development Finance? - Duration: 2:58.


「化武」事件上演狗咬狗鬧劇 白頭盔現身指證 怒撕幕後黑手 - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> 「化武」事件上演狗咬狗鬧劇 白頭盔現身指證 怒撕幕後黑手 - Duration: 5:42.


곽윤기 후배들과 10원 단위까지 더치페이 한다 김아랑 - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> 곽윤기 후배들과 10원 단위까지 더치페이 한다 김아랑 - Duration: 3:25.


✔✔ 자녀들 대신 36년 자신 돌봐준 간병인'에게 전재산 상속한 할아버지 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> ✔✔ 자녀들 대신 36년 자신 돌봐준 간병인'에게 전재산 상속한 할아버지 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 3:41.


中國使用高科技無人機修復長城引外媒關注 - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> 中國使用高科技無人機修復長城引外媒關注 - Duration: 5:05.


Don't Try This at Home! Sori's Self Makeup - Duration: 25:49.

Sori's YouTube Channel

Sori comes home after a long day.

Shall we remove the makeup together? :D

So, before we start removing makeup with a large sheet of kleenex,


I've got a Bonobono headband here.

When I come across "beauty" YouTubers,

they usually put on one of these headbands when they wash their faces.

I'm gonna try imitating them

So I brought this


I totally look like a rockstar!

You're watching Sori rocking out in her bathroom.

But we've got Bonobono here.

Ain't it so cute~?

It's so soft. (Let's wash face with Bonobono~)


In 2018, Bonobono Blue shall be

the new trend.

Verbal Diarrhea

So, now

With using this,

I'm gonna start removing my makeup I just bought this today.

I've never used this before.

This thing was on sale at Olive Young

Now, to Eyebrows

Eyebro- oh, they're gone!

I'm... removing... eyebrows!

Now with this oil,

this is when you use a product like this!

Like so, oil.

Just a couple pumps on your hand.

and then, apply it around your eyes.

I can feel eyelashes coming off.

This is as much of finesse I have for removing makeup.

Like so,

I usually just do this with my hands,

cleansing tissue...

The reason why I do this with my hands, is because I originally

use cleansing serum or cleansing milk

due to

my dry skin, that's what experts recommended.

But actually cleansing tissues are the most convenient

and least bothersome.

So you shouldn't rub your eyes this hard.

They're still...

pretty red, aren't they?

Now I'm gonna wash my face.

~shu shu shu shu~

Sori's face-washing, finished!


and since there were TONS of requests for makeup

I decided to shoot a video right after removing it!



Shall we move on to the next level? What should I do next...

Oh, that's right, moisturizer cream.

I bought this from Don Quixote in Japan

Biore uv Sunblock

This is good because once you shake the bottle, it comes out real nice.

Was fairly cheap too, so once you squeeze a little bit on your palm... like this

Come to think of it, That Nivea I applied earlier is for before going to bed, but I should actually be trying to put on makeup

I totally forgot.

That's not what I should've done,

So, apply plenty of Nivea when you're actually going to bed,

and for daytime, uh put I put on

thiiiis, Biore. UV

Apply this sunblock cream,

is it sunblock lotion? It says "sun milk"

it says right here, as the name implies, it has milky texture.

Once I apply this,

how can i describe this,

it doesn't mmm...

feel so viscous.

I dunno that many lingos for makeup.

It's not really sticky.

It doesn't stick so much,

It also absorbs to skin really well,

It makes my skin very silky?

or let's say...


Once this milk was applied, I get the sensation

that my skin getting softer, it gets absorbed easily to my face

it doesn't feel very sticky. it kinda feels like

each of my pores gently breathing.

which is why I apply this "milk" first

this is the second bottle I've already gone through. It's really good.

Especially in summertime, if you sweat a lot, or have oily face,

I highly recommend it. So you put this on...

Moving on, this is the compact that I use,

Which is,

Jung Saem Mool

It's from the salon that I usually go to.

The salon has their own cosmetic products line,

and this is one of them: Jung Saem Mool Essential Skin Nuder Cushion Fair-Light

Now, I'm gonna put this on.

They actually use this very same product for makeups at the salon,

and I really like it.

I twisted my hand the other day, and now it's all bruised up.

I'm covered in bruises, all over the legs, etc.

Smack yourself as hard as you can so the compact sticks!

I borderline slap myself when I put on makeup.

(Smack smack!)

Please stick, please stick! (Smack smack!!)

Am I covering all the bases so far?

It's kinda wasteful that I'd have to remove all this after shooting the video.

So, after all this is done

I give dimension this way.

So, put it on, like that...

All done!

Up next, is time to draw eyebrows.

I'm gonna draw' em with this brush

My eyebrows are asymmetrical,

When I was in Japan,

There's this one famous MC, his name is Furuya.

I taught him this eyebrow-drawing technique to him once.

Everything on human body, including eyes and eyebrows,

they're all asymmetrical for everyone

It's very rare to achieve symmetry,

and they're all non-uniform in various degrees.

In my case, my right eyebrow droops down while my left one goes up a little bit.

So, I'm trying to raise this part a little bit

raise it a bit...

For the other eyebrow, I'm gonna touch up the bottom...

I'm gonna fill up the thinner parts of my eyebrows.

by applying more...

I've found whole new level of respect for those run beauty YouTube channels.

I cannot concentrate at all.

I'm trying really hard, but...

I just can't...

My eyebrows seem to be coming along pretty good though.

I think they're alright.

There's no particular shape that I am going for.

As long as they're sorta symmetrical,

I'm satisfied with that. One might be a bit darker than the other...

What do you guys think?

Are they off-balanced?

Are they?

Are they?

Now, apply the final touch-ups...

Since my nose gets swollen easily...

My nose turns turns into size of a regular strawberry in mornings...

It looks okay right now so do a little bit of th-

Huh, I think I did a really good job with my eyebrows, ooooh.

looks like I've no lips

My lips are dry

in which case, I'm gonna put some Vaseline on

some Vaseline...

and I've got my lips moisturized.

I look okay now... Coming up next is eyeshadow that I use.

There's too much reflection, it's this right here.

I'm a big fan of Yuna Kim (a figure skater)

who is a model for It's Skin cosmetics brand, and I saw her poster

I just happened to run out of eyeshadow at the time, so I got this.

I dropped this at one point, and the palette shattered...

I don't recall what color was on that side of the palette, but I've never used that. The only color of eyeshadow I use is right here.


apricot color

I recall, some time ago,

one stylist told me that coral color fits me well

Instead of apricot or peach, which is pretty red or pink-ish

or something entirely red or pink

Coral color like this suits me better, that's what the stylist said.

So I was looking for something like that and came across this.

So I'm gonna put some of it on my fingers,

and put it on my eyelids.

Why are my eyelids...

I will do the same on the other side with fingers.

Can you guys see it, even so faintly?

Ain't they pretty?

After I put on this color

I'm gonna do the same under my eyes.

Right down here.


you apply the eyeshadow,

how are they?

can you tell the difference?

that was a rhetorical question...

Anyways, you apply it like so.

So... your eyes must have gotten pretty peachy.

The color's name's "romantic coral pink"

So, I out of all the colors on the palette, I only use this.

Which is seemingly why I've had this palette for this long,

as you can see from how I use it.

I will now lift eyelashes

And now, Eyeliner, ta-da!

This is also from It's Skin. I didn't know.

It's Skin

It's an It's Skin eyeliner,

and I never use black eyeliners but brown ones.

Only the brown ones, I use.

So I'm gonna put this on.

It hasn't been successful so far.

So, after applying it, this is something I've discovered very recently.

The "triangular zone" under your eyes...

It's not suuper recent, maybe it has been a year?

Ever since I've learned this trick, with the same palette I used earlier,

it has re-appeared. with this eyebrow palette.

I'm gonna go with the darker one.

I use this every day and it never seems to run out.

So, I put the darker color on my brush,

on this triangular area, under my eyes...

When I painted the triangular zone

Coco was like, all surprised, saying "you paint such a place too?"

The same goes to the other side.

With this makeup, it gives an effect that makes your eyes look bigger

My left eye's located slightly higher than the other...

So, I prefer this angle...

this on this angle, my eye is a bit lower,

mean time, this angle gives a little sharper impression,

and I like that.

But when I'm taking pictures, photographers prefer the other angle.

which is strange to me.

Anyways, with the same eyebrow palette,

Dip it a little bit, apply it right under the eyes,

I'm gonna do it on both sides of my eyes.

I wonder if I can put it on without looking at the mirror.

So I've got this little bag of flesh under my one eye, while the other one doesn't


I'm gonna create an illusion for symmetry.

This is a technique I learned from

a stylist "Yoon-Young", of the salon that I go to

Ms. Yoon-Young is such a great makeup artist,

to a point that she transforms me into a different person.

Like so. Do my eyes look bigger now?

If you overdo it, they might start to look like dark circles

so, modesty is the key.

Just a little bit.

Overdoing it would turn out strange.

Moving on to cheeks...

With that, eye makeup's all done.

What do you guys think?

That was my simple walkthrough.

Now, for the cheeks... Ta-da!

This is from Coco, as she was saying "Eonni, please switch up your makeup, and please get some new stuff!"

It's called Michaa M dot blue blusher.

There are blushers along with

shaders, and highlighters.

So it's a convenient and portable all-in-one solution.

I've been using this for over a year and it doesn't seem to run out either.

What is this? It's bottomless!

What is going on?!



using this


apply on your forehead area, like so.

and then along the ridge of nose,

then to the cheeks.

Cheek touch-up is my forte, so...

This was also gifted to me.

I cherish it, so I haven't used much of it.

This is... by Jill Stuart, and is sooo pretty.

And you can use it like so.

There are some cosmetics I haven't used much.

Ain't it pretty?

But this time,

I'm gonna use the one Coco gave me.

This is my usual go-to anyways.

I usually dunno which color would be nice or fitting

So I dab a little bit of this and a little bit of that, and mix'em up.

and put it on the surface where you assume your cheeks are.

Like this.

a little bit on your chin too!

Your cheeks must be brightened up by now.

It seems like we've gone through all the

makeup products in my purse.

ahhh. shading, shading!

Dab it like so,

and shade across the cheeks.

Put a little bit on your nose too.

Seems like there's some noticeable change.

Don't you think so? compared to where we began.

It's more than some. I think the cheek touch-up was supereffective

It makes me look more vigorous. Ah, I forgot something really important: lips

I almost turned off the camera.

So, with this I finished up the cheeks, put some on your forehead, if you'd like.

Do whatever you wish with it.

And now,

the lips, lips.

Which one should I put on?

What should I do?

This is something I picked up from The Body Shop

when I was at The Body Shop,

I was into rose-tinted shades,

so, I bought it outta impulse

I usually don't buy cosmetic products, but I've bought a couple lipsticks recently.

This one's from RMK.



I went to Roke in Japan for a shooting as CocoSori

The producer we met there in Japan

gave this to us as presents.

I had been using this kind quite often for a while,

then I lost it, so I bought another one with my own money.

It's an unusual and big event for me to by my own makeup products

So I bought it on my own, and the reason behind is that

I'm gonna put this one on.

it's not completely re---

This isn't necessarily completely red either.

By looking at it, you'd assume it is,

but since it's a lip gloss,

since it's a lip gloss,

it's not super duper red.

Since I don't like things dry

including my hands, which is why I carry around lotion

and a lip balm,

but with this lip gloss, I don't need to apply lip balms,

while giving glossy effects, and moisturizing my lips at the same time.

I'm gonna try it on.

I usually don't put on a whole lot.

but, to demonstrate...

Did the color turn out alright?

So, put on this Peripera first

and then put on RMK for moisturizing effect

Does it look okay?

So this Peripera

I put it on my upper lip, since mine's a little bit thin.

I put it on like so,

I put it on a little bit, drawing a silhouette.

I messed up a little.

So, anyways...

with this,

Sori's makeup comes to its end.

Do you think it's okay?

Pretty simple right, and I don't do mascara.

That took quite some time, it feels like.

Take off the roller.

Now I've got a little bit of bangs going.

My bangs are way too long...

Is it because I've got my hair layered recently?

I'm gonna create a bun like this...

It's pretty decent in its own right...

or not.

This is one example...

Depending on your mood,

you can part your hair this way too.

I wanna see this with some backlight on.

This is some good lighting. This is...

a little sexy,



if I part some of bit this way....

that wasn't right.

maybe a little chic?

Which one's your favorite?

So to wrap up hair, just simply using this roller,

while, i leave the rest in natural ways.

as if I JUST washed my hair.

That's the impression I'm going with anyways.

So this wraps up makeup portion of Sori's Daily Lives.

Sori Not Sorry!

Thank you for watching Sori Not Sorry's makeup video,

It might have been really boring,

and as always, it's not as flashy as it sounds,

so some of you would've been disappointed,

but I'm not particularly skillful in makeup,

nor knowledgeable.

So, I'm gonna study a little bit more

by watching more YouTube videos.

It might not have been helpful to you guys,

but I just wanted to show you this is what I do,

and that was fun.

I had a pleasant evening recording this.

If you have enjoyed this video, please check out my channel, "Sori Not Sorry!"

Click that subscribe button!

Smash that like button!

leave me many many comments!

If you'd like to see me doing something,

or if you're curious about specifics of my videos, please leave them as comments.

I'll read them all,

and will challenge myself to do them,

and upload those as future contents.

For more infomation >> Don't Try This at Home! Sori's Self Makeup - Duration: 25:49.


Sand Picture pebbles flintstone, sand painting, Sandmalerei, sand coloring - Duration: 2:24.


For more infomation >> Sand Picture pebbles flintstone, sand painting, Sandmalerei, sand coloring - Duration: 2:24.


Liverpool FC now face 'two Champions League finals' after unlucky Chelsea defeat ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:18.

Liverpool remain in third place, but are only a point ahead of fourth-placed Tottenham Hotspur.

Jurgen Klopp admits Liverpool now face two Champions League finals after an "unlucky"

defeat to Chelsea sent their top-four challenge down to the wire.

The Reds face another last-day decider after Olivier Giroud's first-half header sent them

tumbling to a 1-0 reverse at Stamford Bridge on Sunday.

Liverpool remain in third place, but are only a point ahead of fourth-placed Tottenham Hotspur

with Chelsea a further two adrift.

With both London clubs playing their game in hand in midweek, there is every chance

Klopp's side will need to beat Brighton and Hove Albion in their final Premier League

fixture next Sunday to guarantee Champions League qualification.

"We have a final next Sunday," said Klopp.

"That's how life is.

"That's my life... always until the last matchday!

"Middlesbrough were already relegated that day.

I watched Brighton against Manchester United and it didn't look like it would be an easy


They were really good that night.

"But my boys showed me they are really ready to fight and to fight.

The situation is really intense, but I am proud of how they deal with it.

"Chelsea have to win their last game as well.

We play at home, they are at Newcastle.

That doesn't sound like a holiday trip to me."

Tottenham have home games against Newcastle United and Leicester City remaining, while

Chelsea entertain Huddersfield Town on Wednesday before finishing at St James Park.

Liverpool dominated possession at Stamford Bridge but appeared tired in the Bank Holiday

sun following their exertions in reaching the Champions League final by seeing off Roma

last Wednesday.

For more infomation >> Liverpool FC now face 'two Champions League finals' after unlucky Chelsea defeat ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:18.


Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...

For more infomation >> Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...


PERCIVAL - O mój wianku lawendowy - SUB ESPAÑOL - Hiszpański - Slava III - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> PERCIVAL - O mój wianku lawendowy - SUB ESPAÑOL - Hiszpański - Slava III - Duration: 2:05.


5 zajímavostí, které jste o pohádce Třetí princ určitě netušili - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> 5 zajímavostí, které jste o pohádce Třetí princ určitě netušili - Duration: 1:45.


Fiorella Mattheis ensina como deixar o cabelo volumoso: 'Spray texturizador' - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Fiorella Mattheis ensina como deixar o cabelo volumoso: 'Spray texturizador' - Duration: 3:45.


Sabrina Sato e o noivo, Duda Nagle, anunciam que serão pais de uma menina - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> Sabrina Sato e o noivo, Duda Nagle, anunciam que serão pais de uma menina - Duration: 7:41.


Prawdziwie epicka opowieść od zarania dziejów do wrót współczesności - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Prawdziwie epicka opowieść od zarania dziejów do wrót współczesności - Duration: 0:31.


Carros no fim de carreira - Peugeot 308 e 408 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Carros no fim de carreira - Peugeot 308 e 408 - Duration: 1:01.


【MUKBANG】 [SO ADDICTING!!!] Easy Microwave YOPOKKI!! 20 Cups, 6615kcal [CC Available]|Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 10:02.

hello its kinoshita yuka

today !

Jaaaan !

i have here my favorite instant toppoki recently

and because i had read that there is many kinds of it....

today i think i bought all the kinds


sweet spicy flavor

and chajang flavor, a korean plate

and onion butter, that i think that is a new release

i think you can buy it from "kaldi" as well, but because it's not near, i bought it online from amazon

they usually make it in this cup

but becaus we have 20 cups making all of it will be so hard, so we are going to use a big plate

so let's eat !

let's start first with sweet spicy flavor...

and cheese flavor

inside there toppoki and this sauce

we don't need this cup for today, because we are going to use this plate and close it

here 5 cups

and now let's add the sauce

i think it's the most traditional one

sweet and spicy flavor

you add 15 cc to the cup

and for 5 we are going to add 75 cc

and after that we mix it well

and now you need to put it in the microwave at 500 w for 2 min 30 sec

but because i have here 5 cups and it's big amount, i thing i should let it for about 4 min

and during that let's prepare the cheese ones

it's powder cheese sauce

i think they add so much water to the cup and they mix it

we need more water for it

so let's add 400 cc of water

and mix the water with the powder well

let's put this in the microwave too

during putting the cheese plate to cook it, the sweet and spicy is done


the microwave is so useful, i like it

the texture of the sauce is so good


toppoki is soft and mushy

and it's spicy a little bit

it's sweet and spicy, but still spicy



hot ! !

we prepared it today in using this way, but you can use the cup directly and eat it

i always prepare it in my house like this


this is so spicy

i always add to it some cheese, eggs, or natto

but even by that will still spicy

and because the toppoki is spicy, let's add honey

this is really spicy

i always add to it eggs and cheese after all


this goes so well with honey

the taste of honey is so notable


eating this sauce with kimbap of rice ball will be so tasty

chicken rice balls are so tasty

one cup of this with one rice ball is a good amount


ahhh, scary, so scary, scary ! !

during eating the sweet and spiccc...

during eating the sweet and spicy flavor, the cheese one got ready

and this is chajang, let's prepare it with the same way and put it in the microwave

is the sauce bit too much ?

hay, let's try the cheese one for now


the taste of cheese is not spicy at all... ah...

there is a light spicinees but it don't hurt at all

sweet and spicy and cheese made it so mild

i think the taste is much stronger

so delicious

a western style taste

i think that it's not the sauce that's so much but that i added so much water

the taste is not light and not thick, i don't know wich one really

but it's so tasty

there is parsley and minced carrots too

it's not so spicy, but for the one that can't handle the spicy taste, be careful


but if you compare it with the previous, it's not spicy at all

there is here some onion as well

the taste is strong

we done with cheese

and this is the chajang



like chajang noodle flavor

the sauce is strong and rich with the flavor

this looks like the sweet korean miso


the toppoki goes so well with this sauce

toppoki make the jaw so tired

my jaw is tired but i prefer the hard texture

i like when the texture is soft and hard


i think this is green onion like the previous one

and last, toppoki onion butter

it's a new release that a lot of the viewers told me about it

this is my first time to try it

i'm wondering how the taste going to be

you can see that the sauce is thick as well

i added a little bit of water to it this time

hay, this is how it looks like

looks so hot

hot !

soup with a sweet onion flavor

and the taste of butter is so strong

but it's so hot

it's not its nature to be so hot, it's my fault


as the western style

the soup alone is enough

because it's so tasty


there is so sweet corn on it and this is so delicious


hot !

hooot ! !

it's like corn soup mixed with potage


the last bite, itadakimasu



we made 4 kinds of yoppoki and it was so tasty

this was my first time to try cheese, onion butter and chajang flavor, it was tasty

but i think the taste is the sweet and spicy is so unique

but all of it was so tasty

the taste of the sweet and spicy toppoki is really delicious

i really like to add to it eggs and cheese

and you only need microwave to make it, and this is good

i bought it from amazon, but you can buy it from kaldi as well

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try it as well ?

And as always thank you for watching

if there is anything you want me to do or eat

please tell me in the comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

©2018 all right reserved to kinoshita yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [SO ADDICTING!!!] Easy Microwave YOPOKKI!! 20 Cups, 6615kcal [CC Available]|Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 10:02.


Baby-Type Autistic (PREVIEW) - 4K UHD Upscaling - Duration: 1:21.

Coming soon... with the World's Most Loved "Autistic Type Baby"!

*Autistic Type Baby are people that will be virgins forever !

"Count the seconds ... Yes, seconds Because the life in this world is cruel

And your smile may not be able to last longer than seconds."

This video is protected by International Copyright.

Licensing of this content was made exclusively for this channel (GProductions Imprensa)

Every time I wake up, The World is worse than before, seeming to walk to The End!

No one seems to notice that there is something abnormal And that soon we will all be blamed!

Spring in Autumn; and Summer in Winter: it's all messed!

The World is slowly giving its last sighs!

For more infomation >> Baby-Type Autistic (PREVIEW) - 4K UHD Upscaling - Duration: 1:21.


What is Development Finance? - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> What is Development Finance? - Duration: 2:58.


Tradiciones de Primavera en Austria y Alemania: Maibaum - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> Tradiciones de Primavera en Austria y Alemania: Maibaum - Duration: 6:51.


温暖的弦 第11集 - 杜心同被浅宇开除 温暖探望占南弦 - Duration: 11:36.

For more infomation >> 温暖的弦 第11集 - 杜心同被浅宇开除 温暖探望占南弦 - Duration: 11:36.


TALİB TELENİN NİŞANINDAN GÖRÜNTÜLƏR YAYILDI - (Qohumu ilə evlənməyə hazırlaşır) - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> TALİB TELENİN NİŞANINDAN GÖRÜNTÜLƏR YAYILDI - (Qohumu ilə evlənməyə hazırlaşır) - Duration: 0:55.


ถอนเว็บขุดBTC ครั้งที่ 19 ( 4,397บาทไทย) จ่ายจริง จ่ายดี กำไร/ชั่วโมง - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> ถอนเว็บขุดBTC ครั้งที่ 19 ( 4,397บาทไทย) จ่ายจริง จ่ายดี กำไร/ชั่วโมง - Duration: 2:30.


O čom je Bratislavský Kaviár? - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> O čom je Bratislavský Kaviár? - Duration: 1:07.


Principesse ranocchie - Duration: 13:21.

For more infomation >> Principesse ranocchie - Duration: 13:21.


ZMORY | NIGHTMARES | PL - Duration: 1:40:56.

Production company TOR presents

based on a novel "Zmory" by Emil Zegadłowicz

<i>The heart of Jesus, our blessed escape</i>

<i>Have mercy on us, your people..</i>

<i>It's true, oh Lord, that we've sinned..</i>

[religious song continues]

executive producer

director of photography

directed by

<i>The heart of Jesus, our blessed escape</i>

<i>Have mercy on us, your people..</i>

Have a look at this magnificent nature.

You think it's impossible to find in it

a system of everlasting obedience to the same rule.

The rule of endless wisdom of our Lord,

God who rules the world.

Even an ordinary fly serves the same idea

of the endless happiness and harmony.

That's how it is, my dear dummies.

Praise the Lord whether it's sunny or raining.

Everything's up to Him,

everything depends on His will and consent.

What are you laughing at, you idiot?!


Tośka is giving them a scare.

Bad sign.

Come out.

I'm putting it out and lighting it again...

Come out, ghost!

I'm putting it out and lighting it again...

Come out, ghost!

It's here!

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...

You had a bad dream?

It's alright now. It was just a nightmare.


Why doesn't mummy live with us?

She's always preferred being alone.

The two of us just happened to her by accident.

It's not her fault.

But we're both alike.

Here you go.

An apple is a beautiful fruit.

It has a smell when it's alive and after death.

Can you feel the smell of the peelings?

Have you already put your spell on it?




You're so dirty.

I feel sorrow and pain I must sail away

I feel sad and wronged Where does the magic belong?

How did you picture it? You want me to go and say:

Dear colleague, enrol him to school, his my son?

What's wrong about that?

I thought you've got that after all these years.

What if he doesn't get enrolled?

Fine, I'll go with him.


Where are we?

At school.

Very well.

Although you should remember it's not a school

but an Imperial and Royal Gymnasium.

I see.

Where is it then?

In Wołkowice.

What kind of town is it?


You mean Galician. Repeat.


- And Galicia is a part of... - Austria.

Of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy! Dear Lord! My boy...

Come closer.

- Who's the Emperor? - Franz Joseph.

By the Grace of God Emperor Franz Joseph I.

What does your father do?

- He's retired. - Who was he then?

- A professor. - I can't believe it.

He was Imperial and Royal professor.

What's your name?

- Mikołaj Srebrny. - Srebrny...


Aren't you the son of Michał who used to teach with me in Cracow?

That's right. He lives in Poręba now.

He had to retire.

No wonder.

Some of his lectures at school were...

Forgive me.

Tell your father to stop by.

We could talk about the old times.

You can go now. You're on the list.

Are you glad?



- I've brought Mikołaj. - What?

- I've brought Mikołaj. - My Mikołaj!

You should've said that, you cow.

Come to uncle, Mikołaj!

He came to see his uncle!

Jesus Christ!

Leave the girl alone, you...

Some decent people, I'll say.

Stop staring!

- You're going to live here. - What about mum?

She'll stay at grandma's.

Keep quiet. The boy doesn't have to know what adults do.


Give me some vodka!

Everything's the result of the original sin.

Don't sleep, Marecki!

If there had been no forbidden fruit

which had been tasted by our parents,

we would all have live in paradise.

Unfortunately it happened and since that day

devil is among us.

He's whispering all the worst to us.

He wants to lead us to the gates of hell in no time.

Everyone has his own devil.

Each and every one of us...

Srebrny, what did I say about the devil?

Every man has his own devil.

There are no devils.

Sit down. What?

- What did you say? - There are no devils.

There are no devils, you say. What about hell?

There's no hell either?

Who told you that?

My daddy.

Great. Your daddy.

Old pantheist!

Your daddy... So you're not afraid of the devil?


Then you'll be afraid of me!

If your daddy thinks he can go on and deprave...

Say Hail Mary!

Not a word!

Janas, you swine!


Another swine...

You spelled your surname wrong!


Rzepecki, you swine...

Very bad!

Srebrny, you swine...

Swine Srebrny is an absolute idiot.

A complete retard!

It would be better if he gave up school and became a shoemaker.

Grab a last!

Promise you won't write any hogwash ever again.

Promise me...

You won't, right?!

Slap him right in the neck.

Here you go.

Hit his fingers.

Go on then!


Why aren't you laughing?

You riff-raff!

That's what I'm talking about!


You dirty pigs!

Go on - laugh!

The headmaster is calling pupil Srebrny.

He's a good boy but he's lost in his thoughts all the time.

But the worst thing is he's independent. We need to be careful.

Very careful.

All the time.

- Above all - be careful. - You couldn't be more right.

How can an old father bring up a child?

And the mother... no need to hide it - as you know, she's crazy.

Everybody knows that.

He's listening inwards. In school, however, one should listen outwards.

One needs to listen at school.

Of course you should listen everywhere and all the time.

The condition of the state depends on it.

I'll pull out your arms, you rascals!

Look what they did!

I beg your pardon.

Well, you swines...

Who's job is it?

I'm asking you, who was throwing, you riff-raff's?!

Confess, swines!

Who was it?!


Or you?

Maybe you?

- What's your name? - Johnny Clatter.

Here's your clatter then.

- Was it you? - No.

So it was you!

Don't get drunk.

If the professor offers you a drink, tell him you've got heartburn.

Are you listening?

It's partially your fault, professor.

I know.

Thank you but... I've got a heartburn.

Just one glass.

You should be firm with the boy.

I was going to.

That's great.

Come closer, Mikołaj. Your father...

I'd like to do it when we're alone.

That's my method.

We're in trouble, son.

- I don't want to go back there. - You have to.

The most wonderful thing in the world is ahead of you.

Getting out of chaos.

You'll save yourself and others as well.

There won't be many of them but they're the best ones.

Fear and lies are all around us.

I've been trying to protect you.

Was I right?

I think so.

I hope the time we've spent together and my ideas...

are a help and shelter to you.

One day you'll develop them on your own.

You'll face many disappointment.

I hope my love is never going to let you down,

although it has to end so soon...

Have a drink, Mikołaj.

What about that priest?

Don't take it too seriously. That's how the system works.

- Do you know that? - I do.

- What if he's... - Shut up! He's alive!

I hope so. But remember the manor and the land are ours.

The hen pecks to find a grain, as Jesus said.





At last you'll be together as good Christians.

You don't have to support the old beggar anymore.

- Mum, please. - Mum...

What about you? You're leaving with Wacław to the country?

If you let me, I'll stay with you and Mikołaj.

If she lets you...

I'm to decide!

- How much did Wacław pay you? - 6 zlotys.

A month?

A week.

I'll give you 2.

Mikołaj, show me your hands.

Bend the fingers...

You won't become a musician.

But that's nothing.

You loved your daddy, didn't you?

I did.

I know.


I'm sick.

You'll be on your own.

I hope your life is better than mine.

I thought you could stay in here...

but you should run away from this house, this street, from Wołkowice...

Death is all there is!

I'm not able to love you.

Forgive me.

Don't listen to the things people will tell you about me.

Maybe you'll forgive me one day?

Maybe God will forgive me?


Nothing but debt...

We need to save some money.

From now on you have to give all the money you earned to me.

But I wanted to save some money for Mikołaj...

You think I don't want to?!

Maybe I could give lessons in here not in student's houses?

I could earn a lot more.

In here... yes...

But you know, all the strangers...

They bring in so much dirt.

Don't keep the lights on too long! Who's to pay for all that?!

She's drunk.

I know.



Have you ever been to a theatre?

- No. - What about a circus?

I've been to circus.

Show me what you saw in there.

Grandma would get angry.

Maybe some other time. Go to sleep.



Come on.

This is Mikołaj.

Nod your head.

He's a pretty boy.

A bit ill-looking.

What about you?

Are your hands clean? Not yours!

They're clean.

You can go now.

Do you know what a harlot is?

Sure. It's from Latin.

Idiot! It's not what I meant.

What did you mean then?

It's a woman who gets naked and you can ride her.

What do you mean?

You ride - what can't you understand?

I'll ask Baśka to ride her.

She's your sister.

What of it? I can do whatever I like with her.


What do you want?


- I just wanted to ask if we could... - Stop it!

Suit yourself.

Your children are like angels, dear engineer.

I told them to behave when we're visiting someone.

- There's plenty of time for education. - Can I give them some cherries?

That's enough.

My dear children, if you eat all that, you'll be healthy as horses!

Cherries make kids grow like the rain makes mushrooms grow!

Mikołaj, get us some tea.


Get Basia some tea.

I'm supposed to fetch some tea.

Get lost.

You're still up?

Have a beautiful dream.

- Have you got fever? - No.

Pigs! You pigs!


My darling.

You had a bed dream.

That was only a nightmare.

- Can I get you anything? - An apple.

There are no apples at this time of year.


Beware of it!

Otherwise you'll burn in hell.

Devils will pull you apart and your body will grow together again...

so that your torture has no end.

However there is a way to evade hell.

Expiating one's sins by acts of penance.

One mustn't hold secrets. Satan is just waiting for it!

A lie is a great sin, my boys!

All the sins have their origins in lie!

What now, you idiot?

Marecki's lying all the time.

Why are you telling me that, my child?

You don't know.

It's your soul revolting against evil.

And Marecki will be dangling in hell!

For all eternity!

Examination of conscience...

There's more.

And now...

One mustn't show the naked body. Satan is just waiting for the moment!

It's like you opened the door and said: 'welcome!'.

Look, how the tears of repentance are washing his sins.

Satan and all the evil are leaving him.

Look at the snakes coming out of his mouth.

Frogs and earwigs...

Look! Now there's a beast coming out...

What a monstrosity! It's like a crocodile!

A small dragon with a huge muzzle! It's teeth are sharp as nails!

You can feel the stench of the dragon's breath.

I know what it is.

It's a sin of impurity!

That's it!

- Why so late? - There's no hurry.

You have to pay me, too.

Just a second...


But in this brothel...

God will comfort you, my son.

I'd like to serve him.

That's good.

But remember Satan will be tempting you.

Tomorrow you can be an altar server.

- Do you want to? - Very much.

Give me back that notebook, Karol.

The biggest dreamer of us all, decadent.

A poet!

Full of womanly virtues...

Still a virgin!

Mikołaj Srebrny!

Notes of Life by Mikołaj Srebrny.

Into the world... Poetry - be at my side!

I love life!

Damned by God and people, I'm dying out of love! My father...

I am walking as I used to live, the whole world is falling apart...

I envy you your regained freedom, I'm still no one!

I'm useless... I'm glad you know that already.

Give it to me!

Death, death all around me!

Life is unnecessary. And death is meaningless.

As far as I know all's the same!

Farewell, my father. Goodbye, mother.

My love to Balbina is pure.

Until yesterday, you were my everything, o Lord!

I had faith against the hope and reason.

Today I can see you died on the cross for nothing.

Maybe you were lying to yourself, my good man.

Maybe you'll return, Christ, my heart will be healed by your word...

and the great and eternal matters will be reminded by you...

Not a God but a son of man.

May I introduce you professor Chwostek.

He'll teach you science and biology.

- All the patience, my colleague. - Thank you.

Physics is a great science, you know.

You should know biology, sociology...

You know, the capitalism... Down with it!

Human thought and socialism!

But that's between us.

Sit down.

He's been transferred here for disciplinary reasons.


He got on well with students.

In physics, gentleman, the statements are not dogmatic.

Experiment is what really counts, gentleman.

The practice.

You need to smell it, taste it... hear it...

I'll prove it to you by carrying out that simple experiment.

That ball can be easily put through that ring.

That's one of many rules in physics, the queen of all sciences!

Here you go...

I must have heated the ball, I'm sorry. I'm going to cool it.

The objects immersed in fluids...

Here you go...

It's the wrong set.

We'll return to that experiment during next classes, gentleman.

I also wanted to say that the second part of the lesson

is for your questions.

Is that compulsory?

No, nothing is.

One more thing - your questions don't have to concern physics.

On the contrary - ask me about life.

About what interests you the most.

We'll return to that experiment.

Nothing in nature is ever lost!

The priest says otherwise: 'creatio ex nihilo'.

Religion is one thing and science - the other.

- But religion can't be wrong. - You think so?

Science is powerful!

You won't understand it, you moron!


- Masturbator! - Speak for yourself!

You bigot!

Sure you want this?


You can get expelled for that.

<i>And it is red in colour</i>

<i>bathed in workers blood...</i>

No money? How would people live?

You enter the shop and you ask for 2 pounds of flour, butter and cheese...

- And a bottle of vodka. - That's right.

Instead of paying...


Karol, it's not like that. I just don't go to church anymore.

That's not true.

You stopped praying. Seeking comfort in God.

Leave me alone!

You have to understand I need to believe.

- In God? - What other choice do I have?

What about this?

Come, the future of the nation!


Come on!

It's freezing!


Meet our guests.

- What about auntie? - She's left. Come on!

I've read Hamlet as well and I know that life is worth shit!

Come on! Let's screw them. Come, Mikołaj.

Come on!

Say hello to the ladies. Take a bow.

- Good afternoon. - You see?


We've got some champagne.

Here you go.

Take it, Mikołaj. Have a drink.

Have a sit next to me.

No, thank you.


I'm alright, really.

You're scared of me.

- No, why? - Sit down then.

You know...

Once we had a canary but someone left the cage open and the bird...

It flew away?

No, the cat ate it.

I don't feel like it today. Maybe some other time.

Let's have a drink then.

Here's to you!

Have a look!

See, what a misery's upon us?

That's God's will.

- If someone's crazy... - Mum!

Fucking laments...

Tomorrow I'll get her to the doctor in Cracow.

In Cracow? Have you got any idea how much would that cost?!

Alright, not a word...

Fucking laments...

Give it to me.

I've got nothing.

What's that then?

These are just my notes.

Read it out loud.

- That's nothing to be proud of. - Don't waste our time. Read it.

The reality is a nightmare.

It's a torment and poverty and dreaming is life and freedom.

Good reality should prolong the dreaming, be a dream come true...

Bad reality is a sleepless fear not worth living for.

Repeat the last sentence, loud and clear.

Bad reality is a sleepless fear not worth living for.

No, there is no soul.

The brain is all there is

and at the moment of death simply stops working.

When a man dies, all his feelings and thoughts disappear with him?

What about dreams?

What did you say?

Maybe life is a kind of dream and we wake up after death?

Believing in immortal soul makes surviving this horrible life easier.

But we must lead to revolution, end the exploitation.

You don't understand me.

I'm not talking about manipulating one's beliefs.

You never felt that there's more to you

than what can be described with definitions from physics?

It's utter rubbish! You know it too well.

You know who made that all up?


They want to distract our attention from what really matters.

You know what that is? That people are starving.

I can see you don't believe me.

Forgive me.

But remember - there's no soul. Only God exists.

I wanted to say 'the brain'.

You know what? I'm not a real physician.

Thank you.

6 kreutzers?

Can you tell me what you need it for?

There's this actress coming from Cracow, Wysocka. She'll be reciting poems.


You're no different than your father.

Reading books, not a penny in your pocket.

- But at school... - At school!

You should learn some trade.

That's what pays the bills nowadays.

An artist! Wysocka!

After Zofia died, we mustn't be wasteful.

Was it any different before?

If mum hadn't had to give you all her money, she could've been treated.

- The doctor said... - What?

You're blaming me for the death of my daughter?!

Is that right? Don't you know what we spent it all on?!

To support you, to educate you...

Welcome, professor.

One ticket, please.

You're not coming?

Good morning, professor.

Why? It's worth it.

There's something I need to do.

- One more ticket, please. - The name of the student?

- Why? - We were instructed to do so.

Mikołaj Srebrny.

Suddenly I heard two eagles flying above me against the clouds

like Greek army against Persians.

And I'm in frenzy, my sword is rusty I throw it in my lover's heart -

I ran into the forest although I heard the moan.

I was cursed by God. I cursed God.

Since then my heart knows no fear

and all it can hear is the sound of dark waves.

Is the list complete?

Two eagles above me,

I, the man - all alone.

If I was not a druid out of stone, a mortal god, a king with no crown -

if I was more than a bird in amok - if I was not tired with torment,

if I was more than a song at the grave -

I would lead my army - to Thermopylae!

Golden kingcups in the snow, lilac saffron, pale sorrel -

they all bow to the sun: we're lost, you can make us reincarnate as roses.

And the sun is laughing in the sky: roses will wilt, lilac will, too.

I will avenge you though, make a lightning of your tears.

Roar, o storm!

O wind, pull the ropes which serve the miserable dwarf - the earth

and throw it where the spirit turns into a cabalistic poem of nature.

The secret fire is crushing my heart, like a glacier crushes the granite.

Pile Pelion on Ossa, raging seas and volcanos...

And what have I gained?

The flower of blue fields -

silent, boundless - inconceivable pain.

Proffesor Chwost's been dismissed.

No allegations.

Why was he dismissed?


he was an individual.

That's always inconvenient and dangerous.

I'm in the middle of the lesson here.

There are more important things.

Andrzej Druski, Adolf Świostek, Michał Zylski...

The police officer wants to have a word with you.

Sit down.

You need to understand, my beloved young man,

that some matters make me very anxious and concern.

As it turns out, your friends are suspected

of affiliation with a secret society

which aim is to overthrow the Emperor and lead to anarchy!

I wasn't aware our pedagogical effort was going to waste.

Sit down.

Can you remember the two luminous characters

created by our timeless great bard - Adam Mickiewicz?

Gerwazy and Protazy.

The bard must've anticipated the future of the country.

Those are impersonations of Austria and Poland.

When Austria says: 'that's how it is, Mr Protazy',

Poland replies: 'indeed, Mr Gerwazy'.

Unfortunately not everyone learned the lesson reading Sir Thaddeus.

They don't understand that hitting Gerwazy they're also hitting Protazy.

Your friends proved themselves to be bad Poles!




You're accused of giving our three friends away to the police.

Get up!

That's not all. You're also to blame for professor's Chwostek death.

- That's not true. - Why did you do it?

- I'll prove it to you. - Well?

It's all fraud and you know it!

You don't believe me...

Give me a cigarette.

He's looking for someone to blame. Next time it will be one of you.

I wouldn't give anybody away. Honest!

We all smoke.

Let me go.

You pissed yourself!

You pig!

Revolution needs to be forced.

A group like ours has to indoctrinate masses.

Introduce its own rules, beliefs...

Who gave you the right?

Stay, Staś!

Bugger off!

You can lie in bed...

I don't want to be seen here in the morning again!

- I'll give you 20 ducats. - You said you had no more money.

- I was saving it for my funeral. - So it'll be mine anyway.

I'll fix you a nice coffin.

You can't!

Stasiu! Don't say that!

I know what you needed poor orphan's money for!

You spent it on whores!

You worked miracles.

Was it pneumonia?

I'm not sure but he's fine now.

Keep giving him a rub for a few more days.

He has to go back to school. He has he's high school exams.

He can't go before he gets better.

What should I do with him?

Keep well...

Keep well... The bell sounds so strange...

Keep well, the leaves are falling off the trees.

Keep well, love is but a death.

Farewell - it must be done...

She's beautiful!



Gerwazy and Protazy!

I know what you think.

But these are the rules of revolution.

- I know other rules. - Of course!

Poetry, love, art!

But they are meaningless!


But I'll keep trying.

Try becoming one of us. You're a Pole, a patriot, a socialist!

He despises us.

It's even better that the ones like him are not in the party.



Keep quiet, graduates.

Dear graduates,

so close to my heart.

We brought you up and now you're leaving us.

You're leaving the old professors all alone.



But that's life.

We loved you...

You're our pride...

You're the pride of the nation!

You're its future.

Don't forget us...

You're setting an example! Our masters!

We're no masters.

Long live professor Daszycki!


My dear children!

Let's not allow the sadness to poison our hearts.

Let's have fun and laugh!

Laugh, everyone!

Laugh! Go on!









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